THE EXAJSHNER. nrsi XESS MANAGER. I ADVTirnsiNO &ATX9. "t"-V Will lC UejlVtMix u.ijj niinu rl'ti-iKTKES Cents a week; pay tH.v f ijUMl for ?, a year 3 I.UO M Kauar5ona tim it m. twi4 i 41 nn X' H001 anion th r?.uu; three months tl-xW ; six niontJw tr,0U; one yu-1100. j tjeor larger sdverUwinents liberal con-' tract will be made. j J An Inch length vtlzc the colnnin U 1 square. .. . r .- r Notices of , Situations Wanted" by arte al taborlng people are lniterted free of Cbarve, tor the present. "ft J"1 ''I vKiM-nts a month. HI fri'llh& 5.oo. and The Weekly . ,f f'arV-T v F v and Examiner Is a VV.umn pap the largest ever. VOX.. I. RALEIGH, SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1674. NO. 36. 3$5 in tb" "th- " EXAMINER. Mi IfflEWMi . -.; - -'.';...'-"' j j; ; .; , ' ' ' " ' ... , " " " ' : ' " ' ' I " ' ' 7Iy, MARCII 8, 1874 .;:,mxf IT MAY CONCERN: fV " ' ' hereby trives notice T Ml II . nnr T -' ! " 1 iiv r,ttitl'! I fiUtrirt; r 1, - Feb. 21, 1874. Vll'iw I'-O. Raleigh, N. C. ' IT MAY' CONCERN: TvIm n-K-r-iKiied hereby fcives notice V' inwiitifiiicutas Assignee of Alex- ituiaii, of Wilson 1'. O., Nash '"I 1 State of North Carolina, t??, e Eastern District of Nf C., been- adjudged- a .bankrupt ii own' Petition by the District ',fs.iil District. lw!lluutViinw UAMPNON , .1 ... A 1 w I v - - - . 1 w HEREBY' GIVEN, necting of -That.a second general A 1 .rotors of Samuel a. ... w.iuiains, will lie hold at tho Ke?i-stcr's i..,.r.t Kaleif-'h, is. u., on tne zvinoay l,. rmrv, 1-K74, at IU o ciqcK ;a. m., f-,reA. w sillier. Register, lor tlie .. .inu 111 H JIII I Itl ' .l I 1 I in the ti-il. . OUfl. .ill iL-t..e laiiKi upt, - Ati ii luaitu ..'".. c ir AMRSDN. Assignee . -l:iw:w. Raleigh, N. C. ,;un'ler.signed hereby gives notice i-it'OiiiiiiK-nt as Assignws uiruu . "p", Vm, of dlalcigii in the county of ;iki iju'd State of North- Carolina, -il ii the cistern district of North Car v'a wfio lias-' been adjudged a bank liis own petition by the Dis- f'tAirt of said District. Killflll, U.., X'CU. ZdSC, 184. TIloMAS IJ AMPSON, Assignee, . 'pu win. 1 Thi'i.llH W HOM IT MAY CONUEliN : i.(lersigned hereby gives notice iiniKiiilnieiiL as Assignee oi K. Kicks, of Rocky Mount,in the v (i'f N-as-h, and State o I North (.ma, w.uiiiu sum isiiiui uw nas i aljinl-tHr a '.Bankrupt -upon his ;.! -f'i-lricU ; , . ... lH':clH;ilvih, JanJ'3Ut, '1874. TIK'S.-IjAM'PSON, Assignee'.. . P. O. Raleigh, N, C. ::;v' - ' ..' - -4 '; .'-.. ' PHIS IS JU (1 IV iNUTlUJ!, That n thcord day of Feb., A. D., 187 41 warrant m Bankruptcy was. is.suea it of tho bistrirt Court of the United :.,t(-s fi-r the Eastern District of North ;;rlin: agatit the estate of Aitgus rA.lhiek, utMWarrenton, in tho mtiw .of-Warren, and State of; North t-VUVV S A .ft J V en adjudged a Petition: 'That ;uilna ' who has . beei luikiUi't en his own. the payment ol any debts, and the de- ..'.iTyof ar.y property belonging to such i-iuikrupt, to .hhiii-.or for his use, and transfer! any. property, by him, are frbiiW;i-;by law ;' That a meeting 'i''tli95ereditors of said bankrupt, to I'MYe their tk'hts, and: 'to choose one or rii'jreiussinccH of his estate, will be held :i'.a ''mirt of PankruptC3-, bo holder uMlaleiglii N. I., before A..W. Shaffer KcisTt, oiuho 21st day of Feb., A. D., 'A, at U o'clock, A. M. It. M. DOUGLAS, 1 .Marshal asrMessenger. -.Iff wti'N ,t Wilson, Attorneys. . Sr- VOTICE" HEREBY GIVEN. i Tiua a' Petition' has been- filed in ite !Hs!riet I h lw!riet.Court of .the United States r the Kasterh l)isti i-t. of North Cam- jV W. W. Cozart. of Granville unt v, jnlsaiil District, duly declared i'ukiut uiuler the Act I of Congress -5-M.iri-h it lsi)7, lor a discharge and 'vr'Ui:4to thereof from all his debts and 'rdaiijis provable- Under said Act, lJ that Uio 2ist day of February, 1874, ''"'' i'Wk, a. M., at. the office of A. , liegister in Bankruptcy, in 'C, is assigned for the hear samo. wliijij and where all r-'i : Uie toisvholmvo proved their debts, ,'r' Pi'soni in interest may at--J' laiul Kho i-iuj., if any tuey have, ;-!' t he prayer of the said petitioner ' :',u!' not be granted. And that the (l"Hl aillt 'thfrit inuti.'.r.c ,..111 l,n - , t 1 ' '"v 1.11111 1 111 KfXJ UD1U ew. Berne, N. C. Feb. 7ihlS74. - ,u--t. U. E. -TINKER, Clerk. THIS IS TO CI I YE NOTICE, That s-4. .T ua OI 1 etruar3r A. IJ., y warrant iu Bankruptcy- was .is- ;d ,ot of tho District Court of the IX ,;'xV'ot the Eastern District of 'VlwVurolm:l' asainst the estate of ; f .rhu-.n, of Haleigh, in the coun- 'Al; -1Jr'5Jna 8tle f North Caroli- ull I etlflnl! .Tlof tliQ ntr.v.rr.t . and the delivery, of any ,,' .u.V,V,1,t- such bankrupt. li, , .. iP ri ' 1 v 1.A Mill IT , ?r I, ,,. u 4 r ins use. and the transfer P;nH'rtbv,hirn; arefoi , "at ;i '"feting of the ci 'Mm Ulknil't, to prove thei forbidden creditors vs. .,,-'cul more assignees oi N. r A J. -v holden at Kaleish. the -st? ') W Charier, Register, :..!. li. M.-TlrtTTOT.AK f . ;.!Iarsbal as Messenger. ! v AJ X- Attorneysr ruis is Ullllil l - i A V - J J , lima " I ' Jt.ll il-iv- rlT.,., iot. i t .. . - " . "l ( L I . . S . 17.. I ,Ti . i hK''rtJitheUn .4 Jt-'te; District. of N ' m 'y1.10; estate; of ,:Vat?',., .,.Ral!?h P. O. in I issudd out nited States tlf nrth f 'arru ' n' .V; oll:Xor Carolina, who i- 'ed mkrupt upon the , . - - " flic KJ Li 1 1 L V iny to of by v 1 fci o J k 3lA yi'iio s,. . uv ueuis,-anu 10 '' A. v l1.?111 Raleigh. N. C. V.iv ()f VI .na ler Register, on the A.M, ,V""A- i 1874, at 10 ,;yars.hal as. Messenger j v-r jn un.o, Att . .. T ARQO - " Iiai Counllor at Law; n 1,11 .... i('lfPinl t the lir :;?ntinent as Assignee- or. Au (.!ieek of Warrenton, in the Iv of Warren, and State of North within faid District, who has jf"' ii'ml ""d a :" Bankrupt uion his 17 - - 'I'Tiv v ,4,, e ueuyery of j ''"'."rj'.jr hi 10 saiu bankrupt, ! ' l;r.,:,. .'?Iut.a'a tho transfer aw; A ii,, - linn.. are forbidden j- IN ii ANK RUPTC Y. TO WHOM IT M AY' CONCERN : The undersigned hereby gives no tice of his appointment as assignee of J. B. and D. B. Iliggs in the county of Wake, and State of Is'ortii Carolina, in. Pamlico' District.-' who have been ad judged Bankrupts on creditors petition uy me uisirici vouri or saul District. Dated Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 23, 1874. C.-E. JOHNSON, Jr., ' fob2r lw3w ; i Assignee. XTOTICE X That a 1 IS HEREBY GIVEN. fifth general meetintr of cred itors of the Bank of North Carolina bankrupt, will le held at the Register's oIice in Raleigh, N. C, on the 3rd day of February,- 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M., bolore A. W. Shall'er, Register for the purposes named in the 27th and 28th section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 18G7. CHARLES DEWEY, Assignee. 29 y3w - Raleigh, N. C. THIS IS TO GIVa NOTICE, That on the 10th day of February, A. D., 1874, a warrant in Bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the Unified States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, against the estate ot J. B. & D. P. Uiggs, of Raleigh, in the county of Wake, and State of North Carolina, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon Petition of their credi tors : That the payment of any debts, , anil the delivery of any property, bo longihg to such bankrupts, to them or for their use, and the transfer of any property, by them, are forbidden by them ; That a meeting of the, creditors of said bankrupts, to prove their debts, and tq choose one or mere assignees of their estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy,' to bo holden at Raleigh, N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Register on me zist aav ot February. A. 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. , .; R. M.' DOUGLAS, . feobl-2t Marshal as Messetager.' Jones (t Jones, attorneys lor credi tors: ' ' -' S - TIHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That Ion tho 5th day of March, A. D., 1874, a warrant in bankruptcy was is sued out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District or North Carolina, against the estate of Elijah Albert Gupton, of Louisburg, in the county of Franklin, and State of North Carolina, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition : That the pay ment or any debts and . the de livery ofany property - belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transterof any him,4 'are forbidden by law ; That a meeting ,of' the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Raleigh, N. C, before A. W. Shaffer, Registei, on the 20th day of January, A. D., 1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. f-3 R. MJDOUGLAS, Marshal as Messenger. Nisw sciiEbuiias. Piedmont Air-Iiine itailvvay. Richmond & Danville. Richmond & Danville R. W.,. N. C. Division, and North Western N, C. R. W. '"'-".'-; l . ; CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. 1 In effect on and after Sunday, Feb. 22d, 1874. '- GOI KG NORTH. Stations. Mail. , - Express. Leave Charlotte, 7.00 p. m. 8.35 a. m. V Air Line Ju. 7.28 44 8.55 " 44 Salisbury, 10.09 p. m.10.47 ' 44 Greensboro. 2.15 a. m. 1.15 p. m 44 Danville, 5,28 3.27 ' 44 ' Burkville, 11.40 ,44 8.06 Ar. at Richmond, 2.32 p. m. 11.02 GOING SOUTH. It Stations. Leave Richmond, " " Burkville, " Danville, '? Greensboro Salisbury, 44 Air-Line Ju. Mail. 1.48 p. m. 4.58 44 . 9.52 " 1.16 a. rri. 3.56 44 Express. 5.03 a. m. S.28 "i 1.03 p.m. 4.00 44 i: 6.33 44 8.55 44 6.35 Charlotte, GOING EAST. ' Stations. 6.43 44 9.00 44 GOING WEST. i Mail. "'; Mail. .' Head Down. Read Up. Leave Greensboro 2.00 a. m. 12.30 a.m. 44 Co. Shops-3.55 -.4,.Lvell.05p. m. Raleigh, 8.30 6.40 p, tn. Ar. at Goldsboro, 11.40 a.m Lv 3.00 p. in NORilWESTERN N. C. K. . (Salem Branch.) .' Leave Greensboro, 1.30 A. M. : Arrive at Salem, 3.25 A. M. Leave Salem, 1 10.30 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro; 12.00 M. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at j a 40 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with thei Northern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities.. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. ; "' i Trains to and from points East ot Greensboro connect at Greensboro with the Mail Trains to or from points north or south. j j Trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda- tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive at Burkevillo 12.30 p. m., leave Burke villo 4.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. .. . v. Pullman Palace Cars on all nigut trains betweeu Charlotte and Richmond (without change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule of this company will please pri nt as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. T. M. R. Talcott, . , '. Eijgineer Gen'l Superintendent. AS WE HATE BEEN REQUEST ed by many to procure white labor fnr this countrv. we would desire all persons desiring to obtain the same to call at bur office at once ana mane ap plication for the number they desire. We will say that the wages will be a little higher. than those paid now, prob ably from eight to twelve dollars per month. Mr. Bennett having had expe rience in selecting good house lapor, vke aim to select none but good, honest, re liaKio sorvants. As soon as an order for one hundred and fifty have been ob tained, wo shall proceed to geiinem. Our terms will be as. ioiiovs. r uijr cents upon application for each servant and fifty cents for each servant sup- ni;n,i : Sed iu your orders at once. A good white cook can be had by applying V"w - TTi-,Trt PATENT MEOTCINES. j KEARNEY'S run ii) EXTRACT, I BUG H U ! The only known remedy ior B RIGHTS DISEASE. . And a positive remedy Tor gout, gravel; stricture, . DI ABETES.DYSPEPSIA, j NERVOUS DEBIL- ' ITY, Dropsy, ' : Non-retention or incontinence of , Urine j Irritation, Inflammation or U cerail n of the r , . , ' BLADDER. AND KIDIvEYS SPERMATORRHOEA, Leucorrboea or Whites, Diseases' of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the . j .. .' -Bladder. - Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit aint Mucus or Milky lnscharges. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT -BUCHU Permanently Ciirall Diseases, of tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS & DROP SICAL SWELLINGS,: ; Existing in Men, Women and Children. j0-NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE I Prof. Steele says: "One bottle of Kearney's Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchus combinen' Price, One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Sold by all Druggists s ; . . j Depot, 104 Duane St., New York. A Pphysician in attendance to answer correspondence and give advice gratis. S?-Send stamp for pamplets, free.-fSf '' : . TO THE Nervous and Debilitated Of Both Sexes. No Charge for Advice and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of J effer son Medical College, Philadelphia, au thor of several" valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of - the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or fe male, no matter from what cause origi nating or of how long Vstanding. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaran teed. Charges reasonable. Those atj a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and enclosing to prepay postage. . )..-. ' r ! ;; .:'..:, . j . Send for the Guide to Health. Price 10 cents. ; J. B. DYOTT, M. D., . ! 1 Physician and Surgeon, 104 Duane $t; N.' y; : . !, - '.- rep. lyi -.- MISCELLANEOUS. ' i VALUABLE .r ; j PROPERTY FOR SALE;!. -. ! " - - t -. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for Sale her Plantation, known as Strecter Farm. A healthy location, convenient to good Schools. Churches near by. x ine water. There are some , ! 2,0d0 Acres of Iiand ; I 1.300 inT; cultivation. Well tim v woodland so arranged as j to rodder U'jicing, woods mould, very con venient. : The very best Shell Marle on all parts of the Farm. i It is useless 10 sr. aji oi mw pruiAwu tiveness of these Lands. Corn, all kinds of grain, and Clovers yield abundant; but its reputation is ' . ' J-,,- The line of the New York, Norfolk nd Charleston Rail Road is now being run out and it passes through my plan tation. - ':;;': ; ;i'. ; -i.. "The Cotton Farm of tine East," situated in Greene countv, 8 miles from Snow Hill, and 3 miles trom Marlboro, Pitt county. A Railroad line recently established within 3 miles of this Farm, leading from t Wilson to ! Greenvillej which is designed going into operation this Fall. ;.t. - Largre Commodious Dwelling, all necessary outrbuildings needful to a farm this size, newly and neatly fitted P Tebms shall be easv. 1 I will sell, if desired, all my personal property with the Farm. j ; I invite purchasers to visit my place and judge for themselves, or , address me. ' : ' Mrs. VIRGINIA TKI !?SON, 9 3m Marlboro Pi t county, N. C. THE WILMINGTON STAK. Established only Six Years ! DAILY STAIt. H AS THE LAKliJblsr UUUU1.A tion of anv Daily,: Newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilming ton NEARLY twice as large as that of any other paper. . -.m I , All the news of the day will be fonnd in it, condensed when unimportant, at leneth when of moment, and always n.aaanfH in a rlflar. mtellicTent ana in- UlCOVHl 7 - - teres ting manner. . . . 1 ' r f SI7BSCKIPXIOX, in Advance One Year, Six Months, Three Months, '$7.00 ?.50 2:00 -0-0- W E E K LIT, S T A B. PRICES REPITOKW. THE WEEKLY STAR iJ?f Sn bined with the UAivUiAi -a. rAi" and is one of the cheapest papers in country, at the following ; v i j Reduced iates s One Copy, One Year, ; V i - :'. Six Months, $1.50 1.00 pi.- ofSto lO 1 vear. S1.25 B copy, g1" J more,l Vr.fl copy .ibsof m pSea- r--- . i ; Address j tt BERNARD. ; uitor arfd Proprietor wnnungion, .e. c. SCHEDULES. . Office Petkbsbueo R, R. Co., t -!'V '.',- ' . March 27th, 1872. VAN AND AFTER MARCH 31st, the vy t trains will run as follows :. LEAVE WEliDON. Express Train, Mail Train, 7:40 a m &25 p m I . - ARRIVE. AT PETERSBURG. : Express, . , - . 10:50 a m Mail, . 7:00 p m; LEAVE PETERSBURG. ' Mail, . V 5:40 a m Express," ' " . '- 3:50 pm - ARRIVE AT WELDON. 1 Mail, - ' 1 ' . 9:45 a m Express, " ' ' 6:50 p m ' : FREIGHT, TRAINS. , "Leave Petersburg, , 8:00 am Leave Weldon, 5:00 a m Arrive at .Weldon, ' , 4:00 p m Arrive at Petersburg, 12:20 p mi ; V. : ' ' GASTON TRAIN. ; ' . ; Leave Petersburg, , ;, 6:15 am 1 Leave Gaston, . '- V 1:15 p m Arrive" at Gaston, ' . 12:50 p m Arrive at Petersburg. 8:10 p m 1 Freights for Gaston Branch will be received at the Petersburg depot only on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, The deoot will be closed at 5:00 p m No goods will be received after that hour. J. C. SPRtGG, 53 tf. Eng. and" Gen. Manager. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, ; 1 V JStuperintendenVs Office, r Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 29, 1872. ; On and - after Saturday, Nov 30th,' 1872, trains on the R. fc A. A. lu Road will run daily, (Sunday excepted,) follows i . i" ' - Mail train leaves Raleigh, 3.35 P. M. Arrives' at Sanford, ; 6.15 " Mail train leaves Sanford, 6.80 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh, : . .9.20 . " i Mail train makes close connection at Raleigh with the Raleigh v and Gaston Railroad, to and from all pomes North. i And at Sanford with the Western Railroad, to and fronl Fayetteville and points on Western Railroad. A. B. ANDREWS, -. dec 4 tf. " Superintendent. $60,000 WANTED. In Deceihber, 1872, the Grand Lodge of Masons ordered the opening of an asylum at Oxford, for the protection, training and education of indigent and L promising orphans. Several-weeks were occupiea wnn necessary preparauuiis, and, in February, 1873, the work began. Some foresaw nothing but failure, and predicted that spontaneous donations would not sustain such an institution. Others determined that solar as its suc cess depended on them, " their whole duty should- be performed. Lodges, churches, - benevolent societies and lib eral individuals have supported -it by their voluntary contributions, ana many helpless, and hopeless orphans have been , placed, where wholesome food.' comfortable clothing and faithful instruction will make them intelligent and useful citizens. The laws of the land afford but little I protection to or- phans and the hard hand of avarice often holds them in sad and shameful slavery. Legislators disregard their appeals. Orphans cannot vote, their fathers are all dead and the rich seldom espouse the cause of their poor relations. Careful observation has shown that, by close economy, ? each orphan may be fed, clothed and taught for nve dollars a month. In order that different sections of the State mav be represented, and that the most urgent and most needy applicants mav be admitted, about Ut two f hundred orphans should be kept in the asylum. Their expenses will amount to twelve thousand dollars a year. , To insure the permanence of the Institu tion and the continuance oi its worK, there ought to be some provision for Its support for at least five years. If sixty lodges, churches, benevolent societies or individuals will each pay one hundred dollars every year for five years; if seventy lodges, churcnes, nenevoienc societies or individuals Will each pay fifty dollars every year for five years; benevolent societies or individuals will each pay twenty-five dollars every year for five vears. the people will then ap preciate the value of the work and in some wav make it permanent. Thus. for food, clothing and instruction, twelve thousand dollars a vear may pe raised and smaller contributions will supply furniture and fixtures. WiU the friends of orphans raise this amount? -The I question is now before them. ' nireci coninuuiionsare eaniesuv aw lieited. No countenance should be given to those who wish to grind their axes at the expenses of the orphans, neither shonld nublic attention bo, diverted by new schemes for raising money out of others. When people leel for orphans they should feel in their own pockets and contribute as the Lord has pros pered them. Contributions for this year and pledges for future years should be . . . i r r sent to tne oupennieuueui, hl uiiuiu. JOHN NICHOLS, Grand Master. J. IT. Mills. - Superintendent Orphan Asylum,, feb 22-tf. JJ 1ST O R Y OF THE i : 6 RAN G K M O VE MEN " OR,. THE '- .' " FARMERS' WA R A GAIKST MONOPOLIES: Price 2.75 for cloth; $3.25 for law binding V being a Full and authentic account of the strug glesof the American i armers against the extortions of the railroad com- ' u panies. . . WITH A HISTORY OP THE - - - R I SE AND P ROGRESS OF THE ORDER OP i PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY, ' .. . .r pects. ao wu:cu is aaaea Sketches of the Leading Grartgers. I'By EdwarpV ixslow Martij?, author or ".fjehina tne scenes in wash- '; ington," etc; etc; Illustrated with CO fine Engravings and -. , irortraiis. To be had only by subscription agents. .. LAJ A. X k His KELSON, . Agent for Raleigh and vicinity. PKOSPECTUSES. A SEMI-MONTHLY PAPER and ' ' ;- Five Deautiful 1 lac IS in. Enfrafp TOR ONE: BOLIVAR. ' Read the Splendid Family Paper, THE WOMAN'S RIGHT," A sixteen column paper devoted to 'I The Family Circle. . flSubscribe for it ! You will get our five beautiful premiums. Read their description below. Remember you can get five engravings that retails for $1 in the art stores, and a semi-monthly paper for one year,-giving valuable re ligious sketches, temperance stories, re ceipts, w!t, humor, Ac, &c, ALL FOII ONE DOLLAUl . &&-If you are not satisfied with the pictures return the ni and we will re turn the money. No paper in the coun try gives such premiums ; no paper has so valuable reading' matter. ; General Lee Lying in State ! A fine engraving off a beautiful young lady decorating the casket of the old warrior. Death of General T.J. (Stonewall) Jackson ! This is one of most touching engravings ever onered to the public. Tirxwo Good Little Sisters ! They are ministering to the grief of their un- nappy prother, who, while running;in the woods barefoot, ! has got a thorn in his foot and a mote in one of his eyes. IaOgk. at i'apa ! A youns mother is holding up a photograph of her hus- uana ior tneir Daoy gin, wo is looxing at it with enthusiastic delight: arMotners Joy lr Plain oval picture of a pretty young mother with her baby boy in her arms, i Kead thfs all again and then send SI to JOHN T PATRICK, 4-tf J . Wadesboro. N. C. ! CARDS. SION H. I ROGERS, At to r ney" at Law, ! KALElGlI, N. C, Office on Fayetteville Street, two half squares South oj Yarborough House, Haywood old office. i. - i' ' Practices ; in , the Federal and State Courts. 49 3m. JJALEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY. RALEIOII, N. C. F. P. Hobgood, A. M., Principal. II. W. ReinharU (U. Va.) Associate PrincipaL Dr. L. Von Meyerhoff, of Vienna, Music Department.: Tlie Spring term will open on Jlon- day, Jan 19, 18T4. For particulars apply for Circular and Utaalogue. if H lebl U. JXcC PERKINS, Counselor at Law and Solicitor for Patents, 513 7th St., Opposite U. S. P. O. DepL, : WASHINGTON, 1). C . 1 . :b: . tPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO contested and abandoned cases un der the Patent Laws: to Appeals, Re- issuesj Interferences, and Infringe ments: and to shits at law and equity. growing out of the rights and interests of Patentees. fi Correspondence solicited. 14 Jy nroanchnrn Homo o lift popp v" vwiiouwi i i.vniuiu uitiujjVi Greensboro, N. C. , Rev. T. M. Jones. D. D. President. The Sorincr Session of 1874 will begin on the 15th January. . A, . m Charges per session or ao , weeKS, board and tuition? in regular course, 8125.00. 1 Charges for extra studies moderate. For full particulars, apply r'.to the President. I N.H. D. WILSON, 26-tf PresidentlBoard of Trustees. - - . . V. T. ADAMS & SON, Manufacturer! and Dealers m STEAM ENGINES, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Frowst Ilairows, ' Cultivators, Hositlng- ITIachlea, and all kind of 1 1 , f ? ; ; ; CASTINGS. ' . j. -. fe' i " All work .neatly and promptly exe cuted, by skilful workmen, on the most reasonable terms. The senior partner has had over 40 years experience m tne business, ana teeisjusunea in saying mat ne can give entire satisfaction.! WANTED 100,000 pounds of old Cast Iron, for which the highest market price will be paid, in cash or exchange for work. . ' : J- - '- " Works one Square West of Courj House. 1 - Raleigh, Aug. 13, 1872. w3m rrQ HOLDERS f OF CITY BONDS. X ' ' ' -!:;- - The i undersigned. Committee of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Raleigh, propose ito be present at the Citizens National Bank, between the' hours of 11 and 14 o'clock, a. ra., every dav for one week from this date. All holders 01 Uity Bonds, running one, two or tnree j years, wnetner ma tured lor not, are requested to exhibit them to the Committee at one of the hours named. U W.W.WHITE, "I H. T. CLAWSON, V Committee. JAS. H. JQNES. j 9 tf I T. R. PUKNELL, At tor nev at Law RALEIGH, 2T. C vv 111 practice in tne state ana x eaerai Gourts. 333 OFFICE near the Court House. W. W. JONES. . . !! ARMLSTEAD JONES j JONES & JONES, Attorneys at Law, RALEIGH, N. C. Practice in the Supreme Court of the State, the District and Circuit Courts of the Uni- ted States and the several Courts of the 6th Judicial District, i ' 43-Offlce on Fayetteville Street near the vvurtttouse i ' INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE INSURANCE RALF.1C2II, AOItTlI CAHOLINA, Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS: . Hon. Kemp P. Battle, President. F. II. Cameron, Vice President. W. II. Hicks. Secretary. Dr. E.'B. Haywood, Med. Director. Dr. SV. I. Royster, AssH Med. Di'r J. B. Batchelor, Attorney.' O. H. Perry, Supervising Agent. DIRECTORS: Hon Kemp P Battle, Hon Tod R Caldy well, Hon John W Cunningham, Col T M Holt, Hon wm A simui, ur w J Hawkins, Hon John Manning, Gen W R -Cox. Col Ij .W liumpbrey, C Tate Murphy, Col-Wni E Anderson, John G Williams, Col W L Saunders, R Y McAden, Col A A MeKoy, I J Young, James A Graham, F II Cameron, J C McRae, J B Batchelor, J C Blake, Walter Clark, W G Upchurch, J J Davis, John XT Z ' FEATURES AND ADVANTAGES. It is emphatically a Home Company. It is large capital guarantees strength and safety. ; f . Its rates are as low as tuose of an first-class company. , It oners all d&sirable forms or insur ance. . Its funds are invested at home and circulated among our own neople. N o. unnecessary restrictions imposed upon residence or travel. Policies . iion -forfeitable after . two years. - Its omcers and directors are promi nent, and well-known North ' Carolin ians, whose, experience as business men, and whose' worth - and integrity are alone sufficient guarantees of the Com pany's strength, solvency and success. THEO. II. II ILL, Local Agent, O. H. PERRY. Raleigh, N. C. Supervising Agent. 5 Good Agents, with whom liberal contracts will be made, wanted in every county in the Static. March 13, 1873. ; 38 w6m PROSPECTUS OF THE C Alt O LIN A H. E It AL 1. THE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES to commence the publication, in Oxford, N. C. on or about the 1st of rebmary, 184, of a Slarge and hand some weekly paper, thirty-two columns, to be called i THE CAROLINA HERALD. In politics the Herald will be strictly Conservative Democratic All personal or offensive vituperation and abus will be avoided. It will closely watch the course of all public officials : and will not hesitate to thoroughly ventilate the ill-conduct of such. t: It will devotes its bestenergies to the advancement of the eutire State. The commercial, industrial, educa tional and manufacturing interests of the State, county and town will be care fully considered, and every exertion made for their speedy development. it will be tne constant aim and pur pose of the proprietor to make the 7er- Xive Newspaper r in every respect, and he confidently ap peals to the people of Granville and sur rounding- counties to sustain him in this effort. ' AU important foreign news and re ports of the leading markets will be carefully examined and condensed. Particular attention will be paid In the local department of Oxford and every section of the county. The Advertising Rates will be of the most liberal character.and it win u iuu euueavor oi me prroprie- tor to maKe tuo iieraia a reiiame me dium for every class, trade and profes sion. , :: . Terms : '!- ''''. " ' v: $2 Per Annum, in Advance. Liberal deductions made to Clubs. WM. BIGGS, Editor and Proprietor. B E X N E T T & W I C K EK'S intelligence office, Corner Martin and Person Streets, RALEIGH, N. C, Opposite Baptist Grovo. This is the cheapest and most reliable source to obtain honest, sober, and in- uustrious servants, ior we mane it a study to understand their general char acteristics in order to establish a renu talion for our office. All orders sent to our office will be promptly filled. v e would desire of persons receiving servants through us, upon their dismis sal from their service to send us a note stating conduct, capabilities, fcc., thus not oniy protecting memseives, out A 1 . A - A z A 1 ' others from worthless no-account ser vants. . - I - ( Cooks, Nurses, Chambermaids.House girls, Dining room servants, Teamsters, roners, umce Doys, J? loor Doys, Clerks, Salesmen, Mechanics, Laborers, fca, supplied at short notice. Particular attention paid to. rentinor houses, and families desiring to rent nouses wouia ao well to call. Contracts made for brick work, and house, sign and ornamental painting, f Copying of all kinds taken and bills collected. ) ' Persons desiring to procure white. servants are requested to call and ascer tain our terms. A cood white cook can be had by applying at once. AIso a few wv vvivi uvua? nurses. i .,--"' - 1 Particular attention paid to procuring iarm janor. i . Bailey k McCorkle, rAitorneys ana uounseiors A A W A an law, "' . )'' SALISBUBY, N. C4 - ; J ... i"0tO PROSPECTUSES. IJHE REPUBLIC t I Believing that the Inestimable prlril- ' eges of self-government guaranteed 'by" the Federal Constitution involve correa ponding duties, and that among these are sleepless vigilance and the devotion Of tho best thoughts and efforts of ths -citizen In aid of the preservation anil development of our country and its in- ' stitutions, we have determined, in futth erance of these, objects, to establish a monthly magazine devoted to the dis cussion of the science of government and to'a review of political events. Assuming that the legitimate object of good government is provision for tho welfare and happiness of tho citizen, his physical comfort, educational growth, and moral development. The Jtrjublie " will bring to this test all economic ques tions, political action and governmental, measures. - -' ; 1 ( Holding firmly that in a republic, constituted as ours is, political parties are essential, and that they furnish the best, not to say the only means of that constant and severe scrutiny to which power should bo always subjected. The Republic will insist that the country is not only safe, but safest with its destiny in the keeping of the Republican party; that measures of reform and progress must be carried forward through its in- btrumeutality, and that its permanent ascendancy "should be maintained so long as it responds to the demand3 of ' enlightened and progressive public opinion. j The Republic will avoid unwarranted censure of opponents as well as indis criminate praise of friendsaiming at that degree of Independence and candor which concede justice to both. It.will not waste woids, influence, or power by purely negative criticisms, but will en deavor to promote correct action by affirmatively and plainly showing the better way. True this4ino of criticism involves thought, care, .investigation with the exercise Of an impartial judg ment ; but history has conclusively de monstrated that by these means tho jcause of truth and good government can be best advanced. ? V ! The Republic will furnish a brief and accurate record of events of political and general interest, as The proceedings of Congress. The decisions and action of the Exec utive Departments. ! The action of States afid of political bodies of national import 1- The progress of material andeduca tional development. ,j f Decisions of the judiciary of political or finanical importance and of general application. i The publication leing monthly, the record will be made up after the events have transpired, and will make, at tho close of the year, a volume of accurato and valuable information in convenient form for preservation and reference Among the topics claiming discussion will be I - i' ... ! . The relative power and jurisdiction of the Federal and State Governments the expansion of territory, revenue, finance, education, Industrial school, postal tele graph, postal savings banks, railway and canal transportation, life and fire insurance, river and harbor improve ments, tne public ncaith, reforms in the j'UMllU O V-4 V sJm nuu vuv ommiiiuiucui ui equal civil and political rights. On these and kindred subjects The Republic will aim to convey reliable information, ex-. cite thought, and iuduco action. The writers for 17ie Republic have been selected from among those whose sagacity; judgment, and energy were thoroughly tested in the recent political contest ; and their names are withheld now; as then, for the sole reason that they prefer success through reason, ar gument, and the merit ol their produc tions. -. . ; . Moved by these considerations, and subordinating the question of remuner ation entirely; we appeal with confidence to those who, during the recent cam paign, responded soiberally In money, time, and effort, to aid Jn the in trod no- tion of The Republic. , The Magazine will be furnished at as near cost price as practicable, and will -be enlarged whenever the patronage received will j ustify increased expend iture , v The Repubuc will be published month- ly, on superior paper, in clear type, and 1 will contain not less than forty-eight pages bf reading matter exclusive of an vfirtisementn. : ; TERMS. ' .".,."' .--"fM"" : , : , ' Two dollars per year, in advance .. Single copies, twenty-fi ye cents. . ' ! Clubs of five, remitting ten dollars, will be entitled to six copies. . item i t tan ces should be made by mon ey orders, drafts, or registered letters. Letters mav be addressed to The Re public Publishing Company, or to lion. J . m. Edmunds, secretary or the union Kepubucan Congressional Committee, Washington, D. U. j The ttepublicPublillngr Compsiiiy, Waalilngton, D. C. I - Rooms Union Rep. Cong. Committee, Washington, D. C., Feb. 4, 1673. The undersigned is well acquainted with the gentlemen who-have under taken the publication -of The Republic, and has entire confidence in their devo tion to Republican principles and in their ability to successfully accomplish the important work they have tinder taken.. - - - :-.'; The enterprise is earnestly recom mended as worthy of the active and. liberal support of Republicans through out the country. . 1 43 Ji M. Edmunds, Secretary. ; y OVEJOY ACADEMY, ; BALEIGII, N. C. Tlie Wi Session Opens Jan. 20, 187 1. The Principals congratulate them selves on the success which has attended their efforts during the past year; within which time over a hundred bos have been instructed by them. The Academy aims to teach well. It prepares boys for any College, and for , ibo practical pursuits of life. , Tuition, per session. Tf Jj, Board and room ? 15 and $16 per month. A few boys can secure board with one ; pf the teachers. ;-.;; " For other particulars address, ! . J. M. LOVEJOY, J, W.WHITE, Prin's R. W. LOVEJOY, Assistant Instruct r. Raleigh, Jan. f 29w2w i; Wentwortli's Kej'-riner and Check comoined.r GerJSilver am pte 15c. i Circulars free. Stafford Manufacturing Co., 66 Fulton Bt.t N. Y. i' . 28 ivt v ' . .-!. 1 ,

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