TUN ADVOCATE. rUIMSHEDBY A JOINT HTOi.K COMPANY I'SDEB THE FATROAGB OF THE BfORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. VOL. VI. NO. l i RALEIGH, N. U., WEDXESD A V, SEP l 30, 1863. T A i f- : ' tut. FIVE DOLL v DVANCKI. c s v.' v- ; f'...v :-.-.. ; - . l( -' ;. ''. A. i ttrivr . - : .r "i-.r '- . .. .-. i tomnniitCrit b. ufH..5 th-?re is a : :( 1. o to ib- 2 . ' ad for tbe V( o ! ! - -' 1 pr 'f.. t; 1 bo if- iu-a d .0 0:ak Uh- 2v. v!. foiiowi;;.; "ve' bl c 1 r-ror.C'ri'in at a- noxt boi ob i.o a f-1 ;-tyi: ... ; ' -. - m- r eca,'.ar tb pr.-. I.. 5 1 :h Co:'?-'.1 ;V i;id i'i Cot t: rs;:'--i. iE:V-.f:seui. r-5 U:-LL"?: r". t-, .b ( !. 1 ; .1 h i''.c -il v . . : ' li -J . L' ' !:0 : ; Ti - .x- ! I I'. r S'.tir 'U ' ' : . i '.rtit'vVi: i;C ' ; i ' i hr ii a ub.i; t tb-r.-.s- i y woicb the fttH cm buw rhcir educated. Thoii? t"r.chr.-n ab only" t e--d:..i. of -o: 0--oiev;.ci.-e. 'J'iK'J i,-k. - lilt ' Coi.fer.45J"e bi wi their oi't-r. ;ivd puiiit i.".?lj'U oi Ti-U-i-.f-S ! I::.'d oropertj. Tbuy a'-o ak. tut iiititrttio: vb ;m li n-ceivd, j hu!. rt s a. af - . j -- ' s " 1 . i'.o aib ;r t" ';-.:-t:::iitn'cd in : ; ; . i,4 if- sab-"-: f.rbl'air - l--coa-H:"o:y :-. sir itXi. Wr:-;.s- . ;v 'r s0 h eC' ji. .g in th-.- coo '-try. " Tif" sbi.' e re t: e ?-rotoif u 3-.;o.T4-joii it; t;e :i..'-s;- ;:-.:!e toi ci?fr '.'.r u.rr pr-ch- -on the o. uii it when . , ': 00; ov o-oi . : i . ano re" -. t:ol o. 1 o; i;i i i f-:-r;.-:. r ; iv:i:; t' ; . . .- : I an; Nirlr-..; :oo-: . i oil o; .rs e- ot;-;i r. v ; upou many u : i a-t. V , : I bvftu cii de-- e: b'.,r So de'irf U!. trioa.?-31 rr-ihl.m or ox da: r; some ! pibtC'pie s"iene or lar'gu:.i.e r ; . Tbfc?crOC( .'. 'b ; U:.. ; . O . . iiLi Tutf voi. S J. Jl.-: V.-C-.i US'-'' ' ; '- air, j- 0' v..,)..',:"ul i ,v is -. ..va'..-hcv- cttui 10 their .carding poors. ; -.1 .;f. iia i SiO',0. :;. t'.O .-?!(ijue! ?tf!in-si tnieanout tno ou;i v ing, U Mo-iy vuty by the chirpbig or' a n-eket. ! mtia toe Kcrar-in ' oi no, pen - '.vr:.e. tiem-e v l5as tat, a her e m. ... 1 - .. ,.H C 4-sour'i!. and is ronninc back t f-rctyh tl-c period ?f Tioa rc-ai t to the f-v.r wf-en ibe tOi i. !atl ioii..; Hiei f "T e Oi1- U" ! vi - iO-j tho '-ooiioa f:e".e- 0! ot.cir b-bv. j av e-;u;;- 8b.k. J : i .to iiy bcb.a Giiu.. H . f t, .,Hy enporc, l a b and . a hst wen: llotb tf-in iscse .':: ; iii I.- ir 7 ' .1 deibioi 1' - ri . " : :) i i: and i-eeiive tbo oidep: ro vi ce pie. Many of veto- : c-.'o-t e.e.;. h;i t-be;. If! vbat UiC Uii- ' enfii:l ' bi'c jod : la JOeleV tparta :;ther' 'f you.t 1 b-d f&ns'nneiv h ro:! ro;o. 5 ii tS-i ou.- '-ioveu er. no try m o.ern-: - srsvd tht. gret- ni-O il jnd nientaJ in ov'vsir the btfb. w -eci y-. i were o' r:-.c ; frota ibe-e baS-... Bat ab ' w;;r. t r-:- V re!nt-s- war has pwcea bb iron heei p 00 on- beloved ind S 7-''1' lie bleeding and pa'ed di ov- : 'Ui i-nt. and you are deinande-i cy ' -'uv country face the canton' mouth u-on tbe he a: : earnae snd death. I ara anre -io'icoioun- w youru li isals ir. kno tbe sta?e c;' yt : " isiora:-.-.. iba.i t know anytbiiig - bo aJ-jUt yO' elan' oi you left pcbool, reembtrs "i the cbureh, and firm :'rictid: and advocates 01 ht great temperance reloim How . ? i;. w.bb jou to-day? Have scenes of blood and war changed the youthful purposes ad resolves of your life ? Bo you iill prize that invaluable treasury, the Bible, aod still make it pages the man of your cutn !? Bo yon yet hold fecret c o: verse with the God oi armies, and pray II im to rLect your head in the day of battle ? your heart stili under .divine infiu eooe so that you can lock up amidst thd &tt of hattie nd cry 44 AbDa Father t" O; ho Vi 1 i :! -o a cold in religion ! .;c ;c to luc beggarly element Since then Brigade meetings have been ! birs i their Chaplain, Kev. S. W. Ilovy worhl '! O IVieuds, I hore ; held ewrj- night, and 1 dout think I have ;'-rton, during the mouth of July. No -: ... r J'-!: .' : .-. of you ! Surely jou to the le.-f.owe 3-011 hav been ! Brit be y .-r;d Wvtfld il cir-.-:o o learn thnl. uj gasii:!; ; i'V the South, van had io-t . .1ar joung i Thosaiid d f :- up Ji'.nv- b i Jrn?d hearrs t;Ivi', bsu- br-'.i .ipjitf-J t.d--.;p;i! j ;r f,.5h '; ;:f -uroly w! : dt.h Jr't. T-r-f. I'arlv. !bdpiaitt of ' vonr erernnl vci- ; s , :;io. -.?-. ri-.rthft iM)!itic.i ur j'V'-.,'di 1 buTii.' ' :; r;iff? is ti.ii i. thy . 1 'i ' w i y putting Your tiui-t n.-.t ' 'iu shall ho; y pueceed 1:1 j i 'rub') .-;:doLice of tbt b'ou.h, j . , , Mj ru.rrntt(i to ionov v ur t -1 arid fiufiVriiJ, with : . n-: u.vc-t one; at noit ; r; ..I your Bibbss? daily ; T I 1 .:.!i.-.; w in and the wieked ; -fyt-.v, ov; ''y rfjih'o iseaiis of gr-jee. "A : . : : ?:-.-: .-t- '.Hi iriuuphantij. )'.; you all, w the ; o? (Mr -.e tutor. i Upj y ! 1 ?:!:, X. J IMIILO. .-rtaib.tr 18th, J863. I'!?-! !'?,r.L : I am not in the o' os y; or rrnnbling, and J ! 1 ii-.o t-: ?oav be. but-1 do wish i ..b..n Id io know the cundaet v. o:'i.r)i; be, by the grace of !.: i j-,. a v. i ! by and ussfai mau aa Chap hu; it is, proves hiciself a - - f "M! h- .: b in t.hn wy or liian." har-'-i'a 1 rtfer to h in Scales' i W a not give hisn&uie now, uoy r--or tb-rce nie to ti-.'.ure day. I vill also 1 ii ion fai;h, and on'v sa I p eaenev. tee so .-n? : h im, and noibiue - : , v. ;.';.ifbT around i;v vv !. !?.;' -s ifud good Miiona- ? i'vvn-y rci'aire. ; ;.'.ee ;h;K; -hfarsed .f'deseciid to walk : '-'. Tb" ("bap iiooio, but. quarters ..... !?s ' s:; b:s an- 'A'i I survey. . t bin be escuises - " t!-.st if I vitt i iptHite:-?. I "Rill get lou- is o o; ry ;:u.-n a t napiam i ... .15 ' i irabe bis bd in the r. sti-d oibiIe with pub ?rs. ' "t .ur ;t:ff ueeked io: : .? T70J Id drUt dwwn i ine."'Tveiienee of .J : I i- ' li ' rr.ent;'7. phs ' . . : t .it' n '11 . rciifi.-i1.-- i a:;-i vovJastingly .y ''!og I - b, c rs.digb'U.4 op- ;. -ve th. ea'trowrly fc;;be.ve this ! '. ly di-'-er.-:a n cbbed fo .in ! ; ;.;.!:; vS. u-'. ' e r rt ot ..'fae-o asiotia- j i-: . boo- b.r.nj ue'ro. . :b wi:v;' s be told the I .'; j'.'?." t':n s-e V( ieaaario much reb- j u- ; ' o-e : th:T es;e sermon om 'h rib was uii nur...-ic:-i, svd eves rail- j ed h-i b' acraiot the. Lord, and hath pros , r- j-v.a-.f. tbo jb.'iivsl vuh-I m fvlih- pevd 1 Let H.ok-.iowldpe- God'i m- . : , i. :.: sio n, ro'- nps .so- oeei .- , ;5 ,v.. i t . - - .... . - . . . . I Of: 3. Puoi r;s , . . ... .-, . ,. , . i o'vaion oeay pre. c:. ui no '.it tn i . 1 o -' . g K- . f-u on ever, day and v- t-rv r-our. y ;.''"C -.v! j j."- canour ' o' the world yrn f -l;'ut from day o nay ::s.d ;r -m ; lace o b eo 'toing go'U ; ana. thv ?r;--o - b r d St: ' - -or tc-Is u? to "r-r;v ro, s ; . ho b"-liS servr . u :i. i Jive o ': i -. . " e i -Vi $r- rat ; , ; . . i ;' i .: : e - 1. hn II ; beyond the grave, i v ti e o-r-e vine of Chiigt. ! tic Cbardain. This k-.;id inir.icr.srH ami ! 1 y : ' . C) I .T;"-' ore'ty cber often pri.eii ; wishes to be j - - . A- .: btrtber or not it. be es- itfc lvc to tsiU . . .1 . n;i .He. sua rr-is c oumi :s 'or ie':c'o 3 .lit. b e hope our noioe ;i;rb-ter i.i'i cu; '-r ue to come and -ee u?. 'i 'hi?. 'Uigb' ;? be a great Sold tor the nunbiC s ef i;'r ' There is a greV- -'.-' oi i -(.ij 'r ovir fanny now, ana ye : ut it may contb:ne. Yoai av;at faith. A'GAITAEN. '-'..:; Kr .i 3. Ta; lobsvillt, Va., 5rKpt-:,iber lth, 1803. ) Wsi. Pell, Dzar Iho: 1 : ' . :.- i:-s --n kow something of the bo. i's .b ai-.s us. Ther has been " .0- intecfsft ia the Brigade . (Cooke's) i'..r - .-..t..o i'h.v. yast. in the 15'h Kegt. titvie b.:,e. he?i evral converr.'ons, end Dudoh.pr. cf a rev'al in the 27th,- 48th and d0:h. J.a.-it Saturday we hxed up a fan. a lib sears i;,r Ibigade services, and Lad )'--; er i.ieeongat night, conducted by bru. C Vf. V, - ! brooks, a deeply-pu y ui.g m'ialsier. a private iu the 27h ib t t. W'e i;ad a solemn lime On Sab-ba-h at 3 o'clock ho had preaching, after which several were baptized by bro. Iiow-t-rtcn, Chaplain cf tbe 15th liegt. Ser vices were held for the Begimeat at sight ami we had quite : a intciesting tint. t ever witnessed deeper interest. Tno mu ; come by hundreds, am! all sit pain thy and j respectiuliy. Ths a liar is constantly ftlhsi ! (viih pendents, and swne 20 or more iuve j unua! gave notice to the different eempa thund pe&oo' Is. i-eiievif 5l-ietiB j I nua, ahjistd by sesvr;il of m$ co la rivya ou! tor 1 o'clock thi morning, br: i borer-s c f' different brarcbo" 1 c- cburvh, it 'is raiiiinr; nd v?i! v.jll h-Aa i; p- f;vii- ; f I tdd a riisyet nK-efeiu-r, i vb : I .:'avo u;ui ths cotneft out unuxn. ' e jjix , anxk.x?; kirK fr !;ro. b'iv'ivr, M.bu .vo i 2ih. .-"'S'lru i-- L-.!ut. ?ojjc tim- 3ft'etLor-:. i, I s i t;iiy. vfr :s nw at li i-j j p''it. All the Keg'luieutjJ ; the Briaa.ld i are tar!ir ls n'v,v''- 1 desire ; may God bbi. hnn abundtititiy Ibr nx kiBdnas. i'ray tor -tr max tae iorcs may bies us riots .unriio She Aiveare Riafef: :w aom'araxi a:ic ' ro - iularlv, at'd is a tselevo v-sif -r Wc ; receive iuui iiuy-nve copies vssxiy 3Iat.v thanks, to tboo kind ;T:-vj:tj. thiok of ;, and sire i their meistig fs sv ; r piy n? wi--h religion rendicg t ebts; ; bles-' tt., as we endure the privaun?. ai ? hardships of camp lif. I viU say that I j hear so inuvnuiiiisg here amoL-g ths j soldiexs. but til sej oh.el'i aod bop tub Chap. 4tb >. M. 0. T. 8p-17, 186S. j Bho. 1'i.LL : As every progress of Christ's i.oly cane, tbvuh huPi'e b :nay be, is a Hjhjecf. -f inere :t-d eneo:".r;igc nient ;! 3 chris'isa, 1 ak your indul gence for a few facts coneernin onr reltg ious condition in Iavi Hr:gade . "As I pre'iuh'y stv ;b wo have no Oita -lain in our Brigad., bf.t vbraonuVfiuj pssft ehspbiins frou cthsr Brigades, hare been occasions ity preaching fir ua. Mr re tha c ;t week tince.. a good chaplain frvm Ga promised to gire us & tegular course oi preaching. for a vreek -or two ; and la con nection with others, continued tb. j meet ing from day to dsy. in the preset.' s cf large and attentive au diencea I ha ve scarce ly ever peon better attendance, f.ad tin'e seeming interest manifested ; and the re sult, if not what the ardent christian could aa"-;--. w:. at. east, irramy. ten or . " ""j'V b " - " 1 1' ! ora e --fetssiCvra pr-jfe.-ed to iv:-h e of enr ? b. , c s'vutoi f' aCtaCtU 'Of 'Ul.vw 1 c j :o --iic '-iniivt.. .'iv uu fortunately ielbr the reeti; hn.'3 "o:: H.r; Kat week, the k,c advance ul't-ho 1 .1 ' . ... . . :.. .. Q ,. eneray, broke nnr quietud, nst putuaun uer scLdH again, breaking jn tor tee tiai j heinx. our meaun. Ibu? w bsve gone 1 into.catnp again, though in the iaee of ibe eneray , and I am happy to tsb pa that our meeting is being revived turner the control of Rev. Mr. i s-'-b'y be lieve, a grat .work usight be &c?-cnp;ibed in ibis brigade, if sufficient and ei.-ig'ie means c-jrld be brought to b"ar. Mny we not bop that bv. good ti ;- tk ! to vt; upon o. 7 rub thi'i war. -ihonij, - -e'utng cruel to a -.'-. ij.? n- . ju ds-rigns mtheetor-i-,h' vi?, "i fhf Alsnibtv. And i D-t a boi'.eSc-cnt s'Ci" i we.rkb.-g out through it, bv the-l'rivirini: thoujjdrt of Adam's i-jst " c ii.uo ts. ,o:u ; una -w:a o?mg down bub h-k." even if lie intu-t exe- te !w wvatb to do it. O let nj learn l?son from the if . Who uath av ray- . : . .. ... -i t... ... I i '' uu v-f;e ur.yu u.s trneucunt govern ..tU,,.. .1J u... hand cf his wrath to be iifdiron, u. ' .... .. j j J tbe Design rays ot peace ami wo&- ; 1 . . : ,ny to Jll-.ue our country agam. : LienL;55th N. (?T. i pit Camp at TAVLoasviLLK, Va. 27th N. C. T., Cook's BriK. i.t. ICth 1863. BsaR B-to. Pkt l : With hesrtfeU j prrftude to the "Father of all our m-r ! "-ina" I gW.d!y c-oaimnnicate to you and our Jea.r friouda a, home, good nea fr-:-.i ! :i:; Brigade. While God' is fourin vut j His spirit on tbe churches, an d viatla.c in ilia mighty convicting, and cori verting j and reclaiming vower. the p-oius brir-- i i . -J . . .... A r. .- . .... I-. ' .. -.r.v 1 comnoee-i n.e m treat n;ty ana I - , -, . r , , . . -. -it us.. A deen work of trrace ha- doiibi- i "ee--commenced ana is progressing rapidly idemcg ano" aeepenmg, overcoming ali oppotiirloii 10 the j,,y and comfort end jatisfaotioti of tba tried and tempted fol lowers of Christ. O. could you have been here and witmd the intense interest- Uianife?ted la night and the night before at our Brigade mt-eting end also aware oi j tbo recklessness ot the majority of the sob j c;era ta ttus coiiimanu a lew weeks sgc ; !J t 1 1 . . L J you wonia xi.vw t.ueij &een aet-ouwneu. ; Our Brigade meetings began last Saturday night, when we had a general"p'ajer meet. iBii by way or ueuicat icg our place ot tot bip, which we ereoted in t thick piaey grove cn Hafurday. olemrUy pervaded the assetrbly. and ha phea foen'ed awful on account of the pres.ao-. t-f the Won - i derful Prb.ee of lie, and Judge of ail the earth. Oa 8inday at eleven o'clock, tbe Rev. Mr. T?? lor of the Baptist church preached J1". i'aylorsviljs ohu: ch, and at S P. M-. he preached at the Brigade stand to a large and attentive audience. No pen- itenta were invited, as the ordinance of baptism was to be administered to several young converts that professed conversion in ii- lot?: Kogt.. under the faithful la- ji-!gade met flag was pppeinicu for oaa- day ubrht, and as oar Chaplain has been nm o'dablv absent for seven.! weeks, I as ) n-vo-ttiosi, iv r fi;y c-iUt V -cry ooit.Jy aifeeccd, ' uslu to tbe -urr. i was iv;.?!? ec-:urai(e:it s;:a cxf.-.ct. i the fut jv oi' tmr roivt! b- L v-f '. "v. bo 'ore Ic:-. Itf17 Uu'.h"iU ..oa.- N. C, Jeriai?; K-.frnnd, pveaebb a pc:iNo erut-j! in tis th wirj -V fijf ror an :uirn arc nr.? rea tendad t iii'vitatior, uisi' tLpw'sivta uf 20 ;eat vrcevici.: U t he altar, and -tv.o were ! Lc.pefuifv coavert-ed. About 5 j0 were iu aftndaries. aud I ceer be veld a lit ore- u-:otlv ov aydince in mv Jit's. La t ht. )b, Farley, our Chaplain, tUi'al Hti't fetl.'i'ltt!.' "2t- .uosi iVo'i.i the -forda : " Tusn ve ! Tut u yj : ibr "ty viU ye die ''" At the close of the, :Tr-i..'a, u.ts Chaplain of the 15th n sde a strong appeal to the uaecriVt rted, -nd vthite the invitiog hymn vts t:, yir.g. aboat SO presented themstvas cry ictz for merer, and here I cannot do&crihe the fetrVetirjf dcouss. I think I t in corn et it; Hayiijg tbero waa fully a thou? and iu at-Vrn-isnec-, j. r-jut thi-ough the cvc;fd to rivsk or.?" - y f?'rIoVt'8 ti nt I knew were eu;i vsoted, and 1 taw several weeping here and the re ' ad all wtreeolenm, tor the spirit of tbt JOid seeded to move upon e w ry heait in that intercated multitude. What is re-n?M-kab'-3, I have noticed that the relig ioua interns: ha- been on the incieaseevt r since the A - u ana other religious joprcah have been making regular visits to oar cs2.p. Pray for u-?. I regain -ors truly in Chrbt, C. W. W. la that ? Tboe ??ordd are Con tr.dicto. have heard or a lifeiewp piosker a soulless inber and a btartle? . 1 .t ' - ... one. believes that a dead ran !itor&(iv hi..- ; but v.i-i are nif.cy j-.-cu vhose trJf-'tiiX has vtrv little bf. We do not v;.v Mri4,rAilv h,t tl2 .... . - - . :- -' .1 . -.i Ti... .-.. r . r. ' - c-iT ! I " ..b , ..ti ' , .... b-o ii'Oib ... ... - O er is i'teralbr triihoutm heart ; but I hae just 5-e4 of one who gave her child to gt.-ar.p'jr?, and devoted horself tc infamy. Ann Jus, is eaid to be intelligent. Heart ie&. it a very mild term to employ in characterizing ?ue-h . a mother. But a ,-. tffrffn Christian ! Ido not under-nUu-'-vhat. that can be. - Can a'.y Christian live without pr-. . ? j ;-. i !S?. A VfOit'-'Sor Hi'XV : ..U.. i:o 2 true chud ot Goa lie long m fr. re;;, leet oi prayer No. A Cbibri;: wele-j a closet A Obristian vbo iioe:. lev-j tbo d;uy of prayer! who neglects the prayer room ? A tVhristiau parent who baa no i'ami'y altar ? Ob 1 do net or:a:o .f ncb thingn ; jju--. h oontra-bcri ;n j Talk i the bi-ni nosa who s noed wan r? pt !jve when the rainbotr pan-h t!;a r.eav : (i. of the dr:.f i--an who h nibbed rwitn sreet cfuio j out to:! : , , I who "who tcves tno-e&viour t-f tl; t of the :' ,;unor. and f 1 i0Je af;: " But do not real I hr.Miao o;eiaie? , iojjflecr nrayer for a season . 1 tear , tMnk thaT D U WM i; ;hfb; (ear they ving memor able, fearful course of sin '-How long j aaay a Christian neglect prayer? ' i know not- I would net advise you to make the , cjperimetit. The wish to make such a I trial would, of iteeii, be wrong evidence that you are ant Cbrierb::;. last taicita f.: bf u-n-.ined ; One of the e2cr: of s. Christian to bve wbbotJt eommnnici; ' with (its?.. How ar.B-tnrgl a ::i bow ua- j grateful- Does hs the 6ar-,r, who -irr nt to pray to hbu ? I No, profss&sd disciple ol Cbrl-t. t);; j yt try bow ions you ees bve witbo?" ; ..'! but Fe-ek to know it is roicnuf- -iin-zunr . ,; . .i- . : .i. . which mcrbfy the fleiih, and bur--hie the which mcr-ify the fih, and heart, and bring us. into nearn.t ?- - :nd c v formi y to (bad' Prayer ir en-.l.re:. r.;y c ; v ducive to these results. 1t ic -e fxre -t 11 cart-searcher with a fail and eounitc confession cf yoar sios, and plead the merits of atoning blood, end cast your soul ;n diviuc mercy, ana ted rue u you could have hewn better employed '-oyer Mt- Am,'. . .. ' A Father's Frayea'. A pi 3a young man told a clergyman that hs lis; once disobeyed bis father, on which tke good raan retired and shut she dor?r. Curiosity led bim to look, through tbe ktv-hole. and he saw bis father on his knees at prayer. The boy listened, and heard bis father praying for hhn. This p truck bim to the heart, bdbe went away and prayed for bimselb His prayer and tbe prayer of tbe parens were heard ; the young man sought mercy through the Lamb ot. God. who tuketh away the sin of the world, and became a christian Indeed ih-bcld the hr-ppy u fecta of a pious fachr'o prayer I iaacUty n. Little Tiing. G-reat virtues are rare : the occasions for them are v rare ; au-.t when they do i occ-iir, ve are p re pa re u tor mem, iyj as fcxeit-sd ly the grandeur of the ftciiiee, weave eu p- ricd either by ths splendor of u; 2 deo uj th-i eysj of the v. orld, or by th-j isii'coi' placeu cy t bat we. experience fto'.a t.h5 pci'loriuiu.'ce of an uncouituon ao tloii. Littlo i?ib;;s ate unforeseen ; they return, every toomeut ; tliey cono in con tact wub one pride, oar Indoiencs, our itauahiines , our readine- to vA-.a .?tvuc ; tluy coiifirt'bc our iot bnaliona Krp--tu-a.Yiy. Wo v rA-i much raihr n:ak3 c -iji-i r-cat t;o-? -licca ta God, hovcirr ,.o iei.i and Vibilui (!;ey might to, epu con did-. a thai we thorld be rewarded by iib- en .-:,-;a- our -'.rn o.-.;::tv.-j an-J he'ti't-? ; in !- '- el in'j;. Li h -wtar, t by h b:bty b. Iift(e thitios ! har a .uv ant ' c'Of o ni i'.sVo to liOd can .' :-.:iO'-!yi.iieu ro-j a pacing fervor ot ipoii. bee u- reiaetnber that G-d I .oh in our aciionf only for ths motive. Ths world juo.-H u-- by appsaranej ; 0 od counts ibr i.o-h.ng v?bat if. mo.-x iuaz-Iitrg to men. YVboit be do i. a puro inteot:Mt. tree djoihty, a iiiCio rtlb-'-'-.'ii'e'afion -Ab thb is exercised more lVt(faoj;ty, and In u way that tries us mors reiereiy, on coi;:ui ? that oa gTeat occasions. Sain-j-times wc clir.g mure tenaciously to a tr'fiv than to a t;raat intereat. It W'u!d ;iivo u more palei to rebnoubh an amusement tbau iu br-J.ow a great sum in charity.- Wc arc tnore easily led away by little riiingc. bocsusc we believe them mere in nocent, and h.oic,ine that we are less attached to them; nevenbo'e-s. ht i: 0d deprives as of them, we $oa oi.-covei from tec paia of privation bow ezcerivo sad ittcscoable wss car attachment to iheai. Thu sincerity of our pie-y is abo isnpeach ei fjr the neglect of rnincr daties. What probability -g there that ve should not he -lists to make greaffacrhuces, when we shrink from tbgiit one-: Bat what if- most dangerous to ths uitn i ;?"tl-:: '-.it'll it acc-uirc- of unta?th!ulneoo. Ti-.i5 b.-e to (tod tlunks nothing small. All :.Uat can pba.-e or J'- phase hiu ia guat. It dofe-4 Lot pvoducy constraint and weak ciRp;o:;. but it place.:- no limits to ita fhicbty ; itae's with .dmpiicby. and as it is not .eioiorr-ted v.dtb thin-a that (iod h:;- noL commanded, it neTer ! ' .btaSes a men.ant :bont what h c "la: oob t ctiu i;" h-i g,ot or auieii. 'l oose 5.. t..;'.:.: vrbo are naturaby !sis eaact oyht.. to. make an inviolable law wlih T!iv.a-cit:. -"at iriue.-:. They ar' tempted to deipb ti.vu: they have a hbt cf thiuk-iii- ;be' of" : r":.-e'i7'!'-' t thy-sre not aware of tho i'vnaible growth- own fo;v: tytri eSee.-.vr'Cc. They tru;-;t t- a deiuuvecou.v.; 3. thot'. :b it ba.H before fui'ed them, hr che t-t.pport of lueir fidelity. " Icisa riSe," thrsay. 44 it Is nothing." Ti-ic ; bur it h a nothing that will be ov er till!:;,; t.- yen. a tr:3e fl at yoa prefer o ':; T.'i'f.b-f t.-:d. a trine that will be your ruin. '. e-.-C bo re-.d elevation of mind in a c:,;ii'.'iii:ii o; lone uiina , u is, on the ten ! rary, iiom t--.j narrow views that we ex-nf:i-!.tr those -tings of buie imp." tance which be"o iv. fat.t such i-?i.iisive ecnseqa-iice-'. fhc ne;ra apt we ars to n-'.leot fmail thbg, the more we ought to ier r.be eilb'Jis of ibis negligence, be wst.;b:bl : a; c .r.-ilve.5., ai. 1 place itroand us, if possible, some infcrrmoutstbh bsr rie to this remissoe.-;3. bo not let us be Kt t:: :Ac a!fto-t;.jU ro ;Sc,-- ; at i-tst b wb! re courage to lt-.in.o..n it, out ;S .a a penance , itit ; have need ob a" i that will at la-t brio-; us peace and f-ercnity. God will gradually render this etste pleasant and ca-sy to us. - tt-.sitlou. 1 . - . . . Ts.e l?udy end t.'-e ,A re our bodies ao constituted that th! food cf one dry suffice;? ibr the wants of j ih? next ? Ihi e'.ea oce:;otiil bannoets j cdipet:--e Vvith ths ncces;: oidiily bread '.' Ars the a.r.oagemeuts ot nature euan that , .-a bright day ea- h week is en-oi rn cuf : fie'ect to melt tbescows cf Vi.uter, t iu:.yi the naked -forest into a sea of io-i 1.-2. cr cover our he I -a 3 in ucmiu w ; i -de ves of golden corn t ISojtoc l""y r:e-da dally bread; fid? fcr the rip-r;b.g of vhfir fruits, and g!d..- ior tbt; beauty f their Sowers, used .!' Kinkgnt, ri not sun-bin2. And rhe a;;-.- e,o;: ;t ibiae, nor its graces u-v aio . :;.rv; rJit..v.a.t (b;:'y prayer to Cod as; 1 b oqo'Ojt comma ni'.-n wivb the skits. L .---y, tb .--refc-rt. we ought aiway . to pr-;, 1.-: onbig and eve ning iit the b::'st 5 co u.r.cb oftener, to 'a:vcb tha better nd t he result, if it is dovcc., -arne-.t, b.'ivbag p;uyer, wiil be to m'-bttain tur rpirtv.a be: under what aea.-r? the most unfavnabla circ'imslan c'us. On the rocks by -! a a bhcre 1 have seen marina crc. tu.is living when . .. -O l , a tue tide was out: not .-i wim; '-- it leaves, but off the u. y and naked rock n tbe withering sir, in the burning, broilhn-c sun. T.iy live-.: oecau.-e wneu twice each day ths ;.-amiug tide came in, and rising, covered the rocky eheive-i they clung to, they opened their shut and shelly mouths to drink in water enough to lart them when the tide went out. and iHJ :b next tide came" in. Even so, day also at the least, are we tore fpbnts pr.--e medicinal qualities. Hv r.,,r t;.;;-,iv ac.ob fill uur, etonti- ! try btrinei- is --i i with many of thcui. iv,o?e a plenish our tluriy aouh fill our ,c-to.ti- ness from the ocean ot grac ana in-.-.ty .bat fijws free aad full ia Chi let, to the .nints and chief 01 stn" -. o i.m dweiie'b ail tbe Godhead bodily. Dr. GuhrU, Th p'..-'.vor of cd.-.tiumii .bir.; ..: ;;...c crcd-.i::' v. ::u our ppproaoh to tlum. j h.3 Christbut ic-'.U tl'ac h-3 is et.t.nic- i-.i state i.hcse ; c ue wi.'J "jisc,-, t , c-i j fear.abb. cv ry dire be tblaiit d. , c. ry mi; Icb..;, Hwry, ev.m gea. ... f..,-icU ed ; wbrc jhere e ti1 b.. t.. rtl :j tict.S to ix. i t, He a or-; t -3 -,r.;e. fi; s.tl! ... dac, no tl-ee ii-j;i; biii;h.s ;.t.tc.c tries. ,j m-re dc-adnvfo in -.-. . ice, n- i,...te wj., dethvj in nnyer, o iin.ie t i . i .O. : " . - f : ... ( ' . . . ' '1 Oft. i: t r v;--o. , ' i:' d-"a' ecj -:?;' '0 O. : : .10 a'Uaif. . j'. J.'h ... V. t A; t 'i-s ti . -J itnbio::. . r (bi..' v.il- i. ...II Jf, 'l wtb be pt-ct. I". (:id I ':,:; -C O. ii;, . ,;;: ! .h.-.rm Is wh--- ; b -b b -yi-ito: . It i - -. .v .f il,..-e :. 'V -.e i'-- t.;n-.i . w.;i edoicu ho i tb n '1.,, Hr- 1 .1 eac-e whicn may In!, toj io-, ?m l'a'e agent v hi -h .o.uy decco - no utioe f- ir. med'um wb'ch my di- fb, J; . ',,. . iicby is n rt oi ;y etttebi bat py. j:Jtt ,.o6 only perfoet bat ter-. As he appro,;: Io- the !;nd r.f ref''tb.! tha .-.hadows of 'ht..; trih cea-e i.j intr !'r t'd.!e:;.l him. The biai, are remov eu from bb eys. O;. j .-e?s are e'rimvi .d'the:r fal.e iure. .V.tldr -j tli L r ally brtle aoy l.ouer Ud.3 -teat. Tj.w mists of an:ty aro dbp- rsed Kverj tlbii which la to have an ml pf;os smad j'ppyar-i nothbig. Efe-t:a! tldobs nn-l ineir p-.er UiM.niriide. h.r l.e Le! 1.,s liieui io tho true p-aot -1 virion, h- 1,. ceased re -! i m,( the wmld, J..r 1,9 h; s b.ual it a reel an- 3 .neu; ic has ybc-d. and he has for;- know.: hi wt.akfte.-H l.s leao-i tjot e.t hn virf -t. f r tlo-y rn d. nclSiiog tii.u Mad -he u bet.tr rel ays he tat? UwX his Mm would set in dat Lt;e.-K phis li:b c: .;-. ti . itr. But he i:nows -b, rr'eum he hs ttu-eJ, a. id thtrelbrc kn-iwa nt.t what he hoa)j iear. lie i:,k?: u: ward wiih h-.b' r at huaibk cri;!i Jer,i t, ibatgre-.t. I.e;.b rd, w'to bnvinrf bng since ceodnete I h'm ia art en pa-i-.irej-.-having by hi, ro 1 e. rrecrcd. a;;d by his t f;..T s!jj.p.r'ed him, wdi, ha !:uu:b!y trusts, aa.'di Id.tj thron-h he dark ;i!ley of th.s hhadow d deuth, an.J fely land him on the j eac-fui liore ox everitint; rest. Tbe 1-iUle Ci.its 1 iu Jnes. tu Ibe Si l tiei.. A tier iho t.ait:e .f Sbsrrsburt; w; pasi s. 1 ofer a bbie -f rviir- i-d m Cf "trsUje r- ( e;!J4-- i n fii oo,.tl f.(,sl':erM lll tij jir armies wte rftHruin t.. :..! 'acta. At cv-ry --fatloti the wiv-. at. i danjibier.s of tie tro e., toe ca:s and dl-uilu.-o !,."d i.. -' ,; 3d baidi-?- tnong .-b;i irod r... ,,. Ye -f :t ! nr,f t h'o..v .,., l.te an angel va-- a bstij . ;, i,u-,7 h.u.-.b,n. ly sod mo.'.L-L'v sb-j v.. nt j a gieat iu?. bcardvd s b'-' r, wf-y bd carved a crutch r-.''o a ' . it p:,o.k to replace a b...i l-y -h:.v. sr...-; lii-iw -iil a-kt-U Lim if l.e va, ! l unorJ "-'V? he ate like a Jambfcd roll". .Siie ak;d if his woii.k' r.:.;'.. tul, and iu a voice of hoft, mtdh-w cteto-, Cot I do tj '.b't!g leore V.r you 1 I hiu scrry that yy.t are io badly hurt; h.c y;n a ibfle d-.tighftr, ar.-d we.t k.!e cry 1 wr.tit -no sc'.-b yon; j he :!-.; n.-.t 4 ! heart v:..s ojuc-hed, and tcsra ; f I .e Bt.o . -ratbude f.iled his eyes. lit a,sAer I c-;J, '1 i-.-o.e tl.tei nti.e c.'oiditn. U -l Krant that if ey may be h ov-lr- a ! you' V, itb an evident ;b:; i.e i-.-prt.s l ed a d.tne (o kies tbt. f r 1 v; jlr j pretty .;irl. be ;..-;; ;;e haul j between : i: hi own, tmo c . ,ei ' j- ,. J j bye Cd blew you.' '1 he tie- . v..!i J. j way- be a bttr vt'cntsn b ca. of if e?e I ie-t-t.ns cf 1 ractieal et;&rjfv eJ inci- avti-io.e upon ner y. ung j-.L-if?- !! at e. To liVi," ?aid oei:tes, "j r- ti.ie 'Aitr.'" i i;:.-. ' the chaiac tt o.'i.fe vhrt hu;!:r; phi 'p!y has doe ltn ust fo' us. it . t r iicjic-bie rv r 1 1 1 en t ss tiplc i-ai pa."iii a v.vr f ur ttretih ag !ni-t tt c c-i.es whiwi. ceiwheb:i with ';..--:'i!. -'..-.y, and rtpicK and ,,iifie tfi rt --k our of the ln-h'tr na'ure tai.).-.t ll e pbja.iu. tS wh.ch entangle io te pU'h n ar. i btt'ay bi.o vice, jbat when i-b.2 ' mace haa wroeht its work in us lift it. kt a a ?:;;ier char.-cer. Then, to bve is to know the peace or (led whr-h n'reih nadei'htaadttip, to w ilk m li.t l'tUt of that peace to rest on the bottom o! il.at peace. 'j ben passion we;o8 the tele of principle : ami eate.- cck iu vain to crush dev. ;: ttiuse won .ire 44 . .tv.ig in the Jjpid of be-ts ai.d in the rt-wer oi ids iji'iju I and the spell oi ph-acrt ie In ktti, the'r enchantment is ined not on our nature alone, but cu the indwcllitig Spirit of iliui 44 wlm is higher than tl e highest." T (h, even now, let out first and mot fer vent prayer Le Ibr this peace this lent ' peace, this lit peace which ripens f . r the faithlul into the peace of leii'tft ;'ihri Ileib. Our ficidsand woods are r-'W fi'deJ with Let them be ta-. he red arid pie.-erved, aul they will be touud invaluable in the fcb- ce ef ni-.r.y medicites tor which wo j have been hitherto detcnieut c-s the OiiN Jtiiewvili.