THE HARBINGER- UNION DIRECTORY. Cbntkal Labor Union W. K. Faison,1 President; Geo. T. Norwood, Secretary. Meet 4th Friday nights. Typographical Union, No. 54 J. W. Hl- Secretary, W. C Huffham; Reading Clerk, E. S. Cheek; Sergeant-at-Ann, Geo. Holder ; Delegates to Central Labor Union, J. W. Hal ford, E. S. Cheek, C. F. Cook. Meets first Wednesday night of each mouth. Bookbinders' Union, No. 39.Geo. T. Nor wood, President: A. L. Bashford, Secretary. Meets third Monday of each tnonth. Printinc Pressmen's Union, No. no George Lumley, President; B. F. Ellis, Secre tary. Meets last Thursday of each month. Painters, Decorators and Paper Hang ers' Union, No. 398 E. M. Campbell, Presi dent; S. V. House, Secretary. Meets . Machinists' Union, No. 109 F. H. An drews, President; W. H. Cole, Recording Sec- retary. Meets first and third Saturday nights. Order Railway Conductors, No. 264 H. M. Faucett, C C; W. V. Newman, Secre tary. Meets Sunday afternoons. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers, No. 339 C. H. Beckham, Chief; B. R. Lacy, F. A. E. Meets Saturday nights. Allied Printing Trades Cocncil W. H. Singleton, President; L. F. Alford, Secretary. Meets Sunday afternoons. Retail Clerks' Union, No. 487 W. T. Stainback, President; J. T. Bland, Secretary. Meets 1st and 3d Monday nights. Carperters and Joiners' Union, No. ; J. T. Barrow, President; J. W. Hunt, Secretary. Meets every Thursday night. Cigar Makers' Union, No. ; Presi dent, ; Secretary, ; . Meets . Allied Labor Organization W. H. Sin gleton, President; Geo. T. Norwood, Secretary. Meets on call of Executive Council. BUSINESS NOTICES. Notice of Administrator. Having qualified as administrator of the es tate of Manah Joyner, deceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate, to present the same to the undersigned, at his office in Ral eigh, N. C, on or before the 25th day of Feb ruary, 1903, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. C. MORCOM, Feb. 22, 1902. Administrator. 6t For Sale. One horse and buggy, one fine goat wagon and harness, one good organ, in thorough re pair, for only $14, one mounted emory wheel at a bargain, two good laundry stoves. Apply to Dan Harris, E. Hargett St. Boss' Little Lunch, in packeges, 5c. At all grocers. Boss' Ocean Spray. Best cracker on the market. All grocers; 5c. Boss' Cakes are not made by a trust, and the quality is not excelled. Boss' Little Lunch, in packages, 5c. At all grocers. Boss' Ocean Spray. Best cracker on the market, in packages. Try them; 5c. To be found at all dealers. . Boss' Cakes are not made by a trust, and the quality is not excelled. Try them. Boss' Little Lunch, in packages, 5c. At all grocers. Mr. F. H. Honeycutt, Stall No. 23, City Mar ket, is never witnout the very best Fresh Meats, both home and imported, and no gentleman can come nearer giving satisfaction to all comers His Pork Sausage is very fine, and the sage is not left out. Orders by telephone promptly nlled. Bell 'phone, 1053. Interstate, 401. Boss' Ocean Spray. Best Cracker on the market. In packages, 5c. Boss' Cakes are not made by a trust, and the quality is not excelled. Mr. W. G. Thomas, of the Northside Phar macy, is not only an expert in his line of bust ness, but he is an old Raleigh boy, who has the confidence of all who know him. When you wish anything m his line, give "Dock" a call, Mr. R. C. Batchelor, whose saloon and Dool room is situated at 126 East Martin St., says he has one ot the most pleasant places 01 the kind in the State. All the best and purest brands of Wines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars. His Pool Room contains the very latest up-to-date tables, and a pleasant evening is assured. . tf Patronize Watson's Photograph Gal lery. He gnres satisfactory results every time. Up-to-date in every particular. Mr. W. H. Hicks, on Martin street, is one of our most reliable hsh dealers, and has been in the fish business so long he can look in a fish's month and tell how old he is. He has on hand iresn nsn 10 suit rxin ine season ana your poctet. iie says anybody can weigh his fish. without trouble, as he sends out a pair of scales with each bunch tree. B. W. Upchurch's Specials. Choice Roasted Coffe, per lb. . 10c Quart Bottle Catsup.... ....... 13c Snap Beans, regular 10c. size.... . 6c Preserves, per lb jj4c Pure Hog Lard, per lb.. 11c Lion Roasted Coffee, per lb ioc 1 Dozen Coxes Matches.... .... 5c Mixed Nuts per lb.... 10c Currants, per lb. j4c Pure Honey, 2-pound cans. 30c Country Hams, per lb... 12 All Pork Sausage, per lb .J ...... 10c Try our Condensed Milk, per can.... 5c Granulated Sugar, per lb . 3c B. W. UPCHURCH, The Cash Grocer. East Hareett Street All 'Phones, j .-. ........ . . r j. M..N. AMIS, , Attorney at Law, Pollen Building, V . ; RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. S, A. Campbell, the furniture man, has ma attractive ad. in to-day'a Harbinger. Mr. Campbell has been in the furniture business for twelve years, and knows how to buy, when to buy, and what to buy, in order to suit his nu merous customers. His Fayetteville street store is such a furniture emporium tLat the ladies term it a " perfect dream," and his Wil mington street store, presided over by Mr. C. D. Holland, presents such a scene of activity and bustle that one can hardly decide what he re aliy does want, and his numerous polite clerks will take you in charge, and we- guarantee the very best attention. All goods sold on easy weekly or monthly payments, if so desired. Mr. Walter Woollcott and Miss Phillips, his artistic milliner, are both now in New York purchasing Spring goods, but are expected back next week. " Mr. Walter " sends word that he will have a bang-up line of goods this season, and that his millinery department will eclipse all previous sfforts of his in that line. But he will tell about that in his new ad. later. Why Eight Hours ? Because of the present long-hour day many are unemployed, and the man on the street fixes the wages paid to the man at work. Labor-saving machinery has increas ed the producing capacity of workmen who, in justice, should be afforded more leisure. The eight-hour day would increase the longevity of the workers. It would give greater opportunity for social and educational development It would raise the standard of living, upon which prosperity depends. It would help the taxpayer by put ting the tramp to work. It would promote an independent spirit, which is lacking in over-worked people. It would build up trade unions, and concentrated effort is the law of suc cess in the militant world of industry. It would open up the road to every desirable social reform. It would give men a chance to get acquainted with their families. It would promote temperance by re moving the desire for stimulants, which comes from long hours of labor. It would make better citizens, by giving the citizen more time to under stand his duties. Special Rates on S. A. L. Railway. f 6.55 Raleigh to Wilmington, N. C, and re turn, account of Annual Meeting State Council, Junior O. U. A. M., February 18-20. Tickets to be sold February 16, 17 and 18, final return limit February 25. Special rates from all other 1 t . 1 r if points in in orxn varoima. For rates and any further information, write or call on C. H. GaTTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. II. S. Leard, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Special Rates to Charleston, S. C, Exposition, via Seaboard Air Line Railway. I5.6S. Limited seven (7V days from date of sale, via of Cheraw. Sold Tuesdays and Thurs days. I7.00. Limited seven (7) days from date of sale, route via Columbia. $12.25. Limited until Mav 31, 1902, route via Columbia. Only twelve hours from Raleigh to Charles ton via Seaboard Air Line Railway, and only one change of cars : Lv. Raleigh .. 3.32 a. m. 7.35 p. m. Ar. Columbia ..... 9.35 a. m. 2.00 a. m. Lv. Columbia 11.40 a. m. 7.00 a. m. : Ar. Charleston... 3.35 p. m. 11. 15 a. m. Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars on all trains. For further information, call at City Ticket Office, Yarboro House Building. Telephones Nos. 117. C. H. GaTTIS, C. P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. j:w. littlejohn, dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters and Groceries, RALEIGH. N. C 614 NEWBERN AVENUE. INTERSTATE 'PHONE 440. Seeds For the Garden STOCK LARGEST, QUALITY HIGHEST, . PRICES LOWEST. W. H. KING & CO., (Three Stores) RALEIGH, N. C. JOLLY & WYNNE 3ewelry Co Watches.Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Optical Goods and Novelties. All Kinds of Repair Work Special attention given WEDDING PRESENTS. UaT" Prices and quality guaranteed. JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. T. W. BLAKE, Jeweler and Optician, . . . MAHOPACTTIK OP Seals, Rings, Orders' Medals. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. FaietteYille St., Next to A. Williams'. A. G. DENTON, 'The Old Reliable' 305 South Blount St., Keeps on hand all the Purest Brands of . . . lUbiskcys, WINES AND . . BEER. No one has ever said that "AT" did not treat him square Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. H impson's 0 Eczema Ointment Cures all Skin Diseases. Catarrh Cream ... Cures Catarrh. 0 impson's 5 Liver Pills . . . Ate the Best in the world. Each 25c: Sent by Mail. WM. SIMPSON, Raleigh, C. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, Rf1LEIGH, N. C. HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, . LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, STOVES, GUNS, LOADED SHELLS. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Fresh and Crisp ARE MY- Groceries AT. THE LOWEST PRICE FOR CASH ! Call on or 'phone S. W. Terrell & Son's, East Hargett Street, 'Phones 177. A. S. WOMBLE, 0rocer 17 East Hargett St, .. , RALEIGH, N. C. COMPLETE STOCK OF Groceries, Leather and Shoe Findings. 6651 Pocket Knives Made BgTSpecial Delivery."! C D. ARTHUR, Stall No. 14, City Market, Headquarters for Norfolk and North Carolina Oysters AND FRESH SHAD. ALL KINDS OF FISH. ... . 'Phone 255. JOHN W.BROWN Funeral Director and Embalmer... RALEIGH, N, C. Mechanics9 and Investors' Union can help you to save money, or can aid yon to own a home. .... Fiie Cents per Day will Carry $200 Certificate ' Apply to GEO. ALLEN, Sec'y. ' (Fallen Building.) UNION-MADE iAt Headquarrsrs for Shoes All Styles. Daniel Allen 1 Co. Shoe Store. Raleigh 'Phone 54. Interstate 491. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music House. Established 1870. - Mathushek and Ludden & Bates Pianos. Mason & Hamlin and Sterling Organs. AT LOWEST PRICES AND ON EASY TERMS. Call and see us. No. 4, South Salisbury Street, RALEIGH, N. C. LIVELY BARGAINS Now Going at Heavy 10c. Socks at Sc. tl Ml laimrlriori Qhirtc fnr Rn Honk! 1 1 V WlrVU L.UUIIUIIUU Ullllli) IUI UU UUIII0 PnTlin Selling very low to make room for ULUIIIIIlU SPRING STOCK COMING IN ! THE W. E. JONES F0RIIT0RE CO 17 E. Martin Street. 18 E. Market Street. Mew too,, new furniture, Hew Prices i-to-Date from Top to Bottom ! HARD TIME TERMS! Everything for the Home in the right style and at the right price. We can deliver- promptly, snow or no snow. We want to see you at our NEW STORE, and we want you to see our stock. gDON'T FORGET the place. 14 East Martin St., , . RALEICH, N. C. WE ARE SHOWING NEW LINES OF Dress Coods and ElHadras. .. ' Have also received an elegant assortment of WHITE GOODS. . Our 1902 style RUGS have arrived,' ; . prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.75. . .';

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