Tur it t Jill 1 tf m 85 H r :Y a CA 1 E3 M JjI 1i 5 V lill 1 If i I-IM5I.1S1 .ii-ino-. .ilict I i ! I- i t i.. I. U; ;,, a- the l-iu - tAX lh:it re- . 1 1: ii! w .o;a v--o!:;L-e.-d le-. ,e;.t:i ji X la i a! i . (nit i- 1 e i-e. d J.,- : !. ir -eil ,')S Mi w v of T '"" : made "J" T ..-( . ,a .,. v . . ; i! V. !- 'a in-- - f.Ut! t rtt. ins l ! ;." '1. ltt ! !'C ' iiee- lor j;;s ettled a!! da- : a.t .ei::.! I,-le,.,., .,:i ., 1 ; - :. Who wil -:iv Ta. :aen. t:a d :jht M '', :l;' : -: : : Jle a- ; : j : i i-.-Scri-(.s : ot"!i ! s, iu. : I taat k i.- of rv'-i-i :a e:ni. iii,ei si va- ate :;. j ti-haa-ed f.r , i. i".,!' U-".l'-; i s'7 r;.i-7:7 : '! tii . V si 7 1 wii! onlv ' i.J.e- v,-.;- , ,.;,':!,; i:-e'ii,ii re- - ... '.:. y ,o er. yvl:u : i.-.f vnv diiierent : , i : ; i tii I recreat mil ut It i- m-: 'o dl.li.--S- be- ' .e.t f- r ihe iil'iii I A! e;. ., .v.. ; :: a;. !-:, of Cuyler. th i s. - iiiv bo.lv r mil: , .... i is ii, -a mi. .very ;i!!ior 'a:' ma- i ... to I , ce ii-! ; . :-7 body. ' b. - iiiii.n.-e i i: 1,-rrih!. h-a ihe' ma t'-s I, r-j.-i l, i di'M-f-v and iii the la-t vT,:..t, to ...I- .l-iv:-tnl it. Ii..-,v is i wd!i ,'m,- t V...O- i-oiiseieitc. true to your t.od audi ioiy intormed im:, t"'!iic-i ' - ;-'"'- ; ud cd-eM-.'s'' ). tliev ' country iiuda!!ov vair neibK'tur thest'me I have alr-ady bten heard an-t admired by .r minds7 p.; ta. y ini-: t aivtieb". "V::t'-b :-ml pr::v against that ; an Iduu'i-li :ongregatioll. One he htitl j , !,.v. ... , :; sbiiis ': I a!le-i:fio;i. that o.-' laimcin'eie w!iie!i so in-i -eii" pr-a.-li.-d at Cotter ham: Chaecl; , no- u th contpoV 7.1iouslv stet is in between brethren v:h j tha. however, tr- ma amongst those to .'.." t.. I.i.. . . -:,.,,e....J ,i..eii,. si.h s. !on't be-i wbte'i we have aiht h-d. Xor tire we ni. :i'i 1 weaken the coti- I ! w . i: s :i'i the bitb-room. V ot ,' ,j , j. intf. under any V!t . .,. e-es iii the i v- iei-,- Ibr ihe ,tirpo-e of i or body. i:ii;iro ing his ; :.,,, his v,ul?"' No. a!- -tr dii'icint: defbn-.!- I on i!ie th it- I jritt !;;.- !t i- e!i".l"-ed sliestli.it WlllCil loiions si:oi,i; ui.ii.- ; 7-. di'n-rea- luri.ose- if '"is ex- Let your mod.-ranoii be known to all men: Th.- yerv a:.i,ie thin7 that ear-1 liiem at the close of the day. as you retire I ... j i - I ....1. .i i.i,,,.!, . !,..... ,,i- -,: the ch.so or' ilie can- 1 1 table, ati.l tie- rabbi,: to the i '!. - tti,' -,i!IL o ni 'em:t'i 1 a. a. md ( i almo.-t idu-h to ... she young 'a 'iv his part-i llelue-it excitement of the he missions. Who can lion- I i. I i tnat Tti' i-ini!.,' who have, . . . , d ; .. . lis in the dance un-.m the ' . f lb, bail-i-., m or t:.,on die plat- : ii' -. - ; i --nie." are n.ade the Letter '. ; i d' bodv bv the exercise ? If it ; , .i I'o" jil j.- .. , ie.l Imil ami miprovntr. wny tne . canvass. i-ot. uouic ni.o t.-a j,. , !' -tiiiod itiii-:- the body vith pie bad certainly succeeded in selecting. as wine dti ai u tiie exerei-e. and sleeping all candidates for the highest i.fib e in their next tl. .-to recover from the. combined ' country, two of the worst men in it." e.'Vecis. ' i am an advocate for rhris?'',t lie reached this conclusion very naturally. ,,,;,.,.. i ut am opp, s -d t i.!c;-'s'o. ; How can you keep a conscience void of ...;.s As mv letter is already long- 1 oftence when you abuse a man for every , r ihau i be nded it. I will close, by .sub- ; thing that is mean, and take up every evil .,.:;:.,., ',.. c ,'!..-;... . fides iiniiii flic sub- I rciiort aeaiust him. merely because he is xn ,u. r- - -- jeet. v it i'li I think are sa 1. live ret n ation or amusement I v. htcli docs not excite, but is the mean . . i.: :.. 1 .,, iiiaMiig me -i tn oi . u-tr" : iii m-i-d and purer in heart, is not only ; all'.'.v..' le. I ut' bcm.Ccial. ' i Vhri-tiiiii sh mid ever take pari i h. any ca-ei'-:iuiuvuts f.-om which he can-1 WKKKI.Y 1!V .V ; isoi con litiou-b, am t- liis bibb- mill lit- ! :;- -N" Ciirt.-Cah should eiluilge ill iiiiV emii.-, ne. iii which is i. ina Ab stain from ail riiVtlHT of evil." -'. Whether vc I'M' or drink, or what , ever ye do. do all to the glory ot" God." : S M r MCT ! 0:X S. ;'!!!;: !:j .. ( t:ik rKi-xiiiK.vn.u, can vass ii i;t:i.i',io:-;. ''. he A moricaus are, by nature and stat ute, politicians. Free speech am! a free ')-i- ; iij;!.!.' tlicir opinions authhlc. De bate on liii.- stump, and by the wayside, is (iiiiiioh. Ami i!' mivtliing stirs our jrn ; !o to the 1 1 : t -in. it is a I'lvsalciiiial elcc- ' i here .i 'j.-rat interest at stake. Liiviiii; a coi'!.!i-.i- n to riie home and iiaeiLi! po- i "t ;!ie general el nun m for lour ye.-i:. Mate ai.-vcrs t. State. Kvery 1. i -a;-,, r I- fii!;-w;ni liVihe .-narj-ot .a iiil: oi t hoovin.j o;i:i ri.,-'o,eis. all v, rit g on i very same topic's. From this ' till Joveui'er the elements wilt he in i-. 1 m.-.ir. i - tiii- 1i:!:c'ri-i!:i:i! agitation ?o ). e halt. i' ! 1 : ': To j i'!"--. I i.ieiv. or no' : No eh'- an ei-in e-oi view '::.- i-.-.-o '"at a hi.- ir.o. Mi - :;. :.'id i.he matt rials i '' "j'i i: o -i a;.-; i;:, time it wii! :.! . wi.hon. : -k!i: ihi- q.'.estu.!;. If ..(,r fi---f ;,! , ugh.- to 1 .- f !'!. :!.eere.-is of re ligion a!ld t!ie sou!. ti... to 1 er.cl I for now. i Four ; adidates for the Vv::-' :..!;-.- !(;.s j ' Ii pre-elited l.y as mall ; pani-s ;;;. !. ; ied: :.y the i-itere-t which has msrked the .;-:n:t!n Co;iveji;i..iis. there wil! i.,. a ! lee -iliesf to !;c lasl. I Y : do li.-i veea rd i I as all I'vif.'e'i ih;" ,,. i T'le v::k a deei, inire-t in I're-id, irii;.! 1 !"'-i t eh .-!ioti--.at!ii in a!! elections. Eternal viuil l l.y I :;::!;- i-tii tn-iec d' liberty. Then let ail ' ryeis of iihcriv he viu'lillli It is a diii y woi-ih i:a i!ii. 'ivt,.- : ... ".' ' i.'..":',V. "' i'".''' '"' '" T''L ! " ' .in-, v. iiie,i :i:i !,;tve in view. am. i e- i -ii. .d to each o'her. Aleuw'i hear vr - re::ip - : : we ii,';-t w iiich over o-:e ano: !.-1 er. Alb- e a views ale .,1 .,,..1 1 i.-i., ' VICW V III ii it ;S t.-i'-- '. V. .! -'-.ad point-. CisCUs-'elis : : - 'd. e - e.e : the ,-id 'i.- miml hey ! di-b,.,. in fi .;;,.;,; j, Ve shall he iin,-.,:'- ' thy f -,i.r Kc-s-ng, when we cea-0 to take i ii'te:v-t in them, ami to u-e th-: me.::.-j . : -. r i iiicia. l; liif 'iVi.l :iCCCltIl!g tllL niiiiie,;- (iher ' 'i:.;..i;;.ui;:ei' Hot el ..ve ..'iiiie. or Vote If -iittcs. Ji such aeii .et go pel i..es. the coiiiitry ii.I's w is ,i i ile litis iiscrupul nis. i ilea is i tile end. ' he -ecu iar iesetiiicnts n,,I d:,,.-, ;- ., ,; -;.i:;d i- i 'y aiteiiding a p: esidentiai e;o!- oser I... ere to oe toi.sMered. And iww. biitv thwes a.-., u: . ..I.-- - - - fii - is - hte. li-otli...:', sutler ihe w .: i oi e.v- j i.,.:t-iii..:i. . . . : . I. lu.der. V.il n"C aiii :ni-i lie. .!!.. iii.vJii :i: ;. e,r ; . -,,,; :.. -.... I e e ;- i t' 1 v. !.:! i"isr rigid. ! - i ieo ii! 1 - we i::e of yo:;r , m - ie i. To lake a-b.aiitauv ihe Mileit to ;. il i vof.r j Oil s. Wl- .e i ba - eiii; -':,.iie die i: --..".-. ;fr i .h:. i. :. .- mils 'if a" r.-iv w -aid be a spefb s ot a- ! iaai-.-.-ii h-er--:u i-la-pheiey. whi, h v. e bar.'!, kn .liowl . chiiiei-iioe. i A -a p-o r. iiavi:..: the caie-b. !b ,k in , iimyoiihiiveaconimeiib.; ---t. :.iidv.h,, ., .! hi veil - il'ioisiind Ii! V Ui- i.lir.is i!'l -ymi : ibie .you ought t- abs-ain i'n m , oil itt.vtiiiii - f lie-. ie :.-e. : a k--p coo .ie,; wouid enppie your iiseu.i- ; to .hyself no iiarm." In the ; i oast, end heat of tin coolest. j.-t i i e -.int. liii a jiosii.-.n irom vhich v. tit eee iii'nister aceentahiy to an tiiil-th-s. !h -eise ltof even I lie weakii '-s th.-iii i.,r utiom i'lirist died. i ,.r : d.-ii- - iioi the work t.o.i. I--.".-,-,!'-, r ';!,,. liiines whi' il m:d-e f,,r 1 ,v o'.'elil : ; i; i I w reihi en. y-h-i n w tiwe.l :n leiiileoi" me i unity, aim love el I., eye each ol h'-r all 1 , . to be .!!: - e oi ! howeiiv lean ea,i be holle-r woo rt cri - iiiai" - m c. .i,im..'i, I'-'i'" " " ' . i t r t- ttml act- o., s:i( Jieo.iiion-. iiowcan i he it' i sr .o iVe-ad. i iit...!el-aiie- HO llii-r .1 (bo-i .Ian . i lie American t ..nisi ii ,,n. A'd..y tie i a man may UY.:r in ..p;ii- ' ion at. ail". V. e: be hottest am! ',. k now :,i, v -Mil 0 art ni this hie : '.,,, l ,,-: 'md he I ii.-iv.-s another. , ,v.- on,' part, ami he km. and - . oi! -eem fod'i.ev Hi Veil;- iailvtment ! ,.' ' '.V !:.!. I'O VMir ttl 1 .. pt-t to j i :: e i auu:-. on -,, : lit'... !,.-! tldnev that v,,u hear ! . ' '. i-'i -i 'ei.: : .e - you once dt.l have conri'i' -nee ; ; iti. ' "'lo-leration. which l.cc rues a enns rhieli bee rues a christian ' m ei at ail time.-, is needful now. It is a i deii m-e a.iia -t pa--to:i. aim retrieves niany 1 an error before it is done. He sober oilier kinds ot ur roiaeum..-- - . . i i ,tl 1..:,.' i v;ts-. as you review it, you will have noth- tti r io regret. As thesuriaceei ihe sea rolls into waves ami is tempestuous whiie itsdepllis are quiet, so let it be with your soul. Let the pca.-o of God keep it. .-. - T1.. . .J- I. I... . -.- i" ... i i ia..... ,. license oi l-ei .-oiiai aou-e mi an uiuaics b- sometimes indulged, to ihe dcgradaiion of politics, and to the wounding of any coit-cieii' e that is not seared. A foretjrn traveler, during a J'resdentiai i. .!.... .1... i, - i . . , .. - on the other side? ..... . - t ie.l ...a ..e . nnr oi revivals mm oi me spic.i ..; s the church bv the awakening and Coiiver cast out anchors i .,,..!' s,,,ils ' Shall we : , , . , , , : and wish tor day '. ait tilt the election is over ''. Some are thinking on this wise: O. noihiiig can be done in the chiinh. while the minds of the people ate soexcit- miuim'nn ote Camp-mci tine - and pro gs must give way to barba T ractcu-mo. i fi-!.n. ni:.s-iiiwt lias. TlH'fliit-.huii! v. t ; ; A 1 1 1 i i - wii-";-; v'"-;'".r 1 ; T1 -V,u,,,',0';l VNhou,nil!,eMle i "I"'.- ,Mr " u"7- "'"tt.caavvrsnry c',.la,t.i wany.ai I luv- tears are unis. Thin!: of link ... .1.1 i;:. ... . .... j ....... j.Mvw .... uii; urn ..iiiie.res, aim you v,n. see niat tne church iias ui'ien en an enjoys ihe condition of prospt-rit y. J las nospoiidoiit y iew of the moral h-;:r " T ' - epj o,. i i.inop-.y as n ,s .y iiisiory. an,, l.reai i!era::c he woi- lave ' I'."'"""- ," ''read so much as indiilereie -e. iistl 'ailliess III Sin plj!.-ll- li; III e uast.-ol reason il.i.-nipl.-y ,-! the - desert of. ihe i'.iii.! :. -.- a to !-e : feared. I r-nt; ! is,-''' : i l! r' v, hen rlit :.- -i-eo. true rcnoo-i ;-, ..o,:,.- i 'i he 1 r fa- ev. ake. !t appeals to :!:eir hi cull ic.-. Ti t eiii'i .-! ? ei' ; h .v. tielem, ''' " - 1 iiiie iiel l aiv oe -uriiid tl r. i"!is i ha'ihe M ;r. pie d.. no! e,.i,. , ::r crow. Is thafi comiiioii and the I Meeehi. 'lii heaiiiiv. t., eiuo-eh -,' ' o - 7c I-,,.:,!. 77-7 ;;; . :: ..,.,!,,;.:,:, " ":" " .Men uil sra-uaii.-it wil ,, , . , , ,. i. - i ,, i i ' , okHina tetH,!.,, l.efu.sthcr.tore.a .e lo.e . , he ,, , , i,n,i U he n;!,, ... .o-i.. ,e,-h ionvard tl, y-t,v:-, m tne I V. '.-:-. I mgaR let i!..,sprea- inciij. j ),!;. ;s a reaoi,;. tniie as w jiearing tttiie. v lvu a!e voiir t'i.ri li-oi Advocate--. They are toy. ur eaa-e what the j ol'ticiaii.-- ih-'cumcii!.- are r his. i'eo- i jfe will vc: ! m,w : put tii i S - IT Of. readu: v ., :re tia-m " :i:7 V-'"'K !" : :!M '.'' e j.iji .. ...i... i .... ..i. ! ii.iofe-s .). , 'i ' - ' S . 1 "" V'si!"-.n! t - i ' : !':-. - -. e:i el' ,,U!- e..I. !, adgr. : ihh;- l!! 1-' :v:d .;e ;e-r.e! f"!'':!'.v -'v-.'-ei. s. ,,;:.v w '(at an-b.-in- done in t 1 10 '"blei.tiai canvas... churell ee-'! - A 7.-. ,,',. f, 7 KilA!. n..-.';Uit!LS. o. h: ,ir i o: ! re i.vi i-x ;.o r'tTiii-in. .i 1 WIIV Ur; ili.i i! - ',vi;it T : 1 1 . ;; , id." was the eeii.ideathi' - . 'v tie,: air: ,. ii v. d f-aiid eiit iJuc they hi ve ai- b.-i ii J i.i.i'. A g d i-.oly is ''' "'-euie El-gib ii Icrgyiiiiiii. ', ;'- i : . oe a: ;y a, .jre'.-'a.:' h 'ii j ii.ir.-e laiayiidlv ,i..i.:,r-J ,,.,. a i5- I t - u. - ; - . 77 iie. a:!i-t the: a. dish :, -, i.i a v.. i . ! el r. Uii i nd com fort. -.! in the Ilolvt;!,,,., -'l.;i ! i ! - f:t BUomd be ot the rotestant Episcopal (. r : ,,f sdid parts, a selMenyin- man of ( nrromidii.- eienieiits. were hra'i,.- ' '.. ',','7 ii..,' ii.,,". U'. ..i' ''VXP 'Vf ' -n-jliruu. as it is more frequently called j vho has ever heard him speak an ur-'intr. - ' i Z.'i.,,,'.'.:'.' ' ' ''"'"'i'i'n the continent) Church of Kno-hmrf. word? AVhen was guile found in I'luih.' the llevohition-n-v v-w -,.ii..l I s . . ,. , , . I i - . ,.., i.:. i :.. i '"1 raouth? He lias been t'lirty-eiuht ve thete be ,,, schismMlu- ,!v h "l , . I Z T!'V 'T i T1'6 "? M the En.u- America; twelve years as presiding Elder: '.e: - . aef-ei-d .he io-e ::y. am! !; ';:1;'"; j ilV ,.U,VI iree i-di pro.im ii..,i,. ;u jt-.rade. eolitmns. s.l.i- . . tw . piya - KiiigWiie ie- , eou,tJ;,' rtp. ee Mn , ... t ee rev. i ml t-iie i ;,oa.i : v. ... , ,, 1V years, youi'din . . , - in .-.ng land lu:e j .. p.J. ;v ;, ..; i ecu r..-h ie a e to ;:.! discourses;.; , . f t'rolll Mich hiiilOils Sei iiioiexe'-s iie AleiVllle trolll J- aii i M::-, i:. , ,....,..J 4 !,-.s i-:d,'e to , X- ,. w ,. .!. whe-i thev take the pr.i . Aiie !-:"iiii cie-gymeii. a- lb( ..t.i.lic are not lafiiliar with t'a i works of ti-.,iis-a;i; iilie diviiies ;," - u"e. b he-doe- :ii. . i b -mi. -!1 i-I eat : i t: . ( i ,c ill. 1'iei' V i a 1 I , toh of ih -to: Nie! -e. iY C, 1 ii! i si-.-i by C : I , be b.ild.ii si , a: i :ia -1. ,...,- a: m lit eoseii: a y.-oat re; sfven-o ii o - , :-ii,e,oiiii.-i-. -Tl tie ig t!.e s.-rme::- of lb X, w l.iie. ruibm, h.it. r v,,bi!i;e has no .1, . . 1 ., iiei.ay j.,.,. '" It." .' 1 n i.i .'laini. aim i ,i The ' a Va- sa--: ie-ti'V e"r-iin:s'a;!ee-:. we .-h-.iild have eon-i-b-re'! tint we had taken ill the notice neeessa- of a reprint m J .ii-!:m of sermo'is whieii had found fa-; v.r v.-ldi tin Amerieaii e.-..:-eg; tveii : ', though j-reaener was ii- !es: than !r. !btahi-e!h r.t v.'C are cred- , aware that !r. Uus'.tn. d a see ml time i -i.. .1.....: I..- .. ,.,,1 cros eti uie .-vii.-uitic. ihmi -. " like to lhat wh.ieh siimmoned Caul and Si. as into .Macedonia, tattle. ,m il ml't. does he dream that tho-v ,.e:iu-t;i:l dis- curses, wlicrewi! er- in ihe North hcrewith ne charmed nis !ear- C.mttree-itional church in fbiitlor i. have- ho a-.-.-.; ileusriiieil an laig- .1. .. ...I ,. hi -i i...,.:i.- lii-ir fliiil'.'i at ..-o .ui'inini. " l-"'"-- , ISolloway; and that he has not. on y won fa- himself a reputation for originality. subtlety, ucufeness. learning ami elo- qtiencc. nut mis neon me nieans v, ueieoy . . t i .i. . ...i i .. a brother minister in another land got credit ibr the possession of the self-same qualities. Whether ihe reverend plagia rist of I Iollowav still continues to patron ize the productions of transatlantic pens, and to lend the charm of his voice and, action to ihe original creations of transat lantic brains, we cannot say; he. ibr some reason or other, incurred, we believe, the censure of ecclesiastical authority, trad has now. in consoi jiieitee. established a iree church, whither be has not been fol lowed by our informant, and. we are, there fore, baiionnit from what soueee he now gathers food ibr the hungry souls of the free churchmen.'' Hon est Imu stky. If there is a man w ho can eat bis bread at peace with Cod and man. it is that man yvho has brought that bread out of the earth by his own honest industry. It is cankered by no fraud it is wet by no tear it is stained i, -.,-, i.i,.,,d t j T " I He that kecpeth bis tongue from being, Lceiietli his soul i'ioiu trouble. m iisthi. 4 I, ;'?. ,7 ILVLEIUIL SOUTH CAK0lLA. - I - j T!i !. ST. in i if tilEW (!i.K. It v,':;s s:t the ivm-n ir,'' : !i"'it 'l i IV,-1-..J . ., , i r t i t i . ' - ' ' ' - !v;ii!"i'a. .,..-ub vow. ,,! j?hm1 lays aino,,.. the Cheviot iiiUi V spite of his .'WtisJ, f,.c tl:e brave is-, I mi-htv Earl lhm-J:W all his cla, He declared that he mmH kill the fat te t mm., " ' u inn h, imp rr; r , i i ; . 11 ii.... w Jinrts hi all the forest, and carry thai- - I av.av to r,.,,. 1.;.- .. l ...... l jy noon i..y- raid Killed a huiMrcd i; . . . . j i i i i . i i i i , .teor. I nea they l.icw a J.ud i-u-ie-ca ...,., ,.;!;;,(. together to see t!u-:m., .,r . i p,.r,.y ae. j hen ; in' i i i iu'.. The donghiy Do; !. ., i-ei( to lin-ei ii liere. to-elav i 1 k lull We'i tile l,ra-.-;o-f Soot v,.,o 1 p,i . . I.,, -.- Ids -,i.-.!. ' " klst lii,-,. ,,ne of his Mj-rire- er;lied h iiiel. f t s;i e..i. ;'- I I 'om-o lvd-.w. "i t . 1 "w':i ' 511 Jiviordale. aloeg th,. I V " " , "' Iuu ! mv. iho.1 sue, im-n. arineu v,.:a hows a:.-l . soeais hi;!- ami i-raniis. As .-.ooii -. fliev I ; . ......... i 7' ,v V" t V"- n"lr 7 "7' 'i enngth, deer. look ;' , V 7 ";Vl'!'- '"" ,V'-'''C" T'iU Ju!V"..-Vi':l 1!a" Sil'e!ai"i" il",i eiiiiii iear lo the- hunter-, they era 1""," i " "re'-- '- in m.:.t i ... ii'-ii. hi, white e! ,nes dancing in ,h,. wimh ! ,,,! his !:r K,n ... ih -i,:,,, ; - . ;h v sen ; a:,d when lie snke h is vovo wes civar, and siroinr. and ; j 1 lir.'aie'iiu. he ,-ri, d ; voa ' .,.! whose la. ;., j in -a. or id w no g i vi; yon soiie o" me V 'I,.. 'I.,.;, j.,i JV;.(... i,..'. ., ,..,.,. .Wil :i v';i-; ii! l' fb-tiider. answered. "We ! - i v. i'l ma . . . i:,;r I.'.' lll".r ll.-.:, I,.:. lie.! i e r.i..-; this eke-,, lv eiiin. AV"e ',a' ;d! these jbiesi spite of i'iee ml .-:!' j) K'i.-d t!ie iatfes: iarfs iM ; . -ml we intend to ., make i.ejrry with Them." ; ! . eem ! ..!-:. aii i -I.'y mvtn, i. ;:i:-.Veied the Jioimias. ",,,';t!l;i! -a-tihg speech, one or the o.h-! 'vof us mu-t die .his day: l!;.t. my ' ' V,'r ' ;V ' r;f'' t kill a!? these j ,ii!t!e-s nien. in i:r , ii n i eh fe are ; oe,h neoies oi lugii .logree. and well . Vil:" !!!.V,! l ; The ' - . d te lis lof the i -ias he.! m-i ho, ... ! si;;; y-:.i; . ;i. i iei were itpifiiiir. j no lae :.ii..:isi! a relic's ..... i..- -ti-. --.e -. - !-e ihe'r swoi-iis. teid iou 's l-eiit Uieil- lio-ys , . i. lo tiiee. one o! -i,:i e ei' nd i'o i to lif. A. nd so be h..- mo-; i. r.-ible iight-s the: t , .':; i u .- tl. Soon the i..i:. : i throiitili th the a: seriliideo t:li il i .UCK. i iM . ,! i i il I t i;.,: i ce lioil -els ere- i. A.eei. :ei 1 i v and ! wit! lake the:' to our ;--c,::: U 1 I ,n soee in 1, (: . , . , . .v.-. Jiiuu j eivv cauie our oi alllliorO. Witl. -' I"'"' '-"siMMi is nit uAceueUb JT. ;., ii, , .:;... .. - ii i -i ,. , ,i it . " j H.-..I il,lHHi li lilC CAI.'LMJC KA tllLS l;fl- "4 tuirt mill.: m; ii.' SIIUIUUCU 111 lltC or.-. ve.-t man tine I ever c-i.-ptered in all !;.i',,wed in athlre-sing the ne eting, which iuc iivthtlli" I te'iirnatea ill a Vote of thanks to the -ib7 be' th- , -,-u d lii i!; "I ha-.e ..hiiirii,::;:. t .1.1 thee beii.re. ami "i tell ;b, . again. 1 . 1 .:;: m-ver yield to any man living: s" . Klil.l'.'lol'S ri'!.i-.!tA7 IN Noi'yyy. lav i'li '." ' It is emal kable ihe' Norway is t'ecide-l- .!::-i ii.eu. ah tirrow. s, n; by a . m oeu- J-.- .. .-.dvanee .-AVcion. and. in 'eed. ' i iiitidsb a ' '. can.'- Mi:ui"g - t:a ' : ; , . .,di. et-eau !iii:! bin c-aiii! ri" ; i 'eumai r. ih.-.eigh ihe aie. end ;-;,;. 1 oeee oie.i.ie ;!,, mh.nd e i .n t he -iibieci ei' n-ligioiis ; ': ; : !.,s. i ie '-. -. - -- I.',;:--. ;b . it ( all i.e s:i'd ' lie!.' 1- Fight on my merry m "i. wh'te you , iihyta y h, 'hat eoimt.-y. in a pro- i.i:-y ; b.r ai! my daysaie oei '." end '.Ifn j , ... i.f ,'ae bit; there is a large ib;ened h m e!, .-tl and die i. . ,.,,,,,,,! r iiu:. :i T. ,!.:;; i-m. Lord l'"ef'-v ' k tiio '.cad laa.i - .i:-.:. leery ein.-n ,',' a-.i wav. vim is .::ii;'- WoV li.ei't, have :i'vi.! t !;y b-t 1 ieeti v-ti r of:---, by making a d -cl-ir:..!!.-.! v.-.m'i! have part-' 1 with my lan for m i,efnv a nnerb-: ra-'" thai he dees no: desire a!! ti!,' e iiue ti. -ic was 111. raver i .et . er mall '. . - he stood t-a-i-e iiinieiitin-. a Seotta 1. -d-lit. i ailed Mr ilu"h eh ai - .mar' r:ii:;e "iiiio.. drove' lib i , . . s;-.d. a it through Lord i'ei i.ke more. '! lien ... I .-,!- I, !i neyi Mfehef of Noi-iimmiiei-hetd tick: atm a! ."-ir if, di. widi an :oi,v,- ti; er 1 wdli a white ! V, i :a Idle ; iii uu ei iiie le h!l from ii'- i , h!'1!;;; hr '"' lo'ltter Wiii'-'. oil, le a - ;"-e - - : slid the battle was not done. j tteu i tiey .. . i .. i.. ,,K...lo tI... ..'..l.t lougni u toe ,...,., .....n Winds sigheu aoout t!:eln. and the sl-ties wi-jit still tears of dew. and the tearful lit le stars f.diuted down upon them through the meaning tri es. In ihe morning it was found that of fif teen hundred archers of England there were iiviitu- but lii'ty-three; and of tiie two ,hoii-:-ud .-peai-iiieit of Scotland, but fifty rive, and ihese were so weary ami wound ed that tliey gave up the tight. V'huli it v.ais told, to lite Scottish King .bin. ics. at Edinburgh, thai; the nobie- i).'ii: la- had been slain" at Ceviot. he cried. "Alas, woe is me! for there is not and never wil! be such another captain in all Scotland.'' Ut Vv'IH'il the word was carried to King Henry, at Loudon, that Lord Fercy laid been killed at Cheviot, he said. .day Cot I have mercy on his soul 1 I have a hun dred eio.taiiis in langl uid as goud as ever he was; nevertheless I pledge my life to avenge thy death, my gallant Percy '" To fulfill this angry vow. he went to battle against the Scottish king and maee the lives oi six and thirty oi his bravest knitthts. and many hundred gentlemen; amf soldiers. ray for the life of the Percy, j Soon the Scots avenged themseives ; ; then th.e Lnulish; till it seemed that there ; would be no end to the fighting, and blood- j shed ami sorrow that came from that , . , . , . . o hunt in the Cheviot II ills, most otteu called "Chevy Chase." For century af- r.,.,.tiirv the deieelldallts i ,1' tile lliell who ibughV there were at deadly strife ; and tew. i Tear, were as iionie. iocs is i.,..- j n.,i., ...! T.I.1-. 'e.-, v " At last they ibrtrot that the first cause I of the quarrel was a dispute about tin : riirht to kill a few deer, between two chief- tains who were reconciled in h ath. and they went on hating, and robbing, audi killiim-one another; f uhting.-all the whi'.j! in the darkness of ignorance, and sup jr- siition. a:e.l lb. t ee, wicked passions, lint ' TMK ZU17rj -IODIST EPISCOPAL CM I TUESDAY, jnLy ;jj 1800 '.fatter a while U.m.I sin.it a better iav t.. ,M v.i. . ,.. c, i .. i. .! .... . w kiimv " ' -i'l. ill . J 1 MH I I. I V V. ' .f n k ,,7, - T' . J , - - - - .....u. - :id cla.-:i.cl riUiKSTAXT JUsil H'itli; f jtKfSAf.Kjr. i Jiariv i.if our readers i;iay know that ' , T. l . l i 7).. . i I and x rassia aicreea a lew years i ;, m ,.(,;,, I,:.!,,,., .,t X,,l, on .Uo,; t.iv, at vi..)ss p is. the ..; .ni iresi. rv in r e i-or. v Vfter. wh, hao l,..,.n -ov,.i. ,-,.:;,:..,..! r " "' ; r.Jetion with the mission in Jerns-doni. : ,;fe "'y v pro-ress ot the , virk. lie had lately examined, in the -i'i..! ..f t!.,. ...1.....1 .. v. , -"'" 'i at --.i. i 1 VI- "V- f !i,":!VVul ,h:!t e' lh- eirhlre,, .here was equal to th-,e ! " Mt Sot"i.- they i ! knowledge of the Engii.h lan- ! uiLie oeiore ciit-.a-:i.u-tm tipge i.elore entei-ii.g tne wium.J. their ac- i, ireo Know ..... i;"e 01 it " stahot, in Ahv-inia. , tv; , .p ,.,'. V(, ,, ji-U The .'.-s i- lreu Know.e-itre oi it was surtirisoi". whe-e the h'snop e.a ns ..is syitiju.- '.s i:; t.iat loeaiity are more draden than in any other place. Two , ii ,fsiouanes l.aa lasoly ocen sent out hy ti.4 jonuoii cietv :.a- the Con i version of. ,cws. to orgaiezc a mission in that et. .1 lie rei-ort showed an increase 11 l'-e nui,.ii.to ..V tl... .... .1. ...:.. . .1. T.:t:-t Tear over the rr-t.ort of the nrevio.w ri t . i -i . i i .r. 1 ItO SHU! :l-: llitlVlell.ri.il at tl... 1 -. .- r," i , . . .r"H .;- ,' .. ' ! ; lliili: I meet 1"- amonii en to I 1 ...i:l t..v ., . . ..: i i- -. '' . , ., ". .' , ! he Jerusalem Diocesau lt'''ioiicy. - man so unitonuly . Fi j , . - , I good. I have not known in Europe or ..ioimry iunu. J he suujomed par- "ii , , , lation. resided. The first, day of tin- Kes- 1 s""s ier- , .gra.-h, token IV ,m the London VTalrl. ZJ.Z.J iZ .l.. ..:Zi i-ian. after :idiitiri!ineiit. T was walk!.,., r L 1',i,t.s hothmir.' replied one, ' for en, f-idel .. ,... u;.,, .... r .iZaZ.r.-.'T ' .. tt ' mv lodoi,, ah,,., !, x t. C ,1 .-leader, brother Alexander, m -g-I ; T :i. o.roiesn.", ... bore in the last thro, months ,,,.,::,o- -' s-: s behind s;.y toano-h.r. -t--' .ned be. fivM,M n . new f" 1 . .. "" - ....... ., r.i .. .. , - " ionder emeu Hrofhfr vU " l .....l "eeeiiH is fi ::( r ; and. rattier tin. r.-e ,p,,Sdaee,J: j 'i.ied 'in ivon . ,7,dvanc ! dw.st. d. m, douU they weu.d make M.ii.u.u .1.1,1,1.11 i.ils soe ti ii s ,ir alia p.k i.ihi-i ri.iiinn.' u-.ii..i n.t,.i.v... "-- .... v. ..v. ....... .u ji.ii.i iu. moatlis. while duri.m tie- ! , """" J':l,i! ,r ';q.l..ymeat. had been raised The ' !" lY ' it. Ail diJ.c.mte., are . . i overcome hv (..liiueiice and assidu.lv. very interesting and im- i. . ; . : . . , of the mission.' The di- i in 7 your hands. .Tenisal..,,, .,-...,.,.,: J:,r,f7ai!;?ei!!0'- t0- . A 111 '"VCS i -vi. ..jo oi in te. ii ,,. ..- VL.a. c!d;h ,: ..ols f.rm a pov'aat feature oce.-an school r.t .Te thh ry-six !,,ys. of whom sixteen are ph ,7 and are selected for traiuim- as scI. 'olmastcrs. The schools at .jaibi an- loue and Jietlilehem have, dorin- i he pa' t ve;--. rather decreased in'numbeiv The vo protostant congi-egation remah.7 :eg;u,.is iiiiiii-'Ci-s, mucu in the sum as previ-.u-iy 1 1.1 HL.I.Il. tO -l,.0 . eice ot wo; .i. .:.. . i itieii uii n : auu tine ,. ., , . nu mber has given a very olisribl - i-oe, , ys-i.h u uoiiai.ioi) ,4' .,li.l ,r."v.r.t.i--'.i ii : -. been af.ei iied to t he mi :.sii)iiaries there ;:.tioed. a l . ; i c K eg has moat grate- de- that were stent : id v received tne Ii him. and freely all 'Wed then t-, be Ay- j 'Jreitt every one with iv-poct aa.l c:vib tribu'eil. A !!! other isjieresling detaiis. -y !;. , ; Jihin" is -..ained. and nothing de'Y i - . 'te diibcabies ihe e. oi .te i soeierv- iitiie to ci'iiii-ii.i agti i...-t.. iuc c.-i.i miiiei- tee-rde 1 (hanks Jbr the measuve j . I' si, -. . - t i.-e - iif. I eeen en:tl,k'.! to at ttiiti. Tile ii'"". -Mr. Venn v.ave some hs- 'IV e! ii.e ii.i.oiS ot ti;e Mils of the -oeiety. tool 'licr -"etike.s ,-.,.!. i, !. any ,ii.,,.p a mem tier oi . i ae b. a! iotiai ca areu .vaiicn ..- i iti iioran t.iiiv. !,v tiieniiia wiiii other- who makea - sinbiiia'd. elata.i-.a, hiiveeaeblbrt,, ef v.or- : sap he prefer.-; .-ubje.-. liowev-r. to til ti -il t. eoili r!0!!t 'Oil. 1,-Viei! on .ih.tosio I j-; : !:,: eiioi '-ii ,.f the State. i; ,ia i.e .e'lal iil.l' lii till' S iei i U i i I ". r ! 'a e i. !!' .d Norway. it-'V lii a--;- 'i -di hn-ib.ida. a vvi'- ieo-oi-iato i.i.tvehioi ;es juf '.on made ;. a her an :iri-i-!- et : jh ,:. ; ,o. n ft,! cxpcrhi:, yva- tie ceii-:i,uiie'! of tl e kingdom ; and :d- ;' -t to die pessbi!" xtent and , ,,ii;h it h:- - iti ie.l for i he present, it is , . . , . ,r , .,f i hi- wondmu- com-V- V -ie'e It: i.a-s at tie. next meeting ei j ,:....!....; .. :..,,r-. f.icuitie... gifts ahd gra taar v. ...... ',..; a ei a evereiaeii wii i, a eoei in l- Two mem 1 S-d to si'eu re.-s ariieSe '.'2 of the ennsfttu- t f..-m. which provides that ll .eddie idTici.a . lini-t he held by - Norwegian citizens wao .i ...,'i i; .... : iro.ess UiC t-loue..... i.--.VM..t. ...... v.. vo-ed lor me stipjaes- ." . til 1 ' itilM .Ai!., i: j;,.-.iieml;cr me '. vlio rail tiirget 1 hose ttmclhthr wonts ov i. i:,,,,! i; Vhe:i i-vi.s are iliunuM v.'ith dewy A lal iicarl.s v.'ith grief are near!- . ;;.;,.c,uhoi. ,..: T!. par: in-.' words oi- friends. p,.,-,:,s aboat to sever .t. r..,-n.o.itl..,. it ntav be v.,,rs, , IVl.;1;;;mv ,m (;a;.!h . 'n, ;;;,n(J1, , p,..,,,,,,.,!,,.,. t y.-,,,,, .,,!; p p. '.,, s,m ,,,- ,p-;;, ;ut is ,lM.t::!,- w - . . .. , ,, . I ae promise Oi a uea.aiess meuHag. ; , , . , , r , '. Kememo-i- me ! htu .h- en oi lovi . . ... . e , j ,i, ,-:ii!,,.e i.,i,i- .o. , ' - -- ... Tliev seem ihe laii-iiintre !' ihelmni-t, A sad. and yet a sweet appeal I lU.UUJ-O. If I had been made a lire-fly. it would not become me to say, - If God had only . made nie a star to shine always, then I ' would shine." Tt is my duty, if i am a fire-fly, to fly and sparkle, and sparkle and Hy. not to .shut my wings oyer myself be- cause God did net mukc, me u t.su ' a star. Hut the majority .d tw.-thti is ,s re- ,v., 1 - vs. ,i'- the womler t.ieu. end , ' - . f.-- - J , r:il,? iiisliionably drcs,.,, junior '.Hd-cl. Tim mt was consequently- witl. the md, .',!,,! No. he wa; n-.t on- ; 1 ';' ' j- , . , 7 J p.-eacher . .ea.ed in the rear of tejected. noiwiihsttmdmg the phivabty ot ly hii.lsc.f a Wonder, but under Uud the , V- P - ; ; '' j V ,c ,im,.V0(1 ,,.,, ,.f fbr , ! id'or votes tn iu lav., 1 he ...a icr wd , a h- . a tihor m w;, u paunch ,! do milv it. rettuhiting 1 he ! two. while they .jm.ih'd under the wP cat " broajd loiwaid ..ua.u. Auk , soon ..i.-o'. e.Jiei i nut oi uiu. Jn t.u. smtdin" the Mvucb- I g' fiance of his keen and penctn. die., i-i,-; t'-' rMV ""7 -t.s om-e in three per,,!, of th. matveibms ni:.,. a iitrihev . ' r.X ! 7 e7 ' V eal- tbe.rturniug to the congregation u,el lea,,! y .i,rs-. there will not be a, opportunity un- exv-t thmnt was made, as i t,i order to de-, - - : - ' ' ; f J a 1;,t!u h, (l,,)lt t ,- U. ;-.-) i.'.t- :it i-ic. nidi i!ri-ioiii i ; iir- ii: j , - i i p ..i . r . i- . i. I liiSLuI' V. JIATCOAT. i m-i o , . .. . . , - j iic luiiow:!.- bncl acct.uut .l t!i. , ....... . .ttl 1.1 l.llVl ll 11 IIIM lilL I' J I I I I . 1 Ulu.p Aslmrv. The entry was maih I-ii-luiri ui:-v he entn' wis ..-uii upon receiving i, luo. oV ii I ! V.'s .L.-ath. which took place in the .stun- h.ero!- X;Ji5. JJi,hop A,Lurv,avs: Oniny return I found a'Wor ,ia Dr. t.'haiidha-. declavini;- the death of Jlish op Vhateoat, that father in Israel, and iu laiLiiini lneii-.i lor loi-iy years a man iod ; idle his ars under the altar of the Weslevan .'..ver i . i jiuicn. i, ins leave oi me .-su i.o i av- .a:. ........ : r .- - "iiua L"!iii:irt!i-i;. i i utm'' lit. iu i it1 u :i - '"short T eha.o.ed ,.;:.. t.. t.t... 'hut only reached within a hundred am! i ,1,-rfv iodesdeatl, tn I.'.l- r... i ... w" ' - I .me. j Such were the l ie and labors of one oi (he early bishops of ihe M. E. Ciiun-h. ) Three thou-and uiles ovr all kinds of I roads and lah'ir! ! under gre:it bodily .-iit- ierings. To trave." this in one year wa- i no tnt e' 'i,,,: i. I,..t l.;.. ,.!.;...,- j .,it to amass wealth, lor. it is said he had s.-areeiy as nm-h it his death, as would 1 tiav liii fiinerai i -T.enses lii, .,h". j doubt l-ss. war- (o gldriiV ih,:. and h7sh , the work he hail uiven him to do. Ami having Jouaht tin food liuhl. no doubt he i receiyed eternal life as bis .-rent, ivwm-.l. now to l'kosriiii in i;i'sixi-;ss I ,. I... C : I . 1 1 . . ln 'iieiosi 'nace. in iuc e.o our miii-.i tr 1 accou.l!sh v.-!:.-ite.ver yon undertake: dc- . , 1 . . cide upon some " - ,z:n m j 7" ' '" ''"77' w , i ' Anead to your business ; nev-v Irtist to ; ' "K' -u " t,!,at '"' 7 ls nd worse boil-j Je iriig;.. -That which v.iilm tmake ! . -U . . , , . , , r " I . ('..', 11 l,l'l, 111 ' -"s. ii. i , . t . . -'t , i i pence, and the i.oiuius viil take care or i , ......... ...... w iii"-;-. v,';iii'.' s.te 'i'o :i!T i ,,,,, iii v.ii, hi-.ic c.irn d ai.il to kl.t. by eoarie.-y. (.biod m; .i.ii-i ! sr. re saece Ni v , : a: y-dher! x,v, a:;:i.-i":de weahh !r m i-oeriic tlC!!! hiiit iahor. especially m vi r -la-.-e 1 deoeii deuce tij.oii beci uning toe pe- si ; of an inheritance. " lie who waits for , etii.1 men il..,eS s. may have to a ioag . -lie who runs ai'ier ;i ll'lll. M:i a. v.-. iitiiu a we;ir:.-"ii!i' nice. ill i Above all thiims. never d( p;a Cod ! i i i is where tie was. I , truly trust in hint." e hell..- those w!ii v, 1." : i -n.o u . t e ; ' . I:::,!,. a.- a fa..-, ft ' i I . aii tiii,a iUe . h " 'a. o.,.i-ii!.i''i i.C lmmr.il n.r ur-. y leu.l in iiiii.H we think lie ai't liliroaelied a: i- ,:-..- to iviii'i-.iii:, as any imavmti.! i j -. wti io if .jurv. liis crciuion. to no iti- i.i . iieierm lie ' . 1 i ones .'i . 1 IT. ' "b . . . .....i :,,.,:,, .1, " .,, i . ... , st n,,. , a . , ,-,f ' . - . ... the lirst iilace in in al ly ail the j,:;.,,, ,vaik.. ..f human -rcitne.-.s", all ' i.,' -p.., ; ,, 1 !te b-iv 'hat retaaimd. 1?v ..,. j,,. v:l4 j......t logician, an or.i- . tor. tine, a con-uniiiiaie man el iiu-:no--; in ;!iil.)S-.phy ma! secular learning he was a master; he was e.j iiailv ad tpted eiehme on the i-xi-h::ii...i . on iiie judgment-.-.-::!. .11 th- -ho-:-'-, .to.: .o i I::' aeiia o, .-late. e.-:er: wit b ..it ' no-li-i: v t. v, inch ry !:::m:.n i.a.ure -u -tie- i; ...i.elKi. i..,.l. .'.roilgl, a period which con.- I picbeud- lie- v.iioie -jian ot two genera- , . ; e ,i... ,.i.,.. ;,,..,.!.: :ii;, - . . ..v . ..t ...v. ........... ... ...... .-rn '.'.m.: pre e:.: ....ntcli a u.an. too 1ns- . r ...... I -. ... .a. ...... i.. e-1 1 . :,i,i ii.iii' ,-. 'in ,, ITI; 1':, lll'll, lO Wl, ! eered the instrument of -iyimr moral and j "ni""1 ,H '"n- re!i',;us itnmdse to the human race, in '- wnere hnst vtrs not mimed, -ho ! the'd :v ,.f hi,, fes!i ho sc rved Co-1 witl. a that iron, derusal.-m. am. roum. about mi ps apoben, ! devoliou and a consecration to which there j to IHyncum. he mid i'.Hy preached tne 7U. ihavebeeoiewmrallek; ami now the his- j gospel oil. hnst. One new i.h'ce t hat he ',; .7., to,y of the church in his case illustrates i y.s.ted was very wicked : .Stooath-brcak-the-.-:-dure. -Them that honor melwill j d,":,lk,, U-' honor." (7i .'-.' o'. Wifw vs. " Th' fi i'IA'1 r. RllPf I.SIlll. Luther siivs: --Once upou a time the devil came to me and said, X'artin Lu - Iher, you are a treat sinner, and you will be damned 1' ' Stop ! stop " said I, 'one thinu- at a time; I am a great sinner it is true, though you have no ritrht to tell me of it. I confess it; what next ? :There- fore you will 'be damned V That is not good reasoning. It is true I am a great sinner, but it is written, 'Jesus Christ came to save sinuers,' therefore 1 shall be -avc, I. Now tro vour wav. So 1 t ut the : devil oil with his own sword, and he went ; away mourning because he could not cast ; me down by calling me a sinner." if all tuo s'm.- whicli me., hove done, In thi.ught .r wil'., in r.l r Jecl, ; ?;acc wi.rl.ls wcr,- imvlo .r time '.cu-;,! , y,-,.r.. lai.l ..,n ..no , r dimrr's lina.l, Tbu sm-niu itlMc-us' j.r.s-iaos i.t.....l !..-uU. -a.-Ji awy iii'ul l-.a-i." lid I, SOl'TI I-ltfcs T. m:n.ix. j-:,,,,,,,. a:.u.s axl:.' ;V JJIsmU' M(.;;i;;s. la JM.M, the V.'e.-tern Cmiiereiue wa: 1 oeMeni i oimreiice was "-d by a c!a,s of i. some .wll'mi '"i1"" very dism.puish.nl 3Ietl- b,t preachers; then wee S.-n.m- I Vker. VVt.r (lartwri- hr. ,,1 J:in,J Axlev. With the l.-.st. .eo..,l I joyed but one week's personal acquaint ance, but. that left on my memory an in- delldde impression of his person and char- Lon.-r as f had been crossing the i.aib of tiiat. notable man. and much as 1 bad heard of him among the pcople.lny first sighi; oi him was not obtained tdl the a-i- tume of 1X:J7. That year the liojon !..... i . . -it ... Conlercntx- met at JIadisonvillo. east.-rn ,.''K' - 1V1'"::PS Eve lee, eig'it hitih; i'ol con, ulent. but very I,r,,,l !(.vl ' i e - " coliiOil. V half, formed tor sir...... tl, liis . . . 1 step n: - liiin. Ins hp.,. .,s .,;:ir ', com - j -h xio.i u;irk. eve-hrow.s lieiivv. ai.nearauce rug-ed; dressed in the costume of our la - tilers wi.h strai-hr-breasted .,! and .... broad-briiumed ha! prejeetiug oyer a se- i late comitemiu.'e. Il:s vri.le- ; rea 1 fame as a natural genius without any early edu c.'.llon. auu e.-jieeiaiiy th,; nunierons inci dents 1 had hoard of him a-, a csicru pi- ! i.acer, ha 1 e-:eiii-d in me a gicaicr de-ire I for he: iiersomii m intnu.... fh-.n fl,., ..ei fiiv i, lii.i- !ivi,r ,,' 1 I ,l '.. eel.t .l.ie.i'i i:iie...,. '11... M ..C I.:., I name falling on my ear invuluntai ily quick':' .... .. ii. -.in . i.uii mi, it e.c .-.ooil loeilli'r. d h lid receive ! his when ll,e f..i! -,! tatioas wen- o.ehanuc.l : ' II 'v are y.iii. Jireiher Axlcy? ' i,o are voii ' - .Mv mane is Thomas ,. .Morris." Then surveyj.jg me frem head to font. u. replied. Cp.,n mv word I think they . Wt.rc hard pushed ior Eisho-t-timbcr when : i,,.y ..ot hold .if v.ei " , U1"'! 111 .-That is ju-t what I thought myseli; lljruiher Axlev." " Why. you look tooyogfwra Kislio,,." " A" ." old enou-l, to kuW J,10!0 (1" '''-r." Turning back with lae, ve walked to 'ttr lo'lging. both bcin- oiiartered at the pla,.(, KVOry hour that we could j ri" t'cill 1 rout ( , .M ii.n.iii e mii.1 ..(.i,,,..tl I.nt. i,,.- ,.!;,-,....,.) l ,. i,: ,i.:i i-..,-. .,.. I,,,.,, llt V 11 . - ' , (l.i IUU t 111 ,1- hng narratives ot Jus early travels, labors , , ,.,,.! ,i;i,;..i..;.... f i ... .i... aned to the dor in which, facts transpire I. This be did lei.-ti'-ely am! wiill jeii'ctt .-elf-possi'S-si..n. hiii s'l'med (he who! i with such apt remarks i:,.: eoh.-ttimnato good litu that the a; .euiioii of tiie company never lal tered. Never was I better c.itert-iiiieii or more insii-ucl e.l with t he co:, er-a! ion oi' , .. e . ... 1 .!.. .. il.i . :i ic'iov.- oj-iurm r in ..ne iii't-ii uitiu in..-. '" it Was ibeideedy lu ll. x' never heard lb-other As ley preach : I hu!. accortiing to popular iiime. his pu!j U pe-fu manes were practical, forcible, and , ieit a le ii ami abid ng imi.rc-.-iou on lite miiltiiudes lhat ihionged toge.bcr (o beiir ai , him. To this day v.v occasionally hear a!- el lesion made to a sermon be Mvai iiid ill it v of Caliimore. ilurtlej- the (Ielier.il ('oui.'ivuee of iMbh oi he was a meiiiiier. it must have i,ci-. ,-i poienisei- ni ei io lie remember, d .i o,seuei:y i.r j ih.- liit-.-.l e a eeuiu.y. i hay e le. aid Very j , -. en ttt ae'i i. i; to puip.i porio: eiaiices in ditt'ereiit ptirls !' the v.e-iern coiiulry. ..I .... i... 1. ..I . ., t..,l t.. ni...' ti,ii-iist as ' " " . ' '" ' , I i : f.-.-.vi liio' m-e.ie'ier. more 1 ait! en la r! V III Kent ' e' V and 'I ei:ne-.-i . l-hiii-' c lice eil. i'l Wtli: il oei ii-lelied (he inn h'L. ' and (.1 ained th" .treat. -si not.ii i ty. wi tiie oia' said, ti have iie.'ii made 111 bis ; ow II ae Mini oi i -1 -1 1 1 1 , , - .lie i .......... i ' s, iln'.n. ' v , i i ..i ... - e . :' . " ' boii-.li t.ol so oes.gned by any prean- e-i'mut. It Vhotlh! he known that K 'ie.mcs-ee 111 thote .lays was regal-..- d as a itretc country for itrodiicnig ln-acii- K b,.e: !v. ai'd for tl free lis.: of il t f.Eo lhat . . New 1 ;- h .111 lib"! I'M e mil'iii'- ' !- e:dl. I S.-histnalies. an ! that .church member-- who reu-h-red the!.: -el". -- liable to a .'ii-c",!i .. trv oi- I'oi ess. wo add o-e.l dona!- I .. ..ver io teem a- a ' dy ot r....ugc. '. !' -..ii. ils ' -i'-i:.i:-. W i t' ;!:;.- pivi;miuary. ' lo - ' " ' a !: , i , o!,i ! lie se; moll. r n.;!ii'. ' " a der that my autl.o-.-ity is imi l.ersomil ..I Ie!,iv!i-i!-i'. hut. t.ie vernal sitoi i.ieni. oi a '"'" -srr-ci...i. - '-'- Jo', .i,. ... - ' ; ' suo.-r:iia!iv a ; I hc-iiv! it : . ,...,.....rstiiitli - - - - ; '1 , i,:, 'let II a: III moii i; t ii . t fit, J.' ... ........... ... imj-. swearinct- e,c, iinouinieo ; imi me word of the Lord took effect : there was a ! powei i'ui stir in, long the people, and many precious souls were converted. Among ; the subjects of that work there was a cer- ! tain noted character. Alexander by name, and a siill-maker by trade ; also, one ily- liieiie is. who was hi.; partner in tiie busi ness; Paul formed, a new society; and itpitoinlud Brother Ak-x.i.itler clas. -leti'ier. There w;is a g-.-itot change in the place : the people left oil' their drinking, swearing, fi--lit . ii ir. lior-e-raeiiiLf. diincintr, and all their wicked practices. The stills were worked up into bells and stew-kettles, and thus applied to Useful purposes. The set- tlement v.as, orderly, the meetings were prosperous, ar.d thintrs went well among them for some time. Jhit one year tiny had a iileasant sor'ng; there v.'a- no laic i'rost, and the pencil crop hit exactly. I do not. -:upi use. my brethren, that Mich a croo of reaches was ever known before. The old i'oiks a:-; ail they could eat. the c'nildivii at-: a.l they cuiiid eat, and the T K It M S : TWO JiM!.l,AKS A iiJAii. IN ADVANCE. l.-ieis j.u -1 rv. ! all t!,.'y -ul-l pro-VHc, hud s.: i II th" liiu' s oftlie tree- were be i 1 iiiir an. I 1 n akinir. 'u Sunday, when (lie breihrcu 1 u t i e , , . : ' round ontsa.o ' T ZT . ;V 1 ,' , V; , '" '"TT"-' T '!! ' ' ; ..... U H ,n l,.y I P'''!'' ' oii '.ai 1 to another, J'rothcr. how ih t!u; lu-aeh enm villi you this year V ,' said he. 'ymi never saw the Ilk : they are rotting on the oround under ih- T5. T '1""'t k"""' wil:lf '," wi:'! i tie I J,"w 'ou M " ,tl,K ''" ' ' "! ! T'evich.-s will go to wa-te. le:.. I I !'"; !','a,;,, Wl11 kcl'l' a'"1 il v. ry K 1 I II! ii tf :i i it on t'Ciufi n....l f.. ov 1 ! 'l'1''" In next t i hing heard o-i the s,;J,j,. Was lain.menii .mii the claI. ad-r .,.;.; .... i n . i ... i . .... i . . .:n ( I " Mills lll.'M ry I.IMll.. r . i,.i ...ii i : .-nils in i n oi iii i.i r h ot ii- i '., ll. -a...., it... . ...I . . I I I . "'' 1 u" "T"" 1 '" a ! " "":' ,, j ' V ?" ' ,"" ,"",:I"-r '"' ' ' I as "-ought t. vmi 1, the icm.il. ! 7" ' " J'' "'' ; I think ii 's pretty rood.' I a- gik--t. a!i"- las, once, we- ur, I '''p at, v. lieu smai-kiiig hi , lips be v.i.a 1 i l 1 ' w Weil, its tolerable; hut I wi-h m u ml 1 come iin-r and ta.-te inine. I i!i".ii' ' lito.' is a little let!( r. tliey - ,ed and la-;ed. l! ii in ip '. i 'j!'"1" 'r"'t ,!m"k- 1 1 ''ou'iku av'i.,.1 rcc -quarter.-. 1 I'CII tile erv devd :ii t:iie, ,i',i ... - i 11 ' "" 1 society all in mi tl'. 1 ran! was m iii l.,r t t com.: and .- ! tllje dillieillty. At iirst it wa; difTieuh In fin.) s.,',er. di-. Ultel-esfed ones cMoii-di to try the "I'ipv but final, v he '.rot his coinuiitl.e I ii..i-a aii I the tir.-t one he brought ti :u o, - Alexander, who pleaded lint j.-uili. declared lhat he had not lieled. ln.u"r 'i(, 1 or distilled a drop nf brandy . ' Hut.' paid Paul. you made ihe stills. otherwise (here would have been no lion, r le. and if no liquor, no one could l,.i.; u intoxicated." Ho they expelled him first, then ne is next, till the society was reii. ! ,-d! t ill-makers, distillers, drauisellem and lrini-driiiki'l'S, and puce ias uin-e lie re re tored. J tin! says ; ; Hoi ling f.ii.h a.,,! a g . i l con,. u ; ich some having pet away, coto'ern'l'g I.i coiir e ,"iy iti iV i .1 iuc I.e. la. . :.u . ii.'il the Si hi.a.naliei. N ow. in view of I he 'cti!i.ir Mruc' iiiv i .tlier A.yl. y's mind, his eh:ir:.t-, ris'i nis of thought ami cxpri .-sinn. they v it re lust acquainted wi h bit.', udl I -t likely to admit thai 1 he abm oiitli.. v be Mi'o-t iitlitilly oi-,cet. I v:i.::i i.is to have learned more item- of lb lory of lhat good in. in. bin :d m , in--.! it to lb.lst. n t'oiil'eience. in H pi. h , I lae oni v .hi liioiirul ul .h .isiiii , ;A i : hi- gr..ve, in ti rural icliielcy. hi,., 'i that time was wilhoiil ius ripl c ,i or . i:- ure. "he ibllowitig was rela'.-d to i, :d. . ' rly ye:rs ago. by the Ilev. .I. h'i'..l- . wl nn hi i le in ie i.fhis Mr. A j W i.i. i de-e tntin j- upon (ott!'orii.:'y I t tl rid aniomj- Christ i-m-j. part :.-':':ii 'y ii h billable ib. and loancers. 'I ,t n.i ' ph as ::,id , e-i s u-ual!-, uji hi ':,'!' of tl.e.-e,lei!l-tlllis I'll I'l ihe imn! way. he I !d a .--,rl of .-..!!.. at ihe dier end of the cole I. ' M V'bi e a .o-cd pleas ami excuses lie , n'.!: i1" ltii.i'1' oi' hi- lit. ni oi' slra'.v. i.i nlt. l. 1 io ; ih.-i, :i- -u mi o- ir,- lae uul ..:u-, lie "I 'i' Ml "I W.'"ll 1 reply and d -meli.-h the :i l a. .ii el t.t ....... ".,'" " " Afier thus di-eu a-intr the subi, , i soine lime, ine opponem. w. I ,a t J ill , sir. some of your 'l.-tii i.ti , . , t i , : .l eilell.il-.- I !lelU-cl l s I I ess III I , eiolla- j ., ; ,i. ie -j vie. ami in air and manner . t th -. ud.'" (1 no. me ii'.-nd. .'bat .-:uni. t 1 -. e!- - , . ,j;st vr,.:,;.i.r kimw their ( d l i r b. t- ' hcV are men o more : ce- tlc.i thai, i.itil w..ii!d not i-iooi, so low a- lo di lia.-e I !u'lll-l !vr: ail'ilhc sacred oihee I 1,1 .' T.i ,.i j ... ",,.,.1. ;... i-.. ,v i:cl...i. aider. i ... WMl. ir. if you went lake ley W ,1 i fur it. look tit those preacher- in the t.id' it i ........ ,, 1 1 ' '"" i i Mr. Axlev. turnintf immediate: v r-.uml , , . , le-k, wit !i his arm extend".!, and Id.- i-c .is if fixed on ihe aj.olog-i.-i a' ihi fbnlitr end of the church, he s iid, in :. ?ob'lm.l tone, yet distinctly enoii.di to l e I. ;, rd l y all present : If y.'i p!ea..e, . ir, we'll dr p tie ;-.ib-jeet." N aav! i'l. WA;;it; i'J'he Pal in'on; Clipper relates :h cmi--rcn.-e which took place in that idt . a w ck or two a tro, which f tin only be loo! el cpoii as an instance of Hivinc rebuke f r tvking the name of ihe Almighty in ifi.-nt : n of a tttlsebood. It ars that a f, w day. siime the uunt of a young girl ;.bu,u cigh teen y. ars ol age aceu-ed her of hav.ng bieti guilty of some n,i-( t.ndilct, which cl,e i,o-itive'y ileid' -' ,tel oil beiic :i - :i I it ne- clised. she called upon God to o le ht t i blind if idicwus not telling the truth. In a mom. :,. after, according to her own , statement, a film named to puss biloiv bci I ev. -. ami in five minutes she was f t.-'h i . blind, and hnu continued sight!.--- i-vcr since. Jl'he afflicted victim of he.- fmn impiety cunfes.-ed that i-he had cnl!, d up on her Maker to ju-tify h r in wlo.t was a , fa!-dieod. Afay tlds not be cm-id, ted a i i ti i ri'.h: instance of Itivino wmih, am. may not the tLotightk-. take wui'iiiii ; .' t

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