6 'Leading Afternoon Dally J 2,000 Circulation. 6 ' . T I I I IJ ln the Mate. . I L OOOOOO-0-6 i .1 VOL. L NO. 5. RALEIGH; N. FRIDAY EVENING.' AUGUST 30, 1895. $3.00 P,R YEAR. cxxxxxx, J7 fAV 1U1 That is What Convention ' Advocajtesr Expect.- ' OCTOBER THE TIME. A Letter From a Prominent Dem- ocrat and an Ei-Congress-t man. The Opponenta , - ' The meetiug of the well known silvern-en in this city yesterday has - given a renewed impetus to the holding ot a Silver Couveution here at an .early date. It wa certainly ' . the sense of (he Convention to hold a SUte SUter Conference in accor danoe itb the call formulated by ' Mr. Smith and others. There was some opposition at first, but it was .v overcome. - Mr. Dowd of the Char kite News doubted the advisability . of holding the Convention at this time. Congressman Liokbart and Mr. Joeephos Daniel were opposed ; to the Convention, but that, pup-i- tion was overoime by , the I truer - majority ot those present including , Mr. Smith, Mr, Jarvis and others. Mr. Smith Is enthusiastic, about the Convention, which is really in tended as a monBter - mass meeting ' It does not look" like, the opposition . it playing much of a band from the Urge number of "responses being re oeived to the' calls sent out. An average of twentyflve signatures r; are signed to the calls returned. Mr. Smith says the Convention will probably be held about the first week In October. Be is just in re oelpt of a letter from an ex-Demo-oratlo member of Congress whiofi' - bears pointedly on the subject. We " quote from the letter a follows; ' Heresies nay teem to creep la for a ?day by sonnivsnce of dogmatic schls-. : ' mailt with proclaimed asd designing .Inimleeii bat fandsmestal eoaatlta tionat tenets will prevail la the sad. So will ths mosey of th people, the " 01007 of the fathom. tb money of tb Constitution In spit of told oat radios! Benstvs aad later on subsl dlied or misguided leaders of . ortho- dot Democrat! opining. vTbs Irapov riahment of the million 'to the mil lionair. , legiUmata-ll-egltimat out- ; eons of the bell-born financial eotof . 1873 has bora ita fruit - as was de signed by Joe designers. Booh Is Its eoatinuel tendency, If mjr optles are sot afflicted with political s'rabismus. : Not to commit a wrong nay be said to ' be maa or party' Irtt doty. To rlKht it if eonmltted, may bo fitly termed the; aeeoad. For a score of years, or elnee our eyes were opened ' to "the deep damnation of the" taking off" of silver, the tongoe of Demoe . racy ' baa wagaed wlthoot eeaeing - agtlast the monntroo crime, i- Time and again we have been on the a of rectifying It, oaea to the point of a qoasi Preeideatial teto. '-t V " Why this change of ba all of a toddea by would te leader? . Some ' might hold it npaa to anrmlM or avea - aiaieUr aaepicioa. Why, "the Chief,'; thrice ehosea by aatioaal coareattoas of hie party, aad If rumor rune ' aright, persaadahl to being ehosea agaia, waa ao very elrcanwpeei as to require to read by the lightning's gash the pnrriew of his' requirement If elected before giving ia.r accpW aane, sboeld strsigbtway thereafter have soared aloft oa butterflr wing . and lit ia forbiddea fielda of finance, let him elucidate. The aiplanatloa , Is far above ordinary capacity, I Why - other boturlliea of gudy wing should . follow la atill mora "paesiag strange." Pletform ia religated to the rear and "pragmatic aanctloa" come to' the front. Black la whlta and whit Is blaek, so sya PWgmetiea. Hate off, '.ye tarbalenta, aad bow to the cap of . Qeeelerf or els bm read into the realm " of "unreason." The people aad the nannle'a moaer be devilled. . Bound : money la the catvh word. Thus saith ' th King, and so eehoeatbe King's - ndvler. Th lord of Threadneedle ad Wall have to eajoined, and who dare lay aayf Let "him who doe, tack to tail r.f family name "nonde script Idiot," nnder penalty of royal dinpleaeure asd ayndieatleal anathe ma. Thai lth the King and th Klog'e tdviier Bat la pit of king and klog. methlnks I hear a little bird ing, "Th people oo will b tb tronger," and the refria of hi aoiig iBosnt monny Imt-ead of SOV5D, But coming down from stilti and lookiu? plla fact ia tb fee. thete U 80 danylng that a poliliral eata- I trophe Is mlaat. nsy avertible only by heroic treatment. : . , . .: , ) Reseat aad lomewbat ite.nded ob serration, backed by iome little read ing aud oorrespondenee, have led ma Irresistibly to. the eonrl anion that the party which eomes out in its' eett national convention anreitrietedly, an ehadedly. uamistakably for the ye storatloa of silver to its old place, previous o its depositioa thereupon by lUpabll.iao trickery and ebirane, is the ps'ty that will control the desti. ales of the republic for the neit four rears and perhaps for many four year thereafter. ' t " The' South and the Went.-with Westers man lad spensible, giving out no uncertain innd on th sliver aym bole, will) be rartain to fane and eoualty eertalfl - to elet. . Mrkth prediction I Shall the Democratic party give op the Inside of the track which it has ever he'd la tbst Held, snd IH the other take It or boldly -proclaim the food old scripture! precept, "not for us, againat n,"!:. aad eliminate In sovators .: accordingly. There's the whole question in a autshelt, ' Pball the Bumerical preponderance of th party control, and lay down law, or submit to the dK-tatioB of sninSnitiai mat plutocrnti minority and have themselves ebarrhed and read out of th party For one, 1 prefer to be on th jury.. Advice given will entail less,' buf wilt In th end gain, if we flfht the flgb6 on good old Democratic line. ,,.- Such, my dear friends, are my erode views on this momentous queslioA,use them as yoa deem best for the good of the party, which mesas the rood of ths country and of constitutional lib erty. " ., ' , ' PakOt) Institute. . . Peace Institute has never had a bet ter faculty than it baa now. Its musie asd 1 art department have always been nnequaled in the Stat. , They are bow better equipped aad organ ised than aver befor. It ia 'bow giv ing special attention to th children inathe primary department, which Is thoroughly orgsnlasJ with Hiss S. H Dinwiddle as prinoiyal and' Hiss I. Xohnton a assiatant. ' .Th terms are mid very' reasonable aad very particular-attention ia paid to everything pertaining to th comfort and train ing of th children. The little one reei?e thorough training ia physical eultnr aad alnglng withoot xtra charge; Approved modern method arc used ; whenever they have been found valuable after trial, and every thing Id the. primary . . department moves on with precision aad order. The charge . range 'from $160 a month (40 eenla a week) npwsrds to 2 60 a month. Shomd any parties in th sit desira informstion In re gard to aay department of ths school. if they will drop a not to the princi pal, thy will be called . oa at their homea. ... .-'. . BUMOBED CHANGE J la the Division of the Southern It waa afnonnoed'aom days ago. aays the Lynchburg News, thst ths Soothern railroad ,f as contemplating making a change 1b some of , th di visions, and that it wonld result in th removal of the : headquarters of the division at Danvtll. : The divia. ions, II contemplated, will be located at Lyachborg, (Greensboro, Charlotte and. Baleigb . A .ronsidersble num ber of men r t present employed la th offices of th division at Danville, aad If tb proposed ehaagea. are car ried into effect these ' men will b traafrred.' .- -, At r fiee-Preaident Andrews' efflce the aews could sotba roaflrmsd. "A Handsome New llouee. -., Mr. Oliver Womble will mote here from Norfolk and make it hia bom. He hi purchased from Col.' Ar B. Aadraws, th vary deeirabl lot St th corner of North Blount aad Johnioa streets, W by 810 feet, for $2,000. and Bllingtoa Co. hive contracted to baild thereon an eleven room dwell log, stories ia height with ootogoa front and bay windows, ths price be ing rs 800 ' . : ; - ... MlnlsKr Ransom's Return.- . It is undentood that General Baa som is k lowly improving la health, and several of hia friendi say be will start for the City of Mexico at the as piration of his leav of absent. - He will not be ia a hurry ia arriving, but will break the journey by making sev ersl stops sb route. 'Z: . Mr. Greek 0. Andrews hss rooms at the Ysrboro, where he sin bs found outsids of offlo hours. Passed Away at 3:40 O'clock This Afternoon. A " STATESMAN . GONE. There will be Many to Mourn his ' ! Loss a"d Few to Take ; , hta Place. Hoe. Octavlua Coke, Secretary of State,: pii-wd - awar , this evening at twenty mlnutee to four o'clock. Mr. Coke was takes wore yesterday,, but this morning ifaw announcement waa given oot that bis condition win im proved. At twelve o'clock, a c hinge for the won eime which ended in deitl) at the time, above mentioned. Ai soon a the news was given out the ea pitol was closed . A Cspt. Coke wis lorn st Williams- bnrg, Vs., aad cam to this State in I 1800. He was chairman of th Stste Democratic Committee in 1880 and was at one time a State Senator from Chowan. He waa appointed Secretary of Stat on tbs destb ot Col. Saun ders in 1801 snd was eleoted to ouc- eeed hlmaelf in 1803. A whole-souled gentleman! s states man and a valuable citixen has passed ewsy. - There will be tears in many eyes when these lines are read . We learn of Cspt. Coke's death J a t before going to. press. An extended notice witl appear tomorrow. 'BUFFALO BILL" OOMINU. Great Wild Wott Show Will be In , Baleiftb Oot. Qth. Baleigb it to be favored with more snows tuts, season tnan naa bee a th . eae In year. Bnf fealo Bill th greatest of hia his kind will, locate his camp in this city en October the 9th. Tbiashow will stop at several plaeea.in this State wbils en rout to the Atlanta Bxpoei tioa 'where they will . give a seversl month's engagement. Th show Is now in Pittsburg. Mr. ' 8. H. Sm,n, the Advanced Agent was here this morning making arrangements for their appeiraace bar. He says ths . performance la given . in open air and a "wall" eonvaae eoooeals the wonders "snd sights ftom pablis gate. Bledsoe's drove will probably ba chosen for the performs. Th show is ansorpasa- ed by any eimllar organisation. '. It ia ai lurge as a clroas,' carrying 510 hores sad 400 peopl., SS cars are re- quired to transport them. Wm Cody, aa he ia commonly . known waa under tb command - of Major Hayes out West - Mr. Cody la very fond of th Major and often writes to him. It ill be a bsppy meeting between them on the Olh. 8171NO FOB FOREST DAMAGES. Blue Lose) His Salt Against' the Aberdeen and West End. :,!,-. . Tbs sases of Blu versos Arberdsen aad West End Railroadwhich ha at tracted io much attention, was decided yesterdsy ia Carthage ia favor of the railroad. " Bin claimed that he had sustained damages .to th amount of $1,500, ssnsed by sparks flying .from th engise btlonging -to the rsilwsy and aettlng sflrehis woods. . . - Col. J. W. Hinedala, of this elty, appeared for Blue. -Affidavit wer fltd by th plaintiff to th affect thst nndaeisflaenoe had . been brought to bear upon tb jury. " This question Is being argued today by Col. Hiasdsl at Carthsg. It Is said that should Bias finilly win, any number of so Its will be ia stituted against ' th. .road- There have been quit a aumber of forest Ore ap that way, ' The (Jovernor kaa honored a reqolsi- tioa msds by ths Governor of Sooth Carolina for Charles Lloyd aow uader arrest st Sanford. Lloyd ia charged with ths killing of on msB aad ths (n jortng of soother si th Hulls coal mine ia Lancaster codlrty, 8. 0. ' ' ' Kiss Geri Rosenthal, daughter of Mr. L. Eoeenthal, gar a moonlight rid sad ice eresm party to heryoaag friends of tb sorrouading neighbor hood on Fiyettevill street last Bight Tbs nine gin njoyo. me uuung snd mide the sir merry with their I happy songs and l.nghter. A Snaky Story From a Mis sonri Tow. HORRIBLE IB TRUE. But We Receive It ty Wire and Have Not Time to Await ' Vertnoatlcn. 3f Telegraph to the Fbbbr-V isitob. ' SuLtiTAN.Aog. Mo -The three yuuus; ouiiureu w viuuv iieuaius, near here, went to the barn to gather egs. ' The plaoeag dangerous owing to enakes. ' Oae child thrust its band into what he thought was a hen's neat and suddenly wijbdrew it S-iyiog a ben bad pecked him. The other two followed with the same re- ult They then set up loud cries, The mother was at the well with a toung baby in her arms and got tx- cited and left the infant and ran to the Hssi.stuiice of the other children, who, it a ems, had been bitten by 'a t tt.le snakes. Th? baby fell iutothe well a:id drowned while the other uhiitlren died. ' TIUNITIT COM, KG K OPENINCJ. Bright ProspecU. The Improvements Botiig ruHhed. Trinity College hag bright pros pects for a large opening next week. The Durham Globe gays: Every day brings many letters applying to have rooms reserved lor the coming year. For every indication there will be a very large attendance. The incoming Senior class will prob ably be the largest in the history of the college. From what can be known now, it will have 25 members, thus going beyond the class of 1878, which bad 23. A very remarkablj coincidence is tbvt both f these classes contain girls, the present class having four while the former bad three. It seems that the young ladies have something to do with bringing thi boys bask. Neaily all the graduating has been done on the large campus, snd the workmen will now mscsdsmite the many walks, and drives. Work on ths Craven-Memorial chapel will probably ' begin as soon ss the archi tect's plana are approved. September Weather for RalelKh'. -.;! Jit i Mean , or .normal temperature 90. The warmest September was that of 1804, with en sversge of 73; the coldest September , was that of 1887, ith an average f 68) ths highest tempeVttnre during sny September was 93 degrees on the 10th. 1894; the liwes temperature daring any September, .was 89 degrees on the 31st, 1888; Average dt bn which fitst "killing" frost occurred "io sutumn). October 26 tb; Average dste on which laat "killing" froat occurred (in sprln), April lOth ' Precipitation Average for the month, 4.7. inches average number of diys with .01 of an inch or more, 10; the 'greatest monthly " preeipit a tion was 10.88 inches in 1888; the least monthly precipitation was 1.68 inches in 18g0 th greatest smonnt of preclpltatlan -recorded In any 94 con secutive hoars was 9.61 inches on the Oth aad lOfb, J88, v ' Average bomber of eloudless day, lit svargf number of partly ; cloud v days, 6; average' number of cloudy diys, u. z , :-yc . We are Here for the Baslneas, " The Pasi Viiitob wss sgsla lata la making its . sppeannc yecterday evening, th , reason being tbit aew advertisements eoatinaed to poor In upon us . all day at such a rats tbit It wss Impossibl to get them all Into the piper by the asnsl ' hour of goiag to. press- - If the ; rash of yesterday asd- iodiy keeps ap it will h nee sary for os soon to double our force and doable th else of tharsRss-ViBi toE. Starting with 9.000 elrculatloa and increasing every day i by far tka best a Irertisiag medium that Baleigb ! ever aaa. i w gnsrsnte to reaoa more than twice as many peopls as aay Baleigb paper has ever Cob. Louisburg Bxeuraionlata. Fire bundled excursionists came in from Louisburg this morning. Tbey marched np In the oity to the popular airs of a brass band. At the - poetoffloe John Williamson m anted one ot the high windows aud addressed the multitude very much to tbelr crowd made Bledsoe's grove their headquarters. They seemed to en I joy themselves daring the day. ' ;-A; WOMAN THIS 111 Wanted to Jump From Brooklyn Bridge. DRIVEN TO DESPAIR. She Was Urged to It By Trif ling Husband The Police Prevented the Leap By Telegraph to the Pkish-Visitob Nsw Yokk. Aug 30 Owing to the police receiving a "tip" a woman was prevented from gaining glory through jumping off Brooklyn bridge today The husband w out of work snd is ssid to be none too inxions io work He persuaded his wife that she could soon mskea fortune after making the leap. The attempt was made at 4 this mornlnir, but the police lined the roadway and prevented the leap. The Knights Disperse By Telegraph to the Pbess-Visitok. Boston. Aug. 30. I be Knighta Templar Conclave ends today. A short business meeting was held st 10 o'clock, after which the grand officers were installed and nearly all the commanders closed their head quarters. Before nignt most of the crowd will have left for their homes. Thousands went on excursions by land and water today. The White Squad ron arrived in the harbor this morn ing As soon as viBlting was allowed, the deck of every warship was orowded. The Friends Convene By Telegraph to the Pkhss-Visitok. Bt'PFAi o, N, Y. Aug. SO Begin ning Uid'.v the Kriruas ol Human Progr-Hi will bold a three days con vention at Forest Temple jn the town of Noith t'ollins. Among the speak ers who will iddri-ss the convention are uon u. V. Mooiton, oi urana Bvpids, President of the Michigan Association of Spiritualists and J. Williamson Fletcher, of New York city. m m with Fire and Sword. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Tampa, Fla., Aug 30 Passengers from Havana on the last steamei say that Giimt z attaoked the oity ol Puerto Principe Monday, burning oae entire waid Shot Himself on a Train By Telegraph to Ths Pi; ess-Vis tob. Buffalo, N. Y . Aug. 30.-R. T Allen, of Omaha, Neb , sbot himself this morning on a Oii.rl train a few miles out of th ci.y lie was travelling wi'b bin wife eu route home from Jersey City. Gold to be Shipped To-morrow. By telegraph to the Press Visitor. Nsw York. Aug. 30 indication pointed this forenoon to A shipment ot two millions anrt four hundred tbousai.d of gold to Kurop by to morrow's steamers. Two and a quarter millions will be taken out oi tne sub treasury. . raw ' " South Dakota State Fair. By Telegraph to the Press-VUltof. Sioux If alls, S. D , Aug. SO The State Fair opened here today with a good attecdnoee atd a large list of entries in all the departments. It will last until 8ep ember 4lh. Knights Given a Reception. By Telegraph to the rreaa-Vtslvec. Pbobia, 111., Aug., -The SUte officers of the Knights of Maccabees of the world will be given a reception this evening st the Odd Pelloss hill by the Peoria lodges. ' ' A TOWn Wiped Out Special to the rreas-VkUtor. Tocmia, Washington. Aug. 1. It ia feared that the tow a o Sumner is en tirely wiped oat by forest Ares. Ae engine and hose sart were seat boas here Isst eight, ao word waa received sines the arrival. : ,- .;f.'Js:' Today's evr York Cotton Market. By Iwlenaiih to tae Prus-Visitor. . V ; ' -' H Saw Tore. Ana. 80. The market waa ery feverish, epeaed Irregular aad eloeed after various apa gad dowas st to- 8 points below last aight r Teadency barely ; steady neorti, upnuwi o-n.TO , . wmi October, 7 9tV-7( Jssasry, 814-15 December, 8.08-00.' Msrth,' 8.8S-84- Wilson Honored. By Telegraph to the Pbbss-Visitob. Wabhinutom, Aug. 30. -Pastmaster General Wilson has been notified of his election aa a member of the Green brier huntidg club of Virginia which has a preserve of sixty thoussnd iteres. Dedfender Is Winner. lly Telegraph to the Passu-Visitor. New Yobk, Aug. 80 Defender finished at 3:56 defeating Vigilant by five minutes. Off to College. The following yoang men from Raleigh, all pupils of the Raleigh Male Academy, that excellent prepara tory school conducted by Messrs Uor eon & Denson. hive either enteied the various collages of the State or will shortly do so when they open. To wske Forest hav.aau Wajlers Durham, T. 3. Ttriggs, Jr., Willis Briggs, John Heck. Henry Heck, Baiter Durham, Harry Pool, Jamee Briggs and Joe Mosely. M the University the school will be represented by Fab. Haywood, Grimes Haywood, Richard H. Lewis, Browne Shepherd, Richard Hnsbee. Jobo Andrews, Stanford Harris, Perj-y vYbitaktr, Junius Grimes, Clatrae Denson snd Alf Thompson. To Trinity will go Jos. Separk and Wilbur Vard, while Messrs. E. Denson, Ohas Tamer and Henry Tucker will enter medical colleges. Mr. J mid Carroll Sizes up Home Ani mal Specimens. Mr. 0 J. Carroll is the most origi nal analyst and student of human nature that we know of and his des criptive powers are inimitable. There are many good things going the rounds and when people hear them they know without being told that the only original Judd Carroll conceived them. In other words he has them all sized op, like a certain friend of Dr. D. B. Everett who keeps a book in which he has all his acquaintances entered up as foola, d toola and other kinds of fools Mr. Carroll brought down the house in a crowd in the Tarboro House lobby last night by a dissertation of his own. It was oharaoteristio and rich. History Repeating Itself. Io 1855. just forty years ago, Mies tfanoy Hilliaid kept at Company Shops on the North Carolina Rail road probably the best breakfast and supoer boune ever kept by anyone on any railroad. Now its Burlington, and not Com puny Shops, and Ed. and Charlny Ward, and not Miss Nancy, yetthe metis are all the same and it may be a little better a boun tiful table, goo 1 breed, butter, and dVp, and chicken steak, eggs and --very thing else cooked nice and tempting. SuudtyH are big days at Barling- ton as scores of drummers oongre- tats to have a quiet home-like time and hear Mr. Charley White tell s jtne of his go d jokes. Total tCclipse of the Moon. On March 10th, of this year there was a total eellpse of the moon. The pleasure of viewing it was partially interfered' with by clouds, : though there were frequent intervals when there would be an n -.obstructed slew and the phenomenon seen with delight by the spectators. The time is cloee at head when tbrre will be another opportunity of seeing such sn ecl'pse. It will eommoee at twelve minutes to ten on the night ei Tuesday, September grd, aad ead at six minntei past four next morning. It will be total from six minutes past twelve until thirteea minutes to two o'oloek. This eclipse will be visible to North ind South America Oeologlas- Hulmee and Geology. State Geologist Holmes arrived In the oity thi morning from Chatham oountift where he has been gather log eueoi mens and Information for th exhibits at Atlanta. Mr Holmes Utes that three of the ooal mines are being ran regularly, and that tbey are behind in orders. He has also been to Sanford. where tbs brawnstone ouarries are being pushed. ".Ther are three of then run by Michigan, PennsylT&nia and Norfolk partiesv Tbey are also na. fog more orders than they can fill. 7 The rep rta reaching here about the firmer' Institute which are being held by Commissioner Patterson, Or. . H. B Battle aad PrifV Mssy..are osteaeouraglng. Musk latere waa taken ia th one at GasUaia Moaday aad Taesday. Coagratalatory reso- lutlons were passed br the Jastitato to officer preeeat from this precinct, The Arrington Tribunal had a Meeting. A WITNESS EXAMINED. The Meeting was Secret Ex She Iff Cockzreil Gave Testi mony Last Night. The Arrington court had their con ference yesterday on schedule time with a full bouse and Chief Jus tice Campbell playing the leading role. v The conference over . with, the court resolved itself into a regular aeasioat f neeerShich tasted Tie til aft nig" V A "Ti i came en. ' Xhrre seems to b's iniailneht '-w'- ' i , n r,m danger Of lhewaitraWng.oaa ot"J e -f, 4J" its iwufevencee mad" .fegalar Soeeione. -iv1.'''" J; ? this most august snd Supreme Trlbu- ' ; nal are kept from behind public gate,' it will never be known. '''V ' The Chief Justice and sll the Asso ciate Justioes were out on street " parade this morning snd so fares ' " could be learned neither a conference or regular seeslon had been held. Last night Mr. J. J. Coekrell, Ex Sheriff of Nisb county, was examined. "Judge'tPhillipa refused to give out any farther Informstion about the session He declined to state any thing about the nature of the meet ings which are all secret. Mr. Phil lips said "we will decide positively today whether or not we will admit newepaper reporters." Mrs. Arring ton wants the meetings secret, the Chief Justice well, he doesn't care. Justice Phillips was anxious to im press on the reporter that everything would be given out later on. The gentleman who is keeping the records has not been seen so far. In the meantime, the court has taken a ; ji step forward for one witness has been examined. When the others arrive another session will be held. Baron George Knehne, the clever book-keeper of Barbeeand Thompson, Mr. Ed H Lee and other gentlemen had a narrow escape while taking a ride near Brooksidc Park. A ear with which some small boys were play ing came around the corner and came near running over them, but they" were saved by the presence of mind of the driver, snd it is ssid thst the del; oate peach-blow tint of the Rhine in Mr. Kuehne's cheeks blenched to the white of Parian marble. An exciting run-away oocured this morning on Wilmington Street, as Mr. ueorge w or wood ot jnuiDrook was driving a carriage in which were Mrs. Norwood and sister and Mr. Nor wood's son, the horse took fright and ran at a terrifio rate until ehecked by the superior power and skill of Mr. Norwood ia front of D. T. Johnston's store. The ladies held their self pos session admirably and fortunately no one was hurt. Baseball Yesterday. At New York: New Vork 08300810 -14 of nature fclJUevsyill-. j00 000O1O0-1 At Boetoni . ylir , v, i,,, tCTeSelead , , 0 l,U.t0-: At "Philadelphia-;, tW.f$. , Chicago, ' 0 OVOOO i J-, i At Brooklyn: Brooklyn 4 0 1 Cincinnati 0 0 1 OHIO 0 1 0 1 9 1- At Washington: Washington 3 2 0 1 3 1- 0 6 1 0 2 0 0-0 St. Louis At Baltimore: Baltimore, 0) Pittsburg, 1. Called: wet grounds. Mr. Tom Peseud's fine driving horse became frightened and started up the street oa a runaway yeatsr. diy afternooa The horse was stopped -befere aay damage waa done. The Morgsnton band of eigbteea , piece will furnish asasia for the - next State Fair. The chief marshal Ssys that the eoalat ffature of the next State Pair will be aotabl. Th tour nament la expected to attract a large asmber of yoaag people. v ? .o j Governor Csrr,. Auditor armaa, -Worth aad Mr Tonag Chairmaa of Mr -tbs Foard of Directors have returned from Halifax where they went to in speet th State firms. Tbey report coo-; ditloa of th crop as excellent snd la ' fact ths best tbst they saw anywhere oa th road. There t som (ickaeea among the eoavieta, bat aot as much I M :i -j1 .-.

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