.Raleigh CJiri sti an Advocate. 7 1 (The (Chrfotian 3Wrocatf. OFFICE (onicr of Dawson and Uargetl Sis. i , THE O R a A N OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE OF THE M. K. CHURCH, SOUTH. RATES OF SUBSCKIPTIOX : l"'B UMi ISABIH ADVAXCB, I-OSTAGK PAID. tU MONTHS, " 1. If ryni(nt be delayed six months, ? Rli:l..:i, x. c. A fit 1 1. 17. li v The Cross (JEbL) Mark is to re : iinl you that your subscription, hat c .y7v. ' you icuut the jaj't'.r con i " I'eil, rtneir promptly . oi i; cknerai. RIT.ES CONDI TION (IF MEMBERSHIP. It is made tin- I it t v of i lie patrols to read ;it least nee a year, the liciici.-i' Ru'es tn ; heir congregations. It vv.iM -J.sH'.-'chers Slsf I ill's! the-, veclleix-v nil'! m ( 1 l-!l viie,-. 1 V. il f A ... 1 ll tll'lt strikes till- IIMiIlT ll J Ruies. is the simple condition of .i liu'-i-'ii into tin' membership il' the h'et hodist ('Lurch. Some object ;iinl -.iv I In' il r 'l our church is tun wide and i-:i-v of vlit I ance. Some writer speaks t.i f "tin' XI i 't 1 1 1 i t facility"' of gelling i'.itn tin- church. Tin' follow i 1 1 u' is tin' condition: There is uil ,'iie condition previously li-i j U 1 H-i ! of ill' se who desire ;i I ml: ! n into these socie ties a 'desire to tit-f from tin- wrath t( . -oii!' aii'l to be saved from their sins." I'n.Ier this condition, col IK' of oui-;', nil i'iih i-i tcl n'roii-. ami all serious Xi-eker- afo-. - .' 'alioii. Mr. csicv, oil oltrpo-;'. made till' t'ollilitioli of llielll- h -r-liiji w I'ii.' eiiniigh to embrace all who 'ji".!ivi'i ;.. -. -aved. He eleareil the I'oi llie ciil.lch from all those noli- I i , -1 ' ill-: -Hell a t.eiiei ill i rl.i : t: i i. i i!- ami modes of baptism as hl; --. i i i i ; r j :. . -a i va I ion . He say-: ' 'ai ciii t;.:i-la:e. e is ijiiite peciili.i! t. ; he people called Methodists: that is, i he ti . l ui- upon w hich any persons mav ' I'.,'. .1- - He a .imute.i into their society. I i:ev them, and 1,51,1 ihi-in up in Christ ; What 'hii. Said of himscll may be said oi ilii uidi "1 am not come to eall tlie risijfteous, but sinners to repent -aiiee.'' ii is a singular fact foiiml in the -ta:ii(l historv of a ei-riaiu ilti noiimiatii.Hg wlueli iioals Imiillv ot a eoiivei te i inemhershit) oiilv. and which lire- a ciijjunn shot into our practict . . . , ii everv neinsa ml t lien, that that church ha- to tin nut more of its converted meiiiher- than wc do of ours. It is in he aeeo.;,., fur upon two grounds til si , i li iy;t vi. - shallow, dreamy e. pei ieiie, - taken for conversion, and si coii.rvf when taken into the church under f doctrine "thai once in grace alu jjs," there is nn yrowtli into that g!"ace. tiicii makes men (.eriiianeni anil fruit fui ihi i-tiaus. A laie numher of crs. in-j-uppo-' that the hardest part of ref!L.i"U is the lieuinniiii; of it .Hist the revet , is true. 1 lie easiest pan oi re- 1 i - it i- to commem e, i he difticult, la hoi'iotis pari is to an on throii:;h all the .-tages of sjiii itual growth, discharging j ail . f its varied duties, puttine- (,n tin whole ,'i uioi of ( iml. and lilit iiiir hern ieallv the liattles of the l...rd to the end of life. JJ.u .!.-. ''fm' 'o enter Iji'.i v liai j . iv s .iM.iit'.i t..ii .-ti i i neee--ai v to iiecoiue enunein ill scnoiai ship.- It i- not hard to commence the studv of law and medicine, hut what a stupendous amount of intellectual lahoi it ii-.i'iiies to he very skilllul in these leanied jiiofes-ioii-. The first step in a journey around t he world is nothing. hut to keep noimr over land and water I until the entire ulohe is measured around is a task of peise cling lahor. Ain't s,i ii, .;, t in the Methodi-t t'hundi people wish a division of the Confer ence we would not throw an obstacle i their way. If tlie change is desirable on the part of the majority of the people in the sections immediately interested, let the new Conference be formed, pro vided in the wisdom of the IJeiicral Conference, such action would subserve the best interest of the church. KD1TOHI Ali IUMKKS. TIIK CAKDLIXA MKTHolUST. io i"t impose in t.rder to their admis sion, any opinions whatever Thev think and let think. 4 nc condition, an 1 only one. is required a real desire t i save their souls. When- this is, it is ciioi;rh they desiie m. more: they lay -ires- on nothing: else." Let it be re membered that the desire -spoken of, is n-'i i mere transitory emotion a faint t'.'.-'ing pa--iiii; away as the dew of the iiioniiim'. Hut it is a deep desire ri- naiu into a fixed purpose to work nut .1 ; ei-o;i,t; -.iivailon a Uecl-loll to l.e a chrisf i.-iri v,, vi 1 and stcml v as carrie is ea-v. but to observe and practict' nil of In : Kn!e- i- the dillicult campaign of spiritual warfare. Mr. Wesley on pur pose made tlie door ot' the Methodist church wide en 'Huh to take in all hav in;' a sincere desire to be religious, but when he got them in. he Used the luos; effective and practical measures to pro mote their growth in grace up to the highest standard of piety even to the r!je:;:-ss of christian perfection. It does u it matter how low christian life com mences, ii ii goes on to the higher de grees of spiritual development. What A very interesting revival is m progress at Kernel syille under the di rection of Kev. M. J. Hunt, the efficient pastor. -V terrific hail storm passed over the town of Clayton on Thursday evening, the 11th inst. The storm extended within a few miles of this city. In an article from Oiiskhvkk in our last, on the "Wants of Methodism," tin word precious was substituted for the word grievous. The mistake was market! in proof, but was overlooked oy the printer. The (ieneral Conference will meet in Mav. We hear of no collections to pay 'he expenses of 'i iip 'b'legM . Col- it i. LA The usual custom is to send the a mount collected to the nearest delegate. If anv delegates, clerical or lay, should find that thev cannot attend the ieneral Conference, it is important that Dr. Craven, the 'i inference Secretary, be informed promptly, that he may noti fy the first alternate. Mi;. Korroi! : Vu were pleased to publish a short note from tne two weeks ago, which provoked an editorial in the Carolina Methodist. Please allow int. to explain. As no mark is used by the editors to distinguish their articles, 1 presume the one referred to is from Brother Pepper. the senior editor, ani therefore address this to him. I assure Brother Pepper tint I have no personal feeling in regnid to his cherished enterprise, as I have no per sonal interest affected by it. j I regard the editors and publisher as good, and "well disposed persons" Christian gentlemen. Xor id I over look, though 1 may ha ve misijnderstood, their salutatory. 1 esteem "honorable men" who will do, all thev sav thev will. Thiv mv"the Methodist is not the organ ff any ec clesiastical body, nor does it-olicit anv AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEP Kit ? them as , or trv to such endorsement.' From the da ys of the first lniudcre1' down to the present time, tlie selfish na ture of man has continued, with constant variations of language, to utter this de fiant excuse to the Almighty. Responsi bility has been perpetually avoided, or impatiently thrown off by this petulant cry. All disregard for the rights of others or contemptuous indifference to the wailing cry of universal humanity has often been vtolidly excimed by thi hard and forbidding and almost despar ing will of him who first imbruted his hand in his brother's blood. How of ten do we see the weary step, and anxi ous brow of our neighbor, that indicate the hidden trouble or the biting sorrow within, and never turn from our patl to administer consolation, or to hold out a Helping nana to tlie despairing and broken-hearted ? A simple, earnest kind, or affectionate word will cost us nothing, and yet how much it may do for one bowed down with the cares of OUU. PARSONAGE. '"-Ii ,.1 X TST, iir ;'." prescribed '. ii of every kind possible sort," the onlinanei i all tin -such a doing tiid "at of Cod.' ni'-a n- i d "a 'liiinu: c .d of evi l fending upon ai :.- the lvo!ii.. 7:ii.-ili i.iit- ir- -.W'.il. oU. make -"i- clean, put away the evil oi your mop.i:- noni before mine eve-; e. as.- I., do . i!, 1, arn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge tin- fatherless, plead for the widow." (tone, the prophet con 's, i.me now, and let us reason i her. sa.th ; he Lord: be ( or have beell ) as tai! i.e a- ., f,;t-- a- sm.w be l"i"l like eiim-o!, thev I fere is S Ait this be; though voitr scariet, they though they shall be a's Here s S.-iIot!.,-.,! f.. 1 '(''it'll i ' no 1' ill I ii iix 1 enough to underlie the whole of our Cneral Pules. This practice of or.; church harmonizes ,-,Is., with the t aching and p -act ice of Christ. '-I-Yom that lime Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven ... 1 1 . 1 T ... I- " M.ui'i. .vnu .icsiis, waikuu e.-i of ( Jalilee, saw two brethren ealled I'eier. and Andrew his brother, easting a net int.. the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them. F.,1- 1 ''v u"' :el straightway they left :li -ir li. ts. and :,. 'lowed 1,;..," i . .'ames and .loan it is -aid, "thev left tii- ship and thei, father, and followed .v the siiiioii i Migii il he small as a mustard seed, so ir gi "U - up into a fruitful tree. It is no disparagement to the oak that it wa oiiiv a little iiisigniiicant acorn. All giants were once babe-. Religion is a I'ghi that shi'iei h more and more unto a j .effect day. The brightest days of summer splendor begin with a feeb'c lawn scaieely perceptible. The great Ama.on river, that poms it- mighty hood into the Atlantic ocean: the ma jestic .Mississippi. Unit thunders down opposition in its swelling course, have their origin far awav m litile mountain springs. So, some of the grandest sire;. ms of influent ial piel y have began in so small a thing .-. i penitential tear. THE A i ITATt RS. We learn from Rev. S. R Tra wick that Rev. M. I.. Wood will preach the annual sermon before the pupils of Kernersville Academy the 1st Sabbath in dune, and Hon. I'. ' . lo.iii.ins ol Lexington will deliver the literary ad- Iress .lime 4th. We also learn from the worthy I 'resident , llro. Trawick. that the school is in a flourishing condi tion, numbeniig about Ml pupils the present session. Trinity College is to have a Nor mal School, to commence .luue liiiih, and continue 4 weeks. Ample arrange ments are being made for a grand suc cess. The organisation, as we learn, is complete. Teachers and others will find it to their interest to attend. It will be both profitable and pleasant. Thi' expense will be so small that anv niie can afford to attend. No charge for tuition, and good board with fur nished rooms can be had for if0.. fid per week. It is -ot an organ it noi-not solicit this life, or distracted by anxieties for the future. Friend, speak that word, give that friendly cheer to your neighbor bind up the bruised and mnngJed iorm of poor unfortunate it can'',1'' vou no harm, and how much it will be to that despondent one. How large a responsibility, just here, rests upon the followers of Christ for the non-con version of sinners. Many good men pass all their days in endeavoring to serve Cod, and yet fail at this point. They strive to keep their hearts in com munion with Cod, and yet do not em brace in their desires their poor uncon verted neighbors or associates. They never speak to them of the dear Savior, ind the consolation his flowing wounds supply to the weary and broken-heart ed. Jf the Church were but fruitful, in ail its members, just in this one particular, what giant strides she would take to wards the ultimate conversion of the world ! How soon would dawn the glad day, when the millennial era would be ushered in with songs of joy, and exultant shouts of victory. An incident an eiidor ;ement but they ds not add it never will solicit anv sill' endorse- 1 incut. I. ut Hi other I ep-i assures us that it is independent, a'vs to re rrraTii so. r.et our Vesteff brcthicn mark that. Biothcr Pepper should noi'ce that my objection is not against the paper, fori find no particular fault inth:t,but to the ixii:i'i:xii:nt feature of the enterprise. I object to this because we lave an or gan of the Conference towliHi we stand pledged by the most sacrei honor of a Conference. The propriety is editor. The ed itor is a member of he Confer ence, and is appointed by th Bishop, at 'iclent of the Carolina nt mi ip. !ii)i)e f Methodist." over till SilKi.'iv. is evidently noi pleased with the discu-s ion of the division of the Cnul'er- e ice -iow going on in this paper. H e a li-po In which cord is not says "it look- very nine so ion to break souii'tbiii; .ii.il.' di -c ip iiottung lnor. 1 i; ir soni- ... I'C.V and easy, obeying the ' "Wf to io.-a!;e i-hcii and follow him. The; I lie plain history of all these -h .u -, i hat thev exoerieiicet in a real desire to sav, .. joining tin I .. .. I . ' . . - w' 1 1 . ' '' s .CIIOOI. ., l ;,v on" III to join l In- baud of Ci,, it-S ,;:v f. riples is tit :,, join the chinch. II C 1 1 T i I ! I : ) 1 1 1 1 1 i T .-".I.. Ii 1 . i ' " - iiete iisjieimeii io In - I'liu- I he command was simph I h re wa- in, difficult v in command. It lay in "their i i companions re was im previous church examination as to whether thev had been coa verted much less an abso lute demand of it as a previous oiidi- i i t I. . : ' . : . i ... i .i-i ' ' .i"'".ng ms ii. uni. Alien: is no : aibt but that these disciples became very fruitful and bright christians, but they became such after they connected themselves with Chrisf. Jrt the solar presence of Christ not away from him they mati'i.'d into moral beauty. 1 'hri'-t has gni.e from the earth, but he has left t,. chinch to represent his per sonal rescue.'. And we invite m-m t,, hri-t by coining into the church where they can best v.nrkoui their salvation. I'.'.r right here t. e meet an objection. It is said: "Suppnse they should fall away and disgrace the church?" ,. answer the larger majority of these seekers become iverted and useful christians bv faithful use .,f the m..-..,- i Ot grace. Mil.' suppose some should break down, fail" away, and become in-(on-i-iem .' . ;l hospital disgraced 1 o-'v-.ttise soi I i in- patients refusing to follow the pres. ,,'pt i(,n ,,f the doctors, 'he ? Is a coiiege lishoiinred because i- I t some m me students fail to studv l.ecmne .scholars ? Is a church t anvays seeking to preserve a giM.d rcpu tatinn.instca.l . .,(' saving iuimortal .souls? bat is :, ,-hiirch good for but Io take HI lll-lek snuls, ,.re th. tn. we vvoin.i reply that it th simng enoiigii In iiohl ihe iew Confer- eln.-e ! lea together ill passim' tbron .rl. n little Vi.;i ion. it is well ieiha'S that it should break in time to avoid dam:i"e to tile cnurcll. We would say tn the writer that he iiisiepresents the Ai.v.m mtk when he in timates that its columns were uncondi tionally dosed against the discussion of this stion. He s.ivs- "It is a little strange that the ( r- gan of the Conference at Raleigh should have closed it- col ns against the dls- iissioii oi the subject at the time when si:ch discussion Would have been in or iel . a ml t heii opened t hem so freely to lies... agitators at this unseasonable time. Is th,- Ahvni ah: mi that side of the ollestloii e do not know the name of th. '" ' i.e -ii ficie iioin v. huh tins :. ...i i ... , ii. i. i is i.iK.-M, nut we suppose in- is one ol'iiie original "agitators." He chooses however, to hide him-elf behind a ficti tious name. We wish tn sav tn him thai the Anv... a'I k bas al no f ime denied the use nf it- columns to discuss tin in. -non 1 1 1 ,i oiision ,,i m,. i oiilereuce. Mily one arlicle was sent lls during th. pa.-i year lor publication favoring the We-tei ti Conference idea. We wrote to the author of that article advisim.- iscussi,,. of the .piestion in hat time, as it w.nil.l le range, but stating adiuissiole at a later Jieiin l of the year. received nnly one favoring the new Ct.nferenee idea, we a number in opiiositioii. If i ..1... avorcd the moveiaeiif had written at a ater period of (he Conference year ropcrly written, wmihl Wean; indebted to Rev. .lames . Craig .!' Wilmington, who has re cently been appointed and entered upon the duties nf Chaplain nf the Seamen's I-'riend Society of that port for t lie April copy of the "Sailors Magazine," published in New York, from which we gather tlie cheering news of the conver sion of sons of the sea at different juar tcrs on land and on sea, and we hope Bro. Craig will be abundantly blessed in his new field of labor, as we know of ho better liietb d of evangelizing the world than through the labors of pious christian sailors who are continually go ing from one land and port to that of another, and which cause should enlist the aid and pravers of all christian peo-pie. the rcipiest of the Coil telenet exclusive ly to the editorship of the j iper. The Conference endorses him as ic editor of our organ. He is by our appointment brown up on the success of his paper Sir the sup port ,,f his family, just as imi-lt as Bro. Black, r Bro. Yates, or any other preacher in charge ol Disti l i, ( irctnt, ! or Station, is upon his- cliarje. Now I j maintain that if any brother, ir brethren, j start a paper of similar wirk which i m iM. if it succeeds, draw pati-mage from that paper arc acting in bad rath to the editor and to the . 'onfifience. The Methodist is published in the. in terest of Mktiiopism. Not in advocacy ol any particular fca itre, such as Holi ness, Tempcnir.ee, Missions, but Metho dism in general. It is net intended to seek reform in Methodism, but M'thodisn. as it is. Methodism not in Western Carolina, but especially in the "C.wtoi.i-s." Have not the Methodist of the Ca olinas al ready been provided with the Raleigh, and Southern Christian Advocates for this identical work ? Must ntt this in dependent paper, if ii succeed-, do the work of these papers and supplant them to the CAicut ol" ll.- .-ice-(f -- Are these papers now reviving as many subscribers from the iebl of its operations as formerly, or as tley should do il those engaged in its tirctilation Mk. Editor : Early in January I ar rived with my little family, at the pleas ant village of LaG range, and were cor dially received into the kind family of sister J. L. Hardee, where we remained three months. Rev. J. X. Andrews, my worthy predecessor, had taken steps in the right direction to skci uf. the I'Iieaciier a home, but had not completed the work. I immediately went to work, and with the generous sipportof a great many of the good people, 1 have the honor to say, the Parsonage was pushed forward to completion. In the mean time the ladies of our Church, who ark ALWAYS UKAOV To Im) TIIKIIt Ill'TV 111! formed themselves into a Parsonage Aid Society, and were ready to give the finishing touch to our new home. On mv return from a short visit to mv aged father, ami relatives, I found that the ladies had taken possession of o'tr home in my absence, and all day last Satur day they were as busy as bees until about 4 o'clock, when wife ami 1 were invited to go home when; we wen most cordially received and installed as house-keepers with a liberal sTi.pl v ol the substantia is ( life. !ur coikMiv STATE XEWS. is splendid, a present from . 1 1.- i. i' .i ii t ivoi ncg.-i iv . o. , oi i.oiusiioro. j am trying to do a faithful years work for these good people. May heavens richest blessing rest upon us. Yours truly, B. B. ( Yl.liltETII La C range, X. C. - . CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. Pit Bor.nrrr: Please give the follow ing an insertion m your columns, whic-1 was unanimously adopted by the uar- rl v ( 'i inference to-da v: Unsolved, That we, the member tin? W'adeshoro Circuit, uarterly Con ference, art: opposed to a division o i.:.. i... "v.. ...i. i- .i i- mis, me .miiiii aroiina v onierence tor the present. And that we take this method of ask ing our representatives in the ieneral 'onierence to use their influence against of recent occurrence in my life, has led I project. to these reflections. I was walking And further resolved, that the Ral- along where some laborers were at .work I '"'Ji" finslian Advocate, and secular reparing the streets of a town. had papers of the State, be re. piested to pub- known one of them in days when he was! lish the above. a better man, though at that time a sh've. A true copy from the minutes. i- ..r i ' i I i T, .i gi.n ious num in vjon was going Oil .1 No. UolslN.soX m the community. Jly companion and I Refolding Steward. myself uttered a wont ot admonition, m Quarterly Conference of Wadesboro passing, to this poor, and, as we thought, Circuit, April tith, 1S7S. abandoned freed in an, expressing our re gret that he was not as we had known him in other days. He made ns some careless response, and we passed on. The incident was almost forgotten, when, a few days since, I stepped into a Bar- Y -... f TRINITY NORMAL SCHOOL. A Normal School will begin at Trin ity College June 'Jllth, and continue four weeks. We shall ha ve all the ele- ber-shop in a basement-story on the I tnents ot a tnst-class Xormal; various street, when, in the dim light of the kinds ot apparatus; helps for teachers, waning day 1 was accosted by this I improved methods of teaching, instruc- J ly know my own name." This signifi- T 1 1 L WO RLE VMlltDKli KRS LIT TLE TILDY WORLEY. We take the following from the Ooilxboro M cxaviuier. As many of our pa Irons take no other paper, we give a lengthy account of this brutal murder : There a re no new development hear ing upon the Worley tragedy. Xoah Cherry. Harris Atkinson, Robert Thompson mid Jerry Cox are in jail waiting the approach of Wayne Su perior Court, which convenes on the 22nd. inst.. a ml which it is hoped, will determine their guilt or innocence. Little Tildy. the foiiryt-arob! daugh ter of the Worleys, w as in lown last IViday accompanied by Mr. John B.t- i i . .uni. nei iiueie. ai vt'iiose house she lives. It was her first visit to ti.vv n and naturally she appeared .somen bat shy. but seemed otherwise well ami lively. She was taken lo the sheriff's oliice, and soon alter Xoah Cherry was brought fn lberooin. She bad. not seen him since flit; coroner's impaent. Th little girl ipiickly reeog;,ie 1 old Xoah ami showed her fright by biding be! face. On I.eing asked who be was she saitl uncle Xoah. who killed my Jfripa. Xoah said. "no. I did m,t kill him." Lilfle Tibly isai Mr. I'.au.ou who seems to be. Very atlei-f ionale 1 o-wartlsber.Sbeatti-aetetl sympathy on all sides, and money, candy. &e was given her by many. Sheriff ' v.t nf ha m k iud Iv bought her goods fnr a ne w tires-. J.,,. ter in the day she was taken to Mor gan's gallery, where her picture was t.-.ken. Tildy is. the oldest ofilio chil dren : the next oldest girl is at Mr. A. J. K. Rhodes near Mount Olive., and the babe at .Mrs. Jesse Pierce's in Julm- tou. Tibly adheres firiulv to her fir.-i slate- nieiits, that old N"- '. killed her papa. When asked who el-e wa- there, she ays. "Harris anil nine m- ten others." M r. ISatlom thinks tint horrible affair has made a life-lasting impress.!,,,, ,,ii the, child s memory. I'l-idav eve g sbe-.-iff Crautbaiu if forded us the opportunity of a lengty interview with the four prison ers, in company with the slienii, ( apt I'lilgbilin, of the Raleigh .Yi .-. deputy sheriff Parker ami jailor Thompson. we look position in the jail yard. Xoah was soon after ushered in the presence of us newspaper men and we proceeded ut once to interview him. lie is a brewtl old darkey and stood the in terview with all the iinporla nee and gliartlednoss so characteristic in old po litical backs. He would only boa: such interrogations as he felt di-po-cd, and these he would carefully answer. einaiiiiiig deaf to, or evading all ofh- Every now and then be would jaciilate "I'd rather die. than tell a lie, and when pleading ignorance of cer tain matters, and being reminded that had previously said so and. so he would say, " to be sure nut. well 1 ave bad so much trouble that I bard- then -belling corn to send In the , 1 asked him for an ear of corn to ami then I bid him .. . -ea. t went on p. Mclviu's. J .:,;u aboi.f In! I fa ii hour if m. more. , I got -.viibiu l0 yard- of .!,h; homo 1 ini'i M -Ivm eoiiiin ir .,-,,. branch. 1 1 and his lir.,1 her ami .. Atkinson. Melvin told ni" in tobis l.i.u-e I;,..; b,. would be l, ,. I'. , . ..... i u ... . . .i "' ''.. i. '-.il in 1 1 ll- Ii,,,., W!l l'l I : . . I 1 1 1 I' .. . .. I t I .1. ' ' . .i il' I 'il I i iii-i I 1 lie C.i , con-. '! wasn't bn.g before M u cam-, lie honied nie .niu.' me -I baked some bread, fried meat and I., it i it mm -iipji. !. .we, III ami !, e -!' n liearli an hoiti'. Then M, Iv iu .vein bed. i laid a chair on if.i Ib.or ;, put my bend on the !.! of li.imd -i, llllti! ill" oil! da V ol'e-i k. Col up. , wood, iiiado ire. c...i. .1 otenil liieal an, I -: u l ! I'm- mv work. I i wu Tuesday uinriiiti-. !;. ,: I -,, sighl of vV"i'iri "s hi. ii-, . about an .,, by -mm. I -a v .lie.Io.i:- '.pen the ,,, m i o i in- crib, i- pi ivjii'oii. ;,.,, in. -a sfiek I ligbl I in' doc v it), always bad him Io ligbl. ioi know (In- dog s name. I log bolt, mil ill me when I go! wbhiii ",i i r, of I he ho'lse all I I ll I 1 In Ilea I i i ! ! iiii.i I .-oui Id) iii". me. s , i collide'; d ' il -o 1 i;ol mer il,,. i'.,, l!fl iolheer.o. Walked al.olil ,i, ffciOfcUr'-iile o'. fly iiolalo p-.'- -avv :.oin v - v, :ie i.iving o.:i-i, i 'r. I 1 1 : . !!; i I lleif -I,,. ham iKei'ch u i on her b...i or -i i:i;ei iii ii i- ei. i out I le re. a ! 1 1, gel so, in lioi! v I . lievi .! ih'- a- iti'j, !, ,. is a ! io.i la hea en. the eri !i I , l in '. i l. there llie do mad a ha si laving il ft had a SI I and bad ;, , j made ,er i : 1 i Wi.rb-v had .., j I 'v nrk i ii her. i i. : I - ! am -lire I',, , j ' io'iig :ir., ih I ' hi ' ag iio ,, ,. 1 n urn In ii-!'!ii. L' eikri- on i !i I" Ml eh'm.jey I - n M r. "II llis leieU v il ii bi- ; -.line liec.01ic.il 111 tCtlirs Ol gitte:all XI1'" in uni.ur, it',tnir;nr! thanks for the good words we had spok-j schools, eVc en to which fie attributed his rescue V e cordially invite all teachers, all from his forlorn and back-slidden state, who desire to teach, and all who feel an Ah! my brother, "a word spoken in I interest in the subject. Our arcoiumo- were working as hard as theyshoiild do season, how good it is." It don't cost dations are good, and the month spent . i . . i i . . tor the i. onterenee papers. hunch to sneak it. Liter it .unl it ,nv hcri' will be pleasant. Abnii.hi.o ..... I object to the enterprise aso for the help some despondent, darkened soul in- commodatioiis for ladies will be provid- that he bail been to Worlev's I'.r against t the A iiv . M a ri: at likely take a vv id that it would rind of the While we their articles, if have been published. (,!:r posit io the , piestion was clear, v' stated lit the Am, ,-,,.. ; .1... .'.. in i,,ij early part nl a-i v,..., ..r .. .1 ,i. an. r the a.l,.i;: .imeut ol ,,ur bite 'nn- tin (en nee. 1 f there ever u .. ; i eiissim, of the subject wa , in ,r at time is now. The Ceneral is soon to meet and take ac he di IT, 1 'oilfi'letn-i Can-away, in a well written article in this weeks Anvoi .vn:,exp!aiiis his position in reference to the 'aiioi.ix.v Mktiioimst. Several brethren have writ ten us that, they regard its publication as uiilortunate and altogether unnecessary on the pait of the editors and publisher. We thank them for I heir expression-, of fidelity to the Ai.vot vti:, but must de cline the publication of their articles. I'lie Conference, as a body, pledged their hearty support to the Aivo atk at its late session, and we have confidence in the i'i.Ki...i: they have made. Thev will carry out that pledge in good faith. reason that if there is a new Conference ........ ...1 1... .1 ; 1 . 1 ! VH..H-.1.H tne neiierai ..inference, in Western Carolina, that C..u.''.rence will bj forestalled in its preferenc. in regard to an organ of the Confereice. The Moo, - may not demand or solicit the endorsement of the Confe j to the glorious light of a true iospel I cant retnai-k be lipole whep pressed f J 41... .1 - 1 l . i tin-nog s mime, wnicii he purposely tried not to know, but afterwards ad mitted. So with the lilfle girl. II would not recogni.e a photograph o- her. altho he bad seen her in tin- same 1 . (tress an hour previous, ami could not call her name yet afterwards admitted lollse 1 1 1 1 1 1 In .1. 'illi. 1; now I ho . , ight A r; hiir wa - n, f see,, W how I bey vv ere Would ' 5 d IT ll Ii stop,, Mil hope. Trv it. It will do voi u soul good, as well as his. C. I)K .vit Advocatk: I have made one i.i eience, out fnii ,.,in,i oil mi' 7liL.t..f..4 ,i..,n4C.,. 1... ...... i mi. I'lnilll,!, I1H.-VIUIU IIV it w-i I i in. i-i , .. 1 .1 .. :.. .1... i- i I - ' .o.ii'ii in- in me w-iy oi sucn an enterprise. Hoard with furnished rooms .fl.oll to if 2.5(1 per week; no charge for instruc tion; return tickets for one fare on the railroads. 1!. Ckavkx. April 1st, 1STS. I 1 . V i , i "us traiiKiv given iiv reasons for regretting lb-,,. Pepper's enterprise. i 1 the blessing of God, all the Quarterly Meetings: and I have also preached at several intermediate points. The preach ers are all at their posts, well received and earnestly at work for the glory of !o.l and the salvation of souls. I have THE G EXERAL COXFKRENCE VISITORS. We make our grateful acknowledg ments to lieiij. A. Elliott it Co., ol Pittsburgh, La., and dolie Saul nf Washington City, for tin; boxes of plants, bulbs and shrubs sent us. All were received in tine order, and tin not seem tn know they have taken so long a journey. We can heartily recommend these Nurseries to our readers. Mrs. Mary Wesly ats, a daughter ol our aged and esteemed townsman' Henry Porter, Es.p, died at Gayoso, Mo., on the lllth till, in the o'.lth year of her age. She was an excellent Chris tian lady. We sympathize with the fed and afflicted father. Xot long' 1 nee ami he will ioir. the sainted and ever happy daughter. I.l i i i think he will agree with ne in this if nothing el.-e, Rro. I'epper, Rro. Robey .....1 P.. e i,' i . . one nave no more right to run an independent paper in the interest of Methodism than any otlur minister or layman in the Carolinas. When inde pendent papers hecoinu popilar with us they will become fashionable and mult tiiiloi,.ii- Tl.., 1 -.iii I ' , '. T " " m',w ' u, selves for prayer at most of the Quarter of olir s-i Lit i- 1 1 1 , . Iv Meetings. Here and there I hear i imepen. tent i hurcheswi soon , l ow, L,f i i t i - , , . , """ ot one who has made "suipwreck and our I )iiii-lo.i........l I.: -n i I r ."o n .....e.i.ucy VV1K OC- of the it,... Hqw B(l js thJM J s u u. a mat er of history, on, connection- The &nanciai con,lition of hi uoiuis win ne sundered, oar doctrines tr;ct torsaken, and our glory. Jhethreli, we are not ready for that yet. My m.i i.e loo conservative, and I may be blamed for 1 e have received, says the Sorru- ki:n t huistiax AovofATi:, the following card, which we assign to this prominent been most wjirinl- iTenteil nf m-nvi. lifnen I .... : : . i , . o " v J l I I'.", e, .is it is very tiesirahle that it J lie congregations have been large and should be generally read. Our breth- attentive to the word preached. My ren of the Church press will bv mil. . ' ' - ' (tredsot times ami Ibat little Tiblv l.-tl often spoke to him ami called on him for tobacco for her father. NOAH i iikkiiy's statemknt. I started lroin Mclvin Atkinson" , . .... -vLou.iay lnornmg. I he murder was done Monday night. I went to ,lobn Rattoms to get him to haul me some Jumper, lie wasn t at home. When I got there the sun was about half hour nigh in the liiorniiig. Mis wife said Rattoin bad gone turkey hiiiiting ami I might meet with him on the way go ing on. llntl not got out of sight of the house when I met him. Talked tn him about hauling the lumber. Left him and went to Henry Cox's, where I heart has been greatly cheered at the 1,'shing it, cmifer a favor upon the At- stopped and wanned rnvsclf. Then I evidences ot spiritual prosperity at many Janta brethren, and perhaps benefit places. Penitents have presented them- some of their readers : the Dis- is most deplorable. In this respect this whole country has retrograt- iy views 0,i greatly sincc I left it in 1809. Then . . ... i . - is very nine money in circulation, in A Card. In view of the fact that we are receiv ing irom many brethren, not members of the ieneral Conference, letters re - went on (iow n in tlie swamp to mv work, round the water had risen up in the slough so I could,,', cross. Could N((a!l .".j. km,.,, M no. ...ni m ,ii inicKfi in my inn t( i au.i waiK the log. iSrokc a stick and hung the bucket up. and took the sti, k and walked across the log. leaving ike f-ro-s lo- or -n-t. ! p.. n km-u ;: w ere dc i i. Mid i'i know wiiai p, n v -el j' L scared ue awful b':;. : i- certain. I vv like I n'fand Ii i 1 v :, edab.HH 1 "i ar.l- ar..,,ud ;,,e f. , t'lli.M'd- Al'illl:!' Slevel,-" b"il Io..i. hack In ..( '!' -m .k - wa- en;, lb, of the cli'.iiuct . lei! eniiblli'l see ;l. I lien 1 I m fight I w n'lld Talimi'- ami let bin, );.,,. i i .t.i 'li'.-i'l. i ii '! pnin. er a it l l vvni in p.. , y got there I i. .1.1 hi, w I ir something I h,; ,i,.v,-r .,.,. i,,.,- in. I wo I'dn'i 'i id -I-, ,, ;t ,,. iji.- i. v asked ni" wli il it w as. Told her I '.. rle and w if - iie.nl. T,d.l t, iv bur. Aribiii- i o and -ee. 'fold him I,,. ., , . see a -i .,. II,- .! hi. h. ....! .. ' ' .' I ; , All hour ai'.er he mji- gm,.. b'-v, '. said -iie WiHiied In see il and I fold !:,. WOllbl go Vi if ', b. r. S e. s,e her daughter w cut ,i-pIL,-,,i ;.,. vy, We go I within ahnul a !il,i,re,l v ai . Ol I IH- hnii-e. we !..:,r, f!,e ehildleii , , I had m.i I'l.uigbi of t. . bibli ore tin i he i,-. 1 1,,.,,, ,.:.v When we beard the ( biblren. Atkins,,:,. IVi-e .and oihers com,, u and we all w.-iu m i : Jma-e p.. Sl:n ,. 1 .. i. I .... 1 .. i .ii", ii iiii.i ; 'LiTytan ....... :;.,.. pa, ,?-.iO ...... . ;-!-' m vveiltP.jin work v. here I stay,.,; ,;. 5 hf.V -eld f,.,. ,e. The dog ca.nc "f vh 're I was , work, he I. ..I ... .... ' "i me so piiiiui. am: J felt rigbt M.n. Ii . in. befor, S )ll t ! the miii-.b I Ml- em led l lie i.i.er-, will, ,,, j Harri- Alk'-i- i, a ol l.'.-i.eri. !,.. , j son w .'i-e tl br.e.igbt l nVl, :..,i, , inaining. Ilarri-- .aid !; c.,,, -11 .. T0llls..i J,,. hOfhil.e Of i. s-,i,l ,j. ,.,,.,, ;, holl.e ere hrollghl 1 here bv No;; !, Sunday : a'l of th.-m -:i,j ,,,.,, ,.,. Cox lied on 1 Ih-iii. N.ial, Ik:i a lawyer: II ,rri and R .-i-ri ihoj, of getting one. Tne; w -t -Ic... : make vvhate-.er -I:; ti iii. iu ;hov vunii. bin inxbing w as elicit. ,; d'anv imp ; f:;neeo- inP'n-t. While the fhree seatetl iii .1 group ,:. , Cox u as brought down iVom .i, , T walked boldly up ,, iv,,j,, , .,, three and -eafed himself. ,. ...u , i... .....i .. v. in ,.ii i i assuieiil v. 'i n. iiici-.l '' I. I never -a w Jerry . onlv ','i ; efiie murder :,f (i.-nei-il ,: and then m more liil ,ii,,),M .'u 1 Isoeve when ;is!,..,l Ul.,,,. ,),,. i he hatl in;;de !(,,;,.. Saidi -AV (jtiesting us t. secure homes for them if bucket on the other side. Worked there possible, tor a tew tlavs during tht session, we are constrained by the necessities of the case to make this cn- aunouiicement that it is wholly for t tl I "' W'! l"1'1''1'''- to tn-''. these counties; and many of the people impossible for us to provide homes fo" i the loye ,,i ( ilrlHt .! tlcoveof ux tW (liscoul.al?ea. Look at these .v 'ept nieiubers of the Jeueral Con ' '""Vl' "H-. It is cowartl- fitrures ., ' ,)r s - ... ference. Fraternal Delegates, and dis ly lor one to see a wrong perpetrated by ft i .,- -i, '"ginshed visitors. The houses of'Atlan- i t .," ,. tl , ', nous,, ih. well intended ers, of rurpentiue ; ifl.2o per obi., tor ta are full of occupants, and we have - T th'' s,OI,rh ''' '- "' X" ihMidt d pe,sonsgood persons, Crude Turpentine; $2,00 for "Yellow- but limited hotel acconuuodations W . '"" s, I w Jhn Worley ami wife a. hm.-e. an ...m not raise ls voice against it. My Dip;" $1.35 for Rosin and $1.40 for Tar sincerely ho,M. that brethren will con- ilt w')rk burning where the worm of ,"'''' t - .1.... .....:i .. c.e .. ...it inn ii ,i nine neiore sun-set- looked to where I bad crossed and lound the w ater had risen so much I couhl't re-cross without wading nearly knee deet. Then I went up against I mi W orley s before I could , i os- ..l i ro . i uootii i.kj yarns irom mv work. Af- au r. Wor 1..,- ' v.... l i- i ' ,i . -.o,,. i ie 'lieu --vnii , ey cniiuiiiicd in his statement tlie least e.iiifiisi,,,,. s;,, him a month before the ' mun '.V.'llitetl lo have ;l ,,ice time . 11 1. oi it-i . 1 1,-in dccii ire ine Xoah. Met .N'oali at O,.,,,.,.,! 1 '"'. oeiore l!ie murder: re... .Mondiiy liiorniiig iind 1 1, at made the appointment f,,r il.... that evening. Thai ',.-.l. .... inn 1 1 icy leit. Arrivim. V house they haiied. Jin, x ah am! oil We invite attention to the advertise ment of Messrs Hardin, .rimes it Co., which appears in another column. Mr. an Moore, son of Hon. I',. F. Moore has been taken into the firm, forming the Co. This is a first class l,n.. ...! we eoiinuend it to our patrons. ion in the premises. It is right that our d 'legates should know the views ,.C the le inisiers il im lllhel if ami be shell, the sec- 1 by the pro sn proper that large .f the 1-1 v a ions likely to he afleefe posed ch.inge. ii is ii the d -legates of th - church at shoul I understand the sent iments ...l . : i i I'.-'I'i ill ill, m .-"i-fi ;i 'l-,vi. oi?,.s tion the change of Conference ,. tions, since they will b- 1 npun to act in the matter as representatives of the whole church. What is to be said should be s.iid now. In a short time 1 he .iii'st ion w ill be decided. We repeat what wo have said before, that we ,n iml w ish tn .,e separated from our friends in the West, but if the V North Carolina correspondent (,f Riciimono ClIItlSTI v A I.e.., says " The temper of our people as to the relations of the two great branches of American Methodism is, if we under stand it, strictly emiversat ive. . . . We want to witness true fraternity, but we have no fondness for gushing sentiuien- tnliti- on -i I"....- .,!.):.. . .i . " " " j'l.ioi. occii.sions, tn.it is contracted by oj.posite exhibitions and utterances in general. We love the Northern brethren who are true to th,. principles of fraternity, but do not desiie closer relations with those who are 'not reconstructed.' " nu. isoiu'.i rr : L here is a mistake in the figures us printed in the Conference Journal. Lenoir Circuit, Xevvberii District, is reported Assessed fnr Raster .7(.l(l paid $X1X which should be-tdlS. I am sorry that the printed figures are not correct. Jno. X. Amuikws, heart s desire and prayer to (Jod is that we may maintain our integrity to the Church, preserva our unity, and leave to generations unborn tlie glorious, Cod approved Methodism of our fathers. P. J. Carraway. Winston, X. C.April 0th 187K. Mr. KiMTon: Our people it seems, will not let their preachers and their lainihes alone. Some have to submit to I'AMxii. some are rorxpFa, without stint, others must be wat.'uf.p, and this writer lias lately received a noxixu ! The ladies of IVlham and surrounding coun try were the aggressors. Some one wrote ol IVlham some time ago, as a live church, and if vou could have seen that box 1-er bbl ! .11 et(rn ...,i 'i-, l oarrassmenis, and do us tl .,11,. down. Do you wonder that our people with their requests if it were at ;i are discouraged.' I lie Apvoiatk is ticable. iai. we IT.. .. . ... 1 . I. ... - .4' ...... .1 . Mill I .1 ll i ...... I K "he up and weld -..!.- I,," I .., ...It...... 'an sliik,. W,.,r... No; 1 ,1 11... t i . - .. I cirhif tlo iil.Kili..., . llllflllll-ll'lll t Ulirlif t m I. t i l'ea-Jnts" 40 to-J0 cents -i.t... mu, n(iu-eciaic our f.u- , """ renct: ...... I 11.1 I I .1 .SSI, 111 I ,.S ;,,lll 1,11 11 T M . V ,.,..4. . I llll'L 111-1-1, l.n-t.,-1, 11,111. 11 II ... 1 , ''(ll- . .-.Ill lll'l' Ills he 1 I 41 It nil -1,1.1 "...-. ...- . '. . iinillf IO "Hi tinuii'rt' .i10 .,, ...., ...ii.. , i i,,-4 i.,...i.... ... .. , - . i i.iiii,- riito.o.. .i .1 n .... i .ii i I . """ """"i giauiy comiily ' "" "'i-''i mine liiorniiig, took .- ,, ""' "i me pons. .11 I. 1 l i .... I lo owei mii, ot I. ... in uac- -' M.u u-ti iionie. riiat was a little u- . Ha ii 4. I I lioi IOSOI1 SIl-Me.- II ti.ist suii-sei. -My Home was at Mi-lvii. , . ' 'in i iss dniii 1 V. I I I I i-J i; i 'vl ' Ni ... generally in favor with the preachers and peoplejbut money is scarce and hard to get. Vc are determined to do all that moral heroes can do for the paper and all the enterprises of the Church. We are determined to "breast the tide," ,.,....i ..i i L , , ..... .,v...... x, ..,,.:. c I. ri.i .1 . i , , . . . I - .1 -'" "-'nil. oi iue J. HOI 11-1. I OWIlt'U ...... v -.in mneti nun mev intended tlieir By order of the .Ministers' Meeting. H. H. Vauks Atlanta, (a., M'areh '27, 1S7S Rev. T. rage Ricaud writes from Ke- nansville March 20th: "Bro. Biirkheatl is doin-r a -rreat w.n l.- j -r-i --. stand the storm ami by boil's bless- in this county m the way of impressim-' ing, keep the grand in operation flowers of success ami golgotha in the District. minister of Christ can Calvary before him, nest of immortality in his soul, inspired in roni Mii.ve oriev I ut I n- i vv oriev who "us chocki M:. Atkinsen's. (Jot about tiftv yards fr w here I started. I lotike.l across an old passed',,,,- firs, , X S"'' me, near as i can """n uieiitriet ,.. ...l v tell. T ,liil mo i.... s.ov...l 1 i . . ' " ,v "l .ii.lt lllll ' -".UK ller Willi he-. kept on. Walki',1 ..l,..,,. ... Ihev fit. "....f. ,.,n i- ..-.in, l i .III V 11 VI - . .-".in mill to ,1 ln.i-,.1- 1, steps ami looked ami saw he was walk- il- U' 1 1 tine .lei inot,.., ,i . .i i i ,. i 1 1 one .lei -rv u-.i ..n:.. - .1-. machinery of the lllt' nun.is ami hearts ot the ineiiibership , " "'e sooigu irom where I f.-o, ,...M.t 1 , -u M,ls '"' and pluck the ith the in.ortanee of due attention to ll:ll "' Thoughl it was Moses Co,- Xo'h oe n"l "'V'W i ami piuck the the ;nt(1,,ists ()f lhe chui.(., a j , roll. Wish I hud noticed hi,,, 10re sivs ''t 1 i victory from every ,.,,.,, fti .i Tl,;..,- i... .l.i ..... ,.. ... ' ."0I ( ' s:'is ' know 1 tell the t.-ml. ;. . . . , . , I " j iiii.il uiiic tn-iiviT- . in- nni im-Killing. 1 Kent on in I three -n-.i .... . . t i Certainly a ed to the saints." Thi.,, ,. tl. i 1 " V ,ir' '"' ;,t'l"'ttcd hy a irvtb.-. i , . .-3 ' i-.i" in .i una lieu on tne oath le-il I oil"- it nevev l i ' succeed, with vived, and we are looking no. T.ei;,.v.. i,r t.. ,i... , .... . " IC-ll , n a .' ' '"io the ,.... i ov i oiueience. i . . . , . - ..,e, i,i;h .n-rrv i jireacher tn live also. Our preachers seem tn be able to stand a good ileal of this sour of treatment. and this writer being pretty stout, is no exception to the rale. There are many things unpleasant connected with our livcs as preachers, but it may well be cpicstioiied whether there is a more pleasant n-ovL- T 1 - ..V'.... Bil l, ll,S thank (bid and take courage. Yours truly, V. A. SlIAIll'E. Rev. I). May writes March 20th: "1 am determined to do all I can for the Advocate." These are the words of a true and faithful worker in the church. King. With brave hearts and strong faith, the P. E., and preachers of the Wilmington District, will do tlieir whole duty. The Local Preachers, and the members of tht; Church are nobly ral lying to our help. We expect, many souls to our ministry, this year. Some of us may fall before the year closes, but if we tlo, wc desire to fall with armour on and our faces to the foe: Crying, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." Clad to hear of the revival at Edenton Street. May iod bless and prosper the good work. L. S. Bl RKflEAl). Wilmington, X. C. March 2S,1, 1878. Some white way betwe man saw me about half ? Iio killing u.l that 1 !.',;, t,; n the hog pc, and road. S ' .'"s and that he liev- .1 X i ml i-jiii-... ... ..1... .f -" """' Ol lr- T , . , ----- nmv I,-,.; ..... . . Wasine-ton Statin., ,;,, -'"" mat was l,: il-...... ." " 011 "s to so ' " n mu tl.n.L- ,l,i.i- ii- "onsen ami iiiem.7 .1 i , ..oi .i ... . . . i"- - ..ii. . .iii-R, ill-ill m. t,, 11.. I . - -".ii .iiiiii it 1 . 1 nituthat, "the revival is still in p.-.)- . i ,. . . . . -'"' there but told ,1,..,,. .1. .. .. , ,. , " v i uev K i:t gress nn lo At.. i tnat -the rev.val is still i pro- S.alli,...'s i,. ... , , . s with hut little abatement. ,t,.. . " ' " " ''l nu two have united with the Church, and to come in. That fhoykilled Worlev ami 1 I ...1... v was about three- asked why he did us wife. Wh "ot tell at first. t,,.. others will do sn. The Presbytermns '' ,fa'1 '"'"' "'' lark. Siai- said he was al'raid ,,, In ' V,, ' closed their meeting with :() accessions Uvi'" to ,ho b,'st inv reeollec- idciab!e sju:,I.Mt. ,, '' '' The meetings have 1 t. remarkably 2, niiU'K from Worlev's house -"ken hack to ail .ItTrv c 'Y " quiet, but the Spirit's presence tleeph- Talked with Stalling right smart '""is-.l fls S,.,'.-s evidence "imt il"' elt at all times. Rev. S. M. Davis of about one thing and another. Told a 'f"1'1 ! h the M,ii(. r 1 lymouth is now with us. him I bad ashes to burn for W,., V "''tand that II,,,,. W T . ...... i Hint asnes io tnirn for Win. At kinson. He said he wanted nie to burn some for bin,. Told him I would as soon as I cold get Mr. Atkinson's dom ain! my staves all right. nt. ;lsk.,l. ,,. w hat would I charge bushel. Told him 10 cents. Said i. .. ....t,.,, Ill I-, ....vii mi.- , l ol.. I has. li. .(ones, editor of tl... I hlirn him :t liiiinli.,.,1 1...1 . ... . . ni 1 . , . ------....vj. - -"isiii-isiiiiinit. I s-hurlotteOnsEitvEn.isprepai intra h.'stn. askeil l.ii.. 1,. 1 1 ry of the Doth Xorth ( Wlina .gimet. Said he dhWt hae ... U Dr. M'Ferrin states that the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, has in creased r,.")0,000 members since tl;o close ot the war, and since the set 1.1 ra tion of the colored work. proser removal r. . V 'l- 1. 1 ...ill 1 , ' ' . I Ml .1 I ;'. oe eiiip,.,v,., to assist the m. i, ,s hojied that i, t ho ... :i t 1 ,7, ' " , Ms 1 -'. the.ei- h e sou why there sho,;i. , ,. , hill trial 111 this county. We invite sjH-aTTm.MU 10 n to the a i veitisemeiit of W. ; ,... .. 1 -cars in a,,,,, her column. " Otey is -,' b'u-U-r that well deserves tll(; pa , , a , , our eitimis. t'Oionat 1. L