nnTTTii JL JL JL JLJ PAT If IrTTTOIlTT rniMsiiED ix thi: interest of Methodism in the state of north Carolina. ' . . Is ( every class of lm-ii, ami equably reeon-j sons. Furthermore we have had fath- he cannot he oiled to each class ami each indi vidual. cin o!' our Ik si i whit h .riveted us, am! ; thereto! e, camii't i ..- : lit ( i ir l iiiiu'i' t f .!,:!! -.s tin' I t it, appeared an article ie-ade. i ' I'iiiu chrisi i.udty and Christ's (!:: -;;: nit ,'": !:!:' ! Pr. It cms," on u hi, h .! w me to malic a few remarks. In wind 1 hao to sa . i trust, T am :!;!''...! i Uo niei c spl i'l of OppOsi I ;,.t:. v, ',''. is aw.-; - d. iIil; rebuke Thcv an1 all equally in favov with (J oil. 1 vc gave them reverence; shall Ave not Tins very !aeC tl as reconciliation muM mean nothing j much rather he in subjection to the j ethng the vor!! : if it does not bring them into favor, J Father of spirits, ami live? For they i posiihe, that lb anil as the i eeom-iliat ion is without ' verilv for a few davs chastened, lis :.f- I t lie wrhl, ami ; limitation, into equal favor. For 1 I tcr their own pleasure; hnt h" for onr j cone'iled to the rld until ;ht jit d wii !i l'i Ci )' !( ! ' ; i i thai (!.! ; o m J i -si ! I ; n ! i ; -. Sic c ; . i : ; i and ieme, which fills his soul with li i ;-i.!(iin of impenitent guilt, he v, a i 1st aid it, as intolerably b rri.'.c ; ecou- ;ii .;, he is i , as in ii era v U r: i' .- u ; o- 1 he J,,' a kind hearted man !'ult of seitti "''! 1 i; , iital benevolence li:t n e.ci mscioas d be ! iUnl is lo t . (iod I, love; all his perfections an. I )tf -ei .hues are Imt so many moditi e.iiioa ; of hi-i ! tw. What is his om- his inborn depravity, it will seem like ni,;.-.,.-.- imt tie- medium through a bright, summer dav teei.iin.' with "hi.-h h.- cuitemplatcs th objects have alre.-idv shown that- the word re- I profit, that we ltiijjit he jiartakers of j becomes iveoneiieo to .i: i eonciicd is ii.-re tisetl in its most 1 loimess. or an nt whosoever aoots . t, hypothesis a:e! ! to :i;.!a ' t ev t - . ; b.:!i.-e. I - ;; !! M de-.il lute and unvitialiiied s(-r.se. in extensive import, ami, therefore, there j whole "round from 11 is no disSim-tiou to be made as to die-! ihe best of -hristians t.. e ounis hmeni of ! is reconciled ;;li . 11 iVl'il; id. r:e: !i' ! herent w -orsi f sin -si a os to-. I.r in t his Viciiii- 1 i ,e.i -ind ho- ( .1 oianee at iil-il :, tii.- e:a i eoroni.'h-oi t d ii! :!;!- ! !;iir- oi .; ., sit ion, indeed 1 s , v : ni :i ,i ! isi.;. as to preclude all ;.;: --i- : v in aitiu'hitie- the epithet Pa- ,,!! . h: isr ianit . They mutually e-.eh.de . aeli oth, r. i "aia t:i 'Ct I eiiris ; , :-iu!'ii iiT; ' -orruiion of chris !:.iu:! 1". .o. inn;-:. :: . f F:n,:an eie-t:.,-!it.--, W i-tlid i::a i ' t !i .o!sU thlV. i-.-;tfi'-. fn. . . ; , I . : ' 'ouiti bedecid- ii . . : :; tbi :!: ;t c .rrup t ! u ft tuhl : i ie hi i-l ;a nil , no luat i . r I-." - -'ll i i - 5 i:t II els. !i! !-t S 111 I'd it t liter n. to ihe mi t ui t . l'el'elli de'.'i ee.-, o! :ao elasse ; of men m.-ty ba .iliatioi:. The Me.-.i s : be.Iieni "o : -t i much as t he mo;.t ri.dit c and. t lieretor.-, it must- follow ihatj(ioi CJod must 1 e profoundly iudiftereut as' l;:s corree mora.l charaeter eternal pit tier: i. that of i lie j w it h the world, shov, neeessk let j still jt!.-4 !y oi'eiidt .! i f ! IS reet ! -el i i : i" tin eoveri ntr the j hunsi :i. so lar from imp;' -it i ( .-. only thai Ihoi-h ; is v. i i i i n a l 1 1 I e i t ! '-ik ;! d, ro i- del the wtrh! can be I roup, id lobe re- . ... ... - . ! 1,1 - I " ' F ' " ! I . 1 1 i-'ftH'W!!!; I ii"! ' ; .Uliii 'IVi'Si hi niliifib, w u muu i !;e roiiciiii n a oit 1 1 is ji iiis. j iu is and obedient, shadow of a reason to sustain it, that i without compliam-ewwiih His terms, he punishes a sinner eternally for' ill ii.ctncile.tl; .iox lid can nudie ' :u'; j life and cheerfulness, m wlncii m ,iml i frowning clot id darkens f he- si. v. n of ii i s h n- " What his wisdom but tli.- I heme of his love '.' What aire th offers of the (b.-;pel lut the imitation- of his love '.' What tlm threatiiii;s of l.e ". ' t OT! I' he: ere i ? t e i ; : t in ishmeiit ! cvt-ii desirous P must- he xoi-M t ii.ii He i ,init!er u--als, ami no liehtninp-s ;dare; lloW oiieiltled : 1,,, f irill-.l,.i ,m,, l, 4 1 i.i t t,..,. which is the beeinuino;, wis,hm, (dotl 1:lw- hut 5w arniug.-j of his love? -w ill be s. en to he au fullv just, and he- ' TLe-v llVii the lloai'sd voice of hi luve coiain- sonndlv converted, awfnllv ' A lll.VSulf b.irni," oh imm ! They Lj 'od and wliolly to e trusted. For, we h iv,. to do with a si in but lovin"' o !od, whthassahl "witliout sheddinf to the .listinetion u ami fblo. d is no remission," -whose ius- ithneui, when; no ('ofujiinis;e'" with the wicked r - i i?.-,-.! the l.ioo.1 an.l de-ih or'the edher j mainiitj "in their viek dm-ss. ' Son of (lod himself before Jle cnM even eessari! v between the rkdiPoas and the wicked. nreehides the possihiiity of correction (-oil cannot be reconciled io the world i parley with sinner; and wht.se holiness view in-: ca- v 1 !. Is l his l e:ts; na.i i. 1 SCl'lptUi : decide i 'a v- ; i .lit"-; was s: UoW IS "it I ll! w i; h wi pe i: w .i . !; So -.how the ' t- !U'e -s; : - i iii' expression 111 lie- si . oed pi:l. hi i -i s .i.;;-; iam; , e- t-ol only epn, 1 1. .!:abi --1 1 a:.;;e a ; . - i siit st l e t t one viit w s e-'t w ha; il.:t; :s unacceptable, '.U , : , . i.er i:OiP'lo.;li-al implies :,,-a "i . . el.ilet; :l:i;. if tis-)V ' I lijii;.- il'.lU ', Oiio oi til- ill must i,- l (.set ;tii pi a 'i u. a;'e the otiti IS. ale! lim.-.t ii i!ot be by l!l)e t ri.-k I he .".livv :.?! lhat the have , i to b i-aiiti d a ' 1 r the name u1 'hrisi '.' That m-i-h h.te p.rofessed to hold it eiii'i -t iaii T ai id at the same lime ha e held to t-rroiT, in-'ojisistcnt with ir, and e li mo'e or ': :: -lbveVsie of .!. and. iii i fuirhi '. that l! mar he a question how far any oft is may be i tee from this reproach, i fit civ admit. If tilt so some v 'iif, ( ii. ded. i r. pl. but our busia was intended, I eharitabh h. ' ami only wish a better wa intended., i The cxprc-siou ! ... ,- ! Uf fessaiiiy lmpm . that ioi I oi'i i : istit-d. Now ah: been that h.e. ! tin and satishe. i i i mi, i nothism more t 1 quire j.ny thinp; mtre. satisiii'd, and sometiiii ;i I C' ii i i 'hi t i ' li sit jitst .' i s to i he rei't t r Ihu. sa s el V llfWl' iilk 11- . vet y ; rtibai le. is no. with what v. and am. mimon:. or supposes t he con it liunaiicc of tht punishment aiter the ;o eorii'iiion aitd an.-'iitim.-; t iusu taken .il'.; '-ilt't'iv (nit! miisi he olieU- i ! ill it I 1 ! TI '1 . 11 i: ' le. I ild continues what it is. and while His nature continues what now a. chiles that "without faith it is pia i it is. j li of ail conceivable -n ft an si ami Me i - . i i . . . t . i ueil illtleeo, a;it. not to a sinner, whetiu r he ! a ani'cl damned out of heaven lUess, I l-e lol lible ie.i's nen.-t take j'lace i-t'SSibil tli oe vil in he ll w ithoiit a intended, t tiou, or a man tiamn ceesMJv if to!e 11 lost spirit what was j thus piuuishes Him etermdh loss of His la , et.'.e;,';.' I iefil'C 1 i C l'i; to be ji world, tt i he very worst in it si nk to the deepest wei hi s ever deepen im; ti it ': -1 1 -li- t; ilea-.i t Vfi' h.oiie in th' nerve with nm.-i.' of e-i-, j;.))-, f bin silMlt'r ami V.i'ii ; ins iLeny ifratin t the fever, lie ti we tie will reconciled !e. 1 1 :i j ei . i i ( !i t jlUi! mil -e :M;;:viii! and pollnf,,,,,. AfctJ)ah has whole Wfrhl, eeli to the ltl:-t l . . I I! itcate n. d iioi.i ihe earth abyss of the tereer, when ! le i poliul ions. ( ;..,i i 1 1 1 1 e ti;e tta. U .1 ihe e! ci:e'ia.-. The pass;i;;es of i-crip'iuie, w hieh i i nv. .f the h.ah.w bv in the t i i -t 1 i - it '. , i ' . li'l' h U : - f i 1 1 u-eiled," namely, ha e icd a way i i i lie ,a,i iai require. If hi-u ilt ;' ne .-re ;m. tint ai) Me UeW It- is 1(1 L- is liee iu tile tha as weil as the whole tenor am of i he article m which it occurs i'.. ah ill. 1 . - 1 1 , essai to reeone : scripture, it is as plain as any linn;; i there written, that led retiuires of the whole woiltl of siiim i s rep utance, ' faith and obedience, and ii these b, not u jid.eie i iiy them, He is, then-fore, ; still offended, and not reconciled, with them. Those, then, who rei'me to .struetion o ml. j if. : .. :t S n:tv of the Ib lie : :;;ih:ic:ini of ihe fe lililil I'lliii'S WHO !'l :':l! if 111-. . i .. - . .i .ear :" : e o ! ,e -t. e There is olid.- a number of most poinieitlv eontrruiict tne assertion,:' . , 1 -ii- -i -i i ,i Anil now. leaiii r, 1 am. lavl.i cent. startlino facts state.l in the Bible to " (od is recoucned to tne worah -m t js l)im.) , ,rit;i.5,(. thall ti, be deeds done by C.od, ov by His an- very numerous. 1 will quote, but a j ...p, .,, pi:;ll) i:, ,:1v indevnieiit thoritv. which th not seem to me to few, which must sufiice lor the present lerith-s are urv umch hUe eertuiu venmn harniouie with, much less to sustain, as specimens oi a most extensive class. I whose very existence i, lepeiid.--ut .-a iviiiii) e-.. i ihe r.a in --leopi; - ai in.-.. -d tif li'ii-i ; fl:' iaif." c L'.ltiil. crtiwliri .. .. . .... 11. . .1.1 . . ..I . 41... luvian w orlti ot persisieiit 1 i et-. a amis me v icivCti i-ejy uay. iviss u.i : , aiiiiim-iit- .it.ic,' sinners, by water, the destruction of ' Son, lest he be anory, and ye perish j Sodom and (iomoriah ami all the peo- from the way, sh. n his wrath is kin- j pie in them by tire, the destruction of died but a little." " And whew he hud j the tirst-bi.rne of Eypt in c ue uirht, , looked rouml about on them with au-i the dthtructitm of Pharaoh and his ' ger, being orieved for the hardness ol'5 immense host in the red sea, the de- ; their hearts." Tliis is relatoil of our f the three thousand Israel-' Saviour. How oft is the caudle of ill po.-it ivelv to refute, the assertion Some of these are from the Old, and j that- of much nobler Miod 's reconciled to the world," some from the New t estament, show -aaJimr cnnd.-..-., aa I l;t. spirit hig that the t w o concur m their rep- such reseniatioiis of ! his aspect of fin i Lhel'eloi e, pal'th ill i .. . i i : . .. i i -. ; i tif i a ;a lioji , a u-1 J '1 - I . . ' .-...-,!..,'!.'. , . i 'il I!Jt lilv' 'it'li iiit u tn nt tee i eslini-1 urn ii t ne oust ill lint- fuiuat-it'i. itoti is iiiim won - ... -"this ne nre h't, it ?M--,gcrt.altjUr)i-fag the heading of the article, nnder con sideration, tht thought I allow as cor rect, but J cannot ao-reethat it is prop er tt) call any such unfortunate mix tureof truth and error a Christianity, w lu-ther i'a-a.i or in.!, in eoiitra-lis-tiiicti-. n iVi'in ai'hiisih. Christianity. in tiie tiiiiii lilace. the aitiele before us in ia ik;:;: out Christ'-, ehiistianity a s oppt -. i i i tins ihio iii eiirasi ianity, lias some staten.etit s i appi ive, and ome 1 cannot tiisuuu iiish from I ni eir,alism. 'i'o : h- hit P r ouh would! now call aiitaiJ ion. and i.iiinii,' t htse ' but one, namely, " that ( hd is re--onciletl tt tint worhl. Ihe reader, if he will consult the ottnexion in which this expression .stands, will not fail to set: this phrase must mean eith er the whole world iif wi n in tin. lar j.'vst possible sense, or t lie world as usually distinguished from the follower-; of Fhnsi. k: either ease 1 deny tiie truth of tin a. .-e;-; ion, and proceed to establish tins negation, though evidently ' he o"" ' ' -;,;, rests with the ailirm.int. One other pieiuionarv, however, mils' In; allowed before we take up the refutation of tiiis assertion. The ex pression "'(lo.i is reconciled ' contain ed in ihe assertion to be refuted, is, as it stands in that assertion, ;i uiosl. ab solute and utiqiia liti i .hirmation, so tar as this w.oihi e. concerned, and, therefore, m: e,-.-.s.-in!y implies the complete.-.! and most unconditioned reeou eihatii.li on the p. .it of (iod to tiie Woi-M. Is i ninth r whai (he world is, orwhal il do- : , or what if does not, "Ood i:-; n cuiifiii i to the world." Moreover, after a caieful insjiection of t he prei ecding and succeeding context, i caw find nothing to limit the mean -ni" of thi;; expression " (lotl is recon ciled," bur much which f-oi-b to show that its author intended it to bear the itiost unqualified briadthof meanino-. Iet the l'eader examim- its context for hiinself, and set- whether m not I at all u.i i (-present t he care. .Now, then, if (!otl be n fom iled iis the article uuder ctm:iderat ion atlirms, the whole world of maul. in i, infants and adults, the rh.dd com: and the wick ed, the obedient am 1 the disobedient, the penitent and the impenitent, the believing and unbelieving and disbe lieving, all without exception, must be in the same relation of reconciliation on the part of God. He is reconciled to each class, and to each individual in V. at .' Ui lev . : i i ii a - .-iv hit! vt- virata mivlv t l 3'e -.HI ! ait. I A MeTHouWi'. ii-itv s Cliai-actei-. Ovei tin- l.eantv of the plum ami the are a i'tfuee thrown around the pit of perdifit.il t.) pievent rash and thought less sinners from rushing into ruiti. -Want w as the im armltion of the Sa viour but the richest illustration of Li.- love What were the miracles of Christ bat ! he condescensions of hi love.' W hat were the sighs of Christ nd will break but the breath of his love? What were the pravers of Christ but this pleadings of his love? What were ths tears of Christ but the dew-drops of his !oe ".' AVhaf is the earth but the theatre for the display of his love? Wii.ii is heaven but the Alp.- of hi meic, from whose summits his bles sing., slowing down in a thousand streams, descend tojwaier aud refresh hi; Church situated at its base. ll. W. Iiiia for anl Preucliiug . The. Alouthly lleligious Magazine" has an article which says that very much of the difficulty of keeping pas tors in one place at the present, origi nate; in i h: prevailing error that a minister is to preach for a people, and not to them breaching for a people, it is thought he must always preach to please them. Were it understood that iie is to preach f a people, the idea that he must gratify all their whims would soon die away. He would then seek only to proclaim to them faithfully the truths of the relig ion of the Saviour. AVethinkit would he a grand idea could we once get rid of the phraseology of preaching for i e i . l.-a rtween beimv offended and reconciled. No one can be reconciled to those ! whom he threatens, and. one must be j offended when he threatens. Still ! more must he b.- ohVnded, ami not re conciled, when he executes his tiire.'ns the most comi'h ielv in'o i in in the punishment of the believeili on the hon hath everlasting overiiow of his transcendent loving- life; aud he that belit veth not the Son ness" for their correction and amend- shall no! see life; but the wiath of those he has 1 wient, terrific and even horrible as tiod abideth on him." " For the wrath . - . . .. , ; i- . i i e... . . i 4. i threatened. But Co.l's word teaches ; these itestrnctive ovei Slows seem. wiien oi oon is ieve.-t.en nom i.eaxen agiu.isi i that He does both threaten and p;;n-1 the fierce swiftness of the punishment :dl ungodliness and unrighteousness of ! ish sinners who rebel against His au-!gave wo opportunity for their corree- men, who hold the truth in unright ! thoritv in the violation n His law, and. j tion aud amendment V flow can one ! eousnes." "Let no man deceive- ynu ! theremre. He is offended with them, I answer in the affirmative without stub with vain words: for because of these and no: reconciled to them. For both ! tifying himself? I things comet h tin- wrath of (lo.l upon ji.;the chliUrui ol oisobedu -'lu-c. .MW lilt- His threats and punishments are man-j know' no such an expression in ifestations of His displeasure, iiis of fended concern in behalf of what is riovht and orderly in ;iis -overnmcnt and against those who do wrong m conducting" themselves disorderly io j the breach and dishonor of His gov ernment. ! j is a vain and childish cn idea.or, in this point of hw, to draw it is well known that the Vniversulists Scriot.iires as the assertion (iod is: i 4 . -i-i i. M i i and the I iiitai ians, ailt mpt f t t xplain reconciled to tne world, nor one that ! ' 1 1 . i away these ami kimlieu scriptures ot can b.j tortured bv criticism into eouiv n "n-i i . T ! fearful iinnort into mere nothin:s 'i i.iti-v wiiii i: i ii( ni v ivissnee . .,v , ... ...... j x o ; now can renminbi r that can be sui-i posed t,. bear the slightest plausible I mating them utterly insignificant, of .,.,1..,,-.,. ,e,n, u ;c n,o f!m,ii",.r,-! any thing real and to be feared in the Tine Dead of 1867. WUrtheso r,,thPv..oiiii-enient ,-i ;od . ires for worshinnine" the irohlen calf, i'tlie wicla-d put out? Aud how oit - ' v... , .-!.. : .. t ii i.i . . ...ii "'- I'fwwni iv"w""e j"' cannot be in His favor, jfthev oe not ; the nesirm-iion Nuikl. taid AljiVu ons- !seir .!e- trucf am npiow th m ifi oluu: :L in""U!IM ",;'lu societies, and haje it undrtKi tha in nibrnv ITp i- not ssisf.ed with for otVeriiiG" st range tire before the . God dMiilmteth wn-ivw in his aner. j v '"'- e.Mjnisito ii.an tim iVuii itself ' WQ an, frs -iSrcaclr io tLfeni-' -r them nnd if He be not satisfied .with I Lord, the destruction of the Canaan- They are as stubbles before the wind, Itlmmlle is not reconciled to t hem, i ites bv the Israelites at the command ' and as chaff that the storm carrieth ! but mm;r be offended with them, asjofGo'd, iec, ivv. Did God send away. God layeth up his iniquity for ' there can be i;o middle ground, be- i these fearful destructions upon these his children; he rewardeih htm, and people in the midst of tin ir fearful ne shall Know it . i . is (yes snail see wickedness '" in sorrow, nV.t in anger?" his destruction, and he shall drink of Was their nunishim nts bv deduction the wraih of i he Almighty." "He that x a soft, delicate, uu.-ili ihat ; ver- ; sfreads iis llushiiu; cheek. Xo-.y, if . -... - - you strike your hand over that, ami Among the thousands of Ghnaian, it is once gone forever; for it never doin removed from the earth in 1867, grows but once. The flower that hangs i ll!iv" tue f &xxy ho liav,e m the morning, impearled wuh dew, . p remembered fo an ttgo arrayed as no queenly woman ever , if, ;onu. Such were the following :" was arrayed with jew ids, on.-w shake "Lord William lloss, the astrono it so that the beads roll off, ami m-u mer; Frofessor AI. Farraday, the dm mav sprinkle wni.-r ova it tinguished chemist; Dr. Velpeau, Par 1 , is, wlutse books are standardu in our asyou please, yet it. can mnero,- maae , Mt,iiu..(1 Colleges; Professor Bache, again Avliat was when the dew fell si- ; ,hted States Coast Survey; Profed- lentlv on it from heaven. On a troslv soj- An'iion; President Jerenuah Day, lorning you may see the panes of ; of Yale College; Hewis Desire Vcrnou. i ! -.i'i i an eminent l'rench Publicist; Profea- lass covered with landscapes - moiii!- ' , 14 . , ., , ! . mormnj lllllnn ftllt It'll H 11 11 lillll lit illlt vi molt! - - - . 1 ! 1 1 i: . ....... i M. n.,n-i.. A i.iln I in 1. 1 AliaMti sin v tit sit i x'T' ii j , , i. uii, tains, lakes ami trees blended in a tlu. hist-uum; among names wed in beautiful, fantastic picture. Now, lay liu-rature- Miss Catherine Sedgwick; vonr hand upn the glass, and by a N. I'. AV'iilis, Fit. Greene Hailed: scratch of your linger, or by "the l;,0,u.i,,e tatesme.i aud . ' , x1 . i politicians -Justice AVayne, U. S. Su- warmtiiot vourpahu, ail the delicate ; (.oult ; i:x.Chaiu.eiiut. Vat- tracery will be obliterated. So there j Worth; bufus W. King; Washingtou is in youth a beauty and purity of. Hunt; Kx- lovernor Andrew. i substantial than banks of clouds, thns i character, winch when once touched and defiled can never be restored, a It.nitloiii Itealiit4. if. - i 1 .1 i i- . I i .1 . . ; . .: . . .-! .ril bb,o of rbul avIu, l.nth scriptural cuaracicr on.oo, naueuu i.i 1 .1 . j ll I I i .i ........... 1... ..!... -.1,1. I 11.. ii-ti-i ; .... t.. .. ...wtfrati.,11 liv 1111 , I -i - . , i i ... -1 . , t , , i i- i t 1 T IieiilSi 1 Vl'S 1 11:11. 1 lie V llt'l o O tilt . ( i n oe. ti-iuiwi umihu. i i im" il ll i l io tmnr ma 3"nncnl - ' the distmciion bei ween tint oiterce ami reconcihd us unto hnnseJt bv Jesus i llie"lr,uu'' 1,1-11 i '! . ., . x- v .i i.......i. Iif of o.-ove their fondle sent lnenbil liltS SDottetl aiitl Solid Ills ;:irmentS 111 : U. r. rosiei, ill uie.ev iuih. fringe more delicate than frost -work , T1,e fijll(,winrf interesting fact rela and which, when torn and broken, will :lin to (J.ldy t.ou versions wits brought be re-embroiderc.!. He the offender, ami f- say. He is otVciid- led with the offence and not (he oi'fen- Christ. and hath given to us the min- isirv of reconciliation; to wit, that: der, angry with the sin ami not with (hd was in Christ reconciling, the r . ii i- .1 ! i . .a i bb,-i1 of Deifv );m ! niiisi hue , v. - ! vouf 1 1 . i louirli lie mav seek to whiten V. . '. ' ,V ""i- - ; sumo that the followers of A i " l,.,t. 1. win ..ii Mi.iul iv lust or tlln an.l Mhem again, can never wholly do it, . , ,c,',chers " meseiit. there ., ' - r' ,, i ,- i, . i- ii- i ' ! AVatson will not be uiltvi.f the we-ik -even were he to wash them with his : W(-re cnvertet the sinner. tor, m sucii a v.av i ; work Unto lnmsell, not imputing their I " aiou, win i. ii ot. . i it, iiim , w it. k.jivi j im j looking at tiie. niatter, it. would b.- iiec- , irespa:-ses unto them; and hath com ness of such foliv; but are !vad b. tears. AYheii a young man leaves his Antler 1 1 veiirs . p.t. sa-: father's iiousi wiMi the blessing of a ; li ami under 10. mother's tears still wet up -n his brow, J ' - jessary to drawanoiher disl inci ion, and mitted unto ns the word of reconcilia- j admit tLat ilu" terrira' ia iUt' isnv H threatens and oiinishes the of- ! f, " Xow in this i,Bfi!-.tm two 1 Ks, must tiae a eorrespommni i.-aii ! fence and wot the om ml.,r, the sin and ! thin.fs are distinctly stated, muimfv, the character of Him bv whose j if ho once lose that early purity of ., H)u ;uu. '. ' not the sinner; which mu.-.t at once be! that (Ta ;;( t.lVril,J the christians insiiiration they were formed. jcharaeter it is a loss that imcm ,r . sul ,,( f;u.t hu. the ,ll(.,VB make whole again. iu-h is the coil- CAi.it ... ino.it vi.l.f.nl.-.ii. v ..l.wiii-. i.P4!,.,l .l..t. iii.t.-i l.ii...ir .owl ...... I- i (in IV :!S I 1 M C 1) ot 1 1 1 1 ( t o llt.tlCI; i r . vv... , . . . . ........ ...i..........'., a.-.-uni, , i, ni.iij nil) lllllli Jllllli'.-ll, 1I1IV1 Itlf. T. ' . and ! ,;,,, linn the world unto liimsr If not all t he obieci lotiable 1 ol lit s i ll Hie ill'- ; ""l111 the ! imputing its sins to the world as, and tide under consideration; as he- ,,,dy as it yielded and became recon- ter'drawn of ( bd in Dr. Deems Pa- I ! i hi :..;i...l ,-ii.l.. I.;,.. l.ni if w ,,. ... . ;,. imn ( ' iiKt i univ is in i nhliiss. Illui ' 'Si -'- ..... ... 0 . . , i, ., i ..(jii ni' n ri n'e S ill 1 1 I 1 1 It'll Ol .... .,-.1 ,i :i .... ,i ,..-.,......!:.. . .....a..:.. : 1 1 ,. . , -ii i . i i i : -1 ir: . ..1 ....... .a . ,. .1 ... . . i . is i i... i.,'t i .. , . . ' ' , . ' - , 1. Ol.. i-i i. ii" ll 1 nil l e.i, i ni - . ii . i x nt.i i i ii- : l ins I l.lSSiU'e riillt'l Mlllt'tl or llli llll'll ll ttui.tt it I mai'ti i" .1 . 4 ' ' " - : lH' III1 (it t lOt I. It, COtl i' i ) ! i In e't-,ct cannot ai- ihe clianic-! 1,0 er;itlicatetl; it can onlv be forgiven. The Bible lmut bv- ihe oneniioii of i ..... i n.-.ii mi r.f m-iiiIm ft.; .. . .-1. .II ... .1 . I - 11 . .1 11 1 1 .. . .1111 !. .. 1.1,., Ml , ' Mll.V V. V ! as wiiiie rue siu is oeing iiiui.--ne j not. the sinner, not the less do ; sin lit ,r suner than n ne mm ! ok.' i ill 1 1 ; I ir.i I iii.ii ...f !:i.' i...jl-'"-..''.---'t' ........... "" . MRU Ulin. nun, Milt- 1. I.i 11.. ll 11. I ' III COIlid lint be tile ts oi .oil s word to ted that he was before the yielding" anil he-; Christ s ( hrishauny is ad brigntnessi invention ot . nieu or ii,e.. tor Ihim he is not threatenetl, bui. only ids j coming reconciled on the part of the Mini lohmntie tenderness, which are; they neither woaM or -..nil iu.tlo a i sins, and when these threats shall be : w. 1.1 7,1, 1 v , n,1(.;k.,l to tl,., ivovl.l ' t haraeieristic of that school of ill s im s ; ! (,"k' ui" 1 f'11 .1k"j u ll "' n i tiio ovin; a nun iuu ni!," when it w.t-i their own m ,-i- .. ... - -j . j . . ! I . I I. . ll! implied in the. propo uer ot common i-t'ti:..-, i-otisnler t Ins as ing the tint executed he will not be punished , but ! iu ( -1 and enmit y to Him, thai aelim.wh dg-es Dr. i only ins sim. Worn. I m. every sin- us . i,,li,:d in the proposition I am its mast, v; and both aie, whether m! yen tion. It could not be the inveii- tive lar-ra stone houses, each distinct .... 20 .... 22 ... li . .l'i 7 fctpeaku volumes in hi vor of early conversion and eai i ,' religious training. Let the Church cue for the children, and in due time t hey will care for her. lb -a i is of Phaykh. George Mul h i the renowned founder ot the or oh in i .tablishment at Pristol, Eng i.iad, h is it"-eit il ami expended .', ioih'tilb, evi iy penny of which wan sent vohiuiarily, ami witliout solicita- 1i ! le lias twelve hundred orphan cniidre i under his charge, occupying inonsin.se, and an insult b his umh-r- standing ? Nor will it io to say, ibat i ( Otl punishes the sinner " in sorrow, nor in anger," and merely for his or a m nsw ring. Perliaps a careless reader ! intended or mt tl.r.mgti the aukard tion of bad men or devils; for tiny from the other light. Imstily imagine, rather than ; incompetency of the artist, cricatuies i could not make a book which eo.u Wo ;i tt properly infer, that because (Jod im of Cod bearing but a taint rcscm veos, ,,. the world unto himself, He to what lb- reveals of Himself in His theiei'ore, tra rrcunviled to the world, word. The truth is the bibie n-piv- roction and amendment. For this is p..lt (i(,d's reconciling nnd bein" re- sents the lb ly )ne with both a .lari. i, . : mamis all duty, loroids all sin, ami i nance , - , , , condemns themselves to all eternity. I i heivfore thaw this conclusion; the i '.ible must be given b in.-.piralioii ot ( itJii. St nii.-'oit. true, in the sense of the whole truth, lOnly when said of (tod's people: as it j is written,-- " If ye endure chasb ning, jGoddealeth with yon as with s.iis; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth wot? But if ve be without A Christian shoal. I eoiu ih il so far from being the same or I and a bright side, like the pillar of lire implying each other, the first excludes i which led the Israelites by nmht, and denies the second. For, as I have j shedding dai 1 iu ss and .lisiin.v upon already shown, if God be reconciled to His enemies and brightness and eh. . r Ust in the parish the world He must be satisfied w ith ; upon His friends; so that it tU-pen.t ther. i i tliing wluiMi or us iia.i ... . . , i . . i : . mt in t iiecailse evrn i . ly uoe u, but because we like it, and our ac quiese nee, alas! proves not that tv ci viioii.v is right, but that we ami tha rtr-.t of i in- woil 1 are poor creatures alike. i'kaikt'iUij. A po.-r toper, as a hist kesort for never i.leal niritualitv for beiii"' it slo eii. if he e a shoe-cleaner, he should bt.- the more drink, took his Jnie to pawn for liq ior, but the lamllatly refused to. ta! e it "Well," said he. ''if she wolft ei,,.: ,i i. i ;..i,i . i . .. i , .. n...i. M....l d, and nothing more wow is to be : very much upon what d man morahv m dav.iluw o tLu SwnK ull)l timet.; give it up." And he went and is how he will understand His charae- chastisement, whereof all are pai ta-! tlone. but if He institutes and carries kers, then are ye bastards, and not i on measures in reconciHng the world ! ter. If he be a bad man with an evil iu the noon of grace the Sun of ' 1'ufd-1 signed the pledge, and kept it faithful eoumess. Iv.

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