RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, WEDNESUa JAN. 7, 1891 3 NEWS OF THE WEEK Our Preachers ami People. Davis. Rev. E. II. Davis passed through Raleigh last Tlmrstlav en route to Chapel Hill, his charge tor the pres ent year. DuUant.-Rev. C. O. Duliant reach ed Raleigh 1 ist Saturday and began his work at Brooklyn Church lat Sabbath under pleasant and favorable circum stances. Willis. -Rev. R. A. Willis, of New born, has been quite sick since confer ence. At last accounts he was recover ing and we hope will soon be entirely well again. Browek. A neat card announcing to us the niarri ige of Mr. Rufus A. Brower to Miss May Lee. th1 daughter f Rev. and Mrs. N. M. Smith, of Louisburg. N. C, which happy event ccurred Dec. 31st, 1S90. Notice. Dr. Cuninggim, the Pre siding Elder, requests us to remind the District Stewards of the Raieigh Dis trict that they are to meet at the Bran Bon House in Raleigh, X. C, on next Wednesday, Jan. 14th, at 11 o'clock, a. in. Brooks. -Rev. Dr. J. R. Brooks and wife spent several days in Raleigh the piSt week very much to the pleasure f their relatives ind many friends in the city. We were especially pleased to have a delightful visit from them both at the Advocate ollice. Frank li n'tox Ct. The pastor of Frank lintoii ct has been made very hap py of late by numerous expressions of good will from his people, so he writes ns. A handsome donation provided a bountiful Christmas table and some elegant presents of a more permanent nature adorn the parsonaga. The new year starts well. Trinity. The spring term of Trini ty College opened January 2nd, 1S91, after a recess of ten days for Christmas. Jan. 3rd, and 5th, were devoted to ex aminations and matriculations. Re citations and lectures began last Tues lay Jan. 6th, at 9 a. m. Get your boy ready and send him at once to Trinity. Barker Rev. J. J. Barker was in Raleigh last week with his bride, re turning from a visit to relatives in Ci? well county. Bro. Barker was married by Rev. C. P. Jerome at Newton Grove Church Dec. 21ss, 1890, to Miss Bettie West, of Newton Grove, N. C. The JLdvocatk tenders thetn its best wishes a :id hearty congratulations. Post Offices. We have been re- nested to announce the following ad dresses: Rev. N. R. Richardson Reidsville, N. C. ' Rev. R. P. Troy Littleton, N. C. Rev. J. A. Bowles Greensboro, N. C. Rev. F. M. Shamburger Kinston, n. n. Rev. D. A. Futrell Asbury, N. C. Rev. J. M. Ashby Clinton, N. C. Guthrie. Mr. Thos. Guthrie, of Rockingham, N. C, a son of Rev. T. W. Guthrie, and Miss Rusie Wilson, the youngest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. N. H. D. Wilson, were married in the Methodist Church in Greens ooro, N. C. recently; see marriage notice else where. We feel a peculiar interest in this happy young couple and wish them all the happiness that mortals ought to have. Wkaverville. Dr. Weaver writes: Since conference we have planned a hurch for Weaverville with about $2,500; we are in a few hundred dollars f the amount necessary. It is to be completed by June for our District Conference. Asheville has furnished kandsomely our new District Parson age at this place. Thanks to the good ladies. Rev. C. W. Byrd has reached his charge and has made a fine impres sion (I hear). Weaverville College is hav ing unusual prosperity. Everybody seems pleased with our new conference. The outlook is tine for a successful year. Arnold. Rev. J. D. Arnold, of Asheville Female College, and Miss Nannie Clark, of this city, were mar ried at Edenton St. Churih on Thurs day of last week in the presence of a large assemblage of their friends, Rev. W. C. Norman officiating. It was a beautiful marriage ceremony. Bro. Arnold is well kno vn to most of our readers as a prominent member of the W. N. C. Conference. Miss Clark is a sister of Jude Walter Clark, of the Supreme Court Bench, and is one of the most accomplished ladies of the State. We tender this most excellent couple our hearty good wishes for a long and happv married life. Black. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Black left Raleigh for Oxford, N. C, on the 31st day of December, preparato ry to entering upon their new work in connection with the Oxford Orphan Asylum on the 1st day of January. They have lived in Raleigh for twelve or thirteen years and have many friends here who regretted to see them leave, and who wish them very great success in their new field of labor. They are both peculiarly fitted for their new work and we congratulate all concerned on securing their services. The Advo cate feels an especial interest in them and will wish for and rejoice in great prosperity for them and those under their care. Shelby. The Methodist congrega tion in Shelby kept "watch-night" on the outgoing year of 1890. The services, consisting of singing suitable hymns, and prayers, and a brief address by Dr. Hudson on the life and labors of John Wesley, were interesting and impres sive. Rev. T. W. Guthrie, new Presid ing Elder of Shelby District, has held three quarterly meetings on his Dis trict. His sermon in Shelby was strong and logical. He expects to move his family to the District parsonage in Shelby in a few weeks. Rev. Calvin Plyler, of Salisbury, will supply Shelby circuit, made vacant by the transfer of Rev. -V. L. Grissom, to the N. C. Con ference. Bro. Plyler is a strong preach er and an energetic worker. Cuninggim. Rev. Dr. J A. Cuning gim, the newly appointed Presiding El der of the Raleigh District, arrived in the city last week with his wife and they have taken rooms at the "Bran son house," where they will reside. Dr. Cuninggim preached at Edentoa St. Church last Wednesday night and at 11a. in., on last Sabbath. He held love feast at Central Church last Fri day night and preached there Sunday night. He holds the quarterly confer ence at Brooklyn Church to-night. Al ready he has won many of the hearts of our people. His sermon at Edenton St. Church last Sunday made a pro found impres sion. We predict for him great usefulness and large success on the district. Southern Methodist Matters. The afth session of the China Mis sion Annual Conference convened in Shanghai, October 15-21, Bishop A. W. w ilson presiding. All the foreign mem bers of the Conference, now in the field, with their families, were present or in Shanghai, and also all the repre sentatives of the W. M. Board. Clay St. M. E. Church, South, was re-opened January 4th, 1891. Bishop Hargrove preached at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. George W. Carter, D. D., preached at 3 p. m. We acknowledge a kind invitation to be present on that interesting occasion. Rev. W. II. At will is the successful pastor of the church. A dispatch from Lynchburg, Va., says: "The stockholders of the River- mont Company have formally accepted the proposition of the Trustees of Ran dolph-Macon College looking to the es tablishment of a Female College of high standing here. Under the terms of the proposition the Company is to give the site ami $100,000 toward the institu tion, and the trustees are to raise an endowment tuna or tfiou.uou. I lie in stitution is to make it the Vassarof the South." uisiiui xxiii-Miiii., ui mc tviciiiuuisi Church, bouth, preached one oi the deuica:ory sermons m Hyde I'arK, Chicago, last Sunday, as noted in this issue. His discourse was a scholarly and masterful presentation of the di vine relations of Christ to the Father and to the church among men. The eloquent speaker gave a thoroughly modern sermon on an ever new and old theme. His words were followed to the end by an intent and deeply impressed audience. Bishop Hendrix will be sure of a welcome in any future visit, and in any one of our churches in Chicago. In personal presence, voice, earnest ness, choice diction, and manifest strength, our visitor is a model preach er. North-xcestern Advocate. General News Items. LOCAL STATE AND NATIOOAL. Raleigh is soon to have its new elec tric street railway. Gen. P. B. Hawkins died in Louis burg, N. C, Jan. 2nd, 1391. The People's National Bank of Fay etteville broke and closed its doors last week. TnERE were haidly as many homi cides and such things reported during the holidays as is usual for that season. There wss a slight change of sched ule on the Richmond and Danville Rail road last Sunday. Mr. T. B. Eldridge his returned to Durham and will be associated with Mr. Hackney on the Durham Recorder, The N. C. Grand Lodge of Masons meets in Raleigh next Tuesday, Jan. 13th, at 7:30 p. m. The usual reduced rates on the railroads will be given. The President has appointed Henry B. Brown, of Michigan, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court oi the United States. An effort is being made to get the BinghamSchool removed from Mebanes ville to Raleigh. Some other points in the State are bidding for it. Emancipation Day was celebrated in Raleigh by the colored people. Gov. Fowle, Dr. Crowell and Prof. E. A. Johnson made addresses. The week before Christmas "the Dukes of Durham" paid all their em ployees double wages for that week as a Christmas gift. This was a very nice thing to do. Mr. E. W. Pointer has retired from the Monroe Register and Mr. M. A. Un derwood is now sole editor. The Reg ister is an excellent paper and we wish it great success. The office of the Twin City Daily in Winston, N. C, was burned out since our last issue. Its loss was quite heavy, but it recovers with remarka ble energy and i3 a sprightly daily. Prof. f. E. Kelley has decided to open a business college in Charlotte, and has leased a hall in the Davidson building, over Gray & Barnhardt's shoe store. The school has opened. Mr. Hal. W. Ayer retires from the State Chronicle and bejomes Col. L. L. Polk's private Secretary in Washing ton City. Mr. George Pell succeeds Mr. Ayer as city editor oE the Chroni cle, and will make a fine local editor. One of the prettiest advertising Christmas Cards we saw was sent us by that wideawake firm, Messrs. Tyson and Jones of Carthage, N. C, and they can make buggies and carriages just as pretty as the card. We have received the report of the N. C. Insane Asylum located at Ral eigh, N. C. Dr. Wood, the Supt., and Mr. Crawford, the Steward, make a fine showing of their administration. They are faithful and efficient officers. The Asylum seems to be in excellent hands The State cannot get the fund ap propriated by the Federal government for tie white Industrial College unless it has a college for the negroes of the State. The Legislature will probably arrai ge for it. Durham, Winston and Raleigh are among the places that will ask for the 1 cation of the college. Rev. Samuel G. Jones, the patri arch, and Rev. Samuel P. Jones, the Evangelist, with two other ministers of the same family, and with about for ty men, women and children, decsen dants of the old minister, enjoyed a rare re union at the residence of Rev. A. C. Jones, in Cartersville, Ga., Christ mas day. It was a most notable occa sion. The Legislature of North Carolina convenes in Raleigh to-day. A large majority of its members belong to the Farmer's Alliance and that order will be blamed or praised for whatever it may do. There are a great many can didates for the various offices to be filled. We will tell next week who are elected to these offices. We shall give each week a brief synopsis of the pro- cedings of the body. On Sunday morning Dec. 27th, 1890, the "Round House" of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, located in this city, was consumed bv fire. Seventeen lo comotive engines were destroyed, en tailing a loss of about $200,000. We do not know the amount of the insurance, but suppose the engines were well in sured, rne companv lias not lost a single trip on account of it, so we learn, This speaks volumes for the man- agement of the company. The sixth annual banquet of Odell j Hardwire Company's men, was given jagj. night at the Benbow House. Spreads were laid for 75, embracing some besides the members and employ ees of this firm. This company has in its employ 23 salesmen, 5 of whom are kept upon the road ; and solicit trade all over this State and parts of South Carolina and Virginia. There is not a hardware firm in the State doing the amount of business done by this Greens boro firm. Greensboro Workman. In many sections of this country and even in our own State, there has been during the last week, snow storms and heavy rains that has .indicated the cli mate at this season of the year. The people of Raleigh only kiow of these things through the newspapers. To-day flowers, such as roses, are blooming in the open gardens. As to climate there is no city in the South freer from the extremes of heat and cold, and that possesses as uniform climate as Ral eigh. We challenge any place in the whole country. State Chronicle. MARRIAGES. By Rev. Jno. A. Rice, at the resi dence of the bride's mother, near Ben nettsville, S. C, Dec. 10 ;h, 1890, Rev. Jno. L. Ray, of the South Carolina Con ference, and Miss Alice Easterling. United in holy m itrimony, at Soule Church, Hyde county, Mr. J. M. Coffee and Miss N annie Williams, December 24fh, 1890, Rev. C. F. Sherrill officiating. By Rev. C. F. Sherrill, at Mt. Pleas ant, Hyde county, on Dec 24th, 1S90, Mr. Thomas Baum and Miss Lucie Mid yette. By Rev. Jno. R. Brooks, D. D., at Selma, N. C, Dec. 30th, 1890, Prof. Ed win L. Hughes, of Reidsville, N. C, and Miss Florence Moore, daughter of E. S. Moore, Esq., of Selma, N. C. Near Marion, N. C, Dec. 23rd, 1890, Mr. W. B. Menzies to Miss Mary M. Ervin, daughter of the late Rev. J. S. Ervin of the N. C. Conference. Rev. J. Ed. Thompson officiating. In the Methodist Church in Lumber ton, by Rev. P. R. Law, on the 25th of Dec. last, Mr. W. F. Rowland and Miss Jane Lewis, daughter of Dr. R. F. Lew is. In the church at Mount Tabor, Tues day 6 p. m., 23rd Dec, Mr. Charles A. Pratt to Miss Anna H. Mitchell, Rev. M. C. Field officiating. At the residence of the bride's father, W. J. Herring, of Pender county, N. G.t on the 24th of Dec, 1890, Mr. John F. Herrinff to Miss Irene Herring, Rev. Henderson Cole officiating. On the 24th ot Dec. 1890. at the resi dence of W. H. Fussell, Mr. Rufus H. Rouse to Miss Mattie E. Fussell, Rev. W. A. Forbes officiating. On the 17th of Dec, 1890, at the resi dence of the bride's mother, Miss Mary A. Bennett, to Mr. Charles F. Bennett, both of Anson county, N. C, Rev. Z. Paris officiating. Dec. 23rd, at the residence of the bride's father in Halifax county, Mr. R. P. Clemonts, of Raleigh, to Miss Hat tie Allen, Rev. L. J. Holden officiating. By the same, Dec. 24th, at Weldon, N. C, Mr. Frank B. Miller to Miss Linda M. Gary, all of Manchester, Va. On Dec. 17th, 1S90, in M. E. Church in Warrenton, N. C, Mr. Jno. B. Powl ell, Jr., and Miss Mary Cook, both of Warren county, Rev. Jno. N. Cole offi ciating. At the residence ol the bride's father, T. W. Kendall, on Dec. 24th, 1890, by Rev. Andrew P. Tyer, assisted by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson, Mr. Chas. A. Moody, of S. C, to Miss Mattie Kendall, of Anson county, N. C. On the 24th of Dec, 1890, at the resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. John Banks, Miss Mary 4. Banks, of John son county, and Mr. Sidney R. Brown, of Wake county, Rev. B. C. All red of ficiating. In the Market Street Methodist Church, Greensboro, N. C, Dec. 18tb, 1890, Mr. T. C. Guthrie, editor of the Rockingham liocket, and Miss Rusie Wilson, youngest daughter of the late Dr. N. H. D. Wilson, Rev. T. W. Guth rie, assisted by Rev. S. H. Hilliard, pas tor of the church officiating. By Rev. Rob. B. Gilliam, at the home of the bride's mother in the county of Jones, on the evening of Dc. 25th, 1S90, Mr. J. F. Nobles and Miss Annie W Hammond. Dec 17th, 1890, in Vance county, by Rev. Edward L. Pell, Mr. James Yar borough, of Franklinton, and Miss Pat- tie Alston. Dec 18th, 1890, at Franklinton, by Rev. Edward L. Pell, Mr. Fleming, of Sandy Bottom, N. C, and Miss Pattie Pattison. Dec. 18th, 1890, near Franklinton, by Rev. Edward L. Pell, Mr. Howell Cook, of Franklin countv, and Miss Lallie Blanks . At the bride's home in Randolph county, on Dec. 24th, 1890, Miss Addie Finch and Mr. Edward Mc Knight, of Winston, N. C, Rev. V. M. Bagby offi ciating. At the Methodist Church at Trinity College, Mr. B. E. Kennedy and Miss j Sallie M. Newby, both of High Point, i N. C, Ilev. W. M. Bagby officiating. u On the 25th of Dec, at the residence of Mr. John 13. Ingram, the bride's father, near Lilesvilie, by Ilev. Livings ton Johnson, Mr. Frank M. Little, of Washington D. C, and Miss Bessie Ingram, of Anson county. Dec. 16th, 1890, in the Methodist Church, at LaGrange, by Rev. W. W. Rose, Mr. W. II. Applewhite, of Stan ton sburg, N. C ., and Miss R. O. Scar borough, of Lenoir county, N. C. Jjy the same, Dec. litn, iyu, in Greene county, N. C, Mr. Henry B. Lane, of Stantonsburg, N. C, and Miss Hattie Edmonson, of Greene county, N. C. At the residence of the bride's father near itutnn, jn. u., itev. it. r. Troy united in matrimony, Dec. 16th, 1890, Miss Mariah Price and Mr. W. H. Han nah, of Florence, S. C. At the same place, on Dec. 31st, Miss Anna G. Price, of Ruffin. N. C. and Mr. R. C. Harding, of Clinton, S. C. by Rev. R. P. Troy. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. H. D. Sullivan, of Walkertown, Forsyth county, N. C, on Dee. 16th, Mr. William Poindexter, of German- ton, to Miss Lizzie Sullivan, the Rev. T. H. Pegram officiating. By the same, on Dec. 17th, Mr. Robert Borum to Miss Emma Hiatt, all of Jamestown, Guilford county, N. C. At the residence of the bride's father, A. McDonald, in Harnett county, Dec. 17th. Mr. Thomas Guuter and Miss Claudia McDonald, Rev. E. Pope of ficiating. By the same, Dec. 24th, at the par sonage in Cokesbury, Mr. James Grif fin and Miss Nannie Weathers, all of Harnett county. By the same, Dec. 24th, at the resi dence of John Matthews, Esq., brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. J. Thomas Crowder, of Wake county, and Miss Nannie Andrews. Dec. 24th, 1890, by Rev. S. Lea, Mr. Jeff D. Butler to Miss Retta Smith, all of Caswell county, N. C. Jan. 1st, 1891,lbyiRev. S. Lea, assisted by Rev. J. E. Underwood, Mr. St;oke3 M. Clarke, of Anson county to Miss Florence W. Lea, daughter of Dr. C. G. Lea, of Caswell county, N. C. On the 17th of Dec, 1S90, at the resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. West Massey, by Rev. P. L. Herman, Mr. W. A. Edwards to Miss Mattie Massey, all of Johnson county, N. C. At the M. E. Church, South, in Tempe, Arizona, at 8 p. m. Dec. 21st, 1890, Rev. Thomas W. Mansfield and Miss Ida E. Faucett, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. J. F. G. Finley, P. E. of the Arizona District, officiating. The groom was transferred to the West from the N. C. Conference last fall; and the bride ar- rived from Burlington, N. ., two days previous, coming like Rebekah into a strange land to cast in her lot with the lover of 'other days. Nov. 25th, 1890, by Rev. N. E. Col- trane, Dr. W. D. Young to Miss Viola V. Barbee, all of Chatham. By the same, Dec. 25th, 1890, at the residence of Capt. Alex. Puh, the bride's father, Mr. Dewit N. Perry to Miss Lizzi j Pugh. A Common Sense Calendar. The calendars that come in the fall are as numerous as the flowers that bloom in the spring. Many further re semble the flowers in that they come without bein sent for, and fade after a very brief existence. 'I he most sensible and business-like Calendar that we have seen comes to us from N. W. Ayer & Son, Newspaper Advertising Agents, Philadelphia, and bears their "Keeping everlastingly at it imprint. It is so large and clear that its dates can be easily distinguish ed across an office, and is print ed in a manner to reconcile the most fastidious to its company for a year. It is sent to any addiess, postpaid, on receipt of 25 cents. CHURCH NOTICES. District Stewards Meetings. W. N. C. CONFERENCE. Asheville District, at Asheville, Dec. 15th, 1890. Charlotte District, at Monroe, Jan. 9th, 1891. Mt Airy District, at Wilkesboro, Feb. 13th, 1891. Winston District, at Centenary Chnrch, in Winston, N. C, January 8th, at 2 p. m., X. C. CONFERENCE. Fayetteville District, in Methodist Church at Maxton, N. C, January 23rd, 1891, at 7 p. m. Newbern District, at District parsonage in Goldsboro, N. C, January 20th, at 12 o'clock. Durham District, in Trinity Church, Dur ham, N. C, on Friday 13th, at one o'clock, p. m. Warrenton Dtrict will be held in the Methodist Church at Weldon on Wednes day, Feb. 4th. at 11 o'clock. Washington District, in Washington, N. C, January 15th, 1891, at 2 p. m. "Wilmington District in WilmingtoD, N. C, at Rev. F. D. Swindell's residence Jan. 15th at 12 o'clock. fllTABTEHLT IEETISOS. First Quarter. vVARRENTON DISTRICT. 8. I. ADAMS, P. E., WELDON, N. C. Weldon at Weldon, J an. Battleboro and Whitaker's at Whit- 3 4 8 10 11 4 17 18 24 25 31 1 2 7 8 1 14 15 li 19 21 22 I 5 7 8 aker's. Rocky Mt. and Toisnot at Rocky Mt., Nashville at Nasnvuie, Littleton at Calvery Ridgeway at .widdleburg, " Warren at Providence, 44 Warrei.ton at Warrenton, tea Northampton at Rthoboth, 44 Garysburg at Garysburg, " Murfreesboro Station, ' Bertie at Windsor. Harrollsville at Union, Meberrin at Sharon. it Halifax at Halifax, Feb. 2S th and Mar, Kenlev at Zion. Wilson circuit at Mt. Pleasant, 4 Wilson Station, RALEIGH DISTRICT. J. A. CUNINGGIM, P. K. BALEIGH, N. C. Henderson 8tation. Dec. SI 22 Tar River circuit at Plank Chapel 4 2 28 Louisburg Station. Dec. ttn nignt ana 2H Raleigh. Edenton Street, Jan. 3 4 6 4 7 10 It 11 12 15 17 18 21 24 25 1 1 2 7 8 8 9 14 15 17 central unurcn. " Brooklyn at night, 14 Oxford circuit at Bethel, Oxford Station (i Granville circuit. Youngsville ct.. at Youngsville, 4 Frauklinton ct. at Franklinton, " Rolesville circuit at Mduey, Clayton ct., at Corinth. Jan. 21st and Feb. fi - . I - 11 i .. ' . 1 . . 44 niniiuueiu ci.. at ot-jma, Newton Grove at Mt. Moriah, 44 Dunn ct., at Dunn. ' Buckhorn ct.. Harnett Chapel, " Cary ct., at Gary, NEWBERN DISTRICT. W. S. RONE, P. E., GOLDSBORO N. O. Goldsboro at St. Paul's, Goldsboro ct.. at Thompson's Chapel, Goldsboro at St John's, Carteret circuit at Newport, jJorehead Station. Snow Hill ct.. at Ormand's Chapel, Beaufort Station, Straits ct., at Banks, Core Sound Mission at "WhalePoint, Newberu at Centenary, Newbern Ha- cock St. at night, Onslow ct.. at Queen's Creek, Fremont ct., at Fremont Craven ct., at Lane's Chapel, Mt. Olive ct., at Faison.Feb. 28th and LaGrange ct., at Institute, Kinston Station. Pamlico ct., at Pamlico, Jones ct., at Oak Grove. Dec. Jan. 8 3 4 4 10 11 It 17 !8 14 15 2 ?8 0 1 I 7 8 !4 !5 21 1 it i i Feb. Mar, ii Ii II II 7 WILMINGTON DISTRICT. F. D. SWINDELL, P. E., WILMINGTON, N. C. Fifth Street. Dec. 21 Grace, 44 28 Jan. 3 4 " 10 11 " 17 1 44 3 8 44 V4 25 44 0 Feb. 1 14 7 8 44 11 44 14 15 44 21 2i Mar. l " 5 6 44 9 10 44 11 li 44 14 15 South port, Bladen circuit Bethlehem, Scotts Hill at Prospect, Bladen Street. Carvers Creek at Carvers Creek. Clinton at Clinton. Sampson at Mt. Zion, Jan. 3 .st ana Robeson at Corinth, Klizaheth at Elizabethtown. Cokesbury at Bethany, Magnolia at aiem Kenansville. Wesley Feb. 28th and Brunswick at Concord, Brunswick Mission at Union. Waccamaw at Bethesda, wnitevuie at evergreen, WASHINGTON DISTRICT. G. A. OGLESBY, P. E., GREENSVILLE, N. C. Greenville Station. Dec. 28 Tarboro Station, Jan. ii 3 4 10 11 Bethel circuit at Bethel. WMiamstion, & Hamilton at William- ston, 44 Bath circuit at Bath, 44 Washington Station. 44 South Edgecombe circuit at T. Hall, 44 Jamesville ct..Jamesville,Jan. 31 and Feb. Plymouth Station, 44 Kennekeet circuit at 44 11 12 17 18 18 19 24 25 1 1 2 7 8 7 8 14 15 14 16 16 17 21 22 Vane 3boro ct. at Vanceboro, Hatteras and Ocracoke at Dare circuit at Manteo, Kitty Hawk at Columbia circuit at Columbia, Greenville circuit at Bethlehem, 2- and Mattamuskeet circuit at Amity, Fairfield Station. Swan Quarter at Swan Quarter, Aurora circuit at Aurora, ii i Feb. Mar. 1 7 8 8 8 11 12 14 15 FAYETTE VI LL E DISTRICT. J. T. GIBBS, P. E., JONE8BORO, K. O. Jonesboro ct., at Jonesboro. Dec. IT 28 Cape Fear ft., at Cor 4 Springs. Jan. 8 4 Manlev ct . at Aberdeen. (Dedication.) " 10 11 Cart ha ct. at Carthage. ' Lumberton ct. at Lumberton. " Cumberland ct. at Camp Ground, Jan. 3 st and Feb. 24 25 1 Fayetteville vHay St. and Campbel ton ) Lilliugton ct. at St. Andrews, Deep Kiver ct. at Carbonton Maxtou ct. at Red Springs (Ded.,) Maxtou and Caledonia at .Vaxton, Richmond ct. at Mizpeli, Rockingham Station it ii ii i . ii .i 1 2 ' 8 T 8 4 1 15 16 2i ii 21 IS 24 Rockingham ct., at Beaver Dam, " St. -lohu's Station at St. John's Feb. 28th and Mar. Mt. Gilead ct., at Wadeville, " 1 T 8 IT 15 16 il 22 .4 reKin ct., at lieuian, Laurinburg Station. Prospect ct.. at.Prospect, Asbury ct. at Bascom's, DURHAM DISTRICT. E. A. YATES, P. E., DURHAM, N. O, Durham Carr Church, Dec. 2" 28 Durham, Main Street. Jan. 3 4 Durham Trinity ) 1 Burlington ct. at Burlington, 44 IT 18 Haw River ct Mann's Chapel, 4- 4 .5 Durham ct., Duke'sChapel Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 R xtmi-t. i t at Koxbi-ru, " 7 8 ivrson circuit, 44 19 Hillsb- ro ct. at Ilillsboro. 44 14 15 Chapel Hill 21 22 Alamance ct., Feb. frth and Mar. 1 Mt Tirzah ct. Trinity, " 7 8 Milton ct.. Milton. 44 14 15 Yancej ville ct. Yancey ville. 44 21 23 Leasimrg ct.. Leas burg, -.8 19 Pittsboro ct.. Pittsboro, Apr. 4 5 Silerct.. at Siler City, n ll The preachers will please write me any in formation I ought to have. The District Stewards will meet at Trinity Church, in Durham, N. C, Feb. i3th, 891 at one o'clock p. m. W. X. C. CONFERENCE. SHELBY DISTRICT. T. W. GUTHRIE, P. K., SHELBY, 27. C. Shelby circuit at Pine Grove, Dec. Mielby Station King's Mountain at King'sMountain, Jan. Rutherford at tlutherfordton, South Fork at St. Peter's, 44 Double Shoals at Double shoals, 41 Lincolnton at Lincolntou, Jan. 31 and Feb. Stanley Creek at Ebenezer, ' Mt. sland Statiou, " McAdensville circuit at McAdensville, 44 Gastonia at Gastonia. 44 Mt. Holly at Mt. Holly. 44 Rock Spring ct.at Bethel, Feb. 28 and Mar. Forest City at Salem, -4 Polk circuit at New Hope, 44 Henrietta at Oak Grove, 44 Cherry ville ct., at Bethlehem, 44 Fallston circuit at St. Paul, Apr. 2T 28 .8 19 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 1 7 8 8 a 14 15 35 18 n Jt 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 & 4 5 WINSTON DISTRICT. P. J. CAKRAWAY, P. E., WINSTON, N. C. Winston, Centenary, Dec. 28 Kernersville circuit Kernersville, Jan. 3 i Madison circuit at Madison, Stokes circuit at Trinity, 44 Forsyth at Lewisville, 44 Zion and Prospect ct., at Mt. Tleasant Jan. si stand Feb, Thomasville station, " Jactson Hill ct., at Newhope, 44 10 11 17 18 4 J 1 1 2 4 5 7 8 81 14 15 21 U Davidson ct.. at tijenezer, Lexington Station, Daubury ct., at Palmyra, Leaksville ct. at Leaksville. i ii it Yadkinville ct. at Yadkiuville Feb. 28th and Mar. 1 Winston Burkhead at Marvin, " 18 MT. AIRY DISTRICT K. M. HOYLE, P. IA. Mt Airy, N. O. Jan. 3 4 - io ii " 17 ;6 " 24 25 Sparta circuit at Sparla, Jefferson c ircuit, Crtston circuit, Elk Park, Watauga c ircuit, Jan. S st and Mt. Airy circuit at Salem, Wilkes circuit at Wilkesboro, Readies River at Miller's Creek, Klkin ai;dJonjsville at lilkin F eb. D bson ct., at Upper Adkins, Mt. Airy Station, Feb. i " 7 8 " 14 15 ii 21 .2 8th Mar. 1 " " 7 8 " 11 16 ASHEVILLE DISTRICT. JAMES H. WEAVE!, P. E., WEAVERVILLE, ". C. North Asheville, Riverside Swannanoa circuit at Bethesda, Ivy ciurcuit at Big Ivy. Weavervihe circuit at Mt. Pleasant, Leicester ct.. at Big Sandy. Hot Springs circuit at Ottingers, Spring Creek ct., at Balm Grove, Mills River ct.. at Avery's Creek, Brevard circuit, at Brevard, Hendersonville Station, Cane Creek circi.it at Edneyville, Sulphur Springs ct., at Trinity, Jan Dec. 13 11 44 H 14 " fl 2! i7 .6 3 4 ;o 11 Jan i. " 17 18 44 18 19 14 2i 8 44 24 25 44 25 24 44 2 7 2 31 st and Feb. 1 44 7 8 44 11 II 44 14 15 Burnesville circuit at Bald Creek Bakersville Station at Bakersville, Tar River circuit at Thompson's, Old Fort circuit at Ebenezer. 21 2t Central Church, Asheville.Feb. i8 and Mar. 1 The District Stewards will meet at Asheville, Dec. 1 th.at 10 a. m. FRANKLIN DISTRICT. W. R. BARNETT, P. E., FRANKLIN. N. C. Macon circuit at Mt. Zion, Waynesville Station, Pigeon River circuit at Pigeon River, Haywood circuit atMt. Zion, Franklin Station Robbmsville Miss., at Robbinsville, Brysou City Station. Bryson ity circuit at Whittier, Haysville ct.. at Ledford's Chapel, Hiwassee viss., at Friendship, Murnhv circuit, at Murphy, Dec. '8 " .9 44 ;r Jan. 3 44 10 44 IT 44 4 44 31 Feb. T 44 14 ii n Franklin circuit at Snow Hill, 44 i Webster circuit at v ebster, Mar. T Hamburg Miss., at Chasher's Valley, . 44 14 CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. A. P. TV Eli, P. E., MONROE, S. O. Mathews circuit Mathews, Dec.LO 21 Wadesboro Station, 41 i7 28 Wauesooro circuit at Morven, Jan. 2 4 Clear Creek circuit at Mill Grove, 44 10 11 Rocky River circuit Burnesville, 44 IT 18 Ansonville circuit at Ansonville, 44 24 25 Charlotte ct . Seversville. Jan. 31 and Feb. i Lilesvilie circuit.Lilesville, 44 7 3 Pleasant Grove ct.. at Pleasant Grove, 44 14 15 Pineville circuit at Pineville, " 1 22 Charlotte, Ti yon St. at 1a.m., Mar. l Charlotte. Church St., at : cC p. m., 4; 1 Monroe ct., at Oak Grove, " Monroe Station at night, 14 8 SALISBURY DISTRICT. 8 8 15 22 J. J. RENN, P E., SALISBURY, . C. Dec. Salisbury Station, Mt. Pleasant ct. at Mt. Pleasant, Jan. Forest Hill Station, 44 Rowan circuit at Bethel, 44 Mt. Zion station, 44 Enoehville circuit at Oak Grove, 44 Mocksvillect. Mocksville, Jan. cl & Feb. Stanly circuit at Mt.. Zion, '4 Albemarle ct., at Albemarle. 44 Salem ct , at Loves Chapel, 44 Concord ct.. at Olivet, Feb. 2Hh and Mar. Concord Station, 4" Fannington ct., at BetMehem, 44 SalNmirv ct.. at Evergreen, 44 Chestnut Hill mission, 4' 1 7 -A 21 1 8 '4 21 28 GREENSBORO DISTRICT. JNO. R. BR' OKS P. E., GREENSBORO, '. C. Greensboro, Market St.. Dec. (tl a. m.) 7 Greensboro, Centenary, 4 (7 p.m.) 7 Randlman, Dec. 20 -l High Point, 44 '-8 Reidsville. Jan. 4 5 Pleasant Garden at Pleasant Garden, ,4 10 il Greesboro circuit at Lee's Chapel, 44 17 18 Ruffin, 44 H 25 STATES VILLE DISTRICT.. 29 J. R. 8CROGG8, P, E., STATESVILLE, N. C. Staesville Station, Statesville ct., at Pleasant Grove, Catawba ct., at Catawba, Newton ct., at Newton, .ooresville ct., at Wooresville, Alexamler ct atTaylorsville. Jan. Dec. 28 29 Jan. 3 4 10 11 44 17 M 44 24 31 & Feb. 1 7 8 " 14 15 uiCKory ana Renoir at i,enoir, Lenoir ct., at Mt. Zion. Caldwell ct., at Bethany, Morganton ct. atGilboa Feb. 2? and Morgan ton Station, Table Rock ct., at Oak Hill, McDowell ct. at Nebo, Marion Station, Connelly's Springs ct. . at C. Springs, Iredell ct, at Turnersburg, 44 21 22 Mar. 1 44 1 2 44 7 8 44 14 15 " 15 16 44 il 22 " 28 20 28 29 3 i ? 10 11 17 W 24 25 8 22 9 :5 22 8

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