The Harbinger. Ouicial Organ Central Labor Union. A Paper for the Toiling MaNse, rrtLISHED EVZIY SATURDAY BY The Harbinger Publisliing Co. W. E. FAISON Editor. P. W. McGOWAN, Business Manager. idTOflice: "Mutual Publishing Co's Bld'g," Xo. 106 W. Martin St., (ad floor. ) Entered as second-class matter at the Tost Office at Raleigh, X. C. POSTOFFICK BOX l67. SUBSCRIPTION i One year (in advance) .... Ji.oo Six months 5 Thrtt months 25 OFFICERS OF AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR. President Samuel Gompers, Washington, D. C. First Vice President James Duncan, Boston, Mass. Second Vice President John Mitchell, Indiarapolis, Ind. Third Vice President James O'Connell, Washington, D. C. Fourth Vice President Max Morris, Denver, Col. Fifth Vice President Thos. I. Kidd, Chicago, 111. Sixth Vice President Dennis D. Hayes, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary F. Morrison, Wash ington, D. C. Treasurer John B. Lennon, Bloomington, 111. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR DEMANDS. 1. Compulsory education. 2. Direct legislation through the initiative and referendum. 3. A legal workday of not more than eight hours. 4. Sanitary inspection of work shop, mine and home. 5. Liability of employes to in jury to health, body and life. 6. The abolition of the con tract system. 7. The abolition of the sweat ing system. 8. The municipal ownership of street cars, water works and gas and electric plants for public dis tribution of light, heat and power. THE GIRL WE LIKE. The successful girl is usually a popular one, and her popularity is derived from the little things she does and says in life. They may not at the time impress a person, but in the end they must surely do so. The girl who is popular with men and women is she who ap preciates the fact that she cannot have the first choice of every thing in the world. She is the girl who is not aggres sive and does not find joy in in citing aggressive people. She is the girl who never causes pain with a thoughtless tongue. She is the girl who, when you in vite her to any place, compliments you by looking her best. She is the girl who makes the world a pleasant place because she is pleasant herself. PROMINENT PEOPLE. - The Sultan of Turkeyi likes sports and the theatre. He is well versed in the European drama. Mme. Zola is about to sell the villa just out of Paris, which was her husband's summer home for a quarter of a century. Zola de veloped the place as his own for tunes expanded. DEATH OF MRS. WILLIAM X. ANDREWS. A telegram was received in this city Sunday morning, announcing the death of this esteemed wo man occurred at the residence of her son-in-law, Capt. Joseph II. Guen, at New Bern, last Sunday at 2:25 a m., in the 86 year of her age. Mrs. Andrews was born in this city, where she spent the greater part of her life, and was the lov ing wife of the late Mr. Wm. N. Andrews, one of Raleigh's well known citizens. Mrs. Andrews was a most amiable woman and was beloved by all who knew her. The remains reached this city Monday evening, accompanitd by Capt. and Mrs. Joseph H. Green and daughter, Mrs. Plum mer. The funeral services were held at the grave, Rev. Dr. Pittenger officiating. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: Messrs. Alex. Stronach, Chas. B. Park, Ben. Mooie, B. R. Lacy, John T. Pul len and N. B. Broughton. Mrs. Andrews was an aunt of the Business Manager of The Harbinger. GOVERNMENT D Y INJUNC TION. In these days of "Government by Injunction," it seems that when a law is needed to prevent workiugmen from obtaining their just portion of what they produce an injunction is resorted to, and some judge who was formerly a corporation attorney is appealed to to grant it. One of the latest and most dras tic, injunctions ever granted was that by Judge Adams of the Fed eral Court at St. Louis, Mo., against the officers of the various unions of trainmen employed by the Wabash system. The injunc tion absolutely forbids the men from going on strike. While it does not say that no individual must leave his employment, it would have the same effect were the officers of the union to ask for more pay. Officials of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen de clare that President Ramsey act ed in bad faith, as he took advan tage of an extension of time from noon to 5 p. m. asked for and given him to come to a decision to go into court and obtain the injunction. The men will obey the order, but will also make a legal fight to have it dissolved. NEW HAVEN R. R. STRIKE. The strike of the car men on the New Haven road, which has been stubbornly resisted by the railroad authorities, is about to be settled favorably to the strik ers by the interposition of J Pierpont Morgan, who, in order to stave off a continuance of the strike, which would have crip pled the system, advised the railroad authorities to accede to the demands of the men. There is no doubt but that his advice will be taken. . President Roosevelt has receiv ed from President Zelayaof Nica ragua a stuffed eagle which was shot recently by the sender. Pres ident Zelaya is almost as much of a sportsman as President Roose velt. " Editorial Notes. Read the new ad. of W. D. King, about fiish. The fishing season has opened. The hunting season closed Satur day. Last Tuesday was St. Patrick's Day. He was Ireland's patron saint. Don't fail to read the new doiule column ad. of Horton & Turner, groceries. Mr. Dan. Harris has moved his place of business to E. Martin street. Read the new double-column ad. of B. W. Upchurch in another column. Be sure to read ilHome Rule" article in this issue. It will give parents some points. Mr. Jas. G. Upchurch will run as candidate ft r Alderman in the 2d district of the Third Ward. Mr. Ed. Nelson is almost "keep ing up with the elevator" on the Mutual office machine. Ed's Mr. Will Woods, the lightning linotype manipulator, is holding down the Raleigh Times' ma chine. Mr. Thomas Badger's card, an nouncing his candidature for the office of Mayor is in this issue. Read it. k The excavation of the Tucker lot on S. Wilmington street is being carried on at a rapid rate. Two fine brick stores will be en acted thereon. The original poem on "Our Fashionable Bustles" is an an swer to the prose article in last week's Harbinger, copied from the Atlanta News. It is a good one. Read it. The deadly pistol is in evi dence again. Dr. Baker shot Dr. Bass in front of the pnstoffice in Tarboro Monday morning, quite seriously. Er. Baker is out on a heavy bail, although Dr. Bass is dead. Mr. W. C Hufham has ac cepted the ad. frame on the News and Observer, and the "get up" of the ads. show a master's hand. He and Mr. Stallings, foreman and ad. setter on the Raleigh Times, are bosses of the "art pre servative." Some office-holders talk real pretty about what a good friend they are to the working classes before election, when they are fishing for their votes. But after they get the office, they don't care a tinker d n for the me chanic or working man. Let them lookout for an explosion when they want to be re-elected. Verb. Sap. Brick and sand is on hand to pave the sidewalk of the property of Mrs. Florence Tucker on S. McDowell street, between Davie and Martin streets. The walling and terracing have been finished. J The' plot is beginning to present a beautiful appearance to the eye. T Ik f Raleigh. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Mayor of the city of Raleigh, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. THOMAS BADGER. T. Iks ClUira. f Kalelch. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of City Tax Collector, subject to nomination by city Democratic primaries. W. H. DODD. VlSiT turner's Cafe -FOR Ladies and Gentlemen Dairy Lunch. Open DAY AND NIGHT. Opp. Po.tofticc. Allord, Bynum & Cfiristcptiers, -PRINTERS. Below Royall & Borden. IIS E. Hargett St. Watch Who 13IL3 IT. W. P. Matthews Wf The Ire Man, will sell all kinds of Fruits, such as Peanuts liananxs, Apples, Oranges, Lomous, Co coiinuts. Walnuts, l'ecans. Almonds. Also Fresh-roasted l'eanuts, I'ninn-made Chewing Tobao- eo and Cigars; also I red. tt. btaudt's liread, Cakef and Pies, fresh eud nice. Yours to please, W. P. MATTHEWS. 6C 3 .-2. iwetm' ( r i 37. 3 "5 Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Administrator, of the estate of Ruffin Mason, dee'd, late of Wake County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present the same to the under signed at his office in Raleigh, N. C , on or before the 22a day 01 February, 1004, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J. C. MARCOM, Administrator. Feb. 22d, 1903 6w. Raleigh Furniture Co. NEW anl8UF-TO-I)ATE. see Plain and Artistic Suits, Cash or Time, just as you like. FREE for INSPECTION, see Come and See Us if You Want 1 to Save Money. No. 17 E. Martin Street, No. 15 Market St. O O 1 J. RIGGAN, Manager NO EXERCISE LIKE WHEELING AND NO WHEELS LIKE OUR Crescent and Rambler Bicycles 0 miiius New Models with New 1 002 Improvements. . . Thos. H. Briggs f Sons New Furniture Store. - WVWVVVW 9 Wynne Bedford -DEALER8 IN- Furniture -ANE Housefurnlshlng Goods, STOVES, ETC. CASH OB ON TIME. Vol 117 E. Martia Street Advertise in The Harbinger. " at ' f 0. M r,l it WW Boylan, Pearce & Company. e e o BLANKETS UNDER PRICE ! The remaining stock of Muncey Woolen Mill Blankets to be closed out under price.. These wool, thoroughly seasoned and to $7.95 per pair. Former price OTHER BLANKETS in wool, cotton and mixed. from 50c. to $1.75 per pair. Former price $1.00 to $4.00. Boylan, Pearce & Co., 206 and 208 Fayetteville Street DON'T READ THIS ! S. W. Terrell & Sons, 11 EAST 1IAUGETT STItEET, WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL KINDS OF ficauy and Fancy Groceries BEST QUALITY PRICfcS REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. TRY US, AND THEN FOR. THE VERDICT KALEIGH AND BELL 'PHONES. Mechanics' and Investors' Union Has completed eight prosperous years, and will begin to mature and redeem certificates August 25, 1902, and every month thereafter by the payment cer share of One Hundred Dollars Cash. y 3 v We Can Aid You to Save and Invest Money We Can Aid You to Build and Own a Home. Our monthly Payment Investment Certificates of 4cw.oo requires the pay ment of only TEN CENTS per day for one hundred months, when the owner will receive $400 cash. Our Full Paid Coupon Certificates f 100 are sold for ioo cash and pay six per cent, per annum free of tax. All certificates are secured by real estate mortgage. OEORGE: ALLEN, Secretary, Pullen Building. 11 say Hart-Ward (SUCCESSORS TO J. cross h LinelM Co new tucker Building. . 234 and 236 Fayetteville St. .-y8---' Clotbiers men's Turtii$ber$ and Outfitters. C ros s & Linehan Co., RALBIGH, C - .'.'. - .'y - y - y - HUBERT BELVIN, C3CSfrS THE BESTO0ft00fr3 TAILOR IN THE CITY. e Up-to-Date. All -.-''-''''''-''''y''', If you don't take The Har binger your sweetheart won't have you. ; e e Blankets are made of California shrunk. Prices range from $3.45 $5 to $12.50. White, Red, Fancv and Grav IF YOU DO, THEN GO TO oaB .. . -i."y8k.9. Anthracite coal is scarce and high in price. Hagey King Heating Stoves. We call your attention to our Patent Hagey King Heating Stove, made of the best American Rus sia iron and best wrought sheet steel, and lined with charcoal iron. Ornamental and suitable for bed-room or parlor. We do not hesitate to it the best, the cheapest and safest quick neater ever ottered. Hardware Co. LEWIS HARDWARE CO.) y8y - - y - . - y - '.e'k. - . Work Guaranteed. The city primaries are drawing near, and the political pot is boiling furiously. e e c

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