J Q-OO-O 0K00-? g 2,000 Circulation. 6oo-oooxooooox 1 V ' v I . . y Afternoon ; Daily; tne state.; t i rOOO-OQ- VOL.' 1. NO. 3.- RALEIGH; N. 'WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1895. S3.00 PR YEAR. ME! Mill VALE!!! MiTHenry Scores' -His Old v Friends.. A BITTER REVIEW. s ' ; SayB Be Haa Sweated Enough tot the Democratic Party , to -:. ' J. Brown Hia .ulialnators. - Mrr Walter R. Henry's "farewell" . to tbs Democratic party appeared ia ' ths CaoeaaUa today. U eoaeumed eight aula mm of ' type and was the v, feature of the paper. , , V Mr, Henry ia very 'bitter ia bia de nunciations aad nees eome eholee ei pressioas ia doing so. In beginning ,-rr-bs sayi r, '... . -?.-,. - . ,S "0thra withdraw from the Demo, , eratla partjr'loag alaaa buaa thay '! thonht it woold prova aorropt and falaa to tha ppl. I h ramaload with tba orgaaliatloB, aad to the ei tont of m ability bara helpad to light :" iU battlaa, natil I know that it la fala-antil it haa abowaiUolffalae ' aajbil thurw'; la ao longar rooa for . donbl or hopa." r , 11 - Spaakinc of tba State preea, which f ba Ma heJa aware will abuaa him, be ald:s' -, ,'' "So far aa integrity " aad eharaeUr ' are eoneerned, I atand on a pinnacle bollt of the Democratic aadotaeniMt of the great oommoBwealth, far above the falaehooda and aaaorapaloaa par tiaah endeavor of anob eontemptlble creatoree. So far aa political work ! . . onaerned, 1 will limply tiy, I have ; - aweated aaoogh for the Democratic party to drowa aome of my t'.mlBa Mr. Baary aaka twenty foar qoea, tipai ia regard to tba alleged Demo- eratle laeonpeteney. He elalma that they are aaaaiwerable. la : faying hia retpeela to Mr. Clereland, Henry ' aaya: . ' - : , 5 "Cirorer Clereland ia a Repoblieaa la a poor dlagahej the tool of mono- poly, eap'itol aad Wall atreett a eoloa- aal Civil Service hambngt the political abortion of the ecntary the aegrof 'gold boad, gold ataadard. Repabli- oaa-loviog aaaaaala of the National ' Democratia party , ' , nd- reta large' part of the a oalUd Democratic party are eadraiag thia maji't methode, which thooaaada " of othera, 'awed by bla threaU aad ? tyraay, are going about with aloaed mo'atha or they dleaemlnate the Joba , Skermaa, vCUvelaad. - CaVlyle, Hoka . mith Hepnbllaaa gold bag argomeata 'against tba free toioage of diver.'' Seat tor Banaom farea woraaif any thing. . , '; s . : Mr. Henry bca high rtgird for ' 1 tba lata Beaator Vaaca. , ,x:.: - ."Senator Vaaca, of North Carolina'. than whom so man haa aver merited "' aad b'ld tba lota aad coaUdeBee of V tba people to greiterextent, conatroed ' the Democratic platform la the aame ' way he did Senator Daniel, cf Virginia. Ia It not ' time for the greater part of tba paity to do aa - Beaator Vaaca predicted It woold aa ' ; der anob eirpumeUoeee, "deliberately "walk Out leaviag nothing behind bat - amell of brinaatona aad WallStreet." ; 1 know not what othera will do, bn ' - aa for me, I ahall deliberately alk , oat. ; , V - " . I am told -that 1 wui Da attaeaea 4 . So donbfc tba party laah haa aver been one ofthe molt potent argnmenU . ' bT Deaoeraay. Bnt It Waa 'aot made V for me. I defy them to prove aay la aoaalateaey oa my parV ' Wbea my ' "aoul waa lent poured out" , for that aaae. DmocraU etlll bada"ehaaee" the Uit eeaaioa of Congreu. The " ' Democratic record waa aot tbem mad - ap. It now eloaed. . I did not then know what t ami prepared to proe. ; s I do not believe ia Literal Allegiance to Party. the allegUnee of tba aub jeet to hia k Ing patty vaaaalago, po- " litieel llavery, ' r ' ".. s Contlnnlng.Mr.Henry aaa r "There ' la'aaother elaaa of ltiin,f whom 1 am prond to' aay I m oae, who think about politic aad partiee aa they think about bueineen pt prbfeaaional " problema. They voia with their party, if aeed be.with iomapther party, beeauaa It aeema to promW-abe de r..t nf nnworthy mee, or tp elevate worthy mca.. or to carry forward the Ideal and principle cherlihed 1b ih quiet of their own Hreaidee.Tbreatened with ae8ln"oB by Mr..ClevelaBd and hit adherente, tba prlnclplea of Jeffervonian Democracy have aoogbt protection la tba boeona of the yoong jfant the People'a party: ANOTHER CI BCt'S COMUiO. 8ell Brotbera Bia; aibowa Heading Trile War, ' Ocfober the Date.' "Count me in," ; A clreca is coming. The announcement, of the fact that acircna g heading tbi way will come nearer pleasing all classes of. people thaa aay other , kind of news. Mr. Sam Joeeph la in the alty making arrani$eneata and telling hia friends allaboottbe big ahow. Mr. Joseph ia aa old veteran. He Vaa the right hand man of old John Robinson years aga.v Mr" Joseph is remembered by a number of people la" the city. Sam doesn't " claim to be a poet,? bnt be worked off the following eaterda. Tlie s-reatest in the world, ' " r Whose banuera aooa will b unfurled; A show that onlolaaaca all others, v Is owned by the for famed belia liros Will this vear make a Southern tour. And will appear at Male)irb aouu. October littUi ia the date ' It visits the Capitol ol th Old North The show la now in Canada,. but la ia beading thin way. It will thow at Greensboro, Obldaboro, - Wilmington,' Durham Ind Winston. , ' ' - ' TO MOREHEAD AWHEEL. Two Riders Uafclna; Goad Time on i .'- Their Wheel. Two Raleigh "cjpo.ists'are on a apla . to Korehead. . They - are Mr. NellSpenoe, a well knjwn rder.aad tit. W. B. Wright, of the news fiffloa at the Union depot. Both gentlemen ara excellent riders and if they- don't break a record .their: frinnda wiU.be surprised. They left , herv Monday morning about 6:15, taking the ooanty road. ,r A telegram waa receive here yesterday at 8:48 . In., from Kinitoa sUtinr that they . beat the . local freight to Clayton which- left her a little before they did.. This looka like'a record breaker already. They are likely at Moreheid now.. It is their intention to return Satarday. J udfre Clark's New Bool Ont. N. ' Judge Walter ; Clark' aupplement to the annoUUd "Code of Civil Pro. eedure-of North Carolina, eontainipg amendmenta to the teat by th Legle- latare of '93 and '95 nd Jthe 'deel. ion of the Snpreme. Court oa the Code of Civil Procedure embraced ia volume 1& to 110 of North Carolina report inclusive is just -oat. It ia nicely gotten np in papr bank', and enibracea '108 '-. pagea-Bdwnrd ft Broughton of this city are the pub Ushers, , Judge Clark baa made aeveral con- trlbntloaa. to .Inw. " Among , other booka by. him are "Clark'a Ovet-ruled Cases" aad "Laws for Business Men," eta. , ' "- v ; . Tbey are) Pouring- In, If it is true that it never rains bnt it pours tba Pbbss' Visitor ia novr enjoying; a fall rtowq ' d'owa poor. The way new subscribers are flood ing in upon ns is calculated to take oar breath away, but we are ready to stem the tide. Every time a Parai-VisiTon man goes oat upon the streeto fie hrlngs. back a batch of new subscribers with him. We than our friends and hope we will continue to give (bese evidences of their appreciation. Oar subuorip- tion-list la Jumping up at the rate of fifty new numea per day. . Opening of Wake t'orea. I1 -, Wakja-Foreet College opent to-dajr. Large n ambers of student passsd through the city yeiterda1" and to day. The outlook for a tueoeasful opening ia very bright, ao it ia.aald. Among the Ba,lelgh boy who have returned are Messrs. W. Durham, T.'i H. Brigga, Jr., WUiis Brigge, Robert Simma, Joba aad Barry Heck, Baiter Darham aad Harry Pool. v. ADwrbaro Ijady Went BeyoAd Her Miss Blair, a'young lady from Dar ham, N. C, while bathing at Ocean View yesterdax afternoon,: went ot beyond her depth aad' had a aarrow escape from drowning. Her.aerama for help attracted Mr. James Lack, of Portsmouth, who, with tbe assistance of two colored, boatmen, aoeoeeded in reaculag her. l A Wealthy Pittsburg Man Shot: Bj Telegraph to the Preu-Vtsitor. PrrrsBuita, Aujf. 28 James Gettyj j an c ex ooonoilman at J '.lthjM wholesale liquor dealer s ; and killed this morning by Alexander Uutchinson, former proprietor 'of the Merchanta'llotel. The shooting occurred at Getty's olUce' over tbe leasing of the note! owntjl by Getty to Hutchinson, . MrT Ashley 1 Offers an Ad- mirable; Keiort. :1 m. POGUE,PBESIDENT. Ail Officers for the bustling ,, Year Elected The Work In I . Ralelsfi Last Tear. . i The Chamber of Commerce met last ntgui at the mayvr'e offlae It waa the regular monthly meetlogltnd alao tba time for. the eleutioa of uiBuara. The President' report by Mr W. B. Ashley waa read aad received ' : The riiport waa aa admirable oae aad ahowed tb result of much thought. The election f offluera reulted aa followa: ', ... . J. B Pogae, PreeJdeafc'..' F .S. B. B. Baney, FiratVfee-P'reHldebt. Frank Stroaaob, Second Vice President.'- .":: :..- . Frank Wsrd.Treaeurer " '' George Allen, Secretary'. ,1 A. B. D. Johnson, Assistant Secre- Measrs. Baney and Frank Stronaah eaoorted tbe new . President tp the chair. Mr. Pogue'a remarks ware, timely and well put. The report of the Treasurer ahowed a balance of 190.87 oa band. : Ma. Ashley tells of the advancement of Baleigk'a large enterprise and tbe mo,reimporunt.ddiUon.lnhlfroporf:Tni, at. Then, while .mall boy. They should be known .by every citixen "We stfonld not be discouraged when wa look over our capitol city, ana nee thehnprovemnte on every band, new bu'lding going up on every streeti addition to our State in stitutions the Baptist Female Uni versity, President's Office at the Shaw University, a new dormitory and other improvements at the A. 4 if. College. That, by the why, haa be eome one of the most useful-' institu tiona la oar State. Nearly all our ' manufacturing In dustrie have added to tUeir plants. Notably, the Caraleigb Cotton Mill have largely increased the amount of product by- new ' machinery. The Pilot Cotton Mills have alao' added a large number of-spindles aad looms to enable them to fill order. The Raleigh Cotton Hill, a "regular divi dend payer,: haa built an extension to the mill that wbea filled with ma chinery, will double the amount of their present product. The Caraleigb Phosphate Mill has aeeureda large and" profitable : business, and em- menced paying dividends. v The North Carolina Car Company, by an addition of aar wheel aad casting "foundry, havelargely increased their bnajnee, anpplying a manufactured product to our railroad that-heretofore baa been parehaaed in other States. The Farina Flouring Mills began - opera. tiona since onr last annual meeting, and ' judging by the . demand for the Hour, must have sprung into great popularity with . our - eitiiena. The Mills Manufacturing Company have put in a saw and . plaining - mill,, ia addition to the wagon business; both' have plenty of work, sending the pro. duet far and near. " s 0ir street railway service ha vastly improved. .'.The elee'rle 'light plant they have ; installed ia another evi dence of their enterprise." . Street aad roads are' being Im proved, aad a great tobacco market built up." ' v ' i Chaiurae lathe Park Hotel. Mr: I, B. Sneed, who ae "for some time been day clerk In tbe Park hotel retires front that pocltlon today and aorepta a position on tbe : road. Mr. Sneed carries - the beat wishes of a large number of friends with him. He is succeeded by Mr. P. ft. Mason, who baa ao acceptably tiled the position of Bight clerk. Mr. Mason is a clever young fellow and 9 his promotion is a - deaerved oner , Mr,- Woodruff Fuller - of Ooldsboro - sueceeds Mr. Masoa a algbt clerk. T!y:. ;:.. ' Vm's "'m : - The Nayal Maneuvre. ? - Br Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. - t -Boston, Aug 38. Secretary Her ber aay tbe naval maneuvre will be held between' Newport knd , Norfolk. The secretary leaves this afternoon oa the - Dolphin for Washington.".. He leavea the vessel either at New Lon don or at New Vork. ; . ' '; Wake Foreet College epeaed today with one hundred aad sixty atadenta enrolled. ' EXCITEMENT AT TUB MANSION A Ranaway Team Bushee Pell Mell ' - Through the Mansion Cirannds. Abont 10 o'clock this morning Ana tin Gibbons, a Wake county farmer, was driving a team of moles into the city.; He had t pierced; so far Into civilisation" as that portion of Bloant street just north of the executive man. ionr perched comfortably oa a bag of fodder, the- jonraey was progressing smoothly.; If is here that tba inci dent happened ..which put Populist Gibbon within the grounda of the executive mansion, at least, if not within the gubernatorial chair some thing that many of,' his aitb are greatly covetous of. f v lt as the- old cembinatiSo' of a Populist mule and a Demoeratic street ear The "juice" Maaa whirling the latter along at the rate ff flfteea milea aa hour.. Tbe reir mnle heard the harsh grinding of the wheel and th bum of the troller. He had heard the sound before, bat it- in spired him- with tbe frenzy of fear. Mfth a Sourish he started, and bla mate also, broke, Down the street dashed the' muje. For a few yards they ' raa forward to .the ear track. They there saw tbe large, green yard of tbe mansion.-' Here waa something that remind -d them of home.. They would flee to this cgieer pas tare of democratic Governor) it was better than the paralysing roar of the cara. In "spite of their driver's "whoas" and tags at the reins, the moles cut short by across . the track. The ear thna'deaed by in their roar, so olose uhat Gibbons nearlly fell from cheered, and the driver shouted, tbe males rushed ' pell-mell through the mansion ground The path was for saken and tbe run was a "cross country" one. , At the South side of the grounds the wheels of the wagon caught on the curbing and in an instant Gibbon and both mules were, (tiding on na ture toboggans across the pared walk into the ditch. All three picked themselv up,: Gibbons "cussed" and the mules' ears ' flapping sheepishly, said each -to tbe other, "your blank fool I What were you ranging from ?" A Great GaU-Ocoaeion Coming on In , South Carolina., . A gentleman who has just returned from Greeawood, 8. C, informs the PBsss-VfsiToa that the hospitable peo ple of thaf plftee are preptrlng for a great ; wheelman's tournament there September 10th. There will be wheele and wheelsyln endless . array and greatest of all' will be the Ferris wheel which we are assured will be there and will go around, the byppodrome. Mr. Will Beilly, the champion wheel man of South Carolina, will have the Ferria wheel in charge. Greenwood haa th . finest bicycle track in the South aad 100,00 people are expected at the tournament. . Visitor : may ex pect a royali. time aa the people of Greenwood are- among the cleverest and ' moat hospitable to be found ia lbs world. Congratntations Which we Apprecl- - i . .-, i,!:aterti.J:'.i(.$'f. ; Tbe PaKss-ViaiToa trusts that it violates no confidence when it ex presses 4ts gratification va oompll fiient It received yesterday from the highest source from wbioh a oompll ment can come.. When one of tbe most cultured, refined and intelli gent ladies in the State says that the, first issue of the Patss Visi tor is the best afternoon daily napw ever published in North Carolina, we take off bar hat And feel that no higherpraise can oe in store for us. If tie rBBSS-YisrroB has the appro- ion of the ladies It will feel that it haa the signet and seal of approba tion: of all that ia good, and tone, affd pure and perfect, Our appreciation and reverence for snob, an endorse, ment is a monument of inspiration. ' A New York Police Justice Dead. Br Telegraph to the fress-Visitor. Nw York.; Aust. 88. Er Police Justice Patriok Gsvan Duff f died this morning of paralysis. He ac quired a world-wide reputation aa a unique dispenser of justice. ' ' A British Steamer Disabled. I By Cable to the Press-Visitor. -' , 5 LondomV Aug. 88. The British steamer Ohio, laying off Dover, ia disabled, and tugs have gone to her assistance. She left New York ugust loth ior uuu. Mr. B. W. Sikes, of Monroe, who expects to- complete hi .sours at Jobaa. Hopkins thia year was laths city today enronte for Wake Forest, where he will spend aeveral daye. IT IS A The Quay and Anti-Quay ' Forces Get Together." ONLY ONE CONVENTION. The Pennsylvania Republicans Got Together at S O'clock This Morning. By Telegraph to the rasss-Visiroa, Paerisburo, Auk. 28 There will not be'two conventions here to day. Tims oontest of the single gathering will be fought on the Bute chair manship between Qnay nd Gilke son. A compromise was arrived at at three p' clock thia morning. The anti Quay.orowd met the Quay men fend they -agreed to bold one conven tion; that the six Superior Court Judges be renominated; that a con vention roll, be made np with eaob of the sht contestants and, the con testees oe snowed nan a vote. There is ft' marked decrease of Heating's badges this morning. The hall opened at ten o'clock, but tbe delegates were slow gathering, and by eleven only a few were present R. X. Omara, Pittsburg's chief of police, is doorkeeper, and with the assistance of a number of stalwart aids cleared the building of a hun dred Pittsburg men, who held the hall all night. No one wss allowed in the convention but delegates and newspaper correspondents and dne hundred followers of eaoh faction Governor Hasftngs and David Mar tin were among the first delegates to arrive and were received with much enthuasm as they took their seats. unairman uuxeson; eauea me con vention to order. The vote on tem porary chairman resulted Hall 1S3 1-3, Bobinson lo 2 9. Kobinson s elee tlon was made unanimous. After Robinson took the chair Quay ijmoved that tbe committee on permanent organzntion be directed to report the name of EUetinKS for permanent chairman. Adopted. It wss moved to continue the conven tion until the business was finished without a recess. Gilkeson moved the unanimous election of Qday to succeed him as State chairman. Death of Mrs Will Harrison. A telegram was received here this morning from Henderson announc ing the sad death of Mrs. Will H. Harrison of typhoid fever It is sel dom we are called upon to chronicle the death of one with more regret. Mr. Harrison two years ago removed his family to Washington City, where Mrs. Harrison wat taken sick several weeks ago, but growing bet ter her physioian advised her return home. The trip was too fatiguing and a relapse set in which resulted in death. Mrs. Harrison was about 21 years of age, and leaves two children, one two years old and an infant six months. Her husband and family, have our sympathy in theit sad be reavement. Yale Has Good Chances By Telegraph to the Pan-ViaiToa. I.OSPOH, Aug. 28. The Pall Mall Gaiette this afternoon discussing the I prospeitts of the teams from London and Cambridge says London's Is In no way a powerful combination. . in Dnivereity team is also weak and scar cely able to hold the. own agalnat Tale. ' The War Clouds in Havana . By Telegraph to the "PEass-Vrarroa. - Niw York, Aug. 88 -rOne of tbe YumurPe passengers from Havana this morning confirms the report that two expeditions recently landed at Santa Clara, and also that the in aurgents haVe blown , up aeveral bridges, and were carving on a vigorous conflict with the Spanish troops, v - , .- , '. v : . . Raleigh Cotton Bf arket. i BAXklOB, N. C, Aug. 28, 8 P. Good middling, 7 7-8 .' 8triot middling? 7-8. Middling, 7 S-i. . Strlot low middling, 7 Tinges, 7 8-8a7 8-8. : 8Uin8,7-Sa71-4. , ' Market strong; receipts light ..:' The Sultan Isysulted. :., By Telegraph to the PBSss-VisiTop. ... r ; ; Cos8TaaitsoPin,Aug; 98. The Sultan ent a dispatch to the Turkish ambassador at Paris and St. Peters burg, bitterly complaining of Great Britain' attitude on Armenian affaire whioh is Ceacribed aa discourteous and derogatory to the SulUa' pret tig.- ' i- ' y - CAPITAL LODGE JI.KBRATES. The Anniversary of the ajodge An IntnreeUne; Occasion. ( j Last night the celebration of the third anniversary 1 1 Capital Lodge occurred in their hall over Julius Lewis'. A large number of invited guests and tbe members of the other Odd Fellow Lodges In tbe city were present Tba evening was pleas antly spent by the large number of persona present. The exercises were all , that could be desired, the speeches being short, and interest ing. Major Sam Telfair was'master of ceremonies and presided 'with hia usual happy manner. After the address of welcome was delivered by the Major; thaespDnsea were made by well-known Odd Fellows. Past Grand Sire Busbee spoke on "Friendship,' the tint degree of Odd Fellowship. Paat Grand T. E. Purnell apoke on "Brotherly'Lor," second degree, and Grand Master Lumsden spoke on the "Orphan' Home.'" 'Mr. Perln Busbee read an original pem on the occasion. Mr. J. J. Bernard aoted aa Historisn and told interestingly of the growth of the new lodge. Refreshments were served after tbe exercises and everbodv went borne bPPy. having spent a most enjoyable evening. The Yachts Maneuvreing. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Sandt Hook, Aug. 28. The Valky rie started out this forenoon on another sail stretching trip. It stood out to sea, evidently looking for the Teutonic, whioh is bringing over Lord Dunraven and should be sighted to. day. Everything is readyfor to morrow's trial rave between the De fender and the Vigilant. The Eng lish boat will undoubtedly followthe Yankees over at least a part of the course, Water Spout In Mexico. By Telegraph to the Pukss-Visitob. ZaoaTBCAS, Mex. The "- Village of Huatingo was visited by a water spout and many houses destroyed. Eight persons w.re drowned. All the crops were ruined. The spout bursted di rectly over town. COTTON MARKKT WIIil. A Uig Jump In Iilverpool and New ' V or k Today. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Nrw Yokk, Aug. 28. Liverpool opened strong at from 8 to 4 pointa and closed strong at 9 points above yesterday's close. Tbe market in New York, was wild and excited with tremendous business, sales 324,000 The market opened 13 points above last oipht and closed 10 points above. September options dosed at 7.82 to 7.84; October, 7.81 to 7 82; November, 7 00 to 7 91; Dtemter,"7.99; January, 8.06. RASEKAliL NKt 8. The Record of Gaines Played Vesterday. BAT10HAL LIAUUK. 'At Brooklyn: Brooklyn OS00O700 -13 000000038-5 003200300-7 530000000-8 8t. Louis At New York New York Louisville At Boston: Boston Pittsburg 0 1 0 048 -13 0-8 4, 0 0 0 0 6 0 At Philadelphia: Phlla. 83010000 o- e - 7 Cleveland ! '4 8010000 .At Baltinvors: Baltimore 0 0 0 8 8 O'l 5 -10 Cincinnati 00000000 0-0 At Washington: Washington 1001 0 010100-4 Chicago, 4 0 0 00 11 1.00 15 At Washington (second game): Washington, - OS01000 4 Chioago, 110 0 3 Q-e-1 t.. The condition of Secretary. .Coke waa soma better tbis morning. -'; ; Ujla. Chaa; a Ferrall, Who haa been visiting relatives ana acquaintances in this city for. the past month, re turned to Selma, Ala, today. . an, Rnmll la nne amrmsT the nnmber of Raleigh bova who ara in the cotton business la the Bontnern states, uia stay here haa been quite a pleasure to bla many menaa. , , .-, -., - .... Mr. 0. A. Crabtree. a former eitltea of this city, but for the paat few year a resident Of new sextoo ana Texas is la the eltv. the ruest of EearUter of Daeda Tloarera... Mr. Crabtree eon templates making hia home here . aad entering into business, "t f Killed One Person and In jured Several. CAES WRECKED. Trick Pony Valued at $1,600 Killed. O'Connor waa Stand- ' log on the Platform. ; By tetaavapo to the Press-Visitor, . - ' BcA.VITA. Cof.. A Amrast 98 A rolling rook atrook a Colorado Kid. Und exprea wrecking the baggage ana emostug oars. The dead are P. J. O'Connor. New Tork. faiarei J. W. Ritchie. Kansas City, Thomas Booster, Dayton, Ohio. A trick pony, valued it 81,600 belonging to Fay circus was in the baggag car and killed. O'Connor waa standing on tbe platform at the time of the accident. MR. A. J OOORK RE8IONS. Mr. Kdar lieach Declines the Office. Mr. ljeard the Successor. Mr. A. J. Cooke, who f r four rears has been Soliciting Passenger Agent of the Seaboard Air Line with bead quarters here, has resigned bia posi tion. Pour year prior to bis accept ance of this position Mr. Cook waa jointly in the employ of the Seaboard and Southern. Mr. Cook's resignation came as a urprise to hia many friend in this city. His relation with some of the officials of the road waa aueh that he deemed It best to retire. Ia leaving Mr. - Cooke haa tbe beet wishes of a large number of his fellow employee. M. Coke haa been quite succeeeful in bia work here and especially in eeuring traffic over bla route North. While "Qus," aa his frienda com monly term him, leavea the employ of the Seaboard, he will not be long without a position. Hr. Edgar Leach haa been tendered the office, but he declined. It ia now understood that a Mr. Leard will aua eeed Mr. Cooke. Our best wishes attend Mr. Cooke in whatever 8eld he may choose. Hia resignation ia effective September 1st. Busy With the Brandy Bonds. The revenue people are busier now than at any other 'eeaaon of the year with brandy boada. Seixores are scarce In eonsequenee. About. 400 brandy bonds have been renewed in the department here and they are keeping our friend Steed "op to bla neck" in work. Tbe bonds range in price from 8300 to $3,000. The bond are required to inanra payment of tax. It ia eipeeted that tbi work will be eompleteorby Ootober 1st. As to Communications. The Press-Visitor Is receiving com munication which wll appear ia dne time. We will not require correspon dents toaign their names to communi cations, bnt namea must invariably be placed In custody of the editor. The Tribunal did not Meet. The Arriagton Tribunal failed to connect this morning at tbe appointed bonr. They will meet aa aooa as the witneasea arrive, aald Attorney Purnell. Win. Montagae, the negro who broke la Dr. Rhodes beuae Sunday night waa released - front eostoda today. Re. 0. L. Stringfleld went hh) bond, which wa 1800. 1 Work has stopped on (be faculty building at Shaw Unlversity.though the delay ia only, temporary. The bricklayers and masons bavaoomv- pleted the walla to the first story. J ' .,'', '--. i.,'- W regret to note that th condi tion of Mr. W. Q. Upohorch eontinnea quite critical aad tbe worst may he eipeeted at say time, although his eon Dr. TJpehureh thinks It possible : that he may live for some day or weeks.'1-. . ' , , , ' Teeterday there were' good breaks of tobaooo at all the warehouses. tVhlle tbey were aot aa large aon th opening oceaaloa, the bidding was spirited aad goo 4 prices ruled. All tobacco sold averaged (IS. Anjther sale will ooenr tomorrow., r : w . . .. '. " The last of the fishermen who Journeyed to Honeyoutt'a pond in Uarnett county . have returned. Messrs. Thoa. Stevenson and Ernest Bain, so the story goes, broke all previous records in the number of fiah caught. ' , -t - . . r if A: II i t ' 1 ! :V rt. it V ft: .it:1 n til 'V , . ? - -. ; v ..- '