1 ' RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, FEB. 10, 1886. J i i Our Missions in Brazil. ...f-cinWARY C. O I II M M Whif yioji vnn.i . w w w M,.uiuu "uiv,u xui uic past two years imvcuccn aDout 51,200, or an average wi auum ?i per memoer. The officers ot the assembly, mod erator and clerk, were natives. Their conduct of business was after fhe most approved methods. Everv indi- Truly God is good. e feel here that we are greatly blessed. The Lord n, ns and blesses the work of his ser- :: Yesterdav rSundav there were ' w" Slvcn ot .a neaitny, normal v-" - . . ueveiopment toward self- twelve persons received into full com- this r f munion in the church. It was a sight cirrnifi77 ,i ""s wAa most iul" . - . . o I Slfrnincanr and iiororctnro Alit un iniA I . . v.. iiuui uic sunnort. Tn this respect the meeting was most .iL-o anv lnrpr nf th T.nrH rerr3k 1 . nJr were two old men oast fiftv. k ?"rc5es. a'e Partly self-supporting i ... - i nn t fi whn ir ciirnM-f tk;. ,w with her prrown son twn riano. : . ""Ff"" iuui uasiufs. mjin o - -h . . - . , . . ,j,r m another f ml Nr " ldHlu progress, wnnin a tew fSIS. ii"- - "fiiumu wo. .1 . nA a little jrirl of eiht vMr Of V" 111 rt "iucu empire tne work T fnrrnr nfi. 7 develops so healthfully that x6ofthe rilC f I J M W.U T 1 i r- r :,!c nr hoardeis. and a hou whn U , -"ucs d c inaepenaent oi tor- " J' w j ....w Pinrn nr ' I "U ; 11 rr ? Th. twrt nthprc koa w&uo,u' imsicsu.iwm nor, suner rrmrn I n nil r rpa-rAt i hai. i o . V & , .-M purposes amounted tn lc Tionfifnr u ,.'.rht oi moving awav. ana riirinnti:i . 11 , - .u i t j me two years, rh'nk it worth while to come for sol tu r , , , ' vMc-in. lu I.U 1 1 1 1 iiic iai Lii of every lukewarm supporter of for eign missions. We need no lonsrer nesitate on account ot meager reports irom uistant iieicis. Uther things be- . : ..:-Hm;i.;ci,.,fi r r ai-nievinenis are in wnu v . uc piooi oi advance of the church at home New ci) laiiui) nucic U11C UOIIICS short a time, wmcn nas lengthened the whole term. The father of that family has been a member for some time, and now the mother, son, and dauiiters. What a povver for good a neariv i r. I mi the otners soon ionoiv. inero was i i anoiner memoer oi our lamuy amonr the candidates, a mnlatto girl of rif teen. who hs been living with us since March. We feel very thankful for the increasing religious influence in the kitchen as well as in the school. Many of the girls seem greatly inter ested in studying the Bible, but when the truth is pressed on them person ally they shrink and seem to steel themselves against it. It takes moral courage :n any land to bear the press ure of the world against those who come out from it; and how much more here where that quality seems weak as a rule. Our girls show that they think independently sometimes, is on Friday night at the love feast neetin Mr. Koger had fully explain ed the nature of the services, and some of the girls took the bread and water, I mean those not members, though they knew it would not be popular vruh iheir "set, for our house is di vided not in actually spoken words, but those who have united with the Church are separate 1 by a something indefinable which a few of the girls, who are determined not to adopt any rhina; of Protestantism, have raised. mev are aa gooa papus, ana seem iniy agreeable one to another. 1 UiiiK u wouiu D3 nara to nna t ni cer set of girls than we have in the house this term. Miss Mary Jiruce in IVvmia's Missionary Advocate. be brought hv this sad affliction into the way of life, un lead the dar little ones to their mother in Sieaven May we a 1 live ;i.s well m she a- d meet at last in the home where God phaK wipe away all tears from our eyes; and there hall he no more death, neither sorrow nor t rying, neither shall thre be any more pain. L. O. S HILL M'ss Matilda Hill, daughter of Wilson S. and Matilda Bvd III U. died on the 26ri of Jan. 1833 of pneumonia. She professed religion and joined the Method ist cnurch vith her father and mother when she was quite young one was u graduate ot Greensboro Fe NEW DOUBLE COLUMN ADVERTISEMENTS. T-HT SHALL THE IIARA EST BE4? RECEIVED, a Complete Stock of Buist's Warranted Seed. meimed bf al Fnri hp11' ?ffeJ th-em? ?ou noyr' Buiss Seed arc cheerfully recom- vuvv rrrk aii i j "vni uam, ttuu luwesi price?. d flSi f vT7Tan u Qd P?ties out of town UPD appHcation-BuiST's Almaka UAKDEN MANUAL. Jf VOU Wish to rean ft roh harvpst snwRnict'c fioorU ct.v iKUGS AND MEDICINES. 5.5525: (7onSe"Si, Polk's Remedy for the Throat, and male Coli.geT a very cheerful, sweeter- to pees rogbc torn, and SiSTi BohciteTFeryody ffSTafl andTade ited woman and a gene, al favorite among rTf,CnORDon.tf the Place. Be sure you are rights PES CUD'S OLD ,,ri qusmii,m:cs. neingine only un- "r"""lc OM" auonai miik ana nearly opposite Tuckers Atore. MISCELLANEOUS. 1385 FALL 18SS OBITUARIES. We will insert an obituary of SO word ree of char.uro. For the exec-s if SO wrml.. we cliarge one ceut per word. Count the vords m excess of SO and send the monev mh obituary. OBSEityi: Tins Itin.H I'i.k asr. And do not put in any original poetry. FOUST Died of pneumonia, at. Vernon Springs, Chatham County. 1ST n dan. xzui i5at, llernert JMoran. son of John Al te 3Iollie II. Foust, aged 1 j-ear, 1 month and nine days. "Snffflr littio children to come unto me, and forbid them not, tor of such is the kingdom of God." J. M. Foust. DWIGGEXS-James Ashley, youngest child of Mr. James P., and Mrs. Sarah Dwiggens was born Jan. 18th 1S7;J, and died at his home in Davie county, X C, Jan 5th lS3o. How sad the household is' without their little darling boy. But "it is well with the child," for God; who doeih all things well, did it. He is sadly missed by his school-in a :es, but may they meet him in that beauttful land, "where the wicked cease from troubling, and sad partings come no more." A Friend. marrip. daughter, she was the compan ion of her widowed mother for several years and contributed greatly to her liap- )i"fs. rsmc? tne mother passed awav sev eral years ago, she has made the old home i place of attraction to her sisters and their children. How thev loved "Aunt Tillie." But the heaviest blow U n.an ler brother "blied." who lived with These two alone. Now lie is so sadly aloni May her Savior become i-ormeioo.v ;ind ustainimdv his ever present friend" For several weeks sue seemed greatly quick ened in her In!;,gering after-" righteous ness. W.iied tiie end cinm shs-'''-miirAd lor f;i!:dly that he was i:ot ;iA :ud to die. Vil was well. While in the death strua-frle she called out, ' Mother, mdher, is'nt it delightful .'"Did they in fact greet each other then and there? We believe they dwell together in ''the home over there.'' J. A. Cuxninggim. Sign Golden Mortar. Write for prices, mention this paper. JOHN S. PESCUD, Late of Pescud, Lee & Co. 51S :o: 5 THOiAS T. HAY, eneral Asent RALEIGH, IV. O. -:o:- Help oat the Ddflcieney. : To the members of the Woman's Missionary Society, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South: It was Stated in the December number of the 'Womai's Christian Advocate that there is a deficit of eight thousand three hundred dollars and fourteen Cents, which must be made up in the t.vo quarters remaining (to this fiscal year ), to meet the obligations to ex isting work. I he amounts collected n the third quarter have been report ed, and only three hundred and thirty-four dollars and ninety eight cents ef the deficit has been obtained, leav ing for the last quarter eighteen thou sand two hundred and ninety-seven do.lars and fliftv-one renti to hp rp- Tribufe of Respect. W Q eke as, God in Ins infinite wisdon has. seen fit to take trom our midst, Jan theorh 18H, our beloved little school mate, Joe. ivearnev, therefore be it Resolved 1st, That we deeply mourn the d ath of this amiable and true boy, who was a member ot our school the hist three sessions. nd, That we do in this formal way give expression io me great love we had for mm while living and to the profound sor row with which his death has filled our hearts. 3rd, That we extend to the afflicted and sorrowing parents ur sincerest sympathy in mis uieirsau oereavement. 4th, That a copy of these resolutions b, speau upon the minutes of our Society and copies be sent to the parents of the decease,!, to the UoUl Leaf, to the War renton Gazettt,and to the Kaleigh Cuius tiax Advocate for publication. E. L. CllOCKER Com. Situation Wanted. A Graduate of Greensboro Female College wants a positio i to teach. She can ieach full English . ourse, Music and Calisthenics. A position as music teacher preferred. Address H. D. L. Care of Christian Advocate, Raleigh, N. C. jan 6 tf MISCELLANEOUS. E. I j. CllOCKER, ) Jas. K. Pi-umer, ( T. V. How land, ) DUE vVDied in Smithville. N. C inst ..v v...ov, .i ,,n .7.111. lue 41U lOO'J. 1 nomas Ure.v, m the Toth year of his age The summons came suddenly, he had been about his usual duties for the day. came into his room, took a seat, and in five minutes his immortal ' spirit return ed to the God that gave it." and the wear ried body was at rest. For about fifty five years he had been ready for death . ' 111! 1 . . t ized over and above all special con- uau oeen walKn5 m the path of right- tributions. You can do this dear eousness which Srew brighter 'shining ti rf t. r ivr luoro imd lnore uato the Perfect dav-.' irunjs ot the Woman's Misstonarv m Christian lio-ht hnm,i cQ..,i;i,. pciety, it you keep in mind the flickering flame, but one of consistent ''need be"' and work with 'purpose of J streng .heart." Let us resolve to go up to the atin.( Annual rAH"r.- c,u 1,0 SU1 52 perfected. Mrs. D. H. McGavogk, Cor. Sec. W. B. M. th ana beauty by which those who darkness could confidently expect to ided to the God of his love and life n tne l reasury that the urgent calls was at all times interested in its welfare i IHc miSSlOnariPQ fnr mnrp hPln mr I rsirplv Avar flhiAnt frnm an rffl r? o 1 e answered, and wisely drawn plans inS- The children that once gathered nuuuiuw kucd hi c ui'w SCalltrrtill in 01 1 1 1 - erent parts of the country. May they all rind peace with God, and at last be gath ered about the'r dear father in the bright realms of celestial glory. A widowed one is left alone turnining from the memorv of her confidence in him may she now fix all upon Jesus as confidently praying: While life's dark maze I tread Iiel urioas Progress in Japan. The wonderful movement in Janan .1 r,, . . -Adru unrist seems almost like a na 3n being born in a day. At the nres 3t rat' of nrofrres; thp whnlp tm. re will be under the influence of the -nstian religion in a few years. A ecent numbor of the N. Y. Indefiend 'contained an elaborate and thrill- f'g account of the third general as- !r.L? f - - - . oiy ot the United Church of Christ uticura POSITIVE CURE for every form of SKIN and BLOOD DISEASE TROJC PIMPLES 10 SCR0FEU rCZEMA or Salt Rhcum.with its as-onizinp- itrh. h Ang ai,lc burning-, instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cuticuka Soap and a single applica tion of Cuticcha, the great Skin Cur?. W lhis repeated daily, with two or three doses of CuTici-KA Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier,to keen th lilr"4 .j. rr. . i,lv, jjci &j)iraiion pure and iimrritatingr, the bowels open, the liver and kid ncys active, will scedily cure Eczema, Tetter, Kingworm, Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, Scall Head, Dandruff, and everv wpcIkc Scaly, and Pimply Humors of the Skin and Scalp! w-ith Loss of Hair, when the best physicians and all known remedies fail. Cuticuka Remedies are absolutely pure and the only infallible Blood Purifiers and" Skin Beau tiners Iree from poisonous ingredients bold everywhere. Price, Ci ticura, eo cents : Soap, 25 cents ; Resolvent, i. I repared by Pot TEJ?!HG AND Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. jg-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." Kidney fains, .SuMins a.;d eaKiict-s m- t.mtlv rei'iL'vt'd by th i Cuturica Anti- nim PhisM-. Mew,ele:nit, infallible. Companies Represented s Virginia Fire & Marine. Assets, 1550,000.00. Rochester German Insurance Co. Assets, $637,143.24:. Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool. London fc Lancashire Ins. Co. Northern Assurance Co., ot London, Sun Fire Office of London. Phenix Fire Ins. Co., of New York. :o: Correspondence solicited. pe cial attention given to COTTON MIXIjS3. Agents sep l-6m. in all Principal Towns. 17. II. & B. S. TUCKER & EOl, Leading Dealers in DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Our stocks in all Departments are well se lected, well bought, large and complete. Choicest Novelties in Imported Dress Goods, Ejcienive lines of DOMESTIC DRESS (xOODS Sillcs, Velvets and Brocade Yelveitf in all the latest designs and colors. Special and Extraordinary Bargains ollered in Black Silks. UNDERWEAR. Extraordinarv Values in Ladies' jnwl n. tlemen's Fall and Winter Underwear. Unholste'rv and Housn . Blankets, Flannels. &e. Carnets. R na Rujjs and Carpets, all sizes. Rnvni Vr,. lish art squares bought before the rise ?h prices. HOSIEUYi &L0VES. English Hosierv bv a reeftnt lnrcr f. chase offered at less than cost of importa tion. Gent's, Ladies', Misses and Children', all sizes. Special attention given to all orders by mail. Samples sept. Correspondence solicited. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Partner Wanted Insures amy. durance OF RALEIGH, N. C. "This Company has been in successful operation for sixteen yean '.T7rs -v ?JTnMjC - JLUCbllUltlUbUi LO CUSTOr WORK A SPECIALTY f-v f S I Valley Wooieii Mill And griefs around me spread, Be thou my guide, Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From thee aside." D. H. Tuttle. ALLS BROOK Mrs. Kate Allsbrook. wife of J. M. Allsbrook and daughter of l t - w....w me ioio x . . iiiuiaiu3,uit;u ui imeumu jh au. i reaa like tne reDort ot a ma at her home in Hamilton. N. a., at. snerai -e nf u ' , , i . L"- vertea ana joined the M.JS Church South V1 "c vaiiOUS caurcnes in Con- She never wavfirPfl in bpr Christian nm -Caon with the American Preshvte- fession or in her devotion to her church ln and Reformed Missions and the IIer life was an embodiment of christian virtue, i ne sweei ana geniie aisoosition which marKed her girl lite was developed in womanhood into the higher e lrom the commanding ten minutes alter twelve o'clock, in the of a victorious army. The morning of Dec. 5th 18S5. She was in her . - J 1 78th vear. In her 14th var sh was nn. a;ted Presbyterian Church, of Scot- an .1 i wuc mousanu nersons were esent at the ooeninff session, and . j -epresentatives from the several 'ches in the empire. '"a tissemDlv meets everv twn f-i'S.isince the last session there has :,a, ar&e and gratifying increase d Q'?n.lrtmon- T 1U 'PL to the a Iarre 'US' in t h a C 11 H-i are now pursuing their studies in ideological Seminary in Tokio. c .anje.sr rhnri-. t ,,, " "i-u nas 207 mem- ? - "at was me nrst .Presbyterian r .... J U1 ii'Jdition of 70 per cent, -snoership of the church and urch organized in Janan. whiVh 1 n t - 1 .-. . . . arcn, i72; with 12 members. said to have embraced at that ; nearly all the earnest Christians -wnpire. The contributions of Christian T'i r rx W 00L' n o c t: llii fric tact orlnrnmAnt of the female character, was her leading characteristic. The pencil marked places in her well, worn Bible give us a deeper sight into her inner life, and show where she learned the lessons of patience, for bearance and humility which she so beau tifully lived. In the management of ner children she combined remarkable irentleness with Treat firmness, iler forgetful ness of self was shown in her quick and tender sym pathies and thoughtfulness for the com fort and welfare of those aroun 1 her. Her illness lasted but two days, but her suffer-1 ings were extreme, blie prayed earnest Iy that her Savior would help her to bear her pain, and if it were His will that she should go, that he would receive her spir it. May the dear old Aunt, who is onl' waiting the Master's call to come up higher, the deeply afflicted sisters and brother feel that they have one more tie to bind them to heaven. And may the grief stricken husband ELKIN, N. O. After a thorough experience in our mill vt are now prepared to lurnish Jeans, (7a?simer es, Linsoys, FianneU, Kerseys, BZaukets, Fan. ey Kimtiii-r lain?. Oct-., on short notiee i lowest prices, and guaraniee best quality of good-f . We desire to call special attention to our Custom Department, and to the points of van tage to he gained by sending your work to uk to be manufactured. We have numerous agencies established with good and reliable men, in Eastern North Carolina, vrith whom, if you will leave your wool, luey avui snip n. direct to us: w v pay the freight one way and make it into ex icily the good you desire, at verv low 11ric.es louwii 1 only need to try us once to be ablt testiij', witli many others of your countv. 4. .- .1 j inaLour goous are posiiiveiy unexcelled in 4.1. 4 me oi.ui;. ir. w 1.7onowell is actinc as aa-ent for us at Goldsboro, and if you will call on him,or wine lous, you win ue cheerlullv turnished itii a ma line 01 samples and circula rs. uur aim is to carry, in all lines, such 2-oods as sna.i oebt suit tne requirements of discnm. inatiug buyers, and such as shall enlist their favora ble consideration. Taking this occasion to exnress our thank? to our numerous friends and patrons for their merai support, and solicitinir a continuance of the same, during the coming season, we re- main, very respectfully, W. S. PRIMROSE, President. W. G. UPCHURCH, Vice President. CHAS. ROOT, Sec and Treas. P. COWPER, A ' -ver. A Silent or Special Partner wanted to inrest $5,000 TO $8,0()0 CASH, with a larger sum already invested by myself, in an established paying business, which needs more capital to make more profita ble. Being well acquainted with the husinesaiu all its details, I would propose to manage it to the mutual interest of all concerned. Iu lieu of a partner I would take the cash as a loan and give a mortgage on active real estate which cost recently and is now worth double either of above named amounts, and guarantee it tojjay 10 per cent per annum pay able monthly or quarterly, is preferred. Add, MAX UFA CT 1 1 Zi I2R. Care Editor Advocatk, italeigh, N. C. june 17-tf iVI arbSe W 417-419 FA YETTEVI IAjE STREET. Manufacturers of all Kinds and Styles or MONUMENTS VIVO Hli DSTONEK. In Italian - or American Marble and American or Imported Granite. Also contractors tot all kinds ot Oukmng, Posts, Sills, Steps, 6cc. Estimates made and drawings furnished free. WANTED fcr tho STEAR m k w r. - Z I. asiier ':'t:mMM&-f june 13-ly. GOODWIN &z HISS,Props., JRaleigh, N. O. Gwyn & Chatham. STEIIV'S SAFKTI STOCKING SUPPORTERS No More Blood-Strangling Garters. Recommended by all the Lead ing1 Physicians. Children's 1 attachment Sc a pair 2 " 10c " Misses' two " lMe Ladies' " " L5e " Misses', with a beh, "20c " Lh dies' u " 25c " Stocking, Abdominal, andCatamental Ban dage Supporter com bined, 50c HealthSkirtSupporter 25e Brighton Gents'Gartt-r 15e For sale hy all first class stores or on receipt of price in :i cent stamps by LEWI'S STEIN, Owner and Manu fact ure r, HS Centre St., New York. Active,hone.st persons all overtbe country, with or without trum. John R. Ddps. Jr., jeweler. Normal, IU., OTitet: "Ton ftk vbat I think or th. V,shrl Wvht lut aummar. let I b (!. machine cer iDTeatad by man. 2d. Wa bara jcat aa food diontia an HonJay aa a?"1 S o1- lf rjn hrt, you an not buy oiirt for IIUMX "i oi joaapn, in., wntea : -i would not lake SOU lot tl'nii"t waaon tha Una at 8 o'alock tbU ttornimr." ar. o. Jaqaea, Bt. Itroaoe. Mjcb., wr-Ua : "PurmarlT It toek Mi m lan.uop. n.; now Trom 7 a. m to 10:30 a. m." Mri. A. W. Morriaon. of LoDriaw, Tel., writaa : It ia a traaauna, Q tcaxea taa whita ladj indopandant of tha oolorad waabar woman. I will Bhip a sample to those deniring an Jif-encyon ek's trial on liberal terms. A thousand percent he best wanher in the world for Bavins labor, clothe md soap, and pays capable agents big money. Writ Or particalflra. J. WORTH. Pox f.013, ft. Lonlw.Moy jan 12 Ht e o w Julius Lewis and Miss Lillian Arnold n UO.J H A RE. UBS. R D W A SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. S, SPOKES and Rubber and Leather Belting, Lime, Cement and Blaster. STOVES, IEO, STEEL AND NAILS. The "ALL RIGHT" Cook Stove. The "ALL RIGHT' Wagon. PAINTS, OILS, AND GLASS. Cotton and Planters Hoes. LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. Making Tobacco Flues a Specialty. We Guarantee Country Merchants Goods at WholesaleXLowest Prices. Who is in New York, will make a specialty ot GRAVON WORE., and solicits orders for portraits. Life-like pictures made from the photograph. Pictures will be framed and deliTered at reasonable rates. For any further information address, MISS LILLIAN ARNOLD, 74 WestJSth st., New York City. D.S. WAITT, Clothier and Furnisher. u .asz no ja ra lb "ssr -o. so jj r a OPIU mar 4-iy. MORPIIINK HABIT EASILY CURED. I'OOK FREE. Dr. J. C. Hoffman, Jefferson, Yfis. salary srs to 8100 fop u r business In his locality. Besjponsil!e In u--v. References ea& changed. GAY&BROSs.lii !ircIay5?t.,N.y. nanWanfe dee '.-Tl EiUCKEYE SELL FOUQY. A Bells of Pure Copper and Tin for Churches, 14 Schools, Fire Alarnis.Farnis, etc. FULLY WAKKaa i tu. catalogue sent r ree. VANDUZEN & TIFT. Cincmnali.O. mar nth 62 wanted a vmmm f srMise. enersjy and respectability for our business in he: i..,.ii:tv, middle-aged preferred. SALARY 48& to PoO Iletere'nces exchanged. GAY BROS., 14 Barclay St., Y may 21-ly Will be ffiven to all who are ready and willing to work. Thi. 5- a good chance to make money, selling snch popular and attractive books as Hon. Aiex. ii. S ephens "History of the United States," with new appendix. "Gay's Encyclopaedia and Self Educator," "Buried Cities Recovered." one of the best and fastest selling relirious books. Akn finp jramiiTr n; bles. A beautiful line of Albums. .S'old only by subscription. Write for descriptive cir- EALEIGII, eumies auu mrius. a. r . jwiiiouN a. tu., iuio Jiain sr., iticnmond, va. apr 22-ly. 213 Fayettevillo Street, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS, Mttin, HANGINGS, SHADES AND LACES, RUGS,!MATSETC. I 04 MAIIs STREET, WINDOW FALL CLOTHING Ju t Received, HAND AND MACHINE Sewed Shoes. HATS. HATS.! Suits to Measure A SPECIALTY