Sue Christian gUvocaic. bFiCE lorncr of Dawson and Hargctt St. THE ORGAN OF THE CAROLINA CONFERENCE OF THE vHUKCH, SOUTH. N OUT II K ATI'S OF SUBSCRIPTION M! USE VKli: IS ADVANCE, POSTAGE PAID . V-INTEIS, " :, ,ayj:iont lc il.-layod fix mouths ii.0 1.S3 i; vi.i.icii, X.C., - An.. 7th, 1S7 The Cross Mrk is to rc- .,nd yon that your subscription has , .Ircd. If yon trant the tttjer coii ! i'cd. rt.itcw jroini tly ... - KD! TORI as. i '.riffs. - The Charlotte. am. i,-bo 10 Di-triet Conference- are he held this wi'ck. 1 a arc .-oalMV t har.i ,1 and work ham when ail'! von will have a vihiil , w I i hen veil are old. i f i!:'iT is H(it l'l -trained, it hv.ji-.'iitlv more hurtful to us than the ! ":i j ! i y that provokes it. J ) FiiZgei:lld,the new editor of the A"( tsh: Ul'i Ad'-'K-tttC. m -ikes an eCcl 1. lit 1h -ginning. The fir.-t number under hi. manag nt i- capital. 1 1 is editorial as-- i.imelv, healthy and aMe. The Loral Preacher- Conference, ,,. id a! Charlotte recently. w;i an in i, -,-c-ling occasion. Rev. -I. Y. H.p-iip-tall presided over the Con fereiiee. 1 Rev. L. Rran-on w a- me cmca-m next -e ion win ne i 1 i'lar . 1 lie . id a! L he Ai . luT.i i ..i.l p- re-eiil : ".. ! iavloii. N". C. li-alil''. ing to the Editor that . 1 !. has in vcr been more acceptable to 1 he preachers !, of North Carolina than at i"..rds of encouragement ami .i;:'.!n i:t':a;i( 11 arc greeting n- from all -cction- oftlie Slate. t;..:i i- reviving hi- work of grace in many of our pa-toral charge-. The . hnrch "ou-ht to have a revival all turoi'uli !h" year. Wc believe that i.enaent -diouUl be called for w hen .' ver antl w liei'ever we preach the pure word of life. The obje of the -os-. :ci i- to -:ive -old-. y.V . nio-t of our -'pace thi- ive- k io ihe report-of Di-'.ii' t CoiitVr The Raleigh. Fayetteville. and SUelbv DMriets were h' hl the same .:iU. ail -cut in their report- about ike no- lime, and as it is matter that : ,...1 -k.-e-o well." none ot Iliciu M'" -- 'I .. )Ui..l Ih-over. It is. l uwever. goo 1 nctive reading. Thesi -everal n.-e- pa-se.l re-olntions -irong- loi -iuu the Aivo a and coiil lbii; it lo the patronage ! our e; ..K-!i ; .eo; !; VI DKN "K S 1 ' R E A D L X c. i.DSPEL. Tin: X" i,i I he v,(1 1,1 'S he I i'i the 1 i!c : '..oV.'el cii ine is more clearly taught ih!e than that God governs the ihe iuteiest of the Gospel. d .liiect- the affairs of the earth ,nd end of spreading spiritual ,iiig men. Jesus said: "All ..Ue.. unto nie in heaven and ia t-t.i-t tt, co ye therefore and preach th. .1 1 . ail nation-." The power of 'ne 1 1 . v Spirit --cut down on the day , i IVnleeost converted the people, and ..... l',.,-. i,l..i f (iod so arranu'ed it t . - - r th-- Pari loans, -Mede-, Arabians, ia I dwellers in Mesopotamia should 1 th.-re aid he converted, and carry tl -acred lire home with them and spread i: in their re-peetive neighborhoods. 'i ic'i.oecutioii resulting in the deail , i.'vcu, -caStered abroad tiie primi . ive .li-ci ie-, but that dispersion onl i nt the (Jo-sjiel the m -re w ide!- ovei the carih: for wherever dispersed, they went forth preaching the Gospel. Paul .I.- arretted, he appealed to Rome. To Rome he v.;.- sent, but he went in 1 hi. n:i"an ''o eminent shin and under v- protection. What followed '? ..-.el church was organized "in '. .u-ehold of Ceasar." And now th. . cii li, .- oi that Moud capital t.eeom. he -eve:: -olden candloticks to send t h ii .it ..f Divih... Truth abroad thron-l 1 va-l .-ia!. in'. L here is li-ht m ii .me. hut darkno- incviiiLs over th i'..insh Isles. A brave soldier is cap t ar"d u:i that 1-lai.d carried to Rome - heats ilie o-pel there, embraces re n. i- liberated and sent back : c t isti iii man, accompanied by christian ; -achei s. Thus was "the Gospel prov i i.'iitia'.lv introduced into a country .' ,:cic ii- l.e-ilii!- beams have become - 1 t:;r-i caching and luminous. Unde 1 ii" -uidauce of Providence, Coii-t:in bcc.inie the pioteelor of the Chris 1 ; broke the arm oi bloody pci'secii I.. -1 established religious liberty, .and :ii -ii -he. I ! lie temples .i the pagan re p j,,,.. Cod wanted His o.-pel printed . . . 11 T a . I'i. W scaUeicii over the worm, so 111s .yidelice le;ids men to discover nn .'ect the art of prielin-, and thus th id of Life is multil'lied and carried bv t he science ol navigation to all parts .,; the world. I" tuler Providence, Cc lir.'ibns discoyered the American Con .ia-nt. Audit is peopled by a right , .i's seed, and becomes an invitin- and i'i nit ful field where rich .spiritual bar e-i bloom and mature many sheaves 1..1 the .tuner ot t lie slues, .vim as iime rolls on, the facilities to spread the Co-pel tire multiplying. Railroad ieic niiihs. families, schools, tract am mis-io'iarv societies are brought mt ei-tence and wielded by the Omuijio icm arm of .111 All-wise Providence to s , read abroad the saving power of the t,i. -sed ' io.-jiel. All things are made !,, oik to this end, and in this is found tii hope of ultimate triumph. Character gives splendors to youth iw to wrinkled skin and gray h.u.i TT nirTYOFCOMI'LlMIONTIXi!. -What " savsone, 0,1 don't believe . - i r ..,.,,. .-omnli- ... v... .n d,, when liieni anoiuc;. , .1 .i M.... it ment another another does a i-,. ..... . ? n -. coinineudai'ie nuiiu. ji... i . ... ......I-. id.. thing. .,...,...-,1 U- in t heir dealings " ... i- ;.!. ., ,,.i, ' ," their t.raise. "'"''Li to Lla,ne.t(;i,.int1ore us, we unhesitatingly affirm taut Alley tin: i.iu... t - .... , i i nt ov- ...,t I-. nits to seold. and t t bitter wit i he front t.vaie." The world full of i women, men and en.nuen, ;- .1-11 1... ....!.- and toitin tne ('.0.4- . . - .1 . 1 ,. ...r in. oW ol I'M 11 neglect. Xo one seems to speak k'.ndly , . .1 .1.. tothemot, . 1 ii- liot I IH I lir I unr. ... . Sidney Smith says: .,11., i t o to he - . .. I T.rnise li due. .,.,1-.. ... .v-i ... ... the wheels of life. It s telrestim, . . totliearv uean. i .... ... nrki' says: ne 'It produces 1.1 ...1 ,. ..v.. 1.1 - e ent than twiee uiu . - A I. . . .. .l.l I I .1 Ji I' III1IL1 t Is it not . . . 1.1.. ... .. eoiua e o ... "1 IvlTl.itirill.lL. . V. riL.'" . . 1.. 1.1., ... .11 .-is to admire wliai i amuo...... despi o! tin .e what is hateful V As the warmth . .,.,.;., -i.ii di'velolis huds into (Va- iant llowers. so does judicious com- ... 1 ill.i.eiitinu- enc tra-e timid and .sensitive soiil to open out into nobler excellence. w ,., , ,;, let'emni.' to a comrre- -atioii that at around him as so lnany icehern's: '-Such an audience would ex tinguish a volcano." Ah, every preach- .. 1 .... 1, ,., -n-d it is to nivach to a i:l iviinin 1 cold, listless, sleepy congregation. i oinplinihiit voiir prea. -her hv cloe at- t.. ,.Lnt he savs. and let him nil ion V- ....... know in this wavesi.eeially.that his ser in, hi was artneciated an d did good; it ,-;;i heln and eneourav-e him. I o withhold i ... .i.oneiidat ii .11 where it de-erve.' an. , . i .1 ,r,...;.i ,.. -i,..-il.- m I at lul1,.,lt e - i - 1 . .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 m f M I V ill 1 1 : - 1 wi 1 m 1 v - " a cold heart. Such a spirit ot cyn . 1 1 1 .....11 lCl'i'.ll and nai' ucpn. 1,1 i".. ...... shun as thev do -nailing and u.-tlv . 'l'l. . isi.i.. f.-...,, 1 1 arkinu 110--. 1 ne j-."..- niii''; to end -ii" ti s 1 oiiiiiiv...... ....... 1 .1 -,,,.-... 1 n.eii lor ing noble. It is "well done thou good d faithful servant," wherever it is .....-..,! Vil.n.i Clarke tell- us that In n a boy he was gtirded tis exceed ( )ne dav hi- fath- ng dull of intel ect. ai.l to the . , 1 teacher: "'that boj m 1 1 i 11 - 1 fear von will erv -low at 1 ot be able t do much with him. Mv heart sank,7' ays Dr. t larke. :.n ihc ii-acher kiudiv laid his liaml ... 1 i ,i,..,ii . mi.i .- lie:nl aim saei. j inrs ...... . 1 1 ... 1 ..: 1. ..'l'l.:. 1.. 1 will make a good scholar yet. Dr -av- 1 felt hi- kindne it a is. d my spirit : : the possibility of be- lll.r -l i e to eai'tl was ltl lin-s inoiiic..-. . : . . 1. : . ... ... .. ,.0 ir the first time impressed upon me; a iv of hope sprang up within me, and n that hope 1 lived and labored and uceecded." Prom that hour Adam joiinded over the fields of literature with eat .-peed and wonderful success, and became a walking ene c. oped 1:1 ot varied earning, i lie old mea 111:11 11 i .i..n 10 raise children should be banished from mr lann les. on ought to praise mem, not ie--i. -e t lev i',iu i'.-'.t i ii..!. -.. ed cheeks. h iir, Vc, but for any pure sentiment r noble deed, compliment them, and scud tneiii .-miiitig iii'ni" i.ii: i.i.iui'i ..v.. . :i: 1 .... .1... .......I ..(' .,-.,11. loing. SllKLLY DISTRICT. Our e.nrespou.iing I'.dilor, Rev. II. T Hudson, sends us tm. loilowing items from the Shelbv Disuict Confer ice : " tin' (Joiitereiici: met 111 tiie town o Li'ii.;;; .u me oasiois were present except lr.s. North .and Ib.vle. Ri'o. llovle was taken sick .11 his way and jailed to get there. Rio. North felt too feeble to undertake tne Rro. Chaflin preached a very ap propriate introductory sermon. J, 10. Nelson nre.-ided with dignity and ease. J li" regular routine business was taken ip, and discussed. Judging from the reports ot tne pretichers, the spiritual ind financial interest of the District is iu a healthy and growing condition. liseasioii on the various matters brought before the Conference was un- r. -uaiiv lively and interesting throughout the entire session. As Pro. Harris, the ecretary, was ordired to prepare a re port 01 tne proceedings, it is not neces- .. . ... 1 f 'i'i 1 . 1 jetit. Ihe devotional ii 11 ' 1 -1 '-'-. - '"iii 1 the preaching was pointed and lull of Ihe marrow of the t.ospel. 1 he Coll.-eijUenee was a considerable revival interest was excited during the Confer- once. Ur. .Jones, president ol '..reeils- I boro College, was a v.sitor made a peech 111 behab ol that College, which I made a good impression. The hospital- '- ity of the Lenoir people was very cordial ...I.. I 'II.., '..... Z .. - i n.uiieg.iiii. i.iu- i.e.v. v.onien-ncu is 10 t . 1 . 1 1 -v r 1 . w-1 iii.. 11 .aii.aiuis .u. . .-.1,1 1 en, ui . .1 . . . Shernll, K. I.. .Miller and .1. C. Harper, I were elected delegates to the .viinual Conference. J.R. Wilson and A. R. Gilkie, alternates." THi: DIYlsloX (L ESTION. The Report of the Conference indicates helby District i ... .. 1 iccidcd dissatis- faction with the action of our delegation to the l.eiieral (. onlerence 111 reierence 1 10 tne --division question. We arc ijiiite certain, from the lights before us, that no hasty action was had by the delegation. The memorial was with drawn after a free interchange of opin ion on the part of the Hnlston and North Carolina Delegations, ami it was with drawn because the Holston Delegation and those representing the Western portion ofour Conference were not wil ling to abide by the n-tion of the North Carolina Annual ('onference and the 'ommittee on Boundaries at the ieiieral ( 'onference. The men who represented us at At lanta are incapable of double-dealing, and it will be hard to induce the church in Xorih Carolina or elsewhere, to be lieve that they acted in bad faith. We do not feel called upon, however, to defend the action of our delegation in this or any other matter. If deemed necessary, they are abundantly able to k for themselves. TREK AND FALSK EXPERTS. Dr. Grissom , Superiut.M.dent of the Insane Asylum of Xorlli Carolina, has given to the public his. rounder to Dr ,, - l..,.-,, ,,...d's "Oiu'ii Letter. cnac ii.unm L ........l ...a ...-..( tin. aitaii. oi in."" Dr. Crissont, hut lr..n. the extraets be has betrayed ms u ery point assuine.l in his position. Dr. l.i'W..1ll 1 lr. UU1 KM..." J ;- IHUUUUI lu i s ." - . Wl.-it true character 01 n.s ulrUu. ... " f. itntion he niav liavc hereto tt.l UllV Mimi'V" . , , i,;,t,.d that i. v v r ' y - , 1...,. 1. .li' im,,ii thi ... 1 1 1 . i :.. l... i, .i.e.. of tnedi can no tonirer laiiu" "...- L -- ... .. , 1 ; w et hies, unless of the Dr. . i.m mi" him. halves iieieireo ....... w ... ,l,..r,.'ii; Mliil STMTllM'Il ! -Vfll l'l' . , , . , , .,.1 .. ;it v hv .1 I IV 111-1 I ' l 1 HUM '1 ...:. . - . .-'' . L a "enerai ' onu ..1......... 1 1 I-..ii:i eoiivelieu Washington, D. C, .January HHh, lsiij. As lunching Ins religious lew s. if any he has, Dr. L says: 'So tar as allusion is made to the atheistical opinions of Dr. J Iamiiioiid. the reader w ill observe that reierence to tin-same, is only made upon the .,.,. ili:it it i t becomes one w 110 as- TM.l.S I ll I'll I' U I iri.M lilt'. .11 O." ..." .. ....1 ... I ........ ... I!,.. 1 v ..-n i imi of I'lllles. :ino : unn an- .... . ....tii-il iiianiacs who have broken (he laws when lor hum morality can re- ....i.,.., - i;iv an -u., .....i lii:ion iiint be a superstitious dream. Nor is lie content toexpre: bis disbe lief in events -acred to all ciiri.-teniion! in auv moderation of language, "out sneak-, for example, of the great work '.. . . . ' in '. .-..i one bv the sincere aim uevoin eie t .rtlie reloriiiation aim uies-ni" 01 iiiaiikind. in a tone that vividly tells ot a whole mental and moral con-titution war with the noble-t emotions and . VI111,atbiesof Christian life in reference to a Iong ex( .act . 1 om We-lev s journal ilrs. riptive ol what ire termed "revivals, lie uses ihe lol- lowmg language : i his is ,,01 au.inei e 1-ti greai ucai ino.c 10 feel and were it not that there is sueii .... . .. 1... .....t.. .... l....,l.l 1... 1 tl .'OIUllilou a- ii -01 1.1. 1 . ...... ,v. di-poed to take 'the other alternatiTe of demoniacal posse ion as tin explan ation of the frightful orgies which under the blasphemous designation ot 1 be -oiil iiouriii- of the -piril of tied" excelled in hideou-ii-.-s t he frenzies of Ihe demonohilors of the Lti-t. (Se lltinniiond on Spiritiiali-ni and -Ner vous Derangement, page 2..l.) Such language i- shnply blti-phein- I mis. and should forever jiut to shame th.. name of I r. Hammond with all ri-ht-ininded persons. RKY1YAL IN'L'ELLIG LXCK. Rev. J. II Cordon writes trom 1 . . 1 Sladesville, Hvde Co., N. C, July 'li, as loiiow s. f 1 t "WVnit' in the nii.lst of x ilirious iv . ..... - 4 there htivc been about P. conveisiom 11 ions to the church, and 20 nenitenis last nig.-ii. i . .1 . The interest is 011 t he increase. 1 r:u . 1 . for us Unit Cod mav vei more a ounu.i in 1 on.-s 1 1.....1.. 1.1... .. ... Rev. J. II. Tart writes July 2'.th the work of grace on the Wacctuitaw Mis-ion: "There has been a gracious revival of religion in the bounds of the acca- maw .Mission, at a noun uncic uiu . , . . ...1 .1... Methodist have never had any society till now -Rev. T. d. i.iowiung 111 i' l.'ll"!'. .WIOUl -.' Ilitxc on.e.i inu o church, and over 0 have professed re iigioii: the meeting is still going on and a deep interest is manifested. Souls are still inoiiiriiiLr the way of salvation. 1 baptized about 40 at this point, Cypress Creek. The brethren have secured the land, half acre given bv Col. Forney George, of Whitcville, and are goin to build a church at once. 1 here is a warm revival spirit at other points on the Mission, ihe voting mens piay.r meeting is doing a great deal 01 goon. . ,11:' 1 Rrother lirowning is a devoted man has the cause of Christ greatly at heart, and is doing a good work. He lives iu the hearts ot Ins people. t hey all lov. him. May the Lord still bless and prosper the cause." Hm T-... V Al.,,,, u-iitlniif,,, ' 0 I Pittsboro. Chatham Co.. savs: I ilesire to acknowledge through the ' 1 1 4i : e .. 1 . ..... limn .Vlr. lliu iui;r itiuu 01 l ii.iimsonii; A present from the congregations at llick- ory Moiiutaiii, Rrowns Chapel and nrv . 1 ill HLii 1 1 1. Ditr.vii kj 11:1 1 mm r 1 1 it 1 1 Uhatham Church. TIicso congro-ation.s iavo manifested a kind -ipprcciation of mv labors with them as a local i.reacher, my labors with them as a local preacher, I lievond mv merits, for which 1 am 1110- I - " T ' I f)Uii.lly grateful. The present is one of T.-n-nes A- l'.ro.. fiheen dollar solid silver I 1 ' -- - - - 1 ITimtin..' American Lever Watches. It n n.vit watch and ... ,..t 1 ...... ....... v. . ...v. ..M .V. L.HIV I keener, and is highly appreciated, not so ju,lcl, ful- the intrinsic value of the ar- . 1 i- i 1 . t e .1 -i tide so Kindly donated, as ior tiie near- . . , .1 ty good cheer and encouragement it brings to the poor Local Preachers' J heart. 'Olost sincerely do I thank God for such kind loving friends. 1 have them every wnere 1 go. 1 hey are a great conitort and solace to me in the great struggle of life. May God's blessings ..... . . 1 rest upon the donors, and may all, with- out one exception, meet 111 the bettor . .... lioine FOURTKF.X K LLPS. He will keep thee tis the apple of his I eve. He will keep thee iu all thy ways, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. He will keep thy loot trom being ta ken. Lest any hurt thee, he will keep thee day and night. He will keep thee as his flock. shepherd doth He will keep thee trom the evil that is in the world. Ho will keep thee from tailing lie will keep, thee l'lom the hour of temptation. He will keep thee in all places w hi ther thou goest. He will keep thee in the way, and bring thee into the place which He has prepared. He will keep the feet of His saints. lie will keep them which Thou hast committe.l to Him. Raleigh Christian Advocate RALEIGH DISTRICT CONFER ENCE. Mil. Editor: The following synopsis -f - .1 of the proceedings ot the itaieign nis- tnct Conference, prepared by direction of the Conference, is furnished for pub- lication. Pressing oflicial duties pre- d tided a notice of some subjects receiv- ing the attention of the 'onference, be- von.l a hurried reference to them . The Conference held its HUh annual . 1 1:... ... i.,t.. o'.tl. -Ttli session at r raiiiviiiiiou," "v - Rev N. II. D. Wilson, D. !., 1'resid- . . .1 in- i:ider, was present. Suoscpieni to the onenin- of the Conference - he read m the chapter of the Discipline concerning ji.pnaaie me ucui i- -... v. District Conferences, and added sugges- Agent and responded to by several in ks. turns "lving direction 10 iu m... 00 - 1 1 - . I of the Conference on the several suu.ecis mentioned. While he elaborately and lucidly con- . : , 1 .,.,..1. ...i.i....t nnd commended it ,r..i .f the Conference. louii! raiuiuuiHu...u..v. - listened to with profound attention, and perceptible effect. n ti... ......i.iv-ition was eflected Lv in'" 14 " . I .1 M V Lain- Secretarv. and I'll '-'I "7 ml ' Ceo. S. Raker. Assistant. ir.-... ,. ,,-,-t..,- was oresent. and but few , .1. . 1 1..1 .t.w ... absent. 1 I ui uic .... .....0.- i... ..n...i f..r i,-istora v,.- 1 lie 1 lesmeiiL i.l.i... t - i norts as to the condition ..ftl,.. several 1 ... har-es: 1st, "As to their spiritual state, 1 the attendance upon the ordinances 1 r t... 1 m. " and social nieeuugs ui um - .....v... careful analysis of the several re ..vhibits the mati- pmi on m.n -.i-- ; " fying hiet that there is consi.ieiaoie ...1- ,lV(11101lt ; ,liany 0f the charges. J he , r -. . . lw.1M1 (,.d si;.im....i o. - .1 1 l...,.t t-..i t.. limn, tullv ;in- iiitreii niuiii." .--. .-... - iwia,(, tm,jr Church vows. It is evi- tl. it tliiMi is :i (Miickonini' on Uw subject of infant baptism. Pastors who had enjoined this duty on parents from the pulpit, and in personal interviews, reported gratifying results. resolution was unanimously adopt ed urging upon the people the obser- ,. .i . ... ... .1 .,(... ,.r f...,.;i.r vance oi tne niipoiuim. u.uj ........j worship, and cominitting the preacheis to an increased ellort to liuiiieuee men T . . II A I iiiembers in this direction. ml, "As to missions within the ...i 1 ; t..:,.t ,v.le uew ones should be es- t..l,i;-b..d or what missions should be raised to circuits or stations." Rev. R. C. Reemon, pastor of 1 onng- vine .Mission, g ii at ,. llltel-estill- .'II'.- nv i... ....v., 0 There is increased count of Ins work. J. here zeal 011 the part of his membership, as to christian duty and Cliurch progress. . , . 1 1 Several pastors reported linssioii.iiy ields within the bounds of their charges ni.1 a committee composed of the pas tors and delegates of Smithlield, Nash vine and uoiesvmc vacuus, aim , , . i.i -ii 1 Youneville Mission, was appointed consider the subject and report. The committee recommended that oine.-vi e Mission be raised to a i ir- cuit by adding 10 11 .ui. 1 1c.1s.un, :i TI. I1 Pleasant Grove, and Chapel Spring Churches now in jSashvilfe Circuit, changing the name to liOiusouig v.u- 1 t i :.. ciiit. Vlso that a mission he formed out of the unoccupied territory between .1... circuits named, embracing the Ruck horn ami Relhleliem Churches now in Nashville Circuit, Ziou Church, from Smithlield Circut, and territory between Archer Lodge and Zioii Church. fri, .-.,. ...-t ..-.c The missionary funds will be general- I,r .1 1,.- tl. i.vt Annual ( outer- ....... 1 I old. "As to Sunday-Schools, and the .. 1 . .1 . 1 ..... manner 01 conducting tuem aim as 10 education generally." Sunday Schools are increasing in number, and workers and scholars, - - j I -l,;,.l,; ;,,,i;...,t;..n of ..nh.-.need in- I terest. " " I Thev.- are about f.l) schools and 3200 ...i. i .... : f. 1 l.,.,l,...,l isciioiilis iiu 1 nisi e.l-sc ui nt-vnu iiui.u.v,. I I since the Annual Conference. Some ... .. pastors 111 , iinsuoi s inauc I uv. fiiiit'iiiiTii iiuu uiatiy ;me . ue sia iciiii-ni iii.n. numj 1 ot the young members ol Muulay schools had been gathered into the Church some as the subjects of revivals Church -some as the subjects of revivals nf i-eli-ion in the schools as well as the of religion in the schools as well as the Churches An interestin- discussion took olace ... -- ,-, - , m tl,.. snbieet of Snn.biv S.-.l 1 litem- op- IIUU. X lilt UllUIVU V illCl.l.-lllO Ull. I'l'l' i mm... r'i !,('.,ii,;..,0 ,w, . nu. J- .. ..... v... ... v. ........ 1"'I',. the international lesson svs- tern as published by the M E. Church, I.. . , . . South, does well w herever used. T las system embracing the Magazine . . . . - .1 and lesson-papers, published by our Church, was endorsed. Pnder this head. I refer to the mesence I ' A of Rev. J. A. Cunninggim, Agent of the Conference Colleges, who w as cordially received, and heard with great attention and interest as he addressed the large . . ... audience in an appeal in behalf, special- 1 . - ly of Greensboro Female College 1st is to the liquidation of its indebtedness, and 2nd,as to the patronage and support of the people. In this connection I give the following resolutions, which were iiassed unanimously bv a risinc voto nf the Conference Rev. W. S. llbiek tern- porar.iy occupying the chair : . 1 , . li-.sol.-cd, The we endorse the action of the Annual Conference in reference to tl... debts 11m.11 .mr inst it nt io.w ,.f ... .... ... .....u ing that we regard the debts as still binding upon us, and that Ave w ill do an tiat js practicable to carry out tin Conference plan. liesolced, That we gratefully recog nize the liberality of Wilson it Shober as seen in their ellbrts to secure Greens boro Female College to the Xorth Cam- lina Conference, and that we tender to them om sviniiathv. and assure thorn ..f ,,hM...,.. ;,i tl,;. .1.,..!.- I,,,. f 4i...:.. a j ' "Ill KllllUU.m,; IU -li.J UU1U JAVlli J L HHJll financial trouble. Resolved, That we appreciate the presence of our agent, Rev. J. A. Cun- ninggim, among us, and pledge to him our co-operation in hjs work, 1 .,...,;..,... tothe mission work, Louisburg ablv and earnestly setting forth the posi- Conference school) and the election of ti.;ofthe Church upon this great fea- Prof. W. C. Doub as his successor, tare of its polity, and the necessity for !rof. Doub addressed the Conference l(,re active effort in its prosecution. annnncing his acceptance of the 1 res,- thou-h lemi'thv, was dency and asking the co-operation ot X I It; L 1 '-vv - iii-v CJ i v - I The remarks on tliese resolutions, es pecially the second, were the sincere utterances of the sentiments of the niemoeis 01 . . 1 . 1 41. 1 -..11 iiii'iimxt niii 1 IieoI..e mey nTo,..v , t this great interest, and their personal confidence iu, and christian regard for, the Presiding Elder and 111s mismess as- sociate who had responded to the call upon them, and extended the aid ueccs- sa ry to restore the College to the Church, trusting 111 the auiiuy aim "m's-y t... Arl....lUt iii the North Carolina .... .-- (.hmfercuce, to redeem it. r... 1 f Ar:i.. .. ui,l,nv J he commence o. v the determination 01 me viiuil.. io - n II 11 ....... .....1. .rcn,l 1 unity voncgu and recoiniuended. A communication was receive. 1 110111 Rev. r . L. Reid, announcing lorniaiiy Ids resigmit ion oi the I residency ol .. .. , n ,i T: 1-emaie i.ouege ine eisuni the friends of the school in his efforts to increase its prosperity. 4th, "As to their financial systems, . i.'l ...t...... l... -111111.1. SIS tneir couuiou. r-i- - ' and the conditi n of houses ol worship and pusonage L'S. nil . j Lfoi-otto u'ki-ii 1 " l" .1 : ti....... ; .... generally kium.h . . - piovement in t ne nnaiu.iai s r-ii-.u-- ,.. some of the charges, as evidenced by the advance made iu collections, over pre vious years. There is a general hope fulness on the psirt of preachers and stewards. The people are doing better . . 1 . 1 . 1 I ' I. ...... ... 1 in this regard. nomo new viuo n-..-. 1 , .- . i . i 1....... I ill ....111'.. ..I lU'ef'TIOIl .11141 .JLIICI. lltl.t I been improved. M. S. Davis, J P. Jenkins, Rev. R. I',. Hester. R. P.. and D. . Rain, were elected delegates to the Annual Confer ence. The following resolutions were unani mously adopted : lifsolocd. 1 hat, recognzing tne nai- . .1 ,,I 1 eigh Christian Advocate" as the organ ofour Church, and approving its man- tvenieiit. we again recommend it to the patronage and perusal of our people, feeling assured that they will be wen ... ... 1 11 paid for the means and time bestowed. JZesol'-cd, That we assure the pub- lisher and editor ot the Aiivoc ati: 01 our .... r I sympathy and co-operation 111 sustam- in- the Church oigan and wish it entire success. 1.., rP1...t ii-r nninm-r the liol- JtiCWI-ttM, -n L . , . . . i' "f tl.o manager 111 putting t ie p. ice of the paper at two dollars lor tne pres ent, and are glad to learn of the in crease of patronage during the last few weeks. The pastors made encouraging state ments concerning me iiicicaB.iijj vn.i. tion of the Ai.vo. atk in their respective charges. Rev. J. T. .ibbs, pastor of Oxford nii.'iiit announced in appropriate terms n... .1.....1. ,.r l.Vv Lewis K. Willie. The LIlC 'I' " " following preamble and resolutions were unanimous v adopted Whereas, It litis pleased Almighty God to remove from the Church militant to the Church triumphant, the late Rev. 1- iv. u une, a .oca, .. ..1 ii- 11"11 1 1 ...:,.,-....,. nt ivC..-il Mini :i member ot this hotly, and his death having been ollicially announc ed to us, therefore, llsoloed, That we recognized in our deceased brother an intelligent and ef fectivc nreacher, a pious and cliantame -. -.iii t- i- 1 . n .1... ,,f dm man, laitlUUl 10 an me. niiu.n v. .. Cliurch, and emphatically the friend ot i t. ,,.l,atinllr the friend of the l0Ol I MT.nt while we arc fully JM.OU.UBW) .. . sensible of the great loss wc, as a 1 011- f. .... 1 .. M. ,,...! l.nvi. snst.nitieil in ierence aim iimio'i - " the removal by death of so eminent and faithful a preacher and so liberal a 1 . . , .i iii christian,nevertheless,wc bow 111 nuiuoie I . 1 -ii p it:. 1... submission to the Will 01 linn " . . .. . it 1 :.. doetll all things wen, a.m... gracious hands are all our lives I?.snnff. T hat these resoiiuious uu 1 .1.. ...:....... , . . r . 1 t 1 . spread upon me J11.1....1.-. Ol IIIIS V OH" I- .. nnv K....t to the "Raleigh - - 4 - uinsnau ,lv,"-"w' " that they ue puonsniu. ' A- "" ji. o. iju.i.m, I 11. 1. Jordan. Resolutions were also unanimously L,l. 1 ovnressing the thanks of the Conference to the people of Franklinton 1 J n...f.. .... tt... ..,1, .11 . it i' 1-anKiinton uiuv:ioiw ... .... r- 1 v-ieinitv for their very kind and christian hospitality to the members of 1 . , n .1 1 a. I I , 1 the body, and lor tne ciegaui aim nucim manner in which they Had been enter- ..... .11 , taine.l, also to the Baptist Cliurch of Franklinton for the christian courtesy slmivn in the tender of their house of . worship made through their pastor.Rev. C. A. Jenkins. 1 , . -. 1 Trinity Church.on lar luvcr Circuit, a few miles north of Louisburg, was selected as the scat of the next District 1 1 Conference. J Judging from the earnestness with I which the invitation of Trinity Church I was pressed, the District Conference I ma v look forward to a full measure of I liriutinn liosnitalitv among that peo - 1 " 1 nev. ... . Rev. J. . . .lenKins, 01 J.oi ivingu.ini, visited the Conference, the former liieachiiig otiite an effective sermon. i o i Rev Dr Win-ate, of Wake Forest ,1' .1.1... 1 ...... -..r .-.,.,1 1 '"" ' ' , " ii.iioduc.'d by tne 1.1.. I am persuaded, Mr. Editor, that the i '., tile:-. .nee left its impress tor good on the minds and hearts ol the people in wl. ...:.!.. ;. .. held whiln the holv influence that pervaded tfie body will be transmitted to the people throughout the District, through a re-consecrated I - - . ,;,M,.v ni.,1 ,,,-ridiiee an abundant liar- I llllllldllj J x-.w-- vest of rich fruits. The preaching at Conference was effective. The preachers left with strengthened hopes of an early visitation of the Holy Ghost among 1 their people. The Presiding Elder conducted the business of the Conference metlioaicaiiy, without the aid of committees, and gave wise direction to its deliberations. He is a line presiding officer. He carries with him the increased personal and christian esteem of minis ters and laity, and respect for his great talents and force of character. D. W. Bain, Secretary. S1I ELK Y D1ST R1CT CON KER EN CE. Da. Ror.iiirn The .Shelby District Conference met in Lenoir, i. . .n- ncsday morning, July 24th, at 1 o'clock. The opening sermon was preached the night before by Rev. WS. Challiu. An unusually large number of the preachers and delegates answered to the first roll call. President, J. S. .Nelson, V. E., was present to preside over the deliberations of the Conference. Joinmit- tees were apoointed only as they were nil 1 1 . ,k l. niMM'ss;ii v. L ho iiau adopted the order of business as laid down in tlio Discipline. Reports show ed the charges and the Uistnet as a whole lo be of a steady and prosperous rowth. Methodism, is making advance ' . . - . 1 : 1.. ment with rapid speed 1.1 excij paitmeiitiu the Shelby District. 1 can" not give reports, preambles nor resolu tions in full. They would occupy too much space. (Ml SI NKA V M'O.ll.S, with 4,"0l scholars are under the re ligions instruction of 5.r0 teachers. Tbesi; tire eiieourtiging facts, which are prophetic of great results 111 Ihe near future : our catecliisins ami .Sun day school literature were commen.i- ...'-.' Ui-.,..... 1 1 ,vi, ...;-.- ui various lioints ll.l IJ 111 .11 -x . , ..v. ... , 0.1 tl... l)i-(i-ict. :ind larue niiinij.'r of accessions tire swelling up in i......- 11:.. ... .1... 1 our ho-lsoii every charge. I be prencli- iii"- nt the Conference was of the revi val soil, and was accompanied by the Holy (.host and with power. 1 w as struck with the revival lnlluence re ported as ac-onipanyiiig each 'uartcr- u Al.... tin..-. This sneaks volumes 01 our Presiding Elder, and is the grand est compliment that can be paid such an overseer. NEW III l! HKS, -. ... i 1 i ,..,;..i. ........ insletl.l ol 0111 ones aim i joini- ...... copied, seems to ue tne omci wi 1 .1 i the ,pilv. Shelby St. reported a -t.l.IKH) . . , -IT.. 1. ebiirch to ne occupied in a in. " --- Uiitbeiford. Lincolnton, and .New ton ts. reported new churches, ami many other structures, 011 various other en cuits, are already built or are n: course of erection, or repairs. MISSIONS. An in.iuirv as to whether there was auv missionary ground unoceupie. brought out the fact that there 1- lyiu; near the lirushey Mountain a vast tei itory in whi.-li there is no Mcthodi- preaching, and I might say. no gospe af till. The South .Mountains tiro 111 manner destitute of the word of life. Resolutions were adopted, askii I the Missionary I.otir.l to make an ap i.roi.nation annually to Uf, used im ihc I " ..... i v. nft bis District 111 such a niannci as he may deem expedient in supply in-- these destitute places Willi the gos iii-I. The I'.isbop is asked to raise the I'pper Rroiid River Mission into a en cuit. J hi; subject ot I'A KsilN A.iKS received considerable attention. Strong resolutions were adopted dcprccatiii ji.,1 ....iiiiibiiiiiii" o the unnecessary and useless damage of parsonage prop j crfy by preachers and their tamilics 1 yyitliotit I lie proper repaiis o.. p.isiois . 1 . L...1 1 ,.,,.1..... ui'i'.' iiri.i'd lo lake step- ......- to prevent this wanton waste and ue struclion of (bid's property. Thi cub!.. el niielit well lie looked afier at points outside ibis District A committee of three discreet lay ... ... L-i : l I. At;i1..i. mi.l men 11 . I. - III III. Ik. J. .'i"io ...... Isaac Flarts. ll. were appointed to con tin. feasibility of removing the )isr,et Parsonage Horn Miieiox to .. ....... I ..111 ....1 ........1 1.; .. more. slllltlDie .oca. m.u ...m r. o-.... I 1 ...... i..,;i. 1;..,, ,-, ,1. .- TIIK lllVlSlON 1 (iuest 1011 ei icn il eonsiileriilile .Iiseu.- . . .... 1 I . .: '1-1... 1 . . 1...H.... 11 1.1 111 1 est ei 1 o u 1 1 e I SIOII. llli;iyWlllo...v , a warmth at the union 01 ..... X. c. . . , General Confe nnw for u iihdrawin' . tho Memorial of 1 oll,. vlinual Conference after a divi I jou ()f tm? . C. Conference had been I ended bv the CoilllUlttCe Oil joull,iaries. A resolution disapprov vviii - ...... - .' in;r 0f this to t ot our .leiegauou w a adopted by a very large 1 very large majority. 1.-. i- Strong .usappiouuuo,. ouong .iis.iid'io""i'".. ..... I . . . . . 1 r on account 01 tne i.iuuic 011 ino m,r r'U'1,'"UU'1 VTomoriaof Thii 1 . 'nfl.,.i,,.n l ist veir askin"- I 1 1 -' - . . . . - . y '-' 1 -)-lvjs;0ll it -as thought that the j s)iclbv restrict should have had at I jCilst tus much respectful considera tion at the hands of our worthy dele I " I gation. I colleges and schools. I ( ,.eellsboro, Trinity and Davenport I . , ., regarded the cherished ;nt:.,,4.- ... f the X. C. Conference Knd the measures, plans and obligations assumed bv our last Annual Conference were endorsed and sustained Othe schools in this District, such as Ruth n.-tWl College. Lenoir High Sciloo I Denver Seminary, Kings Mt. Higl School and Hickory High School were ..,. ' lp. The force of our moral in - - , u,ver lliaterial aid w j , j to e sliau )C sivell to furthe I .,n tliese schools in prosperity and use I fulness. Tbe writer 01 tins amcie as wrought to tears when he beheld the I . ; .. " , -, now ruined condition of our once beau -f j Davenrort Female College. W In J j 00i,-Cu jast ul,on this noble temple of I female education, it was tilled with lovely and studious girls in the course carcini religions aim mem. . ii.a u . .w- v,-.ut 1 woo ii'iiitiii mil ;imic. iiiif-t T t 1 A. V..J. ..1 'I.,.. )(f inmeVf -ick and scatrolding around about a half finished building. Stirely the Methodist Church cannot afford to . . . . . ..,..-. i., ; .. let tins cnensuod ii.siii.n.on i.,jr m nn.. and idleness. The delegates to the next Annual Conference are M. O. Sherrcll. Dr. J. A. Sherrell, R. B. Milter and J. C. Har per. Alternates: A. B. Gilkey and J. 11. Wilson. t I vCV'i .!" i...!.oi.. i'.ll.vr,. ami Rev. IIUCIISUOIO A Uliiciiv ....v.j,, - S.-.timel Lander, of the S i. Oon- fcrenceand President of Willianiston .1 1 11 ........ -witoi s to t he I I'einaie oui.-, 1 1 I.. .......... -!, W. llll.SI'lll I'. " I preaching were highly esteemed. The good people of Lenoir surpassed themselves in the princely entertainment jiiven the Conference. Tl... i-iiv...i.' t.r.ivc intr and iiK.ii, 11 1.1 1 ...;,o ..ind "O .1 1 . 111 gyoo , , ., . ; 1. ..... out with tresh lile and nnui o the Master's kingdom and .leal heavy blows against the powers of darkness. The next Conference will be held in Dallas, X. C. J. T. 11 Alt it is, Sec. July oOth, 1S7S. Dit. Roijbitt: The past three have been joyous days to our Church. Af ter years of working and wailing, strug gling with poverty and many discour-a-emchts. our sanctuary is at hist com- . 1......1 .....1 tin. 1 ldv furnished. 1 pi. -tun nine 1 ,.r in. mi in. beautiful and c m- forttible auditorium in the State. 1 have never seen such earnest .'ind faithful workers lor the completion " church, or heard so many lei vent l'a ers, as among tins p.-opi.-. ....j . 1 . . . . .1.. fl'l... I il ..I". l-- ork and pray for the prosperity 01 r ion. Our dedicatory com- meiieed on Friday night the llith with love feast, led by Rev. E. Hoover It as rich iu blessings, a season of great ladness to all. On Satuaday niorn- g Rev. Jas E. .Mann, 1'. K. preached it li e-re.-it power and unci ion; tit ..lit Rio. Hoover preached an earnest sermon full of the holy lire of th. pel. Sunday-morning, 1 it o'clock, there was a general rally ..1 the lorces ,u the prayer-meeting led by the pastor- Such a meeting for joyous results, is seldom seen.The hymns and prayers were ftb.. old Methodist type. There was a oiumingling of joy and sadness. All these services were held in the T,-w..iin.iit where the congregation had .....11 w orshioing for years. There many ecioiis souls had been born again, th. walls had often echoed with the shouts .('I bul's hosts, led to victory bv the rent Captain. There our young peo pie had been joined in holy matrimony ind thence our sainted dead had been borne to the tomb. Near Hie pulpit, are sleeping the ashes of our l'ether.stone . . 1 awaiting tin. resurrection ot the just. Them was sadness that we were leaving the place so full ot sacred mem ories and associations and rejoicing that our pra vers Had been nnswcn'. am. on. 1 11 1 1 labors blessed, and that we were yoiny ibove to a better and more beautiful tuini, .. At 11 o'clo.'k the church w;is crowd- A . ..1 .1 it 1 .1. r..: l- ........ ed Wltd AlCinooisis aim men 11 11-1. ..-,- 1 of them from many miles away, wl 0 list- ened with attention and interest to the sermon by Rev. J. H. Mann, from I's. '" chap., S v. Prow, 3 chap., ! v. The effort ofthe sermon was attested by the evident pleasure exhibited by many tears, smiles, and hearty alliens. It is marvelous how this serv.-mt of t.od has gained the hearts of the poo pie oil the district by Ins preaching and intercourse among the 111. There is but one verdict, viz is a preacher ..lid iTe-ming i.iui-i nc is ,111 I I . . 1:.. .'I.I .... .... Presiding I'.lder he is an eminent success. Another evidence of the success (and tin important one to 11s .vis that the whole, amount ol t lie ) . indebtedness. $230. was secured in :i few minutes. The Church was tlieli formally presented by the pastor and ... . 1 trustees, and deilictited to 1 lie services 01 Almighty God by Bro Mann. At 3 .1 .'ill the Sunday Schools in the town were represented 111 a grand union service, at the commencement of which six infants were dedieatt'd to ( !od in baptism. The choir with their organ discoursed sweet music; prayers were oU'ered by the pastor and "Father Potts" of the Pres- byterian Church, and addresses deliver- ed bv Nathan Lawrence, Esq, of Tarboro Rev. Will. II Moore of 0111 conference, , . m at T P.,.s .lent ol - ... and Rev. Samuel X. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian church. At night Rro. iMoore preached to a crowned eongrega . ... 1. tion on "Human Jnlluence, producing a profound impression, which, by the blessing ol Ood. will not soon be lor gotten. Our hearts are full of joy: w ' ' - - are humbly grateful to our Heavenly Father. We realized the fuKilliuen; of the blessed Master's promise, "lo I am with you." Ihe ' Tove of od was shed abroad iu our hearts by the Holy Ghost. Jxo. X AxnitKWs. Washington X. C, July 15th, 1878. T TTr tn. dnto tl.Iu 1 ,nnr ,.nn.rr,..ri. JL. . ' J . W I .V J - ..-,.0.. tion has raised and expended this year .$1400, on their church, besids meeting the claims in full of pastor and Presid ing Elder. There was a storm hist night. It struck the parsonage about eight o'clock with great force, and raging with but little abatement for nearly two hours. After it was passed we went to work to estimate damages, and found various substances ranging in appearance from the fineness and whiteness ot flour, through the sizes and color of sugar, coffee, bars of snap, and even to the size and shape of hams and some of them were of the shape and texture of pocket handkcrchiefs.Oh, what a people! 1 low can we fail to love and serve and pray for them. May our Heavenly Father make their pathway to "shine more and more uuto the perfect dav," J. X. A. July 17th, 187S. Dit. B011111TT : You will allow me space in your paper to say a few w ords in relation to the Fayetteville District Conference School. This institution is located at Joiies boio by the vote of the Fayetteville Dis trict Conference at Rockingham in IS7G. The idea first originated with Rev. T.W. w as presented by him at the first session ofthe Conference in lf7. He renewed his ellort at Carth age in 1S7.", where he was .seconded hv the glorified Marvin who presided. From this time the enterprise has been iu all A ............ m. ....... : j - thoutiht that this m IiooI siands tl,i,. i.lU.d to the "peerless Mmmii. Tl.ustws s,.(lll tl, ve tak- a up tl ..... . . I'..!- J 1 n -1 . t Men mantle l the ascetuii.-i p, in point of liberality May hi- pervade it so every department. At our recent Coiiloivuce sess,,h 1( was ascertained that there was a ous debt hanging over the piopciiy. Ti ,ls. lin d ii-s. ele -t. al t i - - - nt 200. Of this sum about one tl,n !l,,. been paid, and I his sum was paid , ly by the Trustees and all .$300 of the remaining two tlml ,i. vanced by them. How to manage this debt u., ;h, . i. r. . 1 . . . plCStloll. .liei .1 ' -aiciin snne ,.i ,;i the facts, these noble men lesoKed 1 . eot'.ri t-ciit, d'tc ti.iinsrft)e.i, ai-dtl.t, ; the school alloal, free Iroiii debt, p, j,. . work for God and humanity . As soon ti- this fact was made In,.,, L. W. 'ravvloid ollel. d the I. .11.. 1 . resoiui ion. llcsol'-ctl, this Distrid v. 1. . .-11 1 1...I... ! . . ence graiei it 1 iy .-i.-i. m m-. ..j , ,. cial the extiaordintiiy liber.ilil ..I i ' . Trustees ..f Joiiesboio Di -liicl ' , and we hereby n -ohe to i.m. i ;. amount of $::iH to pay oil' 1 he . la Inc. This resolution was adopted L ro'... iuij the .$:'! thai. ni.d there. Thi- ia . 1, US till feel good. The school I- .111 ,,; lebt, and a bright fulii'e I . ; it. The principal, Rev. J. D. Am,'!, 1 ... 1 i- ... 1 ... ; . needs no woim 01 1 m, no 1, i,i me. I le is endorsed by the action .-i tl, District Conference, . and basil- -I,.,.!.. btltioli in the inanageiiieut ol Ihe l,.,,,; He is assisted by competent in-t 1 11. t-i -in all departments where they in. essary. I'lie most gratifying lads w. brought out relative to the lineal-ri this Fchool. As .-111 instance ..I th;. mention the fact that not a single .-a- ol intoxication litis occurred among t! , students in the three sessions of it- o istence as a school. 1 urge ils -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .1 It .1 1 . C A 1 I' .. 11 . I Upon tiie .Melliodlsis 01 nie 1 ,1 ei ic 1 ., Dist riet especially. Its detiominal ii i: ii Status ik perfectly Ulldelstood, and Ii been from the beginning, and a l-o it- u. hition to Trinity and G reciisboi.., a - aa auxiliary It is a Metholisi school.) .n, ly deiiomiiiiitioiial, but in n -.11 . sect.11 ian. P.. ' . I'm ii in Dr.Ait Ri:o. I'.oi-.idii I many tlieories oi tin nit ilvaimn: iiu . I di-tictut , . 1 the In-.-t i:i- I the one published in the ine nun i .iinv, is 10 me comprehensible. It is mil only Icvmi I ..i .: :. ... 1... I..,. uuu, ,n n ii.-vn ... " , leads to the most absurd consequent'. such as follow : 1. The Church, mi tin subject, as improperly itinlei -lo..d, i under a dreadful heie.s a Ii- 1 ild.r uight-mnrc--nu oii.giutil or bitlh mii I which properly understood, as 1 titel. i- I stand it, is the corner-stone of mv theory. On this 1 build my siip. i -t 1 tif ture. All infants arc saved (adiniii.-.l) L'xcept a man be justified, paid I, regenerated, horn ofthe spirit, .'ind con verted, made simple and pure, lie cannot .1 1 .. .. 1- . t 1 ,1 1 ue saved. Jut 1111.11ns are saen, m. I fore thev are pardoned, eic and i I they die in infancy are saved cb inallv ( I f: ailm it I ed . 1 P.llt whal becolin s "t nl I t hose w ho li e until I lie v lo-e 1 In 11 I simple and pure slate ? They 1 I cording lo ihe 1 1, y, become jn-i, 1 regenerated, spiritually born again I Can thev go a second time into inlatii j, state of coirupl ion tind be boi 11 a gain If not, they ;ne lost, for Chi ist said b. Xicodeiuus, "except a man he 1 -i I again, he cannot see the K ingdoiu ol I God." He was not talking to inlatii- and there has never been a soul I -i 11 hince Cain killed Able who c jntrc u-i 1 ture did 11 .t break out in actual sin If they can't be born the second time, le " canlhuv be saved '! This can be done I by the new methods of teaching accord ing to this theory Tell infants l h") are liol v .-ind nure in the w.ivlle'v i... .. . . Khoiild go and keep them there. 1 lo is very much like C . I., v rut hinghain s I X'ew Faith. To lngersoll, the Atheist. I he savs: You don t believe 111 t.o l: lle ti I eet him into voiir s.,ul. Rut 1 h ive 1 . I u I soul. Then do something to imuioi t. ize yourself. I have done that alrea I . . I Then your only liojie is in evolution. 1 - I Teach your children, says the t hoi , J that they are pure and holy in tin 1 right way and keen them there am I quit singing the Methodist hvmn- 1 c 1 1 tlirow away your Catechisms, etc., et. I A nis Is eiiougu. il 1- lamer loo u ou I rm . . . 1 . r . 1 ocluxlic. July 31st, 17S. B. T. Blam:. Mil Ebiroit: Friday, July J lit li , 1 1 1 1 was a most pleasant ami successf ul I'.c jVlc, at Pelham Church in Wentwoiih circuit. There was a fine turn out, notwith standing the heat, and from all appear ances, there was much real enjoyment. After singing ami prayer the writ. 1 made a short address, by way of pre paring the way for the speech ofthe oc casion which wiis made by James . Reid, Esip, of Welitwolth. His ad lie--was beautiful, appropriate, .amp. A constant and successful S. S. w.uker Ik is tit homo talking to oth.'r; on the subject. As there was a prospect for relief iu 1 different way, the table did not yroi' that we heard of. But for things ele gantly prepared, there was 110 lack t that teeming company. The children of course, enjoyed it;and the old folk- a well, from what we could see. Th" Superintendents and Teachers here de serve great credit for their untiring ef forts iu the S. S. work. They have a LodglGool Temp lars, and also a successful (range here. Altogether, it is a live and prospcroiif. church and community. V. A. SiiAkii:. Reidsville, X. C-, July 21111,14)7 respects a uuu-. " It.'. lie Col genuine c complishi Dal v ladle is e ha vc tiling of ' eess is .-11 pill l oll I.' 1 1 icy hn le mie aie G reel 1 Friends . ne til, in send y.'i asseiu I .Ii on conn heart - : of all th your dan lit iii ini' i for 1 heir I iau inlli to work He-ills all.

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