THE FLOWERS COLLECTION u 1 Vr I A iilif OUrl 1 1 -j3 rn;r,isi.iMi') Y: ti Mil!'! !. VOL. v. -NO. II. KALEUM, XOiiTJI CAIiOLIXA, TUESDAY, MAY 1800. i: : -? .. V i: : 'v" ,rai8T CAROf IN A TAN la v y eI irh i i h oi. -etc ,.i;rir cak-'Mva rlu;isTi v Alivoe v 1 1:. lie I"teit di' ti;p Atnnpim lit. Rational ArU'r.ciit. Ci-s I 'M ED. W e argue hut s 1 1 -i lieuc trent was made Atonement is sn- lor ti-f f r The t:-:t H-d ; ur.v aid gcveinilleiit, j :i. in .v-i;i.l-.'ra:i.M! of v.liichj r is paid m-d. JY:'oro .n- j i be par lovd. !::; ,! dm;- of j mi::, is tic hv and the i vjs. 'V- p:-.)visi, n lit r. :!i-n, '. tilt IV i fall. K ilr u lovt.ic s;. '. a-:o- j -. ..." it v-..s ::, .j i ;i- ' r :t I. cr GJ in lnaLi'.i' r!u' :; i !i: r th.i'i iic int'.'i ! d t-j do. !.: i'!-' Milv-itiol! :' sumo a'V . Ivli.'v :!:a! Co.! J :i i .!' 1. .'l a r.ote Pr t tw.-i.ty tiioisi lit of tiie net '.vh,. -i ': a tiieei ' -a -ouoiiiii. ! r-', i n :aw an v one g them G.n:.--t V l- V : lit .-:i a s . Of the ? W'.-U r i .- svs'.-m. mos; h r at m.i '-.,!' a- a :t!l :oi.; !. r ! ;.. s,, u, w';i .. .. h.-.b;:;. i!ls Oi S ,,! ' ,,, i. .Li.' it i:. L I:s le.jv i on ;is ... I ; ie- nt Ce- i.-'n- 111 1... ! the ; i ly sei of :.!-.-.s ai : it . sa!v; -r..,-: n t..-r n :is i n :e.t f.-r ei air 1 e.V. v.-nt.-.' s vi. r. is the cr. i- ili -J- .1 e C!-:lite 1 A I tilings w.-re ui him was not is. made." " jiy Thu creation of : tiie m-diatorial f the fact taut. ,. he wo ;! j never Cotjsist.. ' a 1 ' " ,ceti,,n and lede-mo "liiet ivoiks. oitglna-:ng se. a:..; h.ivitig dist.-ct are dlF-r. tit parts of In .t t g In tii .io;e j, tr ie; SHii.J object. Had ti i. r of ad m- n. arrest ".:f; ititbeti on ...f the p .'a.! . mid! vv ou!d I.tive i iie o.iy in- so iled. Jie , it oi n-thout l.o.-telity. ; s ,er, and with 'dm, the , ;'. ! aij i d and giace piovided t.'-. :huk nun's s ir.-ty J la a w;is s-;soi.,i le i. ' : Ie- i .y f.;.s ..rrangui-nt ; ii-. m vh-atii, u::ei-r its , mii'ted lo live and be- ! t: 2 iiUiii.-.'ii tnuil.v. tl c -. li.t:., wa ttie j de- whole hutu-iu j sii'.-mtriit f Christ. fV-.-t-v man c;i- se i ai i). : V vv .!: ll is to :hr ,v l) it do or e.'it ; bv sum! -tll'dtV -i sp.rntml . i ,- -I th.- p i'-d y .- -i. Io:-. -in, m in As in a.u..- ; i d on :A t . 1 re. , . lt,- i! , an i w. ei.d os-d in lis :-,:-( f the : t in' ' :h de;-i not dleoe the :ai i:-t,. t ti it t.h- penalty vas t.'f ''lid" l-v whom V.--.S .:, s-;-p !; J.i ? t.,r wlnt purpose was :t s-.M, f,. ..,!? im ler the opev tet :: -,: vi .ii principle the divine go--r..:.-!:t . -i - it suspend-! I I w as sin pei i-.e .hv i .. :.!, for Kt that period the eie- 711- Id. (.' etor,. ,,f ua, ii-odliee(i 1 f t tie: - ' ' - o oi ., i. ani.i t.-.-eam- tie.- nasi, 1 a .! -v." pr d-a -on t.., ihe rue. i! r I ..- a-k'-d v. l.y ij all men snfFerthe . -n.-i.ty of l -inpoial i'at!i, seeing it has .--eji ::-ii(.;i-io! l,v li,i. i i t . , ,d I ir-i..ii cr' ti,o die..; -f ei-ne-iit into the goveinmeut of . i w- r-ply ii: it tin si do not stid'er this eaaliy :ts s,,on s they sin. Its infliction s i.-layeii to sneure to them a new picha iou. And how can vve account for this de ny, vv lie nit admitting the influence of the i nning- e.".ie:it of the Cospe1, iii the di me -idiiiitii-'raf on ? We 0 not contend h i- li e .i-i;n Iv was aii.'iiii.ed ami wiped bom th- St.ii'ut- book, but, that, it was ii-pei . !--.!. and its jnll'e ion delaved. 'I bis - n perfect i armon V with the facts as they v:-i under the divine a imiiustratioti, and mil' uuts fu- tin' existence of the human i i'. If the atonement secures the exist- tie.-' of ali men, it must lie provided for all j :;(-:.- The betu-fli-ial results . f a'onetnent can- e Wi'-er. or me re extensive than God ; tti.'d that t!e-v should. And if he de- j 1 igue 1 t ) give j i.-rsr na!, individual, coiisci- j -, ie. pot: iii-1-.: existence I j all men by the 1 atom-mutt, ho evidently designed to save all nu n 1 - 1 1"' same iiiemedia ar-auge-nx-tit : m it follows that li designed :y the atonement, to bring some icon into the world, that he might damn them. Who can believe such :i soul-revolting, God-dis-Louoi iug dogma ? ARMINIUS. IfaloV'., N. C, April 23. 1800. :t th:: nohtti cakoi.iva ciikistian Ai.vor.VTn- The Siidi-iiiis ot Christ ? ?,' t' sifirtrrr h D'f ti n' ni no'.i of I'll,. lM)0. tvhicli rj ui'ii-'il in the A'"rffi '-, -:!ii,i( L'i isf'int A hucntr if Kkv. l:. T. IIsflix, I see ia your issue I f 27tli, an aiisivt-r, (1 suppose) to my I sent you, sis above stated, by I. ! noni n (iimw. t j In bi lt-niarLs on my short arti. lo. lis i savs. f hat " I v l-. !" ivply to ill's articu- i on til ' qti-s ion, tin- 1 'iv.mty j-utu r : I This, ii.v.vcver, is a in:stak( for I prok's"'' ! nil u-'i thi-, bt:t 'jui'o ilic r-vcr. as mv i w.T.U w 'ii ?huiv. z : " l:i tliis coniiirani I cation I i!j not jiruiuis;-- to eatt-r i:no a:iv eoaise t.f a'-ijinn.-Tit nn th.' nir tr.e-e anv:bin; in a'i tlms article, which j '-professes to be a reply," to D"s. article. iTl'e r. -marks, which are found numbered in that iiliele, were intended as si'L'gos'ior s, I showing that t here were some very serious rd:eu!;;es in the w.iv d a belief ot tiie po :(: n asmn( il bv I . on the "capacity" of ; :(;.. n as-unn d bv I the llivine nature suileiin". or cuocsin"' to su:l;-r. ' I Xi-vv. as I did if't aitetnpt a "reply," nor I ; " professed" to use "anv ai gumehi" at all, . it svems to me to be verv u:. generous in L. to ailitm f me, that which I expressly rm- n-'itiieeit I (i d not intend to no. .-s to my '" misapve'ieiiijing"' him in the remarks he made eoneeriiiiiir the " CMpae-tv "' of the i.evii.-e ti itiire to sutler, tins is ,-,i-o :i m,s tak-. .as he will tind, wie-n he considers, en-fully, tiie " suggestions'' olf'-red in my clo-ing lomarks, winch were never intended as a reply lo his artie'e. He will there see hut I. .r " lr. loiil" has neither "overlooked" the r-al ipiestioii'imd -r discus- s: n. 1. abo charts me with a '-deiua," of '.' e " ; itv" and ihe f ,. '." of G''d to surfer." This, also is a in (stake. .s will ap ( ear from my words which I here repeat ; " I shall take th" ground that, v.e have I ! In. r " reason" n-r " evidence" Unit, the Jiiiiniv of Gh list suffeied. when he made :in :.r eiement f r the sins ot' me-;. 1 shall lei.e the position altogetie r. and require the p;o. f of sue:, a strange hv; o. h.-sis." 'A- I n lie-, sac a word vviiit regard to the " cfiri ..!:" of Go i in siili'-r, . r vea of the "fact ot his sell' rhli; .'" 1 thiiik not. "i' : at I sav is, hat " we hay.- neither i- a-oi, no: did nee" of tin s.. ,. i:,g- : m-! j : is v.ith resjt-ct t . this mv .i -..ial is I . ..'..! I . :d-o roges m-' w ti: " i,;u.'.-ii. l mg j r e,..iitroverTii g th- truth of the j.r..j o-l- j ti ll! that 'mnij ot.-n.-e can do ah 'h ugs. iliai 1 1 -"s no' in v oi ve a e n r r:e! Ici i' ?i :" a d ' r! a:--.--s me fnrth-T, that i am at l.-a-'-: in i io- I.; m this p. iio ; this vv ,,' app. -ar ; Voin h , wii voids. " la mv aitlcle 1 ar ' .iiio. that riiiiip..t -nee can ! any w-.;k i hat du-s ie.-. invt-iVM a contrail tii .u. 1 r I iij .'r. states tli..t he is not so cert rn oi i thtit. This wb.o! matter is an ei, as will appear from my own w inset io- i have suid on this p to the aiguuieiit. of 1 . ' We" s; sw r, If tord cho ie to -1 ; ii" -! re in-stake. Is. Ishhi int. A s he, ' an he can,' i wo iid simply ! mailt now. least, admit of a doubt. he -ays can .io a I thin: t may, a' ( bnnipo'et.ce,' tlmt does not involve a coniradioroi,.' Th s urglit be ; l I'.ubr., ! Vr "rmi:n.n''..ll-n rite v.-t I Wot! d gdtl nOlnillg i'V this lii'llll loti. hi ! tels s' ldeer vvb-nT joi.t-bt be Ooiie is ..Tie . . ... : I one, is o too! what was d -ne is ouiie aiiotiier. ut I), prove troiu the word ot (rod, tint God. as an Omnipotent beii g. either cdose ;, sufier. .r that he actually did suffer, sis a divine being. Vvdii he can he do it J i wait to ser." X-nv, this is all I sav in my article. -Is thoie anv quest iouiitg or controverting the t:u:!i of ckti .;o , -on' nidi ihe propositi n that 'nmip itence ill things tiiat do not a ttion "It:o-.v i.ot." lleneeit i will bo perceiy. d, that 1 . has utterly m s- represented me on this point, when he says, "in all my reading, Ir. Doub is the first man, I liny-: ever kn .wti toouest'ei: or coii- rovert the t-tfh ot the UinuipotHiice c in iio all things that do tint in-olve a con' rmltcion. I know of no I wiit (neither ! I, not r-veu respect dig l.'ivself.) " ev.-n in oiiilosonhv or theoi ii;v, that ev -r pivseined to question tir-s ti i beiore. (I nav e never qucsl lolled it. hot so sal :). " I'.iit," savs the 1 )r. suppose,'' (.r. II. s;i Jmsi s no sucli tn tig, out annuls admit f-r nrgnnu-nt's sake, tiiat I 1 sudor if hec'io-e to do so, what tain by that. For it does not f-u- j i'.) " iv e e,d C.-U! would 1 : ,,v that ( rod will suffer bec.itise he htid tl wer to do si, in tins lie misrepn sent- i 1 mv statement, as my words hIikV': will j Pr oe. I simply suggest, that in a subject i was not onlv important to know 1 I wh it Giwl might or could do, but in ir- cs-1 ; p c ai'y fu, to kti ovv what he has done, (bid J niijht or could c -eat : liitiumerable wor.ds ' ra in than helms made; but, have we 1 "any n ason or evidence," that, he is eiign j ged in such an enterprise, or that le will be ' I never doubted, or expressed a doubt ; as to tiie capacdv of Omnipotence doing i whatever involved no contradiction. I only ! expr"ss..i a doubt, and this but inip.i-dlr. I as to the reasons and evidences furnished, to siista n the position that the Ibvinily Cotod suti.-r, or could cho-se to do so, and based whatever denial I urged upon that principle. To iny mind, till which the- Layman has said on the Sufferings of Christ, contains not a particle of satisfactory rea- soning or evidence, of the position he hud a-suuiel ; and a the position which D. has assumed is the same as that of the " Lav- man," 1 intended in the remarks I made, "to ! suggest, (not to argue) the alienee of what I thought "reason and evidence" in the I have I, ever doubted, nor expressed a doubt about " hiiriipoteiiee" being capable ..f do iig whatever " involved no oontrt.dic tn.ii," if he chose to do so, but I have had doubts, and sti.l do doubt, the c.-tn.-icitv, (:f ii suits I. to sav Uii-) of God to ''choose to sufier," because it spcuis to me to cotitra-iii t every notion we can form of the absolute and infitiitn perfections of his nature. The " Layman" himsi If admits that there does not appear any reason to believe that tl iviue nature, considered in iNelf. could be made t suffer, because, in this lie seems to tliink there would be au im. onsiaency be- cause be ciiv,;- tb.-.t that would "trans i-end the imnintalvl.' hmits of his moral be inn," n. 28. .But it sntf'T!is Ivi -:.! their "'' vv. .nk! do t his, ami sub tract fiuiii tlie totality of universal bliss,'' I a-k, won!. I not any Mider'niir do this ? And ;u-k further, would not any sntier-in-, be a j. roof of the deterioration of his very esse iics itself? and asoeriain'y "trans cend the iinroiitrible lim'ts of h:s in oral be Uv ?" as sull'a-iiirrs of any other kind, or for any other purpose. To those to sutler, then, w aid indicate ? ino e'naiu'e in ' be inmm'able limits of Irs moral l-ein," and j therefor:, intone the " c mtradiciion" of an essenti-ilv " immutable" nature, V- in so ehanijed by the mere volitions of i;sovvn attibutcs, as to biinrr it into a condition to suffer; for without such a change, wrought in this cli.'li:r!s.s nature, bv the exerc i.-e of its own volition, the Layman"' himself thinks, w .n.d be " t ransceiidin tiie imni'i- table hill: s of his moral l-e'ng." If, then, this " moral beinj"' cannot bn siij.-jios d tube "eapnble" of suffering in its absolute slate of perfection, it loilovv's con-chi-iveiy, t!iat there is s-iiiietliinsf inconifrui- onsm tiie very idea ot suUermrr ot such a le-tnre. wl'i-- ten- ''Hi L' liiav sutler, li s " volitions'1 of this verv na- ture must so affect it, that it. may h.-c me cm iitioned in iis.-lf (hat it may suffer. i ii:s not oniv stigef-ts a cnaiige in the re- l.itior 'it- ot tins b-in but these relations ti'lelllse.VeS. .1: ib growing out of the change and then fore it iuvolw.-, a oi ns ii.-i.ure. aim men ion; it involves a double i-O'itra lietion, as, firt, an " iniiuu- tab e li. latr eiialiL'ei! from that state bv the Voitn-ills i -i i;s ; -wii powers : . e . : id, that this " iimiini tilde feint i d s. L'O! is mutal an i i imnii tat same time, and all this according as the volitions of its will deter mines this way or that. What contradic tions '-aaiiot stteli a being accomplish ? Xo-v. 1 cunt--lid, as tiie innate essence and natur-' .f G.mJ. j-uvordin t- the "Lav- ma u. feme an i, perliaps 1 1. is such t-mt its suf- , w.jon iniiicte-l forceful! ii would transcend tne im-uutabie bunts ot his mor al being ; that 1. fore it can be made to sutler, there must be effected a change ia h's nature and rel-.ti. -n i:om tiie stiite nu wLn-ti in-, na' .re ! and cond lioii in und r the po-A er inna eiy f und, t a state hieh lie can be brought of n:ii:is and penalties : an! iais must ue aeii aecorumg to I. and tiie i.ani in. bv the mere volitions of bis own mind. bur. more of th:s, when I commence and eonli;i,.e mv exaniinatinn of this entne sir-p-i t, in m y review of the Lv- mail. I n'ii en, I .nij.iiose, vu will not la-ar ii'di uie on tii u! je'l. vv haiever ii ay be wi i !!:, in tiie y!e a ha.- done. ours r.lT .1 manner tiiat L. 'iomirelv. l EI'r.R I'0TJF. l'iitsboro'. X. G, Apr.l. 1 S -0 . .ir.vervT;:.! ieil Till. N.MIIli . Vi ol. 1N.V eltilis: . 4. in I caitct! to tiie Cojel la a p. I-..;;; article 1 artciupte. to give s line i houhts on this s.d.j-et, t h it vv.-re ..f a g nera eiu'i it.'-- a PI dil'y 1 trembbnt 'fl ere are v .-triotis if the i inn. materi '.- oil 1,1 iie jo il itl-. a v i . ta U is im possible to id . !; a n in everv; p tii e. I only f w- i.-ivin ' that t !iO-e w iio ;;ie c iiillhfl.ilv Coll-i I ic--i tied on tiie ubj-:: m y r ihvir own fee'iiigs, pur- pos--s and si-.rround't g-: iii the fear of UoJ Mill ill the f:e.e of erenvtv. Fir-f. some sc.. sucli a c-mt'ast betw'-eri 1 v,h .t tin y arc. ;:s t I his vi mid, ami what, i they must I ec.-ir.e if thev eiu.r jhat to'in : t units. iy. vviiie'i tin-y think m.-st ' '-5''u 'neC t ;il thetr pruic is offended and i tr pride is offended and and fni aliy refuse lohnm- I i"'1' bl themle! v!vs. As to itiis, i . is an e-;ab-: d c; that lod is no le-pe.-'er of pi-r-sl:i ns or fortunes. He thwarts Us the van ambition of wii k;-d and wealth v ni'-n. lie a-loiiishcs tiie 'juiet atei unex pecring ji- or. lie pa-s--. thro'gh sociei.y with iitiei ring eye and like a great com mand, r e'e -is Irom any diss and fr-un any fehi orfoittin, the men that he wish es. To the pampered c.hil-l of pride he of icn spe ,k in tone of mingled tenderne-s and s-er;n ess ; it is better for y..n "to suf fer a51 cii-.iis , irii the pe .pi- of G ul, than io enjoy the pleasures i sin for n s. i.t-oii." To the child, of ..bseuritv in his s-questeie I poverty he often speaks in spirit thunder : Coin,- out and si tu th v Self and sdike f .r Cod. a- i humanity ! Il-nce theie :s no thing to b a'-gued from vonr worldly f r Ifvon love tiie viiiiitv of this life th-iu v love Im i orr ili v and He v.-n th-.-n t!l Toil tent- hi rejecting a Ci f's to ui o i K.riis ; I in cause veil aie licti ! ou'd betler leave tl e i 'hmt.ition f r f i-!y I i- ii'gfi or t ro.ii ten lor and fie ,u ail.. years ban to , T! . the MiiTision ! K fill 1 the 'flee of Li"- forev..-: Who that has 1 a sou! wouldn't giw ad tint he has in th:s 1 life t buy th" soats of a hundred friends fro-n i-t-' ..vie in lleli tui l seitle tlieti: fofver i-i ihe C.ty of Feace and Love in i t.he skies? This and far moreauv f.ii bful p eacher iiiiiv do. )e sure to read Mark i'lr . ch , 2!nh and cidth veres. Secondly. Y our proud relations mav oppose vou. 1.x amine the gi-"u;i-:s of t'oir opposition and you wili c !-... i! ftn 1 t!iaf it ah i. rises fio.n the deprariiy of their he-u-;s. Xo' one oh- 'p-ction vl i thev urge that vou cannot truce I to this .via Idly milidediiess and vv.cke ne.-s. f course when eternal interests aie .-hen etei na! interests aie liivoived vou will not Slop io pauey uu such bimde.i and ruinous gunb-. When j Hod calls one .ay and friends call an-.ther, j there isi.o room fu hesitation betw-i-en right j and w r nig. between Heaven and lied. If: you regard anybody ni ue than (rod and I . n . . 1 : . 1 . ,.v nil ' ,- ob y tiiem in preference to (rod, you are on the stream ofd.-aihand swiftly sailing to tin port of everlasting woe. Thirdly. Vou m.-.y think you have So little learning hat you will be 1 lUghe l at and despised by some. Are you afraid that vou can't ! u-eful, or that you can't be honored ? Vmi are culled to do good and not to win appl use. When ihe Book of the Law was found Josiuh sent for in-true- tion in the things of G. d to Hu.dah au i hnuilde woman, iush-ad of 1 1 lie d s in- I gu shed and 1- fty iu ids r.-alm, and it seems ' that sie was well-prepare 1 to answer. So j many obscure ones do much for the Gospel - and when th-v stand in judgment will j have far larger crowds to pivsmt to Jesu-: j than many theorizing, heartless brain gods j wii! have." ! Of course, T favor education; but I mean that ihe comparatively unlearned are some- j hums calleii. Thev will be educated suf- : ficiently for the duties, Heaven for them, j provided they are faithful. Some people , build mills, who know nothing of mechanics - i iVom the boo'is, y.-t Ui.-- mill- ntnni.f.ccur. - j fiotir i ha? m-1 a in the U:-t niarler. aid I iriv Hi'., j.'.rt .tr.rih t.. tl. u.i'ii':h.! nnd tn'on. Soin.. men who never heat d of veO- i metry or m. i:silra!i ii .mild houses that are ;,.(- ei:o!ii;h tok.ep oil the .-no.v and ii; the the storm. iiiere are Some 'la.-e vi.e water is ,0 0 teet troin tlni sintaei the-e artesian wells are necessary. There are oV: r places vv hen the eui liu'r stranis run all si near tnsit ;t strong llii!if.i unt'i tored ami may s-,on bless us With rei.esri iiiT draughts. Jf God calls an uneducated man. i man eiih -r Iihs a i:i':c-h le n ninL a IS ri;- O'usue I .1 ins ei or v .o vvui siii cm " -ei . . i' . i : - li r i 1 1 ' .. : him Ofiioi-tiinit v to lt t more. Ot this ip, much be assim-d. ' Fourthly. Some ri'.'cMile refuse because of i their natural timidity and sensiiiveiie-ss. Vou mav be afraid of ''bisr men," you ought to be more afraid of the Lord. Vou tn?.v j-ist tremble tin ier your responsibilities, be yi.iiriaiiit lienrt .viil have more to lr,t i the Judgment befi re a-semb!ed niilliots than vou can ever meet in- this life. It's' are ashamed of Jesus; Jesus savs be v,i nsioimot r-t '- - T' . . S ' ..1 K ".....j tv one who tnows more a- bout Tour lif3; u!ties tiian vou can know i and he is to. wise and too good to call ! y.-ti, if vou we-e unable to till th nos; as. sig,le,i Vl)U "Tiusi. in the L rd !or..vor. for the Lord Jehovah is everla-tin i str. nth." I Fd'ihlv. You mav bv i i'.niilv. Inn mav tv v.-.ii...iis lnenlen i and intluences be pu-v.-n'cd from hf'iln ling. ' ' If vou n. ver cinmert v.ei wi ! n.-ver commcm-p you wni iieveri i vrrach. jiyf eQ.ieut deiav, habitual x clse.-, perpetual iloiiging. tc., itc y.a may i out-strive the Spirit, of God and u ndu- s,-t-j tie down in the, belief that m tlf injirra- ston 2tHxers away it wax -fit genuine. He war at this point! A call to tiie mini-try is a wo " k of the Spirit, ami the Spi'i. m.-.v be orieiic.hi-d in this as well as in .'Viry ('- ; fie tiiatit. fills in mini's redemption. 1 Is i to be feared that nni'iv oung mei themselves awav from the ptilpit- -de theins Ives, itno delusion and an i at lust "doubt" th'-msiilves io de tinii ai A tiie i.ievi:. it is a fearful fact that vvtv feu people seem to be alive to the tivmi ndoi.s moment of a enL I from ( Sod. Ilvr often do we prav Go-1 ( ike J sus told us: to send out mote laborers into tiie ha.-vi s: I Uow of! en do we tie li-V. tent liic; nrav rs ar j ausweicd ? llov our friends when o I ' i. do w. lu'-otti age hen thev tick i f tin- min;s-i-y Jed to scud la bo ers and pray iv me not dunk it r.-a-ouaMe I If we i.rav ' i sine.-1 civ. m. : that In- shoe! : s -n..l our tVieti ls or t;rse'ves ! s. ni.-i i m- s .' Far. oils ma may --Loid seed lab i ers" but tliey :-.r. : ot wiii tigiha' their AWii should be sen;, oimg ui"i. ?li(HI and suiciv ought to prtiv : ' Lord, send la borers" but Itiev do Hot at t :e lii'ie feei- j (j ,, to sii'.- d -siiej to bi ih j .vdl of God if :hat w ii vv, re to call th. n. I,. prave's io-e vv.t iioiit Tiie inn speir;ii! e ;teoi'i-i.e f t the Lord and . X civi' -.l'e t j -l 'T - it i-a'i'Iil I rj.-s. i I.IV to ib-AVel I l sei is. I i-g;iideo iitred na:: d v u-Mi;s ls : , to th- i O V o;-:e hear som 'i.e. s hi i so u i: hi; in: IS ll"i hiig Uii un -.i.-v S v l.bout e: :og " woe -orie 1 and wld pi'Ii ,ps : s e .mlifoii ami f : . irs be wi i ig t of : :es ui.n Id t1':- that he v. i:l in a iei give st g ent ..te d more iie h is of ever hi'd, mom-lit: of that awful dac.; sucli a-i one n pl-ii-ure iii'i Liu), wi sw.-ete-i .voildlv f rt iii ,-ii: bit flistd. t the d-.rk ou may j '.. re t lie. bree.tin oi -:-re the jn tils ( fi r gde him with 1 of the fairest laud- j sw -i the tli-s coming !.-.i-ranee side of lb a veil an Still tllet'e Will , htm the iii j , i that ia b,r i i omc'im Lie eelt wttnitl f that drea 1 slro or. a'.mn in the l.tirnlng deseits of Jb!!. Ua-1 i the novver, ii 1 v. ere to be i-iiiii-u and were covvuru v, Wic'-iedlv t ri'tus.-, 1 vv..-,j d lie incliueil to cho atiniiiiiu'ioit wi'.ii ihat refusa!, rather '.haa tiie eL:;.icix of a Letter fortune. S far a- tin- plain Libit to smog g ies, we abnost fear th d wiien God ' ! only calls a man to j .reach the G.,se-ei, 1c gives him choice between these two: The ' tcorJ nsul woe.'" or the " Gosjr( and Glory" I would not be und-i'-tood io mean that the man wh refu-es will ii.evit- ably be lo-t, for I am not sure that that ne. e.-sar!!v fo-!-.,-.. i Littleton, X. G. A. W. M. ' rOli THK .VHRTII I -Vllel.lN-.-V CIIIIISTIVN '. I V.K. .VT I:. J.ove your t'liurch. Mil. FidToivt Do our j'eiiple 1 .ve :heir churcli as thev ought Some d , toi l :e;s we fear do not. .V u il.lVv I'm wii i love their chUicii as they I sive ; won it ra. her sutler ttiuniseiv to see th-.-ir church suffer or hear it soohen oh" Fu; all ( not fee! thus mauv. vve mav weii coui'need ii e . :r Jes'iS m ve yet I. v. ire devote'i ihis regiriL Xo pe ! Ie t WU-) iovcil til.-ii- clitir-eh y than this. Tl.,ey loved their homes, their nadve hind, but tiienus, t above all can.hlv tings, they loved and n-ii-ii ia. r ctiurch. with m st. ie votion. SlUilit-i- woidd lit. 17 I tave tlo-ir re- it I an I forged its cunning, a tiu-ir teio;i. c!e:.v e to the root tiieir inoutii .an to toi t Jenisalein- tln-ir church. dt vo t- n to the oi uroit is laudaiiie aa-l praisewortiiv. ; Lvery lolson should emulate this noble ex ! ample ampu; ; cultivate a spirit, ot love for the ci.uicii -" vni, aim no i:h sn-.u i o. long to a chinch he cannot love. Tim ii-:i n-, why we should love th - ehu-cb iU-.. Mi;i.V. (Due Savi-.ur I c.d it sNpiviuelv if i- our sniiiiuai Itume he place wiieie vve w. re born to (rod. it has ..bine, ami is sti I doing 1 1 . ..ii-.. 3 I r . ni'jei tor t:i vvori.,1 ;t. is die "o Slop of .ion wlin-ii has siiieiv i.u led, niany ut our fitlliei-s ud mothers in the port, of hea ven : "Mili'otis of smtls in glory now Were f-d au-.l feasted' heiv." v e sometimes ..; ir men say, it sued a b oilier or sister is not expeded, or if sm-h a ! "thing is done, 1 will i ave the church." ' Such language from a professing christian i makes my h ood curdle iu my veins. flow j can one love the church and be so cc-ilv driven from it J impossible. If we honet!v ! love our church as we should nothing will i he able to drive us from it. We will cling ; to it to all its institutions and enterprises J with the tenacity ( f lif - The severer j I lie stoi in the greater its trouble and dif- j fieulties and the w armer its persecutions, the tighter wiil we cling to it, atid the more devotedly will we love it. For a man to leave lii.s church because others !.. wrong j is the very height of folly.. It shows to j others, that he hits been acting the hypo-! erite him-e'f; iro!es-'iiti; to love his cir.ireh. Mid now, ready to de-ert it, at the veiy lime when it mo! needs his love ai.d sym patliy. never Le iv e 1 1 r." eiiiii'c.i No. Never !- TI 1 US. i r H Tin: sniiii; caroi.ixa c'icisti is advu'.-atk. A iVunl t. llu l'ncuvrteil. 31 R. Eol'ii;:;: For tliisi yrticle no apo logy is needed. I'he AJo'-nfi; now lias nioiiy readers, and many .f these "dead i in tres' lapses and in sins." Of what has i A i been said in ihe Ail cocatr tliis year it i. i not reasonable to conivilain. Variety now i may o medicine- to .some, and a preventive of disease spiritual to othcrs.'Often is it the case that v. iiat is aptdlcable to sinners is beneficial, if not eoually ajiiilicable to pro- fesshi-. Ciivisiiaus. pr. ;s and the pulpit might it the same time deal heavy blows both to christians and sinners with out loss of p.iwer. I ivonld say to sinners. 1. If vou are verv wicked vou dailvl C( 1 and Lurt the better feelings of me. v ai.u .riorat wo A A. it tins oe I so every ii ay, f'-e-;si!rei! ivr.i!! by d.e Aimigii Jlldsf vou h;:ve; vh. an .uM-umulation ot ! mesr be heaiH-d lit) for vou iiinl h-'ivv" iitTi.' regard or 3l (i.evoU'd followers of il.iilv nraver is, " 'Thv Ch; Kit (he ... ' ..... me. Awuii-iri', nows.upn oil 1 1 i it si- juify yo.itii-e, when caring ;:r tht pfiei.h s gem, tiie soul. so iitrle i ttiitr is 1:1 iii iineiitary i-iii his nurse of sin '.' W jiei; wnl Be. wis isea.i'i i iei-i.1 ttg'iiiist ti;v Ring, Si!!, lueconte ile filh - I et to Gioii, tor him you shimkl obey. Do . this at once. Dtday in tliis is peculiarly dangerous, l'rovritstination only iucreaiies tlie'di.hceTiy, wideiis the breach, and idiciuites tin more, li'it is hard now ti : give un sin, it is easier than it will be v hen driven to it by thoughts of your hereafter state. i 2. If v at ;:re mora! -ts tin term is used, i there m in iios casi' no saivali on without a iid reg.ei-.'vatMn. 'F.xtcept ye r pi-nr V" shali ail iiitewise pensli. 'i'h'iu;.-') you may not sin to the extent of others, vet if vou are lo.-1. will it be any oli ii.ioii m Torment, vou nave una a. ooii mora! character m-re aini vonr asso- vvere with the resi.ectable and viituou, : lo yoiiug ami out. oaring sm- ... . nei, o;- iieiuoeo moralist, let jue sav; .1, th-' Father Y'ii mav l.-e his son. v l.ile God the Son jib mis for vou that vou may be reconciled, and whi!;- God ihe Holy Ghost knocks at the doo;- of thv heart to gain auinittanc.. thief he may couifor:, yield, f yield, thr.t .on mav have "frtnt u;;to holiness and the end eve. !;;sting lii. FiUltsI in:, April 17, I.St 0. C. I- 1 I i Sill V, i A. s r . . . ' r t: e.: - io-. : : a rvn.ii.iv-.i r Si vi;;is:i v :i ai, -.;;;:.' r. A -Vo.-t.Ii CitroHna Poet. George. Jioscx jiorton more gihi'-rajiy known as " i'oet Jiorton " "the subject , if these b-itf nieniuirs," is a tiegro ami a slave, belonging to a gentleman of au ao.joinitig county. Ai an early age be t. it, rankling wiihin hiiii, and ever and tuiou tw itching his heart-strings, the real poeti- cal m-p-ra! ion w iilCl induced him to ;:p- inisclffo the Science of Letters; this iio did with such nutiting zeal and i:ulus fry, ilii.r in a short tiuit. ami with very little aid, lie, became ijitite a proficient both in reading and writing. His inherent l ive f;r poetry was very much enhanced bv the pel-deal of an old hymn-book, the jiropertv of his mother; having mastered which, he applied himself to Campbell's poems, and committed to memory the In o! idle i-'leasiu-eS of liope One line morning it occurred to him (li;it there might be oilier combinations of tiie alphabet having mo,-. sure and rhyme, and thenceforth lie was a i'u!l-f'.:dged poet. 'j'lie late Mrs. Caroline Lee Jienttt, -h ). husband was then a I'rofe.-sor tn iie I ..iversiiy, iiitving teen pleased wi h iii:.- ot his verse's, took great interest in im and bestowed some pains on his in : met ton ; he r.fienvRrdo showed his gra tudo fir her kindness by writing an idogv o.i her at he. dea-h. S-, wars ago he ha'. print?.! a book j ,f piei-n, ! oydiidi-uhi . r of tin ii-u, n accoiiiif oi liiy pt .-uni- S n ver emerrred from a dark i rs i ir'miiiig oftice. It can never at by the rellecU'd light of r.t picc-s. Ti 1 1. U pie.-eiit, Ivy bis talents, ies, c!c., lor the gtudciifs, at dollar ettcli, which euniih-s s time, ;nd devote ids alb u- iVli)ig itcl '-e a (put: fer of a iiitii to hire hi tioii ex lu.- ivt i'avoretl us wi; ; ;y to the Muses, lie i .as iia sight of the manuscript k of his poems, which, fr;a of anodic- 1 the leiiglll lo-i - ri i - seie i iri. o i list, we .- uoscnption (toll let 1 ie v, id he abie to nubii.sji bv the, lh'::i v. ni iliii iie -mem. It wnt Le rntiiei a in g..- book ; tins manuscript eoniq.iis. '-0 i i .... i pages ie. lee-paper, closely wrttien. itis p --ii v iil l.e' one dollar j.'er cop1. Ai!v. '"ei have, gra .''! ted here within :in: bisr ih'n i v-iive years no doubt remembei 1 Ie tie s-lo.. pret, ifeinent above ami v- : I I i :Ut 'he vii to i:i.;-ie, them to Semi i . names -V"e give 1 . subscribe: s. low a specimen of his wiit- UOOD-PVE. I leave thee, with a falling teir, And count the Meeting car ; 'lis death to part with one so dear Tor to my view thy charms appear, LjKC s-nue levu'-.ii-.s, star. I leave thee, but with deep concern Which hope cannot remove.'!--()ii! do not my affection spurn, But patient wait till my return. And prove the truth of love ! 1 leave thee, but I thee yet, 'file queen of ev'ry bloom; I never shall my choice regret, Until the sun of life shall set. And love sink in the tomb. Oh ! Lady, take these lines to heart! The. last fond tale 1 tell, is that my own dear love thou art; Then, till we meet no more to part, My Lady, faro thee well ! V' here lis 1'ouikI liis Sermon. j "ibiiniiiie," s-aid a plain-spoken elder j to his pastor, "-where did you get that ! good sermon last Sunday morning? AVi nave ... i.u u - many a day." j "Weil," n !;ed the Doininio, "tint; sermon came from the saine (iua. ter that I i i . i 1 , ........ ... o o... i e-ot tiie e-ood thtnjrs of mv la;it. donation- I yisii. I 'art of it came from your house, and part from iieighbo jiart fro in widow 11 r Ten I) 's : and one 's, and j of i he best hints in it came lioni your smart boy Frank. I picked up that sermon in r,ne : day of pastoral visiting." j lie was a wist! pastor. He Ii td not a i very large library, and bis family inert as- ed faster than his hooks. I hit the book of human nature is never exhausted, ami 1 so he set out often, and went from heus.' : to house .1 11 J; in it iiih pcojjr. And by the i iiresid'-'S of his flock he gat tiered up ihe j suggestive materials for his richest pir.e- j iical ciscourse If h was lire sei-.noii on "Trusting- God in time. trial," he rccaliid all tiie cases oi'tron , . . and anlieiion that had coir.e to his knowi edge daring Ids last day of pastoral taiiot!. J'eoph1 love to iell tin if trouldes Itottjeir minister, atid alwavs w tit tin so, it lit- is a cordial, approachable man (as everv iiaisior should he. So. ill revievv- , -tJ v;l.-ioiis tii.i's in which v. e need ,.,, l)jv"nie suiuiort, iie dn vv his iilustra- i .:,,. , ... t-.,.. of i tl,.,i I had reached his car and touched his heart, 1 at the heart list ones of his par i;-hiuners. VA- tier A had told him of his religious grief and desiiomlencv : neighbor ati i iad spoken of his anxieties about a v. a ward son ; and good widow Ji bad her usual dolorous lament over berea. ..ui-.cnt and "what hard wo kit was to make both ends meet, since li:r u,iiti baddiedol tiie rhetim ii ism. .uiss i had told lii tii all her dittienhies iuhmiing j her war to Christ. For each one of th- se j troubled son'sthogood pastor haila cheery word of consolation. W illi each of them I he praved. Ami then vetit back to his j " A' sr I ,l I ' . :! Oil WI .Co ?r 1 1 I II liiolViiiu.-.i etises j i -A i,: . I 11 IlillOt lli .HIH'i ..I". .1 I I II, I'.'li. pel soil- ;ll .( j)t, lvl.(lS;,liz)..j) j,,,,, his u..xt Sab- bath's sermon, Ih;s is the secret ot a i long ami lasting ministry. Th sior j who studies his Hibb- and human n.i'u,-e 1 i . v.-r wears out ; f ,r liisniaterials are in- i-xht.ustibli-. iis book;: may be few ; l In- cverv (iay's h!e one of his jic-ple j a Ids a now n -ge endless '.olui.n-- j ffr luiol; fif iiiimnn ej'jxi 'eiiee. I low shall j a minister of Christ understand that n .- wi i M.innii', v. itiiout sttntv-.-ig it : i . . .Ill -e ,! IV1! 'Illlt i-tllilV'lH' it ' can ho study if so wei! as hv ihe j . i. ;ck beds of his fiot-k .' What iav over the tombs of the dead is is pi-oldei-le as a day of vi.-ii.ition an.iong iiie s o. t io: living '. if our people li, ed etir ;e-. -hiitg to le-ip t!.e:,it- live, we a., ceit.-iiui- lii-i'd tiieir lives to help us io preach. (Jhritlian lnte.'iixeuctr. IV liiiiiiii'i; Qualities. Th; cbaractcris'.ie rju-diiies of vvonim. when true to the type of her being; her delicucy, modesty, roscrve, and chnsitiy in thought anil feeling, word, and action ; her sweetness, e-en t!eness, patience, sympathy, tenderness, dependence, devotion, he sensibility to bea uty and jrrace, order, fitness and propriety in speech, dress, behavior, everything ; her in tellectual faculties, more receptive than prod uctive, thought restip;; more on fceliti-.- than feeling on thought, making her more suscep tible of culture and refinement than ap' for tr.tsping the abstruse and rugged in science ' and practical life; all these are her charms for man, fhroug.i which man 'rets unspe-ikuble good to bis own nature; while man's harder texture in body and mind, his strength, cou rage, self reliance, his grasp, force, and pro ductive, power in the world of thought .and action, drsw woman to him. Thus each finds in the other wlnt each one needs. The wo manly woman feels herself strong and brave when she leans on man, and niaii.s inanlv courage grows stonier, and at the same t'me the rugged hardness of bis nature is softened by tender reverencs, as with one arm be sup ports and with the oilier protects the gentle one clinging lo his side. In everything, in i short, in which the' are nude different, it is i'ti-.t each mav find their proper counterpart jn .e other. They are made different in or- (ier that they may become one. Out of this ver diii'erence springs the closest and rich- ! est. union, ihe union of mutual love, whereof j liiai-i-i.-iga is the outward representation. (;i- j ly in this ti ne married union, ami in. the home of love that builds itself up out of it, ran j the fullness and pei fection of tiie individual I liic, dignitv, and worth t f each be found and I reahz.'d. liw.ior Oldkv.n. Can't Cook. It is a sad defect when voimg ladies are mcap-.pK' ot oiiLciu g tneir own scrvants- shoes dii-. i a tnout soies or w risttianos vvilhouta not more useless than one of these. One d..y, shortly after bis marriage, a young merchant went home, and seeing no dinner ready, :d his w ills appearing idixious and cortii-e 'i, asked " What's the matter :" i.iiu v vv-i t oil" at ten o'e! oci. tins morn 1 1 1 g. ! coiled '.lis wile, "and the chambermaid knows wi i -lure about cooking a dinner than the l.l nr. in the m- cu " Con d n "r she ii.ive done it. under your direction :" impaired the husband, very cool- j ly. " Under my direction ? I should like to si"n dinner cooked undi r mv directed. " " Why so V" asked die husband in surprise; j " you certainly do not mean that you caunot j conk a dinner.'' " certainly do, then," replied the wife ; ; "how should I k.iuvv anything about cook- , i iiig ':' I The husband was silent, but his look of as tonishment j erp'exed and worried bis wile, i "You look very much surprised," she satd, , after a moment or two hid elapsed. i And so 1 nm," be answered ; " as much surprised as I should be at finding the cap tain of one of my ships unacquainted with i navigation. ou clou t know now to cooit. and the mistress of a family ! Jane, if there n. ....l. ;m.,.c,.i,..o1 it. ih.. rdrv- ' ro to it. and complete your education, for it is dottcicul iu a very important particular." Sai.ctu ity Nin. 1. Irn-iriilitr Afffiuhim-c. ' lee.i -absence iV. 'Hi rhuieh, or even ,it- day he; count, d a si:: ."s.ibhai h. or e !T by show - 1 mauv. . v. f, er, will kee;. ih-m awav. A head;., he. Uule , y;:i; f nigue on 'the S.vitrd.,y, . r jieih.ips the nro.-neet of hard imrk .i -''"'id.;;.-, :;re counted g-xi.i rtr.s.i;i fo.- i o- m.-niv. And if tin re be anv i I sJi'.-ht : i ' ! i 1 1 . i o tio...,o.l. ....... 1, SI., I "l. i ' . i . . . i. .' ;., T , . .1 ' ' ; . . 1 " m 1 j r u.i 1 in i.iim r . rii r. as ;t can be s;eir-d without anv pecuioai v I loss, - j 2. Li' oole wi A'iiitlnnri . I here are some make a jioint of bein r late. 'I h.-v gee lui late on Sunday inorninir : t i.e ie.-eaiiiast late : So t he beds ale rilltr'ni'v o;e thev have finished their last j cup oi'coiV-e. Tiiev hurrv out, and tln v jotirry, ami liiey Jiurrv into i-in.rcli atu r son ice is h.gun. Tiiev -,. n, sin in losing part of divine woi.Viiii tliem- selves, m'r in disturbing the worship of! others. j o. Si'eipiig in i k iireli. There was sunn , excuse for JdutycLus falliv.g asleep ; for " j Vii !i wi.- Vol. -??.eii biTur" -oml vv:ih i nii'tnigiif. iiut tiiere'is no excuse for our ; modern sl.-eeers ; especially as most of t!:oseare not - occasional, tun regiil;u-siee;i- : ers. w ho seem le t to feel the shame or the sin of the practice. Few things an ; more unpleasant to a minister, than to sec y. s closed and heads nodding, in this pew or in tint other pew. Ifhewero to i stop and name th individuals before the j congreg ition, he would do Well, lint vv hat ; oij". tise it would give ! What a noise it ! vviirirl limkr Sleepers in Church! be ware ; it is iMitau vv iio is sitiuig next you. I. Staring in elurefi. One does no! like ro mention smiling or laughing in Church ; for it seems such tin on-rage on decency .".mi a mockery of devotion, lint there tire many who won't laugh in Chr.rch. who do not hesitate to turn about, to turn : ills or' i ii other v.-;iv, staring at si i angers, or occupied with their neighbor's dress es. I f a person happen to come in late, round to see who he i-.. If, as s-umo'imeshap pens, a bird find its way in, low mauv ryes ajinder! Starei s in inn oh ! learn to keep voiir eyis as well as y.u.r lii'llll Irotn w.'Mlde.illg. I ,r. t' i.i,i (;' in l.'ru.reh. Some people I seei l li.sit on nails or ni ti los, tl.eir liody is s. constantly in molioii. Olheis lake out i heir wat clu--. and count the ! iig:ii of sentences in the setlilou. lAii'llog or I witching their watch chain or i ibboji all tii- while. i hcis o-!i a.- if taking the census of the congregation, or i minting the mnn'.-r of panes in ihe witnlov, or wafehrig In nioveim lit of th. flics. 'Th y are drinking in i vi iv i bing but the serm on, rind si em ;.s if reliev ed fi olil I lie stocks VV tl' 11 the Service IS OV ef. i TrflH!"tr);it lin.iir.x III ( ' Ii II I. h . I d.oii't mean t!i.,t th.-y actuiillv inove ubom in btivi ig and sillo--: but 'iici- m'.'ids ai e oci ipu u w i ! i i i.'isici aie bi with t ship. Many a ii.ii'i.i is peril mood, an ' much mental n d h: et ,e is practiced in chu-'ch ; not ihe heavenly nrilli'.iiftic vi' '-i'lrniievin sir day.- th: t v.-.- ;:i,iv ui"! .- ( it heai'is to v. ;-d -m," but the ail' tin otic of common Inn iii.-ss. The farmer plov s his fields ; t he men hunt drives his bargains ; the shopkeeper sells his goods or takes s'ock ; the I t wyer treads hi.-; w.-ii" through .1 t lit lit 's cos.' ; li oin the m.d.i busini -s ..; id'e ; but v t he polit iciun peculates on parliaineiit.iry j l,e they of wind cm lh!v r.-mi. I icy in: . tacticsorskelehes a rcfiirni bill ; the sold-i (A-,.r .jitn l uit'i intellect or -ei.i i- . lor forms siptu-r. or dep.oys int.. Jim-; tl:e nieciiauic pii. st lie loom, or the lieerde, or tin lfowcl. or t lie hammer. 1 litis im u v. ho i-oine together to vvoisiiin the gnat (old of heav en and eai lL, mock hiiii in his own house. "K en thv foot l and heart, too), v, he'ithou t.r,,. goosi lo tin- house olt.oo, and be more re.elv to hear than to give '. he sn-n lice ol inois. " (Fcch-s. v. 1). ( )u which jt.-ss- age Mutiiiow Henry vveightiiv :v., ligioiis exercises are not vain I lungs; but if we mismanage them, tle-y become vain to us." liariicMt I'rcnchviiK- :u -.ivirui si r.n, whit: :ki.i, w::si.r.y. Preaching is only an easy tat k to those who make it sucli : ami those who do so are lout'- cs, and not laborers in the Lord's vineyard. 1 line tt etching from the throne to ti e v i, k-r Idle Mondays have much to do with I'ufit chair of the humblest seamstress, ami I (ling fond on Sunday. Careful prepai atm-, and a I high and low in a species of cmuiimi...i c ell sou! all alive to the truth in the delivery, is ,' their kindred beings. Mi-thinks it is i l..k . i the great want of lliepulpil in our day. We of hc ddi and gentle characlcristirs. v, hen sat oure i.i the gallery of the Mctho lisi. church .' women (.thigh thoughts nil accompli-;. ut . in John street, New York, while Su.umei-lielJ ;' t' sew, .- pecia ly us liny nrc nevi ii.o. picacbed. ' hoiie w ith their own hearts than w i'-' : Kvery tiling a bout htm was simple, but noat ! occupie 1. His pale face was the picture of innocence. ' I .iipn t uT lud iilgcnrc. liis devotional service w is .-iaijile, be.' inlense- 1 Mo children are ever so hi ppy '.." ly earnest. It wns s:; earee-lness. v!i lti-c Im-om rrrly taingbt implicit a d I n There was no vehemence ; no splcndi 1 ima- j .,.,i,:4f,. obc :i-ure fu a p-irenl's wisli. , . gery ; no mi giiiii.'ent (ie-ci-iption, no nfort to ! p- cmniiid. Would that painnts ,i . p. c; ch a greal sermon. It v:.s the simple j tll,it.r.,!y f.-'t that. When they ; t ;;',!: he pre.icl ed : but be preached with an t.-r . Inhbui to (ih-'.b. y tlitiu, Ihey n f- ..h. c-.-.pha. :s and a solemnity i.i(-h ti-l alien- l ....Ijuj. tenoning thcui to sin ngiii.. ti- ! ,!i.n, which raised every hearer, for a tune at j ,)V i,lth,d.ii.g one of Ills conim.imiin-i.t.. :.i. 1 least, above eai lldy things, and made hiiu icul I , t w idcli ihe piomis. of long iife i-i , : . tiie pow ers of the world to ceme. ! No v. iiu l-T if (io-1, in just dlsph asii. i . re Earnestness is the g"crit want of the pu'pit ,.,-,. t!,,. ( hll I fu in such tuition. Ilei i.ii. in tliis ae. A true revival of earnestness ' ,r vv hi t a soh nm and insti uclive bs-( n d c there would ini: o,bi e a new epoch into the ; j)v id. ist has ; iven iu the bis', my of 1111. reiigioiis iiisto: y of ihe world. e i j There is much il.-i.i?cr, froin nu tin , tble (..mei ess so much out of place as tin-re d I , e hegois lea'te.-o ion alienor, i.iepe.'- !c: and the conv id ion .du ,t,. hat I be no i jstet sea reel v bcu.vcs tin- lo'cnu timhs which be pi e.-e iu s w idl s" Ve.y iiltlc l.vl ... ince ii y iuio tstOll.oO oi tin1 i.c he, ui nie to l..r;n a I' ne hi.riolci- of Whiili'-ld and 1 Wo. ,cv. tiiev nave (uiannm d adu iratiei.. Vere I a hr. vv nr-l dpp.-r, l'..-v would be of ihose before v. iduars I would buVi do'iV ii witii profound, :iu;l i;j or. vvbi -h I wi uld oif.-r my most st y iecense. Ye-e 1 a Pope I w ould cnsiniie lie a the y i... ave de more for Ihe world th-oi the l-ionkis'u and .. 'si.'.-t s.uni.s now crow -e d inio t l a lei. Out' I' tn 1 v ci nemos ci -rip in-r ol :y- I -lcj.ei.ds, . ' I :: I: il',1 : !: . I ntc lice; u i.'.v .i.iy were iu t liie Liei'it t limn of tbe.r ;..y ; bet, as 'cache: s cf the .ospcl, they luul i. m. e-rioi- iu any age the church siuee tl.t. days of Paul. With great povve-s of mind, with large heart -, widi the most expansive bencvoleriee, with tiie highest estimate of the value of the i . ... . te soul, and me eternal imporiauce oi i dva- I the, thr-nil -!l .Ii'slls Chlisf. tiiPV Bolt'dlt to preav-h the Clospv! tu every creature This I - liiri" li1' eC. I !l,-.- VVIls HO 1 li'.rt t ten i.i:oi-e. n.eie to be r 'n!-.r v. ;lh lb" II" !-..-he uaoi !i a !' U" v. iih ! me. T tet, fill. I ,. r!!l oioi.i. There 'v . i I'.i 1 ' 1 liov -lilily 1 1. ! iplee" l:.'c I !,e tfill e. set .on ;n 1 1 r ''v 1 ie. i -re was no tnkYtrn. t. t f r a i ;hen jinnhig awnv l'r.m i n-.:.--x :lie t!;i actual an 1 '" for nu ri..l l li !l Up .1 '!lsi-.ii -e. TI I. - e '.l 1" e I III O ' I ' 4 "I .re-. :er.- who tell 11. -'M t ' ,.y lull I 1 .1 . r i o i " ;;t pi ',. .-! !. ," !.ol;'i, I , ly ot' .-...,' ..oi, ulieii thev' iiie.-ei i... ep:Oi I iiil- .!, it'll;' i ). hi I ''. ' nfi ;iu-l il.niii; .n( .".' e. i n ii.or.-d pu'vei s ; in vv ho-r ii.inds (,. 'i. i '..(, ai. ii pi.- lds nn. J :ii:iiii ii , (::. .'. I sob- st me.-. .uid "a ilt;i in Hum if I ai I'! :il ! ' se-s." a " rentlemnn of lb.- l'li-ri.e s " :e..t the " ti ii vii uii s" " ten la iii' .." l!i, no, tiie !:ov cf tueir li!'e w;is ! i pre.n n t 'ii, '. .t, iiinl him ci i: ilie,:. And t iio tliis, t'e-v -,. cr.-i cd nl. denies:;- i np y men "Moid r-..i .1 ens,. Guy cru--cd tile im-sn levernl .iiih-i ; li ey e:-:hi: cil jcyi'u'.ly all luamfer of n -t ecu" liu'i from tie s; who sit in Moses' s; ;t down lo I ii . io,e .stern' i:i - r..u oon. t'u l)o l . '' t drlv ni'iiiirit' , v!i i it . "'.-is f.-.o . d tltey rm.d.t t I.Tigi l'. e id; it , t. e o-er- ; t.'ie' c ont Lie l.y lal. r : o ni- cc-.rmt ttcd It I. ...ket to bi-i::;: it to :i close. Ti.ey vvt-re burniu wlieivver they v. el l, l.r form-dists, th- lie 1 U i if v. ert in i. i- (c lid ;., lining ,i; n l bovvi ver . of the ('bur , ... b o; lie .1 e. nie ; i v f. . ! of v-i i-tc I TI c V f , o I, . i i 'a1- e i lor tie-!'- re ,:. s --cre noe. ;.!i. n. ('il'es mi l . . i i by their pn t nee l,ave i l iielr ( ii I up tin' inilinii vv i'.b lie '. Mlejei.i l.l '.ihol S. 1 !eV 111 VI their upon the lock fieev-i f-lil.e bi loi.g, t. liic e-i'ire c!..-e :ii.d wiil ilv - with t!;ose of Luther, vi'i, tee! It n i, ns ln:i- as ntm ri o J i i , . : o d.iii : itn l vc. tli. ir (,:, t le.idi !. n i !:-. "-lie, :u d whi.-ii de. .lc 1 iherri he-, i bi.di above otiier liit-u, was tln-i. intense .-ie. n Ss. fliev ro-v at a tine' w!i. n the i" i ii of lliethind hnd .-idiy li.ich-i'ldeii if en l I rb. vv Inn iniidelit y brel ol tniin-l niii.iii-; i i .'i- er cl isscs, vv ben bi .leij n i 1 i 1n -s : i 1 I i ' idl nut horil v :is i-elij us t :e !i r , 'dir i ,-j iiituab'v iiml i. i inn ii.i-l b.-.-:i mi .I i' ! I i-v the ,.,. t hini te - !oi rnnii, v . 'I - . V. i '., of the e-ir est j.i i i . i ' ,.f . i( Idllield. vv us bh e th l i 'if tV ut, : s'lnune.- i o iii) : v. - .iter, when (li-ci S!e:..- III.- nil ol illell, when tleos c t s ai e .-i;!e-. : -in b re-i.-l in -, ti. then livi : icv.-i- hi-.-.i.l. 'Ihe coin; jt'e I b. -ii .-1 idl -.' ; th ' p o.ici s , til, I HI i I for ....pi I b. Ii- ; I ie !. .-i. ; '. H ! t I th. r.'.d. I ii-s i f f x hied big i., Un.-1, e. j j,ieli le!l t'l'.'ii' I lnvci up 1 It. pe' V. e, p., ! t! i ii i of t' -. y , -s.-l t'l el d 11 III , 1 1 VI I i ; i .vecdli '. : ... Tl,- i I ' . ei y pi l.t... . vei-e s -. e. t, pe'll li V o lile-l ll.-MI III: -n il by-,. vv mm work. ' u- di -tie. ,- , l.l- In ui -oie- ( ovv u x - i ,. 1 . ,-!i n-.v bd bi uniy Iium ab.vr ,. . i..,,,,i; . ..,.i r.. i , ti'l t -. everv v.e"iii1 liciiieut. A iieedlc i, IV lie- lingers el them ::!!. A .pn i o, n plies it on o -c:isiiiii ; the vvniii in p .ii I . ..-ii'-i. use il as iidiriidv as her pin; un- v v. v oi'i ivered :i new st ir. I u. i tie Ill uvni its the s,e, I strumti t gli liming tdou-.r th,: Icin ! kercliici or to damn i--:iil Iriv in Ii And they have .-ready the a lvint e." fu- i i ibis respect. Ihe slui ler thr-u! of ii. or cotton lie-, ps tl cm uuih d with the -ecil', familiar, gentle interests of life, thecun: i.u u'y operating ii flueiccs of which do so inch for the In Kith of the cli;iract'r, and . rv V whatwvuhl otherwise lie n daiigcrcu :e-rn-tuul.itioii of iiiorhi l se'isibilily. A v: !ili :-1 of iiuinati svtenathy runs along t is ' ?i i w isii io :o :,t dy lie child, of cue ocr-ord i icg our o, i order.-. If you on. o direct a ('oil io d a ihii.g.b -. ev i r itiiplen-. -n ! it in: y be to v mi if "I' tie t bil l, in- i t v. i h firu -i s ; upon i 1 1 1 r ii .; ie i i. jd l-ill i oe hence. 1 uui,. .-io 1 1 1 1 I., im d-. un;:-nor ibnay. Prompt !; iicii. e is :i- lo-.iiym.i child ,14 it.- (-nfi I ee ni'-nl is ci-iiicd iua i.itent. Tiie Ie i .-.n 1 idle (en, 'viiil ( f p.-ircnli.l authoi dv ci I oi i . u I a u- p i-l, .1' i r-.eii in-piic-i t cr c- cc l.l'-l 'oVi , i ti.' (b id low:. til the pi iei.'. i I.u-, then, if v iu ! sire conr ib;l ,i : i.oulii gro'V up i he: ishir.g fo.- yuu pn fo . d cs tA.n .-.ui i.ii' - toti, i' ,-i d upon this f. i d oil y the un!,- of imp iei: obc i ii'nce, ,-:c eo i nience early. To b. -n li,!' i , thev :.y to a l-.vavs iid l i.-bi. out -r I f I i -V r: lie- i I.--.':: ti-ei of 1 vide. Lol d i. r ri ri ... 'of ti... Iii. II t Z ' ii.iiud. u . I. i .r;- . i. iii ol li .- eo ,;e ui : i.u' in: - I 'hull HI . I o '' I. I.i. I, -leu HI 1 nh-iv : '! in.- :- i;... in-. I-No.. 'I ft' A ,.: : i; '.. "si . i : i : ol M. P. : 1 ('. U . in is -inner . i .-' t'n Th una- ! .ire cell 've ( olulili .: i- o.ih l,!'- . l!-.p. Con -I xhi'-l i, ...' I-M : !tn I lb .. h-dri.Clll .'fill.- Mv - f uie A ri I rea .uvi l- x hi! i.lou. vv -ri .1 'it .t-c auii.ed a, 'JT. . ei i .f tie: :.ii.u.

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