The Raleigh Republican. A PUBLICATION DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF THE TAX-PAYERS OF RALEIGH. Vol. 1. RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1909. No, 5. Workingmen, Attention! When a man becomes desperate and beside himself with rage at his impotence, he is apt to become indis creet, and. if he is crooked, to tell the real truth. An evidence of this is seen in the organ of the Democratic party, the Raleigh News and Obser ver, in their issue of April 30th. In this, the charge, while implied, is in no less manner direct, that “workingmen,” men who earn pheir bread by the sweat of their brow, are unfit for public office, and if elected, will bring the city into disgrace, to use its language, make Raleigh a “Lu-Lu” of a place, whatever that may mean. It is true, that the Republicans have nominated workingmen for of fice. In that catagory is a machin ist, a painter, a plumber, a carpen ter, a storekeeper, a printer, and so on. They are men of good character, of good education, of clean lives, most of them owners of property, men who would not suspend from office one official for a dereliction of duty of which they were themselves guilty. They have each pledged them selves to-be faithful in the perform ance of their duties, and if their past lives are any criterion, they will be. Because a man’s hands may be cal lous from toil does not make him un fit for office any more than being a bank president does. Because a man’s clothes, his every-day clothes, may show evidences of his daily employ ment, does not make him an “unde sirable” man who, if elected to office, will cause his city to be shamed. Cities have elected workingmen to the office of mayor, and they have “made good.” In their anxiety to elect their slate, composed mainly of men who have formerly taken little part in public affairs, and many who until there was the spending of a large bond issue to handle, several sites to buy, etc., etc., the News and Observer has become indiscreet and in its des peration says more than it intended to let out. It is to be hoped that a rebuke, if not a defeat, will be given such on Monday next. The only way it can be given, is by your individual vote. You, and you alone, can do it Will you? If you are opposed to the $125,000 bond issue, forced on you without your opinion being asked, then vote against the sale of the Market House. One thing is certain: Since The Raleigh Republican has been making its afternoon calls, the Democrats have had an epidemic of the “dry grins.” Mr. Stanhope Wynne, Candi date for Mayor. Sir:—You have been chosen, after many years of fruitless effort, as a candidate of the dominant party, or rather of the dominant faction of that party, as a candidate for Mayor. The Republican wishes to ask you a few questions, which it feels is in the in terests of the tax-payers whose votes you solicit. Being the head of your ticket, it is natural to presume that the other candidates meet with your approval and that you will, of course, support them for re-election. 1st. .Do you think it right and proper that an officer, whose sworn duty it was to see that proper bonds for officers were filed for the protec tion of the people’s money, failed in that duty, should be retained in office not to mention to stand again for re- election as your candidate for City Clerk has done? Are you going to approve this dereliction in duty by voting for him? 2nd. Is it right and proper for a Police Commissioner who has violat ed his oath of office by failing to see that proper reports were made by the Chief of Police is a fit candidate foi- re-election and is he entitled to your support? 3rd. Do you think it right and proper that a candidate for an office who has the entire handling of the tax-payers’ money and who failed in his sworn duty to furnish a bond, should be elected? We are asking you these ques tions because one officer, who simi larly failed has been suspended from office and disgraced. Your colleagues on the ticket are equally guilty, and yet you, presumably, are supporting them. You are a man of large business in terests, with a reputation for care and shrewdness in the management of those interests. Would you allow such careless (which is a mild term) men in your private employ? Then why, as your silence implies, support for office, to take care of the people’s money and affairs, such men. We have appealed in vain to the organ which is, above everything else, responsible for your nomination. As a candidate it is your duty to answer. Do we call in vain on you also? The publication of The Raleigh Republican has demonstrated that there is a field for an afternoon paper here. The little “me-too” Ral eigh Times is not even an excuse. The people of Raleigh are anxious for a fair, independent newspaper which will treat both sides right and give the facts. They do not care for a little afternoon echo of the morning blast. To the Voters of Raleigh. You are asked, on Monday next, to endorse by voting the Democratic ticket, the following things: You are asked to endorse a bond issue of $125,000 -which was forced on you without your consent; with out previous agitation among the peo ple. It was passed by gumshoe meth ods, BY THE LEGISLATURE, NOT THE PEOPLE, because they knew you would never approve it. 2nd. You are asked to endorse the administration of a party that has in creased the expenses of the city by 65 per cent, without apparent im provement to any local conditions; as admitted by their own speakers and their organ. 3rd. You are asked to vote for a City Clerk, a Tax Collector and a Police Commissioner who are shown to have been derelict in their duty, careless (to put it mildly) in the con duct of the people’s affairs, a dere liction for which one official is now under suspension and disgrace. 4th. You are asked to approve the selection of a partizan commission who are empowered to select sites for a new municipal building, the loca tion of a new market house and au ditorium, the handling of hundreds of thousands of your dollars, which commission you were not asked to select or even approve of, and who have not yet selected these locations nor will they until after the election, when you will have two long years to forget it in. 5th. You are asked to endorse a party that is responsible for your in creased taxation, of all descriptions, and to approve of actions that can have only one result, and that will be increased taxation and more bonds either with or—if not given—with out your consent. 6th. You, Mr. Voter, in the newly incorporated district, are asked to en dorse your forcible annexation to an increased taxation, a rate of taxation that is paid by the rich and well-pro tected properties on the sleek and well-fed gentlemen who have seized control of your dominant Democratic party, for which you have no return in water, sidewalks, lights, police and fire protection and the other things that they have in abundance. YOU PAY THE SAME RATE AS THEY. 7th. Workingman, you are asked to endorse a party whose organ says the city will stand disgraced if work ingmen are elected aldermen, instead of bank presidents and rich mer chants. If you don’t believe that, read the News and Observer of Fri day’s issue. The Republican could mention nu merous other things, but space for bids. A change is needed and that imperatively; quick, sharp and im perative. For the first time the op position to the clique have had an opportunity to talk to the people by means of the newspaper. The Demo crats confidently expect you to trail along as you have before. Will you? It is up to YOU., and by you. we do not mean your next door neighbor, but you, your individ ual self. Come out Monday and vote your convictions THIS ONE TIME. The City Clerk. In the expose of carelessness, neg ligence and even worse of the city officials, the office of City Clerk shows up worse than any of the oth ers. Absolute carelessness, neglect,, inattention to even the rudimentary elements of ordinary business care- are only too apparent. Cases could be cited galore, but as a sample, it was his duty to see that the bonds: of officials were filed. THE TAX COLLECTOR HANDLING THOU SANDS OF DOLLARS OF TAX MONEY went for SIXTEEN MONTHS without a bond. A monthly report of the Chief-of-Police should have been made, and it was the EXPRESS DUTY OF THE CITY CLERK TO IM MEDIATELY REPORT SUCH FAIL URE under the City Charter, and he failed to do so FOR MONTHS. Who should be suspended from office, Mul lins or Willson, or both? He is paid a salary of $100 per month, a fair wage, certainly enough to cause him to spend some little time at his office. Yet the inability of the citizen who has business at the office of the city’s clerk, the city’s office man, as it were, has passed into a joke. Ridiculous as it may sound, it is said in good faith, that a tax payer, anxious to pay his dog tax, called so often that he finally became disgusted and tied his dog to the Clerk’s chair, where the poor animal remained for three days. The Republican party has nomi nated for that office a clean, bright, alert young man of worth and busi ness ability. He is making a finan cial sacrifice in accepting the office, if elected, but he has pledged him self to faithfully perform his duties as laid down by the charter and the ordinances. He has been successful in the conduct of his own affairs, and will, without doubt, give the same care to his official duties as he has to his private affairs. He is, it is true, a workingman, a mechanic and a good one. Raised by careful parents, he possesses a good education, making him perfectly ca pable of performing the clerical du ties of that office. He is popular, an evidence of this being the fact that he lead his legislative ticket in this: county last fall. If there was ever a case of the office seeking a man, it was this case with “Powie” Matthews. If elected, it involves a financial sacrifice, a mat ter of consideration to a working- man. He accepted only on being urged by his friends that the office needed a purging, that he was one man who could fill the office more acceptably than its present occupant, whose rec ord for six years his own party dare not even attempt to defend. For once, let the people of Raleigh lay aside party prejudice, consider the best interests of the community and the city’s best interests and vote to SUSPEND William Willson “for i dereliction of duty.” AFTER READING, PLEASE PASS ALONG TO SOME ONE ELSE.