STATE NEWS'. -si v. ... ..... . . t - - ; ,- '. ITEMS OP ALfc KINDS-PROM ' ' , 'ALL PASTS. ' North" Carolina Happenings Briefly Collated from Cherokee to ', , Currituck. ' - ' Belle BoidV the Confederate f - mala spy, who lectured here early in the SDrinit , U in trouble in Rome. Ga Per truck has been attached to " pay her huebaod'a poor bills Her audienoes-liave been slim and her identity BU8pioioned.;;s;;.; ' Durham,;' wloipSiBg.''rfnC 'OT tobacco, is , getting Into it strongly lava the Sun : W; I T; .CarrinKton; oue of nor targe leaf dealers, will c ship today; oyer the Norfolk ;& . : Western road to Richmond, about - .tan oar loads of tobaooo,,; Jt .Will go v ':. in a solid, special train. '!..; - j, The Ratherfordton Demoorat says . tbe distillery warehouse of J. J. Jones, near Waveriy, , In Cleveland ' county, was destroyed by fire on the night of. July 30th. Investigation . . lea jjepucy vpumwr rf uauuu mi w 7 lleve there was fraud. VA diligent - days ' after the fire, of three barrels whiskey hidden in the woods near by. -'nMMW . Mr. Ed. Furlong!, who is employed '. as a distiller at the 'imperial Pine - Produot-oompany'a plant, at Smith's v oreek uear . Wilmington and a color ed employe, whose' name was not ,-, learned, ere badly scalded Sunday. , ' The men were at work on a .boiler, ' .v tnn nf avhinh hlatr f' nrX. hnth lav lag knocked to f,he fl ior apd scalded" - about the back. In falling two bones of Mr, 1 Furlong's right twrlst were broken. . Citjy Editor Meapham of the Wilmington Dispatch has been . released from Jalli upon a reduction ' ' of hla bond to 1500. Hia Attorney went Ms bondy ' '; ' ' Charles Graham negro confined la Cabarras oounty made his escape -Sunday night Be was in an iron cage; the door is Iron and looked with a padlock. Graham had noth ing in hia , room but a spoon, a pan and a water , bucket,; The apoqn handle was found mashed. Tbe ; ' handle of the buoket was torn off -.and bent up a little. This be used - in pioking the look. .There is a hole In the door for naasinK in meals and through this he used his bucket " handles .on , .' the padlock; ' From there he unlocked a similar look and tore out a slat window. On the out . side near the window a 4 inch sewer pipe runs down the wall. He oooned down this pipe a distance of 36 feet . a risky, and dangerous feat tut. ' witnessed and without charge. The way to reach catarrh U through the blood. Johnson's Sarsaparilla and i Celery treats this disesse successfully; ; Try it and yon will not be disappoln ted.i Price, large bottles, 60 cents, . - For tale by John Y. MaeRae, drug- fist, 1 ' " x ' , . ran, who claims to be 106 years old, haa applied for a pension under the - indigent pension act. "For insomnia. ' aleebleesueas. nerv- . oneness, hysteria ; sad all " forms of ... nervous sxhauslioa and debility, there ' is bat one remedy, Johnson's Sana pafilla and. Celery f works : directly .- opoa the nerve centers , and sever ' fails to eure. Large bottles SO . eenta. t sale by John I. MaeBae. 5 . ; Hog ohelera, or inome disease re -sembiiug it closely, haa been killing oil the wibe in West Virginia. v?: Japanese Pellets are small and mild, 'easy to take, ao griping, the most pleasant effeets attend . their use. Fifty doses, 36 eenta. For sale by John Y. MaeBae.; '. ' It is said that more visitors to Mount Auburn Cemetery, near Cambridge, tarry at toe tomb of Edwin Booth ttian of any other. ; - -Old People. , ,iv Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy . in Kleetrie Bit ters. This medicine does not (Urn a. . late and contains no whiskey or other : intoxicant,. bat acts as a tonie and, . aiteratue. It' acts, mildly oa .the stomach and bowels, adding strength aad giving tone to the. organs, thereby aiding nature in the 'performance of the "functions. Electrie .Bitters is sn excellent sppetixer sad aid digestion. Old people find it Jnet exactly what they need. Price" fifty seats per bot tie at John Y. JtacBae's dru store. : The Victoria Embankment in Lon don has a surfaos of 43,000 square " ards,and ooets 115,000 a year to keep it in repair. Marvelous MesulU ' . . From' a letter written by Rev, J. ' Qnnderman, of Dhnondale, Miuh4 we - are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, ss the re : suits were always marvelous in the ease of my wife. . While I was psstor of the Baptist ehnroh at Rives Junction she was brought down with pnenmonia aoeceeding la .grippe.. Terrible paroxvam of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as If she could not sarvive thfui. A friend recommended Dr. King's Mew Discovery! it was quick in Its work and highly satinfartory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. HacBae's drug store. Regular sixe 60o and 11.00. ' IVhat is t i 'A w o ry Castoria la Ir. Bamael Pitcher's prescription for Infants ' svad Children. It contains neither Oplnm, Morphine nor other STfreotic substance. It is a harmless sabstltnte , for Parefforic, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. J it Is Pleasftnt.: 1U guarantoe la thirty yean use by Mllliona of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays ' feTerisnness, ' Castoria prevents Tomltlnf Soar Card . cares Ilarrhcoa ; ond "Wlurt Colic Castoria relieves 'teething troubles,, cures constipation 'and flatulency. 'Castoria assimilates the food, regtilates the stomach ' and bowels, firing healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Gastorlai " Otetotla ti aa mneUent medlfne for ehO : Sne. MoihenlMT repeatedly tele aw of tta -aocd eet spen Xbtir aclldrea." ' - ? ' '-jV''.''.'. O-tX'Oeaooo, V OHSorla to the bestrwMdjr tor ehUdnn St hlab 1 am aequafailea. 1 hap the day la no tar distant vbeo aothara wttl oooAler U nal - Imlmt at tfaalr cfalldrao, and o CmtorU to ataad of th Tarkwiquaofc nortaruma which an damertaf th lenS oaea, byforetuffopiuin, mrphtaw, soothlnc avrup and ether hartfel dowa their Ouoeta, tberaby mdloc la premahiie graw." . '. . ' Da, J. r. EnoBBUM, -v' , Ounwaj, Ark. Th Ceatesnr Oeasyaaw, "A Clean Shave, How It T OHSOHlAIi (PARK HOTEL ) JVothingr but Skilled Barbers Employed. igara and Newspapers on Sale, lot and Cold ' "-JDOCE DIRECTORY 1 - . ' iriASONIC. HIBAMtODGE.Ka 0 ever 8r Monday night in Masonic hall. W W Wilson, W. iL,E., B. Thomas. Sec ; WM. G.'HILLi No. 218, every second and fourth Monday nights in Masonic hall. : W. A. Withers, W. 1L, N. L. Brown, Sec. BALEIGH CBA.PTER, No. 10, meets every Tuesday after the thir Monday in Masonic halL W. A. With era, H.P., W. E. Faison, See, BALEIGH COMMANDS BY. So. 4 every first Thursday night in Masonic halL John C. Drewry, J. C W. A. Withers, Bee, 6DD FrLLOW. ' MANTEO, Mo. & every Tuesday night In the Odd Fellow hall, l'ullen building., W.H. Blake, N. (1., G. L. Tonnoffaki, See. r ; ; , t BEATON GALES. No. 64. every Thursday night in Odd Fellow ball, in Pnllen building. Jf. E. Emery, N. G j I'hUipThiem, Bee - . CAlalTAL,'No, 147, every Tuesda) night in Pythian hall, Lewis building, Erwin Jones, N."1 Gn Ji J. Bernard MCKEE ENCAMPMENT No. 15 meets every second and fourth Friday nights la Jr. O. U. A. M . hall, Fallen building. , W. H. Martin, C Geo Tonnoffaki, Scribe. - ' , ; , LITCBFOBD KNCAMfMENT. Sc. SO, meets every Monday . night it? Jr. Ml TV m If V 11 Sa.1 1 VI ..II Jl : m W. Briggs, a P.. J. & Keith, Scribe. ; BUTE, No. 4, every first aud third Friday nighU In Jr. O. U. A. M. halL l'ullen building, w, n. Marun, G; E. & Cheek, Sec. k CENTRE LODG E, No. S, meets every Monday night in Pythian ' hall Lewis building. W. ffi Martin, C. C. WW. Willson, K. of B. and 8. s PHALANX LODGE, No. 84 meets every Thursday night in Pythian halL Lewia building. W B Blske, C (X, J. f. Bernard, K. of B. and &.' :-?yXt - , J.O. V. A.Bl, - , v i? BALEIGH COCN$IL,No.l,'Jr t D AM, meets every Wednesdaf night in Jr O U A M ball, ' Pollen building. W. B." Kennett; Councillor, M.' B Haynes. B. 8. t s-v..'- Af:c MA6NET!UyWfcHffi IS txYQ w m wnnr ItArtiBrt94 .io win tion, F'uav oirb fi,BsaiKi tBarn(o,rmnln(1laorr. Inaae. th tlrrnv, Impitncy, Lnt eow t .. .r wx. Premature Old Ab, jiiolmiuiri oue4 jyovor-iu.-tu'(r.Dce,over-xerUonor the lw.un .ana Crrora of "uMi. I ! " Wenk Kre..u their Sslursi Vhmr doaM tb Jaj olj " -; car Luoorrhnw nd fnnkle Wnkni. n.uiiM "tratt. iHiit, lo pim pRckiicft, hf num. t y ft-ifr.f; uitIvii.6Ih.iwm VHIi BWy "rU-r wrm a V'.l.r, t to curft or rnni ni'vlin,. PM I ; '? Willi ? ; uastoria. : Oaatarta to ao well adapted to ehfldrea that ends eHupertortoaar pnatrhCtaa R. A. Aaaaaa. H. ; HI Sa Oxford St, Brooklyn, R, T. "Oar physMaiw tat tta ehlldreo'a depart-' meot have apokea highly of thele ezpirl eaoe Ja their onUld praotloe with Cajtorla, and althoosh we oaly hare among our ! awdloal aappUej what at kaowa aa rafular prodaotB,yetweara free to eonfem that the marlta of Canon haa won aa to look with tevor opoa It," , '. f I Uamm Bobpital ajo ikfyxuxt. alio O. Sana, JVea, TI Hunr Street, Hew Tmrk OHy. doth Improve!" SMYTHE. s WIshart's Hair Restorer Cures All Skin Diseases, Water Baths. Bring your Coupon for Hoe Cake Soap to ns with Five Cents and get two full size cakes of this fine Laundry Soap for the price of one. J. R. Feirall & Co. Drs.; W. I.J Royster V ; and Hubert AVRoyster " 'Having formed a oo-paHoershlp for the practice Af Medicine and Snr gerv, offer their professional services to tbecitizensotBalelgb and surround ing country. .; v . , . . . aug 9 im v ' ' I ' P' Raleigh Male Academy M0B,S0 & DESOK. Principals. y -i ' , ' The 17tb year onens Mondav. Sen. tember 2d. The course which has been so successful in preparation for College or Business is adapted to the needs of eacn pupil. Hoard at low rates. .Ad- dress Principals for Catalogue. ' i; The Best Is the Cheapest. ,f The Light-Bunning, Genuine Tit ;eiv , Sewing ?achina,Xr The best on earth. Sold on long time, or on easy monthly payments. If desired will take Machine to your residence for Inspection free of charge Needier, oils and attachments for all myies or machines constantly on hand ; Call on, or addrws THE S1NGEB MANDFAcTTJ KING COMPANY, 115 xayeueviiiB ntreec. ruueign? ri u, K. L. GREEN. District Manairer. . Agents wanted in every county. PEGEON THE GREATEST DiscovEar, of THE AGE f, n " r Cbim ia 1 tn 4djM. Im. moilmta in afTaei; qmok to ( 'n be 9srrtd in VMt l. K' k M sll ftMnltft in on nn Hti'K.,. ciit. ny ninti, imMtHl, plwn pmrnmift un rtw ut price, . at V For sale by John I. McKae, vis.. ' : ."- drag. FREE YOUR ( i'. if . It-' . ATTENTION Is called to our select stock of Groceries, Etc Everything can be found that is . usually kept in a nrat class Gtoosr; tttora. NEW GOODS. LOWPKICES. A fair share of the patronflge of the publie is 'Solicited. Prompt and careful attention to sll orders. S .;... H. S. LOWRY, A6T., Wholesale and Retail Grocer and om. mission Merchant, 117 Fayetteville btreet Are you tf'inf? away? We have a nice line of Trunks, bags and Grips ready for you. DO OU BIDE? We have a beautiful Iin of Rnlypn H hina and Umbrellas. Lap Tan and Low I "ut Shoes at reduced prices Do you want an OIll. STOVE ? We have them very cheap. Also Barbers' Clippers, Horse Uppers. Note Paper at lo quire, Envelopes 2c pack. Books and Tablets at any price you want at the RACKET STORE. 16 Martin Street T Tou get what you want. SECOND Tbe price Huita you. This is Alwavs the case, for we keep up with the times and have the finest assortment of Blank kooks ana sta tionary to be found In the State. Eight ball Croquet Sets, tl.25. Hammocks, 80c, 75c, $1, f 1.25, (1.50. W. G. 8EP ARK, Manager. 'topoMt PostofBce. D. I. FORT , T. C HARRIS. D.KFORT&CO. Kebl Estate Agents, RALEIGH; N. C. TAnrla wanted. Larsre and small farms, mineral, lands, water fpowers snd other real estate property.. . - -' Inn., rT ro'it cliv property, make collections, exam ine titles, survey and plat land. - Desirable bouses and lots for sale and to rent. aug 7 Im IM H. Moore, Boot acd: Bh&emaker. ; Reoalrins dons la first cavwustyle. ; All work GUABANTKW4 ' A, KHep lUMlcr, sJIV AND HOWRLIH Mere on Pfcyettr. Looatlon of Fine Alarm 3ox S(t.V W. crnroni aaSait ta. M, a. B. Oeraer Joaaaea aa Halilas sta, ' lt,S. W. Ooraer rTottli "aa4 Faraoacts. 1 H, H. W. toner Bdestea ao Kutata. M IS, N. W. oner Bloant anS rolkata. a . it. a. Ooraar Bloant aaa Itoraaa ata. . a aa. MT. W. riaraar Wllmlnrton and STartlatt i . - - 5 M u V m tm trm m it RlWuM. TRUNKS Two Reasons - For "Visitingr Raleigh Stationary Store " a), 8. W. Corner Wllmlnatoa ana Sooth ata ! M, H. B. Ooraer Hargett and Swain ata. -" tl, B. W. Oorner Hlount and Cabarrua Ms " (i, 8. W. Oornr !! and Dawaoa ata. . - ' 8J, 8. W. Corner Hillsboro and West ata.' " H, B. K. Ooruer Lnolr and MoOowe luta.' 1 " as, N K. Corner Hargett and Dawaea ata. ; - M, N. Corner Sou in and Jarrtngtoa ata. !"fl, S. W.Corner HurgettaDd Weatata. ' 11, Dawson et (Weal suie, batwean Jaaaa i and Lane ata - -a&li, W. Ooraar Halifax and Bdentoa ata " ia, N. R. Corner Jones and Sttundera sta. : " 46, Klrwood ATe.-fcalelh Cotton Mill. ' I.)rtnSt., Weatol Saikabiuj. Bear Oai i"IU, MS Ooraer FajettevllleaaS Barieti ) fta - i"f4 J,meTHrettino'Rliodwnrtnate lUI, H. W. Corner KyetTiiie and KHiiroat, Ba. (KaTwtteviUe aud K. K. Crosot, 4. atorxun St.. between Si'iKburr aud Me lowll fM la WahV MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtus of power oonferred on mi by a certain mortgage deed, executed oy John IT. 8tinsoo aud wileEmeline, which is recorded-in Kefrunry of Wske county, in cook Mo., VM at psfes 479, 1 wlil offer for sale to uif- hiKbest bid der for cash at the court house door in the ettv of - Baleigb, N . O., on Tuesuay. September 8, 189a, at 12 o'clock m., the land In said mortgage deecr.bed, lying in said county snd Slate In House Creek township, aud bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a post oak, tnenct north one-bait degree west to a pine, thence north, one half aegree east its poles to a small post oak ou south sine of Haleigh road, thence with Mid rose 60 poles to a dogwood, Mrs. Loney ler roll's corner, thence north 69 degree west M poles to the beginning, contain ing about 15 acres, mure or less, ad jomg tbe lands of Mrs Ferrell, Alex tephensand John Y. 8tinson. L- H. Adams, Mortgagee. B. F. Montaouk, Attorney. Raleigh, M. C, Aag. 3, 1895. SALE OF LAND. In pursuance of a judgment rendered ou tbe 5Ut Jay of aukubi, 1MI5, hi m Special pr. ceeiling entitled W. K. ilitke, Adimuirtrator ut Mrs. K t Uleiiii, deceased, aguinst lVtue Diiprer ct 'al, oeforvi tbe Clerk ut vake rtu. )' rlur Court, I will sell at the urt Uuuse door lu the city of Italeigh ion I lit- 23d day of bepiember A. I). 1895,' at 12 o'clock ni , at pubnc auction, for cm.., to the highest bidder, the follow ing described lot or parcel of land, bounded and described as follows. Lying and being in the city of Haleigh, ou the north side of Martin street, and bounded on the east by the lot of Hen . erson It-even, deceaxed, on the south by the said Martin street, on tne wett by tbe land of Eldndge Johnson, de ceased, and on tue north by tbe lut for merly owned by Wesley Whitaker, fronting on said Martin street 35 fert atid running back 210 feet, rouiaining one sixth of an acre, more or less. W. K HLAKK, A'lministrator of Mrs K. K. Glenn. LAND SALE. By virtue of a certain mortgage ajed ut real estate execut e! by Itooerusuulli and Laney smith, his wife to Luanda Schobt aid recorded in Book 76, pxge 5)10, in the office of Register of lieeus of Wake county, I will sell at the court house door in the city of Ualeigh, said county, on Saturday the 21st day or September 1895, at 12 o'clock Hi, Two lots of land being and lying in Ualeigh townHhip, adjoining the lands of B.P. Woodlief, f. C Wynne and others. The ttrtt lot being bounded as follows : Beginning in the centre of theRaleigh road, T. J. Woodiiet's, shouth west cor ner, tbencewith bis line east 19 1-3 poles to a stake in the centre of tbe old toad, thence along tue said road south 4 de grees east, 8 poles to a stake in the centre of the same, thence west 23 13 poles to the centre of toe Kaleigii or new road, thence along the same north 22 degrees, east 8 1-3 poles to the be ginning, containing one acre and ten perches. ; The second of the -above lots Is bounded as tobows: Begin ing at a stake in tbe centre of the old i oad and on P. CI. Wynne'i line, Uience with lier line west 19 1-3 poles to tne center of the new road, iheuce along the bame, north 19 1-2 degrees, east 17 18 poles Co a stake, iheuce east llpoles to a stske in the ceure of the old road, thence along the same south 5 1-2 degrees, east 18 poles to the beginning, contain ing one and one half acres, mare or less. Terms of Bale cajIi. Title per fect. J. C. L. Harris, Attorney of Mortagte. aug 19 30d MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of power conferred on me bv a certain mortgage deed executed by John i Hoblnson and wife, Cornelia Uobinson, which is duly recorded in the Kegistry of Wake county in Book INo 12s at page 300, 1 will offer for sale at the court bouse door in we city ot Kaleisrb. H. C. on Tuesday, September 8, 1345, at 12 o'clock m., the land u said mortgage described in Maso.i Vil lage, begmniug at xoung vv earners, uortbwest corner, thence soutb to tlie land of James Bill, Uience east to laud of Mitchell, thence weatto me beginning, contalniu one-fourth ot an acre, more or jess. B. x. dSONTAG UK, jaorigugee. Raleigh, ti. (J, Aug. 3, isui. Mortgage Sale. At tbe request of W. H. Weath- erspoon and by virtue of a curtain mortgage executed oy aim, recoraea in book So. 138, at page 830, in the register of deeds' office of Wake coun ty, N. C, we will on Monday tbe 2nd day Of September, 1895, at 13 m.. sell to the highest bidder at ti court house door id Raleigh, for casu. tne two traots of land described . in said mortgage, lying and situated in tloose S Creek townanip wake county, adjoining the lands of T. W. Uoose, Mrs A. Harrison and otters, contain ing 40 3-4 sores more or leas. Pssls & liavsaae Attnraev fo MiWi , A6KKDLKN, U. Uksbrs. Lippman Bros., iSavanuab,Uu 1kar sirs 1 bought a bottle ot yout P. e. V., at Hot springs, Ark., and u has done me more good tiiau thret kjoutus treatment at toot springs. Have you no. agents in una part oi the country, or let me know how muon tt will cost Ui get Miree or six bottles from your city oy express, weapectiuliy yours, NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown Oount, O. jMBWMAHSaUXX, Ha. Mebsbs. LU'PMAtt Bbos., tiavaunah, ; Ua.: ... ' . , - . " jjjiAR Sirs t wish to give my testi monial In regaid to your valuable medioine, V. f.-P tor the cure oi rbeomstiim, neuralgia, dyspepsia, bu lousness, etc. in 1861 X. was- attacked with buioua muscular rheumatism and bava been a martyr, to it evet since. '' ; v '- .: , ' 1 tried all Kiediolne I ever beard of. and ail the doctors in reach, bub 1 found only temporary .relief; tbe paina were so baa at times inatx aia not tart wbetiier 1 lived or died. Myaucentiub oecameho impaired tnat everyUung 1 ate disagreed with, me, lay wire au. suffered so Jjitensely witn dyspepsia that ber Lie was a burden to her; sue Would be oonflned to her bed for weekb ata time; she also -suffered, greet!) trout giduti ess and loss oi sleep. Home time in March 1 was advised to take 1 V P , and before we (my wife and 1) had finished the second bottie of P i our digestion began to improve My pains subsided so much ttat I ria oeen able to work, and am f eeling Hat doing what 1 haven't doue botore In a numuec or years. ve will continm taking P P P until we' are enurelj cured, and will cheerfully recommeno it to all suffering humanity. . Xours moat respectfully, . . . - . J H IVf'Toa notice! Hosts Cabouva, Wakeeoaaty Sop rlor Court. . ,i - Mary Hawkins Alexander B. Bawkins and Harmadake J,. Haw. klbs, esoentorsof William J.' Ha w kins, deoeamd, and H i Hawkbia, in bis right. Collin at. Hawkins. Loalsa S. MrOee aad her fansbaad William T Meaee, and Alerbeej O Lamar and her tinsbaud J M Le mar. Luoy O -Hlatts. ma& ber bjua band fiberwood Higpa; aafe depfWit anil 'trnt eowpany of Baltimore; Laey D Hawkins, "Idon (B. Hawkins, Janet MeK. Hawkins and .otarmadnke J. Hawkins Jr., A1' tbea McHee William Lamar- and Lou's Lm ar. tbe last seven tie Ins lot ota nnder the agent twenty one years ot age and without gnttr diana .NOTICE To the dfendan Ajle rheaO. Lemar and her husband) J. Lamar and their children, WiltiUn damar hd'I Lonlea Ltuiar; yoa ere Hereby noticed that tbe plaintiff, Mary A. Bav klna, baa begun In this eourt a special proceeding to procure me assignment and allotment to (er f her dower lu the landa situate (In Vorth ' arolinft of ber deceased bosband. William J awkinn from wbove will ahe has dlsoeoted. Tbe aumwoDi in aaid action is returnable before the clerk of tbe superior court of Wake county at tbe cob rt hoaae in Balelorh on the Slxt day 'of eptember. 18M5 ; Ton are notified tben and there, ond answer or demur to tbe coin plaint Died or juctg meot will be ?4fn for the relief demanded in the com plaint. ; . Witness I H Y"Uog, olfrhofe id eo,urt at office In Bileigh the V2nd U of August 1B9". I) H. YOUNG Olerk Hupertor Too't Administratrix's Notice. Having qualified is administratrix of the estate of Tboniaa VV. Hell, de ceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persona having claims against aa:d estate to present to me on or before the 8tb dav of August, 1896. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per bo oh indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to make immediate payment to Asa. Mar? V. Hkll, Administratrix. This Aug. 8th. 1895. au8 oa6. Peele & Maynard, Attorneys. IS. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line. OOHDEXfSKD 80HBDULB. is urFkOT May S, '05 Trains Leav Ualeigh, 1 Sd A M Pally, "Atlanta Hpeoial, Fuilman Vestibule lor lleli oerson, Weldon, Peters borg, Biebmond, Waaning ton, Baltimore, PuUadel. pnia, Mew York and &1 points north. Buffet draw ing room sleepers and Pull man eoaehes Atlanta to Washington, parlor ears Washington to .Mew York Pullman Bleeping car Mon roe to Portsmouth. 11 31 A M-Daily for ' Henderson, Weldon, 8ni folk, Portamootb, M or folk and Intermediate stations, eonneets at Portemoutti w itn Bay Line for Old Point and Baltimoio, with Roii folk and W aahmgtou oteant boat Uo., tor Washiugtou) with A. 1. P. a x. to for Pbiiaaelphittiio j.uiuU north, also at uiuuii vith Auautio Coaet Lltie lot iKlcUuioiiU, toaauiiiglou', Hal more, ?bllaUtlphls uud York Through VVuulou to jNevt tors and with HcoU&nr) Meek Branch for fchreeni . ,i. wasuiugiou and Ply I f'iittuti aieer AUthUtc t j I'oi ieiuoui.1.. I 5 85 IMi.y "Atlanta Bpeolal,' t uuojau , osiiOule tut. BQ Pii ., iiiuiitL, Alouroe, Clhesiei, Cuuiuu, vreen woou, abbeviue, Athens,. Atlanta, Montgomery Mo bile, Mew Orleans, Otiatta nnoga, Nashville, Memphis atid t il points sooth and, southwest, ihrouah Pull'; uinu riuOet oicepeia and; nu) u.Heue V ualiintitoii io Atiaula, cuuuttluih direct-'' i at Union Uvpot atlaiita; witn diveraiua imea Pull uihp sleeper i orUm''Ulh 10 ntour.e. j 8 40 P M Dailj, for BoniLeru Pines, Uamlett u u, wnuiiugton, v. aiUsbor,', louio, ijluu ltie, iaiucoiulou, oheiOy, Katiiofloidtiii., hosier, Wn-1-w.n..u, Atlanta and Poini eouui. Trains,Arrie i iu.u . 5 90 AM Uany. AUaula Bptiu,u m PoUiuuu Vestlboie frou. Hem York, Philadelphia, , Halt iniore. V uii i ug loi , Klebmoud, Portsuiouu , jtoriolk ai.d all poibu north. Parlor ears iiev. lork to Waablngton; fm. man fcuflet bimsimib ab day eoaehes Washington to Atlanta. 1 8S P M Daily from Porlenioeih and point, north via Bay lane N. Y. P. . H. K., also Iron Ureenvdie, Ptymoutn, wasbiiiliion au - ka.teiv OatUiiA points Via Wei den Petetbbaig, Kichniou. W ashing ivu and poii.. ntyrUi v, Aliaittie tw, Lllia, alrpel Mew kt,rk t . ... vveiuou J ' i- -);. 1 HI A at 1 au , if" Atlanta t pedal, - . " . ptuiiuan Vestihaltv froi. Atlanta, Albeua,Atovuit ' truKKl, Clueater- ant. ooinui sunth. Pullman da , . eoaehes and .alee per Atlas ,' . te to Wasnl ngtoavf ? . ll A al jiuj uuut tiaaiag tub, t ' , . , BhelUi juncuiutou, uai ' . ; .lotte, AUauia ana poiaif- . , '- auatb. Jo. 4U8 and u, "AUuiita Bpeolai, ' are solid palimaa velooiu tralua eomposed ot agrilBcent dayeoaeu, tna palac. drawibg iooum Juut weepers bttk w talUH . S , AtUata without eheuge.-on wh.i here is no ) tm fare charged , , For iniuimaUcn tuiauts t scut ule.dte., aptiy to sicaet aenl, wr A. J Oooke . P nakigh . r , - B. Sr. JOHS, Vice President. i. H. Wiansa, Ueneral Manager. T. J. AsdsrsoS, Qen'l Pass. Agent W. Hwss, Pnpt, Trn,,norttlr", CSoathern, fiailway. - - TJPiedmont Air-Line. CONDENSED' SCHEDUL.e ' " ' ' fa affect Aoril WlSUfil 1 1 Trains leave Batolgh, . , j At Ufeensburo, ior all point for. Aorta and uoutn, aod W uiBtoo-oalem aad points on : theMorta-western aio'thCajro Una Kailroao. At Salisbury, for .' K & -.1 all nuinta: in . WHhib Murtn ... A At I Carolina, hJioxviUe, Tena- liatly j Cilncuuiatl auu western beutta; at laarioue,"Xor pyanauoura, - tifeeuvilka aiuaiu, Atlanta . iand all points Uutli -:- - wiumwM VUIIUIB1UIW. . ford, Ciarkeville sua KeysvlUe except buiMlay; at (iraeusboro with Washington aud Boutb weetera Vonuouted UJuiitedJ, . and the lew X vrk and Florida . bSort Line UudtedJ ttain lor .all points Aorih, ana with main une train Mo 12 tor ... Danville, itictuiwod and Inter- :Vii uieulate local stations ; also baa 1 t At i coauectloa fur Winntoa-oaleui . Daily anu with main line train Ho J6 I uu uiaiij tor viuartutie, Dia- -fatnburg, Ureenvllie, . Atlanta : I aad ima iiiiiie fcouthi wlso Co- muioia, AUguata, tnariesiou. 8avaunah, Jacksonville andau poinbt ia floriua, bleeping ui lor Atlanta, Jackouviue and ' at CUartolte witn. alaeouis eat' - I for Augusta. . f Vouneeta at Belma for' Fay . I ettevuie and Intermediate sta- . - Uons on the' Wilson and fay j ettevlUe Mhait : Cut, dauy : 1:12 jUoldsooro lor Newoern and f At Aturohead ; City, daily except Daily I Sundays ; for vviliuiugton laid -I intoruiediate -sutiuns on tue I w and W it &, dally. , . ' uanectsatoeliua for Wilson 9:us Kockv Mount, Tarboro and . A At local stations on .Norfolk and exoun Oarobna Kailroaa, arrives at Uoidsuoro 12 :us p m , rKAlNS AHKIVK AT BAXjCIOn, H. O. ' 1.M i Vruai UreciisSoro and all AM puinu north aud soutb Bieei Daiiy ( uig car Ureensooro to AatelKO. 1 :iu . Xtuoi uoiasDoro, - liming. . fat ton, Kayettevuue and' all points . in eastern varouna- , , ' ,t 1:12 . From lTurnaui, Greensboro t m I and all poiuU Aortb and aouth. 8:00 1' M Dally ex un Prom Golds horo poinu east. and all Local freight trains also carry paasea Puliinan cars on afternoon train trout Kalelgh to Greensboro, and on morning train from Greensboro. Double daily trains between Raleigh, Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time; un- exce'Jed aoOjimmodation. . . C L Hopkins, T P A, Charlette, N 0. JMCulp. WATvkk, Traffic M'g'r. Gen Pass A'g't. W H GKEEH, Washington V C Gen 1 Superintendent. Eastern System. . : tape Jrecr n. v. KAllwtj Jogs uiu, xteceiver. Oondenseo Schedate. la Bteet June 23, W. ' ' Mo. a. i jVOKTH HOUND. Dally Lv. (Vllmington, t C6 a u at. FayettevlUe, - 12l5pn L.Y. Payettevihe, ' " lit ,5 Lv. Payetteville Junction, ' Leave Banioro, 2 16p m Leave Chnaax, IK Aralve Greensboro, 4 60 p n iaatve Greeasboro, S Ml p u Leave Stokesoale, 4 6 - AT. Walnut oove, 6 iifi Lp. vVamutOove, ' 6 ao lieaveKuralHah, 6 88 " Arrive Mt. Airy, SSSpn SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. -. ' Daily Leave Mount Airy, 7 06am iMaveKuraiflauV. Sx9 " Ar. Walnut Uove, - s 6o " iiV. Walnut Cove, nw Lv. Stokeskale, 9 8 Am ve Greensboro, I It) II " Leave Greensboro, , U au . LeavS ('Umax, lv 60 M LeaveBaalora. 12 60 p m AX. Payetteville Junction, Arrive IfayettevUie, 216 p ni ueave Fayetteville. 2 as ' Arrive Wlluilngton. 6 66 i SO. 4. NtRTH BOUND, Daily Leave Denndnsvllle, 7 00 a a Leavs Maxton, 8 07 " Leave Ked Springs, 40 " Xieave Hope M ills, Sal ' Arrive Favettevllle, ' loos'" -, HOsi SOUTHBOUND. Dally Kxo'pt Bunday Leave Kmyettevillo, . 88 p at Leave Hope Mills, 4,40 ", Leave Kea springs, 6 at " hnm Max tou,. . , ' ttl " arrive Bennettsvtue, . 1 26 V". NO.10.'-"-NOKTa BOUND. uxan. , r.. Dally Mxc'pt ' Ityr t Buauay. Leave Kamseur, SWatv Leave Clluiax, ' 8 86 ' Arrive Greensboro, SJU - Leave Greensoor, 9 4 Lave tokosdaie, 10 0U Arrive Madison, , kl 60 ' N0.ia BOUTH BOUND mizjed. Daily Kxe'pt i .nuaday. . , . !, ., , I , Leave Madison, 1X8 a ut Leavs Btekeadals, , t i asv Arrive Greensboro, Leave Gretnsboro, 60p Lyave Cumax, .. " '.-I'-tw Arrive Kamseni. ;, ;, ,.; ,. 40 ' . . Train No. 1 eennects at Sanford with SeaOoaM Air Line torKalergh, Norfolk and aU pointsNorth JCast,and at WalngtCove wlin toe Norfolk Westers U. K. for -Winston-Salem, Koaaoke ' aad all points North and West of Koanoke. t Train No. L connects at Walnut fovs with Norfolk tt Westera B. K. for a ln-ston-balem, Uoanoke and all points North ' and West of Boancke, n at Baafotd , with Seaboard Air Line for Monroe, Char tette, Atbeas, Atlanta and. all points Buuttt snd seath-wesV t - !-' Palhnaa Palace Sloeplng tar on Bea boardAu Line trains iriorth end Houlfe from Banf ord and oa Norfolk Western . trains N erttt aad West Iroia iioanoka, . J. wT.FKT. ' i .j W. . m.K. : . . (MB. faaa. Ageot, . ' V? ? Admlniatrator'a NoUoe. ' ' ' " i Having qualified as admin istrntor cf the estate j! W.T. Mabry. dei-eased, 1 hereby give notiu to ail persons id-, uehteo to said estate to niHke lirimHii ate Jiajmen tome; and n :i cr rs of Baid estate sre Loti l trj , resent tii'r claim to me on or tuire the h y' ot ApnL iKm or the tins e '! i-e plead in bar of their rc. .v.- y. ,. -ft j- T

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