aWi :-Vi;iTon. 1 u.Li.-.iH.u to . TLa Prey-Visitor Company Dally, Except Sunday, Office In tbe PuUen Building, Car, Fayettevllle and Davie Sta. GKtba O. ANOKKWS, Editor aadhaaacMV - t, N. MoftARV, Soliciting Agent. SUlWCIUfTION PKICK. One year, . One mouth. as.oo .26 Suttni m Stamd Via Matt Matter! . The i Leading Afternoon Paper in the .State, : The Press-Visitor publishes a.l ihe news every day and has douUe the cir culation of any daily ever published In Raleigh. TELEPHONE. 168 SATURDAY, A UOUST 81. 1895. DEATH OP HON. COKE OCTAVIUS , Oo taring Coke, the big hearted, magnlfloent specimen of manhood, has fallen beneath thp stroke of that enemy of the bu imn family, that spares no man- Endowed, by, Diitnm with gifts of mind and body p w-esaed b? but few, and In the fullest vigor of ripened judgment and usefulness bis earthly life has passed away, Like Saul among his fellows, be moved In our midst Woo that has ever seen him will ever forget bin, or would drive him from his mem oryr . He was of so chivalrous a disposition and of suoh strength and symmetry of proportion that b ad he lived in the olden time, his sword would have flashed where strong and manly deeds would today appear the pages of history amidst the heroes of the past. . -His love for his friends was in " tense, and, to the uttermost, true. No man who classed him as a friend . . . i ..I . i i ever nan reaaxu wjh uut uis smuei ty. In politics, hi was a Democrat, The Eastern portion of North Caro llna, where he lived for years, will attest his ability as a canvasser, and his wisdom as a counsellor. And North Carolina, on its every hilltop, will avouch his worthiness to rank among the foremost of its faithful and true. Jh the death of Octavlus Coke, there has passed away from earth a stateemaa of strength and breadth of mind, a aitizen of inestimable 1 : value, a public servant of untarn ished record and untiring energy, and most of all a generous, noble, warm hearted spirit about whom it baa been tbe gift of bnt few few men to so intertwine the heart strings of all of those who knew him in 'a sincere and lasting ' friendship. Capt Coke's distinguish j ing oharaoteristia was his genial and winning nature,- his never waning flow of kindly cordiality which per- vadtd every circle in which he moved, In private, social or public - life.' Be was a ma from wbon great heart there ever welled up the perennial diffusion of good fellow ship, of open, frank and friendly hospitality, which made it a happi ness to be near him. We have never known one of a greater and warmer heart, none who had more friends among bis fellows, and none whose friendship was more sincere 'and loyal. Blended with this was the beautiful sunshine of a delicate and Infectious - humor, - which , made shadows impossible in his presence, making it seem that 'shadows and sorrowi bad no place in his life. - It Is such natures as these which make happiness and kindly , feeling about them, and the . world is infinitely blessed at having such men la it Bis passing away from among hjs associates in the prime of life leaves a void In the hearts of those who have known him but to love him. It is a loss to all who have known him. It is a personal loss to the writer who has known him and fel. the K 'liial glow and benediction of fcia generous nature and his whole s')'..'...! f- i eanny characteristics. His tV- X o3 la J088 to tEe Stao arid tL-?e who enjoyed oontc with t:s d.,;'y lira will carry deep ty&eir 1. ..U a sorrow wnica v,.j linger, for tbera are none to take Lis place n their esteem, their regard and their affection, , The citizens of Kaleiph, especially, will miss him, for. his daily work was among them His manger was ever cordial and sutoera. . The days of his years were : too few, v The thread of hia life was too short . When shall we see bis like again! The whole State of North Caror Una ill miss his wise counsel ! Alas! alarf he U gone! A new phase of tbe ood jecturee as to the B, and O. extending its valley line to Roanoke U the story that it will use the Chesapeake and Ohio line from Lxingtmi to Buchanan and Baltimore capitalists will build the needed link ; from Buchanan to Bbanoke. The C. and O. will be permitted free use of tbe link in con sideration of its allowing the B. and O. free use of tbe truck from Lex ington to Buchanan, but the B. and O. will pay for use of the new road $13,000 a year, that being 6 per cent. on 1300,000, tbe euti mated cost of the track from Buchanan to Roa noke. Nothing is said of the exist ing track of tbe Nnrf uk and West ern from Buchanan to Roanoke. s Senator Gorman, of Maryland, foresaw Quay's triumpb'in Pennsyl vania when he said a few days agi : "Mr. Quay has taught tbe people of his State all they kuow about poll tics, but he hasn't taught them ail be knows. Irving W. Lairaore, physical direc tor Of V. M. U. A , les Moines, Iowa, says he can conscientiously recom mend Chamberlain's Fain Balin to athletes, gymnasts, byclisls, foot ball players and tbe profession in general for bruises, sprains and dislocation; also for soreness and stiffness of tne muscles. ' When applied before the parts become swollen it will effect a cure in one half the time usually re. quired. For sale by J. Hal BoDbitt. Druggist. Falling from a taft William H. Barnes and Irving W. Tbeobold, young cousins, rwore drowned at Chelsen, Mass A horse kicked H. & abater. of tbe Freemver House. Jl.ddleburir. N. i on tbe knee, which laid him Up in bed and caused the Knee joint to become stiff. A.frieod recommended him to use Chamberlain' Pain Balm, which he did, and in two day was able to be around. Mr. tibafer has recomended it to many others and say it is excellent for anv kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism, tot sale by j. uai noooitt. Vassar Powell, of fc-cranton, Pa took poison and tried to die in a New York street, bur. uiu,y recover. Johnson's EmoMioo of Cod Liver Oil i invaluable iu all pulmonary af feetiona and consumption. It Drii'h e the blood, restore Irwt tissues, bnild np the appetite stakes sonnd flesh. Pint buttle $1.00. For sale by John T. UaeRse, druggist. Ex-Treasurer Martin Hcewart, of Wyandotte County, Kan , will be sued for a shortage of $44,000 Frank E. While, Minneapolis, Hiaa., writes: "Usv uxed teo botes of your Pile Cure ami mast say it has done wonders for ui. 1 would not know I ever had tbe piles only when I stoop low. Tbe iti-hiug is all gone. Sample free. For sale by John V, AfacKae. Tfxi loiler of a tbi anber at O wassa. III., exploded and killed Monroe BabujcK and Anna Hoffman. Beauchauip & Beach, ufaula, Ala write : We have handled your Japa nese Pile Cure for two years now and ean conscientiously aay it has given entire satisfaction and i a good sel ler. We regard it as being the bent thing for Hemorrhoids or Piles that we have ever sold. For sale by John Y. Mae&ae. draga-i' A rod J. O. Labodie. notary for several rich estates in flontreal, bas mysteriously aisappeareu. Rheumatism, neuralgia, pains in the back er side, stiff nee k, sore throat, toasilitls, diphtheria, camps and eolis instantly relief ed by Johnson's Hag netie Oil. Large bottles, 26 and 60 cent.- For sale by John Y, UcEae, draggists. - Temperance Lecturer Will 3. Mc- Connell bas been declared inane at Cleveland, O. i -. , - Sudden's) Armea lve- . Tba beet salve la tba world tor eat.' broiM, sore, oleer, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, ebapped band, cbil- blaioa, eora and ail akin raption, and positively enre piles, or no car required. It la goarantetd to give Deri eel aiisiactioo or montv reiond ed. ' Price 85 cent per pox. For anla by John Y WaeRitr. - : Spain's revenues from taxes have fallen off over (600,000 as oompared with last year. ' Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidney will Ond the true remedy ia Electric Bit ters. This medicine doe not stima lace and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant, but act a a tonic and alterative. '' It act mildly on the stomaeh and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitter is an excellent appetixer and aids digestion. Old people find it just eiactly what they need. Price fifty Cents per bot tie at John Y. MaeBae' drug store. Lynchers af e after two negrrel who outrageouly assaulted Mi hi Mary Haycock, near Little Rock, Ark, , - ' . . , That tires, all gone feeling, lot of a petite, eaaaed by improper dieting, can ' be easily eradicated by using JohaeoVa Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to tbe taut. Pint bottle, $1 Vot al by Joha Y MaeHae. druggist Knights t tbe Mcbera. . ' The State Commander write 'ua from Lincoln, Neb., aa follows: "After trying other medicines ?. for what suemed to be a -very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's Mew Diseorery and at the end f two day the cough entirely left tbem. We will not be without it hereafter, as oar experience prove that it cures where all other remedies fail. (Signed, F. "tV. Stevens, Stat Com. Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottle are free at MacRae's drug store.': Kegnlar ue 60c. and Jl.OX V ; , DUKE Cigarettes 7i 1 (Cigarettes W.DuKe Sona Co. TWWEmctii Touccgcv DURHAM, H.C lit. maoi rnoM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE FRUIT Jars WE HAVE THEM SEND US YOUR ORDERS. THE LOWEST PRICES Julius Lewis Hardware Co Headquarters for Bicycles. YOUR ATTENTION Is ciilltdto our select stock of Groceries, Etc Everything can be found that is usually kept in firat elass Grocery Store, NEW GOODS. , L0WXPKICES. A fair share of the natronsra of tne Duoiic is soiiciun.. rrouioi ana caret ui attention to an oruers. H. S. LOWRY, AGI, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Com mission Merchant; lit Fayettevllle bireet. , - Ohameerlaia's By and Skin Ointment Ia unequalled for Ecaenn. Tetter. Salt- Shenm. Scald Head. Bore Kioiilea. Chsnoed Bands, Itdiing Pilea, Boras, . Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eye and Gnrouhtted Eye lide or gale by drngguta at za cent per box. , '-v HORSE OW1T5XS. Foi- pnttinr a hone in a fine healthv eoav titioo try Dr. Cady Condition Powder ley tone up the system, aid digeetico, cur mts par package. For sale by druggist. uo c9vKt.tlnnuCiwn, "m ahe a CnD. an met tar Cxacorla, a h ne ennani Mm, eae en Oeearay Win Hi I IQawmeVii vtoimt "TTTfffl i- - ni r w T I EWI54 BMaaMaataana Accident Insurance " The best wearing, most stylish, and the greatest va 0 of any gi00 Men' Shoes on the ouutiuanV , Best: calfskin, tioncola tops, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, j lasts and iaatunings, ' and X4wia jCork Filled Soles. Each pair contain a paid-up Acci dent Insurance Policy for 1 100, good for 90days.:v- Wear Leim'AocidontlnaoraneeBhoe .. once and you will never change. Tbe tnsurance ouea for "full measurei".' : r Talk wkh your dealer who sella Lewis' " Shoes. . ' . . w BOLD BT WliitixiirBros Gome AND The handsomest steel Range made. It Is "Till-: .IKWKL." i See our new Bis$cll Grates Wehavn 3 Bicycles On easy terms. T Yitxy Carriages At a cut price. bos. H. Briggs & Sons, Raliioh. N G. sept 271y. SPRING Millinery; We are now ready. AH the ltet novelties in Trimo ed Millinery for A full line of Muslin Cans. Wa can sell you a nice Cap for 25c and a o-iauUful one for 75c Our goods are all well selected and tne prices are rignt. VlissVlQggieRccse 09 Fayettevllle Street r4 ib i'i dam isa whirl I . . .. 1.1.1. Aug 0 OUR: 1 st Floon NOV, READY. The , ", Plasterers 5 and Painters have completed their work upon our first floor, so we are now ready for new business. ' There are - some goods unavoid ably injured by lime dust and these, with some ends of lines heretofore adver tised, will be offered at such prices as : to run them off before active Fall : work begins, V. II. & R. & .TUCKER & CO. Examine mi Baleigli Ios of tbe best quality and at lowest orions, in Raleigh ann to nee : :-. : , .' ; ' Joe now ready for delivery in any quantity. POCAHONTAS STEAM COAL , . . i Is abead of all others in quality and prices. ' "r:U ; 'v.: Vp':;.,iv FOR GRAIN, HAY, MILL FEED, SI11NGLE8, LAT1JS, Etc , call off 0 Jo n es an chPo ve 1 1 Raleigh. W. C. - l r .; New, J-lrm. ; h H .viuK sold bait interest pt the O.a Uty Steam Laundry to'Jtobt w Page, it win commurt under tne same name at me i buih". 21U Fayetteville street. It. W Page ai d It B Wyatt, proprietors. W a solicit tbe patronage of. the past, ana hope to, (treatly iuoreae. it ry strict at- tention to buxlnes-s mid itood roan aarement. as Mr Paee will Rive tbe business his entire time and attenai tion and will usa every en irt to pleass each patron ho will Kive xx . ... a . ...til 1 A a trial, mis nr-i io win m iu remedy th" l. -Imk o) the past. caused by it f ' "H' mot oav inR time t Hi th P'.iper atten tion, and ilt see Hit nothioK 1 .tt drei ,- ' work K'f ou.thouib if ..u itnpeif itm Ui u.d ytoour, wh 1 i"lini ' " cu ouer tf rep'--i Hnit e th ...lice r to the driver i d we l r-nv;- It right in the luui . ' .' L R. YATT, Y' rmer 0-ner. Eislt), Qulcklf, Pen-icneotl, Restored. nMoreletlManlMiid. CnnwweakneaMa, NerToa Oebilia and all the evils from early or later ex. am. theraaulta of overwork, worry, aukiM, te. Fall itrangth, tone and development sina to ererjorffmn or portion of the body. Improre Bent immediately wan from tb first box. Thop uwkirfUitMaornruMiiniiieuiowolfiot, Can be carried in pocknt. Bent by mnil toan mentiaeashbox. Prtoo $1.00, b"e,S&i, with Written OoarantM to refund money If not rand lend to m tot the Genutno. Ciionljurs Free. John T. HaeBae, Druggist. BaMgh, H.O I!.1 TO BUYERS I have received toother supply warranted pocket knives, nice pat terns Nj risk taken when you bus one of my warranted knives. Price are a low and in some Instances towei than knives you buy on which you g no guarantee. New atoeir. of the purs hog fat leo lard. L D WOMBLE (Yl. S.CLARK, SLATE KOOFEU. and deafer to all kinds of 4 JIU)(X klfO H')0Vltl SLATS' P. U Bos 132, BalAlgh, N. 0. H-f 1895 THE SUN 1895 , ' , BALTIMORE Md. . Tbe I aper ol the. People, For tbe People and With 'the People, ,' ; Honest in Motive. . . , Fearless In Expression, , . Bound la Principle. , : Unswerving iu its 411eRianee to ; - Bight Theories and . , ' ' - i ' Bight Practice, -i ; The Hun r)ubHsheS all the news all the news all the time, but it does not allow its columns i he degraded b nnclean. Immoral or purely sensational matter. . KdiUHiailv. The "un is tbe consist ent and nnchsnqing chRmpion and de fMider of pofmlsr rulits and interests against pontics niscnmes aua mo nopolies of every cbaractr. fnde- pendent in all things, extreme in none. It ia for good hwa, good government and g tod order. By mail fitti cents a nv-nth, six dol lars a year. , - "A it New BTifi Onmpta Tr.ilT!trtt( r-:if i. ti.. CPPOhlT'tHIKH, VupNOitw of f fi,t'iir.tut T: ritriwnf ni'f:nnt. A nfivei-li-.i!1. (."iirtt fryT'i; arery Dftfui-a and di-c r, H mm 6op(r'i Hi altfa thf km fa or iTii.vio:t ..f .-hiV.!i ac:.L wnl. h ira WNtrifui aivd nlat'!H ft "r ..';-,jjt i:ml Ofm wnaitintf iu der. ii, nuTK" Why onrj'jt thia tstrfTt-'a (iinm-tiit v atunranTdd O bO ta our any Cc:r-. (Wiy ftr trnrtrw rwHivMl. l itxu, f"f tfLaVout by maii. ,4 J l. ..... ... , . ph.. i t Liter raWigU ! I. H in ikiii i it UK teVfcft.' AMAWV& MM OUlT Of mmxa 1 v A. WE AGAIN OFFER FROM THE- Crystal Ice TheFiriestTurnips Raised , Lst Season Were from Seed Sold ty .T. YMACH A.E. 1 V I have just received a lull line of tbe Jtome varieties. - - Y. MacRAE, Druggist and Seedsman J. ) ) ) PRICKLY ASH, POKt VC , AND POTASS! J U Wakes Marvelous D?ryi WWaySWSaaaysSiaaTMa'Sy . m . in Blond Poic .i Rheumaiism and 'Scrofula ) ) ) ) P P..P pu:sjuk thr ihMM.' the weak And it. nijl . tramrtti to K4-uiru. i in r 4tWcM,fE1Vilif it.v , ' Viil ' fCOllUa, ftllU tal.,t".,- ; , ypbtha, tt litacni rD ir.'u. ritU IKll-tt. MfiiKllH U'-f'iM 'Mi. . In all hitv l a -mi fiain .4 oiotcbe r-triiiiJ itt ; leir. cnH Mtavl. b. ii.i. ' ,' ACtomnwf rtinr ;ij, Ut- r f r -f nnMlct((n, ttiM r- P. .! WKMt iufrm.r Im Hi4f wr1 i.fiKd Hi" 111 Ail ann4. .. , . ,.-. : lawtliixi wlwsu aTRtevufi am TM)9tnMt tlin, duo to i:mtiujt irra:TilarJii(4 1 tn iMMiaUarly twucfivrtc tj ts wojh : i-rii Lftniai aj.AliLki.L4:.:'-i:xp'nr limn Anlaanf P. l. P.-Trlckly Aih, 04 Koot aad PotoDimm v saimtPiKLD, Mo, ujr. l-ih. ir-yj. -l caii spank la iiia terni tf '(jvt mauloina fron wr wa personi! bnowtedica. 1 wninfft taJ xnrh heart h v dineaaa, pl'jvtay and rUeamdUiin lor , pfa f ulelaiM ana apaut huiulrM.s of not . Oii jmmrm, wksj irrauw 17 iiim wur - Mac ara, rnaa awnrr uawa rtvwaj wiiq ' oatDDdlnffrolM. lhau oal titfron on oottla of yoor P. P. P., auu mu . ebaerrnlty aay It haa. done mo cwtr aood ttian nrthlria; I have avrr taltaii. . I ean raoommand yoar madlcisa to ail MAarara of tbe aooru dlacuaoa. MRA. af.tM. VKARV. fpfffaglUatU Qraaa Oovav. Mo, i i - ice m 3-re . the "H i ghest . . of All -High Grades. Warranted Superior to Any Bicycle Built In the Word, ReRard j ". , ' less of Price.'- , j ". ;-. ... ' ' Dead tfie fo!lo1ng opinion of one of the most prominent American dealers who has sold hundreds of these wheels: , v Brcaaoiiu, Va., Oct 3, lm. Indian BhyrU Oimpnny, Imttannpotl, Iml.: ' ' Gentlemen : The vv avxriy brun-lier and lie le came to hand yesterday We are afraid yei have tent as the high-priced whettl by mi'-Uikn. You can't inttin te tell uk that tlild wheel retHl.s fur $SAi VV e iiiiihI cay that it is, without exception, the pretlio.nt we have vor woa, and, .iiornver, we have faith la It. altiuiugn it wngli oniy 21 His , for of all VVaverleys we lutvx nold thin year and last (mid you know that Is a right rim d nunihw), we have wver had a siiiie finuie nor folk broken, either from a ult'iit or defwt, and that h more thuii we can say of any other wheel, however hiKh grade, iu eallwl, that we sell. We congratulate ourselves every d. y that we are the w ave rley . ageutR, Yours truly, Waltkr C. Wkkckk Co. riiRQ iranie, woou run, ei-orriirr, wtiii, , iT-gnmi iimur, i-mn .h;iik, , sio ao-iucu iianionu, wooa runs, wnitni si xoa arc invited to can ar lu'iu iewis tiara ware uo. and see the waver ley. 'WILLIAM LKDBSTTKR Ag-nt Factpi'j ,r-by railroad pointa. 2rX.i PIKPUS; BLOTCHES" mo OLD SORES uM CATARflH, MAUBfc U:,m TiiflUBLES f'TSPEPSIA if mtrrif ri f a Vy fJJ. T'-Mcfv V-ih. Pom Hon ftni ; parUUr om V? ns Liftman Bhdh. Bavannall. V.J" til Hi Huriuira,Ark..and 1 I' .- :b n - 'nv more kooo tbaa tbra k)L i hco imttlaa O. O. I . . ....,.-) v li-Jiwcivf nlly rouri, i tf an, aa. ivr.w svne 1 tordeaa. Hton Ooontjr. Cap. J H JmhmMmm - X.W pmv fM confirm r I nra y 'i!ij o tiiA wondrfril pfopArtlafl . c f R j. tot wniptloo of tbaakliul r r. J', tot (jn.puoofoi trjaaaini , .ffrrjd for aevora. yr.intwlthan dot J- . fitYV yoA (-iagrHhla eniDtloa mj 1 n 1 next 9Vrj inowa ronrta- " riy n ; tnni i.Qntll P. P. P. waaowad tuo bu now ocUrelv eorad. r . i$Millyi J. D. JOHrTSTOlf. . aTAVftMaaa Uft. 4 ' aula Cmmmtm Cwii, y-- nr.qrm.Tm., Jan vary 1, JROS. ,v aIarR. Lipi ham BroAj ftaTauiuh, ' t:-. uo 1 iwnm niwrt s unit lrivu ruur f. P. tor KDuirn naeof tbaakln, fwnall t t in ranoar.or thirty jn aiaMiioK, and loood Rnat nllof : la lunnuaihebtood anS remoVMAlltr eara nuuun rum tne h oi the OlMaae ar1 prevenca tny arnillair o( tbe ' aonj. khT .taken Breor six bottlae " and fool eonndAQt that aaosaar course i -will moot mire. - tuts also rahmsd me rmai indiirstloa aa aioaaea Ueoblea. Youn trolr, r ...... caw. W. M. BUST, :4 aaorues at lata : M Q M MS iM hit' , ALT DaVOOISTS sitx 'et, ' ' LIPPMAN CROO., 0 raoraiaroas, - Uwaaali Bloefc.aoT , ' t . ICYGLES. ion., f no; wi nniB. u aou 4 (ires, to m'n " uwun D.iua WFi(iiba ftllU Viltvt, ios., tio.