.. i. nn it i? AJLLJj rrv tt . i-' MET JLYJL ii J JL ODIST r PUBLISHED IN TJIK INTEREST OF METHODISM IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA- VOI , i I iAI WIO'ItI, 1ST. C, FEHHITAHY r, 18(8. ISTO. i ti. C 1 ":;!t ;it.. .i a i hi i - v. !., t ts. t' ' w.: -tcr." !" tii.' iAWxl i i....: Ii ..,! -. i i kit": i h, :!!: l: ! '.; :! ' i 1 !i i- l in J I -VI. I h 11. H lln-v I'l.ic'; k t !::;!,(: '. iiy , I'r.t'.-i i ii i v : ; . i'l'iv.'ll i''.'.;! ;!.'; .lll i ill;' iii'.. .1- !!!. !.i;i;V il.iy i !' iii.-o. 1 i:- si; ;'rhii i.j lit v :t !i'.):;ii ' n! i:;:i':t'; v:n e 'i ii.-ii ; jift'.-.-i !! I hfli! !:.; ll'cir .- !a t- -,. " : lir.n b;'i;'iit c eii pim'ilifi.ia TL ;:i iii-;t i-si tu lay wn:,-;-; u'.ui. " t ; i :i!".i i.'i.ir.! Tin'i! !!!:'.'! Ii I m . i:'r; 1 i.iri.-iu i 'liii,;; . i i :l -i -i ,i!l,-.l -I: i.- -' 'a ; :i:'e i-i! v li. l V. ill. il X'l'S t li . - ! ii II! ii. !". Uu-. '. !ii; fur inoiV .: : iis:v ..ii w!;. i'i. 1 .'h.-!t h-.u ! ;i:!:i'.-. -f li.n.l- -: -Mil )-.' ..I' !v :! 1'uilyivl. ur uiiv'!Mi' t w'.iii' i !' hv.'i-.-?; ;'. sin' iii- hi'.: i i M ii:: t'urjiU1. ;u"i.i vol-!. :i:iil i i'su eii.sn: i' or as U-a .-rii'i. . in- i-ruve 1 lliil I!.' I' ll:- Si'.-.M!l iliV Nr in seme i.n.ilf kv! . ii-.tl.ti.nvii h.iy, v'.ei s,iU:: t1 t;;i'i' ler it;' i!.;v. er parts of the world too, are. evideu-' earth than one hundred feet, that is, ces tending to the same poiat, testify- ; in the ulluval deposits, the time of. his ing that there are extensive fire in creation e-umot date hack further thjn the central pavt of the eartti, which the hi.-.ti.rie periods, say about dix maintain the hij-h tcniperatuie of their j thousand ye.-ms. The caviller mfy waters. And the fact that nn we pen,- : perhaps aflirni si)at man was created trate the crust, of the earth wo iind the l"'i-r to t liat rime, and that all evidence heat increasing at. a uniform rate i ;'a of his exiutenee was obliterated by t$o proof that the whole interior of our I revolutions thai won constantly tak globe is in an igneous atate, and tliat ! place, liut this fails to touch the the crust of the earth i; bat u t lun point at issue. To seietitiiic lumOalU covering, and probably not so thick, I evident that if man had. existed j proportionally, as the sh.dl U to the ''"' alluvial periods some 0 i egg. The spheroid figure of the earth, ilenCt' ot i.s tvastence woniu Piou The reinuius ot man are uo iqo?f Je- I also. k. an evidence of the fact that the 1 nrt.h wn forme rlv in a molten coudi- i tructible than those of cfther 3:, Xvw for time is short, and death J he chanced to use the word rvvvoe. with the accumulated honors of .i long is near, and judgement, threatens ! ; lie. at once stopped and added: , and well-spent life resting nobly upon Now; for in eternity it will be too late j "A agreed on I now beg leave to j his hoary and wueratM brow. A and your very next stei may land you j give an apt. illustration of this term. - : locked upon the little circle of Lynch there! the only .season of which you j Were I to say at this moment the whols j buiy oetog' Marians seated at the fes can be sure is iuhv ! The only season j of my congregation are sound asleep, tive board, a feeling tinged with s:u- in which you can work is note .' The purpose may not hist till to-morrow;--fulfil it mitv .' i'resh difficulties will this certainly would be an hyperbole; : ness came over our heart, as we but if J say that one-half are in this i thought of t h-. brit.f space if human abject condition, this would not "bo a ; existence, at its longest time. In the i language of the monarch bard of Ism- flood the channel to-morrow wade it j hyperbole, but the truth.' now! The chain of evil habit will j Talking about "fine phrases" recalls j el, lit i. of ,, and vvjtij away' bind you more tightly to-morrow; suai) it now lieligion is a work for j tion, that beinjj precisely lor.- Ii , eartli would a.-laume in revolving upon i its axis. j Lastly, Ave ale certain that the U-m-! perature of the earth is not so high as it once was. and that ii. is continually material, and ought eerlainiv to en dure as well as those of inferior organ isms. Animals and plants of the mo.st delicate .structure have been preserved to us through immense periods ilJ-d ".uUV !!!'!( H iiii 1 Ami ha .':. '.-. :. i ii'a; '. ';- As.!. vr. : : ' j .im.i " i- i. U hU-.i !i;i:;-- . .! H',1. 'ill '.I ;: Ii ' '!'!;, :;.;,. U All.! ;il :. i't; Tak:- !:.ti! W i. ! !ii U i.n.ii-.Ma .' Ani . .ii- Wll-'li wc . i '. ! ! I I !'!" i;i . '.i- v !!-;l i.) ihi-.-. C.-.-j le-ia'l. .!"! t :. .! ... I . ! . i'i- ! - Hi !i ;! j-i' iu I'-,-.:,-! w t .; . pi-nii-ir; :! . '..lit T Ii- HI lit' I"! r-.i":l . !. I; Win:. Al::S . ; ci ir Al : . ! An.i -,; on : e l . it. ... :. ,..,... .,.11 throwing off its heat into t he surround-: u i,l'lJlTl ,1UV "i l " - ,1V anci from the action of the elements that Xow who can tell when this process ; wc are enabled to determine with of radiation commenced? Ts it not! :it'cracy their genus, species, reasonable to conclude that there was habits and modes of life. Countless at home time a sufficient degree of heat i h-ive Pcd since the trilobite tomelt the whole mass, so that we oncej f"nd his resting place far down in must conclude thetheorvot an eternal! the deep hard strata of the Silurian ami neeesssarv series of changes to be ! system, on being brought out false For aught we know God mav ! llintJ' matl'lx lh! ituralists have so constituted some peculiar or- : with ease distinguish even his or ganization as to be capable of existing ! of vision, and, with the assistance and enioving life amidst the inimeval ! the microscope, compute the imm rires, but that would suppose a differ- lflis 1'bably contained in ii,u ,,vrt ! eacil eve, snowing inereoy iiiul i'.i inose another story of a clergyman who had j J Jut it is glorious to see the patriarch a fondness for ioag words, and under- and jiatriot of more than four score every day; begin ii. to or .' Sin expo- j took to iusi rue: on.; of his church otii- j years going calmly towards the sunset ses to present miseries; escape them j cers in the use of them. One night ; of life, with the prospect of 'resting nu- Holiness colliers present joys; ! as thev were about to leava the vee- ,W II. ,. of Iti.i fro on tli nlli- r Imv 8' i . . ' - - ' - - - - - - - - 'ftfrf VLiA MiMii in, if' A'oi-r I 'l-fitrii- iiiiin- ' f .T..I..I .1-I .. ', ', -f f l . . f i l. ii ..: ...1 ;..... ,aiuic !,"-- t...vvw. t.v. j j , -j w.l. i ii'iwi .ii. iumi.-u-i u nc 11 nni'.im t;iecoai inn. wijosn tiiitirr mands; obey llim now.' A (led of J should put out the candles. "Put ; bank marks the boundaries of time, Love entreats; be reconciled now.' j out ! say extinguish" answered the ! and whose opposite shore skirts the The Father, from i fis throne invites; clergyman. "Ah, "said John, "does spirit land. 1 Jut the venerable Dish return now! The Saviour from His j extinguish always stand for put out ?" ! op still lives, and long may he live, to cross beseeches; trust Him mnc ! The j "Always," replied, the minister. - j teach us by his example, to inspire us Holy Spirit is striving in our heart;! Next Sunday it happened that a dog j by his cheerful presence, to restrain yield now ! "Behold now is the excep- j began to bark in the church. John . us by his life of moral excellence, and ted time, behold tow is the. day of sal- j at once rose in his seat, and solemnly ' to scatter around him, in the autumn :i he rVutoit ent order of things from j distant periods the laws of light were ' 'The second argument against the ! tllt "c to-day, and that the iuhab tlijorv of an eternal and necessary se- 'nt of those primeval seas, as they ries of chan-es is drawn from the I ported amid the waves, enjoyed the fossil remains imbedded in the different iit3se 4 a A 1 -til tight of that same great luminary which todav gladdens the heart of j fi J man, the latest and noblest .of all God's ( Lti nmsts. hvnii f vti in h iat ion o 1 the ' .. , . ,1 , , , , i works. These things being so, to sup-! fossils iound in the strata ot earth, ; . . . ,. , 1 straia 'Vhethi iS the l'esui sary series . !' p Tile tlic n-y o 5iarv strict ! ! .."v-w-v 41... I- nil t. 1-1 i-v.-i c. moil n.Ai.n . 1 r i ! . i , i -ii -l t i j. il, i. i UUMU Liiiii.. till, i cnuarn .ri uiiui mcii- vn; iin- mv.vent order o! things have ascertained beyond a doubt that , 1 . , t ' -i - i : stroved is supposing an absurdity. 01 an denial ami neees- t he present races ot plants ami animais - A 1 . -H':ll Cil:lll; l:i i i. rnal h-.-vieal el and neces- a.'ii'i-s has found many eates. AlUi ii has i :!!:- and eloijUeii! ;ido- 11 Vi"il! fi.nd ii'!oiis to tlie revelations x rlogy the argam s.-eptiv' wt-re n. -t nls , .vitho s 'siience ; ot ('(.- luUced I'V the a II: .1 rCl . I.. t,i- ni.vi.i.im.f .. .iir.ctliMi i f i , ,1 l 11 il. J.1II- lLirii, iiiij iiiuciii ill u ;uuniuiiii i.u are not the first and only races that ; . 1 1 , . -ii j ii i i ' i J this atheistic theory is drawn trom the i have existed, but that, during a long; i ,, , , ,-i ! Bible. Uehave no hesitation m re-! -lJlllll ot timn tup iiisitinii or which i . , , -i ii i ; ceiving the histories of the profane cannot be measured, our earth has ; . 1 , i writers as true. hv t nen should we been the scene ot manv changes. At;. . ..' ... .1 . , l a . i . i' . " t t 1 different rimes our eartJi 1 tfirtii ' adapted to different classes of beings, j ' ' , ... ,. .ii e learn trom the iille that God and incapable ot affording support to : . :i certain de- those vvhese habits and customs were ..... ..'contains that the present order was .not conformed to its condition. At i , i ... . . , , . , . i established uirectly by his ower, and consideration one tune it was adapted only to a tew i , , , . , .... . , , . , , , that evervtiimgistne wonc or s nana, ears n, with its pres- marine plants and animals ot trie low- . , 7 , 1 , . . . ' Here, then, is an argument from mdo ;uiti ;i!i,:!i u-., ii.i.- est UlUtlS, WHICH illtro iiuii icn men sster g'ree of plausiblh The "theory i supposes that tie ent races of plant existed eternally, and that generation excuvke or remains in such immense after generation has been prodived in quantities as, when upheaved by i ti the same manner as at present. ternal disturbances, to form whole The first argiiraeii; we I wing io dis- mountains. At another time the prove- this theory is ih one derived earth was best adapted to the vegeta trom the fact that th- earl Si was once le kingdom. The atmosimere being in a gaseous or molten sfaie, and con-1 charged with vast quantities of car seqitently nun dial A i ai tie. We might, bonic acid, those primeval forests, so wit h perfect propriety, maintain that analogous to the productions of the the earth, and even the whole planeta- tropics, were brought forth, and after rv system, was once in a tino. state, wards levelled to the earth and formed consolidated; our extensive coalfields. iU this the- By another revolution the earth was the case adapted to tribes of huge saurians and demonstrate the reptiles. So that there have been six, i d but turn and ex- and some affirm twelve, different and afterwards he.'-ami but it is sulticieui i.; iv ory to show that s.tcli with the earth. To t nun ot r ins we n amine the lithoi. ;;-:ral characters of clashes of plants and animals upon the rocks composing the earth's stir- the earth since it became the abode of face. All the primarv rocks have such living organizations. Thus again the a structure as fully warrants this as- theory under consideration is demon- sertion. Th-' graitiie and several oth- strated to be ntterltj fnl.t er kinds of rock ai while th w of igneous origin, Thirdly. We derive an argument ,i . e original i I. . Ail I mi tamoi on w rucks, whn-h aoramst the eternity ot tne present or- deposib'd by aqueous 1 der from tiie fact that .since the com by the operation of in-' mencement of the alluvial epoch, u their :.: : net iovs so several species of animals have become to n ;ideJ their extinct. Certain large animals, such many c:ises all as the fossil elephant, the megatheri- evidenee of siraiiiie.ui m ha.; been de- uni, dinotherium, the mylodon, the m i ; , having as- fossil horse, ox, deer, etc., and several tie ;! iii.-: in e, and species of huge birds, the diornis and agencies, nav ternal fires, had i! changed a;; sometiei origin doubtful i u In .stroved, tin sumed a cry-. i alt: were it not f v h. gards other ro d: l)G-en a.-.sie.n.- ii to ;: p .,.tio)i ;i- re- nestor of New-Zealand, and the dodo ; -v would have of Mauritus and Bourbon. Some of igneous origin. - them have disappeared since the cre- If such evidence w.-i.-. r.ir. ly juet with ation of man. Now if we find that any there would le less ground to argue species has become extinct it clearly the point, bat :.n. h evidence being proves that in the present system of found everywhere, :!id in every case 1 things there is a tendency to decay having- precisely i ho same bearing, the i and ruin, and if there be a tendency to conclusion drawn from it by the man : ruin, the system must have an end, of science i-i unavoidable. and there being an end there must have Again, ihe fact that at the present been a beginning; so that the present there are vast quantities of fire in the . order of things is not eternal, and this bowels of the earth argue.-; that the ! system of atheism is thereby shown to vation !" Brother! Sister! cease to say. "111 lepmit, )ut not io-l:.y: At ii more convenient time Wisdom's lofty steep I'll cTmi!," Thousands thus conviction iw!i; Thousands thus have sunk to hell! (tod ronionstraics ! promptly how: Wait no longer! seek him Now! Sinful wanderer! cease to roam: Hark! thy Father calls thee hoin.t ! Jesus waits thy soul to save: Aot lie lids thee mercy crave. Aoj' the Spirit's help is given Thee to draw from earth to Leaven: Wilt thou not. with solemn vow. Yield to (od. thy Saviour Nov,' V Though reptilsod s(i oil hefom'. Still lie knoekeih at thy door. Hearing gifts untold, divine: Treasure which may ;.f lie thine: Wi!t thou rudely trom thee send Such a generous, patient Friend ' Still he waiteth - wilt not thoa Welcome, worship, serve him Xuv : lie thy guilt however great, .Voio he saved -lis not too late, Yet beware ! for mercy's day Soon will all have passed away. Time's swift tide is surging o'er Life's contracting, sinking shore: If thou wouklst escape, allow Not a moment's slumber Now? Can the farmer hope to gaiu Precious crops of golden grain, lit" he idly, day by day, n uie rWu ume .ireams away : House, thee, soul ! redeem the past ! Harvest-time is coming fast! Through the fallow drive the plough -Wouldst thou reap? tie sowing Now ? Canst thou safe in port arrive If thy ship at random drive ".' .Spread thy sail fair blows the breeze Xoio the favoring moment seize! Wouldst thou hear the word "Well done?" t'e the labor noir begun! Wouldst thou bind around thy brow Victory's wreath? take helmet Now! TheParthuj WrL gave the order: Some one will extin-! of his days, the rich fruitago of hi guish that dog." honored lii'e. A 4'atlieriiig of the Aed. j -Age s"; wiiii decent grace upon his visage, j And wor'Jiilv becomes his silver locks; lie we.tr ihe marks of manv years welt spent, T ..,1.1 . i .. p n o t I ' ! 'vii 1 1 ii t ii well u ied. an 1 wise expmi J he Jjynchburg I ifima of the 2d j lM 1 inst. gives an account of a New Year's ! dinner given in that city on the 1st, by jfr. Palrielcfaltliews, an aged citi-1 :en, who invited such of his city eon- j temporaries as lia.d attained the. age ! of seventy-five years. There were I eighteen persons present, as follows:! "Bishop John Early, Jindsey Shoe- j maker, Alboir McDaniel, Dr. William Owens, Thos. Ferguson, Chesley liar- Li IV Tbon-ht ru which may be received as valid as we continue to place any confidence in the writers of Greece and Rome. When these are rejected, then, and not till then, shall we reject the histo- vrnf r-vpn f inn fis vpcovoWI in thfi Di- Clerical Anecdotes. -j - i vine "Word. Church Union. Dr. Hugh Blair, the celebrated rhe torican, and his colleague, Dr. Robert Walker, were respectively the most eloquent exponents of the theories of 1 i i i i.: i i Now! A short word; a shorter j wols auu as ,mM!nu:u uoc" trmes ot Christianity. Uneounuav Dr. 11V NEWAt.VN ULL. thing. Soon uttered; Sooner gone Now! a grain of sand on a bound- ! laiF' wanning in his presentation of less plain. A tiny ripple on a meas ureless ocean! Over that ocean we are sailing; but the only part of it we pos sess is that on which our vessel at this moment tioats. From the stern we j look backwards and watch the ship's i wake in the waters; but how short a ; distance it reaches, and how soon every j traco disappears. We see also some landmarks farther off, and then the horizon closes the view; but beyond, that ocean still rolls far, tar away. Memory contemplates the few years of our individual life; history sbmvs ! us a dim outline of mountiaus; science j his favorite theme, thus apostrophized ! virtue: i "0 Virtue, if thou wert embodied, J all men would love thee ! " I Dr. Walker, in the afternoon in the ! course of his sermon rejoined as fol ! lows; "Virtue ha been embodied. Did all men love her ? No; she was de spised ami rejected of men, who, after defaming, insulting and scourging her, led her to Calvary, where they crucified her between two thieves." James Oliphant, minister of Dun dy, George Rereival, Absolem Willi ams, James McDonald, Sr., James Fretwell, Pleasant Labby, David R. Edley, James V. Knight, Judge Daniel A. Wilson, Michael Council, Sr., War ren Ganna way, Maj. James Garland, John G. Meem." Of these gentlemen each, the I7r (inion gives some personal account, and of Bishop Early, as follows : "Bishop Early is a man of mark. and yet he bears himself erect, and preserves his vigor of intellect unim paired. His memory is a vast treas ure house from which he brings things 'new and old.' He has always kept fully abreast with the times. In his Church lie has always been a progres sive man. An a citizen tie lias identi fied himself with public improvements and with all measures looking to the commonweal. He is emphatically, a public itjtiriied man; neer behind the foremost in al prudential schemes de signed to promote tho best interests of the commonwealth, and the gener al good of society. As a Lynchburyi'r, his name stands connected with the hUiwy of the place. Here he h.is had his home, and reared his family. -Here he is honored and revered. His life of integrity and Christian consis tency commands the admiration and j Our humiliations work out our most elevated joy; . The way that a drop J of radii inn s tt) sing in the leaf that j rustles in the top of the tree till sum mer long, is by going down to the roots first, and from thence ascending i to the bolt A:. - It is one oft he worst effects of prosperity to make a man a vortex in stead of a founlhui; so lhat, instead of throwing out, ho learns only to draw in. --Some men are like pyramids which are very broad where they touch the ground, but i,'i'nv nm-wwor as they reach the skv. God builds for every sinner, if he will but come back, a highway of gol- .don prondsi .r. fom t he depths 'f de gradation and sin up to the Father's house. Every loving word that God speaks to us acts back again, and makes music in his heart. He never says, with a scowl,, "Hero conies that poor, limping sinner again." The path of the sinner back to God in brighter and brighter all the way up to the smile of the face and the touch of the hand; and thai is salvation. l:t:i4osti (railing. ai: hundred thousand men were employed for twenty years in building the great pyramid at Ghizeh, and ten years had been previously spent in quarrying the stones ami conveying them to the pl:i"e. In summer, the rich Romans of the flourishing times of the empire had fresh clear rills brought through their lower rooms. In these wero many i t l, . i : , l . l -i. ..if .. . I imriou, uuu ii eiiiioux juioil oi niaiving : running comments, in a low tone of voice, as he read the scriptures. . ., , ,i iicuic .-i; liu iiviri i.uiru lumpen ui assures us that, like space, it hath CO L 3 tells us that still farther back, out of sight, stretches that vast sea; reason no boundary : but all that we possess of it is represented by this small word pulpit were the most highly prized. kinds of livintr fish, which the uuesU respect of all who know him; and hr is toot out v.jt, tjl(.jr mvu iautH to be k nown im n rrijfiodi, as he, himself, j dressed, every m:in according to hi- knows every one. We speak of him ! own liking. as a citizen and a member of society, j Hi: that will not permit his wealth to In the social circle he isagreeable, and ; do any good to others while he i fi i l n -ii ' dive prevents it from doing an v good often entertains Ins friends with atiec- , "l;V Vl , . ,7 . , , . . r 1 to hnnselt alter he is dead; ami by dotes and pieasant reminis-ei s ot j ,ojislll whirh is sniHdal, not only other days, lie is always courteous ! t.?lts !,;,,,. If idf from the truest plena- ill his bearing; entertains with old Virginia hospitality, and spreads cheerfulness around him in whatever circle he is t Iirown. "As a minister of the gospel lie has always sustained a high reputation as , t . 1 Il I . . ..I...... ure lu re, out ironi i ne nappine un after. To inculcate contentment with our lot, the eminent -lolin Nevvion left u this saving: "If two angels came down from Heaen to executo a divine com mand, and one was appointed to coii- a powerful and effective preacher in duct an empire, and the other to his dav. lie has tilled every podlioh '. sec .1 street in it, they would feel no of responsibility and trust in his j mclmatmn to change employments." Church with di-niiv and credit to Tur. bitterness of humility is a tonic himself, and with honor and profit to : ' ' T" li)wto yourself IS as IlCl e:iiii ill 1111 niini ii "", , , , ... ,. i Here are two samples ot his "pulpit! the communion with whici, torso .. ...,, v iin-.oi.rh Vfiici V,iw! T lon.ut h-ki' !iftinn la mil's . 1 1 1 i i HS it IS lul tiaVelliflS ll!10ll',ll -iIIH:t i ' " . . 1..-. 1.. . 1.,... ! . . . i ii ... .. many t;iii, ne u.-i 'r-n j.i..iiiiin-ini i jU.,.,.s to take, every now ana men, n no longer. The future may never be come present, and is not ours until it : notes Reading of the swine rushing into j connected. He was born in Bedford j draught of ipiinine. Spnr'or:. does. The only part of time we can use is this very moment Xoir! the sea, he muttered, "O that the devil had been choked too !" Read- O, listen to the voice or warning I ' ing Peter's remark, "We have left all . , .. , , , , a ; and followed Thee," he said, quietly, Awake thou that sleepest! I . , t. , , ' 1 . county, Va., January 1, lTMl, where i j xy(MV ,etter to perish by a violent he spent the early part of his life, lie j death than to live so as to cause oiih joined the Virginia Conference of tin- of Christ's little ones to stumble. Methodist Episcopal Chinch in 1S;)!J I Wui:s a man is tempted to do a He has served his Church in the ca-1 tempting thing, he can find a hundred 'tin in ' . .. i "Avfl bon.st.in'. Peter, avfi hrtuvo-mo' Awake now . "Seek the Eord while ; I . , , . , , , , I ;,.,.;i.im i--jmoiis for matifvin" lilt , , .. t, . . . , , what had ye to leave but an old crazy Spacitv of pastor, presiding elder, bo. k ! og 'mus it nsons ioi guiiu.wn he may be lound! Seek him now! - jl .r i i ! liking. rioi L mt. t T, ,1 i , , . , , boat, and may be two or three rotten a,vent and publisher. He has been a ; "Beheve in the Lord Jesus Christ and , ! .. l, iv- widl- l,.,t not boast of it. for llPtii' ! r.nn..ni(.mlK .'OllOi ill Tl II I.llf ! ill 1 ;II 1 ( ) 1 1 - ' J . ' W v.-w..v thou shall be saved !" Believe now!- mi.i-.iT . l. i"ti tri i l- i ..-.i:. ... I uie rscoicu as a ruie, aisiiKe nne i al measures oi ins oeuominaiion, ami i ,, i,..,. ,t .,,-.,. whole earth was once in . -:.i..iir-n be false. I"! f C r-i Ci 4- i I- T I 1 1 1 - i ri-ii- it nlr nmi.l ill state. In diff-rent parts of the earth . 111 addition to this we may say that " lua ljaiW"" ; WOrds. e J x l, ! thvono-h Ilia Idrwul rlr rn hie otorifi- t hare arc numerous volcanoes fed by ! ma 18 IUUUU 10 ue oue 01 lu " , nins" is a favorite proverb with them. ! Id, Chnrch. and. as a mark of their ' ' . - . - . . ... i- J- .-,...! i. I . . I - I ... JT I.I L.' - . - 1 1 - L 1 a.i 1 j - " -7 " 'Fine words butter no pars-1 as an expression of the confidence of I that will lessen the commendation you in iu lit ot Gon hears the hearts, though without words: but he never heaid mpiit imidori tlif. IiaIh tf liia Wiiirit ! t I Inn rnn nlni'ivrnluli Tr h it l,v ..4- a...:... !..i.it. .11 ll.n II. . 1 . . ... .1 1 1 1 , , . . . , . , . 1 vuc ui uie v.iviK "icii "iiu i.- ill luc Ill'' Jlc.-bl- uni3iufi .ii 11 ui, mr; viriiiidi .,,...,1 . uitimn' tl'H lieilll ... 1 .11 internal fires. Occasionally thov burst ' atlvely rxnf, creations, snowing that forth, pouring their liquid ,in;s upon ' som W)W(iV does actually interfere; the surfti immense ness of ratch fore- ;J ill at the c.'.mmand imm 13 oue ot t,ie recent creations. T , - haQW WflsfAfl irfift,lv . in the pulpit, to stop and explain them. ! m-and. moral spectacle of a -reat ami hiaesti-.u, " Who died for you?'' After a Tlio tiiowov tn tliio ia tliottlmvomm'noiT . , J ... . 1 . .. - . . i Ml.. of filcllC- Ulld a SPCll OI WlllSpeiinK good man going clown the declivity ot j a;,,,v ..nig.. about forty years old replied, wurmg their b.piid ,in.s upon ; P"l Ilul"u "ilt!ueie i " " , " " 7 . 1 7, : habit of using "dictionary words" was Conference of 1S51 conferred upon' face, spreading de?,dati,m over ' with the present order. But perhaps .o-, at the ; waited on by a congregation, and ask- him the office of Bi.hop. He is now c. '" 1 T iTcamtv , , if viTiv bo asked how wp tiinw thnt 1 strait gate now! Offer the prayer, i , , , ; ?.. . . , 1 , Sal bstli school, m tins eountiy, a tew ;e terntor,..-., : .;o-.vjr,e; the vast- lt m'J 1,0 asueu llow Me Knmv inai ; God e mei.cifuIto me a sinner'' now! ed when he used untamihar expressions , advancing in years, but presents the w,.s.i.-s the devout teacher asked tho of nature. ina huswei lo ima 13 luax lue lemams Lcse no more. Thia may be your on The hot springs of Iceland, and oth- of man uot being found lower in the . ly opportunity! Seize it nov:f The dry humor of this remark met a fitting reward. On the next Sunday i cec TPith a. nnmA nnrnrriKshprl flnd ? - 7.,.,.. u,0w, . . .. . v xurruTfi JJlHUUin.

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