Raleigh Oliristian Advocate nc (Hirfotfan 3Vtlvocatc. iib'FlCE Corner of Uawson aiid Uargdt Sis. THE O li G A N OF THE NORTil CAROLINA CONFERENCE OF THE , K. gHUKCH, SOUTH. kati:s or srescitii'Tsox : ,..ll mSRMAU " ADVANCE, POSTAGE TAID -IX MONTHS, ' II payment t.e .k-layo.1 six month? ii.o 1 ,t . r... ... tanee, and penitents eame Hocking i.om all parts of the congregation untu an tin- room around tl.. altar, m me is.es, ,1 many of the wats i" tho cougiega- ied. Ami then word . 1 the Young men on tne that it' room an lion, were oeeiq was sent in by f the THH ARDOR OF I'M :l to save SO ELS. means I might vigor, ills save amor, "If bv any t.,nii" -presses in a ire ti save souls. moral elasticity ol himself to the Paul's great de can hut aumire the way We . . i ........ . . , . , .i i.,.;,-.i 1 t,, come in. the Apostle in adapt. ml could he ioiimi, .... .... .... - . , ler I eari.tlly Coll.l 11 ions ... hi' - j. of penitents l...vv! an.l ciym ... l ro 1 1. ..re must hav .,! tielll. most school-room, the Hili of Mar.- il iitii l.oi ' ... ....... .... , U e '- ' I - ,1 I.-, ,.,-,- I, :.P lor nier- pose ot saving mem. .m... i been near turned int., a pulpit - the hall of justice, . . . . i :l l..vu 1-1..-V iW deck of the ship, the pnuosoo.. - or a omit a . . ..r M.,,.. tin. r.ns- . .... x- them pCI'SOllS ..h now on, all served him to preach Ch'.ist and ..it, X. , - Ac The Cross (J&L) Mark is to re .tnd yon that your gnbscr'qrtion has : -dred. If you wt the pope? con-ih-uedf rc,iC' j-o)n.j ty '1 UK SALIsRFUY imstuict conference. rntsx ( iiiferel.ee ;,t ' li n i -1i ville at Th Vl, i i, Mo-.i, ding Elder, w assisted PAY. convened in the in the town ol I 1 HlU.lrect o -..... i.earlv all "Town , t hull" I ,, whom we..; ""o . . ' ... , i..i i'ImkI n .rev-headed Mini crucified, ne pie..v... ible wiiv, too hy eon versa Hon, by reasoning, i-H"" o i... ;nti:itions drawn fnm rcripiiiie, ii. - .,,..! ilw ii we saw soim them The deeped earnest - every Koss lace. N v men among ncss was itc jicii-.i i.i left on Tuesday mornhig, and have not learned the results ot . i t:. i lose on eilnes. we are sat i -tied that were moving meeting must have There were sever: SMALL BEGINNINGS. Men are .-imply planted here : plant ed not to mature, and reach their full .. .i. 1.... ,.i.,,,i...l ink! trans- liess Ol "flOW in, iniii'.'".'-" planted. Here we begin to live moriu lv: that is all. A few, by reason of their advantageous position, spring up .uicklv, grow fast, and exhibit to a .roudlv de-ree spiritual fulness. !ut where there is one full grown tree in the forest, there are beneath its branch es . thousand reeds: and if we could K- ...-ulier uk the mould, and sort ti c - . . , rms out. ami give ea. n a life- ami time ei1 .'.lock, August the f I'resi- re lsTS Uev. I). Jh'UtOll, ... . 1 .. TM ... .1 i . i-l . ,1 1 in the cnair. J- - " "o re conducted hy the presi V liev. I i." " The 11 I 111 I in a a l-!ei ailed ind a goodly nt tu-r aid d.-l.-gates auswere-l : their I,', v. das. Willson was . lecie.. , .i l l !'to. .1. W. -Money, of rv Staiiou, a i-tant secret a vy. us iMint uie meeting, lin.s.lnv. lut the way things ,n when we left that the been a grand sue- il noteworthy things, which eontributeu to its sue -,.lls.,nch things as every preacher ex pecting to succeed in revival meetings . . . ... i,. .....1 nit into uractice. nimiit io sui.i.i ...... x i The first thing, we notice, wa reluoal ot" all physical b.l a good meeting. 'I in eood ol del" them kerosehi sill e an . , 1 ..1 . 1... heathen poetry ami the mua. ... ith the power m Mosaic economy his masterly pen, with his elo.pieht toii- ith his heroic example oi s. ..- is the sun out. tli no. with hi- sacrilice, with prayers warm a and an iudomiiahle energy, he nve leeatioii. uroiier attention , n iiin-h to develop in, the whole earth would not be vast enough to hohl the resultant growth. (iod can do just this. There is no! a -ingle germ of possible spiritual life, buried we care not where, that is not noted of tiod. He sees not aloij,' the .. i e:it moral illuminations in ourwrld- mallest point of emittent raili- I f there is a died to save able means to save so instrument:- were new or thev chimed in the diluents to jroiiuds weie put new seats with hacks to lamps so adjusted a- to -1 ml. Paul used all avau- uls whether the old whether with the taste ol the ot anv . ; 1 i.;,. .. l ..,,.1 a nee is iierceivci u. c - . .. ... 1 c spark of heavenly name in us, u miu -it. Our desires are known to him ; ur u isbes arc known ; our repentan- ire an seen. " - ce? meiit of moral growth in our heart? sea lies his aiiciiuoii. ... ,,..t was not a question - i 1 . . . importance with him. The great .pnes- N(. ,lurs ho look at the measu :n tl.; method, or Klan. r om- lives as we look at it. bm , lwr 0" ' ' " I .1, Illn If it is e-oo,l. it not instance, as regarus ivng..., .- r li,.. IV...1 everv to him? To u lie r ' .nf.'l'elU leehie health b ( '..nf. l. ii. e V'. i: i;-v. T. L. Trii T. V- l'"tts V,. w . hip. . N e . M, , visiior-, OM pit. liev. li.e el t;:e C;..i'fe:'ence within tlie bar- I".-...-! vteriai. ' In- 1 1 .ti .1 i'l chair ad.Iresscd the stated that owing to would not detain the extended r-jmarks. i. Uev. 1. i'.iown and io pointed a committee liev. I'.. A. tates. liev. lr. I'liair and were introduced to and invited to seats liev. P. T. IVnick, of t 'Lurch, was also in ., the '..nference. x he r.-gu-, f business was then taken up. of the preachers from the nee-- 7 oilier ,1 a beaiuiful light over theau.ll- 1 last, though ii-...t least, yowl. Xoisv rowdyism, which had in vears hung around the camp, re- din.jf the success of the meeting, held at bay by a courageous police. rouh.t has 11 the means, save souls, then it is worthless. . l 1 1 1 .I.......-: :.S tliell preacher suuiim icyiuo ..,,.el,,.,l in the ocean thev are in im minent danger every moment some-! . . , . - .i.i.. thing must he done an.l none .p. .cm. . They are soon to sink to rise no more. or launch may it so to mm ; il seems Ion"'. Ieenis l'o us it seems adequate Is uit REVIVAL INTELLIGENCE. I)r. Bulkhead writes from Bladen, Aug. lGth: "Great revival at "Carver's Creek, Whitcvillc Circuit. 00 converts and or. r.n.u'tont.a when J left. Bio's. Lyon, n.n.,11.. Grav and lirowning are still pressing the battle. I have been there .. .I.i vs and niirhts. Old and young crying for mercy and rejoicing together. Pray for us." Rev. S. J. McLood writes Aug. 10th, from Nashville : "To day I will close my second pro tracted mooting 'since I wrote you last. The first was held at Mt. Zion, thirteen miles from here. W ith backsliders unit was reclaimed, we chum M conversions. Twenty-five mined the Church, iome ...:ti ,.tl...- .daeos and some .'0 to . Ill llt.l Al Ol. X tl... it-.. ..ist The meetinsi now in pro ress. 7 miles fiom here, thirty-eight '....,,ei.,f,..is and twenv-three liii 1 K.nnn twenty Keuitehts yesterday .it. the alt a-. The Church is great iy revived."- i) ... i.... W K'onn.l writes from lU'V , .o. i IJutherfordtoii as follows : "I .v.i...it :i most inecious meeting durin.' the week of prayer, at Pisgah, in this county. The congregations .,,..- ;., si., and interest, thirteen were .i,i.,.l t.. tl... Chitreh. about the same .rtnvovKii)Us and tho Lhurcl nuiiii". i vi - - ik. ,.tnWtioi1. It was an oul fashion 'Methodist revival from begnmim Yes, risen r,p in iiiil her I, us ol .Its., arranged tl k as to nlve Mow ..:: because ; liic.l and Wof caiiq niin'it, shaken .rder, an.', so prepare Throw out a plank, or a rope, the life boat, if by any means some he save. 1. FROM OLIll EXCHANGES. New York Methodnt. The Atlanta General Conference re ceived with great kindness and cordiali ty the official representatives of our branch of Methodism. 1 Foss and Gov. Cumback were our only accredit ed" messengers there. "We have some ten thousand or more presbyters in our Church, scTeral ol whom were at Atlan ta: but no one of them except J)r. Foss had any official business with the i on- ference. 1 here is no reason uiai e -' think of for making a grievance of the non-reception of any one of these pres byters, a lew of whom are bishops, tor il ... .;: l .. . ...... the plain reason mat we uiu ....i. 1 . . .i.i i. any of them to thai uouy. ye h.i let Bec.rd.-r. The devil is a cruel archer ; and all who weary in their llight ail who just skim along over the world, striking here hesl nlaces as liie TlIECOMli MAX. ilv 1m he will he sure, lout o,..l tliore iii its roughest I flv, will be arrowed and wounded by the archer. Christian, if you have faith to rise, up, up, up. as oh eagle's wings, rise above the range ol the enemy w ho lurks in the lowlands of sin, for the uni r.i i'i !. ......s,. s vonrs. me uij ner von i" The "coinihir man" will certain a marvelous creature. His prophets are on everv hand, and to one and all omens are full of the wonderful thin .levise and do. I le is, in "coming;" we evidently have not yet seen him, but his progenitors, at least, may he said to have armed. It is amus ing, indeed, to see how the prophesied "wining man," as he is portrayed la this or that looker into the future, is IV... ..,1 to be endowed with the peculiar tastes and accomplish. ,n::. and olteii even with the idiosyncrasies, oi the por traver. The balloonist, for instance, is . . . . i : l . . ... sure that I lie coin oil; in. hi hi.. ....i air and scud serene midway hetwixt sea and lirmament; the skeptic doubts not that when the man conies, he will be wholly emancipated from tradition and superstition; to the s icialis', the coming man will, with angelic expression, divide up his yearly gains with his neighbor; the Maithiisian will have the coining man cease to recklessly ovcrpopulatc tin; globe. Much might be said, too, ot what the coming woman w ill do and be. She has her prophets and prophetesses too Shi! will, no doubt, arrive at the and RELlGlors lXTKLUOEXCI'.. Th,-Old Catholics ..f I'.asle hae increased in numbers the past year from three .hoii-and to four thoiinaud. There are about 7'."" hl 'ath olies in Switzerland. The synod has been increased hy the addition ol m vcu congregations. The Cumberland Presbyterian ie port 1 -'", ( communicant, and l,ol, preachers. The World's Convention of the You n u' Men's fluisli.in Associations met in Geneva. Switzerland, August loUh. The Aichbisliop oft ahlcrbiiry h.... . 1 .- .1 t li:i!lks issued a decree .i js giving for the maintenance of peace throughout I'.urope. churches mi tlilfcl indited material i' success to a have w if the phy art of b IT HO, KVKUV ONE TlllIiSTS." THAT spiritual. pioaciicis iaiied, ic.il diili -uhies snr- otir twist lie' an scats, the preacher straiini set hi- cougrc-atioii by th haigcs interest , .li i pare- 111 I the rep. li'ioU . iiiuia' Hisirict is !'o!ii : literal v.v is w-il 1 -,.,'. n-v." ;i.m. The Vet colllplet of tl i 'arolina. . ,1-iv :-.' . '! tl" i '.ent unde'.'staiids the -i li,.., i-vi-i a i i strl.-t 11.1 . ;rii;uiVs ti;ij.fiitlv into allium "j.i ..l.n.-.-h Me leaves no i.o.uts un- in.iieate a growing on the I ..strict. The favorably with other The Sunday school cai;-e The circulation of church ;' ih . Th" i.rn.n Akvo.-.vst. itr-.iiied in the 1 isti ict. ev chuich. s are in curse of er.-c- hnirh at Moorcsvd.e not l. When tinished it will l,e-t ..-h;rches in Western u oi me mo) ning -e f. lac bu- t that the m ne'.s.s ot nference. i!" erations ot i he chili r. inched. t eleven o'cl'-.tk, Vie .-, r.. .i .y Wilui-" " l-ea.bed a de pressive and interesting discou. 1st ch ip. Ger.l. l-'.pistle of .James, v- s The afternoon session wa cupied, to a great extent, in hearing re r...i.i the preachers, interesting i - - i l.ii.'ts were eiicUed .ml many access). reported. The Conference is largely at ten and the citizens generally attend upon .... -i.i.l noon the Kreachinir of ii,- - ..... - i i .1. . .. ..,,1 M.,.,vesvil e is a voiim' hut ,i mowing town. It is located imme diately on the line of the A. T. A- o i!-,;i l.'.vi.l .-i distance ot anoiit l;!teen mil.-s from Statesvilie. It has tw X ate jm-Ironi th oc- revivals ot religion . to tiie church were Methodist die darkness vi We glory in that bispel that oilers salvation to all men. What impartial i,-i r 1 , i :.. .1... .....v.l " he meetings. When ioicco i iove siiiues oul ... l. .. lilapidateil sheds in- .lews t hought ol heaven as a i.i... e r.i pared for their tribes. The (.entiles were outside dogs having no part in the better world. The Romans and Greeks had a heaven only for a few noble ones. But Ch'-ist announced a heaven toi ail. None too young, none too old, none too or too high, or too to i. reach under unapn Tested with itltliv vermin, the people Ut iiecause oi loiiuiiun his eyes to glimmering Does it seem adequate to him '! goodness in man in his ey as fru rounded, full and fair? Or is it as see. I as a ..-crni, out of which in the r..l..ess of nroKorlioii and en-ii. .- i,.... - i- i vast fruitage shall col ic? -e i- the hope, then the hope of small beginnings, the hope which i ... .... eo.mecled with actual life, how ever undeveloped. The mother looks . i .i ! 1...1...I.U the man vet I th ill her o:ioe. ii..i ..... -. to I.e. The florist takes the bulb in his .ml in it sees the How er that w ill com- out of it. Amis.. ( iod takes the soul, fragile, immature, with only the breath of spiritual life in it, and sees as he looks at il in eternal perspective, a sainf. an angel, a king among kings a radiant being among- like radiant b.-ings. 11 I in .1 i .,1 miik fioii. ana iiavu to e .... .--";""; , ; .tl, tl.e adventure tresli courage u " cross at other poinits on the Circuit. liev. l. May writes Aug. '2'ind, as follows : "W.. have had several liiteresinii n.o..iini nil this Circuit, durin . . .c- . . i . . I ..r..,. 1 1,.,. ..f ....l.tbineil I'lim eiiienei to t he rc"'l"ll ol tue oiessen 1M115. . i - ... . Solvi t ., P. pose, of love and faith grace ... dress; perhaps she w,U vote and hi power w ill the world preside over leg.s alive wrangles and bTahiAoputarouiid y And as you dine as envoy at , W mber, help voiu neigtiiiors up. -.1. v .....- - - - the conitiMiiiPV venuoii iii.il ... t.. the nerfoniiances in imaginative literature, . .. , .. -1 ... ...1 :..i. the wing by has drseovered a new atirimtie. wine.. which Y"U 1 sc. Kising 111 Levies 1 tan.. ... ...... ..... -", - - w "' 11 J . .:;,.!.- ..1 I .. 111 liar, is reniarkable is. 1 rise, reniei mi 1- -1.. Kt",...l 1 lie lainuy unci !, elevated these become weight of w ings only, .1 i.'J'ti lie-i.t ..1' those coiintrv ca many lightning bugs hie compassed aootit .n '.les, that like hine to make ""1 rich, or too poor, .1. with howling -.og kitlking around in an I braying mules l,,w, but may enter that blessed land ade.i the satani voiins. i 1 ie I" ner-two oph- t'he slnqie ot sap- ter-; v e surrender, not to nee of darkness, but to the evil ! poni.ii 1 . 1 . j . -... , .......v net .nun - The second e!em-.-nt of success was .... 1 ;l,e Scvii.tnr.il directness ot the lueacu- Tlicre were no tiowery, .hi ical, or seiemihc sermons d the occasion. These sermon. ac..- but are not the sort t... move sin .... 1 ", .....I.....1 tl.it tl... p. a revnai. i. .... i...-. ..... most powerful elements ;i: the preaching were :ipt .piotatioti.s of Iserip ;ure given in support of some posit on, an l appropriate anecdotes ai illus- ratio!!-. by rcientance and faithf it is aa im mense domain open to all the world, having twelve gales to admit all lov i" . . 1 : . ..... ....... ..v .,1' in.i-- ers oi .lesus. .mi is 11. . es.. . v.. ... v . ..n.s either in natural or spiritual gins. Flowers bloom as beautifully for the .... 1. ..1.1 ..'.,.. Koor Atncaii as a rieu nooi.-e.. .. ....... oW na-For y V..V the the ds hi i,r,.i,eilv cultivated. I lie winds 1 1 . , 1 . ,. .1 1-. ivered on 1 f, ir all, scattering tne iragi.iuce ... have their ture with an important hand. whom does the sun shine '? For rich and great onlv "? No, but for jov of the whole world. No body owns the light of heaver, it is God's univer sal gift. Does the hand plant and cul tivate a tree "? Then it will grow and d strikin id th .f a ipiee iViv, element was l !' 11; ower . 1 T . 1 .. ir.-hes. .Methodist aim 1 ... .1. i.-riih. a prosperous news-papei, me Ireikli Ouzette, a tlourishing school i,,,- the ei'inc.-,ti-.U of both sexes, and cij.hr sf.res doing a safe business. This j. moie o! a cotton g sowing region than v.e Vid sitpposed. We are informed .i.al over three thousand bales of cotton ,,,, l.ipped from this one point la-! ..-ason. The CiniVretice is well enter tained, and a line religions iuthieiice prevails in the community. The pres ent iiidicali.eis are tliar a re cival will fol low the C, ml. rence at this place. The v. oi i i.i a-lie-l is attended w ith power ov.ii -1 of the Spirit. Bio. Bruton is r,..w in the fourth year of his admin istration on the District. Me is a opu l u and successful l'rcsidiag I'.lder. Bro. Tiiieit,the pastor of the Church at ,1 ...re-viile, is doing a good work, lie aa i lii writer entered the Conierehee in , 1 . ass. it i lieiX.' is irreat They sway the feelings, move the 'heart. Mm. Is that cannot be affected bv logical reasoning, r by graidiic de scription, or thunderous appeals, yield to the melting path. songs. 1 lic-se songs call u of father and mother long since gone to ivst, thev call up scenes of other canip nieetings past, times of sweet memories mdlowed by the roll of years, and thus touch and tender the heart. Let the preacher wield the singing talent of his people as a great auxiliary in his re- ... i . . . . . . 1. .. work. toitrih eiemeni was me ration of the laity. The preach ed the people to come to the altar lr.m- irnit he the nan; sinmmt. n.loi'in.l with iewe s. or tnat ot a ser sacred songs. v;Ult browned in' the sun. The sub- limest portals of knowledge are open to all who will enter. The stars shine for all -the water flows for all the birds sing for all so the atonement harmon- ..f ion's sweet I iZes with nature's blessings, as it otters all no memories its benefits to all men. .Justice and love l-eouire that God be no respecter of persons in the scheme of redemption. RIM EES. EDITORIAL Chicago has an Asylum to cure drunken women! No wonder Pis. Ii iiauk Coiiki.kv relates, in the S"iiday School Times, a story of an unconverted teacher in a day school, from which the Bible and religion had not vet been excluded, who became very much concerned for the spiritual welfare of his scholars. Me laid the case be fore his pastor, and urged him to come and talk to the school. the pastor w isely advised him to talk to them l'.iin- s-'if. "Oh, that will never do," the teacher said, "I am not a Christian, and it will be the blind leading the blind, and we should all fall into the ditch to .'ether." "But God has very evidently laid this work on your conscience, and v.. u are the man he has called to it," re plied the pastor, "God is speaking to von, and he docs not intend you should throw the work on some one else " Tht . 1. ,.,t virith tneuttrciubling hefori his school and told them how lie felt. A he spoke, God opened his own heart and he was the hrst-truits ol .a rcviv: that spread through the school and tin town. The moral Dr. Cordley draw from this incident is an important one lie savs: A great many Christian miss the rich est blessing by throwing on others what God would throw 011 them. A parent feels an unusual concern for his child and refers it to the Sunday school teach er. A teacher feels an intense con cern for her class, and satisfies it by s- . , - , 1 . r ...1 iis at the Parsonage on me mg.o the (ith itst. May heaven's richest bene- !.- 1:1.. ,.-;d. tl. ..in is the nraver 01 tu iioii .ionic 1111.. 1.11. -- i 1 r :t.. the writer and lamiiv. - liev. II. M. Gibbons writes: T.v,. meetines in progress, at Trini- i 1 i; .l..e mill God is wonderluliv l, ...I'l 1 'II IVJ , - ...... -in..- out his spirit and souls are Pl ug converted: H at Trinity up to Mill 1 i.r 11 at a lev l ) 10 mis l.l 1- ... l ;-,, ' 1. tune. vivat co-op er ca' and . Th-.t urging them to come to some meetings I ... 1. !.,. 1.,,i.,i.. I-. tw- 1 1 -i v- Ink 1 111 nvrxcoil f a l-niiii in town tint fli;lt(iTl l. . . 1.1..-,c..s .... ! - A Crisiian feels anxious tor his neigl law. "Licenses may be granted to )(( ,. UIll satisfies that anxiety bv brim uii-slioiis as the public I in.r that neighbor out to church. All It would seem that the these things are very well, but they stoj t ,.. I.I ' .1 ' me 1 -. visited his charge lin I hint in much the first time we , and wo are glad favor with his Of the further proceedings ol rence. the Secretary will write adjournment. siMilXG CAM P-M I.I'.TI XG. 1 li.-y. li. T. Muds Editor, was pre- i.e.-t i ig and if it: Koch Friday Aug. It i 1. ,, hi, our 'orrespoiid I'lit at this i.-amii- s the following account Son iig precedinL tin imp-meet mg oegan ilie l!d Sunday of he largest oi an the canip- ii.wn in Southern Methodism about three hundred tent alwavs tilled. The averag. bine.' is about three thousand souls It is forty odd years old, and the people whether the country be in war or peace grounds Th re are which :tr ait n-him edicate themselves to the service , , . l,.t ,. ft!,,, divine call. That call has . , .... , ; l'eople out there think mat inpior si, ops 1 ' . .1-1 1 the L. id. 1 liev did so. J hen he 1 . 1 a personal intent. When God moves I , ...il.lw. .,-,. .1 le.t Is to I.. er. 111.. I 1 . . - ... ailed ..it them a- 1, rooi ol their smcer- 1 . I the heart ot the Sunday school teacher ..... .- . oftnisiiatlon.lt such a public seiitl-l 1,, t,,.. 1.,,,. ,.,,,l..,rs he intends shr ,., ...i ,,-..s!. ... .ti se. i-a T 1011 To .'O 01:1 I ' . ; I ' ........ -,. ..v.. . . , - - 1 meat universally prevails? I shall go to them herself. If he had into the congregation ami nring 111 me. 1 1 1 ' , . . ... .11., , , , ti H.. P,-l,.r of 'ew V..I-I. is wautcuaiio nei, i.e w.m.u .....ui.... 1 1 lie, 1 ii . e ! i. 1 i.iiii.ti.i. i 1 1' 1 : I I tl.nr t (i. has tone hed vour , , -i I il... s:., ,.,.,,.. I,, '..l.'c. I " . . . ; lid so, and i.rought tlieiit 111 nv scores, si.emung un. ........... .,. , fc w;t)l m,,,,.,, yoni. elass, you list here the 1 ting' culminated into He thinks the j.eople 111 that grand m tu, mo,,d and phiee to do what 110 . . . 1. ,...t .,........;..tii tl... ( I.wiu.l I ,,U ..... .I.. W hen von 1- scholar : . ... 1 1.1 i 1 1 . ! e i-:m (i n .10 .1 iiMn.iv ." ... v., ... i.j.i iov. ..tin i-,. ...... t w "Sgi.oces, ,...v.. ' ...v. ..... .1 ."I., ...1... 1 1 ..!:. .- 1 1 p .l, lb. savs- "Out of a rioi.u atioti ciiiiie to von hungry lor me uieau 01 11.. . K . . . -.io 000 iu yon have no right to send them away t to nave laith 10 pray, to sing, u lu. l....i... a. 1.,., .,'.... -.1! it seen is thiii 4-S.lllN' are church goers. 'The tidal of iod crowns personal e'fort most glo- n-l - . . t .. 1 lloiislv. neti tne people nave a miiiii t ) irnrA- bv talking, laboring, and be- liiug sinners face io lace to come flocks is more beautiful than isol: ones by ones. I'ac'.tir. Vitli'.iiis.. l'he Methodist Church ought to be verv careful now it stigmatizes strange and" extraordinary efforts to arouse the mblic mind to religious convictions. 1,. I-.tter .lavs we have grown verv added to me v......--, I 1 1 io til a 1 about orthod. 3d, and the memueisu.o . . anvthing out ol the usual wav dignity. 1" which 1 1.1. ..1 ... tin. ( "mire 1. a uir,, ': l e ,11 l u 10 n. lew comcioj.i, o... -- 1. 1 1 , the Church much revived, in com.,. , ,,,v IV that this attribute, though suggestedjiy a brain which is above all fanciful, is a severely practical one. He says that the human phenomenon ot the luttire will be an "ambidexter," or bothhand ed person. Bringing the w hole force ol his brilliant rhetoric to bear on his sub 11 11 ..1 : .1... .1 I, ... CCt, Jll. J.eau .in.ngns 1 11.- .. .s. ....... ... bout orthodoxy, verv apt to between the l ight and the left, hand as ; ... - . ,1 . . .. . 1 .1 1. 1 I re he ol remote pariiarism. joiuuik, If the truth were ,e savs, that the left hand is unlucky, ith the above, allow nie to iemi..i l" t id wc are "rowing so extremely punc- ,s to subscribe to neat lieu mythology. kind ladies of this place the heart- ... (1) ( W(, ,j,i find our prototype It was a tntditsoii ot the "juvenile and stoned I world, as lie calls what we commonly know as ancient times. The according It thanks of mvsell and family 101 me . , tJliurcli that egged and sfone. . .1 ".. ...1.I..1. tl....- .li.ntil . . ... . . , - IT.. man v goon tilings in. j r r I, John Wesley and his eccciniic n,.i,i ight hand has ..... 1. in ..1 1 lie ii.'.iieii 1 ..1 siineiioi siiii. .. 1..-, .1 ioi.s 10. ,"1.1.-, .- , --1 ii r 1 1 if ..11 ,.....i.l.. iii the world the Methodists n,, warrant, either 111 the structure ol tin i.i ... 1... .1... l-.t t.. .liscoiira.'-e extra-I or.rnns or even in human instinct, it ordinary preaching or the extraordinary I is w holly a matter of custom by nihcri effects of preaching. The great lore- tance. et, in a long ai 1 ay oi very rici rftnnerof Christ was an eccentric preach- historical learning, he shows how mil .r- 1 ...I.. I.Iw .lr.w I 1 I., li..... ..i. .1 1.1:.e.. this 1'llstolll VI. 1 L I 'I '. - . .... ..,.1 f,.,..l .-.i.,! manner were strange and hs been. We hud it 111 t.ie l.n.ie. .1.1 1 . . , . , , Christ himself did not Con-I eob was the son ol Intend s right hand to the methods and manners of the J Jacob blessed Ephraim with the people about him. The Apostles went ... ...ut r.reachiiig a strange uoc.nue 111 1 strange way. Chrisiiaa UnioD. School yourself that the : ..-I, ieh von act and speak sha I'levard t I'oilain how Is. wine, the true "fruit .-I Hie vine," ale free from alcohol, f..r commmii..i. jun p.ises. ,f.i., .I .mcs B. Fads, in a h it' to Congressman Crittenden, of Mi-souii .1..0 .-tl... ietlv iliaiuiel at .New s.ll.s in.. 1 .... , ' . Grleans is almost as good as the eiitiance to New York harboi." Tl,.- Mi.-isiomirii Adwate puis this striking contrast' : We spend an i - ... i; -1 10 1100 iiiiii t,. 1 1. Illl-lllV III this CollllllL .Ti .." , :.. ....'i....i;,,.. .l,;.,l.s. All ihe Boaids . m I....J . I h.i- tl.e salxalioiiol 01 ,11 .-j.. the world l.vs than ,f l.,ot)0,ooo. ... , l-'.iioioN lil-'.i l. .101 s Noii-.s. - The .11 three pi incipal churches in rscoii. inu tile Free, Fnited I'resbylei ian and FstablishedC'hi.ichcs-iaised .lin ing I he vear ending in May last, by voliinlaiy contributions, the gross amount ol V. The li tikes Moiiument. in London. is to be creeled on I he Thames enihaiik ment, and application for permission has been made to the Melropolit in Board ! Works. The amount t hiis far Icc.-P rd in Ihe Baikes memorial fund is .Ct,,!';';' Mis. 7.1. Tin- New 'IV lament I.'. visioii Company met -d New I hum during llie li 1st week of duly, and com deled the lirst eleven cha piers of I i. . I.H i"hs. 1 hey linish their entire w.uk in a lew ssions The Oil Tesl; id I r t hope ti 1 11 o re two ears h 1 1 ;- 1 . lirit in I be the Uev. Ii. J. 1 .olden w rites from Roles ill.- X. C, Aug. '2'Jnd, 1S7S : "We closed a meeting at Bolesvilh . u:...- r.nii ti..i ii'.iii.v 'liril If li III 1. 1 II 111 iwiuivv .1 inversions and fourteen accessions to one which a disciple meeting 111s .-.n 10 .. the Church W ehild a meeting at ,n the daily ine 01 j aiesun m.51.1 , ii 1 l.,t ,.-....L- 1-..S.1 timr in I ..I...I to manliest in me same i.ri. .vn.trew s 1 I..,,.., ...:-i - -s ..... - - ,.. is aecessiolis 10 tne 1 ake it real to ouisun ih.il 1 S conv Church, and others will join; the Church around y-.u are his representatives; .'reativ'revived. We lire in the midst try if this culture will not give y if n .ri-:.ei..HS WOlk HOW lit SoapstOllC Mav"the Iiord continue this work all 1 .1 ,- .-. V.. ..i-i.,,..t I... 11-1I around tne lrcuu. t.r" Rev. J. !. Peterson writes from Au- and oil a r . . t 1 . 1.. ...... 1. t.i... sense ol seeing oesus, .1.1.1 im....,.. ...... of seeing God". Ah ! there are many not tide to see (iod in the forests, waters, or skies of nature, nor in the visions ot their own hearts, who yet might attain glimpses of him if they would look at man whom lie made m his own image. If you cannot see God with the naked ike a telescope take humanity rora, Aug. IStli, as follows : "I have organized prayer meetings .1 .1 ... ... r, ....llSl I P.1111,1 111 :i I f the aPPOiimiKMiis, suiii .. .... .1... I ' l.ii-eli i.'ni rrT sol ee, m to ine circuit, i.-i ..- - ""-- o- - , , r.. ,lw, . w,w aU,.ll'CSIlS H.U . l.v, loi'" Ziuii'j lJetall. If you ever do anythim manitj', you may as low spiritually that ihey had in a meas ure ceased to pray. -xext. wcck c rebuilding the Church at Durham's Creek appointment, and hope! by ( oiiterence to Utiild a new eii'.iicu .11 Ore-'oii Mill;, having extended our work to that point. We are just waiting for the men to get through with what little work there is to do 0:1 their crops, then we hone to commence work, as several carpenters have pledged us their word to do the work without charge ; so looking around us on all points, we think we have great cause to rejoice and praise God. We hope to commence extra meetings at Campbell's Creek next week. Pray for us. Rev. T B. Recks writes August 14th : "We have been in the midst of a glorious revival for the last three weeks We commenced a meeting first at As hnvv where wo had a gracious work for (iod and cell make uj. vour mind to do it in the face of obstac les and in spite of them. But however insuperable these impediments may ap pear to be, thev invariably vield to the 1 , .. .- - ... 1 ". . . ,:...i,i.. attacks ot a living ami luoouin.-n'ie faith. In the presence of these giants Christian courage has nothing to feat; though tall, stalwart and defiant, they fall before the stripling of faith with onlv the sling and the fine, smooth stones from Siloa's brook. Oh, thou man of God! face them with brave heart; dare to attack and defy the devil; tiust in Almighty help to press the bat tle to the gate and rout the enemies' forces, (iod is for yon, and he is more than all that can be against you. New Orleans A lvna'o. 'The value of t ravel- is exhibited in ght hand. According to Moses, it was the Lord's right hand that gave the law. Solomon seated his mother !i his right as a mark of honor. "Dexterous" came from the Latin word meaning the right baud, and "sitiistri' from that meaning the left. Even in modern tongues the "superstition" is fixed deep; the French use "droit," the English ' right," for a moral attribute as well as for a physical locality, the French 'gauche," or awk ward, means also left. The same sig nificant peculiarity is to be found in Spanish and Italian. Always it is seen that words derived from "right" are eulogistic, those from the "left" un complimentary and sometimes disgrace ful. Mr. Bead unlocks all this store ol learning to prove that the .list inct i.ci is traditional, and not instinctive, and he ui-i'es the world to hasten the coming of the "both-handed" by beginning m. w t teach chi'drcii to use each hand with equal skill. There would, no doubt, he great advantages in this, but we fear that Mr Bead's own exposition shows mankind to be too closely wedded to "right-handedness" to make the reform a rapid or easy one. .; ton's Jour nal. MATEI!IALISm"aXD THK BFLIG- 10 rs NATFiii:. Prof. Joseph LeCointe, of the Uni versity of California, says in a recent address: "Materialism stiikes at (he very foundation ol religion, namely, be lief in (iod and immortality. These are the roots of moral life. But, it will be said, there are materialists who are mor al, yes, even religious men, that is, who possess and cherish religious emotion and .sentiment. Very true. There are materialists of many kinds. 1. Some believe in materialism because it gives them a warrant for a selfish life. '1. Others, because it is fashionable, and is a sort of badge of advanced thought. ;j. Others, who are true, earnest think ers and seekers after truth believe in s Wi. i io pre ,-- 1. .1 1 T 1 1 . i lrreligioii rolls over mis sp'ciidi.i out Sabbath-breaking city. The Fniversalists and Coiigrega- leslis then to tionalists are fraternizing m Maine. iceess liivariah v loilo .vs. l ins looks had ior tne i- o-gregaiiouai W'e must close. W e have given the I ists. whose alvimstic doctrines lor- ..... i ... i i p laet that Hock Spring camp-meeting in merlv stood at the opposite poles ot was a great success, aim sKeicueu universalism. it is a curious tneoiogi- the causes of Us success as hints to nth- eal fact that alvinisiii i more readily ... . -v- i v.. I 'l l..,. 1 . . i i: . .1 .. CIS. I.IO. ,M's,jn, iiu I ene.ine iiiiii, I tl'allSI. IllUClt lUIO UlllUMSailsm I 11.111 vi- , . .i .i: .......... . r and hrn. lvev. the eiueieni i.i-ior oi that charge, were vei v suiinui ami a tue . . i - ,i m the management ot ens mammoth , .i . i . ir i - meeting, r.rot iters .vnuerson. -u. . ... i 'i, i , . hern l. i ewetr. ' ris -, aim i ri men aided in the work of the pulpit ami the iltar. find nourishment elsewhere. Do you be sure ami feed ihem yourself. The task may seem large, but when Jesus told the disciples to feed the multitude, he was prepared to increase their live loaves to tho needs of the occasion. He has not forgotten how to multiply the feeble dibits of those who trust him, and work for him. BEY E. A. YATES AND LOCAL MINISTERS. humanism. Jlere is a problem ior some body to sol ve. Joseph Cook, the famous lectnrer Dit. BoisitiTT : In your issue of Aug. 21st, Rev. E. A. Yates is out in an ar ticle to Local Preachers, in which he says : "It is true, there may bo but one of Boston, strikes a political card, which j principal agitator and disturber of the will likely wake up somebody He pro poses that l!"2 vears hence, illiteracy 'round of disfranchise- The following from the New York Methodist breathes the true spirit : Is it a crime for a Methodist who set tles in the Smith to join the Southern Methodist Church? Some solemn warnings are printed in official papers I poor Baptists peaee upon this subject; but it has been discovered by several brethren, that oth ers are taking in the poisoned lance from this one and using it doubtless in ignor ance of facts.'' Now, Sir, we ask brother Yates to h ud Si.eakin" of tell us publicly to wfiom he reters. it 1 enlti I ls 'me us .is a ooo u, v.iuisiiaii ni.-.i, i shall be th nicnt. A certain paper hits our Baptist brethren a littl true liberality" that ought t know the mnn among us who is disturh- vnted by alt the cnurcues, it says: -xne t. ,, , lt-mll. nimrcl. , , , o "' i . ye have despaired ot long Ae-ain he savs. speaking ot the Gen- which lmplv sion is that never prm: I U-V. fail to have their annual festival in ihe way "f 'a camp-meeting, l'he amo is situated fifteen miles North east of Lir. cilnton, located in Rock circuit, now in cuarge oi i.ro. The attendance this yea.- was una-nallv large all the old tents were occupied, and several new ones built. The spirit to keep it up is stronger to la, v than it has been for many years. The pet. ile sty, thai this last meeting was crowned with grander result s than any former one. I'p t . Monday night there had been several Conversions, but no re:n:iik-ible movement on the part of s-i But on Monday night there a o.-iiera! breaking down of roi-- crime. Mir own imprcs- hat the Southern branch is a part of the same Methodist Episcopal Church - no more another church" than another Annua! Conference is. Further, "a little dock" shut up by itself may be less influent ial than its members would be if thev ioined the more numerous bodv. A Northern Methodist who joim inec. They will, of course, chirp the J oral Conference : "I am not particularly old frog i ond tune so long as them is a hat or an owl to listen, and there seems no help for them this side of the golden river." A gifted preacher thinks that the New Testament is quite a novel book to many people, because they read it so a Southern Meihodist Church will little. It is said that Dr. Franklin, while in Paris, read some of the beauti ful passages in Christ's sermon on the Mount, and these earth-wise l-remh philosophers turned and asked him "Who is the gifted author !' those M.b have lus lair share ol liilluenee. en men set apart in a church A doz- v them- virtually protesting against the larger body as heretical may have just no influence at all. But the whole mat ter is one for private judgment and conscience. lime sentiments ?" There is ; ble ignorance in high p!a- as in the ranks oi Hi-'eiac. . Live in the coin fo it ol r. -1 .i . is vour privilege as mi- sun We see by the Wcsleyan Christian Advocate that Emory College (Ga.) has conferred the degree of D. D. on WTiat is the use of being tie Rev. J. W. J. McKenzie, of Texas and Rev. E. R. llemlrix, ofMiss.niri and the degree of LL. D. on Hon. G. J ( rr, of Georgia, and Rev. Y.J. Allen, P. P., of Shanghai, 'hina. Ri. "Is It Rev. M. L. Wood reports a graci- ie ion f God son of a rich father, and still living as a beggar'.' What is the use of having a wardrobe of a thousand garments and t ike none out to wear? What is the lis, ..f liv ing bv the fountain !' living u -.ter and snilVring all the time with i Li t youi joy may ! tuil. ous i-evial at Dotib's I 'Impel, conducted , a;v vays ol ples.santnc.ss, and bv Bro. Hunt. aths ate peace." l.i's. ? Ask "Mel ways ..." 1 ;uw ner 1 " I power inxiou.s to go, but if I do, I call earth to witness, that 1 shall do what I think is right, the Tiishop of the Local Preachers' Conference to the contrary notwithstanding." W'e want to know what Brother Yates means by this sling; at whom does he make it ? We ask the publication of this note in our Church organ. Very truly yours, R. L. Ai!i:iis-i---niY . We give place to the above for the leas. ,n that Bro. Abernethv feels person ally aggrieved by the article -.1 !'.: Yates. Tin- further discussion of th ,piesti, ii .-.ill be excluded from our col umns attci this issue. f Bro. Yates should deem an explanation of ihe mat ter ii. c.-sK.uy ..I: his par!, such explana tion will he published, but no new is sues ... ill be made. Xo possible good c m ji .w .vi t of a discussion of the subject. The power that changed the law. can aloiir reverse it. The appeal should be made to the law making "Let us have peace." Ep. lolls age i oi ri li 1 1 1 ;i 1 1 1 1 v The large membership was abundantly J the prceiousuess of the incense made ol refreshed with an outpouring ot the the most expensive and fragrant mate Spirit of God. A number were cm- rials, and in the costly golden vessels verted and joined the Church and many filled with odors. Prayer thus repre . .. . . 1..V. ... il... nli.v st, ,,..,i 1. c.i,..ii.l .... .1 1. in. ... or iiieaii i-omiiiodi- OeiLllCIlls leiL ..l IIU" clli.ii. eu... 1...-S iv.ui" " - - i . .1 .11.1 i 1 1 f...s,.,l sir.eo the meetin-r closed, tv. Tl.e opulence of the vessel indicates hater,a.,,M" -'' think that led From Ashurv we went to the Grange the richness of its contents. There is by mevitable process ot .eas ng, they Hall, where we had no society, but the nothing about the throne, save the Mjave reached it as a logical conclusion. Lord was with us in the power of his Lamb himself, thai seems to be more es- "."T ,"lLlL1 , ""V h'"'. I " Spirit; great seriousness prevailed. Many teemed. The haips are in the same minded men It is impossible to seek 1 ' " . . - . A . , , .... i. - i . . . . i , . . I t r.i t li f ,.! t rut 1. s sa Le an, not I... i,n re. were convicted of sin a nuniUei ol hands wit h t he goi, ten iais, aim y ei i ue I I ..... .1 . 1 . I 1..111. nil I. lit 1-eillel.l lier ..111- r. 1 penitents at the altar, but we were song must lollow uie answ eici pi ay ei . - - ' l.i.i.i.i 1 l.i-tl... m.,,1 ..leetioi. -.Tl,,.,,. -ns silence in heaven about the nature is a growth by ii.hd ilane. ...i.:..i. ..f . tl... ii..... ,.,..1 :.l- .-.r half hour.-' .-ind that silence alter age, from the but I so from having to leave to attend our seems not to have been broken until nntiLnmv. It lias been imbibed with Ouarterly Meeting: consequently, but much incense, w ith tl.e prayers of all our earlier teachings; u has been taken few conversions at that place! Our saints, was ollered ujh.ii the golden altar. with our mother s in. Ik. Jt cannot, Ouarterly Meeting was held at Lanes The seven angels, with trumpets ready, therefore be destroyed at once. lake.-. Chapel on the 3rd and 4th. ( ur venerable were waiting; but not one was sounded "o" ' -rT ' V , ' Presidim' Elder was not with us as we until "the smoke of the incense, which its roots. Will it die and wither in a hoped he would have been, owing to at- er.me with the prnvcra of the saints, as- day, week a month '. I trow not. tliction in his f iinily ; but we had our tended up before (iod out of the angel's Neither will our morsel and religions i.a- beloved Brother Simpson with us on hand." W e may not penetratj in tie- " 6 .l..., l,..-.. ...ong.i ..s Saturday and Sunday, who preached tail the import of these stupendous roots be cut. But it there had never with his usual ability, and greatly to events, the trumpets and the seals, hut been any roots, would the tree have the satisfaction of the' people." lie, and the connection ot prayer with them is grown? 11 there had never been any his sermons.will belong remeiiihcred.On clear. God's praying saints on earth belief in God and immortality, would Monday we went to work in good car- are among the most conspicuous and the higher life exist now ? nest with hope of success: the Lord's potent actors in these mighty movements . . """"7 , 1 . . . 1 . . . .. iXnlio.lv nin.-sii.T .is. fsnt.nr nst wo l-ii.im- -"""-j --o ' - ' of those who want maintain them, to have piscopal churches of any Sl. ,1111. lUll .1 ILI1..1.L I'll.,!,.. -.., llli,ll.s, l .1 . .1 . l ,. - . ti . r. i:i color in the South or anywhere e se. living creatures, the symbolical . , - ., . , . . .- , , , i 4i i .... ...tt. oil i--l- Y e do claim tue right to nidge whether workers, the elements, all .seem to work . , , . . -7 , , . r . ,.in, particular churches arc useful and pros- for the incense of prayer irom the golden i . . . . ' ( 'omiiahV ma re. i u lie i . 'l'he twelfth annual coiivciil i"ii of the Baltimore Con lireiice Sunday Scl 1 Society ..-The .Methodist I'hllieb Soul h lately 'met in Balti re. Mi t. Thomas J.'.Magrilder. ol Baltimore, president of the convention. Ou r ' I . , M 1 ... I lelegales were present ln ni .iai.Mauo. Yiieiuia and West iigma 1 he or -? . , ..... i i . i i .'.o gain.al loll em In iices miioo.s, i , 1 teachers and l,b- scholars. In common with tl"' missioiis.u other churches in Ind. a. the l.ehna mission of the American Roan! i- enjoy- -w iug this year an em "11 1 a ; m ; . i ui!. Last year was a very .ii ij u .n iliere being" only twenty-one a I 'itions to the. churches. Willi the op. uing of the year the catcchisis began to n poit signs of a revival among ihe poor. Many candidates offered themselves, the Scrip tures were more generally and carelully studied, ami in the tbst three months of , the year fifty persons were received into the "three churches connected with the Madura station. The congregations have also been gieatiy strengthened. The Evangelical M issionary S..ci - ety of France held its anni versacy at Paris, under the presidency, this year, of Baron do Biissierre. Ihe treasure! cpoi ted the receipts at t'-M.Tl'J Iram-s and ihe expenditures at 'Jol.l I'J francs, making a deficit n(,-' francs. This, dded to the deficiencies ot the two pre V . . , i i i . . r. . ceding years, makes a i.nai Mi ni m ",- 7C1 francs. The aui.nal report contain ed many di. coiirag'c:" il. ins the war in. 1 the drouth in .- .u l li Aliica, the failure of the mission P. the Banyais, the death of ueeii Poinaie of Tahiti, the depart il ic of M. Yillcg.-i fiom Selie- j and the large dch. it m the lica.-iny ( of the sociel v. I here has b.-ei,, nevel - j theless, some success. There have been m. hi', ei siohs, and the expedition ot M.j Coillard. though attended at pres.. id w ith failure, met in, iiism moinilable oh-f slacles. I ... li.i.r.i.1 tn wvn-n nn.l some neni-I wlneli are iieete.l trom the tliione ot I ....... e. i n'tm .,.i, t;.i 'Pi,.. 1.....1, ;u ,n.t ,..,,..l ti. c..ol flentcs the right . i:i 'p...i ,.;.,i.t -i. n ,.,...t tl... t,..,.t.. ,.t them, and will to increase u.iiii m,;piiai iiiii..i, ....in. uiu i.oL i. ,...-..- ii,., mi- tm.,iii.-i mi, mil. r . ,. ., ... . , ..x f i i. . I i .i ...:i 4....,.., il. .A ,..,.,U I Methodist E lIlC UOOU-gaies Ol uiviliu -;uoliiil.-s.s, oiiim- i ed to he hoisted, and copious showers of the grace of God came down upon the people. The old and young were made happy in the love of God. Quite a number of penitents presented themselves for prayer during the meeting : a good ly number were converted and joined the Church. There was one peculiarity about this work : every body seemed to be affected by it more or less. I do not recollect ever to have seen more general seriousness. We trust that this tide of divine influence will sweep on through the Circuit until the whole shall be enveloped in a glorious flame of revival power. Pray for us." Mr. Editok : Say to Brn. Sharpc that "like people, like priest," is in IIo sea, IV, 9, he had it, "like priest, like people." which is wrong. In Psalm LXY11I.."., this passage occurs: "A ii her to the f.ilhei less, and a judge o!" lae widows, is tiod in His Holy Habi- ilioii." I have often heard tin- e.iies--ioii "husband of the w idow ," hut I do not ree .T 'et ever Io have -ecu it ill pi int. I am o l ie opinion it is a misquotation of the verse I have given. Respectfully, R. W. Bus r. The above answer is, no doubt, Mich as our good brothel" Sharpe anticipa te i. Ep. If we are faithful to the duties of the 'e.seiit. (iod will provide for the future -Jiedell. vials. Ri:v. C. M. AxDicitsox Dear Bro: My attention has just been called to vour communication in the Raleigh Christian Advocate, on the subject of the moral status of children in which you ask for light upon certain points, which you state upon that subject. Permit, me to recommend to your care ful consideration, "Weslcv on Original Sin," and also Mr. Richard AYatson in his "Institutes on the Fall of Man," nit', on the "Doctrine of ( h iginal Sin." I am persuaded that when you .shall have read these two authors all your dif ficulties upon that mi meet wall have vanished. Your friend and bio.. W';. ( 'l.OSs. Toisn.it, X. C, August 'j:'.id 17. peroiis. And it at tins tunc ot day, al ter all the money spent there, "this par ticular church in Atlanta" is "a little flock," it would look, up this way, as though the Methodists Jiving down there prefer the other jurisdiction as they have a right to do. Atlanta is one-third Northern; Methodists cnought to fill two good churches have gone there from the North; and yet we have less than fifty of them under our juris diction, as we are informed. Facts of this class will have to be faced. Hys terics will not cover them up. W'e speak for a large Methodist public in saying that we do not enjoy being plac ed where- we are disintegrated, are not anxious to be put through the absorption process, and want to put our missionary money into the foundations of successful churches. New York Methodist. A note from l,'.-v. F. I . --wiiid. 1 informs u- tiiat Pr. lo--has I,i-i m -.1-I'eriiig gri .nl for aboil' lour weeks trom a painful carbuncle, Put i proving, and xp. els to i-e-nmi lal rs verv soon. He that knows how to prav has the secret, ot support in trouble, and of re lief from anxiety; the power of soothing every L-.ue. ai I Piling the soul with en- im-j tip. trust and coii,;dence for the future. hi- j "William ,fay. Prof. T. W. Jordan, ('tl.e Kentu. ky Ycs!e. in folei.e. !ns be, u ( ' ; ted t. the chair of Latin av.i ( , '-o'k in Kino; y and Henry College, which "-i ion he has accepted. J'hia we verv much rc- Anxiety ,s the puis, ,ii ,,f life; the pa- leiit t -ii.'i;y shis and ... more miseri. . Why, th. -n, alio' it, when we know that aii tiief iviie i guided by a Father's hand -lfHuir. Suu.sti.Lo fur tho Apvocate. HOW LITTLE GIRL FA( I P I LA I II. Willie, a bright lillle daughter of Mr. T. W. Wa lion, died recent l at her father's residence, near Roanoke, in the seventh year ol'ber age. Lillle Willie had been sick a longtime, yet she bore he;- al'uielioii wilh all the patience and foil it ude of one iiiii.h older. On tin day of her .bath sl; called her I'll I Ie brother and si.-ter around her and di vided among them her toys. She lin gered lliilil 7 o'clock in Ihe evening without the least apparent change, in a pcrfe. l ly conscious comlilioii. talking to those around her. She collided Ihe strokes !t I lie clock tolled 7. and W In n it had lini.-bed she liirne.l to her father and said: "Pa. I will never bear Ihe clock strike again : give me an apple." The apple w as given her ami, lifter eat ing it, she began talking of d ing, ex pressing a great a ver-ion to I cing put under the ground alt. r death. She was assured thai only her body was buried that '.he -piril I. -If ihe b.l tin. I wenl to heav. n. Tl.i.- seemed to give her great relief, ami again ad -dre-sing her falher, she said: 'Is ma watching for me in heaven!" andon being assured tliai she was. she said "Turn i no over llien. and lei me tlie." She was ti- iie-l y i orned on h.-r "hie and spoke no more. Tin: cluck t'.!lel S all I lie same, but little Willie 11, vcr heard it she was dead. II '' rd County .il a,- (M v. Bishop Whifiaker, of Virginia City has been giving ll- Nevada newspa pers some queer sU, lies of his experi ences in :i recent (our through Hie tow ns of T bo and Ward, Nevada. Al Tybo he could gel no building to preach in but a gambling-hoiisc, audio response to the Litany, instead of "Allien," an ex.ile.l listener, wilh his pants stuilcd in his boots, cried out "kctto." At Ward a hr-e-r:.ee had been announced for the afternoon, but at the Bishop's earnest request t he ra cing was p .-tponed till Ihe religious services were over. The whole congre galion went from Ihe church lo Hi race-track as soon as the sermon wu finished. 'l'he translation of the Bible inf.) tho language of i he I ako!:is has been com pleted. Pr. liiggs, the veiiei ilde trans lator, w rites from Con-l.-uilinople lhat the ;'-eoiir..tiou of the Turkish Bible for ihe press it at last finished The Old Testament is printed boih in (he Armenian ami the Arabic cha raclers as far as Isaiah: the New Testament is already printed, and il is expected that the wiio!e Bible, in both, characters, will be published in September. l'he Mthodist Kpis.opal I 'hutch of Canada has three Annual Conference-, 27.'JS" members, and :N1 Suntlav 8 -bonis, with 20,077 scholar. The i-aluo of its chui-di properly ii $ 1,207,1121.

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