t THE HARBINGER. General News. Safe crackers dynamitid the bant of Richards, Mo., and secured 1890. The Treasury Department ordered William H. Eustis to Hawaii to inves tigate increased postal facilities there. The Philippines government is adopting vigorous measures to sup press ladronism in several provinces of Luzon Islands. The Philippines Commission repeal ed the Spanish law which imposed an income tax on salaries. Manila newspapers received at the War Department say that the ladrones are making more trouble than ever be fore in the Philippines. The battleship Alabama left New York city for the Carribean sea to par ticipate in the winter manoeuvres. Being refused admittance to his sweetheart's home, Homer Cramer, of Columbus, O., killed the girl, Almeda Berk, and then committed suicide. From an assault committed by his son, George Bowers, aged seventy-four years, died at Waukesha, Wis. John L. O'Brien was arrested at San Francisco, Cal , on a warrant from Washington,"D. C, on a charge of em bezzlement. O'Brien was on his wed ding journey. Three hundn d head of cattle per ished in a prairie fire in the Rosebud Indian reservation, in Nebraska. Composer Mascagni's American tour was cancelled. His managers say they will lose between $95,000 and $100,000. Dr. Lorenz, of Vienna, successfully operated on a case of club feet in San Francisco. The patient was a baby five months old. Mrs. Sarah M. Jones, 103 years old, died at Binghamton, N. Y. She was born in Philadelphia in 1799. Burglars stole a safe containing $1100 from the bedroom of Michael Levine, a farmer, near Gloucester, Conn. Called to the door of his house Da tective Thomas Burgess, of Sparta, Tenn., was fatally shot an unknown man. President Castro, of Venezuela, made a triumphant official entry into Cara cas. The forces of the revolutionists fled. In his speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet Premier Balfour said that he looked with much hope to the future of South Africa, and expected much good from Mr. Chamberlain's visit. Members of commission appointed by a Bolivian syndicate, headed by an American, reached Manaos, B:azil, on their way to carry out the syndicate's commercial enterprises in Acre. Sir Marcus Samuel was formally in stalled as Lord Mayor of London at the Guildhall. ; Comte Boni de Castellane called his unseating by the Chamber of Deputies "a triumph for defamation and false hood." ;:;. Japan's budget placed the receipts for next year at $129,000,000 ; expen ditures $i8i,ooo,coo. For selling forged patents of nobil ity, Aloi Mueller was sentenced "to two years' imprisonment at Prague, Bohe ' mia. The cholera has practically disap peared from Egypt, and Cairo is quite free from the disease, which is also rapidly decreasing in Palestine. German manufacturers of earthen ware are contemplating an amalgama tion to protect their wares. There are many who will rejoice with Roland B. Molinuex that he has regained his liberty. Twice tried and ' once sentenced to the electric chair, I with four years of imprisonment and the most heartless of persecution, it may well be said that he has had pun- ismnent enougn, even n gumy, wnicn few believe. The evidence through out the protracted trial pointed to ac quittal, and the verdict of the jury is evidently the verdict of the people that Molirieux was more "sinned againts than sinning," and that other than his prepared the poison that took Mrs. Adams to her death. An American bartender was killed in Manila by a uative policeman. Oak City Pressing ClUt), 416 S. Salisbury Street, Kear of Ton'office. "y Q-V- Gleaning, Pressing and Repairing A SPECIALTY. We will call for your ciothen any hour, day or night ; return them iu time for you next morn ing. We make a sp cialtr of cleaning Ladies' Prcfweg, HhirtwaistN Cloaks and Kill Gloves. We guarantee wtinfaction or money refuuded. harges reasonable. If you ooubt ourwoik, give us a suit on tria1 without charges. Inter. tate 'Phone 39. PKATT & TtiuKNTOX, Managers. We Haye it at Last ! 0 0 9 CHINE on account of the high jiric s don't worrj any loogc. We have a strictly standard High CIhss New Home Sewing Machine a' the Lowest Price ever sold or oft'ered for sale in Raleigh. Everybody can buy one, because the prico and terms will enab e yon to get one. Don't fail to call and look. Courteous attontiou will be given you. CASH OR CREDIT ! K. W. ff mil TOW Kit, 102 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. O. "E-I. BANKS, First Class Shoe Repairer. Nkw Work Exchangkd for. Old Shoes. Also keeps a Lunch Coun ter. Lunches served from 8 a. in. to 12 midnight. E. Martin St., between C. C. Jones and S. R. Pool. Spectacles Eyeglasses FKE12 OF CHARGE if we don't give you satisfaction. A SPECI ALtST employed, with diploma. No charge for examination. Can save you 50 per cent. Open at all hours. -Southern Book Exchange. RAI.EKilf. N. C. Buy Your Fresh Fish AND New R'ver Oysters : of- XV ED K 1 NO, Whore you can always find what you want. Choice Fresh Water Chub And all other Fish in season. Try me anil be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. 116 EAST MARTIN STREET. 'Phones : Bell 1092. Interstate 217. Watch Who 131 L3. IT. W.PJatthews,2.r The Ice Man, will sell all kinds of Fruits, such as Peanuts Bananas, Apples, Oranges. Lemons, Co coamits. Walnuts, Brazil Pecans, Almonds. Also Fresh-roasted Peanuts, I nion-mide Chewing Tobac co and Cigars; also Fred. G. St 'Udt's Bread, Cakes and Pies, fresh end nice. Y urs to p'ease, W. V MATTHEWS. Let Us Make Your Portraits and PICTURE FRAMES, o e o We maVo Frames of all kinds and Portraits of many kinds. We lead in all goods in our lino. Ca'l and inspect our Framed Pictures, Brooches and Mould ings, Portraits and gen eral Picture Goods. Yours to Servk, Winfrey Art Company, - 125 WeSt Martin Street, Next to Dr. SlcGee's residence. MONEY to LEND On real or Personal Security in Wake County. II. F. aiOXTACJl'li, Roomi Hand 1 I'ullrn Hulhllnf. J. B, GREEN & GO,, Fancy Grocers, 9 East Hargett Street, best goods at lowest prices. 9T999 New Mince Meat, Raisins, Currants, Prunes and Cocoanuts. trv M. JonCH ik tlr-o., 140 S. Wilmington Strf.et. SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. r9-C9-9- Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed. Row Going On-Don't Miss It- Great Sale 01 Furniture ! -y-.V'. Every inch of three mammoth double floors filled to overflowing with the best of worthy furniture no taste has been over looked. The Greatest Furniture Manufac turers in the world. We have been busy fushioning these "Fu niture Samples" for the past six months. YOU CAN PIN YOUR FAITH AB'O Ll'TKLY ON THE tJlAKITY AND PKICK OF EVERY PIECE OF FURNI TURE WE SHOW. THIS GREAT BUSI NESS IS ON THE BROADEST POSSIBLE LINES. The increasing volume of trade every sea-, son shows that the people know whe e to come and where to buy. V m M ROYALL & BORDEN FUHITDRE CO $ IIAlllL GOODS un sua iv. Anticipating a prosperous season, such as the country has not seen for many years, our buyers have search ed the world for the new and novel, in Toys, China and Housefurnishing Goods. The result is a surprise even to us. Our show . rooms and ware houses are crowded with the finest lines of china, toys, dolls and fancy I 'A goods ever offered to the people. We invite all the people in Raleigh and North Carolina to visit the great 41 exposition. You should certainly see our oltenugs tins year, it you buy at the lowest price place, you must buy of us. heJ.D. Riggan CoJ J. R. Ferrall & Co., GROCERS, 222 FAYETTEVILLE ST. SMALL LOT Old Virginia Hairs TO-DAY. Dangerous Stab IS GIVEN TO HIGH PRICES OF Second-Hand Jewelry, Pistols, Clothing, Clocks, Etc. BY IU. 0. Garrett, 216 East Martin St. F. H, Hunnicutt, . DEALER IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME. ALL KINDS OF Fresh meats Western Steaks A SPECIALTY. 108 E. Hargett Street. Bell 'Phone 181. Raleigh 'Phone 368. eiUUzzeH, printer and- Cor. Wilmington and martin Streets, .". RALEIGH, N. C. DON'T SUFFER WITH PILES IN ANA FORM, BUT OBTAIN RELIEF AT ONCE AND PERAMNENTLY BY USING DR. KNOWLES' CELEBRATED PILE REMEDY. ?S3 Cor. Wilmington ana Hargett si ., jjj BRETSCH'S CAKES and TEKHY'S CAHEIES ErsissYiBsbrj, Cdifaj tiirjl:::!, Fayettevillk Street, ONE DOOR FROM CAPITOL. Open All Night. STOP THAT HACK THE THING TO STOP THAT hacking cough is : : : : King's Pins Tar Cough Balsam. it does not taste like medicine; it acts like magic : ::::::;::: Price, - -- -- -- -25 Cents. W. H. King Drug Co. Three Stores Raleigh, N. Cf I Buy and Sell Old Clothes, Hats, Old Shoes, Old .... Gold, Pistols, Watches, Guns, or ANYTHING Bell 'Phone 864. Suits Cleaned, 75c. Suits cleaned and Dyed, $1.50. Harris' Steam Dve Works. CAROLINA. TRDST COMPANY. Capital . $100,000.00. Receives Mooey on Deposit, Sub ject to CtecK INTKREST PAID IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Do a Gknkkal Banking Business. W. V. MILLS, Prest; LEO. D. IIEAKTT, V. P. nud (tKN'L Maagkr; KOBKKT C. STRONO, Trust Officer and General I'oi'NSBL; WILLIAM HAYES, Cashier. "Money saved is money made." $or (Drier 30 IJears Using only FIRST-CLASS MATE RIAL, and employing only FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, we have beeu en gaged in the business of ... . . Printing and Binding, and if you want anything in our line we are ready to serve you in quick order. EDWARDS & BR0UGHT0N, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. C. Mills' Restaurant, S. Wilmington Street, Near Cor. Davie St Meals Served at All Hours. 0 iCE and ICE CREAM FOR SALE. POP ON ICE. Prices Liberal. T- B. MILLS, Propiietor. Money to Loan. If you wish to Borrow Money on Real Estate, Household Goods, Horses, Carriages, Tools of Mechanics, or even on your Salary, Call on or write to J. F. MASTHUS, 102 Fayetteville Street. u T Ml Dl X VV Jffwnlop and flntirinn 1 .Hi DLmlVlJ, UU"U1U1 uim vpuwiu.ii, AND DEALER IN jSoliJ Silver Presents!- Solid Silver Spoons and Tableware, AND Seals, Rings, Orders' Medals, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Fayetteville Street, Next A. Williams'. Alford, Bynum & Christophers, PRINTERS cBetow ovaff & 'Borden, 115 E. Hargett St. Darley Park Beer UNION-MADK, W. C. HDDG1NS, - Manager. When dry, call at any of the loading aaioons of Raleigh. INTERSTATE THOSE 405. ftaletSh 97farbh Works, COOPEBOS.t Proprietors. F5riIoifjl . IM. C. 9 6 e e e Monuments. TABLETS, VASES. IRON PENCES. see Catalogue on Request. We Pay the Freight. S. O. LEESON, FANCY AND HEAVY G K O C IrD 14 East Hargett St. 'Phones-Interstate 493. Raleigh 185. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Short line to principal cities of the South and Southwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, California and Mexico, reaching the capitals of six States. In effect March 5, 1902. SOUTHWARD. Daily. Daily. No. 27. 7.27 pm 10.25 Pm 1. 00 am 1.05 am 4 53 am 9 -15 am 5-45 pm No. 41. 3-55 pm 7.;o pm ic.52 pm 7.30 am 11.35 m 6.75 pm No. 31. 4.12 am 7.00 am 9-35 am 10.35 am 2.10 pm 7.C0 pm 6.45 am No. 33. 4.12 am 7 00 am 12.15 10.08 am 3 55 pm 6.40 pm Lv Raleigh, Ar Hamlet, Ar Columbia, Lv Columbia, Ar Savannah, Ar Jacksonville, Ar Tampa, S. A. L. Lv Raleigh, S. A. L. Ar Ham et, " Ar Wilmington. " Ar Charlotte, " Ar Atlanta, " A r Augusta, C. & W. Ar Macon, C of Ga. 7. 20 pm Ar Montgomery, A &W.P. 0.20 ora Ar Mobile, Ala., L & N. 2.55 am Ar N Orleans, L & N. 7.25 am Ar Nashville, N C. & St. L 4x0 am Ar Memphis. ' 1. 15 pm NORTHWARD. t o, 31 6 55 pm 8.25 am No. 33. 11.05 am 1.05 pm 5-35 pm No. 66. 11.35 am 1. 15 pm 4 55 pm 8 36 pm 1.30 pm 11.25 Pm 2.56 am 6.30 am 6.55 am 6 45 am 5.10 am 8.00 am hv Kaleign, 5. A. L. ArN.rlina, " Ar Portsmouth, " 1-35 am 3.32 am 715 as No. 34. 1.35 am 3 32 am 6.35 am 10 10 am Lv Raleigh. Ar Norlina, S. A. L. Ar Richmond, " Ar Washington, P. R Ar N Y. O. D. S Co. Ar Baltimore, " Ar I hiladelphia " ArNtwYork, ' 11.25 am 1.36 pm 4.13 pm Ar Washington, N &W S.B Ar Baltimore, B. S. P. C. ...... Ar Philadelphia, N.YP&N. 5.46 pm Ar New York, " 815 pm Note (a) Daily except Sunday, (b) Eastern Time Connections at Jacksonville t nd Tampa for all Florida East Coast point", and Cuba atd Porto Rico. At New Orleans for all points in Texas. Mexico and California. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH AS FOLLOWS : FROM NORTH. No. 31 at 4x9 a m 3 5P m 7.24 p m No. 41 at No. 27 at.... FROM SOUTH. No. 34 at 1.30 a 111 No. 38 at ii.jo a m Mo. 66 at 11 30 am SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Trains 31 and 34 (Florida end Metropolitan Limited), have Drav ing Room Sleeping Cars New York to Jacksonville and Atlanta, and be tween Portsmouth and Charlotte Vestibule day coache3 Washington to Jacksonville, Ports mouth to Atlanta. No. 27 and 66 "SEABOARD" Fast Mail s drawlrg room buffet sleeping car New York to Jacksonville, cosnecting at Hamlet with sleeping car to and from At' an ta. No. 38 and 41 drawing room al epicg car and day coiches cetween For smouth and Atlanta. Tickets on si1e to all poia s. Pullman berths re erved snd reservations rtisde on outgoing steamers from Norfolk. Baggage checked fr. m hotels rnd residences w'thout txtra charge at uf-'cwn i itK.br orricfi, YArboro House B Jl ing. C H. OAITIS, C. T. a d P. A. 'Phones 117, Rtleigh. N. C. II. S. LEARD. T. P. A., Ral igh, N. C. QUICK TRIPS TO NORTHWEST VIA S. A. L RAILWAY. Improved pa? sengt r service has been inaugu rated to the North wes b) the Se 1 board Air Line Railway acd 'he Chr sapeake & Ohio Railway, wbicn has reduced the time s teral h"urs and only one change c f cars between Raleigh and Cincinnati acd twj changes to Chic go and St. Louis. Follcwing is the schedule : Leave Rale'gh..... ..1135am AirlveRirhmond.. .......... 4.55 p m Leave R chmond ... 6.45 p tn Arrive Cincinnati 1150am Leave Cine nnati.... ...... 1 a. 2c noon Arrive Chicago..... ....... . 8.40pm Arrive St. Louis..... 9.40 p m ' - This is a ves'.ibule limit) d train connecting in Cincinnati with the "Big Four" Wbite City Special, and makes all of the la e train connec tions out of Chicago and St. Lou s, for a 11 points west and northwest, This connect'on a so g'ves fine s'rvice to tVe Mcuntains of Virginia, making stops at Char lottesville, Basic City, Staunton. Goshen, Clif ton Forge, Hot Springs, Alleghany and White SilphurSpring8. For iurther information regarding rates, routes, etc , apply to C. H. GATTIS, C. P. & T. A., RaMgh.N. C. H. S. LEARD, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C.

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