If 4 -1 i Published by a Joint Slock Company under the Patronage of (lie North Carolina Conference Wdl E. Pell, Editor. VI. J 34. RALEIGH, K C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1803. 3 T l K MS : THREE LOLL A L. ', YKAli, I ADVANC n CA 1 1? r ui ovate i;':!!thiu-Comani . l-'Alti. rnvsior.xr. .v. V. ; e . . ' . . ii. Ci MN,;ci'', o. a. J. 1.;nt, ami Zoo II. '"j." i. ! -t' 1 per square til'd. p.l. vl . :M V t!i eigniy of fates ol il; vine sDVtTcip-iil r i inl:itit lhi.-. but . dgnty that exclud instinct of nature, taiued thai this so-. The n th 1 1 !". it'll. ;n; iiiferti; ! .VI cuius Rev. ini!l in:' sur hgvti .:. 4 .v huuitime; of moii to do rh od mind: I'-t. 1- i "onsrioti:mc.k:.-f to sover : athrmed by the advo we controvert, that i ituitivc, instinctive. "We !"te sovereignty, a .on-er-contingency; i.; not an f'or indeed, it is main rcigviiy, with, Kit contin by the present-aiicn of '"c.niti.-t be in tin- know to g .oil. While a "Ulplod iu eOUSche.I VlMeVS ' i (led, the nalere. of oii- vl, is not luu.i 1 ja ili It u:av 1)! intuit iw iu -.-.. ! at riirlit is. n b a (0 r i ot i n ;t I . in r i;,.e '- v I Man Frer. on tlu .Kit have iVPenrcv MiSt u ' i i. el men: at acu- i i merit no other atten- 'til- .T.,1 tial ninl oj'cr.ttiv in minus that a ami the majo:v.v ot men live ar.y eonvi-t vi . voi'its oritur i v.ktme: that ,. .1 . . 4 1. - 1 f i" r -v.i 10 iiu ct ;i:ii!! oi ecmtingetiev. evitabiv leals to a di.-inensation in ou iliot ..:n .... .1' ' i f . i a;tc ;iu i,: L'.iv'Hil. Tfii" l no nv u :is!:U. TYo n-vinre is often i;!-!ofineJ. owlee Go J to he supreme f 'I4'l lll'l- ...i:l. tllV 'tit, U ilit' JUL . It' v e persist n r re eenU-olle.il h- irofivi it in :i;t v, -rke Vagaries oflhc Science of Josic." Mi:. Ejhtot? : Thy above title is pari of the caption of an article I'nblishedin vour issue of the i;)ih imt., and AvriUeu by " A Uook Vrurin.-' It is somewhat, surprising that any one who n -sium s ;uieh. a ei'araeu.'r, or who professes o be in any degree, conversant with the ele mentary principles. ofL -'ie, could have .crave ly declared a s he has, that " the irenernl and Ihoau-htftil reader of boohs, soon becomes as tonished at the wild vagaries ol'tiiai, science, antl is saiislicd of i;s utter we: thlessne:;s as an ins: ruineiit of knowledge or the diseoveey ef irnth." "The general and thou-htful rea der " i.:ay poibly lo "a. t nuad'' at what may bo catir iv "satisfied lessuess as ae. instrument . a- A 1.'J 1 . I . t . ! iniui.; nut' no $niticitt (' J" wiu ocas much awid at his ahni.i Invent, .-a? -will be "( s ',,n ixtcd" at his strange hut total mis apprehension of the ocopo and de ;ign of the VI I.O(Cl' 1 liA in.,",. V.l.'llrtl,..i!.! of its 'alter worth- i ,i;,...,.r v,r t!,e discover i ... i iriv not i.-'t- ! v ir.oef men ,n t j 1 t i nose real or mn v j us as i-siuietiv. ,y reeognu :u.s ui tne mat, i;a t . ( t is is uuished a stive i - ui me mat, iiai iuu:rs i :ir; alene r.cL .v-sary fo,- our bodily protection) o,.r i-A-.ini nive avi eoi-v-.unie'iiive powers i3 could have no cor- au i c-iiiiTs. out a. is Logic is no more responsible lor supnuitd va:u-.cs w'-ie'i vour mistaken, though ingenious eoxaespoialent Iiasihaiaed to its 'lenelungs." the n is astron umv, ha- :he wild vagaries of ioderu Astrol og.si.i ; than is chemistry, for the absurdities of the an. i.-rl Alchcmisls : than hs throlo -. Advo tetwo packages of 20 copies each, one ac.drccseu to my cater and cue to the care of Lt. Norman. They have been regularly received since you commenced sending themy and a; e must eagerly called for and read by the scdiers. . We cannot separate, the differ ent agencies employed, and say that this- cr that j articular one produced the result, hut I have ay doubt, the religion. weeklies 1 have been circulating, has contributed largely to the -ery gracious revival with which we have been ' ''-.:!. 1 for aume time past. The friouds -who a hi -in sending the Advocate to the sol diers do a good work, and wo earnestly hope ' your su; script ion list will be swelled to such propo-tions as to burdsh all apprehensions ;'.,-' "V ;'U ': or 1 ''':'! 1 ! ) I i I I 1 1 ill 1 of the vapor. The pre-- nt active operations of the araif interfere .somewhat with, the relig ious serv cs, yet there is much interest man ifested n every service I hold, and pevitnt soldiers are still enquiring the way of lifo. I'rav foi nr. Willi many thanks for the Advocate, I am dear brother, Yours in Christ, F. Mii.tox Kexxedy. Chaplain l8th X. 0. Kegt. In What do You Trust ? Header, in what do you trust for the -1 TiiV SOUTH V. : HVVAYiC PI IAS FA MIL T 2f i.DICINF. pariloa of your sins, and the salvation of ; fV i-Z rc;-:bi:;ATTw:,' Oi" .VKDICIN'tJ.-j your soul? I suppose you trust in sumo- ' 5r?t VrC : .,oJ V "'f 'l ,:,"' " thing. lou are not a heathen. ioulive ; tinguUhcd i.Iiy.ii' iaus ia .. -i h s in an ad- in a Christi ui land, liuvr, iu what do j i ced sta-u of tie- .?.: i.a...ii a. II.-i!cn U-n JJo 3'ou Uo'.l. ve' ::ntv a. d i lie iiil.de : 1. as coa-isteat wita An. 1 that the testiun- reeuve J-elnlion i our minds. The rich man no v a.; ne ianatics led to i place of torment, and could nor rer- 'lve any "rood from i.ii' tittveioiv tne nature oi Cod over man as revealed ct be f mt" ral . ei" 1 ivi ".stetit v.-'.th was eon impart no evil across the imi-a.-ss.lde gulf. An essential pun of obligation is to be free. Freedom in yolvei e nitingenr ' To say man is free and governed to the pr olusion of eontingom-v, is eeiuvaloai to f:iv:;)j-, man is killed freedom, ;e nature or the adr.pt- liviiiLr dead. aa rc or iiy a happy law, a Continued repetition of srood or evil acts terminates o:ir i , - .i -i -ii . ' pro ...a lion, when gr.u-e is withdrawn tiaai tl e. -O.'e t, iuu te.- m i-"t. arose i be i nii and .v'r.ite God : a . :"h cn'ingen-revt-al himself U illicit V, lO u an temj-tation A. i ;.s i . i U' a e " ' 'eaeciva' a run ' .ueg iiU . ovii or ; 1 a : eddy directed t rnive'aih a : ia.it 1. execpl from the iden tb that cr - Vr isia t rdvso bitc". in the Bible and mcorria-'l- irem tne nguK or..-,, aiu! contingent v :s das trOVctl. taU MOli-iiri'ihi-.-ii nn'micv me devil in he'!, or : les'!'-( 1 . ' 1 fbe r.'fiiiMi r.f" film eiaei- to evi!. lut :rl5 in heaven. -s re ants Cf.'U- U: Mi O nee fciiv I can 't Ci L i T 'lC ". a- : oii : ' i-Vh.' : " ''ury. Hed by prOj'oa- i a use e 1 la 5 n!al c ouuigent iiti-ol bv anv tir one to gao l or fo-.'e. -.l tu c-ot reiern . g-"d. ci "-n a : rs to U: : : ,- Oi i. a ou 11 h. ere it ;- .that idc him i-.g severe- e felt iu 1 r:-::ia heave esr r t ! a i: iu- ossibb ?-ul l Iv r. 1 we arc ; the oijc to demand an aa ace, and for th ? o'ui t i te:utations and evil ill deny the tendener '; mora! couiin.iaio:i p'ation are with drswn. nu.htVJ. The r-rinciia.? Mpir.iual laiani. in er.aaung v ilsfroy much of the pain of with tro'-d or evil dispos.ita.'.nii first struggles f r spiriuial Jife, Frovi-! eas that jirostiuitas the ut, iax in a state ot tra n ;:-.a' ; to'b.fn ' race i rewrut tne :.-os the roi: ra.-i a.ii iitli'--. for the hallucinations "of tai no mare res; nsible, in fact, 1-r such voga r.es, thai fo.- the egregieas blander of "A ih'ok V"ori l,, hiaisclf, . in I t inging such an unwarrantable charge against it." Hut wSiib the student is amused at the in nocent blunders of a " genera! and thought ful rcadny" in attributing wild vagaries to this science, which are w. :1 hn.er.-n to have onginatcu in other and ery a; herent ?ou rees: io must be astonished to iiial "A Book Worm" coming up from the vaults of errors loagsiace baried, and reauiri -,b:g the inane a:rJ explod I absurdity, ihn,t tin? a vie nee is ''worthless as an instrument of 1 p. ".led re, or the disc very of truth." Wh o denies that ? No logician certainly. , But it were just as well, and as much to'ihc purpose, had'he de clared that it is worthless is an instrument for dancing jig, or '!aying huti-pipcs. Every tyro m logic knows, or ought to know, that its ofknowl- i tor with such d: -eoveiv.es it to do. Jt? raiinciu'iJ.iec Gist N. C. Troops. aTiieis from Wilmiiu ops, igton, X. C, tine T2d iyJ3. J proies-ea o ject is, not the discover edge or Iruui for with suel avowedly h- s nothing v."ha1ev;: r province h ihe conduct of l.e proems, (v erthe wholo of this (h'rartmcnt, th s 1 roper .'gulatio-.i of v-liicli con.-titu .i. Oi-."ecL nece s.iret to ia;nu: eontii' ?3ncv is the result o .civ a '.'- ioe-ee. to no- is ao ' oatiu d tit, 4 t . ith- and .i-. u he ob-ect. it m-'st. oi aeco-suv reign supreme ; since the validly rf any con ceivable ob eetioii tc either its " anile ' y or utihty i'i tLis. its n rurorrial-e .sphere, mu-.t be Ei.d. Wr. E. Pell : Dear Jh-o. In behalf of bur Regt. al low me to thank yen for thirty copies of the Ad-. ovate, received yesterday. Many of our men rejoiced at meeting with it, as if they l ad met a long absent ami dear friend. On gratitude is also due to thos" who ena bled you to scud the paper iree 61 charge. "Jku-irs fraternally, W. B. JoxE j. yen trust ? tru-t in sacranintt:; and oi ninan- Tliey cannot supply you with foi- ivencss, ho. -.ever diligently you may.uso ihern. . Uy sacraments, faith is confirmed and grace h inciia3cd, in ali who ria,htly use them. 13 ut they cannot ju.stify the sinner. They eannot put away tran.sgros iv. You r ay go tj church regularly, and yet never go to heaven. Yon may go to the Lord's table every Sanu iy in your life, but unless you look far K croud the sign to tho-thing signified, you wiil af ter all die ir. your sins. Will you trust in your 6wn works ami 7 1 !i 1 :1 pp"titvm t n ilia.. f CT. .-. ln. deed?, your prayers and your alms 7 Ihey 'vT,,nf mil aAiaeumatim, rictirLr,ruom- ;ntranc? into uia, Varicose Veiu.--, l'ili, and Wit us. TVvf CTp-jriuicuts 0.1 ...ai.l, , r in .uv tifl'i rd ! uiacorcTcd the rmaoilv wr ai;l.t a i-e;f i I cnr-.i "ii I. ha. JIc iv;is g'u, 'j i e ' - - iu tbi rceubir ; dLcli re of lh ilutit s of .i Cr.r'ati m inii.v' r i iar tlum tiiiny year, nr.d J-jiu;; iew jver j sevymy years of ao rtUl.'u. rr. (.cchcnl '...- 4 tut ion. Fr ypiTa ihcH r4i.:r. Wi-i- aii !rf,',':t LcJ'"rc tlio fiil.li.-, L'cfiiu.-'.. i.'i" r-.rr-r v4 j iieith. r a regular phy, i;;.ii i- j .jum-J,-, ar l .t i i.ot sur tha. wiu.t liad 't:y.r a . 'al f hi:i v .'.ea benefit ot'ier. jJai l,o f.iu ; .-so : i i4 . , , and lias bad the pb'ur.; uf Li.nwiV; that '.- ,rrl ,.J ine hun-irr-i re.K i.1.-, ... lia 1.4 W U, Lave been cured ti'wai. The demand becawua so rn'at Uijo ho ira.i oo.n tcu d to ficdl them, and ni -,l!.'uj i uw ore s-. I f.:tly that lie U obliged to iu, thc-.j al tlieir fres-ent jTieo.0. He rcconuncuds them psgood fr PisrA i: CF the LITER. But ho Las letter., f.-oui ti most rosjectnbiO ieoplo :n Nvrth Canona cd Vir- Stlutijffus. will nercr buy for you an cnt heaven. They will never pay you; debt to God. They are all imperfect in them selves, and only increase your g idt. When ye have done allr thosa things which are commanded yoxi," says the Lord Jesus," ?ayy We are unprofitable servants." Luke IT : 10. Will you trust in your own repentance and amendment? "You are very sorry fcr the past. You hope to be bettor for time to come. You hope God will be Eicrciful." Ala?, if you lean on th:s, you have nothing beneath you but a broken reed. The judge docs not pardon the thief because he is sorry lor what he did. lo are ?o afe tit a t tlicy inny b adu. mistered til proper io.- t oven ; .mug childrtn. Sevcril physician ia guo ! tta ling rc anl rsecir.incnd ILem. These pilld, without puu?n", !;" ei prine. upon thij public tLat iae i i.i'.:tc b.-s received erders for More than 3TO0 Bc . iu one day. Tie lias found it di.T.cnIt to iupply the demand, but it-ccuds to try t.v ' as as- he can obia'n tlt laaterial;-, a" i. haring jiut secured a tupp'y f crer'dnt t,.t iiciiu from Europe he car: luif 511 order?. H;d vofollow iDg: I-iver Disease. - Hcv. John W. Totter, Snow Y C, (Janu ary 5, 1863.) sjs : " For tnelvo yorj I wad a jrrcat snflerer. My liver rw dis. .'al. I lo,.-t i!i3r Cesh and strerih, and lay a,Aa ffocnied The Last Enciuy. IicAi'fiR, there is a subject which ii cq eomco every one to think about. That subject is death. It is not a pleasant sub-je-3t. It ii one that people are sadly apt to shrink fiom coiioklering. Let us not do c;- Ijct us fairly looL the last enemy day's .'orrow xnll not wipe oh the grore of ' cnanKca 10 lts coitr W "e w atcn my . 1 ' system was overcharged. I beerum rubject t yesterday S Sin.S. ' frequent and vhd.uit "atlaekg of bilious cholic, Header, YOU must put VOtir whole trust .. every attack lenviustinc weaker thm its rredt- in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the atone ment he made for sinners on the cross. In him is pardon. Out of him there is none.' liemcmbcr this. It is the very j pith and marrow of Bible religion. IrJT YOUR WHOLE TRUST IN THE LORD I confidenca in them. Th-y noted liko i cUrm n I." . . L I a . J T 1 cefbor. Ilie T'l-vsieians nail been able to rmcli inc up a liitle, but my health was in u deplorable state. I had taken patent ined:ncs nritil I was tired of them. Without energy r comfort,' I was barely ablo to go abnut a liuie. At length I yielded to the earnest pcrruaiinr.- of a, rriend and commenced taking the Jlpnii- l'iilt, Tiilh IU id fac si o - 5sicd that unless are 7.--.'.u;elv al! mhi.l and matter, a .-on lid once in the safety of r or reputation. This is an i -it . i-sav oriO.nsTin ot 1 in oat oi ; ill tl i i-ii to in. l i v uuaa ana mut- . ; 1 1 i C - - ui to aaar mind A ::uu ihr: exciuo-"- ..,- cv I to tlio j'owcr iu l.iati that can aei o c-r. Co-it- igency is destroyed only bv a with- --"I , i."-! t-vil ln. ...1 -,. man from without ; 1 lie clement in man's will that consohites to th i external good and evil, must remain the same forever or he ceases to be what he is. A sophist ;er.l use of terms, dependent and iudjpcadcr.t. is a ether means of sittsinip" ;et " its manilestlv be sail tesis d to f imate : rea-'Oin-.bly a fact which would .1 r'.y:)v. 1 -.ii.. . of 1 nis Oi'c, A . this unteug, (Jar relation.-; to moral and : -re very dillerent. Man, as an l"t rv-uiing eaus'"', is the anther We cava c -aeeh 0 of no nie tha e-;crted energy and its f Tl.e so'-l and its acts lo .tj al. 'i hv are of the same di v ad-ni: (I' no .separation iu ill i. S C'Oi: 7.V " 1 OS1 thev a .-.! a then, being ihe leiri tha seia'-u.-" cannot 1 Tl- .... I , .! co oeeause n its "worth less" ess as an instru- deed, it can be rationally shown that an in strument cannot be valuable fc-E any urpose, because it is, fcrsooth, forlhhsm f or some par ticular puri03C a posit in, "which I presume, a general and thoughtful reader of books," v. Ill not undertake to maintain; since by main- JESUS ClI'ilST. 1 l-o lOcrp t nor osed to produc ,U o,l '1 to C L i . iu. l w it 'J 1 a e cv- --,!a acts a net you complete I'D v-siual morals. Our a'd bo the same in a jvvrard V civ.' rehit'on to or mind and mittcr he- s i eces.arily a point uf i ot sp" ritual and matcri--s witi. .an r fleeting la lions. AH iajury sus- .-omnuuiueatad und re- a.- i means ; by words, versonnily cr through coaiaianieatioa are Ihe a a nii'Iien. The power - i sign is not increased ,i -.'s. A suspension of the voluntary muscles h irinless, an d our minds di removes our euomie 1hyical change. lat it is i T 1 1 i . j 1 i eo?npaij.ae, wuitii is noi uue. it is sa ; ; laat, God's o -a igaty is taught by our depen dence, wh; 'h tree A ossiliy hi all respects Tej. ting car reave relation"?. Ian is de pcvl.Vi rue: iiit1-.-: " dent: dependent 'C-r the pow era of moral bvhrT ludcpe-ndeai ii I heir aecioa. Th fan., or, iu the Latin ft bio, res- t to tKe -iner, anl calh-d s ii . taming it, lie won1! be corapc-lled toadi tnat no science whatever, as lif iag of any value. Il is nor. io v. .-iidered Wor.ii," v,I' entertains in reaavd t. the science of" h ad 1 bo regarded Death is a ?o7emn event to all. It is the winding up of all earthly plansand expec tation. It io a separation from all we have Icve-i and live with.. It is often acccmpa niod by much bodily pain and distress. It brtnss us to the grave, the worm, and corr -lotion. It epena the door to judg- It is event after which there is no change, I P.Uvis's a Relisicn lor all Weathers.' There is a fishing village on the coast of Cornwall, where the. people at? very poor, but pious and intelligent. Oi e year they were sorely tried. The winds were contrary, and for nearly a month they could uot put to sea. At last, on" Sab-K-alx Tvn:i-!i;n-'. the wind chauurcd. and some of the men whose iiiith was weak 1 or soace for repentance. Other mii-tabes went out towards the leach, the women may be corrected or retrieved, but not a mistike on our death-beds. As the tree falls," there it must lie. hi tr.c cnatil No new birt! convert iou si. atter and children looking ou sadly, many ,y ing vith gighs, "tin sorry it is buid.iy, A but if we W e 10 not SO OOOr." cam oiinatlag f :av- I " But if I" and a sturdy fishermar s.trt- ceafeJ to breathe. And death" is be- l ing up and speaking ale ad ; " surely, neigh- that 'A 17 a .k enale r.clioiK? tc, as 't o e ins i e Mper, ani ca.VeU into ac- eeaom. Life living restor- ble to prevent contingent tored v.al tion the orga.us ed, it were o:;!y irjarv uy ta ur.g u or removing or.e essen tial of class -. ipe. Jt is said God permitted sin, this should be . eceived caution -ly. Sin was pera.iUe'h in fL.it man was permitted to live. lit no sense could sin have been pre vented, except by annihilation of life or the re moval of one elcmevt ol genus man. Car pra er.-j are it reduced as cvidenes lo sui-j (bid 'art ti-e ooeirii . iuc soveret-jcntv ot exhibited i. li recti y in our i rovers : dii-'-etly in our sense of dependence that gives organ. t prayer. i;at our prayers set forth no such control of i s as excludes contingent irrepari luy voaaceted - am, lor pra ver v; a.'a,..r ,..iu i , I , i "i.u.rc-jy i : ,vi i-rvtcct us. t.;-.- in v. ba h we are protec i ! -. t a of mind and body, i a! v under the usual control d -u". a c-acocivd for our in .. v.s tor se!f-v:-otection, it is .ir (bal to refuse the body the ( .' (J a-i oUi ..a, a ana Ulng pi '.e.itruyf :iet ; ii; a of pi of iiaarv ex ui aesti-uui n m our v a a. or bludgeon, though ' . , '"""ii misdirectel ui .i"p').;o.s frustrated. e , : a. neui aath.ority over inhere iu ail mediums o iv. In making these want, of adeti-.ai.cy and tal cause lo tne ph si- void ijctweeu the - .vd e'l'e vt. Lut in moral acts ate to the uiaiiguiiy of any mor '.vhf'lher (! tearing the dniviems the brow o.-Iei!y, or st:t- ;r oi .sleeping in'aney. of protection cousis e 1 from God's co"i- is a par of ptij 3- tlai vit"SiC.'U mean.-, u.-ea ,.s of injury. Ho lias prcpar jiartv for protection by coutt ievd nieaas of destruction with ; , ,f T-oic-t tion ; the mind of is met by the mind of the de !. . ic;:i of wil is didhated by tho aiioa. i-'o creature is susccp- ihe co ((aeration ot a nd 1 tit ; 1 1: e ? V -? i -.1'va . O'U btxalla means 'ii;, iicrivt "oig :i :- t". t v. iia o 'i.' vation wiu-. a mvou e.s our Ireeuom. Freedom involve c ntingoncy. O l mast have an irre dstil Io management oi all mat ter, of ii'ui as a prut of it, of the relative po sitions of all spirit, limiting them to greater or less boundaries, to half of space or a nut shell ; but this power would leave uninfluenc ed the exercise of a-oral agency. Cur prayers from instinct, undirected by revelation, are no eriterions of Divine nature or government. We are assured that w e know not how to pray a- we ought. Men often pray for what they believe attainable; some times wiveklesslj. Faith and harmony with divine will are essential to successful prayers. The prcdestinarian prays for the conversion of such as are included in a. Jea-uteti atone- m en criticised, should undertake to ridicule Sir W. Hamilton, and talk about what he calls '"logic al induction F' and that his treatment of both should exhibit the same characteristic miscon ceptions. The phrase itself, '"logical induc tion," is a contradiction ;n terms ; for as the logical process is alvutys dcau'rice, he might with the sanm propriety ha e. spoken ot'''dc:luc ticc induction," a conib'naSieii of terms which has no meaning cxe. vt a self-contradictory one. It is true the writers on logic treat of th" '"in ductive syllogism," that is, the logical form into which the xh ilo$ophi; process of induc tion ma be cast, and its logical value deter mined. But this is sorvUue.g quite -different from that which the writer of the article un der consideration cccms to mean, as the logic al process in this, as wall as iu all other case-, is purely dedue'ive. 1 have no desire nor ."ntoniion to enter into a newspaper controversy willi 'A Book Worm or with any one else, iu regard to the points toaehed on in this brief communication. My object is simply to prevent any of my younger brethren from lining indifferent fore us alb It may bo close at band. Buioerrer or Licr we must etch lie down and lie. All those are serious considerations- There is but one fountain of comfort for v, man drawing near to his end, and that is ihe Bible. Chapters out of the Bi b?e. exts out of the Bible, statements of truth taken out of the Bible, books . con taining matter drawn from the Bible, thc are the only sources of comfort when a nian draws near death. I tell every one who reads this article, that although men may eem to got on. comfortably without the Bible while they live, they may bo sure that without the Bible they cannot comf ortably die. Reader, the only comforter for a death bed .s the Bible. Surely it is no light matt-ir whether you.read that Look or not. I ch.-.rge you, I entreat you, to give an an swer to the question which I now put to you, What art thou doing with the Bible? J)o?t thou read -it ? Dost thou Lch'eve it ? ' D-. it then ohr'y it ? space ; diM to the. study of t. "science, ihe iirportMie. cf which, has been so light!' estimated, or rath er so grossly misrepresented, by "A Book Worm," but which, perhaps, of all other stud ies, oh' rs tho highc-i rewards to induce those who have the capacity for the thorough com prehension and correct - application of its principled, to put forth the efforts required for their complete mastery. . H. S. MciuAx. Wilmington, N. C, Jure 13, 1803. bors. your but3 and ifa do break God's law." The people gathered around him, and 2q ks re idded : "Mine's a religion for all - u'tj weathers, fair wind and foul. ' This is . the love of God, that ye keep his law.' 'liemember the Sabbath day to keep it . holy That s the law, friends. And our Lord eame not to break, but to fulfill the law. True, wo are poor ; what of that ? Better poor and have God's smile, than rich and have his frown. Go you, that dare ; but I never knew any good come of religion that changed with the wind." These words in season staid the purpose of the rest. They went homo and made ready for the house of God, and spent the d:vy in praise and prayer. In the evening, just when they would have been return ing, a sudden storm sprung up,, that raged terribly for two days. After the tempest came settled weather, and the pilchard fishery was so rich and abundant, that .....i-i nic. t row Ihnt honr 1 Hur? i-'u-' . I Iinvo persevered in their use, nti! n"w. by (Jod's bles sing, nw irtjl i,u he.iui'j. I b;..f' i aero wan, wins us I belli ve, was saved from J"UH byatWe of tliffp pills. iIy Doctor's bill k,h aciiually from .lM) to $2d!, biO. I hare haJ bo vo l'r a phj-sician since. I can confidently recommend them as a superior faruily medicine." . 1). Wa'daec, Esq., Prcsi-icrt of the iYilminr-- t i an 1 V,'e-:dt.n Ivabro-id, .10, 1 S'.2,) myr : : It li.is been sail tbat Pyspepfia is our vnti.jtitl i -. J'..--. .i.;-. t. ....t... .lt and severe suIToriiig. ProTidenfally a fricnii '. furnished m with a few b"xcs r,? tho ' Hepati- nr... ' .r.i iu ..t .-... A t.c- , i i.i. noi ll.i ;-,.'-.-.,-i. u I HM , Lave e. u.. -nur.it'a witK Among my acq na.i.. aa cv, tn-o.;.' from d scaftd lo. r,iii.ivu it.-i rcli-.-ved and cur id ry thra. I re jrd Ihm mi 't i ivc.Uuible mrli''ir, wi) tke plea .'re io for.vard- in:; this voluii. o ui'jutc. ' ' I:scacs in uhi-.-'i the liuntis are Involved, Pbcb vug.;,, ,.1t pcio-u iir, v., (Aaz- .-iyM " I lu -.i b,, cert: . , iUa tToyu ir Hie, I wii r.fiicteu Wit!.' ae..- arc commonly called tve PrHt ConiJii;t, "'C J -:n and weak - -n-.ss ji !it. Vrcnsii c-eithuiv u to i.o-r n e r that I cuui'i n't i r rar ? totii.es ivt" a me, firtho I foimd t difficulty in. i.I.ty ;-. u uttriiw i . y .u ui i.: a- - .-., l a-, l c -u a not. wSJc up the stc; s wb a jut lra.ius iav"f--!l' up l y tho bnniterr haf. a un:b ivi la.-icl.- cuiu. wh ii. Ii tvia C Southern Tlt'put I ttiictly ai-vrdi the enjoyment oj sc wi The heath'Vi pravs S.-iV to 1113 the'Virvin o ihe ii.iuriutr and receiving parties, uoou .r cvil'coir.V-vfd from mini to man, is as tru ly a unitv oi "these agf-aches, as one is com uocd of its parts. . Bv preventing a contact. .fthr.se aireneies bv use of physical means or control of physical law, man would be incap able of intlictiiigau evil ij.pon.bis fellow. Ike means necessary for our protection from any contemplated injury, is only equal to that which is adequate to save us from the feroci ty o' vuld bea st s. There is no inj ury of which We are leseept ibhabut ii can be averted by some in. ans that woald save us from the sting of 'he asp the boa-constrictor or lion, or the m renuity, agility and strength of other mem la r., of tlie animal kingdom. lint strange ari it may seem, alter a late nse senseless lool ; t:.e 1 .nmust to Mary. The prayed" .'a men a-e o-ien iaeon sistent. with their theoh.gy. The man who believe- action contingt :--.,t, prays for the con ver sion of men cor sis c n I ! witii God's will, ifiat man shou'd 1 -j free, and with niau's wiil which e. In our '-rv ers for rote.-that, v.e aisa Cod's absolute (iu sens" of conlivd Mf all means ofcoa.iinuni- l-rf wn si" siiirtls. hen ceo l free. In simp .- rc ( -irresistible '.tail pr&y for prote-' lioii from the devil, we sin. ply ask that he inav nol Iv rtm-mitted 'to conummi- cate his temptatl. should be so controlled Tb. minds : not tliat ho J. Letters from the Army. Camp 4Cth X. C. Troops, June LTili lsGd. f Bao. Bkt.i. : Abs acc from the Regiment has kepi me from aekncwh'dgmg the -receipt of the A-3.r--'Ues ?eat to us by some hind un known friends at home. Nearly a hundred copies weakly cheer us 1 y their presence, and edify us with, the valuale lessons contained in its columns. T assure A'ou and the friends who s u.t is to inspire li with now purposes. x;io ciiuu m as.kin : tn- rent for safety front ti e ferocity of animals, never dreams of hra big its ferocity subdued, but mcraly that its p ri shou'd he secured from tho means of injury with which nature arms her creatures, either by controlling the animal or child, or interposing obstacles be tween them. An c:"ortto prove this mon strous doctrine f'om car prayers, is as un wise as an effort lo convince u.; that the sun, moon and stars are toys, from the cries of a spoiled child for thcm'as they glitter in the" brow of heaven. The infinite is suggested by the finite ; the incomprehensible by the known. Man's great difficulty is to reconcile the two. God never intended it. We conceive resistance impossi ble to perfections of an infinite nature, and put mind and matter to tho rack to bring about our idea of harmony. God gives us existence and assures us in mind and revelation that we are free and can resist moral suasion. Who dare affirm it more inconsistent with in i n finite attributes, than the impossibility of making a circle otherwise than round. June 1G, 18G3. Buyax. it th in, that we regard it as a great idnoss. Reliadous reading is vcrv much coveted in camp. The Adco-ale is a welcome visitor; its lessons arc we'd calcaluiedto lead the soldiers to place their affections upon Ilim who is indeed the soldier's friend. We have iang since been without a Chap lain, and as a consequence have, heard but lit tle pre a eh in:r. But our Cel. has recommend ed for Chaplain, the Rev. C. C. Dod.son, a young man of piety and talent, full of zeal for the welfare of the soldiers. I hope lie may be appointed and that he may be enabled to battle successfully with the strong holds of sin, that wickedness may cease in our camp and a gracious revival may come down upon us, till all shall know God in the pardon of their sins diat ZioiVs walls may be built up and we all enjoy the peaceable fruits of right eousness. R. P. T. ,! Fikid HosriTAT., Near Fredericksburg, Va. Juno 15lh 18G3. Rkv. W. E. Pelt. : Mj Deer Brother. The pressure of unties has prevented me from executing the desire I Laye long felt, of acknowledging the week ly receipt of -10 copies of the N. C. Chr: '-mi Joy Over Sinners Repentance. Suppose one of your brothers should fall into the river and there sink down under the deep waters, and before he corJo -be rescued, he should grow cold and pale; r 'ad seem to be dead; your father take:; the little boy in his arms, and car ries him home, and then they wrap him up in flannel and lay him on the bed. The doctor "omes and goci ito the room with your father and mother; to see if it is possible to save the little boy's life, The doctor says nobody may go into the roon. b it tho parents. They go in and shut the door, and a -few moments is to deejoie whether or not rha child can live. OU! then how would you go to the door, and walk around with a stepassoftasYe.lv ct. a nd hearken to know whether the dear boy lives. And alter you had listened for some time, treading softly, and speaking in whispers and breathing short, the doors open, and your mother comes out, and thei" are tears in her eyes ! Is he dead Z says one, in a faint, sinking whisper is he dead ? Oh ! no no yeur brother lives and will bo well again ! Oh I what a thrill of joy do you feel. What leaping up in gladness ! ISow thcio is such a joy in heaven over one sin ner that rcpenteth. The sinner has been sick, but the Gospel has been taken as the remedy, and he is to live forever. Do you wontler that the angels rejoice at it ? Rev. J Todd. lage. Here was a religion for all weatners. Remember the words : "Trust in the Lord aad do good, and verily thou shalt be fed' Sympathy. "He who has had ex perience of great and sore trials, and has borne them well, is the most cheerful com panion to a sorrowing heart. Having sounded the depths of affliction, he can best guide his friends in them. Despond ing Christian in the river of Death said to Hopeful, ' I sink diep waters ; the bil lows go over my head; all his waves go over me. Hopeful said, Bc of good cheer, my brother; I can feel the kcttom, and it is good.' Having partaken of the affliction and of the consolation, such a one can bring a smile of peace and even tf joy upon a care worn face, when prosperous friends would only deepen the gloom. Let the angel of the Lord encamp around me to dsliver me, but give me the Man of Sorrows for my friend. I want a f riend who has been stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." Adams. The Sea a Cemetery. The sea is the largest of all cemeteries, and its slumberers sleep without monuments. All other graveyards in all other lands show some symbol of uitinction between the great and the small, the rich and the poor, but in Ithat ocean cemetery the same waves roll over all. i ; ini: my ill - nc? had Hemorrhage . l' '? b-a v. . All ie:dial treatment failed to aiferd iuo rT.:ci';.it mis th opinion of all my friends t'.t I riut die with the Consumption; I -re aui?r-d ta u"0 tho Southern Hepatic Pilli : three burci- ling to dir.-. u ai. I (ind iny..If m f perfect h .;!:'' : I La.o a crood ap petite, hare become a fk-i.bg -. I ever wa, leep una sui'l plensant, ana can riurm any duty ith as nincu .-Iremrth an 1 vl vr as I eer d d. i tThev ccrt.kiiily have acted ':.'. a. perfect ctian on me. I feel that J nm a iu -9 i-uiiuic, and d not lic.df. V) in giving the--.' T-21 'r.o hvt rec-h.-meuditi'in to any of my fd!ivv i cin-rr. wh- ifj suffering in the same way tl-ut I ' are teeii." Col. John VV'i-'ht, of (.r.idd.er ., N. C, . there was soon no complaining in the vil- f H. isc.2,) says: "I have d ::. AvwAcr. ...-- f r'l'C J litV 1 Li ili J. ICllilliJ- II' iU 'U.f m t J l U 1.1 plantation in Alabama anil aiiRuay vith Hrv. i have a valuable servant rirl who Lad Leon a long time under treatment for coiis'im-iitu n with out receiving any benefit. Alui'ift iu her ex tremity I was induced to try U.m refflic Pitt. They were given according to dir- fum, an I th 3 now well, entirely ms tored ly tlrm. A similar case occurred among my nervants i;i .ll-ibama. For liver s-nd lung diseased have prifect coi ftdenc in them." Full directions and other C2rtlca'?s accompany each box. Attention is called to ti.i statement of Peter Vader, Eq., of Va., and v. Mr. 1'wt tr, of N. V., who testify to an ar.nual Faving of l'ruai $100 to -?200. So pluntaiin.Kuld b uiV't ott them. Price : SI a box ; $10 a dozen i ie.cs ; $0f a gross. Cath mutt invarinlly accowpr.ny the order. Xot less than a dozm boxes need 1c oidered. Tor $11 a doacu will be scut by inn.'. I any laco where there are no druggists. Checks on local Eanks can be sent. The addrc of ti projtriel'tr t" OeoRCB W. Ueehs, Wihon, X. V. The?e pills arc retailed at tho following xlaren : fiulti'th, X. C, Williams A Haywo ,, P. F. Fescud : C.'.arFoffe, X. C, Dr. F. ham; Clinton, X. C, Moseley & JIubbardj 6wA to', A. C, Lucas & Moore : Wilmington, A. Walker Mearef, Henry MeLia; Whiterili-, X. C, Ken neth Hayne? ; li"i7o, X. C, Dr. J. J. Lawrence ; Petersburg, Yn., W. F. Spotswood, N. F. Rives t Co., Geo. B. Jones & Co., Wilson, A'.fricnd & Co. April 16, 1S63 6au EXCHANGE IIOTUL, . One Square TC: of the State. Jounc,) Hillsborough SraciiT, llALFIGU, X. C. W. II. CirNlXGGIM, L. BRANDON, T. P. BavA.N. Cierk. P. S. Tha cow buildings- arc now nearly completed. April 23, 18G3-tf. What Preaching should be. " I am not aware," said a holy man of God, ' that in preparing a sermon I ever in quired what would please or displease the people. What is immutable truth? What do sinners need ? What do Christ ians need ? What is the. preaching which Christ directs and will bless ? Such have been my ruling inquiries. Preaching should be earnest talk." 'Men may live fools, but fools they cannot die," says the poet. Yes, they both can and do die aa great fools as they lived. Not death, but God's word and Spirit are able to make us wise unto sal vation, through faith in Jesus Christ. Death may make men lament their folly, but it never administers one grain of that wisdom which s"T" ' " ""'- rncmiEToaj. WANTED ! 4 TEACIIER AKD GOVERNESS, ONE QUAL lx ifled totcah the coinmou Englii'b, Music on Piano, Latin, aud such of the rnamcntals aa may be convenient. Address, stating salary rcuir-d, MS Ik V Muy 2d, 16tJJ. IIAXTON', Lc.iiburg, N. C. 2'J Itpd. 1