.i nc Christian 2Mrotttc. tK'FICK loriur r Dawson ami Iliirg tl SU. T II L O 11 U A or TUB NOKTII CAUOLIN'A CON'r'EUENCE or inn M K. ClIUlUll, SOUTH. K..IC SB YEAH ' ADVANCR, IVSTA.iS rAIfi tlx t.i,-rn,, it i.aymrui ,. .l.-lijcl six ii;..ntl.s l.sa X. -I I T 1, 1" i ... .,.!, xuliM-i i tili'i- has crjufcl. ;'.'"" """"' j"'J'er L'" t.ti,ncT,rvitci'' j'fviiq li i I : ADY x'ATK. We iii.--- !:!,,,-! ipti'lll added !i.l names to our ist within thr pa-t thirty is the iiii-ot number of ' '"- 1I''IV hi- -cii!iers n:i v ' ever lltMlltl), ICCC! VCd If the . . . 1 uet thirty should brin. us .is many TKHlli'S. WC -II. in 1! in tin new l.lct hai -'hi!'! times" i-- dead i. that VI- -ball 11" long, ed v illi Lis -i'dco'.! prc-eiice 1 !TH;IAI I'.U IKI-'s. am t-'l ! 1' - : i i t - A i:mi:i- 'tiool llVlllll lintik ha- I been !.! in tin- Spaiii-h ti'li- 1 ' i Tli.. !;.-v . I". Deems, I. !., has i !......., i t'l.V tli'Nt Vcaf by I'll I II "1 1 - II' ' ' " ' Ahimi.i Ass.vi: 'ion .-!' Dickinson Co! A v: v ii..i.-u--:in; I V School ' '"l'. ''I'' I"11 jl v of t ii.iil.iUf tli.- - : County Mm w a- held i thi :;d nit., :ui ac- ive in mil ni.'Nt. , '.111111 o! will ,, We Will ! Tl . . . 1 stock ot In i ei"'siiorv ,,ks at the M. P.. ...-ed of by .New iinch, pi.l i -t-on- . I 11', I If i nth ! . in- been ie sale. d th De -!tol v t limed. Kev. W. S. Ul.i t. .11 Street iiilicll, i voikci . lie i- gr at . .!i:ii'. ';:.t I"!- ai.'i ! k, pastor an imlc beloved the etit: ,f l-.dell-Mtii.ble by hi re eolll- munit v. The l.-.t-i 'hailotte District 'on- i..,,"i.'e held at W.-.desiio!,.. stloliulv e,i- .1 .r-ed the A-l'-'-'itr a the igau . t , ' ' .Ilie! ell'.e. I'"'.'! ill '"l tii.-t. both c'eii-d and la .f tin wii! i S- aecpt l 1 their aeeitev anl rr.i 1 ' III I l ll.tll'V' " e..mi.i,.mi-iiig devotion to the paper. The vo'l-.w fevei continnes : Mem. .his. New Ori-an-and other point iiiiai-a!'- j. many new Th- laic.-! account ea-es and death ;...rt The , n. .inn vamv -.ve-ilher. Iiii d. mi' ties- caused the more vapid spiead ,.f :i,is terrible -e..mg Dir.- pe, ,0-ible. iie .1 1 i V silolil ii - a, 1 1 He "... obtained lil'ty-t.'hree new sub- ..-riliers ;it tlie aU.-bury District Coti- 1,-ieiicc hdd at Mouvcsvilie Ang.i.-i Jl, i.ti'i sev-n r-iicwals. 'J'his ii.akt- th.- Salisbury the banner District. At the Wihuingtoii Di-iri.-t ' 'oiifci.-nce we .,!.:ii:,ed titty subscriber... W.-l! d-'iie i i l . : ..,. ..-. .-r tii Saii.- iili r" i:-irici: ii is nn,- ... lelice ni.-p l'..... ole .-clfl- us ait lid- a. tide, u hici: apjiear- i.i another column li; .".'oisioii t,. I'.ro. I hom.'i- is toil- h- The hand of aftlict ion i. upon him, hi - fai.h i- strottu- in ' and in tin Wei ll Hi- inn. lit. in Ins ahsenct. li.-lii his j.fopie. he I . sllh- c; iiie tor ' t ne to our '..nfeien.-e propose, I. Adcoraix. them How This U'.e m.iie i w .it i v ot imitation - Complaint reaches u- trm v.inous ,-es tli..! lh" Aie.oi v.r. for the past i tw i weeks, ha, f;.i! iiimiber ot sub-.crib. to reach a iargt i.. i -. j in.- we very lnil.-h reglet ie paper hi., been . live red t" the post office in Raleigh in dm- time and we supposed it had goiii l. -.il.'.' K to all si.bsci iiiei -. The fault i-ii'.t with the Ai'Vt" mi: office. W wi: e:i 1 he altelit loll ot .Mr. hull", hi .iipeivi-or of until route- in North t'.iro lin.i. ti: the fact, and get him to look in t-. : 1... matter. Mr. L. M. Yearby, one oi out . . e:ti:en-., was found dead in bed on Fri d iv iii"i niiig last. l or several vears It.- had been a successful and popular -locerv merchant of this city; but mop thnn a year ago he retired from busi ne on iiccouni f failing health. His death, though suddi-n, was not unex pected. Mr. Yea i by wa- about forty- eight vears of au-- a good citizen kind neielibor, and iiaiil. His funeral in illfect ioiiate bus was preached by Kev. V. S. Klaek from Kdelitoii Street t'hui. h at four .."clock, P. M ., on Sat -in -Li - the olst instant. May a kind pvovideiiee blest- and take cue of hi st riehen wi iin 1 cuil.lreti. We hear of a number of preachers and -ome lavnicii who are making up clubs for the -dcocale. Let the can vas, be pressed vigorously by all. In tiie vYestern Distiicts camp-iueetiug.-are being held. Will the Presiding I'.l- ler- .ijij oint -ome brother at each meet ing to take subscriptions to the Advo lutc '.' Thcic are many ju-otracted in-ft nigs a i in jirogrc? in many pas- tora! charges. Ihethreii, make special cilort for the A dcocate at these meet ings. All the members ed' the church, and especially the young converts, will need the paper. Jl any person wanting the paper should not be prepared to pay just now, send on his name, and pav the money at Conference. The Wilmington Star says that a ji?ii iful ritiu'i) w.is in circulation on the s' ts ye-tei't-iy, to tlie effect that mv- ral in.'iul...;! - of the Methodist churches i.i-i : .1.. ..,11...! at in tins citv, on r ii'i.M ; , " . . . . . i. i i i .... tho residence -l Ix'V- I'l. l.uri..:c...., .... seventh, between Mulberry i .1. -. se- nut st uvls, ati t mi- '- i " Tl..-v v.-i-iv t.i!; u i-ii- Mulls J0""''t"! t;...K- l.v sin in is.-, it i ;ti-I, ;tmt 1 1 iV... .... .-.. it -I !H'I' isli'1 CllUISO l''iUl'l "l" i " ' ' v ;.s tin- li.-t.ji- l:.-i..-in--l t. In.- an -iii eiali sfllt ii-.jln ,lt till' tllll-'. 1!1' who !ia:tieiii;it.-'. m ill.. '-j.i.'iiiliii;-:" .........v.i iv.' l.-;.iii. that th-v had a - 1 d even f. .i- sn.'l. i oiik -.'i-ulli. all . . ...... .. .... .- i threaten, im the iiht -t to repeat the olVenei-. ir.ivoe.ition, A Northern i'.aj tist iiajier.serioiisly i: , , ii. .-t i, hi whether i..i . 1 futi- . b.niti-f tllieielies slum 1,1 1- ,.;,lled 7?y;'and Christian. It is said, that a negro man hearing a preacher read a p. aver once, at a Kailroad meet ing, turned to his comrade and .said: -.lak.s I reckon dat was de fus time de Lord w.is i-v.-r written to on de subject ..I' .!.. Kailioad." We reckon the edi tor of the Wat, luiiuu is the !hst man thai ever had the impudence to discuss Mich a .U.-st:oii. S.iibiiiA District Coiifei- :ice, which closed its b.i.ois on the ilh ins;., u .is .i erand sii. eess. lu some re , . , '....!'.... Sj-eC elice .ells v. as an . it surpa -se.t any ii-mci ' we have ever alt. -tided. lie citl- of M..ore.-vill.','.vh.-re i he ( 'oi.lereuce held, ot all deiioiiiinati.-iis. without ve.-i.tioii, wen- inspired with the M.irii !' the -.,-casi ,!.. The -t: teiidanee ,.! on liii- 'oiilereiice leiiiarkahle, .-Ul'l the ij.-ili. 'lis l'h,!ii day to heal the word of lite lime. Kvcrvi",iv s. i icise.s was very immense Cotiyre d.iv, assi-iubled to weie morally sub nied eauei to hear the liu-ai;e fiom .o,'i'.- sol (Uts. L he pre.iehiii g w;. '-1 :i hi-h oni'-i , ( Ieav i!i,.' oul the sermons o! '"'n- utilei,) the ii ( In- i.oi-.i w as j. resell' and -1 1 . r ie tn , i nivvailed T'her. ueie -ever;.! the sel- e. ill V vicc We -loll s on the Loi !' ta w.-ie coiitiniied duriiig' ki.-l week, hall epeel a good report lrom lho. Tripled, the pastor of the i l'ro. i'.ruton. the popular J're-idii liurch. g I'.l- )" is .. l.iilhful and tun- olli.-cr ..I the .lone, The Ad ' ! if. was .-tl Iv eiidoi-cd by i. -solutions of the Conler eiiee, seeoiidci by li fty-t hree m-w sub scribers and seven renew ah-. W e shall over have ph-a-ant r.-e. A leet ioti- of .M..,.re-viile -in I it- kind and. !io-j,it.ihle eitiv.-lis. i ii. f: in Tin: pcLi-iT. Ji l IS .1 .1 1 III I ireachim I ll.lt IIIOVI 1 tie people, li.-i" is attaiiiine-.its, who repent, believe, ;i! die; of slender . hi- hearers to ,1 Converted ib ei,,..,--and shines and bailies his audi a; ence in tears. The renovating power ot i new life -i. reads ail through hi.- charue lb-i-e i- another pieacher. rich in learning, and ponderous in iiitcilec- in i! ... i ni ; nieiii . who talks a great deal d.ou t in; niai"! ue! h.giea! .-.m-! 'ire "i hi- -.-nl is i-tic le.-oniu-. am. nnii'.i preini-es, isioll-," A'..'. but the so siiioth. red by th.-'.t no -iriction 'i ies Hit I., melt 1 he liCii : . .Ml. i men -a v 'What i-t!ie u-e ,! leal ning '.'"? 1U ji.'ople -hoiiid icmemtiei. th;it it is not 'real li-ii rui iil . which prevents men I roh i being, elfi'idive. bin th- fa-.-t that thi I can ih iq is not red hut 1 he temper ii':-e ;- too low P. make a weidiii.g h'-at. tiiv.-it icaniing ci,,u ie;-.' with terveir l -pint 1- almosi ii'iesi-t ible. The truth .f tin, statement may be seen m the examples ot Paui, Luther, Wesley, Y!ut!icl 1. Chalmers ami .-thers. What the le.i; in-1 -ni l iinie.ii he,'; need in the pn'.'.'i: i- th lire"!' the Holy Cht. A hot blunt iron will bum its wav tliiom;h the hard-hearted sinner ipiieker than ;i sharp po'i-l-.;d one that is cold as ice. When a field lies overed with snow . . . . , -i with ii.- iiosoin lull "t e 'iius ami seeils that want to grow, w e. l. o does ll..-.! tie ,1 heed .' it necl- tin n.ii sun p, mcit the w armth of t he ver siiovv and ipiickeii the seeds into giowth. The souls ot sinners lie mil before the puloit as that tie it. .mi uiiies- .he piiipit cateiies the warmth from I he sim ot rigl.te-iiP ness .and pours it down upon the.- Iro- .en hearts, thev will never hloom and .1 bear P . lit. There seems to be too much stiff propriety in our modern pulpits to allow the electric the fr -u.se. "I'.c moderate, says the spirit ot the times. Why thcic is no such moderation found in all the world as that in tin ice-house. lint whether a preacher thunders or whispers, if the power of the spirit be upon him, his words win o.- , m . "Pulpit dignity reipiin-s that every . i. - i i . -. iiuiig ne tioi.e verv proper while one is preaching," it is said. Well, yes, but men never lx coiiie so beautiful in grand dignity it- v, hen their f.-n-es become ra di.iiit w it h the glowing warmth of re ligion. There is no such dignity a seen in the sun when he rises full-orbed and changes the earth from the barren ness of winter into the bountiful fruit - fulness ot the summer. Let us have the dignity of the summer in the pulpit not the still', fro.eii digui-ty of winter We close by giving the striking illus tration of William Arthur, taken from his "Tongue of Fire," which every preacher ought to read at least once a year: Suppose we aw an army ltting dow n lietore a granite fort re-s. ant they told us thai they intended to bat ter it down. We might ask them. How? They point u- ton cannon-ball. Well, but I here is no power in that: it i- heavv. but not more than a Inimli-eil w ci". ht or half a hum! red w ci" hi. If all the men in the arm;, w ere to throw ii. linn . .nut iii.im' no impression Tln-v .v 'i. lint 1....1 ... Well, but there i- no not,-..,. ;.. .i...t .;. i.-,.... . k iiim , ii is a machine, ami nothing more. I'.ut iook ai ine owuer. n ell. there is no lower in inai : a tul.l mav siull it, a sparrow may j.i.-k it up. Yet this piny. cries, powder ami thi- pow cries, bail ui Im iiiin un, powerless cannon: o; xni, u it Jin. eniers jt. ami then, in the twinkling ot an eye. that powder i a llash of lightning, and that cannon- oa 1 1 a t numlerliolt. w hich smites as if it had been sent from heaven. So it js will, our Church machinery of the pre-cm day. We have our in-trument- lor pulling down tin: -trotigholds, but ih, Jijr 'he -jiui uj Jli . 1 ,v l -..I.i. r .1 ..I.:.. ,... .t in its iirtiw. i.. .i ;.k ,.f ,,in- iiiotr;icti'il ;i:nl in inv; iiii'iu i -.-umm -mo.-lin.s, th.- .ii.-stioii ..flicw to liil rcligiaii i.s one ..t jjiv.-tt liciiiency :m.l initu.itaiiec. Th.' t-'H" 's.-tk" .i i:i 1 . ."....1.- vi' 1 In' I'uliK's 1 1'' mi tin1 JM'J"-- . .11 L.uil wliih- Ui'iii.-tv lio i.mii'i. 1" m.oii him while he is near. I Here are c three In,... iImh.'s involved in 'eeUin-' .slie- 11S eessfully any tliilli?. vi.: Tlie deel.-loli ol the will-earne.st perse vera nee, ami tm use of theriyht means. ! man can do any definite tiling until Ins win ne ..;,!.. the .loin-' of it. The will of man 'J is th.- nioiieer to all aettoii. tho X riuiuei oi ...e r-.f .1... i. Ill ..f man direct In so (mi.-... .i ..... course. In a certain sense, a thing may be said to he done when a man has fully made up hi- mind to do it. When a man decides to build a house, plant a ciop, or make a journey, the thing ing practicable, the work is done " i i .1... l,...:k;,.M , peeUVCIV. l.Cineeii i in; .i'-i... v ill. to accomplish a certain thing, its accomplishment, lie nothing but time and the use of the means. The first I . . IT and most effective step in secKinw: relig ion is the determination of the will. On thU pivot turns the sinner'H responsi bility as to his attainment of rel.gion. "Ye will not come unto Me that ye might have life," said the Saviour to the Pharisees. It was nut the wicked- ik's- of these people that stood bet ween I them and .salvation, but their unwiiling- ness to ne saeu. i i Kccondlv, after this step is taken, 1,.... must be an earnest ami perse ei - HliV use i.il Uie iiie;iiis in .- .' . 1 - . .4 . .l. -.i;.... ih'.-in' , .- i- i .1 l.t it- is the ii'.-e '.;ni oi i "'., ' applici ti.ni involves the tree agency m , .. f man. A person gives a young man a ( il id i i- tl,.. 1....1,. "ill ot the hool; will ll'n'IV, IMIl '!.'. .... .. .-, - - - . , i not benefit him unless he reads. an 1 I sin, ies its truths. l ne waiei i ri-1 i ... i .. now in- ilia river is uie nee u. - i- :v ,,( ....mi', ( ne man builds his mill upon its b;niki -adjusts its wheel so as to utiii.e this iiiiwev to -!-; tit I his irraiu oi saw his lumber, or spin and weave his col- ton. Allot tier man lives on me .-.o.n r, who could utilize it as well a ithel, but choi-.'s to let it go roll- i ve the ing by him unemployed. The first . i : : ..K-. ,.n.. works out ills iic nni. ii v .-n , ilie latter die- in starvation. Who is to blame .' A child can an wer correctly. So the stream of salva tlmi (lows full and lice bv every man s loor, but if he docs not make a persona . i -11 V appropriation ol it, he will die. .v e- 1 once was wrecked .,t sea. 1 he li.t .-.ts iv...-,. lowereii. and there were ii-.t boats enoi-.eh to take ;.ll on l.o.iru - Among the men swimming about, .soon to sink, was one w no raspeu won . . i i i. hand a boat -already full. tcariii" it would sun; rv i ne aa-uuou . , i - i i .i ii:.:.. . t- .' i another man, cut this mans hand -ml . , i 1 1 i..: l l i.i ,1... with a sworn. Hi' run noi.t ii ..i. ne- tiiev bainl that too was cut off. The manned man, so .anxious io .-.-nr: m Pf'.. si-Min im tlie third time and seized I ite io.1T Willi HIS iceill. 1 ll.il toui.n.-, . . . 1 " . M'l.... .......I.... the men in the boat so deeply they n lented .and took him in. It was car iiestiK-ss thai saved, his life and such l-ilii-ioiis earnestness would save tin world in the ark of salvation. 4 - - .ICDCMi'.NT I.KADJNC T( KKl-'i K MATlo.N The sore famine, in Chin;, is a kind ol a moral cart huUiiKe in awauen unu son- , .-i i . i .i. ........ i ;.l in.., i.l.i in. from the deep shim ;i'-r ol th. 'ir moral anat iv. Ine reiiel being ;!t:'ordcil bv the ngencv of the Mission .-ii ie- anil me cinisuaii uiuioii- is .n i.i i .: .. ..... ..... .. ... niie' thciit over to the embrace of (Chris tianity. Thus we see how this famine is a kind of a providential plow-sjiare to break up the fallow ground of that he.itheu nation, in the furrows of which the gospel seed can be sowed ir. the hope of a good harvest. Long ago, tlie prophet said: "When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the woiiil will learn righteousness." Cleat calamities precede and open the way for the -oread of the gospel. A long night ospel. A long ni: .... x . -, . 11 oi r.gvp. ian ii.mnage i .receded the de- ... r ,i... i , ,..i.;..i, .. iliioi,..!,.,! li vera lit ,c o. .lie '.."I..-, '. in. 11 .ii... ....... in tlie magnificent reign of David. The destructioi! of .lerusalem was lollowe-d bv the conversion of the Konian empire i m..-; ;...; Tl... cl unities ..f the iv.,..i- 1...1 .1... C'..r.,..,...t;..,, of 1 ' . 1 I IV . li - I'll l.LH. I III. , V" I" ..'. ' i I Luther, and a destructive formalism that great revival of dohn Wesley, which has done so much glorious work in - ...c ..,,.1 building up chris tian ei viliz.-Hioii. There is frozen win ter in the history of the woild, but in due. t ime, the budding spring comes, then comes the maturing summer, whost green lap is filled with fragrant flower and golden fruits. It seems that no one has ever written a hook to teach the world of ministers I what are rue ex ci ru es oi i in ii 1 the exact rule manners, hut we see that a certain ec- clesi.-.-tical body north ot the Potomac river, says that the preacher should ; 1. Avoid freijiieiit drinking of wat while preaching. 2. Should not lineer nor pound the Bible. 3. Should not begin with a long apology. I. Should not preach beyond forty minutes. Our Discipline lays down two rules, namely: JTot to preach too loud, nor io long, both of which are more fre .piently broken than observed -xt the late session ,-,t i l,e (nan, Lodge of Oood Teni -. held at New is wen- . leele.l. Kerne.the foil lowing oiln io serve tor one vear: i W C T., T C Williams. O W V T., .Mr- P. M t 'ales C W S., Y Kallar ! C W T trs V C Keck with. O W- C, Kev Al) Cohen. O W Chap., l.'ev N K Pitm.-p C W" M., .'oltn D jiiirch. C W D Si.. Mrs W F.dw-i, W A S., Tl.os. Han.; -.,!! u W 0 C, Jiicharu XV. Kaleisli Clifistiaii Advxxjata jjkvival iNTELi.n ;i:xciq . llanlisuii M iites fcnu stren;- ..f the Master, botli in tlie inn Hi aju in . , . . 1 -. - 1 - . tin-ahar. We thaiiK !, anu wko co n rage. Kev. I- H. Cibbons writes lrom 1 an- -ii i ... .Wo ..I' Aim-- 7l i and Rev. .i. , . f iilcastue aint uratiiieauon oi uuuimus .iiwiiimi i-iuihis, - w., - -...j . iiioh'h v" v (..Icosl.-.ry t.,Auy. M. Cl)nt;.,.0UCe of Con- lour or live days in the y,lla-e ol , , -We have i.Kt elosed a very pnlit- the U.ml Viaiit J v Mooresvillo, beyond your e.ity, on the .,., ,.,t .us tells ns that t lu. .1, s, ,, ;.,., II-.U's Chai-el- lOjer- 001,1 VV-S- . , V.lm T it (). Kailroad. It m-m the oeea- fr Mli;l!l,., 1.,-dies ol select n, uiisln- t w ere hp il v e o ive e o i,d,n,l -hmeh, winch is ahont !h,''e "U . Mo, of he Melho.li.t Conference on ,,,, u,(.(l th(! number lloe, s . in o,:'d,our,i:i:.hr,,r.,,,rofthosvho l -r"3nS yXTt he they nsed the niiniber.,. i l ,.,l...,s ,.f -..nr -"bb- " ' - . l,liiiiHiei, le-iii.n "'- " . i.nii.-i- niimi'e!-was.!ii!'''!'-ss ...ii... .- oiessou ,.o...j ' - i r Mtuatiou is ,.ictiiro.s4u.!, ana lascniiumg uh (VU. ,tcU--ntes from each riislonu , , ,,,,(. .U.1P. hlll,h i ne cmirc, . to ;UoVcr ot uature. 'Tisratherelevat- . ,m . within ti.n 1,o.,..;1k t l ml P.s- r " ; ' : ; . .,(,.s ,S1,K.1: ..n-tnene.i. i.io. . . j (j t f . uaKS( t The J-resi.lm.i: l-.l.ler, ne . i '. . , , ., and did much to advance the crtiws 7 f! .,l,s- some lii-nto,.. WS.s ..resenl and ureMded xvitl. the latter had someiv-ect o.he .ev.i.U thin i. i ..... ......v 11 .... .1... 1 I,, .1... ...11 ,.,,1U- Last week we had a revival f un- - . . l ........... .it i!-i...i usual lnieresL aim ...... j Spring, resulting in -J accesio,s to the c Hire l. about Uie bame nunnvi ' .1 . . ..... . I .4 eonversioiis-the church greatly (piiiken ed This week we arc conducting i se lies of services at Aew lope; project P.ai.tist and Presbyterian brethren i-our , i i .. . i , c .1....', teolisly U'llilCie'l Hi me o. n..i. I,.-. el.es while ours was under reum. W'e used the Presbyterian church.'' Kev. P. F. W. Stanley wntjj from A ii-"-ailtoll. .vuyr. --im . I last i have held 'Since 1 wrote to yon two very mteresiiii" meei inns in nii.n many souls were born to Cod. At Lin ille the church was greatly revived about L"i conversions, and '.I additions to the church, i began last Saturday at : ; boa and eolit lmieit until ycsu-rna "...lii,.,l i v A Lira.-ions, meet in- tin i-.di iiieliibers hill illl SecillCU to I'C blessed, l-orlv live ppr.-oiis c.ii.iectc themselves with our church, ami i,e twecn o" and 10 professed saving l.-iith in Christ. Many heads ot families arc beiii"- re.-eued lrom sin. Class ami . , . i t i : . . ..v. e.! i ;i mil's are oeimr esiaiuisneu u o " ,-C el al pijlllls. IIOIWK mi si Ml j;ie.uei i-e-u is. bus 1 linve heen lahormg loi ii .lays in .succession, preaching day a.n id.. bt and thank CodJ still Icel aide to , 1 1 . .1 . .. " I .. ...... ........ llo lllOie WOllv IO! IIIU .ll.iste;, ,inu io lav 1 feel nearer to Cd than when 1 hist llt'L'Ull. I begin a two days meet- in" next Saturday. Jucthren, pr.-.y I ..... I'., il-lte Killlietilill"- ovel tl'IH persons have joined our church on tin circuit, since l oiilereiice. 1 lianas io an . . . . - . , i it the brethren, both private mid oflici who aided in these meetings " Kev. J. T. Lyon write- from !'e, Aug. --hit. ;ts follows : White- On the first Sunday in this mouth I commenced a pi oti acted meet ing at Car ven Creek which continued with great interest for thirteen days. The spirit aal condition of this church h.ts been lot evcral ears at a very low ebb. 1 he mem bership had fallen off, and up to this spring there was not uiu t-uonun o .... .1 . . i:i- i. ;,. ,1.., church to keep up a Sunday r-ciiooi. . . . i t- i i Among the few faithful ones that re- . . i .... .. i ..i r..it m unei i There a iioneiessncss an -.bout tlie future of their church. n ... month before commencing the luotrac- t..,l i iin' I reoiiested the meinbeis to .. .. i covenant with me to pray three nines ; day. one month, for a revival of rehg Hiii; Tins we tint, anu niesscti no 1 1 is no -,., -i-i iii . i i . n: .1... Iv name, our praying and lasting was not in vain. The Lord blessed us with the most gracious revival ever w itnessed at Carvcn Creek Church. The interest was deep and pervaded the whole sur rounding count ry, not only among me white people, but also among the colored, who came in great numbers and united in singing the old-fashion camp-meeting hymns. It was truly a time of great rejoicing tioiu the presence ol the Lord. Sixty seven c.ot. vetted that I know of, and 'M accessions to the church. The meeting could have b -on contin d with great profit another week, but circumstances over which I nan no con trol, prevented. The good work is still beinu continued bv n young men's pray er-meeting, organized there on the night we closed the revival. I'p to this time there have been loO inversion- on mv circuit and nearly I llio accessions to the church. 1 can not close this letter without thanking, in the name of the church and Pastor, Dr. l'urkhcad, for the great ind valuable aid rendered. At any time, he stands in t lie front rank of preachers, but on this occasion lie surpassed himself, or anv pulpit eltort 1 ever heard. I he six sermons preached at 'arven Creek will In- long ami gratefull v remembered for their power and unction. We not only love him as a brother, but we are proud f him, and pray that hi; may be blessed I with many souls for his hire, and that . , ne may ne s .iiieu io inu innii in.iuv vears. A Ve also thank Kro. Tart, Cray, j.tllll,. .,, l;,owiiing for helping to win I souls to Jesus and advance his king dom. May Cod bless them and carry on the. good work. 1 go to-morrow t I . . . . ., . I ..i..-r...i. in 'ill, .it, ei- l'l.VIV.'l I l'.iv- III!' lis Kest love to you, and treat success to the dear Apvoi vi v.." INFANT SA LVATf ON. UK. CJLOSS HIS ADVl'. l'.. Un. r.oiiitirr : The advice given bv Dr. (.'loss, in the last u timber of your piiper, to au inouiriug brother concern ing infant salvation is good for us all, and 1 desire to thank him for it. 1 think all the iiiijiiiries which have recently arisen concerning the state of infants are fully met and answered in the articles lsl.. .-111,1 . it-oil l'..',.l'l'llil to 111- 111 o .pi , :,:, i ,i ,. ... ,. I l loss. Ihe :niiiii mg hrotner enter hained a hope that some one would" re- same the discussion on the subject of m fatit salvation. I "entertained" no such hojie. Sucli a resumption 1 deemed fu tile. The recent attack upon our stand aid doctrino concerning infants is no new thing under the. sun. It lias even been said that Hie doctrine as we hold it "rests like a horrible nightmare" upon the church. A- much disposed as I am to slumber I have not vet seen this "horrible nightmare." Nightmares of ten come of indigestion and indigestion from imperfect mastication: mid when they trouble us concerning the above subject it is evidence that "Weslev mi "rii-n.-il Sin," and Mr. Kiehnrd Wat .son's Institutes "l n the Fall of M -' .liid i l ocs in i . in aii i i ::! ... Il"t been eel kii'slcd. If.., we!! uri-ricate . iaiiiuu to sleep i ..; ...i arc troii Mel m o-u dieam-, let u- '. . . the fatal dc'us:. j. that they are -oiii" thing ne. re. W iien we liave had dream- hew -'lad ac ir.. upon awaking. ti,lea;n th it t iiey are only dreams. Mv delil- i t'.- .pint -.i is that Mc-sr-. Wes ley a. id Watson were right, aad ill t.icks 'ijx'ii i heir loct' ine, have luore th in oiu e lei.iin le-i me ot -mall hat tci i ng i .uu pinupiiig iig.iii-t a Colossal stone wall, flu y have a wouderlut teliienev to de velop t In i i i, -ei v at i-ni "f Al- t ho. 'i-m . Aug J!', 17W. JiLV.i-H-. be- hn roviViii guua. .iM...jn.i..- suulh was the morning worship, nevei .u audience, ami the a ila r ,va- crow .le.i - .-i..,.," tthe .s circuit we have had during the wear abundantlv blessed, and unreserved- wilh many, asking "w hat uiii-t I do to .......be. ot -eiit d . . Us. t u '. stood and profitable meetings. Uev al . " . j , Au invitation was ex- be .av.-d." l''"1 laberuacies, wh.lhei .1 si.s w.in " ,lK" at all our protracted services withone t-elklll t( ..e.utei.t.s to accept the oilers The .Mell.odis.s. assist.-! by the Pr.-s- ....w going, the .leu s were accus o,,,e, o and Din- church at aneev die 7 i l ,.,. t fl. al- bvleriaiis. have erected an elegant sac ill ice seventy bullocks in behal! ol . 1 V ... I.. ........ i i 1 Ii.. I - , . II . i li..nc,. hi. I'.'ll . .'I (I MMl'Ill V 1111.1,',"' has ust heen repaired and improve in .' ;;,; ., (': Thomas, the pastor of Church build i gr under the direct ..on. tIl(. (JeiltUe HilUtls (Whedou). a nit and substantial manner. We " ; . ;k " h fol. . th!,,, three X.?"" ' shall oceut-v it at onr next service. 'Our ,'ifV" ,',,..,.; y,.A of attending to 1 'w01'.1'' .:. A'. ' '. '"i. "? UKLLCLCCS 1 NTKLLK i KN CK. LETTKK Vium CONCOHD ( u yesterday 1 enjoyed tho very great .,,) :i viist forrst ,.r ,. i,;,.i, tmror l.ii'li in their irrandeur, I vi nun... u whih. others seem to desire to loim theiiiKelves into a carpet, so extensive and wide-spread is their surface. "What lis of beaut y are these large, rilteil, ...,;. 1.. in tli.-beautiful surromidinirs of ...-,'..'r.i'iii l i.rivs : 111 ... thisCMiurch building, we .saw Nature's Cod; in the hearty hand grasps, and carncHt words of welcome we tell ins ,-ds of welcome we felt His christianizing inlliiences, and, as we en tered the house, for worship, we know that his Holy Spirit had found a home within those walls. A least unto onr rtioniiis. iieen m-jin'wi -i" .- liis pulpit ministrations, by feeble health. Nol withstanding his weak state, he ac- ......,i,'ii,;,.,l n-i vest en la v. and it was " i". J , , . .. ...... I,,.., he .-nose, aint aaurcsseu a iew i .' tl.r, elil'is worils oi eucoiiraLieiinni. u v....... . , - , .: ... .1.. .... IKins, ami gave some instruction iu nm imputing the way oi uie, iu.it me -.,.., ...l;,,,, ,..,,,;((.steil StroiiiT - . ., f . .1.... .1... .,..., III.. II-.L IVLII' , ... ..... ... nicii wept, and sobs were heard from very part ot the house. 1 was a glorious - 1 . i ii i. . .season long to oc reiueni ucren : -nci n.-.i takine- of an excellent dinner, which f,..t.. ,..,., sisters in tie country -now i . . i so well how to prepare, the ,uai-terly Cenfcrciice was held, and displayed many very inteiestiiig fcal'ircs, a few ol which 1 deem worthy ot notice here. 1'he y reater number of the official board was present. 1 hey are good, true, taitli- ful mea, and do creilit to the t ircu.t. Thev, as do all J!ro. Thoina.s' inemocis. showed a strong love ior, and beaulilul levotioii to, their worthy pastor, and les ire to keep and care for him in his l .... ...ii i .i WeaKliesS, W lio so liomj .-ci.e.i mem in his strength. They esteem it a high . '', t i, privilege. li appearsu ioin me icwoim i the various l.relhren, mat ine noes. j,,.',,, ,,t ,, ft,,,,, the pulpit, by the . : 11 I . . . ictive in attend o.tsloi. are not nue, nut ing to all the intep-sts of the Churches. Tlie spirit thev show is hot only worthy 'commendation, but of imitation. When the literature ot the ( hurch ... .... t , n- ii 1 was considered, t he I . I'.., I lcv. v . 11.1 r.obbitt) very strongly urged upon the Coiitenmce their duty in the support ol the Adrocate, as the organ of our Church. This, 1 am informed, lie does throughout the District. I'.ro. Thomas stated that, during the present year, ne intends to raise the number ol sub scribers, tin his Circuit, which is at present twenty or twenty-five, to a clul ot fifty: and that he entertains brill iaut hopes of success. 1 think his marked alliance to one of our most important Church enterprises challenges the an- I prova'l of us, who are physically strong- Mini in iii Wiiv. it vt ii mr I ,,' , , ,., ',:,,. ,1V , - ?-, I it. iing 1 1 Kcw :se. I tn t 1 :iii. m.'ib hi" in v lette r Too loin'. I ..... - . .... - -' '-"-'I Hill .'I S Hill ill VI l"l"-"'-v i-'v.-! I - - " .... t . . . -.1 I.... I .ri'1,1 l wtl mi I llos.l .in--. j.. ...... ......w iir,,,.. i senee w :ls i el l o ei ;i u iiiinn ini: . -.. . i . ,..i I will simjily and aoruptly add one or two decades increased nearly Rtce.' y .. iio.i-i.il " '. nioie sLiiei.iein.. a nun l tioiiiv me Advocate has ever done better than it , . . .i -. I is now doing-in this section of country; ii- 1 1 . tt .. ...,1 .. , : ....... 1 1 1. 1 I sincerely hope that ere long it may have a tar more extended circulation, ind. through the medium of its columns, shed light around a much linger num ber of southern firesides. Yours truly, II. P. Colic. TO JK"cL0SS. ir lirnthcr : In consult ing Mr. Watson, according tn your suggestion. Iind him about as much in the .lark on the point at issue, as I am myself, ile s:i s: "Xori-it surprising that this pi occ-s inuihl be hidden from us. since the gospel wa.- written for aduM-. though tiie benefit of it is designed for all : and the knowledge of this work ot Cod, in (he spirit of an infant, nnisl presuppose mi acquaintance w ith the properties dfthe human soul, which is. in fuel, out ol'our ri-ach." 1 1 o i.s speak ing in reference lo infant regeneration, or, at least, of the beuelits of the atone ment of Christ to the infant world. Ami in another plaet, speaking of the effect of Adam's sin. and the extent of the atonement, be says; "For, n 1 h roughoiit the Apostle's reasoning in the .".tli chapter of the Fpistle to' the Koiiiiins. u which reference has been made, "tlie gift." 'the free gift,"' "the gift of grace."' mean one and the same thing, even tin: whole benefit given by tlie a bounding grace of ( 'oil. through the obedience of Christ : and as these verses are evidently parallel to 1 Cor. XV, 22. "For. as in Adam all die even so in Christ .-hall all oe made alive, "it follows, that dying ami being mad alive in the latter passage tlo not reler to the body only, but that dying im plies till the evils, temporal and spirit ual, which arc derived from Ada m'. sin, and being liii.de alive, all the bless ings which are derived lrom Christ in time and in eternity." " Now I do not propose to deny tin total depravity of the human family by the fall of Adam, the first, that is clearlv set forth in the ISible, and fully . , lr . -,, ' . . . -. shown lv 3lr. Hntson. J!ut Avhat I want to know is. that if the atonement ,.i tl,,. jeeoi.,1 ViPiin ..ml -'..ll tl... l.l.. w iiigs which are derived from Christ in time ami eternity, ' are to be applied to ;ill ol A. bun's lioktcritv. --liv is imf the little child thai never committed actual transgression, (if the atom-incut reach- es us far as the fall.) recognized as be ing righteous, not by natural inheri tance, but by grace ? It is un easy wai ter to refer to some author, to use irony, sarcasm, and to apply epithets of l'elagianisiii and Socinianisiii, &c. much easier than to answer objections, ami lo refute arguments. Yours truly, C. AI. AxuKiisov. Newton, N. C, Aug., 1S7N. ritKSlDEXT U. L. A UK R NET II Y Mh. Epitcui : I agree with von h.-.t a liseussioii of this subject is unnecessary. i ,i... . ..: i i It seems that my article stirred my good brother Abernetliy. I am sorry. 1 thought almost every one would know who was meant by "the bishop of the Local Preachers Conference,' and f '.! -t. My iirticle was intended -iiiij iv .-- . t in -tateiiient of fact- to mv local breth. . i'-iug sure that mo-l t th. lu vvol.i i be able to ruiogni.e the , : may be .. who are linnet ess.i ,,, . itati i ibjc.t That they nave in .... ,, ii" - . I have little doilid I will say, ii ..cover, lot the benefit o! my good brother Abei net hv, that I 'i ten.le.l no jlimj at him I h.'lieve ioiii incapable yflittlt uS.- I learned a year ortWo;"oto re-peet lis 1 1! t.'l 'ft . Hid doubtless, if 1 knew him bcttci. Would him more. At anv C'l'niiti'iiinl, i V-'iir- tni! . 1. rate, esiial j-eni-4 . . VAils. r i i I r?u.i'--"v- " ii. -i.i i .... vv 1 1 1 1 1 i is i ii .i If. r.llllMll. nii, . .- . ability. H i . . i ..I emeu io m- v-i it . ;.. I...;.. r, and certainly, )i;lg- tiKl'il'V HIST IU.Ml.li ing from wliat I saw, know - liow to Saiihediiiu. .losephiis tells us that u run a District and a Conference, know- rlIS s,.ut twelve Jewish legates to the ing everv point on his District and i .;cbatana; and bv the dews of " ' "" having the whole business m IiisIiuiki. His people sa v bu has .lone great goo.i on bis w ork. The pieaehiug hy Dr. I.oi.'.itl oi Uillei-h, J'residing Khb-r .Nelson ol Shelby, T. A. lio-ne ... A ...-ksv.! U- ... J. lielin or rmiiM'iin , a no o- v i of Meckleubiirg.'wiis i-einai kably line .unl practical. The result w as that on Siibbjith arieriioou ami n ig the 1 i- vine I'resen.e wasl.-l. overall niimens,. M,i eonverleil m the new uniircii. anu (;,.,i, atcl it to by the iiuiui- jy.statiou ol the Divine Prc.-etiec, was a genlkiliian who has been keeping a iiar-roiuii in the suburbs of the village. I left Monday morning while the good w-ni-k was iidini! on -orrv and glad but com. ie! led to -.. The 1'rc -bvteriaus rave the Conler- ellCC a Cllll-llaU 'L , It I Oil;, illiu l-n.i.iiii lospna 1 1 1 1 . in . in hi. . ie. ii ii in. ". " " i . i ....... .- ..;i. I ...... i . e.- Mi ee ol that .Iciioiniuai ion. w ho, with hi- exceliciit wite, iiiade mv stay a pleasure. '.... . . . . i I he ii. till u line? tint! attended the ( 'niil'ri'rtii'i' and the preach in ir were mply immense. 1 w a-a:-toi:i-bet to liiiij so thrill', a village ami so many lu-ople. w ell -.1 re-.-cd. good -looking ami inteliigi 1-er. May ll.ey lorever pros- iiis truly, !;. A. Yatks. -( km loth I i nii.i-nit. SuCTlILn'N MK'i llnDISM AFAIL- llii:. Sunt hell! Alel h'ldism IS a IllllliC. savs the veracious lr. t'liller, in .tia.ua. . ..ii - t .i . . . . . within hearim- of the hi lls of Trinity ind in si:'h! of the massive tower ol the l'ir-t. ( 1: ! If the thought n.aki hiii. "iollv." he is siuelv the .Mark Ta I lev of editors. The fact is, if our Southern Church Would "fail"' enough to make t he ...nti-asl between it and his .wn t liurch m A I latita less st ! il. nig, h li . .. i . i i.. : 1 1.:.. icniji.-i wonio iioe.ioi iniiiii' iiim in.- Pictures and prophecies be Ic-s gloomy. -jVusheiic Lli.rtsti.au- Adocatis How objects magnify in a mi-t ! A diminutive slu no on a toeuv moiium will sometimes assume the most alarm- nig proportions, rivalling t he magiuh cent oak. These optical delusions are not more common than the mental and moral perversions occasioned bv- the nii.-ts of prejudice. The editor of the A tluiitiC Advocate seems till the time to i. living in a fog. He never s. , , . . i r U"" their true prop.,,-. mns , ,rm No one knows better than he that the Sout Iicrii .ilethodist t. liurch h.-is in one . ,,,,t. now her im in hers i u, " " t ' ' .ippro.xim.ites a nilian iii if her L X .i i i .. ..:.i ... u . 1 :.. . l I glow 1 u Lis oecii mil oul p.u.iiie: in u I 1 Mnstory ot religious dciiommatioiis m this country. He knows that in Atlut- til. his own place ol resilience, she is largely in advance of all other ciiuiehc in numliKis, and in social position, .md iniliience. And yet, fitting in his con traded saheuim. with the obese form of hispiclatic.il friend towering up i.-el.-p L ' . iiim and completely concealing the nias.-iive tower oi the First Churc!.:" or, iiii'g!ihg with the handful of worship pers at the little (d.ape! on street, and singing "The proiui.-c to the two or thn-c c humbly dare to claim" while the First Church ami Trinity can scarcely provide sittings ior tin: crowns , , -.- .1 i . that regularly repair to them, Dr. Fuller complacently pronounces Sou. hersi Meth odism a failure. "Alas! poor Yorick !" ln'tinurc .1 r . i T m jucmoatsi. ILLTSTKATI V I. TIM'TIIS AND JXCiDKNTS. ! 1. There is, indeed, nothing more pe liloiis for a man than the first discovery that spiritual powers wait upon his beck, that he, too can wield the powers of" the .orll tu 0,1M(. lst ,K. si1()nld find in this a mot i ve to sclf-elat ion. instead ol givin;; all the glory to Oo.j (Trench). 2. The - hock that buried Lisbon in 17-" never censed to vibrate till it reach ed the w ilds of Scotland and the vine yards of Madeira. Jt w.is lelt among the islands o! .he Oiecian Archipelago, and it changed the level of the solitary bikes that sleep beneath tlie shadows of a,,, v..,il. tl,.s Keen s,. the sh,,rk- ,i i'c . - i ;. i ,, t.., ,,.,.! ,t.t. that Satan s kiu;;dohl sustiillietl w lieu . . it i i -n Christianity was established, will not t cease to Vlhiale till it .move t ne w hole .1 .I- ii world (Ouotcd by 1 eloubet;. Socrates uttered the longing of all bought till heathen. "We must vait, -aid he, "till One shall come and teach us our . Hit v to Void. 1 ne i uiii;i'iiii ... . .hi , vl)il taught that a 'iieat inner should be born, of heavenly extraction, whose reign should be universal: "To give a universal peace, and exercise His Fath er's virtues: to abolish till violence, and restore original simplit ity; to kill the serpent, and purge all vegetables of poi son: the blessings would extend to the brute creation." Thus unconsciously did the heathen world prophesy of, and long for, the Kcdeeiner. Augustine de sired to se: Christ in the flesh, Solomon in his glory, and Paul in the pulpit. Van i oien, ..noted in Kiblical Muse V 1 111.1 i. So over a temporary sorrow there 1; iiim pi c 1 an infinite and ctciia! jov. There .in some who have dwelt too ex ciiisiv. iv on .i.-siia as the Man ot Soi i ivvs ; iinc t'loiitdit ..j Lis ii'', .is of on. a n m a i . ai.-l -1 i th-1 ing , one a lui't in. bro ken gloom Hat in '.e Kible we tin I the pel Par contpx t ib lit v nav, thecioc nnio.i. ! i '. v. i-lt so mow. hi I in vi ia Is Ihere w i'l- ijilite ;i number ofcoiivei of ( h; i-i niie vim have " I ecu t r. mbled 1 sloi.-, ad I'll. in accessions to the in .- e, ..ii.', v.t not .'ti-tressci! ; jet- Ich'Pidi. I'l.! ... best ol" ail was t he ph'x. 'l. o.-t not in despair: .t rs g i.d -tilling up of a large member- biil l it forsaken, c-i-t now u. bi.t not h t .-hip. 'and th- r. . 'aiming of many w ho -t of ed. ' can understand how th. Man irrows, ev.-ii in h- oa v- of 1 1 is manhood, ni.ii hive 'iva-da 'it- hi.ppiei. I'm. "sis.ey iroui n, .- owi ncuit.render il. the true sens. :,i it.-ippiaess Lajipitv ! ed v:l uti le .-! ic 'i.i love feast oil hec.ti!-. turti, ii;)it -iides-, hp n.- taith- i Sribb.ith iim; mug was i lirecioits season fill tiioie :ib,i b,.,, m the i,, v of . b .i i - nc t j Hi- lie.-iM iily J'atheV thiaii li;i- .1 . ...1,4.., I i.t I .ii K II IIHMI. .... . i ... .... lv .."IV I In-1 lee P. pine mhmhi - j vi.Ii.ieinir. even tlioiiiih tin; imeM-" ovei i.i'rt'.". .... - .1... it -mi in i iiansii'iii miii.-iuih ..-.in., uilh Jacob into LlTVl't . i.. . w . Seventy was the nutnlier l uie .icw , seventv lcjates weie sent to - ...111M. all of whom ,. " t. .......... hlm-elf w hen sent ne - r. ,t to reguiaie uie .oians seventy e.-lieagues ,e -. rusaiein ineii; uen- seven.. !S ., bod v of judges. As twelve was , ... ml, ,,., f the tribes of Israel, so . , i ..millK.f uf the na- - , siVi..tv , l..- ritual The price of '.lie Nashville C'tfid- tian Advocate has again been reduced to .f a year. I r. Stci.fing, the oldest niinisicr in Uie i-lslablise't Church ol Scotland, died recently iit'il iNi:, ami altera ministry ol 02 ear.-,. Jiev. Aiex. Claik, l. D., editor o! the McUt'xUxt hecsfa, r 'ias ini rciniscii a home at W ell-ville. t ., u here lie lias re mocd Willi las family. j nu 1 l "ovuiciai .tuiua -senooi .. li vcntioii ot Lamuui w ill meei ;il 1 cier- borough, J'roviuce ol Uulario,oii v ctl- ne.sila ami lhursdiiy Uci. aimlU The Catholic missionaries in Cb iih ami India claim during the last live ears to have baptized ii.i, Jicath- eii-, 11,WX) ot the million being adult The average salary ot lite minis ters of the I ri.Ji Prc.-.b tci ian Church l.isl veal nu.-. !"!). lu addition to ibi a lar"c maioritv of Churche- iiiriu-1. manse, and glebe. The Widows ami Orphans' l-'iind of ihel'rce Church ofScolla.nl now has a capital of L7i H KM l, ami increases al the rale ol" from fifty lo.-ity thousand ,!!ars a year. Kev. P. C. Morion, im. liatcly after speaking al the memorial service at the lingli-b W'e-leyaii Conference. inblciilv look ill and died. - Key. .John W. Kiitici. .me ol'our missionaries in .Mexico, now on a vin Io Ibi- country, was married in Pat choijue, L. f., to Mi.-s Sara A. A-htop. Align -1 Io. Dr. Me. naley's w ile was cry low at iii-t iic.oii nl s--siic i, entirely neip- U' . "I'he x etcran editor is cnl il led to iind iiisilv receive.-lnueb s m pa l hy. -- Kev. Dr. .los. Ilorm i- pre.-icbed, bv renlie-t ol ' ol. I neer. at t res-oil Mouse, top d the Allegheny uiiiiin-l.-iiiis. August tth. ami from tlien.-c lie ma ile a vi.-il to N. v York. The Southern I'.ook ( '..in mi I lee were in se. ioii ;il Na hville. 'i'euii.. llsl week. A teacher in I he Cornell Memorial Sumiav school. Xew m k . ity .i-eighty one v cii r- . f a g c. Ala i- t:i nil Suiida School ilcpion--t ral ion in India, oi'the 1 2.2.V. scholar ri 'p. i lied, -io Ie. t ha ii -i. ill" belonged to our 'liurch. ( 'ha nri lliir Haven writes from Ireland, that near the large Protestant ( 'at bed nil. in Cork, i- the grave of Kev. Kicha rd J Son rd ma ii. one ot t he w o m i -iion.l rie, sent by John We-Icy lo A tiierica. Tlie admirable -ti,t ica I paper flit it leal "SI idi "tic, of the Mel hodi-t Fpiscopti i Church of t he Cniteil Stales." prepan-.l by Kev. Dr. U . II. Del'uy, ol the Xew York Aili-,,i iih. hils been le-iu'oli-be.l in pamphlet form by the hook agents at Xew ork. A Ciiim.m: Tract Society, on the plan of the American 'I ract Society, ha been formed at Shanghai. Its Koanl of .Managers i. to he hall ol lorcigu iiiih- siotiarics and half of native Christians. I in: Md ' al holies ol Havana have held ;i conference at Munich and declared that the decisions of the Sym,, at Konn abolishing clerical celibacy ;in liiit binding and cannot be earned out in JSavaria. lN'.eat Kritaih there is an or d. -iii led, mini:. ter for evei y '7'5 in ha bit ants. In ibis country T''l is about the mini bei of people to each preacher. ( 'hina w'ollld re.uiiii; more than IIU .' Ml to stock it in the same proportion. I ill". American imam ol foreign Missions is already preparing for its an nual meeting, which will be held in h tobcr in Iminatiual Presbyterian church, Milwaukee. It is promised that th. meeting shall be one of rare interest. M ii. Em-roil JJcar Hir: I noticed in No. i!2 of the CitnisriA.N Ai'Vocatk, that Kro. V. A. Sharpe wishes to know where ('ml promises to be the husband of the wid ow. And also -where it is said"l.ik Priest, Like people."' I don't think any one can find w here it rea .Is just likelSro. Sharpe gives it. Although he cm find the word- in the, llh chap. Isaiah and ;"ith verse, where it reads thus, "For thy Maker i Ihine husband." and not to lie the hii ba ml of l he widow. lit! will Iind in the Illi chap. Iln-ca. ami '.Uh verse, thee words, "Like peo ple, like Priest," and md like Prie.-I, like People. I think Kro. Sharpe has bean1, the ex pression used in the sa me way he gives it, and wishes theni to tell w here they will Iind it, to read just as he give- it in the Alivin atk. Ile lias got the cart before the horse, that is a II. Yours fraternally. " .1. T. A. Ivi.-. Lowesvillc. Lincoln Ce., N. (.'., Aug. 28. 1S78. Kev. C I-'. Pound write- Aug. :H'th iVoiii Kuthci foi'lton : 'We have just closed a plot i ; ctod meet itig at Pleasant (!iove, w here the church exiM-rienced a season of great re- fie.shilig. and was abundantly revived weie in a cold and backslidden coiuli ' ' ion. I'm Caipeiite. o in Oallas, and ol n ice: w , w .!: .iierish t he inemorie- I "f that .lay f....- years to come.'' cvi'l - wriiK'""')" " - (M iLSCAP PAI L!.. When I a littlegiil il a gie..! puxde to me what was I aiall.-r v ill. the pa;.er called ool.-nnj- W h. did the lolks eive such an imp.-li:.' name to such nice, big. vc.iieul pa-ei '.' This is the wav ii . When O ivci ( i.. -it-well was'Lord Plot, . tor .1 Kiijjai.d he had ;i cap.-1 Liberty made .is a .-lamp for all the ' nmcl.! pap' I. Altel his death, and when the Siunis had ie turned, it happened one da thai King Chailesthe Second w.llilel low I He a letter. They brought him some ol t he Cromwcllian p.-.per He noticed t he stamp, and said, "What is that in t he cornel When he a told he Hew into a passion, and said. " I ale u aw iv None l voiir I.M.lsc.p i"i me . This little bit "I hi -t"l v. il. in.il.e yoll understand w h "lie cla-- ol p-ipei which voii use ha-, so dull a name. (JfirUtutH tt l'. Tllliil V -sis seccdels flolll chill. I.es III , .. .. I.'. 1 1 ... ... ..I nioiillil lillgiiloii, r.n;;i.ni'i. - . them bo.istiie.' hi-h position-, l . 1 1 nence. and we.dth. n-ceii-d the -aei a men. ! i-olilirm.-ilioii lecelitly a the hale! - "I I -.' Uoinaii Catholic bi-hop.. Soi.ihw ail.. Dlt. II . .-t ill- to lh' ie on hard work and hoi wea.ht . Hi N.-i-liville friend.- wen pi.-ln-e m their -oii4ialulalio:i- on bi i m-r.-a I .ivoirdiipois. A . '( '' I''' . Do not think that ministers an: in A nn i ici. of Mauchc- tec says that Ivigli-h clcrgv are so pool ..il the pool The Id-hop sou te of the that lhe ilo lioltastcliic.it nioie th in once oi twice it week, and are glad to get the c.t t oil clothing of I heir pal i.-iiioliei -. STATL AND LOCAL. l'lic ilciuncrtls of III- I I' ' ""; ". I 'led l.iintitc. Imve imiiiiimieil lion J .1 I'ltul u Ci'tig rcH-. Kev. li. I-. l-".'f! til V ill leli.oii . iiim nni i-cs liiinsell a euixlid ite loi ( tmyi.-H. in l'i-s-cinil 1 'i- i ic. 'I'liuv i inn id n in iil.inii iiiillc i la in W 'B.CIIl I null l-l. Jt f .tl"- ' ' ike llu llldii llel.) rt'1,1 never Ii. t.iincs jnt-ui n- M..j i W A Iii Ii im . en on ti"iii Line 'hi, linn ...s'j ne.l liii ... i nni M id Hit) Sid h uttl ." Kuilli '"i ' 1 ' G'lili 'Is. Ao"'ei.l l.'iin.d Mi'- tii"i i"i' Ct": i "I Mavli.-am. will liehl en Ilia- Id' -K'li.'i'V ei Ni'Vciiil-er i.c.xi. - Milly llciiilt'1-...n is .ni iiitl' p. i. lenl N- tlnlCil tllli'll.U.a. Ir a.i.iif l c-s n, i to. - . lit N. il I'lPiii: I 'Ih.i..i -. I' "i - i" to Uie I invei ii Museum a y.l- aalias aan-t li in :: i.niii.i. - ) WP V 'I ' I In l.weil. ll.ci.-.i l.lll II,. Ill lull .. cu lll.lll.li c'lil-ls, Il . ve . . ,n ll" Mciejeii.- Vcll.ivv level .-nil :.- -r- a am , ,i tni.l lull les'Ulke, Willi ell ve.. I ! ties illld iillli'lll, V a ' .villi ll a let 'i ' : i ill Cjllill l nlk POVI'sinp. Jlr. U ihie 1 ."i, s.iii i I t . i .- I- I e. I, lull.ie.i- u tin ei.ul'. 'ii.' l ft ." I km hi New (.lllean.s lurl VVC.k. Mecklenburg beds Wake nil ci.tlt.u t'n! lirst bale ban bceu pick-il He ic, - hi jiia-tt in Chnrlotte, uud nm ' w Vurk Ior huIc. The Cli.u I. ate h e. vi'i ,'.' die Hi u'-1. . sajs tliut a limn- and li-gcci! wn.n n- .it t niii iii.iietl by lour final I clulilitii . h, ie di.it ciiy yeatiT'Iiy euilcavnl nig l Hilsu iiiMI:s lo gf.t lo a.(ni..jfii Miie 1 ji urn Tn- ilou-.i, lln , Ins liitiils in tbdeigli, and her uioacy i; tt oul at Clii.rlolte. The Kfid-ville TiiueB tell.- it of two dill ibeii m Kockingbiiiii comity. On- wn, In.i.l. ing :i f.tick tor Hie olbcr It cut will. a.n. The iivo-liiiii'ller uiii l.i a uii-sli k ami cnl Hi arm ol lln- lmhl'T P b nlly llni' III d'.e'oi -liatl to l. k- il oil . Tl,c petile a-l i ay, i'. id- ..ivcmiI. suillicd it. hainl.- in- -inn -1. tlioti lu wild vvli il tliey will i-icue in, in t::e i'e.liniy liujii,li tst;ildi?li ,i nuriiiiil f.lnn-1. Tilt' Willi slm.-.J W il,e-s ih i,: ali i lii.lij; .l i.s politic d L'.i:)t.ti-.iin. li liic.v .iiiiin.i.i ees liil in Inline it vvih h- ii Niilimi d (ireeiib -.ck piiiier. I im: Wiikv.-.- A. I oldi, Ivmj .Imc lit lis iasl Sutiii .lay . s..iii- li'ie vv In ai ol h ii- v validly. lb- i,'.. Hit! seal hoiii thai iil.c.H tli I .ll il.i'iil Illi-.-nl llil"il;;'i toil. SlC'le. act Mi.twilli-tlll: on.' ll lilts I. M il .1 pool vv I i' ir:i on iii lliln - ion it jit I I- tl ill lie- l.ile ..' ;i lei-li-l- ... '.In; "Cie, m il ll wacpln-il 1,1' (iniuiil- ii tlie l.ii-liel. Tilt: ".-O'bloll -ll HV " it ill! iiiinv iCnlie-.iiiiaa. (inl.l.il'oro Ma M-elijfl . I'llduy lilorilili-; , Ac. n . :'di, Mr. Jo cjili biclun, a wordiy 0;t.. -n ol (J . in- c a ly. hi in;; ah. ell t'.ni llli:eF, . II In-.isl ol Sl'.cv Mill, VVflit I 'toll llilt'l- in;. Tin- "I'lfC tnoii ti.'e.l, mid Mr. Iv.elcii, ni ill.. ut;l el c'iuihili llu lltin, It'll ii f a. nl tliM o ick, a dis'.ainjt) nl lilt-en leet , c iimi'i niiiia c iicinii-iou. hniii iAliii.li li" tli'-d 'lii-sday ICC III . . 'if 20' ll IIISluill, IWCike ll.'S .11. , I,.' tail. liocky Mo'ci. Mail: We Ihnu ll'' 1 1 --1 - i -mm li opi.isiii.).i lo O I hu a ( I Im ne.' 1 1, c t'l iiiliilu Im Ctui ti I'ssiiian ) iimoiiK tin- Itepiildi. Cnlis uf llal.InX, Wu.leil iild I tl'tc liilit. Gov. llio.len lin ii. iiiy Hlrong Iria-inlH in He 'n uoinilits not oidy w.l'i ulib-, Im:. u'so ta. .1 ti Colored Id fan blici. -. Mr. (Jat' vvcod Lewi., lepiiim m u.ii.o trolll ll ' InVVIl till Ilia" l.t '-i V idi' tn id. e ilc.nl in liis mvii yard list Sal ni'day lien ninu. I fan lutil .-njiiyed jfood lia-ali.li all ol liiit bl- u illi tlin exi;eili.ci ol in ailack ol iiai'.ilyFH vv.i'.,'h lie Hull' la-d alti'tii it yeir iii;o. 1 1 vva- hoi i in this- a-1 1 1 1 1 ! y 11, i..i,l,, .; 1 ),:., ,,,i,l . u d An i.s.. - I li 1-., Ui.h.'siniiiiii. lialeih NtAH. Tin in j rity ot tlm ii'...iii in tile hy ti iria-rn ol llns county wli.) com.) in daily, chow a in ti ked i.upi nreiuent in Hie con diiioti ol the growing cinps. Thta coiiliiincil rains lv in gnnt ral liad a good a ll'ect; and ilia corn, e-peci illy, i, ;rowing finely. Ju .rae pans of Jolimlou e tanty loo uiucll rain is rfporlt'd. The cotton m in g.cd order, and fill of lilOw.8. J'. is not, so iiigu Jin imiinl, hut no lears are at present eiperlaine 1 of a pool crop. While pa-i haps not 'ii:il to Usl year us a crop year, yel l here it no cause lor Com plainU Tl. g-neial ra p jrtii ol crops in Wa-. t-rn portl lis of Hie csUlo are 'uglily favor, aide Tb ..1h;c:j i, progreaiiig weil. Tho.Spftrtiiuburg and Asheville KaiJ roatl Couipauy, having failed for six uioiitlia past to comply with their coil tract ia regard to tho convicts in their employ, have BurrcnJcred them to tho Penitentiary Board, who have turned them over to tho V. N. C. Katlroa l. Want of nieaus, it is haiiL in.le.Pfi thiH step on the part of the former Koad. Tho number of convicts thus turned ovtr is about 125, and coustitutes a very iui porlaut, nddition to M;ij. Wili-ou'a force, lie will now pi obably bo ablo to rercli Ashevillo by the 1st of Januai y, uext At a III.- meeting of the exei-iuive coinniitti-e of the State A r'cu 1 1 ii i a I Society Dr. ,1. XI a 1 1 u in was appoint ed Siipcriuif mlcnt ofibe approacl ing Fair. 1

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