3 if Kaleig-Ii Christian Advocate. iThe Christian Mrocatr. OFFICE to iter of Dawsuii and liargtli M. T HE O K Q A X OF TP It SOKTif CAUOL.IXA CONFERENCE OF TUB M. K. -IIUKCII, SOUTH RATI'Si OF SirBSCftll'TIO : ., ONI VEAB IN ALVANCK. POSTA.iK PAll". FIX MONTHS, " " If payment be fle'.STetl si months. 1.3.'. It l lion. X . ' .Mm:, ii tin- ministry iveie silenced in tliis cnuu- strongest motives tli.it have shown them tr . il vv li.u tiso would 1m- uiir fiuitlul forms, vincv; nls, mint- of gold .mil sil- The Cross (J5Skl) Mark is to re mind you Unit your &idt.cription has expired. Jf you ini at the paper con tinued, rcneir 2'fonij tly twv. in: a !!i.i:xi:ss n- mix. 1ST! "IMA I. SLIM'oltT. I. In 1. ni cies. Hi' li'i' steVVa reasons v lr ll.lM' lliSfllSM-H ;!-. and f,i shown I to get i:j the I'm amount of the iieachei's sal ary. We close ill.' -ci ies ol' :u i i. !c- i. calling the . it;, hi ion of the laity to i Ii, rHtsoiiabJt tn'ttg oi'iln- iiiini-ici i.il -uj'- I. 'oi.-i.lcr the .ijio-iolic .-iigiihieht. ! '.-nil in I ' oi . cli.ii. "If we !:.ic -. n ii int.. on -jiiiiiii.il things, i ;t :i uic.it thing, ii uc rc;ii v.uir carnal things".'" lithe re.ichei - cul tivate v . ,111 he.-i! ts by tlicir rt'.-t-li i hl; . r.iv. !. .-iinl otiicr manifold iulin. iicc-. -o tli.it your barren -.ml- Income fruitful -.oil have tlic fmit oi the Sj.iiit. which i- !..c. joy. ic.icc. I..iig-sui'ering. nieck !! . gentleness .in. I t'iii.cr;incc. i- ii ,-i go.it matter if you -hoiilil them ihcgiain of voiir .iiiiiciiltur.-il ti.-l.l- .-unl t v. llli. I'cll.ll .1- ti ? I- it CXcll.llii;. The tt-t:iiti them not ciiiin.'iii 1 v teniioi;il tor lilt ihlles w ;ii fare iruit i.;i-o niiiii riches. I he ;iiio-t!c i hi- :i i il Ii n-!i t "Who g.M-th ;i am tun, goV.'i lllll ever -cut . Mi -oMici- to defend thccoiin- 1 on Hot clothe and t'eeil them u'ii' iuu ii- I'.-itt!.- '.' Such iin :i-i.-l!ice o; hard .111.1 cruel t li-at lUcUT. .-illiiol lie found ililhe Li-tore the i church ro-. to ,i, t vcr, peaceful homes .-mil trade, which woithl he rol M-.1 and Hodden .lown by wild lic;i-ts in human funiis? Tin? foilfs ,-llnl '.l!il.lis Uollld he Uioll us. "!. The ju nc of ministerial siijijiort is -ecu lurllie inore in I he laet that the great mass o the irca'hers .-jit-nd their e.irlv .lav-, ,-n .1 luaiiv ot then all their IHoi.erty. in rejai mg to preach. And I- the niecli lllic siielnliii" his ('.irlv vears in e;ii iiin.j- a traile. as the 1,-iwver in. i physiciai speinliiiu- linuiev ami time in pi. ;ariiiL;- tor their lu-ofes-ion-. are jiai l lor work ihuic in t heir c.-illim;: so shollhl the iiiiuister he iaiil lor the ser vice ren. h-rei; in his vocation. Men cliccrlully cm ijiclisate the schoolmaster, the lioctor, laivver. uierch.i nt , aiul ine- chanic. iiioii i he l:toiiihI that it is just anil ri-ht. I. in ii ii l.e rie-ht aiul ju-t to pay the-e chi e- ol laiiorer-. then it conclusively foliow.-. that it i- riuht ami ju-t to remunerate the niiui-iei-. Their claim- n-.t ireciseiy upon I he -;i!ue eioiiiiil- of just ice. Hut. alii-, lor the iiicoii-i-teiicy of church meiuiier-! : .i. . -i' t i - in, in -it i two p,i uie iV-ici;m his price l.-r pi"!e-'."n.-i! -ervice. I.ecau-e he aim - hi- lite. I'.ul t cure the -onl wiiich nit t'i-ii- a worhl jn aliie, is -uppo-eil to In- worth iioihiitir. The more a man umler the poui-r ol spir iiii.i' ili-e.i-c. the ie he cares tor the cure. Cue will pay hi- law vcr well for coiii'-c! in -a villi; hi- proper! v. hut the mini-iei ial lawyer that i;ive- him coun sel in l lie "Teat I'll-ine of seem iue; an uuiiioi talily of happiness, is left utipaiil liiii t ho are the ministers, that their support shoiiM he .li'.-iwn l'rom the p. pie ii- water liohi a wcl! thioiiLlh creakiiii; pump, w hen it on-lit to llow .-.ii , i mi ll .inn sponianciui-l y as a nioimt.iiii :..- -1 : .1 r'":s; ii." is ineir lunction am iiiiiii. ncc "? They aii- the liuanliaiis ( loii-i hold pi rily. the prmlucer- of pul ne tnorality, the promoters ot law ami selves in this liiflit have heen purely selfish. Men luive largely fmiuht for the si.Ic t licir iijiiiiseil interests were mi. There have lieeu noteworthy except ions mi hotli siiles, we j;rant. Hut our chief purpose in writinu this article is to allay, if possihle. somew hat -1. j- i . . i lie leverisn expeciatloli ol in.lliv ol mil people that i;reat ami iinineiliate finaii rial reliel will follow t he oper.-it ion of tin f-i ti-ii ii i -.. Oliver liin. .viany nave written, spo ken, t-lanioreil for it with the feelin.' that siiniehow t he iassiie(. of the hill ami tin renioiietizatioii of silver would hritif; fi- ii.-iiieial salvation to them. EDITORIAL lilMEFS. 'ft IV ,,(' 1 st (Hint; a.ldresb of Hev. lr I- . Unrkheail is Wilminjrtoii, X'. V. Hishop Keener has arrived at Vera Cm. ;afel ler. need in I and iiiiHspensal.le to tl hi- ow n chiirues What . even a-iion.;- the heathen. t rv. w-. ;!.!. I, n, ..ic cruelly toward her luini-tei- th.i! :l eh .eihii.eUt T" it- -ohiier- ".' i ..lr, i , -viuiin: no phinteth ;i ihev.-inl .-.rerii n..t of tin- fruit thereof?"" nan clear- a lnil-nl.-. I.re;ik- siin worth ,-iinthiiiu io ihe ..iit!i some liiiiuf aimel l.,.t oUt rhe mi. ri-el what Would toilow V The would till the ild and sun. The unl -V p the uroiiiid. phints ;i vineyard it hecomes I -.n Mil. And. win, h;is a l.etter riuht to -..hie ..fthe -I than the planter? The l-.v.-e of i!- ;ip..-tle"- a 1-11 11 lei 1 1 i-pl.-Mii. 'I he preachers l.rin- Vou the Ian of salvation, and Vol! he- 1 Co,-,,. i;oi"'.i-. They iiuj.art Ide-sihu's vasth i!":.- valnal-le than the temporal -e -. ;i"!. I hey iti-rruct your children l;u:,!.- m i: and th. in in the path of ' -I'te.-'ish. . p.'iicc an.l joy in the !:: ',!iir. I li,.- r;i;-,.d -..ll tV, ,, tl,,. ii i:i datimi of -in. aie! opened liefme i..-p. 1 with it- t iiiiimh their in-triimeiit.-iHtv cine p.-u raker- it- hope- ;i 'il . 1 ! '!C Th.i ti.ei t uiiio- world all radiant with :- ;i i.le ed imniortiilit v. T id! ih.'-e -pililllili Me ill--. " jic.ii tii uter that they should '' ' ' " ' 1 I ! o 1 1 - ! oat uie: v. - ' oiii. -t miniates men t i,.-ii'i!- in. lii-try and ct'om.uiv ' - o. j.,1 111,11 III pop. .I' ll... . in. ...n, e ,, C I io-I ,. I ii, . ..in. mini i. -- .him ii.uioii- - i. ;ccll- niidiitioh ..f wealth. The river Xil. .11". I , , i niiiii: U' Wii lo.hi I he ili-t.int l ihl.-iin carries lioiiide !,!es-ih-- to the peopl TI..., . i- . . . : ! : .-. ..ii li.u "i ieiiii:.mu tile ii.nreil s.h,,- ,,t l.-;vpl ,-llid l.e.llili- tlie e--c!- ot "i'"'' t into ihe Mediteiriue.-u; -.. . 1 1 .. . . r ! : .. . i ii.i "i .in. iimn enriches hull M. i .1 r,.. t ,,,-.., .,, ii no iiiuiess. a in i carries -l. :. . . . t . . - . i . uit'ii soiii-oiiT int.. a I'ie-seit eternity. ft -, ... . .i... .i - iii.ii j r Illeir Volumes ,, on" i i.e ot-e.iu mst i-iihie out ,, li'.e.ce.iii. o the vast amount of wealth an'iuuiiliiieil in the civilized nation the trim ot I hi- I ;,,sj'lV- intliiehce. 1 ti t licit a Lilc.i! hiiitter to u-c j, -uiaH wciiltli to kec the perpetuity ol the ,'iiverniiient a- to tin- ehii'vh. Tl ey. ;i- ( 'hrist s;iys, are tin' 1'iju, o the voild. Is the lio lit of the earth .' Let fdav. wailiiiirs d a hoi ror-- rickeii wm iir. .Men ami hoa-t- ur. V.-ihiic at the I,, ,,f t! : i i . neni- .ami ,,, ,--t ;,,. -nipt ol veeeta-oi-clotlu'ii--.-.nd howl in their death r.iitie .is fro-ty winds p. roariui.' around :i tio.en .aith. Ail aniin.-ited nature -truck fhroiuh wilh an icy chill turns pah- ihd dies. T. ..,. i,,,-,,.,, .,, hecome p.-iv.-meht- of ice. The -lohe. havihi; hccohie the ceinetery of aU i.'v in '' -nil.-, i- how ;i hue.,, hail of i, e and snow, -win- h- silent in the d.-n 1. ne-s ..C l . - i . . . " .on,.,, me,,, nvli ;i rohij.lete rilin a- tin- wi.ul I foll.iw theal'sem-e of the male i.-ii -mi. .iiil ar..iii"i,.. r,-..,,, ,..,i o-y, such a l oerw helmiiie; desolation would fall ii on the world morally in the all-cue.. .,f those spiritual li-hts. whom Chris- ,a- sen, . ,,, ,.,..., spcl. Therefore, t he w it hhohlin-of v. h:.' i- .,.-.', --.-,, -y t., -upp,,;-, ,,.. ,;;,.. trv. i- hraii. ed a- a crime a- dark and d. 'j. .-,-,,' ,-y. --Will ,-, man r,,h " 1? N el ye have roMieii in,. I'.n, .V" say. ivii. rein have we ioi.!.,l thee? ! 'itkf,t,7.,jt'.r;,iUa. V.- are cuised '.viiii ,-i cur-,-, for ,,. !I:!V,. ndd,..,! even (hi- wh-.le nation."' The ciu-e of V-'"!!";" 'inei , j,.-,, ,,, ;llicii,. arid ,. .. -ii . ,. 1 "oreni. Will j nose lilMlh- lo ,io their dty ill this important i-.atter. ."ir... j ,ylt wind and -to,-,,,, will I,,.,-,,,,,,. ,;,!, -t.eepmo ,,e -uhstanee of men way. wh.-i they do hmmr the d 11 the uetl- erai cm rents oi nusiness are in.nle Miller, deejier, stron-er and steadier hy the eoinaee and circulation ,,f silver, we Kfttnt th.it there will he some individual relief in the mere fact of a lareer, freer circiiliil ion of money. It is plain eiimiuh that whatever increases the eeiieral prosperity of ;i country w ill hetter the condition of individuals. I'.ut at I.i -I. there niust he pii id net i.m il there is lie.iithful increase of iimney. Suppose A owes .fill! Ml, how is this Si VIT I'.ill to pay his deht ? if he 1 soiiiethine; to sell, and the silver tends t raise uices, no doiiht it will help i case. lint the trouhle is, liioii-i,.. . i .. i ii. i i upon i u o 1 1 s a 1 1 1 1 . a re in uent who hav iioihin;- to sell, and who do not produ I hey live on Wii-es, salaries and fixed incomes. They are hopine; that sonn tinny will turn up. 1 hey dream id some "loriuitoiis concourse" of thine that will luino t hcm--iiioney in a lump." .and relief w ith ii. There is no end t. the delusions that people entertain m this suhject. h.it it the pin f wheat should hi doiilded ? llow will that help A. tin less he has wheal Io sell ? And so o ihe whole lisi ,, markelahle things. One must have soiuelhin:; to sell, he ton he can expect to realize any special ad vantage I r, mi the rise of prices. t ;il events, A must work, if the rise is lo help him. And this leads us to s.-iv. that it is more work and Letter work that must hi iim- reiief. Closer ami wiser economy w ill do A and his laim'K- iiioi-e eood than titty Silver I'.i lis. Financial relief cannot conic hv legis lation only. We know that a had financial -ysiciu will a'ilict the i,coie- we know that a wis,, financial system will help the people. Milt all the h-i it!.. i. ... ,. .,.11 i i i "oiio ..iiiuoi ueip i nose who do uothiii- produce nothin-. Xor will leei-latioh help those who spem l i. .... i t . . nmir i nan iiiev priuiuce. II - siiends f:..'"' and only makes -f J.tnl, there is no help for him hy legislation. Ihit when he produces ,r':5. Mil and saves .fl .(Hi jt would he diflicult I'm-legislation to hurt him materially unless hy taxation that is oppressive tj!! jt i- rohhei v. It amounts to this: If A wants to l.iv up 'f i.H and if costs him -f l.Oi to live, he must produce !,:.. Our fortun, .....l i ... iioi.s oejiciiii., tor the most part, npmi these two things; our indus try ami our economy. W e do not offer these v dews as heim either profound ,,r original. I'.ut we .ire iiiite sine of their soundness, neverthe less. Wmk and save will hrtiifj us out. "J.onf" and spend will .Ira- us further he.ci, Ci i v in, -.- hc w oi k .nut save we need not lean mi tl Silver Hill"' or on any other. If will pierce .., hands like "a liioken teed." i'ey. (....!. lirent writes j.leasatitly of ins wmk, and expresses renewed interest in our paper. Heme rcpiested to say that thr I l - ........ iiinii.sicis onierence commences on Thursday hefore the last Sunday in duly. W- I i. .. . . .....in iii.i, ;, eraeioiis revival is in progress at M.,nn.e under the diree- f Itev. .1. If. (tuiim. We are indehfed to I,Vv (i W Ivey lor a eluli of siihsci ihei s ,.,.,1 r. t . " ' ' . ' .'l 1. Vll '.I.- i encourae;cii t relative to the Advo cate. I.'ev. das- F. nrislow.fi-om Xeuse cir- ruil. w rites favorahly of his work. He is - really pleased with his people, and l:,s "' 1 '"'I'' "f success in his pastoral a I mi s. Il is said that Dr. I leetns declines io aceep! tin- .fl.OtMl dollar hyaeev heipieatlmd him hy the late 'ornclious .imieri.ft, luu tfave it to the Church of the StraiT-ers, of" which he is pastor. liVv. L. S. Ihirkhcad, II. I). l,ns i h;ini;ed his residence from Magnolia io V ilmiiiton, X. ('. - F. A. Schu'te's lar.re fm 'iiitur es- tiihli-hiiicnt on front streei ";in,;.,.,i., ' "is"'"-. X.'. was destroyed hy fire on the xve- Illtitr of the 1st instant mtm and made ready to receive us. When wf arrived every thing' was in older; a good cheerful tire, and Kuiih'ng, friendly faces, made every thing look bright and pleasant. When the haiid-shakingi, and greetings were orer, and we had wanned ourselves, the dining-room door was pened and nupper announced, whereupon we made no delay in taking tli position assigned us at the foot of the table while one of the young ladies present gracefully presided as hostess. It i; nwdless to add, that ample justice was dom to tin viands Won us; for w eoiild appreciate th good things pre pared by thesti kind friends, after a rail road journey of" two hundred miles wi i . .... " iniii me repasi was over, leelitig much refreshed, we returned to tliH plwusant company and were regularly in- talled as host and hostess; then we hare omiui'iiced our home life among these Itw gvnid people, which promises to be most plra-sant ami agreeable: evurdav. suit e our return, we are the grateful re- ipicnts of some aet of kindness. We feel that we ran otilv shw our aiipreciation, by an earnest and faithful diheharge of our duty as their pastor, praying that iod mav bestow rich bleings iion tin-in in this life, and bv and by, when they shall pass away from earth, that they may inherit that eter nal life of happiness and glory, purchas ed for them by the all -redeeming blood o! desns. l'.UOKS AXIi I'KI.'KUUCAI.S. A Hand-book of ( leenhoiisc and Bedding Plants. Cherry Hill Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. The American M illincr and Ores-mak er. An illusl rated .M ml lily .Mima.ine. New ork : Sharpe Puhlishing Co. Wide Awake for .March, a beau! ifull v illustrated .Maga.in..-, designed fm voting jieopl. Si.niiiNHH s M.ONTUI.V fm .March has been received, and it is fully up to its High standard. Also Si. Xieholas for .March, published by Seribner V Co. Xew York, The .March number of the Soiifi .1 (- untie, edited bv .Mis Ci W l.,,. is, has been received. It ,"s publislied it Wilmington, X. ('.. and is a Maga zine ot lit erarv merit. I ', ie,. ..' KELIUIOUs, JJKKViTifJS. Bishop Whipple, of the Protest, tint Episcopal dioceso of lionefculu, hao gone South for h s hi alt i. It is Rinounci tl in tbe Eno-lish papers that the 11 v Dr. Duff, the well-know n I dian uu sionary, is fo ill tliti his life is despaired of." The Oueida CoiumuDity has been denounceti by tu pre byteiim Synod of i-emml Arew York. Tu Synod recent y adopted uu elaborate report of a committee, condemning he practices of the (.'omtniiiiiiy. ('KXf-l;vit XKVVs. Adrian VI., of Ulrectl.t; mJt j., 1522, wns the last lo,e.Kn, r ,lot lt inn, Pope. It a-rted tli.it I lie I) "P'Tor AI,.X ami, ,- intends erc.it, n t he 1'. nice of JjH. telil.iiigsovc.eii;., of IulK,lu le iN " " I to lu-r 0 of I'riii .- Alt xiinder Ihe F.mpii s 1" ou.si The R ,v. Mr. M.son, a MtLod:St nimbler, w,s luarderd nt Carnen tc-ibvifle, Ind.. -: a man whom i e had tjected from church for disorde-ly conduct. Ihe murder was commit tfed al the churcti d or iunovdiately after the close of servic . Vore tl an ;,0n b ys and g ,f. ,V r, . .. in v i.icf.o lasr, year, P,.r,.,s nomes re neeile.l h ,lVt,r jjs (i and if not secured thejoui1(,wl ue to be depraved and ignorant iii: llltl V Th f liralnuo Som ij , of Jnd Mavtiod bless the dear peopl White ville! of dAP.FZ H. I.KACH. Xo man in his snhere of nr.- n-.. I ,,, . , r I the Mr. Kit-hard H. (irant of the firm flir.int i.i.,1 II,-. ,t... 11 -i . . 1 ...1.1.. .1... ... i . .i ...... ...... ,1,11,111, ,,,, ,im re.MMeni t,i i " -.ij-ni .icvoieii io uie cause ilmiii.'tmi N C ,i;..,l t. ...... I j I K-.,l,.,.i.i,.r tl.o,. ' 'in, - u i s in I I , null lenly in that place mi the iMth ulto ged about (ill years. Jipinctl's Afayazi,,,; for March orietis w-oli II,., I i i ,!l. i. ' ' 'a pei oi r. wan uive ueeu uesirnii- ,.f ...... i,.. .. - o' u.iiu n uiii -..i n , scries, v v it n Uie iiu-.aans in Bulgaria," to which receni evcnis have iriyen a snccial interesi It ti.- l. i .. iu ii il ia es the historical and political aspect of the Bulgarian tjueslion, as well as the I characteristics .,,!" the people and the Monary to Atis ra.ia, bit uv, b eu comj.led to abandon ue en e.piibe f r awhile on account ot ;ck i i fnnus AT llin.l.ol .i;t , Uv,.ol, cuu ,ib ure (..laced on an iq iai footing it Bo ,k Aleuts ud Innocent and witlimir gnii, .av the ,1, -Ml s who Jhse.t , crsonaf 1,dvv,,..s,I1, ' ill the Puns pap,-,s. jJ(,.e H ji.'S I,e Fiiiro: 'A y num ,, ,, ,.,,,,. ' 0 sire to know .,.v ... ..,..,t t-m,,,, luirs ul.o would j-ivij u tor i e to young main, u couji;,:,' " 'v Fond i has eiyhieen n-jues-niativ... iu the University of the s iiith, ut ,.,, nee, Tc-nn. I ', -s-t 000 ach salary a car. is mis, receive Key. I-.H. ood the popular jiastcr f Ihe 'luirch in Durham passed an even ing wilh us last week. He is in ..l eallh and spirits, and ijuiu- hopeful of wilding a new Church in Durham dur ing the year. His lie,,,,, are liberal and ilunidniitlv able. A note from President Alfihethv niioriiis us that (iov . Ii V .... 1 I'ncle .laln'z," and few men have been more widely and unselfishly useful than he. The short biography of him in Inst week's Advo cate by I),-. Craven is every word true U, the letter, and yet it does not reneh all that lie was ami did. Many young men. that at different times were stu dents of Trinity College, remcmlier with hearts full of emotion what he was to them, and what he did for them. He secmcii to have a parental affection f counti-i- .m,l J., I...11: .1. i -.i I . i . . - ' 1 "o-ciiisuen wiin liiuner- ui uops xut) loav euitu ot New ous ami well-executed engravings, ft I -rk nc ive 4,500 -neb; and the four eon.a.ns various other papers f interest, editors in Omciu .all, and the tdito at C iicas-o and Sr. T. KIOIITS am, Wiv,;J I!,. i l I . i rccm- i i it . i , " .niuior oi Mom, Altar," "dc-us." .i-,. v,. ...i, . A con esponden t of th flr,id .-.. I "Ift . - J I w . Ji. .VI u, 'klow.4-J,l street and Madi- u fMn 6ugsts a union ot ad the son avemie. br.nches of the Mennonite fumily Ofthe various publications of Dr. l'ih ure quite nutn rou. He thinks Di-cms. we niize t his .'il.i .. tl. II I. this LUll? Lit 1) t lir.i.i.r .t ..I : . t in ii - - & -.t. uuuul inrougn touches upon subjeets of oreat tuactical general c u erenc value. I lie title of the book enn-will es. is neiitly appropriate, as the read, discover upon the perusal of its pa"- The hook contains pages, is neatlv gotten tip, and is written in the char acteristic style of its brilliant author. -Governor Hampton, of South Car,,,-. Ufl, it is .-a:,.', wi i not . eh , (J United States Seuatd in p.ai.-e ol pitlt(1 ou, but wil e a c.iidnUt,, ir r e . .. tion . -C mherdiud. .Vl.uyliiiii. nas a .. ll'l.ler w I , f , I . .,, I...... .... i .. i.. .vu .... .njyr. uiiiici j r iirs -c- . i oC uiiesien A lien touinl .oilerii. -on the streets nl'tcr ts ; ock at nigi f. Mrs .M vra C u k i;uines :Ji,0UU lmm tile ci y of Jiaitim ii'.j l,y Ihe tlecisiou i" , recent suit. .jJe expects to atturk Kl , iin.zoo, Michigan, mxt - Ciipt Leoncio Prado, s.,n of fresiil, i,t Prad.i of th.- Kepul, ic of Peru, and c,,,,, niaiidei of the Cuban Navy. ws cthiisi astici ly eceived m Key "est lust vv., k. G'Jv. r.,or Walker stuted to a Rid, , ,.,; feiitlcuiau on .Satui'day that it was until,, that l,e meant to take up h.s residence n, California; that on tuo contrary, Le vvnmu reriiaui in Virginia. is all vouriif lH-oiileth.it . ...,.,., ; i . ii , . i t i uscuieii to anniess the J.iterarv Socie- vrith and ties ,.f Kutherfor.l College, cm the. oc casion of Commencement May lillnd We learn that tl, College is in a pros perous eonditioii, Under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity. Mrs Kebecca ilcds,H- Ihixtoii " ill read selections from Celebrated Au thors, also several original poems writ ten by herself, at Metropolitan Hill in Thursday whenever i.- i.. i - . """V"1 "" acquaintance ' in contact eircumstflnc- with i ,. i i . ' "' 1.1111.1: n.wvv.imi iv Pahis A Translation by Mrs Lizzie 1 . J .e w is, Xew York : Wil Miii'klovv, Publisher. This is a charming little hook of 12") lliiain lining iiwiti oi I.O-..I- ..i i i riai.'e it ,- :ii.. . i. . i . , " - imiiacier, he I " 1 -j'.-i i.iuv .niapieu to the ier atterwaiils affectionately -.,n...i vmiuy. It is divided int., !.i ,.i .. . . - ' "" " , . "' ' "-r"1 it hiu t I HTIfl l.'lef. , I, 1 1 .... ""v, atul I -..i.-ion is oaseii ittioti n subsequent cai-eer with P,('nl,,lll"' 'juotation. him one followed his The Pr byterian Ujard or F.-r-fiiiTn Afiuji, no e . .. , --r, - - uao j,i itu oeuii.u in its receipts last year. Ihefallmo- off to th present time m receipts . f a I kit-ds exo-pt legacies, is $:)3 5i)0 Tl e receipts from legacies were larger in 1877 than in 1876 4 T t u unr livors a revisi n Mr I lei, u-1 ,.f m. i nf I ha -T mI. . - . . . ' " -Jiaiiu, .uoinla.r. ' ..,au x,lual, oa ,e ground 'utrouucea a In I for the relirf f S o- that thre is much in it to hicu manj F- ,,f -Maryland, the physician wi uo not, give their assent, and theie " ,,n 'S!41"1'11 "sslstlUKe Boot ar sec ions which th p-oDits ca- not i,u kllle'' ''li:s"''-iit Lhicolu. farming operations have commence in rca earnest iu Soutlnvent Geoifia ihe hogs have all been shiughti r, d Ui,J the meat eiucd. Cane iiianting is u!,.,t m..,. .....1 ... . .,!, .suLut! corn is being put ground. in Hit -i tie. this city, on Weiinesdav Fridav evenings next. Ihe (umberland PreshyUriai, fltll , vlrii,,. tl... i: r-1 .... . ... . . I ".... ........ t ...o- ..i..i oiu-uuii ot mat tun ch is to be found north of the Obi.. .....i east of the Mississippi ; two fifth are south of the hi and east, of t- -Mis sissippi, and two-fifths west of the .Mis sissippi. Tennessee contains '2.142 'hurch niciiibcrs, or one fourth of the whole. generous sympathy and unswerving iiueiesi.. 'Pi . i i . . - I..-.. ,iw n. ii.veu ttie pix-acher, and what he was u them, and what thev . i leer,, t,. I..,..! I . 1 r v , null "oiu neiore l kni'w "I n- cle,lal,ez ' jH-rsonally, I had learned to love him deeply, fr ,,.v now sainted 1 . 1 r-v uuuerstana. oucti a revision w. uld be in ihn oi posite diitcrion from uni formity; but of this tuere has aiwav oeen a ucK. li.HA, , o Its Physical. Mental. Moral .....i .i ,i .,u.i so,-,,-,i iiiiiiienee. ',v Hev I! I Th lr ,i t . t , Chas,, A m V v.. ,,- . v' o L TheM.St Bojk C mcern at Mucklow, Publisher ' TV u Ci'Pi,fl,0f 'J74'19-' This is a timelv onlili.,.,;,.,, Tl " " " " " P'jear or . I ......... VVaoI,.-. .. . .. y-,- sands ,,r ..,,i.i i..:.. ... ., . u uuumn Ht Cincinnati i.; ,1 tt... ;, . . , icsitHi I -j. ....... , ,,, ioii.'icco in its I i . ., upon and confided in hi,,, .), various forms Tl i ..... " ,ui ,ua er wi -""i ...... Ileasaiit to hear his Nancy's" mentioned f 1 -.-.. a.',,,,.-. II,- .-1I1III..1- lull.- .... I .r. .. n . . I ' ..o. cs- i v .1 71 'l'l, . - 1 I t I' 1 I Jl- iUO C.lUllill Ol Jl 1,1 -twill i.ij.i. ions enects ilN,n. k;nri An eulhus.iiftio meeting of the M con Memorial Association wm jJOl,i u" F-Mii.i. last-, th.s ol.ject of the nndij briny to take into considemtiou the se lection ot a design for tho monuujent t re ' erected iu honor of the Cn federate dead. -Atlanta has hc-a etcrmdly marked l.v 'hemiaus Kunuers, ,f lt. i, true as tv . Constitution says; - There are n, ks ,. 1 botul) shells in . -"'.-..u jatiat oi com- which will remain f A I hint. rcver a luemorial . fame lo 1st But when j physical, the mental, social and n,.,l bnsine8a ()f u OOllKtltllt l.,l. 4'es. small "M'AV M.VOAZINK, 'Vifil it. i.i- i ni: sii.vki, nii.i.. the l- l or in,, in II lull of the lit, ma!- I " length along." paragraph- have i hron-n secular paper- have Silver Pill. Heavilv i.ive 'dragged their Sharp and siiappv I and bristleil -ininu alter column. K, -elll.ltlV es and S ai-.i other will . i : h.-rwi-e. l.'ii.'d vv it h s mplimeii-s i-;h 1. pel the support f i- i-timi of tin-ii.-tiiu; i..n- - ha i' it-ill - 1. 1 turf her urged. 2. Without ii th,- mini-try comparatively Useless. ,-s-iys. minister-. Ilk- doctors. p up the I lie lea mav be s,'hatoi pre- lave lioiinded arguineiits, ,vjSe .,,.,1 I he mails li 'o our advertising ,.,! ' seen that the mice ,.f l!y refcrciic, Willis, it will the"( enteiimal of Methodism il. North Carolina." has 1 ,Vlll(V, to .fl.r.d. This will jdacr the I k iu the reach of every Methodist family. Our preachers well" to scud in their orders to S. flinch ,,f this cit v. The look might to be circulated ...... . . . naturally fall into intimate friendship j onl' i Iag -inn coniuietice with them, I felt it was not at an astwsfmig ,lnt Mu.h a ia. I'h a x k I.Ksi.ir's S,-. i .... - ., 1 .. ' ' ' ' """"'ve mnuenct- went out -r .March, is e,,ual. we think, to av , from their modest home and i,.ni...i;r.. its i.v..,l c-...-. n.. n , .. ,. '. n well ,, i,.ll , 1 I f , . 1 ii. .. .vi. llehder- '"" t"'-r"rrs . ..s a.ways a treat to hie and to m,",, oh has in it a s,r,..t;, 1 I m i'i on r.vii- loie to make a vUit i.. i.i I Itit i. in ,.-l,;,.l. ,..;ii ... n .. hi closing our discussion on the s,.,,w f.;K. ...esse,, , - -. we,, .ewar,l jierusa!. .',v, . 1 he eilitor ca s t "a c-mit-il that very in.-mv- ol ...,r , i . , -n , - . o ii a tapitai paper. ! J ...ll l III I- ttHlH'V. ."I V.-O.-f f..l 1 Itlll.l .. .... I I l l ,l. i i?l 403.037, and the dark w nMiy d.ys. I'hev em I, e year amo mted to $1, seon ali a'"'"id." 10,037. ST ATM -C.NIM.OCAI. Hur articles ,m ministerial sujip,.rt ha ve I Hi I pie. -r.tersl,rK l,l,.s ,. Houtvvcl), the young u.ly who kil e.l l., r. c f with laud.ii.inu iu Portsmouth 1 ,c week. ,s sai.i to have been viud t ,. muivird to yoil,,g ma,, who went to o the United States steamer Uartfuni last tall. in ho instnuee cm In. eli,-,..l . ;.i i ir , 1 with interest instatiee ,-an he ch.ir.'ed w,"f). mot., .lf.... ... i , . " - I 1 "t ii.tir ami atiyj. iii'g ecr ot iiuty m this particular. will .lo Ih v. W. XoTKS from thi: hkcthkkx. I!e A minor has I put in circ.l.-.t that our esteemed l.i-,,t t...... . . . I tiilliiis, wile and one ci I recently in an attempt to swollen stream. We are ha,,.,,- ... ...... i i . " iat the rumor is unfounded. v(. .;m. lust received a letter from him dated March the 1st. This a,,,,,,,,,, were drowti- rioss a 10 trreat tiri t-iln.r.. ..1... . r . 11- . I if..... I 11. liisen semis us a 1st nf I lip parrint! xrith .;... .1... . .1 ... "o" "c aroma nt ,S" " " fchr; good life wherever he went, and never 1 am uomg an 1 can for the torgot in anr cmpanv that he was -, Advocate: w,- like it cannot well do wrvnnt of the blesd Master You without lt: ;,-s ., (1 a j PimKl ,it h,. ," 1,;, ... f7t.,... .j. . , . . .. - .. j-.-"- i,ve minutes J.can to su8tain witfu pro- nice her inter ests ,n.l he never for a moment grew Thb I.h.t.sh (.). .uukhi.y Kkv i;.v x,.w tll'fcil tti Int.- nil...-; . ..I.. 1I e 10 trie church, or "tK. I.. Ncott Pub.C.,.), for .lanuarv f.llleif to short- tlmt l..,,.: I i- I . n, ... ' cnjovci in us fiwn I -munnis . 1 he .Mikado s l-.tiiniie 'I'l,.. 1 - - Americans in Turkey (the noble wm k of American missionaries is here detailed), SlIviTlfr-fc f, , ,1 Sin..: , I . .. nigs nailKS ; J'recions eu l.iin Nut Shell: Sunday last.Capt.Z. I'. Sr:'"' rough. IV0111 K1-11-ckct. a.rrivetl in this ,-itv with bis new three-masted fa-t-saiiing schooin r. and bail on hoard a live sen . whiei, captured near his home, north teras Light. Hissealship j-,,f ',;,, is known as tl -. :.. ..1 . 7 ' F"""uu- ,J vic.v of th,. .,. . -1 -. 1- iiimi.ii -j tluna 1 v 1-. . - u-:,.. :. .. ., tact, that lt is burdened with,.. ..........u...,. i.eview : llir ri-ing l u, these are h, ami eio.piciil young lVc-l.v iei i:, ,;. ister. Key. S. u,.)), ( , j( rail from a proliiineiil ami ii.tl.,,,,.i;. 1 Thb debt of Canada ,,.. ,. . Sl.Wf.M).J.,KW, t,r forty ,l,(lhlrs llt.r ,.;- ,1 1'ofuibhou. I-j view I'llVV 111. I deetl it is not ,,,s, to see wfiy the ,. m.wonshoull not be wholly frco.W debt. life tin I lesliytcri;,,, cbtiich rotiiiiy. Pcmisv Ivania. ha ve lies sent 'fie, 1 ongre: i",ir Would be a writer la w vers -M ami farmers, s,,.il,l be allowed to attend at th. maiitly to the great business ,,f tl,,.;,. lives and to their aj.iropn"ate work. ther men, in order to succeci. must be ni-'i ..f one iroiL. Failure attend- th. ir 1 ii ni-v, hen their minds are drawn ..If :n :ii. ir n um. 11 . if, s-ion t,, eic-ae in something els,.. So it is w ith the 1.1011-irv. liny must ,e men of Work to -11. eeed. hell thev far secular bu-iness 1., make ; tin-:, hiiiTi-l;y 1- -ine.v 11 ,,f jj m go int. a support povv ei 1- ha r. I enough tor ihe ministers to kce Hie world from rushing to ruin when al "i 1 heir time aiul talt-nts are given t' 1 he woi-h. In n a traveler JoMy niouutaiii. he reach.'. where the aliuo-pheie beemn, i.'iiuated. and extremely rariii, ascends a region thin, at- Th, hi lelisit v f the ali ne left ihter-break IV behind. I he Co!se,ple,CC is, tl t:a! forces ..I the iio.lv begin t on- . The .oil oozes out of the poles, liieithiiig i- iaii 11- and dinjcull ,!.-,! I, i- u-r. S, ifthe moral atn,,, jiIk r.', geheiate l by the preaching of the .'csb I. should :. lifted ,,;" the nias-cs, tie hidd.-n and restrained forces ,,f the human v , !;-.iiio-s w oi.id !.i;r-t our and spread seorchiir: desolations around the w uld. Wh'-n the Fi. n. 'i ;., tj,,, ,,.;,,,, oi Terror, siiet,. , the pivaehers, closed tin- rhnrclies, and burned the Itibl, s j blood and plum r walked that beauiilul l.-ihd like giant lien. Is. A deluge ,,f evik r d over the country. I'.lood touched l.! - !. .in I the howl and wail .,)' utt,., Vd'ivj y shrie ,i-d over t In- land. And f .cell hur with th, men 10 then I.I -t 1 1 11. .1. t 1 g.aieiui, wi. uiav I,, i- -H..1. ,K. .: 1 " -o-' mguisiieil reiiiein- tirain es. th 'v .11,. evi...,.,...I ... 1 ... ., 1 ' '' snow iiien i-line, 111 iin .ii,i,i-.,,,,.,.., ..,,....,,,,,,- mauncr, next ( ohgressioiial election. We "I'anl that a few lies have been tol.l ("em, partisan, if n-.i .arriotic, advocates :il the lle.i-.ii ... Tl . 1 " 1 "ii iv nas eu mi, uver Hill" as th, a 1. r .iii our In, an .ii. a, ) has . chimin vv. ICS. The probabilities ar, I I ' ! I . . I'll! vv ill lecoine a I t he execli: v I f how w, 01 I he oh, J'.r logls,. It a. antagonists specih'c ial vvim's; the the begiimiujr that the Silver iw. w il Ii ,.i- ;.i .1 110 III signal lire. le to believe ll. 1. . I-i.-pueis l-arty. ih,. country i- ;,,. ,.. "X-.iehee relief I,..,,, ;K ,:,....,, 'loin, I,.- and to enter l-.o-l'iin-: 11 ,V. Kr . II. P. Cole, writes from Concord as follows: -Our people are very mnch opposed to a division of the Conference, 't has 1 1 but a l,"tle w-lol,. i. 1 ......v -,,,.,.- incv will remove the suspense f nianv of his '"' ransferred from the S. C. l'linfi.;. 1 1 , I 1 1 1 en I , uey are satisheil and desire to remain. Ifa division must take place they hope their lot will fall with the F isfcrn Conference. Would their wish, s be regarded? I hey are loyal to the Advocate. They manliest much interest 111 its welfare they work for Lt, and feel that it is ac complishing much good in their midst." ro. ( ieo. T. SinniiMiiu ..i" 1 1..1.-I-... - -'. 1 i.tin.i.x, a true .Methodist, and a faithful steward in ""; church, sends .s a large list of sub scribers with the cash and takes occasion tocxprcss his surprise that anv Methodist "hould fail to take the Ai.v.u-atk. H -"i.vs: "I cannot imagine why every Methodist don't ,,..! )I0 Al,v, nF j 1 ,..:. . . ' " l V ' Jflll 1(1 I ft If lilt en .a.. I I r r.. unless ..., t. . "ev. I. Lyon, writes from White .,,l s,, 1 s loll , I....I I , ,11 I' ll that 1 was enterim, , c. '. "'seethat many of Ircline in religion ' " " 7 '" K'W" "" thf Tl,;.. :. ' , Advocate, an account of their kind and till". 1 Mill I iiur t li,. .... - '-' '1- I-....." o, the state- you please allow me.through vourpape, out. feelilur tliqf 1... l , r "tt n nolv man T't me trtx'dt 11 . . v " o.iisiraiion troin hit own experience with hini. Something over eighteen months ago my wife and myself were passing the street by the Methodist Churchin this place, when we perceived "Fncle dabez" approaching us. I remarked to my wife that he was on his way to our home, and as sue presented her hand to greet him, lnff February 23d ami March 2d him sue aske.i mm if he was going to see . (iazing into her rye, he said: -J am on my way to a better country than this, and it will not be nr before I get there neither." I said to him: "Do von dp- L' . t . ... . -lones; i apital and Labor; C, hen s ion ; Parody nml Parodists r 1 lessor iienrv oei-s uiipie- Pro- gei-s ; ontemiMiiai-v Literatim-. The. articlethat is, f,'n us is that on ''ompreheiision",.!.l- in Schuylkill North '.ii olin-i ran ill afford to give up a son s,. aide. iisciui ami Ingli-toncl. It i- -, 1.1.. .1.... .. . in. 11 wain 01 home and bom,- patronage cans, our ablest and .st North fo seek abroad. f 1 r 1 a a r s nion A (iKxrix (... -11. -i.sion cal- fu-n, 11-. . """ic, ai me residence i.f t . lod on, by thr late Xo,,-conh,,,ist Cn. , n , 7 "T" "" Laudiug. IIv.C rention in Fiigland. in whirl, this sh 1. - si i, V, W A,"W- ,,u F "th, Dr O S CreUle to Mi- niriifa- lu 11 vde ,,,"',,',:,, J-ee of the bride s mother. Mrs H,n,l ,"1'.",:V Sau"lerson. by liov Jas .M Watson, .M: y aroliuians Win IT 1M.. .. m:.. . .. ,. . , , , Josephine H,,un Ipprrriativr .,s dersou. daughter ...' tl... i... . t- I ,. "--- " ".- into x,iasnm.s i. oautlersiou. Si;i. Kii.i.i i, iv ,,u J3v t.Im o ..x.i -j oaim.-, iii me resiUtnce of i I x X i-.w ii 4 .1 a 0 f) ar '' lu ll I ' . km ne! tLd Ho, be b Wri be j iu 1 carr a co ui p of li hrx.ks in this Review are very valtiabl, Littki.is I.tviN,; Auk. The numbers of Ihe I.ivini! At-e for l... i i ' ' . -"KS I'lHI- Esq. By the same 1.1. tin, ..i .. j.i - i u, hi, me rcM dencoof the brides fat! . f l IJllfjK " " 22.1 of I'Ybruarv. ,v i '.. 4 11- t ... ' "I-- tv. -viooiv. of that vessel was it 1, .i spoucti seal, iiicasi,,. , . about seven feet i ,,.,,. , " "aru "J'le county, Mr m D M inn inches through. ..,,! weighing I.oui nvo inimlretl and fifty pounds, bcin- larger than anv ever Mis, Olivia M Davis, daughter of ri,o. M. Davi.5, Esq. seen iu Paiinini's "l-oii a career ,.f re to l.i.i;..,-.. ,i.. .. . , ,,, I'l l lilets , ,l,e ol -:.l . .. .,, , "" 'I"' eountrv w in He coiiv iih.... . . -I . . n(. if a lies. 1-1 I ' iirre have In :rteri-tics ,,f j. t he l.ttiei-iiess ..(' .'. " - V , e .1,, i ... i " i ii.i. nga-e. t, h a genera! upsetting " i" laiueniable char- roi,,,... ,1:,.,. . llishiiess ,,' I' uu! I he "'" who have 'selissi,,,, havrexhihit,.,! "s-rv, ,p,al,ties. ;t ,.. , many ol the le.elo... .... j.'.iii ici;,us ers h ive. I ,,, , i.i. - . . . , i. -ut is as as discreditable. The ""V". too nl;,nv of them iii.i iia- lless wit li !.:..!. . :.. ... o- " pones ,,-,Ve I,,.,.,, hur e,l .-.1... lushing ;l ;t ; nyer I. II men I s.lle i pUI'pi.M 111, -lit . A note from Rev. C. M . C, ,, , ,f , 1 , . 1st lllsf.. tlilnnns uv tl.... I l ' '"" " as k ..I .... l : ' " circuit, fie also ,,f, s Us that the l-ii,. ,, '. ai clilmi .sii neu ill r ,1 to exnrcss me to, i-.... i - , s"""'.'iv io. .ue Kimtness show,, me by the citizen ,,f Whiteville, w ho have hot heen """y Methodist re conversion of seventy si'v .e.sons: at Halifax twenty tl,,-, sions; the chtirch was greatlv Rro. C,,(1k is a faithful hil and the Roanoki i- conver-levived. iiorimis worker- circuit, we trust. provide for 'hjoynient in ,-verv will trv. iieatly blessed under his minis- ieir oiii,..ii,.i.tw ... :r ' i " " ineir on,- " life Were the oiipicssioi. ..,..1 lonlieiv , j. j,,,,,,. i.i i uoe as hit ,.- , 1 1 - -.- - -.ii men aula -Ml this Rishop piece has reached his God vrar. Feb. :!,! was his birth-day. Mon day the 4th was his 44th a.iiiiversai-v- of 's marriage. I I,,- two days were blend- -, ...... ..ppioprintely celel. rated. A """'g yas giv..., by the P.ishop, ami i.iiner, son, damj-hte.-s .....1 ., i i , hi i.si ill gran, chihlren were present. oof. I he anf. -Silver 'ei, n.uc relmteii omte gonisis dishmiesi.. -I I..W fnl enough. Rut worse me of ha perhaps. i ,- fact that s. S.-iid iff. to this office .! ,,,,, ., 'I'.v each ofp.ishop Marvin's two great wmksT tl,- Kast by way of the " rsr, ami his lectures on tl "'" the Papacy." rr rs Re new your subscript ion to the An- vn. vT,:. Prire if r)Lo per ,. swjiassed by anv """ '!, in their warm l-..tl 1 :. . . . ' mug ami Kimt attention to our every vv?int- 1..... i V nave tieen thotigntftil and careful to our comfort ami way. The sickness f ,y fa,ilv prevented me from bringing them with me, when I v,.t,,, 1 . . .1 "lls circuit, the first of .lanuarv. I hey had the,, made ready to vrrivr s. had leut,, hn '., liirnished it nicely con.fortabl v. ( n the evening we were expected to arrive a company of ladies and gentlemen assem bled at the house prepared for us,and had "-'''ng"l to give the preacher ami his family a cordial reception, l,t .,fte, - " """i", thev returned t their hoimvliVsapp,,;,,,,,,! " T",,s,l;y "ight of this vv k, wc 'tnrnel from Tarb,.o, where we met our family. WI,,,, arrived at the Depot,..- half 1,;i.st nine P. 31., wp were nief by one of the stewards with convey ance tor ourselves an.l baggage and ear ned in slate to our thi- following noteworthy contents: T-rencli ( ritic on (Joetbe. by Matthew A !.! ,1 i 4 1 1. I A f ,- . , " -aiural '" iiavenng incnager es Itellglon. Dart IV M......,:ii 4 I TI. ........ 1 . ..... . . ' , ' 1 win iix- - ' "- a leinaie. ami t- first ,,f ., .,-., .,,, Kiiskin. Xie- ""J" Kinti ever seen it, Svih Carolina niii vi-iiiinv .vi a ret. of mi .1. I aiers. exci-nt uu,. 1.... ...1 ir -i . ' iisii ' I-". 0 .1 near isi-ati- .'i. .uarsnau, .Mr A M llmiir ..1 v,. Oeneration fhrouirb I .if., n. fort some Hi.,.. 1.... ..... I r , '. . -u f' " "" 0.1, vvnicn vas I "ClUo auu .Ul.ss S A ATu..,.,!! .., n..i..:..l. Lift-, Rlackwo.wl " captured. Wil. Stat- -)7,i. ' "'"'" ' ., . , t. tuo rcsiaence of the bride's father Tiik Amki.-k ax Kaiji.i:. Vice-P-.. ; i -arliIe, .MU 17th l.sTS, l,y He dent Stephens used to tell a story i ' JJuous. Mr T F Johnsou to 31 s i orator irom the tlu-n iniiiorfini , ' "l .igocomlje county, ot Iowa who. in his tmnil,.,, sire to leave us, Tncle Jahez?" "Oh. fi." L v-i,M ; :.. 4 .1 1 i..-.t ,ts tiie 1 .nr.i 1 t.-. . -. 1.1, . ' rrnii'i llonn Sa VS. but I know if enn.w.t 1... 1 1 r , L , ,T, rt-ioivj .Macietxi ot Dare, bv Willi.,,,, ii..,. go tip yonder and I know where I'm go- and Within the PreHn"" (v )'. ing. It seemed to me that there was a Olipl.ant. both from advance iJ.t . rich, holy atmosphere around us. theit- The ;rcnt rurfl,l u-. ..,. i, '.' on the iinblic utnutt .....1 .-ti .1 M. ........ i 1? . . " s - nun me iiant -" "in. a sketcli. -Macinilhin pavement became "holy ground" as we Shaki-spe-ar in France, Nineteenth (Vii- sioo,, on it. ue was evidently thinking ' 'tri iptioi, pri, ,- .-jiN.Oo. t.-rtban fly the eagle a little oi ins heavenly fit.me as he was walking V ''"' ""on, are the pub- "':l in ami gave re.nly expression to his feel- lls'"-I"s mgs as ne met us, and the good it di.l us nas not ceased in its effects .... to A Series fi,.,.,, ..... . "1 - o,i i i;i In this city on tho morning ,.f the JTil last., by Rov J .1 Atkins m, Mr Joh -i W Evans and Miss Mary (; Tovv,cs. "u l" evening t the 27th. by Rev V At the residence of the brida's bii.tr. Mr .1 C Gay, pt.0 2(5th 1677, ly die Kit Mr Whitfield, Mr Thud IJ.vm.t ami M Carrie Gay, uil of X,wh Co I'lcsein mt.iiient ami wfu-n his told me at our depot the day after his death that he was dead, J felt that our glorified friend had surely gone to meet that Lord he so loved to think and talk about. "Blessed be the meniorv- ..f just." "Their deeds do follow them." I ruly i ours, W11.1. Dot-b. fireensboro, N. C. Feb, 2Sth 1S7K llt'l-I'll fit Congress, thought - 1 1 1 , 1 ,1 1 1 is i,er- ition contained tliis brilliant i.oiii.,,. of a Paragraph: Ah! wi,,-,, think of tl..-glorious days of 177C. when tl,.. insuhstantia- '"'ul bald bird of American f 1 ... ,. . --..,, win. "..Miig'ir.ven llie 111 itisl, li ,((M i,, Jones cw.tv. Xc from these shores, then sciz.,I in bis 1 he V P -is pi ock me tar Spangled oanner of ,. constellated might, a.,,1. stanilin--- wilh .we too, wi,,.,,-, ht- sn ,,,-ise wa ves",.-,', . .1 i u: :r).,u rwk " " '"'I it-stino- ti I. ei-.. i)VU XKCKSSItiks. non ami other Krrors of H, i... .v .. . . -'I'-" v . Delivered in St. L)(;S- M(( , Risbop Marvin. Second editon St' Louis. I,g;lll I );,.,.,, A).f This book is regarded by n.anv as the sri-aiulesf 10..,,,,....,... . . .. , , '" "' iw getllous of tin sainted Marviii.TI.e lectun-s were uenveretl 111 St. Louis ici-.i .- "" ( v , ...I. uigeiii gae sii i i-,, .1 1M0. in roiiinli-i .. , V land i,wi....l 1 "-.'' -"lel ' ""' ativice " soar,, and and urgent counsel of safe advisers I'? ', ""'"' s"!",', ' Ju-f her It is the second ,-tliii,,,, .-,, ,. I..., ''' - ' ' 101 ",,'"1 hud l(. " rv. i.iii t,i s Kit lingers last on ,1,,-" " " 7"" in tin it -a 1 I ji lifiti-iii.t l.v. 11: . Wi P.etwee.1 now and the 10th of M-,rrh 1 ' ,on,I'!"-"'t' vrly i(,( we have obligations to meet. , ! l"'.m f,,' '"P ha, amount of several thousand dollars ,,'""ta,"t",fr I,,,,"t "iHi Hu-se lectre.s,am ... . . 11. 'i 1.1 is, f,.,,. ,: . 1 - 1 ... the e'iition ofthe comparatively i;tt j. 1 1 home, where- a which ,11 11 not be deferred To meet these obligations we relv 011 till- lll'Otll 111 tll.S llf lkl'.ttl. ......... 1. . ' ' ,,,,,,,l' ii no are in debted to the Publishing 1,)M(, for Rooks and Periodicals to j)ay ns ; and also 011 the Conferences that have prom ised to take ti) collections for the Puh lishing House. Wi- therefore most ear nestly reiiu.-st all persons indebted tons from flint ti..,,. ... 1.: . .1 , . . "- "cam liis reputa tion grew upon the Churel, and the public mind and heart. The native iiiconnsgreaf intellect was kindled to burning heat, by the frictb f.i.. bate. This work should have ,-, p..(. with "The Kasi l,y -av lftlu. West " in every preachers' library and i ,',. home of every protestant family. I, is goiri-n up in ti,,. ,(,s, ves. be- inissin...- ii wa- n, ti 11 ..r ister. if v .... ,i,.-. ta lives si.vt .1 . ." '.I'lesen- ,,, '.; .V: rule Wlth .rxtda .it;ng, ,g;,-:!;:;:r"-;...,!Kand,,,,nl,lln,:),;:ni:ei(.;i; ried out that bird be will plii':"Th( By the Rev J Join s .11, at. W Scott s, Esq ,iu Jones county, Mr I., v.! T Sftlttll tO MisH M ,inni., 77 C....II 1 en so copy. A t ie Methodist, chnrch, ii- L, i sh ir; Peluiiary 13? h. by Rev R ,V W.ih. 3t H 'leit l Hiiucock and M.sh Ana Mi.'. Howard. tosen.l us the amount due within tho V... V. ' . . "M,s ,M';M,t,l'ill sfyh . prowntl .th. ami that the rolleetiot.J,' -"'''' by Logan I). for relief of the Pubishi,r Ho.hc bo , . ,,,,nVM- w" ' also at this 4..1 1 . . ' ',,,r' irvt-n 141 M'lil J n Jit 0(. A II 1 1 I ' '"'l'.'".Vo, young ladies had assembled X,sl.vil... T .. " L FKn Una gone to the 1 " ii. tii, 1. icii. I R iiilh nf Imam. a " v" -t3 lio reernit. day, presented a petition 2,100 feet loR and containing 50.000 8igatre8, done np in a reel, protesting against the t-M. Ir:braghtbe " "ene 'anlinal IVec." ... . - chee,) has been elu,e Z 7" ' .., to succeed I , IX .V'1";0' assumed the name r I i"- , ,,as the,hi,,,S, ;;!!;- At the residence of John R Patto:s. : the bride s uncle, ueai Mt A r, S' rr ''""'Hy, N. (5 . u,.. ,8fi, f K(,,. by IJev James Willson. Air li t" Sra t to Miss Bettie A Duncan; all ol Sut; ouuty, 4. c. Also by the same, at the rcshleiK-' tlie;biides mother, Dear the same r'a.f on tbe tilth Feb ISTS.Mr ym M pov f Gntr.n. to Miss s p Sl,arg,.r. Py Prv. C. M. rk n ,.,!,.,!. 'st ,ti, 1 :,i m. . , ,,- i' lire ot the li,!c", n,,,,!,,.,' in Warn" """. Join, K. Laughter f ll oii: x:"t.a, Mi M:.v ,, , arrt-n ( o. i 'he sain,.. ,,,, 1... .,. 1 ' : at the it-sub.,,,.,, of,!,,. ,-.,., la if ax cou,y. i;,,.,,,,,,,, ., am Miss fempi,. w. i, ,ol-o,,. I'. Halifax roiintv. I'V the same. ,, s;,,,,,- tlav. al I I'--it hbenezer ('hi.rcl,. in Halifax " in. II ( ,,,'te,- an.l Miss . 1 bel,,s, ,,t, ofI:,i'.lx ,., Gl. lie 1,1 deep his ,,i hi in veril.v and h awei Wil an I r, 1 ul I at the hi n vv l to !g .-. Ing ton, tb 'tn.t h iDibh flow Lt lore le pratefu' deal tit 1 years a,, tacbe I lovi-,1 hi Cnvpr,I tbeir um every alw tvn la Til of an of bhev dent n n presiimin : .Vou fj v d'lty, in t' and I vver. tie niwoi i ions lo 1;' 1 like all ml t li me in ', t tint "Wh 15 Met h'ui 01 noil Whose fat,, ahall never WordPro-,- 1 Dlj siller hm tOOk .14 tin Chapter i pra.', w i:(i 'Oanghter w noigh. I -v , that prayer danci.,K If.. his li.v w 1., Ions wi 1 ,w renini k in . ! him. w ei, h,. hand in fi.-r'o gifa nioulili O'P'i '" to inul . "at iniple. it 1 0" conlMed , my ne,

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