V :2 ' STATENEWS. , TTtruro rw ATT. TTTxmQ TPP.r.M ALL PAflTS. North Caroliua Happenings Briefly Collated from tin roke to r Currituck., DA runaway hor at !ta evill, j ran 'over Thomas FaIoft,',irifl cii g , fa' ai In juries . -. ,'( " The passenger and freiuht drMiti ' burned at Bessemer City wa struck by liKbtwiing. Loea 11,500 The new knitting mill at DirtiSJi, . in Wbiob. Col. J. 8. Cair au.t other . are interested, will Im pat iu opera tion within thirty dava, it is said, A now f 100,000 qoUon.ui.U m bt ' Iuk built at UendiirMrii, and another t at Fiaiikliti'tou Tbit aviwccum -. ut i bo Mate that b heirtoiWij at : teuutted little in coI'mu'w ii.ufacsruf ' . . . i . . . - . " WK. ' Mr. James Webb, Jr., erne of the directum of the I ante new llillan ro ottton mill, aaya thnraillill not t) : built until next nprin. the worn aoableto secure Improved nmolnu ery before that time 'A (Uleiah i firm ban received an urder for 1 000, 000 brick for tbis imli. ' The roath'-boniifl . tia ft on the (, Southern Railway wan locked lam i niichta mile above (Vinom-d. F n v nately no one wan ft jurwi, alihoufh . a pafwentcer who was hii.-epibg on a seat wax oovf red with broken glass. 'Twq window pane arid aranpniu r ; were broken, eaya the On trume On server .Newborn Journal;- tVastifngton . baa determined to have a good ' division of Naval reserves composed '' of the beat young men of tbe oily and have apptiedV to Commander i Winalow for full initruotiiins bow to proceed. Mr. W lrielow has re. plied, tfivioiT the instiuctiorm and i informing tbe applicants also that i Yhey oonld not now be armed -is an infantry company, tint oould be an artillery ooe. Mr., Foote Davis, who Uvea ax Kllby;Alexander 'unty,hiid quite a narrow escape from death during a thunder storm ODt' day the latter ' put of last week, . He had just ar rived et home and unhitched his team and had gotten but a few . feet away from th wagon when a bolt of lightning., descended... He was rendered unoonVoious, and when he reoovered ha was surprised, to see how near death's door he had been the bolt had struct the tongue of the wagon and oomlecely torn it to pieces. j John G. Mauger, editor of tbe Sun beam, SeliKman, Mo , who named Urover Cleveland for the Presidency In November, 1H82, while-WHS mayor of Buffalo, ti. Y., la entbusiaBiic in his praise of t baiuberlaiii's Colic, Cholera ' and Diarrhwa Uemeuy. Be says; "I have Used it for the ptst Bve years and imsider it the best preparation of the kind in tbe market. It is as staple as sugar and cuuVe in tills section, It is - an article of merit and should be used In evrry household. For sale by J. Hal bobbilt, Druggist. sept Queen Victoria and Princess Beatrice have gone from Osborne '0 Balmoral. ' -' Last June Dick Cr wfoid brought .bis twelve-ruontli9-old child, suffer uir : from infantile dlarrlioea, to me, . It h d been weaued at four months old : and had always been sickly, i gave it tbe usual treatment in such cases but without benellt. . The child kept gnw - lng thinner until it weighed but little more than wljfeo bom, or perhaps tru ' piuuda J tliHn started the father to : giving Chanlierlaln's Colic. Cholera- ' and Diarrbofa. Kemedy. before one bottla of Uie-il cent si r.n had been used a marked imflrovetnwnt was seen and '' its continued ke cured the chile). Its . weakness an puny constitution dis . appeared aud father and myself be- lieve the child' life was saved by this Marlow, M. D., Tama- remedy . J. T ' roa, III, For Druggist , The Porte ale ny J, Hal Bobbilt ha at last guaranted Americans in Tarsus. ..the aecnritv Cure lor HriMlavJie. A - Asaremed for all forms of head ache Klwitrle Blttr has provrx) to ha the very bml.! It ilTcrU a normaneDt cure and f ha Jioat drradmi bnbitaal sick hrdRehi4 vlrld to It iDllmmee. We wire all ml 10 are afflicted to pros enre a not ua. w fair trial, lohi nd lilva this remedy a a of babitoal eoosti. ' patirre Elmtrl) Bittsrs cores bv irlv. loit tti mm id ton to tbe bowels. and fr eases long raaiet the dh of Try l at onee, Larfre . blemsdieioe oMIps only B a at' Jonn t naeriae s A good t ti take a jokethe editor of a or, oio pa er, " '- '-' Marieious Kesults From a Iwter written by Eer. J. GnndrmHn,l.f Dimondsla Micb., we . x are prmittJ to make this,extract: "1 have no hcjtation in recommonding J)'t. King's lew Discovery, as th re ' sulti were jilwiys msrwlonsJu ths else of mytwife. While 1 was" pstor of ths JiapiiHt church at KiveHJancUoa h was broBKht down with pneumonia aui-ceeding . la - ' grippw. ; Tnrrtble paroxyams of eooghing .would laat hoars with little interrophoa -and it seemed aa if she eoald not orrie them. A- friend reoonunendnd Dr. ' I King's New Discovery it was quick ia its work and highly aU8faH.ry in results." Trial bottles free at Join V. MscBae's drug store. ' KeguUr sue 60s sad $1.00. .:.. , . What is s. wH , V'4 w.'t'wa, vnswwT '. Gaatoria la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant ,4., nd Children. It contains neither Ojiliim, Morphine nor . other Karcotlo scbKtance. It is a li armless substitute ' : , (; , for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Byrapa, and Castor Oil. . ' It Is Pleasant. Its gnaraotco ll tlUrty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fevcrkhneas. Costorla prevents , vomiting Sour Curd, ! cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieve teething' troubles, cares constipation and flotnlency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach - aikd bowels, giving healthy . and natural sleep. Cos ,1 " toria la tbo Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CMioftaliaaocalleDt medJdM for efall dna. Mothei have reprntedly told mectflt good (ffsctjipon ibalr ohildreB." . . ' . pa. Q. a Unroll, " OutorU li the but ramsAy far nMldraa o( which I m uqualated. I hope the dojr tot not ; fv dliunt vheamotherswlllooni4ilertfaiTaftl ' Uitere of their children, and use Contort in. tend of the r&rioui quack noMtruma vhlch an deetroylnf their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful . agents down their throam, thereby aHCMlIng them to premature graves. u Da. X F. KncOBSbos, Ooaway, Axk. TTan Ceatawbr ' OanaMui7, TT "A Clean Shave, How It doth Improve!" SMY THE. ,T. .7. WISH A. If F OjSlSOIALl Mi (PARK fctliner b"t Skilled Igara and Newspapers on Sale, lot and Cold tXiOGE DIRECTORY i BIT SONIC. . HIBAM LODGE, No, 0 ever Sr Monday night in Masonic hall. WW Wilson, yv. M..E. B. Thomas, Sec. WM. G. HILL, No. 318, every second and fourth Monday nights in Masonic halt W. A. Withers, W. M., N. L. Brown, bee. ' . KALE1GH CHAFTKR, No. 10, meets every Tuesday after the thir Monday in Miwonlc blL W. A With era, H.P., w. E. Faison, Seo. RALEIGH COMMANDERY, So. every first Thursday night in Masonic hall. John G. Drewry. C. O, W. A. Withers, Beo. D( r LI.OW. MANTEO, No. 8. every Tuesday mgbt in tbe Odd Fellow hall, Tullen building. W. HBlake, N. !.. G. L. TqnnoflalcVSeo., SEATON GALES, No. 04, every Thursday night in Odd Fellow hall, in Pullen building. F. K. Emery, N. G ; I'hiUpThiem, Sec, CAPITAL, No. 147, every Tuesday night in Iytblan ball, Lewis building, Erwin Jones. N. G J. J.. Bernard See. ' MCKEE ENCAMPMENT No-.. IB meets every second aud fourth Fridav nights in Jr. O- U. A. M bad, Pullen building. W. H. Martin, C. P., Geo Tonnofskl. Scribe.v v " UTCHFOBD CNCAMI ME NT, No. 2a, meets every Monday night in Jr. O U. A.M. hall, Pullen Building. W. W. Briggs 0. P, i. 6, Keith, Scribe. - RUTH, No. 4, every first and third Friday nighu In Jr. O. U. A. M. hall, Pullen building. W. H, Martin, N G; E. 8. Cheek, Sec 4 CENTES LODGfc' No. 8," meets every. Monday night in Pythian hall Lewis building.: W. H, Martin, C O, W W. Wulson, E. of B, and S. -. ' - PHALANX LODGE, No. 84, meets every Thursday night in Pythian ball, Lewis building W B Blake, G C J. J. Bernard, K. of B. and S. . ' jr. o, n. A.M. . ' RALEIGH C0DNCIU No. X, Jr C CAM, meets every Wednesday night in Jr O U A M halL Pullen building. W. R. Kennett, Councillor,- M. a Havnes, R, 8. MAGflETlU NERVINE. Is asld with wrmsi. Suaranles to enre i, tnouf Proetra tlon. Fits, Dml neeS.Headaohii and eualt(UlS.sdWake falnMHt.(ued . J 0- "4 .N Kit ooo sod BEFORft AF-TER- .inn. tofteningof die arnkl, mnnir Misery, meanlry ana uestn I It.rrMMMMt. Isir y, L st Power in eubw mx, se. .nvoluiiiarj Liweiw, oaaefd Premature Old Atre, r OT.r-intli 'ei 'e.orH,i.ruin of tb. Brun ana errors t'l Voorn. ltKieo ok Orjrns their iaturat VUr i, ,1 dnohhM the Ji. of hf; enrea morrhras n( rle Wnm. i "onlJi' treat opnt, la i,iin pwaaKe.bjBj.il. Iri a it ..iilrftm, si rr box, 8 boxm (o. with ev.ry M imlor we ive a ASritren O uaranO cure or refund the . 'irmiara free. ewMH tewi n bg ag r 3 Castoria. k la so well adapted to children diat I reoommeBd it aa superior toany prescription know to me.1 R. A. AaonsB, M. D-, 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T lOur pfaystuianj In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of Umir ezpwl enooTn their outside practice with Castoria, and altliotigh We- only hare among our medical supplies what Is known aa regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with faTor upon It.1 UfflTSD IIOSPITAI. AXO DlSPKMUBY, Bouton, Mass. O. Burrs, JFW, Mnrrsy 8 treat, Vow York City. s HOTEL ) Bar-Derm Employed Wlshart's Hair Res'orer Cures All Skin Diseases Wixti - 1 Jnthn. FREE. Bring your Coupon for Hoe Cake Soap to us with Five Cents and et two full size cakes of ibis tine Laundry Soap for the price of one. J. R. Ferrall & Co. Raleigh Male Academy MOUSON & DENSON, Principals. 1 The nth year Opens Monday, Sep. tember 1 1 be course winch bus ben so successful in preparation for 61 lege or liUHiness is adapted to the needs of eacu pupil. Board at low rates. Ad dress Principals for Catalogue. auulO lml-2 Tho Best ia the Cheapest. The Light-Running, Genuine Singer Sewing . ..'.'v''' ,.t. .j . - , .- . I Machine. The best on earth. ld on long tim, or on easy monthly paymenta, If desired will take M nor. me to vnur residence for inspection free of charge. Needle", oils and attachments for all -tyles of machines cousriuitly on hand. Call on or addrsss THE SINGER MANDFACTUKING (X)MPAN V, 115 rayeueviiif ni.reet, naieign, x u.-.- t K ti. GREEN, Dmtrint Manager., r. : jy A vents wanted in evervcounUy aug 19-tt . v D. I. FORT T. C HARRIS, t). I. FORT&CO; leJ 13ntate Agent, . RALEIGH. S, C ' Tand wanted. I-arge and ' small farms, uunerl lands, water, powers and olJier real estate propHrty.. - tjT" e will also sell, lease or re.-t 'Ut property, make collections, exam ine titles, survey and plat lantL IVsirable bouses and lota for sale and to rnt. . - anp 7 tm D;T. Johnson, WlMilesale dealer in all kinds of. Coun try Pro luce. Fruits and Vlrge . tables' .Consignments 80 llClted, r;.-t CHICKENS, EGGS- AND"" BUTTER A re cheap. : f sell them to the trade bv the coop, crate or pkg. as low as the lowest. Consignments are arnving daily and They JMust He Hold. N. 0. HAMS, RUGAft CURKI) HAMS, THIN HHEAKFAsT I'.AI ON and:. PURE LKAP LA R bare among my special ties. N". C. Cut' and Foe Horririi,' Ity the barrel r dozen. Royal Crown, (.ornm,.. St :r, North State mu rk C ty Are. binnds r He - thill Imve come to stay on their merits. II yon have not tried Uieni. il, so at once Your orders Molicited. O.T.JOHNSON,Agent. Ill Iliiu-eli st. 1 1 INK W. TRUNKS .in y 11 n.i! iilci- line ii" 1 riinlCi rmij t"i' oit. I V I VH'. , li. We liHve h in d drips IMDEV We ".".e it lifaut f ul line Hi bi'S Inns iiinl I iclni'!i:is of Lap Ta't .l)W ut M es at reduced prioes Bi) jou waul an 01 i.j srro v.:-. We have lh''in vnv cheap. Also Hnrhers' t'Hiier, liorse t lippers. Note 1'aper at lc inir-. Lt.veloues it liauf- H"(ikn ami iaiili ti at anv prict you want at the , LYON RACKET Kl'OKi;. 1(1 Martin Street Two Reasons t Vlli V Vojl (Jet wiiat you wai.t. tih,('(ND The price t-uus you. TliiH in always the caxe, lor we keep up wit h the times and have the Imest assortment of "Klank Hocks imrt -t 1 Uoiiaiv to lie found m lliebtate. Kicrht hall Croquet wn, 1 2.1. linminocks, 50c, 75c, tl, h.-j. M.:VI 1. SEPAKK. Mana'or. )oix)site I'ostolllce. D rs. w. i. Koysrer and Hubert A. Royster Having formed a co-partnership for the pfactice of Medicine ami mil gery, oiieruieir professional service to thecitizenBOf Raleigh and surround. ine country ana -i 1 Notice! North CB"iiJ"- Wskecounty -Supt x no. Court. . , Mrv A. Hawkins vs A'ermUr H Hnwkins aud Mr itiilt J Haw. kins, expf uUirr of '-'Milium J. U - kina, deeeaed, aii'l M J HwwiOns in his right. OoUtn MV Hikin JODlsaN. MrG"' an'l nT boshnnri William T Moije.', nn.i AiofhenO. Lamarand hr Miabu "1 J M. Le. ftiar. l.unv ' Htfi'it ni ber h un hand rherirond Hll:n; safe rteposi nod tmst eompn" -of Baklinorc Lucv D v HawklDK. Vl.fon V ' Hawkins, Janet MeK. HawkinB an t MsruiHdnke J. Hiiwkioh Jr., A'e tbea Mcee. Willia-n Lumar Krd : l.opa Laofar, mi- 1 -st vn b trail funis nndertiie n;j rf rsreitr t one years of fc ,u I ivtt.uonii Knur. . diaoa. , - NDTIOETTo til" Irlendanta theft. O. Lem.r ard -ier hushnud J. M Lamar and theircni a.ee, Wiliiu' Lamsr and Louisa L-mir; von are hr.hy UOtlti-d Ihev . Ulutttt Mary A. Ha-h1na. ha thif court atipeeial proceeding to procure the assignment nod r ..--ut 10 u-l of her dower 10 the la d- l (t-t r North ' Carolina nf e t-o..erl husband, William J. ''awklD from whose will, she has dissented.1 The summons in said aeri u i retnrnnbie before tbr'cieTk-of-'h earterinr eonrt of Waka county at the court house lo Rslolchon the 2Ut day of September. ltWS , . Yon are notitied ihenn')). there and answer or dfiii ir" 1 ! eotti plaint filed' or Judi- ' t vfl b , fflofortbe reliafrf-im d-d lu lb-: eoni plaint. 1 . :- Witness D H. Yotvip, ciei k of i,i eonrt at office, in Rtiwigh'the yStr) day of August, 18WS. - ", . . 4 - D 3. TOUNG, ;.rt..- CWV R irwrio? Ornrt. ... MORTCAQF, sale of1 land, By virtue of power conferred on tti by a certain mortgage deed, executed oy John y. btinson and wile Jbineline, -Which is recorded 111 Kegisiry of Wake county, in book Mo 124 at page47li, I will ntler for sale to thf, highest bid der for cash at Ine court bouse door in the c tv of Raleigh, N. U, on Tuesuay septeuiber 3, 1896, at, 12 o'clock m , tht laud 111 said niortgare dencr.bed, lying in bald county and Estate in liuuse (;reek township, ai d bounded as lol lows: iie;iMii, p al a pose oak, tdencf north one-half degire wen to a pine, thence noitn, onei.alt Legree east at poles 10 a small post unk'o , south siue ot ltslelgh road, ihn:ce wttli said roan U0 iMtles to a dogwoi ,1, Mrs. Loney rcr rell's cnri.er, tlierid noith K decreet west tiO poles to Hie unguium);, contain lug alHiut ir acie . more or less, ad joing the lands ot Alr rerrell, Ale tepliens and Joint , miiikoii L. H Al .ms, Aiortgagfe. J. 1'. 1 1 in iv. 1 j I . (Tiini"y Raleigh, N. ;.. ai i' :!. ls'.ir. ale postponed until M noay temher '., imi 12 in SALE OF LAND N'P In pursuant , 1 judgment rejiuered ot, tne 5tli i.iv 01 August, IS'.).,, m a Hjjec.Uil pr I'mhi g eiiuucd W. ii. ' Adi.iii 1. i.iaior 1 Mrs. L. L (, lei in, iltce ism, iigiwnsi. 1 itue llupre: et ai, lMj 1 1 !"' l,ti,- 1 lei K ol ''ViiKe .-Mill nor . mill, 1 will sell at Hie t oun House d'lur ic tliii ct.v ot Raleigh on Hie jd ua 01 .September A. I). I .',. at 12 o duct.. 01. a ) nunc auction, 1, 11 casn, to ;he liiJiliesl nicaer. Hie loliow mg descnlieil ,ol or parcel ol land. Iioui.deii and clr-ci lN-il as lollows Lyinu anil n -mg 111 111, citv oi lialeigli. 011 I lie noilli ude 1 1 .viaitin street, huh htitimit-il on Urn ea .1 'ij tuciotot llen .t'i"h"ii ii eves, ilece;;.- 11, on IhesotitJ, llV i lie hiim .Mdltlns licl, 1,11 lie HI'i; by tne tand ot K di.o-'e Jolinsn: , d( ceriNtr.l. and on 1. n c-uili by Ine int lor incny owneii n vVsiey wtiiiakcr I routing 011 :,ain -l:n 1 in M n et leu ai d innniug t-i.ck 2iu l,i t, loiiiaiiiuu' mill sixlli ot an acre n.i rc or less. IV. , I.AK k. Alis K. inniistrati r ol h. dleiiu. LAN U ;?ALE. i'.y vi'titi iT ii cert tii. inoi t.gaRC u in; ,.l lCL.1 l-nl.it. f.VC.t d ly UOiM't'lMlllM. and l.niiey .-in, in, 1 . 1 -, .vile t '. I,ll,tu; .scliolii ai d ri-c .uled in ijoo Til agi 5(iu, 111 tlie ollicc ot iieisier of Lieeds ol V aie eouiiiy, 1 will sell at I In court house uinr 111 .lie city ot Itaicigli. naul eouiiiy, on at- (day the 2Isl (lav 01 hept-inbcr th'.ij, at. i o'clock 111 Two lots of i.unl Dei iil' and lying 11 Kalngli township, adjoining 1 lie land:, ol 1'. Woodliel, r. (, Wynne am others 1 lie 111 l lot bi .tig oounucd a: follows : hegiuniiig 111 tlie ccuue of tlielialcigl road, 1. J. WunUiiei's, should west cor nei t.i encew tlli Ills 11111 east Lil l it poles to a stake 111 Lnc cenire of ttie old load, lliencc along ti e saiu roaii south 4 de grees east, !s po;es to a slake 111 tin centre 01 tlie .same, mence west, ai l-;i poles In the ceiilic ol ttie lialeigli 01 new road, llie.ucc along the same nor! I, it degrees, east s 1 ;( pines to the be ginning, containing one acru and ten perches. 't he second "f tli above lots t boiinoeil as It.;:..-- s: Legin, lng at 1, stake in t ii- it-i.ln- ol tlie old load anc 011 1 ( i. jini . line, tlience nil hei 'ine wel In L-;; , oiea to Uie ceuler o; tin-new i-i.-.o, tin-nee along the same, 1101 tn Hi 1 :i dtsgites, east 17 1 t) poles u asiakc, ilit:iit;e esst 1 ipuks to a st-k 111 One ci 1110 ot Ine old road, tlienct along tin' same south 5 1-2 degree-., t-a.-t lo 1 mi,-.-, 10 tlie begiiiumg, contain ing one and one halt acie.s, more 01 ic.ih I eiins ot sate cali. title per lect. ,1. t.. J. Hauius, ttorncv of Moilagi-e. aug IU :M MOHTljACih, SALL UK LAND. I;v virtue ot power coulerred on uie tj v a certain iiiortgagedi ed executed by Joliu i-'. lioblnooii and lle, Loiuelia lioi.iiison, wh cli is diii lecoidcd Uj me Hegisuy ol kvaae cjuiilv 111 duos .o 12 at page , i will citer lor sale ai in- '-oiiiL iioua,. door 111 .tne city ol .laieigli, iN. ( . , in I tie; 0 -eplciiiiiei $. 1 !'.;, al 12 o'ciojk in , to--- land lu said mortgage oe.cllleu in Maau:' V il- lage, beg. lining :il lonng A ciners. orti: west col ner, lln-nct souiu 10 ine ..u ot . I allies ml . tut 11. e east to laud 1 MlU-llcll, lllil.ee llmtlil Uie beginning, coiii.tinm . o n --lourUi 01 an a. If, !-:0. t: Ul .e.-.-s. ... I . k.. 1 . -1 v iii'i'igagM'. 1, 1 )i -ceo L .. '.-.,, 12 111. .11 o.v, Sep- .iloi-l: .S.IIC At tin rspoou rr-nuest of W . 11 WeatU uertaiu mid by virtue xrcuted by 1 n I lis, at ag .) (ieeds' 1 III 1 f . Hg-'f-" 1111. recorded - 2(i, lu 1 lie 1 Wake eoiiu- III 1, 'ok . (,'lHi-r ly. C. m, will 01 plt-lllber, 1 Aimulay the 2nd il. at 12 IU.. sen 1 11 v 1 1 .S' ' liitii' m.ic-i OiMir 1 11 I l acin ut M nid,i.-i ni 1 bo tuur, kaleigh. lor oasb. the is no de-i l lbed in s:nd uioriaire, lyuji' aud situated 1j tlouse'h Crees toiilnp Wake county, ildjnIU-Up. lilr ISUUS ol i. V. iioUHH, -ins A llarrinoii and i.tbers, cuntaiu-u- -111 3-4 ariTti more 01 less. I KSLF it MiVSAUC . 1 . I ... M. tu . Ahl-.KDEKN, O. Ml-.si.K.s. Lil'l'MAN Hi. -is., navauuuh.Ga tiMii MKo 1 Injllglll a boltleot you, 1'. i'. 1' , at Hot springs, Ara., a d 11 liat. il-.i.f ui luuie g.sid tuan Hire. jonUis irenlmeia ai liol npnugi. Have you 110 agents in lo-spartoi lire, count y, or let me know now fiuci it win cost in get i.bree or six b iMlei iruui you. city oy express. ittpeciiMliy yours, JAS.M. MKWTON, Aberdeeu, Uioa u 0 uuiy, 0. KWNAN8AIL.K, rla. Mt.'foliS. l.il'l'MAN il lloo., a.ivannah, int.: btAK mks 1 wish to give my testl n. in 1.1 in recra d to vour VMluauie maiiciue, 1'. I', i'., for the cure oH rncuuijiioui, ne.iralgia, dyspepsia, oil luubiieos, t tu. In leoi 1 was attacked Willi buious muscular rheumatism, and Have been a martyr to a ever 1i1.ee. I tried R I medicine. J ever heard of, auu an tti doctors in reach, but 1 lound twily leuiporary reliet; the twtuia wr s.o bad ai tunes Uiat I did not care wtiettier 1 lived or ditU. My digestion Mnuuttiitu impaired tut everything I ie disarewl tritli uw. ily wife also iiiil Hcil m lutett&ly wito dyspepsia uiul Oec lue ' wu a burden to her; ana w. u d it nonlined to her bed for weeks t a umo; site also . suffered greatly .(' idai' OtS and lose of sleep, borne t run in MaruU I was advised to take P fjf, aim before we. (uiy wife and I) tutu uuittbou Ure second boitie of P if our tngosuuu organ u improve. Mv iiatas Mlbsulcd souiuch itat I have ocli able 10 work, and ain feeling like doing what, 1 havn't done before in a uuuiuer ot years. ve will continue taking P P 1' until we are entirely cured, and win cheerfully rooouuueud it U) ait suaenng nuuianuy, , . X ours most resp-totmlly, 4 - t"-t i v-, s S. A. L. Seaboard Air-Line CONDENSED SCHEDULE: in ktmcT May 6. vi, Iralna Leau Unleign, 1 iJ M 1'K.ny, -tianta pcia!,' - uilmanN eit.oaleloi a en . ersou, Weldon, Pawre ( Dig, tiicUuiood, Wbsliin u.ii, rlallluiore, Pbiludcl, piiiu, Jn York uul al pt.-iuih LO.'tb. liuflec ui,v.- I lug room Eleeperb Mid u. - : JJL..U uoe.i:L'en AltaU,A ,0 ei hstiiriglou, parlor nis V. up,ti;iiKi.iii DiSew lor a 1 Munu. aii tileping car ft, ti,. rou 10 Purtt.u'out ' . i 16. A la - bally 101 I rtuisUra(.D. Weldoo, 8,.f 1 loih, PorisuioiiMi. ortOil ' ati ,ui.eriu'.OiaiH rt;iliLiUA I eoiiiieute 1.1 JrortMOOiii .Is wim navLiueloi i;d 1'oiut !,n,i 6,tit.uiore, wrh JN(-t lob. Bud Vl ll;lillitrtl-li oituu. In....'. ;.)., ior W'uslungto 1 w.tti A. V. 1. .t JS. ti t lor i-ojiiaoclpbla nun .olu,,i- I uortb: au- m wi,i, I Aduittic L.uc lot , Kicb.o.'m 1, wi,;ti;:i a, I i'aii ,11on . yiuit;,!",..; 1. ia .,..tl V orii. i .!.- L.,..L b.o-p)rn to jUiiu tu tec . !k ti.ci wuti t'COUr-uit 1 IM-::k Kiajucb for Wreeu- 1 . . . ler '.(.-ii!iif:ui, uliit I :y , MOI1..1 i'll.l'i.iiU Hll'i-,,n j i-it i:-..ii1it I , rorlfimout.:,. in a m I'M. y -4 ;lKbia r-jjet-ii,- o. II'. t.fc. OU.C ), HiO-. hi-. '.'Ktl.t.a-. ', it -li), 1.1: nlil . .1 .. jji oan n, i ew inii 1 -1- ,1., :.cl rh v , ol,. Hi.!,-.. I-.. 'IT ..i... IV. ' 01U:S b.jij rrl . ... -t-'i, I,.- I '-,.. r.iiti' -j ., ,1 ;-.,l:,ui :. V ti,, . I .- lo-.- ir-'U :...w : :.. I. .,!,,! I)-- ! 1 .li.'J. . . ..... 7.,. ; ...ii i-.lC.-llUOl x .1,1. L... I t . UV -l-.. - rLt, j r'li. i' ciOr csr-i r--v 1011. Ii 1 .pi .1 ot- cu, 1 u. 11 an m" m ;. . - f. lev cone! s r afbiiiKtoti 10 .tlaL tu. i A r M -D-.il , irrm l'ort.jiuouiu Mid yoiuti Uui I11 v In aa.y Line . V. . K Si . h. H., a.fo iron uieenvllu, Plyiiioutn. W ablill.tK ij -i.ti-i ll.sni,e.l (. renin poll. lb via Wet iit,ii.i-'ei,ei,.bui g, Li'-uuioui W ,Hiuui;lou Al,d poluti licr'.fi v .-. A'-.aLic .'Ors i.n.c, si--- ;n it- '-w cut v 1 R.01.1 1 XI A M an: . - .-ai;.-. , ... .1. 1 L.;iJ,lM . tlUill.c, Liuli A t:.--iitrt, ' i1. i-i-.-.i. -.ic- UK i-tr. ci. 'i.'c l. - 11, points 30ui.l1,, Vui-tui... cuddies .,1.1 t,,cl- . - ... .0 tu 10 Wam.i ntjtoii. U ia A M liar iv ir. u ,ui 1 1: f ol irlielo, Lii-'coiii, (. ... 1 1 ni- No. 4U2 it' are solid t' (tomjiOfceit i -and la.ac hi ue pi ri. I,, -nil u '. a w . ijfie IS l- roi '.Lto 1 ellbUl. I V'itl livl., - i.gUlU. 1.;.. 1 u. I JOHN. IX UKIi IMHIIS' MeltBR. Vice lel N , M fill I'l'-sldeut 1 ai M a a 1 r-11'l I'hhn. 'iVllTiMll. REDUCED RATES. 60 tor, Slates ann ir.iernaftonai Expnsliicn ATLANTA, GA.. September 18- Dectinbrr 31. 1895. Forttu- iitiovc tic Co. will sell low ATLANTA, (.A. lug Imsig : mi 1 hi- Sunt In tm Itailwa v , I,,,r Il-lri, l,ClO'tc t',1 '! 1,-1 urn mi I Ik- lulUiw- A II j r , II I V. v, i ' u.im . . . i:: -., . 11. .. .-,.TS l- :.i i.; '" ' '' :r. i; ,1"- ... 1 1 . m i.-. v. . 1:0 -.1, r,.:i in.:,.-, -.-i -1 1: 11', ... U'.lll 'U in I", ')... in.:;-, . . . 14 . v .. . in 411 1 (I..V1 V i:, . ".en.". . . .'1 n'i n ii"- u.rii tn :ii n -ui ri.im 111. !.- .11. V.' .... n.,o 1: m is ! . " J' -i ;:. - . 11 -mi .... II 70 ... i..! i ft -j.", :.-, hi . . n.sr, .... :.Si li. -I". .. . l:;.4.r . . . .' s.4(i 1! HI . . til. ."ill . G.To ai in 1:1.1m lti.t.y lu.-o 11..0 li. '', 11 - vi s (i in. m U.V, . . ..7.35 li - 111. W 7.10 1 ..1, . . 11. 1 ; -I . k-IK.UI 13.10 ji mil iu ni.45 it ,7 (f ... . t-'.tn tp. as im.sd .... 'i.Tii Sit irJll .... Il'.4i 2rTV. If,. Ill ho ai.-:;. iti.a. now ir,.:i i:.tt i ;. I", :1i ... . lt.-ii : 7. Si lil.:v CMm , S. ID lU.7a .STi . ... 4.90 an. -s" near, 14.no ss.sr. -is. sn.-.i'.i.si 14. mi ! :B 18 Sa 11. .HI . ... ni.iuiii.nr, li so KHOM Alexiieilrl ..Vn. Aslievllle, N. 1'. . Iliirlinirti.il. N . .'. nurkcville, Va 'iltn-por. Vii i .-cir nni. V ti. Oharloltosvilli-. a "liapol 1 1 1 1 1 . N. (' Onuc'iril. N . 1 Obnl-lolte. N.I llnnvl'ie. Vn . Diirhum. N.V Krmit Urn ill. Va lin-i-nsl-oro. N . l lioliiboii. X (' H ifuli-nw n Vll I. N Hickorv. N.c Illirli Poinl. K 1 . Hoi .spriutrii. I llenileviMm. N l bvnctiliurir. V a lyl-XIITTtllll. N. 1 Mor--Hnt'n. N. . . Mnrlrtli. N . 0 Newton. N i Iriinin.. a .Ixrnnl. N. ('. II K-hno ii(l. Va Iti'lilHVille N.i Italel -h. N. C. . snlth tlnston. 'u -.friilibiiiv. V a, siilicburv. .N.i . -ttotviHt n c TavlorM ilic, N. C . Trvon. N. 0 W aslnmi-tiHl. 1). I . W-i-ftt, Point, Vn w nxrentnn. a ... . Wtlkealwc. N.i: W inaton-uili'iu. N. iRates from Intermediate points in iirotxirtion.) KXPLaN ATlll. Oluinn A : Ti,-ketWttl tw sold September I and 12. and dully from Heinnmlv-r l, u. ls-m-ber 1.1, liu, iiKtliisiVD, wnli tinaJ limit January J, ll Column B: TickctawlH bo sold dflv from 8eplmra..r Id to Decenilior 15, ts. Inoiuxiv with Una! limit twenty i2Ui diiys frvm d.ieoi sale. Column C: Tickets w II bn H dally from Septetnts-r 1.1 to Ditviuber 91 tsiin, uiclitfive. with Anal limit 111 two ilA) dnvn fi-mn dateot sale. No Ookeito bear knureriiinit than Janu. wl.M Column D: Ticket wilt beantd on Tuesdnvs andThursilayfior eacb weelt from Septt unber 17 until rxxxmber :M. IMi hK-iusive, with Si al limit ten 1 10 dura from ibtt of sale. Column k: liokots wilt bo sold dally from Seirtemlicr IS to Deucmlicr S3, lana, Inclusive, with flual bmtt seven (!) d&ys froia date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Til tbe fnlf yinn irtorfnp ttt Xvpowftfmi Grounds, having double trmck, STanrianl. ffuare rnuwuy from the etiitorof tbe iy of ita o tie Kxjxitlfn Grtnind . For tickets nd full tnfi-rrmaUon appljr to four tKretH isgeot, or isdarvOT . t.-. Z M. CUU. . 1 ' : VT.A-TrRK, . Txmfllo Maoacmt Oenl Pur. Apt Soutlitni ' Railway , (Tie4iuont Az-lAae I CONDENSED SCHEDULE In effect April 21, 1895. ' ' i rraim leave Kaleigh, W. !) ' ' ',! ( JJA1L.Y, .uoiiaiicrs , ' -. ai uroensboru. .or all douhs lor Xorlb ana Boutli, and Winston-aaleui and poiuts oa tlie N ui'tli-wenturn Murlb Caro lina luuiroad. Ataalmburv. fnr , "T. I...1 iiiunt.u in VIuImd Ki.,r.l. A 1 I caruiina. kuoxvllie. Teun.. , 1 auy I ciucnuiatl auu western poinu ; at cuarlulte, lor ooartauburtj, Creenviile, Allieua, Atlanta i ana all uuiuts Boutn. : I laiuuecis at Kuibam for Ox I (urd, 1iarksviUe sua keyavlUe eXM;pt UuUay;at Ureouoboro i with rVKbluugtun aud Soutb ! western Venuuuled LludtedJ, j auu lite tNew lorlt and Florida mi or i Line UmiiedJ train I ior all poiiiis Aortb, ana I wttli uialu Hue train So 1'2 lor l OaiiviUts, Kicbuioud and inter 4 Mi uu-ulate locaUtatiuns; also has l M , couiiui nun ior W inatoa-balein Dany aud Willi uiaiu liue train Ho 3a, I ilaat uiuilj lor CtiarloUe, tjpar- lanuurg, bi'uenville, Atlauta . and all points boulll ; also 4Jo- uniibia, auKusta, Charleston. I ,-5aVHiinaIi, Jacksonville aud all I i'-iuits iu rlurioa. Sleeping liar inr Atlanta, Jacksouville and i ai charlotte, wub Bleeping ear I tor Augusta. ( con nodi, at belma for Fay- t tU'viiie aud inieruiediate sta- lions ou tlie VVUaou aud Kay- eitcville onort Cut, daily; i-i -, ouiusooro lor Newberu aud 1 al . Ainrclieau City, dally except l'aii) Muiitluys; lor Wiluuugton afid i niu iuieiliate slallous ou tlie I w and W It it, daily, i t o'iuecitiate-ebua for Wilson ' a i I!, n k, Mouut, larboro aud .vl t i"i ;ii .-.taLions ou JSorloik aud i .-itin i i ai .una Kailroad, arrives at l tin.llaiioro l:Uf p ui I LAIN." AllKIVK A l' UALU1UU. N- C i i r.oiu tiiohusboro aud all A .11 Hail) l.iii I' Al 1 M . iioiiila niiiLli aud south bleep ( oik t at tiii-eii.sOoro to Kaleigu. I rnnu Itoldiiboro, WUuqIiik- . ton, l'aetteville aud all poiuts ( in eastern arolina. i Krini, liurnaai, tilreitnsboro -! anil ail points iurth aud ( Aoutli. o:0o 1' ill liaily I Froui lioldsboro and all - pniuu east. ex Mm I l.m al fmiKlit trains also carry passen J iiutii.iii can, ou alteruoou tram from .nlcitili io (jrecuoboru, aud oi) morniuK Hum I rmu Uncusboro. liiiiilne ilailj' traius between Raleigh, UiaiiuUe auu Aliauta. Quick tluie;uu- i xte loU accouiiuudalioU- C 1. Hopkins, T 1' A, Charlotte, N C. I 11 Cii.r, WATuua, " 1 lidtic M'tjT. Gen Pass A'g't. W li liKKKM. Washington M C lieu J bupertnteudeut. i hastern System. J j r . Railway (o Ion in uiL.1, receiver. ub'l msoa bcheauie. lnKrTect,Inne23,96 Mo. a. Dally NOK'l li iiOUND. " "iimiutiiou, . uijg am vr. iayetUAiiie, 12 15pm -jv. rajeiu-viob, ia6 " .iv. layelleville Juuctlou, ueave canluiu, 2 Hi p ra LeafecMmai., 419 Aimvn ieeuaiol'l , 4 00 p n .Aiuve Greeusiioiii, 5oupm :-:ave blokesdalu, 5 65 ti wauiuicove, ti 2d i.v aimitCcvu, tj 30 " ueavB Kuiai ilaii, tj 58 auihi ji,.aii, sfipm soU l li liUUNU. No. 1. liaily ueiive Muuul Airy, ..cay hurai ilaii, li. IV ainui 1 eve, v. o ainui Cove, jV. btuaesKale, mvf tireeiisuorn, ..cave Vjreeutit)or. , ji-avc i.uuitti, .-.tc baiiluru, ir. riti i-Uev:ii, .1 auction, ,1 I IVi J'UK'.u ilit, "' ' -K.I.. 7 05a m K " a &n 8 5i " V 2 111 II " WW 10 5U " 12 60 p m 2 jr. p ui . 2 46 " 6 66 " NO. 4. Uoily NIIKI H HOUNU. " '..I- l"-llll,'ltsvlijii, .jcuve aiiixu.u, 1,1 a ,1- li,,l iSLl inii:.. 1 .A .1 I , ,Or .H O irmi fiiveueviila 7 00 at b ui " H41 ' 1(1 116 " NU. S Daily fcxe'r-t Suiiiiay 4 UK p ni 4 40 " eu2 " n u ' J 2i " .Mii;i 11 i.ii;ni. ... 1 i t.-.vl'.nn: - ;l lioiir A.li. .A ., I 11, li ,1,. IjCllW hi., rriv. NO. It.. I.llKl. Iaily nic pt Sunday 0 tm a 111 a a6 " U2U ' y no 10 Ml 11 50 NO. 16. aixiiiu. Daily Hic'it Sunday. I'KTtl iiOUM'. ... a,,- iaiiiseui, ...avi ( llniAi, iirivc tirersusuin .'ave tiit,-i!sl-.o, i.ir llikcsUait 4rT ' Mortis... SOUTH HOUND ,at IMMUISI.II, 1eav htokemi e, Arrive lreenslx.i 0, lieave lire, usboro. Ijcjiv,.- cuuiax, Arnv Kauisput, 1 26 " 2 38 ' 3 top ni 4 111 " 40 " r, rata No. 2 connects at Banfnrd with 4eaooara Air Line f or ivaleiulL Norfolk and u p,uukNorth Hasl.aud at kValnutCova mtt ico Norfolk at Westora k k lut uistoD-Saiem, Koaaoke siid all peluls Sortn ana W est of Koacoke. Train No 1 connects at Tyslnat Cove ' ffithNorlolk W eater a H. K tot Hin-lUin-.Sateui, Ktmnoke and all points North mo Wetool Jtoaut-kiv and at tiaalord k'th S'jbeard Air Line for Monroe, Char V -tte, Auieus, Atlanta and all point South and south-we-:t. . , IuUnian Palnoe Sleeping CM on r-ra. warn Air Llue Uaiua .Sorth and SuuUi trom-Snnf ird and ou Norfolk A Western train North aud West from Koanokn. , : i. W.FRT, W. X. JTIlA Sen. Mauanc. Oaa. Paa.Aa . A rKUafuH THt CatrATE-ST DISCOVERY OF THC AGE. MILK OirMi in 1 in 4 dava. Tm Vldial in arTflet; uiiKik tn enre. 4 n bs nnrnftl in vmt norfcflt. al) Munnlri. in anall vankmie, rlont bf mail, pnianl, plain oacluwa, oa noaiia of pnoa. $1 pas bus, "it sale hv John Y. leRa. irn -let.