I. v - m t n r LP lJo " JI3 PATRONAGE OF THE NORTH CAROLINA COXFK-UKKC: VOL. VIU.-NO 9. TUilSDAY,- JANUARY 17, I860. F V f !q 610 f-- H i M-nth, In Adrau 1 .1 " :l- - It 1 t - i - i! p: . . Si.il .vs.,-, ; ; i - A . t r -w. S. r. M. II c;r., i Cr:t :r. Ali ..tthia vi'i at ' :-s HI) 21 2 J 23 2 J SI 1' 4-5 11 12 Stew- User, o. K U-T5, 1 Webb, j Ihir- .i meet i j, the . E. lYbra- 4 5 11 12 1S-19 25 iO J b 1 1 2 I - s s i J 1 -J .'2- r. K ) J I h, V .S j.v. 4-5 U-12 1S-"J 1'5 2o 4-5 11 12 lS-li 25 2i 1 2 v9 iue in ri.l.-j y, iias- i :M. re-.ort. f FtC- i 2j ! 5 il ; ji is iy C. 0 i f . J HP. 'Jf! Christian Advocate Publishing Compaay Ih. JNO. P. rOARD, Freshest. Dirn-Vr,: Ivov. "VVm. H. Cij-TnGOtw, Ttv Dr. C. F. I.ci:m,J. H. Esmss, E,q., aal iU-v. V. J. V. . 0;iwi!K(t. Steref;rj and 'Ircx$wer :T..v. 7. 31. CCS-K1GCUI. $10 5 TfJi'tttS. The (.'vocaia ig puluibo.i every Tues.I;y tnoriii'a;, x'or -Siv ia n-'a?, to I u paid iu adyauce. All '.iJcvrtiscrtrnt will l:o cliargsJ $3 per tquare Oi Hi l'snss or li,fur t:.-t -ta ?ertiori, fid S2 pr l-r o"'. '--f . -: t, h.t!,l:t be " :irm. I th-m : " Kev. ed to ad van re- to ; first qu-ir'er'.s .-:.; a3 the ia u ranee. 7. That tut trcia ac'i ii- i. '.. mo'ri'li with ? v xr nest ctm"v.igii, :....'.: dr&t'z im tl- j those nj i by their ts-.-iai il , ;.. D,sc. iOiii ISdi. 1 i t 1 n.. i - a. . i i J i i- r 0 i tV: i - I. i t - t!.ut r-arcnts and friends nrip-ht not on the.r account suffer so mach uneiisiness. 3 1 V'e retjj-ined until fiicnda could come af . j : u, for oar President could not think -' )-vrmii Aug us to take the cars for home i ' ufintic-i-ded. ' j "Tne College is being rebuilt" as fast as - j cr j stances Mill permit, and will some I -7 y bo n, fi.ier building -vhan before. But i .Hidjj.v cieeps on me nhen I think I u v:i:i ro?,r be a i-uoil there arain. For did naiioye that dear old College. .;iit ol its LurMuTr wiii ever be re- .agery and foree of diction will l'i.bt r.p --n-n-. ypit j,T amid Jadgmenta. the eye sod ak'.n iiLco, " a:;c. Q d r.7.i-S Il m-clf in the gospol u tion and emotion .... t, F.-.tf ,f U pe.Vn,. A kr ihe laet 1- tc. greaM.Ua;:ej is ctn : U, m.-.-suo rh.a lor the discipline of 1 ' 1 ' - 'A i v , ...v '.,1 US 1 1 ana we win ever be an over riding Providence f r poiecthur us through its many daa-s?er-. W- I- V, A- i UUU i t ; 4 i 4 U t i Coivference Documents. l5l:in of A V.iy JiiieSoH- "We pubM-ih lor i'u- iur-rzaaLi ju of tho Chaplulas and .MUsiouaric of .tie Confer ence, tho eaiiro p'au of the Army M:'s- sion as amended at the last session. It 1 would be vre".l f r ei-ch of the brethren immediately iiilereited to urcservo th's: RF.rollT Or THE MISSION COMMITTEE. Tiio Oomraittee oa Missions submit tho ibllowiiig r.rporr, touching the.pln adopiv -l by t!u C inference t its last ics sion for suo.dyl.ig the ar.r.y. Your (jo:n:nme rccouiaiendei that the pJ m bo euangeJ aai modified in t'fcs following inaaner : 1. That the PreIdont of this Confer ence is very respectfully requested to up print two Brigade (i'haplains, seven I!e!iiS3iUaj C'iapiaios, to wit: A Brig ade Chplaia to flo-io's Brigade ?nd one to Birringor's Brigade, a regimental Chaplain to each -A the following Regi ments, t wit: The 12ih, 41th, 43;h, SOch, olsi, a id 67th Re rts. X. C. Troops and 10 :h Urjgt. Ga. Cavalry two local chaplai'is, to wit: Oie to Kinston and .troops In and around Kiustou and one io troops sotiih of Wilmington, and one csuc-ni 3Iiosiof;irv to tr:?on-? wifVjn tb j bounds oi the N. C Conferenco cot oth erwise provided for. ,2. The salary of each chaplain and". missionary phali bo fixed by the mittee on Missions, and each chaplain and missionary shall be pjdd according to the service rendered or Y engaged in his work, and if there sh-uild be a disa greement upon this polat between the chaplain or misio -jary and the supsrin tandent of Mi.s;o.is, the matter shall be referred to too Committee on Missions for adjustment. 3. Ail those appointees shall be as signed by the Bishop to some special Presiding Elder, (except the local Chap lains.who phall be assigned to the respective Presiding Elders in whose Districts their fields of la' -or ii?,) who shall be 3uperiE tenJent of Amy Mis.iiona, and to him each Chaplain and Missionary shall ren der a nu:ir.er!y report on the 1st day of February, May, A-ugust and JNoveinber respectively, or as soon thereafter as practicable. 4 Each Missionary Chaplain hall ac cent the apoolntraent in any Regiment of and in case of failure of which, he shall commaaicate to the Superintendent his reasons for declining, and if the reasons be not satisft'-'i-ory, the Superintendent shall rprin?st the Bislio'n to frupereeda him. Each. Chxp'ain sh,dl &ho keep the Super intendent informed of all ll?giments which need and desire Chap'ains. He shall al so inform the Superintendent of the time of entrance upon duty, and of all absen ces together "with all r mounts paid him by the Government or contributed by oth er parties towards bis support. If any chaee b. mo io th? ergan znticn 0 his ;Brigaae, ho thud immedrately report the same to the Su ci iriterulent. He shall keep a list of ad Christian men in his ll?gim?nt, acd a separate lit of all who are members of our Church, with the cir cuits or stations to wl ich they belong when at home, and d ta of their death, removals &c, to ? o handed to his suc cessor, and ' sh .'.I ' endeavor at leas5 once ia every thrc-j! :..c.?:hi to administer the sacrament of th" Lord's Supper. The Missionary ChnpU.ia: shall riovoto their labors to those R-srm-ints that are with out Chaplains. Eaoh appointee shall take. from the buperiocnuent a certificate ol his appointment. 5.. The Superintendent fhall publish such reports as he may deem promotive of I ho cause of Army .Missions, and shall prt -nt t!e Confevsnco at its next ses sion a stttu'icnt of tho f-eneral wot kings of the plan ai l the d.-iai's. of the labors of each Missionary and Cb.xplain. 6. At lca? one collection in every Church shall bo t:-ken during ihe year on nil our circuits sri spurns, lor tne Ar Iny Missionary Fund end forwarded to the Treasurer, who shall pay to the or der of the Superintendent, which order shall specify the Missionary or Chaplain to which such payment is to be made, and the Treasurer shall pablish the contribu tions from time to time in the North Car olina Christian Advocate, and render a distinct report cf tho receipts and dis bursements a our next Annual Confer ence. The collection for this purpose shall be taken not later than the list of April 1864, and the Treasurer be direct. retort cr xii 2 co:.;ii The cim'uir'-ce u .'d ' foii;'Viiii; Tk'J- l"! : Tie a.u;;e,c- I 1.:--. : ber dus It!-.; l ;-j t The JW. .L-u3.i" c'-' I) - May IU U A D coa? i-jsiOii "n t'V: : Aid r; , ei-vt.i ' Ccnfce-e:- n, i.s fec-:-- Va., i.- (1 V : c w' tUdhn, sf. 1 c - - J. j - U . 1613. I On tiiO IX .G ' w. s. c tho Pc-r30H Ci v. J cui : i i X . a.id Civcul: viilo Cir,-; .rfh Ci-cu. j..j!o L L 1 - " - i" ' 1 Li " -. ; on1 -oi. ; in 18 I j ; arid I--J3 1 had a on-:i:..-ti :r r pyth Cirtrm. lu ' frtuiiiy, pci I -ps .the c-nd'tioa of f ly (iiauro (Lit vroul 1 reader si v hid h;lh?5 ;lo h-J-.l ; to go vith t r liltcro." wL-.;.'Vv 1 0- is ; ; i. J'J - :r . : 1 i A O s h- 1 1 1 r : .i-t I - aato!a :ia(r;,c;i'. nio-'dvy or r:- borne of the j,v Confcrense, and at Lzsi faith fatly all ,ha x.ir miles irotu i3 fa:-..i-y, only tima for a year. With thf3i f. c must conclude it v-a attachment to the v, to end aie auy rtvm&b. o led hin to th;s cours'-. a homo on earth w ti do tin In April he wa ailv.-r-x-.d monia, of wVtch no -uif'r-2 days and oa to 14 h d-j HiOiith, ho OalciiCd u.S uOu; land, leaviag a wli-- : ! mourn their irrep' rabL; . Brother Bono hb r. d iU last, having yreach'.d o ; died on tho foii .. . . conversation w'ih "; v. Doub goure tiitio Vefo 0 ' i expressed hlm)! aj preparation 1 r d' '1 - Ho pSS--sssf..i g -d was uri;-isten?:i-:i-n3-i; p:o and ru'ol. i afe, ju.d 1 Urn' to a Yi'unjr Preacher on Pulpit Style. Ji"AR : As a comparative . v, 1 ave i-.o right to trouble you j wit'u a.; vice; yet as a docerc well wisher, '-' v v.-ro :d mires your talents, and is most 11 l" ' j a.-ii us tnrt you should do justice to the .n, j yijii,, fu iCt'oo you have assumed, per- .'"' j isjii r-e to m;xke one wr two remarks on a ; i suiim-jt which Ji?tely heard you ex- pross, ajj.i wincn a Uttie a!armeu me lor ycur s"cce;'.i. You sah', I recolle ,t, that "as you were -';iiig to a remote country village, it '.vouhl be cisy to satifTy vour rustic con I giX-gation; that yon did not apprehend ' .;;oy would make iar re demands on prep I a-atron; and that simple truth, expressed j hi simple iaitguae, would be quite enougb 1 r ;h.f.-n " j Jvnvugh, lam ure, if the words be j rigm'y ur-dcictood ; only I fancy that, if j n.ixi I'Q Via case, it w Ube found that '4sim I p!o -or; LI-, expressed In simple-langusge," ! involve very c ireful preparation. j uS:iu?do truth" mu- t not mean common- phi 3 .-. r.or i;s:mple language" any plain ; v; i u- that comojc hand. If you would ! piodtco asy lively or durable impression j 01 auy audiei:ce,(rudic or polished, mat i t .jot,) you n u , give them thoughts j e'ru':c, and th.y-e must be expressed tp;?sk. i.cthis tas-h-, -J. i Vn ii,, Tory care- l v . Take heed of the fallacies a 1 1. alt 7 ' '- 1 1 i ? 1 : ! h v- 1 . ... : ui' . 0 : ,. :c, vi'u 1; ..: :, .iov a ' w;th cry i .. ., : I v I1 .u tl the ternn; "simple truth" and which ia lavivrcd oi the c:d cal A h . .1 ijiaus as in. uu u.t-y Mcse r-ir e taste, l-cc-.u.-.e ih-y hnng v.i't r p ..ra c the lips of I'cin-ibihc m?.-, is l.tr iL r- r; plic ibie to our r:si p.- ,'cd .;. .m - Take the moitiatroas .. in -s of v:; ii u -of Commi'iisi. Vvr it '-? voT.- I.c were iisteaed to v, iUi r.p :; ? Wt-r-not Fox and Bui;.e c-s'w -h'-o-jio st ? r i hustings ts ever they v.ro at J".t. S e phen's? Did n-t pr-in .-.cu-ns "o,;,: listen as ann'audht-fU a:- ;..'-r v.. .z i-v- or j 1 oiii yi u on them sovere afilio- -U' ltb c. ? a lkUV. 1 i iigiu uii villi- '. - iij ft.. T I.o.d r tieth them that fear xll til- niiUfttef'a lou s eric of itins aiHinst the otDreaa- 1 1 -1 a p.; p - wh.. wrra Fullering in j c-i ' t air fnr. the voice of Di- v. 1 - ii-i n-m Jee$. audience oi fV-bov? rctfi-cs..'t: ' Is it not slwiiys' Ha . o r.ot no ' ?i orders ol in tell gore." -''d o th-. w In degrees of culture, formed their 0 :;: o gatiocs ? Sneaking of the diSls enc! h.siwi en pvo viuciai ilia ecis and tDo m-.'a a. i.n-:" j ;iJ Li the latter cf which is ucdj'ood ! t e who Fpeak the former, tvut:-h th iinu.r ; ivt, ;,t;d -.-!,.,&' by isLe&r.i.Droeiaim- ng ti;. &.d lu& nr.t Jhrsaktit them" '!. ;. ; ;i- l-t. i w:s fil ed with fin." r. t!t. Church st .4 tho people of rr m.!;, iol:Ctttn;cs that God rs .k c t;,(a. tmu t.ho priva . ft'er :D : wr' Ma.- winat f,y " h:- L rd of hos's is w't i us, the G i (: Ja"..oi3 our rcfuc.o" '-How baa Ho :ru.-traU I thw d'ioi of the euem to ca;,":! and plunder this city? In :'; .h 'fences ia II? .ivn eaoQM o O ir rr c ieru:! ag;ct f 'ip:rior r uajbors, and ' t jiv. - 1 w may bo unintelligifde to tho wh. ;v. ak ! :i ,t ;j x vyv wide extent bltrsed our UriOl'tfi' ? :,t' ! (' ; !i ;,-. I'tli f'firl .!... -.r k mIi a r r 1: or 1 ! I'i t .0 V ' ! i i! t ; 1. ,1 :o. ua. vests. 1 .t o.isii ws no t:.i -id of Diyir.3 Pt'OTiicnc ' Jmi , '.rhioh Lr;.ghtt bought I . ;cos of th;j sriemv O creaie a r mi L.-.-i t A..J Lire ' : ) ?. d wi'r:t as;p in ihearmy, v in ti-itii Vat God bxs beeu 1 i n- - ti.c . ;.; d; the latter ur. ivj serves: 4The caso of ! ; nr.: s. cr speech, u qu.te cot'!u : ence; in the forn:cr, t' c i stand the learned bo" 1 : ... . do the ignorant ; in ;l -j wise' Somociiin. ii'.: true eloquence : a ( rrn-l - appreciate tha poiiii" i j . discour.e, n&, iiii-.-. i' . y .'. J gance and music ot it, . i ; a single sentence g:,io-n;'' ; will not, ef course, gupn r' ; .-. you to attenr-.t a style, Wi'-th-sv t' :.ou'-it or expression, atu'ritiusly ch-.Vv. -tirade flock ; Acf wou)d In ccy'M g ijo true eloquence in my teom : 'all J. mun is, that there is to tlio.r-, u - to ov. y j o as great a differesca inwce.i a ci.1; ttn: plaee treatment of the very ?ra 1-3 Ci-.-i-tian truth, and one i-oliy ai i .t d to awaken attention and kind'o r.:i"i, r-s . pof ' ft there is between the stylo of :ho duib-c j As y ,r0- i-n '.ibly know very little in retailer of soporific trusts r,n ! ihe s ; ! j to V 'f Jwgnt of God in of Demosthenes; and thV b, rMx.lt war. e kr.oA- rot. what aro to be a genuine cloquetcc, if you ht, u., 1 ! d;..t. r r iilrlmat-i results. We believe you have a sacred n '.v uc i V:i..-v u. f. tri.i r,.-..,.vs whirth ba will ef. :!j int, arid turned j M3-iy in '. :n.do : . lighter, rjiii! -There : ,i'c :i- ht:''d- r.,:?v-r. Divine reafons, for j :-.e c i ;: - co of 'h? w.r, for sin etill 1 f-t.vui')-- 011 ovcrv side, but. the' numerous j i Ii .-z'.'. t.,.; t' at Go i not lornwn cm :vlc-;2:. hut we still share 1 ' ' r 'T i. U )'J 1- ui pray wit hoat c asirg thar He will pre- It ii ..- 11 T T j r iro tiio ica-ts ot people oy iiisgraoe zr - a tho fj mo itlnj3 of One wiie d ."(. Fljwn.'d e?Jl forth our grat in 'aHLii. ins:, iusnire u with '.- c-..i.2d.;uc i i Him.nd encoursce us ,t.,-:iirr.; oi r- ace. roos, ;s will wortii v. u: 11 a ;i u.?;; ; 71 ; . 1 n ri is rr.tpW bi ii.ivi - ii,uM i. Forgivo thii cxercitation on "Rh-or ic," aod believe mo y-jurs truly. (7vy so?t Letters. 1 nguasjo ; is for they arc rocks oa : ' " i which :ur.;iy a man has struck. " i ';Sia-y!e truth" Ae simple truth of V ' I the gospel I tru-jt will ever be the ba- , . r VI yout j,iicaii'iti) ia J. am ouic. jfvi ---:rj it to be; i. , i . . -" t i no f 1: a It ti 0 ::.r: ,.1 t. ' B!e-t : the Lorn loved known die in eaith the sr- their labor.), and them." : 0 . U nu ft' K.r' -. 3 i ii ; o 1 i C 1 .- i i; i ', , , T e ii F'V. Kc?prctfu' Paul J Cah 0 t. Char. too 1.0 car. jo tj th ed ov Bao. Pell : S- f.m--since tne conflintiio:'. oi ! lee, the r-riue ot -ur Ca ur- But a few ua'.t 10 r a - 5 tie book of ec-i;p :i b i i.,. i lady -friend of' nu e. .pai.o y a 1 ; in which 1 f,u.,.u .pCoa burning of ih: Coli!:...2, S o i-s r. inmate of anothc .-ohnol, "i-u.; r-m with deep sorrow tke ct:i.ru-.lv'" College. It has been some ii:ae sdco :h' occurrence tot k p!s.e, .kc-.I .i. : lines WDre wiir.fen, ! u-. o.-h teres.ed wii-i a ps.u, t ot been. 1' tLtrefdrj i-L.-d : take tho resr,oi.?Ki-.i-y -.u queat you to pub.tsi a u. tne "Advocato.'' V " - c : -i CoLLLOL. Ye?, ia ioiagljutu a I le.ro yet, aithou'i not-:.Mijr the ctcv.'Urlng C.i , e-, Lu . i '. k r.riek wai:.r. W.o.h v;. .; t,- ;l. .. heart did I fitst l: z ; y : ' . ."..- din irjiu the c-iti.a.. w--d ;- i v to becomo an tnwaie of in w.i i r n "i v a per -cci etr an ;'r. Ic ,r :s bu t ii;o.i eminence and presented a C'xs u. .... ,.r ance with its (w- wtngs, lirg s w.,-d ,;. and spreading docs s. A to o d . i v caualead up to the doc:1, bord .r. i on ae - : -.j u uo V.' . 1 ; - -.hj 1 1 ' V : -; ' h -,- side by shade need. icir the Coin p; '. S :' t ec nj'. , ".1 ?:. re. v'" i f ' .1 f f ; . 4-? . .ier:: .." I J was a b??utifrd rrcTC. in rhc mi??; of; Vv.th ai :-?ecd naws zzzA o'e wnioh was a ILlIo babbling nuui, &pau-1 country, that dl the girli rrzre safe, so 4i).'.rfc from that assem ' , j h!,gj or' doctrines an 1 precepts which can ' '; ft'oi e nutho Chriitiauitv -a thing worth o by sorrowful and guilty bu ll puiirit- eho'ience will be but " " ; "mounding brass or a Jhkling cymbal." I a ; - i hope, too, that three truths (as you pro t1!!1! 1 no.Kj) will be expresied in "simple lan 1 ;1 j ri-:ro.;' But truth the most important " I ru?h a p!e?chcr can enforce may be li I 0 Jay of c ia prehension, 'and it may be ex- : ! pressed iu forms note can misunderstand, y :;.nd yot ivS advocate mty have utterly neg ';' 1 hi entire duty notwithstanding. ' j ;is business is, by" apt. method, arrange- ienr, illustration, imagery; vivacity or i 1,f'-ifl to. animation hoth of stvle and ,!avC j i.i.'tnner. to render truth, not simply un- 0 iiur 1 , j ...j ...h j tJ j j t.;-rioon, Mw'mt'u to wiui a uroway uuu, 1 ;i-r.-t slt-nf m-t-.r hnhf.dl' nnt rnlv known - j -,7 hi so, by the way, it generally is be v1;' H i foro he opens his lips but the object-of 'p""" j 5o, jpa heLie intelligencv, and the source J Jf tm uion; to anima!' it with life, to ! -3htho it with beauty, and make it worthy Sri'-j of :! acceptation." '. .'It I Nov;, to do' sll this for your rustic au l 'i j d-tiK 2, will demand (take my word for it) - f 1 ' I 1 ' ....l 1 ..C.1. U. IP it' b UUU. CiivUL LUclll 11 J(UU VYC1C trenching to the most polished audience :a the l. nd: in some respects more; for you miibt legitimate speak to these l-r,t (and perhaps more easily to yourself) on man-i; .?ubiec:s which would be mere Ji!,-n!Vi t--j Gri'.fV ;n tr. r.c.rijWinftvs of 7- r . mi 1 , ' "i yo:. - o.'i,uz j nvte ; anu, tor similar reas ons, the fangs cf your diction will also be m. re limi-.ed. On the other band, rely on it, (and I say it afcer much observa tion oi thy effects of publio speaking,) if the topics are such as yotr audience can deal with, (and let me teli you they can da! with- a good dual morn tnan is gener ally thought,) none of the pains you may bestow upon your discounts on the ar- , -- -'V- ! raoge&entct your thoughts, and on your , ' l:r" I tnod'3 of itiiJstratingand expressing them I will ho thrown a fray. Your audience, ! however rustic, will show that they ap- pv-t:i?te execllence of style, though they i mriv n;t he conscious of the ichy, and p-di-aps Kfcver aram sin: pie souls: ht.nt ycu are eloquent at a 1. So much the hetior, my - dear sir; and better still, i; which is much .more difEeult you can tQrg-i it too. However, though they knsw nothing ki "analytical critichna," nothing of the " principles of logic and rhetoric," you do : slid you will see that if you comply with ; he genuine "rules of art," by tnily adapt ing your discourse to your audience, your ..udiciice will how that theyjjaturally obey the lav3 of criticism, though they do not comprehend them. ' They will tehow here, as in other casestbe charac ters "of the law written on ttair hearts." o-s, fir w.f-. i though r? ever studied in tr codes of H-r- 'j co i -, hitorieians. Amonirvour rahtic hearers. r ij'So ox til. 053 .111 ft w -11 R8 anion ar the most refnttd nf nnr fpecjss, pathos will exact his lears; affec tioa and earnestness, sympathy. With them, as with their betters, vi acious im- 'oi e e, r t e ou ! ;o.,"-'- t'i a' n ;.-ro t wa'ir i:ls crd &W do;rn '-,"cr- Xj. S t:-t rltfd ' d ros- iii - n i 3 he a;id thrcriv c'eu C-iven". Ail ft? it aii '.t a .-r:t, 1: ia urn u irora tne frigot. f(c j 1 ': t'V iu, or what j:dgta?nt- or mercy tnay l ave in ctore Ihr our enemies. Jg-t!is a-e a "jrcat lcen." past . . . ... - ;lr.-.i'i' ov.t uutd He illustritea them. -The fri. nd.; of Jh wre not the last men who Ifve n:-.h; great mistaked in their trtrnp: to inrerp'-ct the providences of G ; ':. B at if wo have opulences that He ;r . a i ,r rs and is nrcC'tit with na in 1 The Edinbarg "Wime-'j" r.-p:rts t.n in teresting discussion which took-plj-.ee cr, ; recent meeting of the Edi.b'ir' Ihc Church Presbytery, on the mi" J :ct c i'r. nd S t?a dr4y. of wnr trial, we may bear with very rnr-ien Jam upon us, im for support ntwn Qbsetvcr. Assembly, urging that body to .dpr m ;;ns ing sermons. It wan inrodu--cd by .!r. j ;'i!;ri if-sin "very burden Begg, who, in an able speech, moved the j '' cnJinua'ly to Hi transmission of an overuro to. the Geneva! ! and h.-iivcr.i,-ice. i.hr'stk in the theoiogiCdl colleges of the Church- for training students in tho habit of o: .:v ering their sermons without radii:. A m.-n who b.du'gcs iu sin privatey, i 1 1 u uag:-s, :' rs i.u or'!iieia as nard as -0-1 ! 1 n When I was lately iu the North of Sr-ot- j bra s. The 5-tt::oj b clnued. the drops land I heard of an ineidenff tin t cccu'ml 1 -i fw. u d u 1 U hr w at the rccoilco not long ago in connection with a vaaarcy j ti-n f yhj. l;y i d- rc ; the Pocond time near Aberdeen. Anuuib-r of yrug m-n J no ht hv.e t o ! i br.W only an sgita cametothe church to preach a.--as:idai! s, i tie a or tie t.ivsts ; the third time there and almost all of 1 hern read in drvor.n n-i I wus lh sly, fh'!'i : lo..k, but no agita A friend of mine b: d a talk -i:h ote ( f tic-; the Vex 1. niae'l.e siut.ed a litt'e far the shrewd hearers, after the fi ?:t y u h j thor ; at. ! ho bocamo the bold had eSlciated. "How did oa like ti 0 j d .'phonier rf Gi-d, who exclaimed, preacher?" said ho. ,4'Dvd, Fir," v.-.s j "Wii .n i l h ;t I .-h-'jM taf Jehovah, the reply, "no very weel; hi. wil! nc. cf an-i w 0 :s II 0 tha' I jrold rerve him?" be able to say, like the Aprstlo P.mi'-. i- 1 4 n ft .:tu h .d o woii. Launch your has fargottea the parchmnta' (!a-'.g';-- j ;.--ul ' -:::n..t It mn.t go where, ter.) j H " -Tin . 1.' t;-ke i:. Put ;y uiseif in tho Sir II. Moncrieff, who condd-red ih. I ; .- i-i-.r i---io 1 a .-a Lu- ni!raw in the it was not so much the reading ofs-mn ! '. vtad as their ineffecdvo de'iv.ry, to wHc'- c:-:- ' ' j" cep-.ion wa3 lakeri by ih-3 pe:.phi. ? rop d T' ' that to the overture the fford sV;i J h- ; r. v: : added, thai moans should io tv-l-tv- ' r ! : a ;, trainu g tne stuuenr ni ' J.o . -i .;t o? 0 ering their discourse:-: t fLr-fiv. 'v. -.'.in t use of their manu- crip s on th ; d-a k. On a division, the rrig'n, j r- od.:; w. carried by a nnjori'v -f 10 ?o 0. . -i? ' President Dwsgtit ur?f. i to to classes, as they vrcnt 'tit ft. ia tv.d.rh care, "Young men, it 13 ui, k fnr. f.-dc it is not great Icarn'a g t i i5 i-j to r. you to dog.aoJ. "The thl'.li--tj -m Ckr V. lie then added, "Tho to'tr g wn -d' n- we expected least t.'i t ne -. y college, has note at'v.K. 1 to tj.c excellence and u.--efulucs 1 the most for the upbuilding ! J i.'i ' I r . a . 1" : ' r i. ta of the Master." Ti a:, m vi -a: tleton. Hie hopes wee n -t was gloomy and. dei-po .ce . through his college ecu-- -; h-j wards shook off this C.v'-.i. r richly exemplified the r- wc- ' of tho religion of J"o".i if? nently a ho-y man c --in - 1 Christ, who weut w; h i -, Himself through an irn ot ia r.v; ' r. . r - . -a '. a ; L C ii-f?.t ;- I - V ! u g uhi.-h w..y the wind 'x .-t-.u control yourpclf. -i ' c.n rr.o'jrw, hu itcscnot di-c- a c; tr rv'.go whiJuivrr way 1.'!. ' Ifjoa o.;c a luount into . - U oyp n v. T-:.Vo herd, if -.dd a- n. .'lio uors ol char- , .( ?: the !ittW si "8, whioh, .. i. cp :-i a i to r, mty at last n 'l; in :L; c-.n'tnit and destroy : i i ' r. Ihcic is a great dan- ' ili! cl .S. ! v ! in 0 "j.rs f-ld without v,. c. f-:d to whom tie future n; - s. ;.5 oa; opan her ga'es, when i-d-.-'e-i irarn tho t,rscnt. The i .i"usiy wita ua m the .: ; t i;a it is'a Fhf.rae to turn 'o tiiM -.-ons wnich.he fcives. Lomr s dim, the far dull, the a r , f-v. i':rt toner, oil the sen to do h ;i.- oiLco, and from ev-r-js aads the cail, ' Set thine 'u V i dir. i t ; f1.1; hund. ' Tne playmates of : :.v u., 1 c a.- !i.e:s ox trannooa aio ta-e 'nf kmc, before uj. OJC .-s l:hj Ri'. rjnvt chamber, in whiah, : - ... . .1 ..... . .1. . - - V ' ... .1 ma a: K ti . " -U M'J'll 11 7 f.Tig c BUI IU, WW in iii.noa for tho world that AIC A LOSFR ET GlTIKO Hm-' ;o -. od. Ju ci incj taia 10 oocra- J-'C i'i -e i : ac ti-Kfi'Dg ei.-.e v give, u; :.!c , "a id I ill gvc tho back again ia, - ,f !i ;! r. i- ii-.au when I received 27a 7 Christian Liss-t ai.it y' T:l.ve a e certain great prircij c- . dowa in Scripture in reluti on to glvd.g, m l th use of property genfr.-dy, r,-. c -ng which there is tinmen pructicJ .:k'j-t:c : a. They are as follorva : . 1. That which wo hv.", vrs h di c- , stewards that must give tscc nn:. 2. Tha w.iv to in t'treri.su ia to d'sta d.a-.l' Some are rich bcciu e the- rro bbcral. y-e" S vsys God, "Give thy? elf ro me, 3. That which is given to tLe p -or is '1 'f y p-.r.tr. in thv heart, and in all loaned to the Lord. , thy a. -ti--., and 1 Vih -ive tho back thy- 4. That which is d ne to G ri t's lifa -tfif, and ;i y; If too: thyfelt in a holy ones is done to H:mFf. 1 hb-y'io w:.U in the world in thy call- A bundredjto ere is tc rtte of ? a .crest j in- ; my-cdf in piving a blessing ppon all God allows now; and lif! rvr! --iing in j tie vorK ot thy calling, and implanting: the world to ccrca. "Kirk x:?C. Dr. in thte a holy desire to do all things to Nci-im. mj glory." 4 K ()

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