.IT ll 'J o - o O1 o .1 Leading Afterr..,.,.i I CI,, In the LL-.1. , . n ' Ckhhkkoooooo o 9 W UALCIGII. N. C MONIAY EVI ING. AUGUST 26. 1895. C3.00 P.KR YEAR 1. KO. 1. 7 J J P IL rli's Two Afternoon Dailies Consolidated. i;WSPAPEll UP-TO-DATE All About the New Dally The J Organization of the Fress Vlsltor Company Its Staff. - Fur lout daft past there baa bran much talk of tba movement ubiob baa beeo on foot to consolidate Baielgh's t afternoon dally papers, the Press a 1 tli Vieitor, aad mora or less of c, woulatioa baa been indulged la an to the probability or improbability of tha successful carrying out of the project. ; The Prsbs-Visitob haa the pleasure of appearing tbia evening Wore tba readers of both the after, noon dailies as strong consolidated newspaper, veil manned and equipped with a foil aad complete newa eerviof, soch aa la believed will meet th wants and eomtneod itself to tba appreclsv tion of our friends, now and to bv i - Oar readers will find In onr columua tbe latest news b"y wire from all part of tha eoootry, tba fullest and beat lofcal aewa of oar city, the market raw. porta, tba news of the Stat and tba latest intelligence of every character which can be collocated Into tba col noma of a lire and op-to-date after, noon journal. - offio'i or thi rBEsa-visrroB. A atrong stock company baring - ben formed for tba purpoae, tbe Krenlng Visitor and the Dally Press were both parcbaeed, the transfer of tbe property, anbaerlptlon ' lists, ad vertising accounts ajM good will be. lng -made on Saturday. On Satorday afternoon tha Paase-Visrros waa duly incorporated under the lawa of tba State with tha following Incorpora tors: Greek O.' Andrews, J- N. Ha Kary, W. O. Smith. J. B. Collins, Bd gar A. Womble and A. J. Williams. On Satnrday ; night meeting of all the stockholders waa held at tba office of tb Veiss in tbe Pollen Building, which will hereafter be the offlra of the riiass-FiBiroR, and tba company was duly organised, . A board ' f di rectors was elected and Mr. Greek O, Andrews was elected President of the Fassa-VwiToa Company tad Mr W, O. Smith. Seeretary, ' Mr 'Andrews having reported to the aompany the purchase by him of tbe Evening Visi tor and the Dally Press, the eonsoll- datlon of tbe PRaaa-VisiTot was aa tborlxed to be began today. " As to the personnel of tha Psisd VieiTOB office it may be of Interest to ' oor readers to know who the men are who will make this paper day by day and who will bend all their energlee and their efforts to make it worthy of the eontinued good will of both of our predeoessora as well aa tbe friends we hope to gain. la the future. " r.' Creek 0". Andrews will have en tire editorial eontrol and butinesa di rection of the paper. Mr Andrews i;.erered journalism immediately nnon his jrradoatioa from Trinity College ln'1888. taking a position epoa the ataif of the Winston Sentinel In the following year he occupied the position of city editor of the Anniston Ala., Daily Hot Blast, where he re nnt.n the lime position waa Wit i w v tendered him upon the Newa and Ob erer ' in 1. .. For seven years fol ; t be held that position actively ; 1 Lis eipeiieii a i:i ner-aper work r Wiirh and bis !.. e '-t an la .-u with oar peoj'e f-'.o'l r 1 : u peculiarly Bt for t..e v. k ' ' h 1 Is now about to ei. r. t nei- a wita me .e A p 1 -f s 1 :s been (fie Ealti- B 1 . -111 i tation for himself and for his paer by bis excellent work upon Its local columna. Mr. J. N.McEary, one of the former owners of tbe Press, becomes a stock holder and direotor in tbe new com pany, and will De- me representative of the Pbkss-Visitok. taking sub scriptions and . advertising contracts in the eity and over tbe State. Mr, MoRary is well known here and else where, being prominent in tbe. councils of aeveral of tha fraternal organiza tions, and enjoying the highest esteem of all who know him The Pbbmu-Vibitob is glad t& state that members "of the typographical fraternity of Raleigh hava beeorae iutefVd and taken stock in the eom panyj among tnem air; v . u. oiuuu who ia Secretary of the Company, and Mr; Paul Collins, wh la also a mem ber of the Board of Directors. ,Mr ,W. M. Brown, tho veteran tdt- tor of be Visitor, retires from the tripod tarrying the good will and esteem of the faithful eonatitoeney, which has ao long, been bis and Cot. F. A. Olds, who has for the past year made tha columns of the Visitor bright and readable by hia magle : pencil which never dulls, also retiree from the Visitor, aa he has fur soma "time wished, to do tn order that he might devote all his time to his- regular work. '. The best wishes of tba PRRas Visitob attend both Mr. Brown and Col. Old.' .-.- ' ' , - Mr. Edgar A. Womble, who baa ao acceptably filled tha position of Edi tor of tha Press fur tbe past eighteen monta, becomes a, stockholder and director In the new company, pot ha retires from active service on (ha pa per. , . r ? Summing up aa to . the' pBsas-ViHl Ton. wnat it ia and what It will be, we will aimply add that it speaks fur It If. - We propose to give oar readers every day, as we do, today, complete telegraphic news and the fulleat local ns t columns ever published by any paper in Raleigh. It ia our purpose to. present to our readers snortiy in illustration andtn print the industries of Raleigh, her important enterprises and business interests, - J The Pbbss Visitor will ia short be a paper which will ao pleaae all ofnr subscriber, that each will advise hia neighbor to take it. The price of the paper will remain tha aama aa that of oar predecessors, 25 cents per month, and although we are making and will make many improvement; the price Of the paper will remain tba same. Ha Was Bent" on Escape, But Mr. Beckwlth Intetcepted. Reuben Price stole some clothing and after a preliminary trial by Jus tice Whitaker waa aeut on to court under a small bond which be failed to irive. Jast to Price and oonstable Upohnrch who bad bim in charge were nearinft the poetoffloe, riioe kinder squatted down, boanded ont la tbe air about fifteen feet and eptd down Martin atieet. Tbe flying ne- Kro attracted probably, a thousand persona. Mr. B- G. Beokwltn met him oominp down Jbe Incline on Martin street at freight train Bpeed, Mr. Beckwith reaohed out, for tbe fast moving object, which soon came to a stand still. Price wasewled up tbe street amidst the boots and derinion of several, band red street arabs. lie U now safely confined in jail. - , . . - MAKING BEADY. The Southern Railroad Preparing for tbo Exposition. , : Tbe Southern railroad is making every effort to have its . line thorouftbly prepared to meet the heav'travel which it wi'J havsto handle during the Atlanta Liposl- tion. Tbe exposition ,op?D8 on the 15th of next month, and the faoili. ties of the road will be taxed to the utmost to accommodate the- J'-rge crowds who will visit Atla ' . .''he shops of tbe road are hard t work putting the engines and the general oitHtof the system in good order There are now .seven engines which are being overhauledj-and o! this number two No. 800 apd 801, bave been turned out of the shops completed. Other engines will be pi vea a thorough overhauling Ths s ere running on lull time, sna boars are often worked. The ' ::i has placed er re new i i j i irly every prt of their i in vie1 of the approaching relary Named. "a w'i'.l ti i y. r: f 1 i l in t iV C A est- in.', 'r F. 7 ft da le- v-ia UCIl- HI NEGROES A Nejrro Murderer Hanged by His; Own Race. MOB LAW LET LOOSE. A Dastardly Crime by a. Kentucky Fiend MeeU Just Retribution, Hanged In the Court Yard -if By Telegrapft to the PEaaa-Viaiton. J" ; Spbinofibld. Ky., Aug. 20 At an earty hour this morning a mob t ink Harrison Lewis, a negro, who murdered Joe Brooks, also colored, from jail and banged him u a tree in the conrt house yard. . It Is the Optnumof uiauy that ETieotrwas o impoed of colored : meu. After completing their work' tbe lynchers quietly dispersed. .The murder was a dastardly one Brooks ; was killed Friday night by Lewis ou his own doorstep without warning. ' ,v. A Scheme to Enthrone KaJulant By Telegraph to the Pwtss-Visiion. j. , Bbblin, : Aug 26. Vosslscbe Zei- tung hears from Honolulu -; that should Amerioa decline the deputa- tiuu to Washington's request to an nex, Hawaiians will beg England With Amerioaus assistance to' en- tnrone Prinoess EaiuIanL Major Wodenhouse, JSx-Mihister from Gritaln to Hawaii; has gone to Amerioa to advocate this plan.' - Kaw York, Aug. 20 Woden- house who waa here last week sailed for England Saturday. So far as is kuown he did not visit Washington. He expi eased tbe opinion to au inter viewer that the present government of Hawaii could not endure and that Kaiulani. will : be placed upon the. throne.; Cleghorn, ' father of the Prinoess,' passed through this city laht weeK On the way to England, Government Official Goes Hence By telegraph to we Prest-Vtoltor. ' . " ?t Pittsbceo, Pa Aug.' 26 -W. W, Kittefl, au employee of the War De partment at Washington, shot and killed himself in his room at the ho tel Willey this morning about 9 o'clock He It ft a note saying that no one would claim his bodyA dis patch from Washington rays Kitten was thirty years old and appointed a clerk in the Kecord and Pension Ul- vision of the War Department from Nebraska in' 1891. ' He waj given a weeks vacation on the twenty-third. It is understood that he waa soon to be married. ' ! ..''..' i. 1. 1, iT'i'1' 'I1 - f:sf Valkyrie leaves the l)rj Dock; By Telegraph to the PKise-VisiToew ;:w '.v.v. ' BBooKLiirt Aag, 28. The Valkyrie left the dry dock, Erie basin, at noon and started down to Sandy Hook in tow of tba ?ity of Bridgeport. , Tha sails were bent on tbe way down . tbe bay. Another big crowd ? visited tha basin tbia afternoon. It la estimated that fully a hundred thonsand visited tbe.Englisb sloop wklle docked., x Separate Receiver 'Wanted, . . By elegrapb to Uie Fmss-Visitob 5 Omjha, Ang. 88. An effort will be made to-day -before- Judge Sanborn, of St, r'anl, by the bondholders of the St Joseph and tbe; Qraad Island, connecting lines of the - Kansaa Cfty and Omaha road to aeeore tha ap pointment of a separata receiver, The Union Pacific receivers who now eon trot tbe road will make a strong flgbt against tha new appointment.' - ' . Is Spain Growing Weary? By Cable to ma Press-visitor. ,''' - -Madbid, Aug. 26 The 'Dia" as serta that the government has abaa dontd iU intention to send twenty five thousand soldiers to Cuba in Oolobei. ;. The paper also says that Campos declares he will resign if the government Insists on appointing a Lieut. General for Cuba. - TUe Columbia Starts for the Orient, By Telegraph to tte Passs-Vis rroR. '-. ; SANntANoisooAuft. 20. Cruiser Olympia started to'Chlrih via. lion olulu this morning. Captain Reed denied that he intended to try to break the world's record to the orient. . Going to Connecticut. , By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Putnam, Conn., Aug. 26. A suit of rooms have been engaged at the hotel here for the family of Presi dent Cleveland during the month of September, " ' Twelve Hundred go Out. By Teli-Kraph to Oie Press-Visitor. KiXnE-TER, r. X., ADJ. 'UK Tf!ye hundrel rirmpnt V": are on a sm .: e U:e f 's r,oTL. COTTON FUTURES. ToDay's Cotton Markets t act ' From New Yok. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Naw Yoek, N. Y., Aug. 26 -The cotton market opened with ad ine of about 7 points from Saturday, ral lied about two to three point ;, lost this advance and cloeed steady at a net decline of two points) as compar ed with Saturday. , " Sales 175,200 bales. -J ' September options, 7 60a7Cl; De oember, 7.79? January, 7. 8Ca7 86 March, 7 96 ReeeipU 756. ON THE GRIDIRON. University of ; Virginia, Foot Ba.ii Team Begin Training," Next sesslon's'-Uuivei eity HrJ , Vi. ginia football team will, in a short while, begin traiuing.t the Sweet Chalybeate Springs. Mr; ; VY. W. O d, the manager, has just returned from tbe Sweet, where he made arrangements for the training of the team. The eleven young jinen who will kick the "pig ekla neit .session for tho Virgiula Varsity ; have hot yet beea choeen, but it i certain that art: ezoellent team will be se leoted. - ' ' North Carolina-) team does not bave to go in training bi-fore tbe opening of college, nut gets tnere just the same. Tbe tar heel have some excellent material and bave secured a good trainer. The mana ger has arranged games with many leading oolleges , , Mixed - Politics In Kentucky Washisotos, Ang. 36, Petti t, pop nliet eaadidata for Governor , Kan tqeky. In writing to a friend here, says that secret ballot meana the de feat of the. Democratic nominee,' who baa lost forty thoaeand votes to the popaliste and f ally ten tboatand to tb republicans. -, tie says BUekfturn will be elected by .the popallsts. ; A Democratic aa member . of Congresa aayi he tbinka Hardin will be! beaten, bnt may aave the JUeglslstore., i Policeman Fatally Shot. ;!, ' By Telegraph to the P aass-Viai rons :?fr&M. BaXTTMOBB, Md , AUKUSt , 28 t- Patrolman John ; Dailey jaa ' shiot during a str'jet fight He was trying to quell It this forenoon when fatally wounded. The; fight occurred in tbe business oeutre of the -ity. Rogers and Daughtry wno did i the showing were arrested., Alsn two oompanions.v.'.'-f'rS , ' - ' Four Victims or the Mob. . By Telegraph to TbK PBRsa-VjsiToa. Ybbka. Cal., Ante 28.-A nob of 850 men nroke into the ouunty jil cms morning and hanged four mnr. aerers at toe court nuuse para. . v ic tims were named respectively John sop, Sember' Hull and Monroe. Houghton, the Great Publisher Dead. J By Telegraph to the Pbesb-Visito. , Bobtob, Ang. 86. H, O. Houghton, 78 years of age, head of the big pub IHbing honse of : longbten, Hiffin it Co,,5 died1, snddvnly , at . his sammtr residence at North Andover. - i! Japanese Minister Resigned. By telegraph to the Pfuun-VniiTOB. .' - ' YoKOHava, Aug. 26 C oont Mataugata, Japaueer ' minister finanoe, has reHigned.?-;)'', of Govei nor ana Counsel Gone to t ' Halifax, 'Governor Carr, Treasurer Worth, Auditor Furman and Mr. Young, of Cabarrus, Chairman bf the Board of Directors, left today for the Peni tentiary farms in Halifax county This is the annual time for Inspec tion of the farms by the Governor and Counsel.: Mr. Young acoom. pankd them in piaoe of Mrc Leazar who Is detained at home ? - ., : The Depot tn be Illuminated. The ' ninety inoardtssoent - lights which are being put in the shed at the Union Depot will be completed tonight and electrioitv turned on The lights are arranged in clusters. three to each cluster. .Tl y are on ever other Pwt. The sh 1 will be a scene of splendor aim : beauty when all the light OI I ion lb will be worth vis' tic ' seventy lights inside t l iog a total of 160 intU is one of which we k the railroad are ot it .i are iak. 'pot and ing innovations and itn f for The the benefit of the ' PESs-VisiToa'ippr ,: The PRK8S-Viai?v hes two thousand subftC!11' ) the numtxT ever attaii 'lier Eale'gh fnper. Thi f'Rtit tj ten t!; Hit.and ttii y in t!iec:ty, sud we pr 9 t':e n i.bcr. Advert " bfl f ie 11 such a mi a, to rtach t'.e Eile:sh 1 North Carolinians' "Who . Carry Large Sams,' J0LE CARB LEADS.. Carries More Insurance 'Than Any ; Man in fHe Sonthern States, r : ' Other Tar Ueela Insored. -l The Atlanta Constitution gives in Sunday's Issue a oomplete and oor- reit list of tbe names of ail persons it) the States-of Ueorgia Alabama, Nflf ,h and South Carolina and Ten neM i carrying , insurance on , their DtM fa the extcttit of 450,000 and up. wafts, together with the amounts nt thaal rtriltnicui In Jibe list of North Carolina will be notices tne names oi many men prominent in public and business life. .,.''!- " " J 8. Carr, of Durham, N. C, is the n o it heavily insured man in the five states, his policies aggregating over ISOO 000. E. J. Parish, also of Durham; carries 1100,000, as does also C. IX Nimson, of Cranberry, N.C. m . In Raleigh Col. A. B. Andrews carries insurance to the extent of 196,000 Tbe late Major Tucker oar-, ried $60,000 so the: Constitution states. Burlington: L. S. Holt, f 172.700. Charlotte: EL Bwioh, 960,000; Dr. IL Mo Aden, 170,000; R. TJ. Mo Aden, $110,000. !. Cranberry: C. H. Nimson, $100,. 000.- . , ' ' Durham: if. 8. Carr, 1545,000; ' J. 8. Carr and family, $158,000; K J. rarish, $100,000 GeJ. W. Watts, $85,000.; j-. t , i Elon College: Oapt J. N. William son. $60,000: sr' ;. Fayetteville, J. W. Thornton, $50,000.. ' ; '. h Goldsborp, Harry Well, $50,000. . Haw River, T. M. Holt (members of bis family carry $500,000.) 65.000. Hlokory, Joseph tt. Hall, $60,000. Rfd hpriugs, William KkCJuefD, $50,000 Reidsvillt, ltobert P. Rtuhardsor , $90,000.' 4-1 Wilmington. George W. Kiddri $76,00.?7r-f';-i: fX-- Winston, J A. Gray $50,000; J. L. Vaughn, $62,000. , , f To Onr Bubaorlbera nd Advertisers. The Pems-Visitoe desires to say to all who have been subscribers or advertisers, patrons of either the Daily Press7 or Visitor, that it is the desire and intention of the manage ment to continue their names as pa trons of the new consolidated paper. and as there may be soma overnights incident to the troublesome details of consolidating the two papers, we wish to say that if any subscribers of either of the old papers fail to receive their paper regularly, or if any ad. vertisement which was formerly in either paper dots uot appear piop ei ly in our columns, - it will be through some Inad verteoca or ' mis hap, incident to the ad justment of the mechanic! deuils during tbe first few days, until all business can ie gotten into smooth running order. Few people not familiar with the inside of the newspaper of&oe can ooneeive of the physical difficulties which arise In oombining the bust ness of two papers into one, and i! mistakes occur we ask our patrons to bear with us till advertisers can be called upon and satisfactory ar rangements and terms agreed upon for the continuation of their ad vet tisemente in the new consolidated dally. It is not our intention to out off anv subscriber or advertiser until or dered to do so. It is our desire not to lose one bf the friends of . our two predecessors, but to retain their good will and patronage by giving a better newspaper to the readers at the same price, and ' to the ; adver tisers twice the circulation which they had in either of the original papers. ,- " , Wanted a Pistol and Got One. ' ConsUble, C. R." Todd of Marks Creek Township brought w, M Moncure foorored) Into tbe eity loday and lodsred him in fall. Moocure entered the residence of Dr. C J Rhodes last evening ; white that gentleman and his family were at church He only took a pistol, which waa found ou his person. ' Moncure was given a heariag this . morning and bdund over to the next term of Criminal Court uuder a bond of two hundred dollars. - Married. .-: ,v. . 't , Saturday night at o'clock at the residence of Mr O. C Holmes on North Dawson Street Mr. J. O. Upchnrch to Miss Annie cooper, both of this city by Kev J. h. Foster. - OKOAN1ZBD LA BOH. Commissioner of Labor rUatletics ' eleenrina; Information. ' The CommisHioner of Labor Sta- listios, Mr. B. H. Lacy, is engaged just now iu 'sending letters to the leaders of organized labor in the jstate.- Mr. Lacy, introduced a new feature in his last report by publish iug letters from various labor lend ere on tbe subject of their orgaoiza tion. These letters bave attracted a good deal of attention and as an ex Judge of the Supremo court saystthe give tho publio an insight as to reasons ; why. laborers desire protection through- their organiza- tionbY Tbe side of the labor quee tion Is rarely seen from the laborers standpoint. . It ia quite ao interest-iiu?"&ubjeofrto-the publio, , ,Mr. Lacy is requesting taloruiation ou the subjects, "what the organizations have done for their members, "that ihf are doing and what they ex. pot to do." Tbia informauon is beta gotten together to publish in tbe '86 report. ' . , , , . Letters are being directed to mem bers of the Typograbpicat Union, Order of Itailway Telegraphers, Bp other hood Locomotive Engineers and B.' of L. Firemen, Machinists Union, Raleigh & Gaston Relief Association ' and tbe . Farmers Alliance. These organizations rep resent over 25,000 voters, ; , ; .. s , Mr. W. L. Womble, a Raleigh man, is travelling over the State gathering statistics and information for the report. Me. Womble is visit ing factories mostly securing data in regard to labor. The report this year promises to be more interesting than usual. Pr. Blackoalt's Elysium, Dr. G. W, Blacknall is a man of more happy ways and means to make his friends happy than 1 any- other man on earth, and the most delight ful of .the : Doctors many fancies which we know of is his vine-clad and; fruit-laden farm about three miles south of the oity pn the water, works road. Here the Doctor has from sevnety -five to a hundred acres of the most fertile farm lands in the state on a high eminence, perfectly cultivated Saudi hardened with a wealth of production of the finest melons, grapes and fruits, a magni ficent forest of oorn and everything which can be produced in the high est perfection where the principles of agriculture are properly carried out as Dr., BlaoknaU'e own supervis ion fully demonstrates in this case. in the midst of tbe farm and in a stately grove te a cosy cottage, com fortably furnished. .. . - ; Yesterday afternoon a. party of gentlemen drove out and gave the Doctor a call and enjoyed that bos pltatiiy ' wb'ch he alone-know so well how to dixpnnrte, and the pleas ure of the afternoon was greatly enhanced by the presence and charm- inn KrtoM"i .Virn. ituvknalt whit made all tti vmiturs tew at bouts by the diniHj"u rt her wini'-g personality. K wan . a well pleantd prty which drove l,,,ne,d m the twilight, af ter ei j ijiug the delightful ;hade and the delioiouHfiuits, toned by the Dnetor'a genial hf wpitality. t Well Taken Preoantion's, The rumor a going the rounds that the Caucasian has put in a large order at the two ioe faotorie The ciornpcieitora. of the pap will begin to morrow to put Walter R. Henry's eight column : 'fareeh" in tj pe. and every precaution will he taken to prevent the type from running together, Tnese last remark by Mr. Henry am sain to be red hot. -i Items CauRht 9nnday, There was an interesting meeting at the Soldiers Home yesterday.' It resulted in tbe conversion of one old veteran.. Mr. N. B. Broughton oon ducted the meeting, ,-c , '. One convert was received into the fellowship of the Tabernacle last evening. :' :y& Rev Alvin Betts is ioondPcting a revival at Swain Street Mission. Lata But Newsy. t - 1 i The PKKSs-YisrroB is a little late this eveniug owing to the friction in cident to getting out the first issue; There will be nosoch difficulty after to day and the paper will hereafter c me out on time. . : , ZK ' ; m: m m ; , n . , ' The Board of County Commissioners at their last meeting passed a regula tion setting forth the first .Tuesday of each month' as. the time for signing school teachers' vouchers. 'Mr. Good win, the county' examiner, says he thinks this will work a great Inconven ience to the teachers and cause them to less time unnecessarily.' By allow ing the vouchers to be signed at any time, say on Saturdays, the teachers would not lose a school day. 11 How . Will He Play, it in Pennsylvania;! ' THE CLANS 'GATHERING TU Situation at Ilarritburg teAars ths Republican State Convert- ' ; tion WiU Meet Wedneda , ' By Telegram to the PKaaa-Vianoak ' HaJUUSBrBL Auar 26 TlacrAtM, political leaders and aiehrr mi '- over the state are arriving on every ' rraln frif . rnhA ; ; ..: that the , republican , convention Wednesday Will be tha laro-mt: in t h i history of the state. There is much' J talk ofi bribery. The Quav onfmln . rwnioicmeu overrcna-ruimrtmr n..i (ection, frnm,,,ith(ir . .nka- 1'tut admistration people are beginning to SUSDBCt that Qnnria nnt ainiwm in his v announoed intention tn nr. ait the uomiiiatinn nf t.h Court judges appointed by the Gov. ernor- without ODDoaition.- Thn oresenoe here of 8. A. Davenport of b.rie.and Whiteworth nf Armar.mnir with others mentioned in connection wiui toe court leads them -think to ihataMobeine is bainir dump Judges, B.J. Bay wood.- The candidate of both factions for state treasurer has opened headquarters. BT, BOIiGt'8, A COMER, f4 Mr. Boylan'a Horse ia fintred tor. : $00,000 Worth'of Pnraea. j ust at thii time of the year the ' thoroughbred running' horse is up- permost tu tbe minds of onr people. ' -. Qn Saturday last Requital, a two " . year old ooit in just exactly one ' -' minute and eleven seoonds won - ' t (80,000 in cash for his owner.aFrench , Jew by the name of Gideon. The Futurity is tbe richest raofinthe 1 tl world and it is to the American furf what the Derby is to the Ens. lifh. Right here in Raleigh Is a colt ' that Is entered in $60,000 worth of - ' stake races to be ran next year and, ' will be sent on this fall to be trained.. If breeding and books go for any. thing, this horse is destined to beat ' the best of them. Hie name lent. Eolgus, and is owned by Mr. James Boylan. " He is by Eolus out of Olea - by St. Blaise and making him the strongest bred Leamington on the continent. At six months old one of tw. shrewdt . vrainers in the North offered tl350 cash for him. But St. Eolgus is not for sale. He ' ' will be placed in training in Novem- " . beri His owner is determined to re. " store with him the position North - Carolina occupied ' in tha turf " world in the good old ante-bellum ' ' . " days. Let every lover of the thor- - , oughbred root for St Eolguj and his popular owner. ; , . , His nncle tba celebrated Henrv of . Navarre mid last week for $85,000. A half brother a yearling brought . 1U,UUU. .-,.,- U' i , TrirS ARR1NGTON TRIBUNAL. " It Will, Likely bo With Us this ' .Week,-;-, ,r -y The Tribunal of Talents some ' time miscalled the Arringtoo Inves- " tigating 'Committee is likely to oast ' its fortune with us this week.!' It:' has been several weeks ainna ihn Raleigh publio enjoyed this greatest " of faroe Oumed which has played ' before the North Carolina public. Mr. ; 1 Associate yi ustioe Pbilina ' from Pitt has written to a gentle-, man in the city , stating that the oommlttee will likely get together this wees. Chief Justice Campbell will certainly be here on schedule - time if, he an get transportation. . Associate J ustioe Phillips and "Lit- k tie Bille" Brown, tbe lower mem- dt wm likely be on hand. Judge Phillips will come if he can get Treasurer Worth to pay for the ses sions, and he may come in any event - Mr. Bryan has been opposed to the meeting heretofore, bnt he may have undergone a change of mind here lately.' Great pressure has been ex erted on Judge' Bryan by all sides, so it la said., s , ,-,; tJ Treasurer Worth stated emphati. tically this morning to a Pribs- VierroR reporter that he would not pay the members anything" should' they meet. - f 1 i ?'r T, Purnell, who is the Counsel for the Committee was called on by a reporter. He stated that he was Attorney for the Com mittee,' but declined to discuss their future movements. Mr. Purneli said that it was not one oi the ethics of a lawyer to speak on his clients business. ' He would not deny that the Committee intended to meet here this week. Mrs, Arlington i nick in bed. Hies Susan B. AnthTy will ;. her remaining years m 1 -my w t ter Lw... o ia K j..' ' , ll. X. i.d 1 "TV- .St rj-s)(

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