., .TUS HARBINGER. General New?. Gen. Charles Hood has been retired at his own request. ! Andrew Carnegt? celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday recently. j New York city is to have a pic ture gallery of professional beg gars. y'j ' New stock to th6 amount of 59,260,000 is being considered by the Atlantic Coast Line. It is now announced that the new Yankee defender will not have aluminum in its construe tion. Ambassador Tower has had his last audience with the Czar and tarted for his new post at Berlin. Captain Morgan, the man who discovered pay gold in the Klon dike, died at San Francisco re cently. Bobstone has been found guilty of the murder of convict guard Thomas at Coalburg and senten ced to hang. It is stated on good authority that Hon. Hugh M. Dent will be appointed to succeed Mr. Lomax as solicitor of Montgomery coun ty, Alabama. Gov. Jelks, of Alabama, is mak ing personal investigation of min ing affairs before making c ontract s for convict labor. Europe purchased cotton heav ily lately. Frosts and rains in Texas have threatened the top crop of cotton. Negro Baptists are in their fifty third annual sessiou in Selma, Alabama. Swiudlers have worked Fort Payne, Ala., merchants with bad currency made by pasting halves of $1 and $5 notes together and presenting the 5. Confederate veterans of Nor folk, Va., are raising a fund to erect a monument to General Grant. AW. White, of Huntsville, has been designated for examin ation as a second lieutenant in the regular army. Venezuela's debt to Germany will reach two million dollars. Owing to the nation's poverty "Castro has begged for time. The United States has won almost every point in its seal con troversy with Russia. J. S. Webb has been appointed postmaster at Tuskegee. Henry French, the noted dramatic publisher, is dead. British relations with Venezuela are so strained that Mr. Haggard, Englan's minister at Caracas, has requested a warship. The judiciary committee held its first meeting and took action toward getting an anti-trust meas ure before Congress. It is reported from Washington that barely a quprum will be pres ent when Congress convenes. A movement is cn foot to merge the linotype companies. A $275,000,000 fall in copper stocks is reported from Boston. Lieutenant General Miles has left Manila for China, Japan and Russia. He said he had found our troops in fair condition, but feared a famine among the na tives as the dearth of farm ani .faajs left them no means of re covery from the effects of the war. . ..5. v.-xi-y: SMALLPOX PREVENTIVE AND CURE. Charlotte News. From Col. T. L. Rich the News has received a formula for the pre vention and cure of smallpox which it appears has proven to be all that could be desired. It is a very cheap and simple for mula, a bottleful costing only about twenty-five cents. It con sistsof sulphate of xinc, one grain; powdered digitalis, one grain ; tea spoonful sugar and four ounces of water. Teaspoonful to be taken every hour. Col. Ritch says that last win ter Mr. Boyce Bell, a well-known resident of Steel Creek township, seven miles south of Charlotte, had eleven persons on his place (a negro woman and ten children) cured of virulent, malignant small pox with this remedy in a few days. It was also taken by all others 011 the place afterwards, who never contracted the disease. Col. Ritch is rejponsible for its introduction here. It came orig inally from a Paris medical journal. THE DEFEAT OF LOUD. Congressman Loud, of Califor nia, has been defeated for re-election, despite the enormous influ ence of the railway corporations. Mr. Loud is the author of the Loud postal bill, which has been so widely discussed in the public press. He has posed as the cham pion of economy in the postal de partment, but somehow or other Mr. Loud never seemed disposed to seriously consider the ' charge that the deficit was due in large measure to the low rates paid to' the railroads for transporting the mails,, and not to the undue amount of second-class matter car ried. It is easily demonstrated and has been that ' the govern ment pays a great more, pound for pound, for having the mails carried than the express compa nies pay for having their consign ments carried. It has been proven time and agaiu that the govern ment pays In the way of rent for postal cars .more than the cars cost to build. A little more of the time de voted to the attempt to increase second-class postage rates would have yielded larger returns if spent in trying to make the rail roads deal fairly with the govern ment. Bryan's Commoner. PROMINENT PEOPLE. I King Edwardjisjsixtv-one years old J sS TT.:--:: ' M. Rouvier,the present French Minister of Finance, commenced life as a book agent. Senator Hoar lives on land in Worcester, Mass., that was form erly owned by John Hancock, the patriot. A French translation of Presi dent Roosevelt's book, "The Strenuous Life," is arousing widespread interest in Paris. Professor M. I. Pupen, of Columbia University, who invent ed, the ocean telephone, started his career in America as a Turk ish bath attendent. Dr. Nansen, the Arctic explor er, announces a polar expedition for next year to explore King William Land, op the east coast of Greenland. The Duke of Buccleugh is one of the richest noblemen in the world. He owns 450,000 acres of land and has a , yearly income of Qvet. $ 1,500,000,, . Speaker Henderson has noti fied the trustees of Upper Iowa University at Fayette, his alma mater, that he donates his entire private library to the college. Former President F. L. Patton, of Princeton University, is sitting for his portrait to John W. Alex ander, on an order from the alum ni. The portrait is to go to the university. General Booth, in an address at Buffalo, said that a corps might be formed to go slumming among the rich. ... He also said the army's teachings were being preached in thirty-seven different languages. Secretary Shaw gave out a neat epigram during his recent speech in Boston. "The difference be tween the po'itician and the states man," he said, "is the difference between a young man who is look ing for work and one who is look ing for a situation." Mrs. Hetty Green, America's said-to-be richest woman, has in stituted foreclosure of a $1.2, 000 mortgage on a Chicago church, "All I want is my money and in terest." NO BETTER OFF. Poor Robinson ! He couldn't make a living, and married a wo man with money." g'But isn't he all right now?" "Hardly. She is so close with it that he has to work harder than ever." New Toy Store Is still the mecca for all persons who are looking Christmas Presents of every variety, such as dolls, mechanical toys, soldier toys, tin horses, wooden firemen, express wagons, pop guns china ware tin ware, iron stone ware souvenirs in Burnt Leather ornaments, fine wax dolls, sample toys at manufacturers' prices, and all goods are as low as can be sold without I giving them away. They are first-class j goods and cannot be duplicated in the city. Crowds continue to throng the New Toy Store, next to Brestch's Bakery, and all your wants can be supplies by j calling early before the best goods are picked over. Trl."A. KIMBALL, White Barber, 2O6 Wilmington Street. FOUR CHAIRS. Hair Cut 20c, Shava 10c, Shampoo 20c, Mustache Dyed 20c. PROMPT ATTENTION. nly Wbite Shop on Wilmington sstreet. BIBLES AT COST ! Bibles make the best Presents. Cilve your relative or friend a nice Teachers' Bible. We have them from 95c. to $3.00. - One Special Presentation of Teach ers' Bible offered Just now for only $1 00 and one Family Bible $1 So. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BIBLES IN THE CITY. Also CHRISTMAS CARDS, PURSES, Etc. Don't fail to see ns before making : your CbrlHtmas Purchases. . . , Southern Book Exchange. M. M. SMITH, RALEIGH. N. O. ' Anticephalalgine THE BEST AND SAFEST HEAD ACHE and NEURALGIA REMEDY. 20c. BOTTLE,, 50o. - J.; I. JOHNSON, ,;' Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Administrator, d.b.n. of the estate of J. H. Lowe, dec d, late of Wake County, N. C, this U to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the under signed at his office in Raleigh, N. C , on or before the 13th day of December, 1903. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. C. MARCOM, Administrator, d. b. n. Dec. I2tb, 1901 6w. t The Raleigh Furniture Co, t i NEW AND UP-TO-DATE, t 6 0 9 0 A c Plain and Arlktic Suits-Cash or Time. I (? JUST AS YOU LIKE. I e 0 c 9 FREE FOR INSPECTION. f e f Come and See Us ik You Want to f Savr Money. c 0 O ) J. No. 17 E. Martin Street. No. 15 Market Street H .1. M. K1GGAN, Manager f8-.x-.-yer We Haye it at Last ! Iry 11 have been una'le to hny a SEWIXCi MA CHINE on account of the hU h I'ric s don't on any lo. ge'. We have a strictly standard High Class New Home Sewing Machine a the Lowest Price ercr sold or offered Tor sale in Raleigh Everybody can buy oue, because the erice and 1 emu will enab e you to get one. Pon't Tail to ei 1 and look Courteous attention will be given you. CASH OK CREDIT ! K. W. HIOIITOWKK, 102 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD Air Line Railway- 'CAPITAL CITY BOUTE." Short Line to principal cities of the South and Southwest, Florida, Cuba, Texas, California and Mexico, reaching the Capitals of six States. In effect March 5, 1902. Daily. N 81 Daily. No. 27. 80UTHWAED. Lv. Raleigh, 8. A. L. Ar Hamlet, " Ar. Columbia, " Lt. Columbia, " Ar. Havannah " " Jackson vi'Ie, " " Tampa, " Lt. Raleigh, " Ar. Haiulot, " " Wilmington, " " Charlotte, " " Atlanta, " " Augusta, C 4 W. C " Macon, C. f Ga. " Montgome y, A. 4 W. P. " Mobile, Aia. L. 4 N. " New Orlo ns, L. 4 N. " Nashville, N. U 4 St. L. " Memphis, " 4 12 7 00 9 85 a m a m a m 7 27 p IB 10 25 p m 100am 1 02 a m 4 53 a m 9 15 s m 5 45 p m No. 41. 3 65 p m 7 30 p 10 10 82pm 7 60 a m 10 85 s m P m P m 2 10 7 00 6 45 No. 4 12 7 00 s m 83. s m a m p m s m p m p m p ra p m a m 12 15 10 08 8 55 5 40 7 20 9 20 2 65 7 25 4 00 1 15 11 86 a m 6 25 p m s m a m i 65 p a 25 a m P ml NORTHWARD. Dally. No. 32. Dally. No. 83. Lv. Raleigh, Ar. Norlina, " Portsmouth, 8. A. L. 1 25 8 32 7 15 No. 1 85 8 82 6 85 a m a m a m 11 05 s m p m s m p m p m p a p m p m s m s m a m a m a m a m 1 05 6 85 No. 84. Lt. Raleigh, Ar. Norlina. 8. A. L. s m s m a m a m a m p m p m 11 85 1 25 4 55 8 36 1 M " Richmond, " " Wasnington, P. R. R. " N. Y., O. D. 8. a Co. " Baltimore, " " Philadelphia, " " New York, " " Wash'ton, N. 4 W. 8. B. " Baltimore, B. a P. Co. ' Phila., N. Y. P. 4 N. " New York, " 10 10 11 25 11 25 1 86 4 13 2 56 6 80 6 65 6 45 5 10 8 00 5 46 8 15 p m p m' Connections at Jacksonville and Tamps for si Florida East Coast points, and Cuba and Porta Rico. At New OrleanB, for all points in Texas Mexico and California. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH AS FOLLOWS FROM NORTH. No. 81 St.. No. 41 at.. 4 09 sm 8 50pm - 7 24pm . 1 30am .11 00 s a .11 80 s m No. 87 at FROM SOUTH. No. 84 St.. No. 88 St.. No. 66 St.. SLEEPING C4R SERVICE. Trains 31 and 84. and Florida and MetropolitaL Lim ted has Drawing Room Sleeping Cars New York to Jacksonville and Atlanta, and between Portsmouth and Charlotte. Vestibule day coachet Washington to Jacksonville, Portsmouth to At lanta. No. 27 and 66 "SEABOARD" Fast Mail has draw ing room buffet sleeping car New York to Jackson ville, connecting at Hamlet with sleeping car tc and from Atlanta. No. 88 and 41 drawing room sleeping car and da; coaches between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Tickets on sale to all points, Pullman Berths re served and reservations made on outgoing steamers from Norfolk. Baggage checked from notel and residences without extrs charge st UP-TOWN TICKET OFFICE, Ysrborough House Building. C. H. GATTI8, C. T. and P. A.. 'Phones 117. Kaleigh, . O T. 8. LE4RD. T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. f! .... Atlantic and North Carolina Ry TIME TABLE No. 3. To Take Effect Sunday, November 28, 1897. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. 8 Pu'ger Train. 3 PM'eer Train. 4 4 Pas'ger Train. Pas'ger STATIONa Train. Arriye. Leave. Arrive. Leave. p. M. 8 40 4 82 5 45 702 P. M. A. M. 11 45 10 12 8 57 7 42 A. M. Goldaboro ... KinBton ... Newbern ... Morehead City. 5 85 6 57 P. M. 9 14 7 07 A. M. Train 4 connects with W. A W. train bound North, leaving Goldaboro at 11:85 a. m., and with Southern Rail way train West, leaving Goldaboro 2:00 p. m., and with W, A N. at Newbern for Wil mington and intemeditrte points. ' Train 8 connects with Southern Hallway train arriving at Goldaboro 3:00 p. m., and with W. i. W. train from the North at 8:05 p. m No. 1 train also connects with W, A N. for Wilmington and Inter mediate points. . I U DILL,8upi J. H. FLEMING, Attorney at Law, 25 Pullen BjfcK;Mt8,q. MONEY to LEND On real or Personal Security in Wake County. I. F. 3IOXTAGUE. Rooms 17 and 18 Tullrn BuUdlnr. J. B. GREEN & GO,, Fancy Grocers, 9 East Hargett Street. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST TRICES. New Mince Meat, Raisins, Currants, Prunes and Cocoanuts. feS. XI. Joneii & Urcj. 140 S. Wilmington Street. SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed. Mow Going Un-Don't Kiss It Great Sale of Furniture ! Ever inch of three maniniiith double floors lillf d to overflowing ith the bent of wonhy liiruituie no tasie nas Deen over looked. The .reatcst Kurnituro Ms ufac tuiem in Hie world. We hav hei-n busy fashioning these "Fu niture Samples" f r the past six months Vol' CAN 1'IN YOUR FAITH AB'O LVTELY ON THE QUALITY AND PRICE OK EVERY PIECE OF FURNI TURE WE SHOW. THISOKEAT BUSI NESS IS ON TUE BROADEST POSSIBLE LINES. The increasing volume of trade every sea-, son show that the icople know who e to come and where to buy. G! ROYALL & BORDEN FUMTORE tor. wiuiutiKTon ana narseuon., RALEIGH, N. C. ON SHOW. L such as the country has not seen for many years, our buyers have search ed the world for the new and novel, in Toys, China and Housefurnishini( Goods. The result is a surprise even ( to us. Our show rooms and ware- houses are crowded with the finest ) lines ot china, toys, dolls ana tancy V A iroods ever offered to the people. t, !Ve invite all the people in Raleigh y and North Carolina to visit the great ( exposition. You should certainly see our offerings this year. If you y 1 buy at the lowest price place, you must buy of us. )' ie J. D. Riggan CoJ F. H. Hunnicutt, DEALER IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME. ALL KINDS OF Fresb meats Western Steaks A SPECIALTY. 108 E. Hargett Street, Bull 'Phone 181 . Raleigh 'Phone 368. eittUzzeH, printer and Cor. animittdtoti and martin ; Streets, ... . RALEIGH, N. C. Dangerous Stab IS GIVEN TO HIGH PRICES of Second-Hand Jewelry, Pistols, Clothing, Clocks, Etc. ' by. m. Q. Qarrett, 216 East Martin St. J. R. Ferrall & Co., GROCERS, 222 FAYETTEVILLE ST. SMALL LOT ' Old Virginia Hair s TO-DAY. S. C. LEESON, FANCY AND HEAVY GROCER, 14 East Hargett St. PUpjoes-Intcrstate 493.: Raifigb 180, jess cor. Wilmington ana unveil bib., A Language Lesson English Soap, lerman Leife, Latin Sapo, French Savon. The Kent Roapa mads by all the Nations are sold at our Drug Stores W. H. King Drug Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Thrkk Storks. . . . Raleigh. N. C I Buy and Sell Old Shoes, Old Gold, Pistols, Old Clothes, Hats, Watches, Guns, or ANYTHING Belt 'hone 864. Suits Cleaned, 75c. Suits cleaned and Dyed, $1.50.' Harris' Steam Dye Works. CAROLINA TRUST COMPANY.' Capital $100,000.00. Receives MorjeyJ on Deposit, Sub ject to ChjecK. INTERIT PAID IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Do a General Banking Business. W. W. MILLS, Prfstj LEu. D. HEARTT, V. P. nnd iiKH'h U 4K; ROBERT C. STRONli, Tkust Okvickk and (jknhral Coi-ns- l ; WILLIAM HAYES, Cashier. "Moucy saved is mony made." For Over 50 Years Using only FIRST-CLASS MATE RIAL, and employing only FIRST CLASS WORKMEN, we have beeu en gaged in the business of . . . . Printing and Binding, and if you want anything in our line we are ready to serve you in quick order. EDWARDS & BROUGHTON, Printers and Binders, Raleigh, N. C. Mills' Restaurant, S. Wilmington St., Near Cor. Davie St Meals Served at All Hours. Prices L beral. J. B. MILLS, Proprietor. T W. BLAKE, Jeweler and Ptician AND DEAl.KR IN jSoliJ Silver Presents!- Solid Silver Spoons and Tableware, AND Seals, Rings, Orders' Medals. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All Work Guaranteea to Give Satisfaction. Fayetteville Street, Next A. Williams'. Alford, Bynum & Christt phers, PRINTERS Belov Royall & Borden. 115 E. Hargett St. Oarley Park Beer UNION-MADE, Uf, C. HUDGH - - Manager. 'lien dry, call at any of the Vadinff saloons ot ItaleiRh. INTEIiM'ATK 'PIloNE MVi Watch Who DID IT. W. P. Matthews, ar The Ice Man, will sell all kinds of Fr .jtR, such asreantits Banun s, 'Apnln, Oranges Lemons. Co coanuts, Walnuts Brazil Pecaus, Almonus. Also t resh-roastetl Pp.inntR Hni.inm.iA tu.i , ... v.v viiv.iuii 1UIIUC co and Cigars; aim Fred. ii. tt udfs Bread. Cake and r ics. fresh end nine. Yum tn'o .m ' . vwv , W. P. MATTHKWH. H. UANKS, First Class Shoe Itepairer, New Work Exchangkd for Old Shoes. Also keeps a Lunch Coun ter. Lunches served from 8 a. m. to 12 midnight. E. Martin St., between C C Jones and S. R. Pool; buy youf Hesii Fish AND- Ntw River Oysters : - OF WD KIN O Where you can always find, what you want. Choice Fresh Water Chub And all other Fish In season. Try me and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteod. .,Ji6 EAST MARTIN STREET. Phones : BeU 109.' Intmtat 1117.