- A. I k . k t.-ww'llwilbll KLt.l3iLt,U BIT. . The Visitor-Press Company Daily, Except 8unaJ, - ... Office In the Pollen Building, Cor. " Fayettevine ana Davie Sts, OUEUK O. INUKKWO, . Editor aa rtmmft ' : J. If," HoKARY, : Mlettlnf A fat. .&. SUBSCRIPTION MUCU. Oaa year, . , , On month, . . . W.oo .28 Am BP1 cThe a Leading Afternoon Paper in tliVState.; .in fresaviaiUM paousiiee si uw news every day and baa double the cir- ulatlon of any daily ever published in 'Baletgh.. TELEPHONE. 168 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1895. Hitrr men are receiving the empty compliment o? being mentioned in oonneotion with the , presidential nomination. . It is quite evident that theorop of "favorite sons" will be very large next year. Good roads mean increased busi ness, more profits, leas expense and better accommodations in many ways to the public, and bring the oountry distriots into close fellowship with the city. Therefore it is the duty of every citizen to advocate the cause of good roads. In" the absence of the Governor of Wyoming his 19 year old daughter discharges all the duties of the office. This may be aa evidence of tbe abil ity of the nineteenth century woman, or it may merely reflect the inoom patency of the mau who holds the place. 4 St Louis Republican paper says that if the Republicans shall carry Maryland, and Ken tncky it will place that party in control of the border States on both sides. But the Re publicans are not likely to carry either Maryland or Kentucky, and they are likely to lose all the States north of the border. Talkaoi s definition of a woman id: "A work direct from God, a sa ored, delicate gift with affeotion so vast that nothing but the measuring line of an infinite God can tell their bound, fashioned to elevate, irradiate tbe home, society and the world." It will be observed that the eminent divine does not say a word about bloomers. 4 Th Washington correspondent of tbe Baltimore Sun has a very cun ning and altogether Innocent and guileless letter in veeteiday's Sun, painting in rosea, e tints the possi bilities of Mr. Carlisle for the presi dential nomination. It probably looks prettier on paper than it will ever look anywhere else. Tffis nomination of Jas. . Camp bell for Governor of Ohio has caused a degree of interest in tbe Uem ocratic party throughout the oountry thai is unusual in politics. Demo crats and Republicans regard it as of the highest political importance. It is a challenge to the Republicans In a State that they carried a year ago by 137,000 msj rity, and they in terpret it as a denial that they can carry the State tbia year. THE SOTjrHERIT RAILWAY. A preliminary report on the operations of tbe Southern Railway system for the fiscal "year ended ' June 30, whioh has been Issued by ' President 8penot r, not only offers splendid evidence of the recupera- ,f tire power of the South, bat con. tains a filtering testimonial to the r efBdeiacy with which thegreat pro. '.'party naa been manarttit under the r reorganisation. ; "-" . The report covers 4.39L9 miles of road, the. Georgia Bouthern ' and Florida and bther reboot purchases, I ' whiob 'are still in the hand of sepe- ' rate offioers, not being included, i It I appears that while the gross earn' logs were larger, , by 1471,493 06 in - vanr IKnn ilnn rK aa an mmJah. ; ! areduotion of 8232,773.32 was effeoted in-the expense .The net earnings, ' "oouseqaently, show an excess of not less than $754,308.37 over tie prevl- one year, an exhibit which must prove highly gratifying to the stock- hnldnra. - - el These figures, however, sur pricing as they are, do not represent the full msasure of success achieved by tt new management Not withstand. Ing the introduction of economies In operation, mapy Improvements bave been made. - Large sums were da yjtad to, maintenance of -way and the purchase of Wquipment ' whloh h ive added not a little to the intrinsic value of the properties, t .... Th New England Cotton "Mann taoturers' Association, which usually holds its annual session in tbe White Mountains, was Invited to meet this year at Atlanta, during tbe Cotton States and International Exposition, A vote was recently taken- by mail with result in favor of Atlanta, and the Association will come in Oc tober. . It is ope of the most potent Industrial organisations in America, representing some : $400,000,000 capital, invested in a great industry which is the growth of a century f he visit of these gentlemen will bring the possibilities of the Pied moot region as a site for cotton mills more prominently before the world than ever before, and will no doubt cause an orid wide discussion of this branch of Southern industry. WORDS .FROM EXCHANGES A Splendid Daily. Oxford Ledger. The capital city now has in tbe Pkess Visitor a splendid afternoon daily, and best wishes are with tbe owners in their efforts to build up Raleigh. Mr. Greek Andrews is editor, and the floe looking Col, Pence still shoves tbe faber well in the local department. Jingling Columns. Rockingham Index. The Pscse- Visitor, the result of the consolidation of Raleigh's two afternoon papers, in an up to date, live, readable newspaper, worthy of the capital city it is published in. Its editorial columns are filled with the best of matter by an experienced newspaper man, Greek O. Andrews, while its local columns just jingle with the freshest news, written in the best of style, Mr. Thomai Jones Pence ia the local reporter, and we have thought for a long time that there is none bettor. To Fill a Long Fe t W ant. Golds boro Argus. Raleigh's two f -rnoon dailies, the Passe and Visitor, have been consolidated, tb first issue under the new management appearing. Monday, under the name of Press Visitor, with Mr Greek O. An drews, a fluent writer, as editor and manager. The paper starts out under most promising of prospects and will no doubt fill a long fel want by giving its readers a com plete telegraph iu service. Our best wishes for its future success. Kind wishes. afocksrille Times. The first issue of Raleigh's consoli dattd daily, tbe Press Visitor, ap pearullast Monday with Greek O. Andrews editor and manager, and Thos. J. Pence city editor. The pa per is owned by a stock company, of whioh Mr. Andrews is president It is With genuine pleasure that we wel come Mr. Andrews back into North Carolina 'journalism. May he and his most excellent paper live long and prosper. - The Alliance and the Church. Correspondence ol The Press-Visitor. The public gear rally, and especially many ministers of the different eh 0 robes are greatly increased at the eipreasioa "The eh arch stands today aa it has always stood on the side of hamaa alaTery and oppoted to liberty" hish was altered by Dr. Cyras Tampion, in his speech accepting- tbe presidency of the Stat Fanners Alliance at Cary. V . Doas the Alliance as aa organiza Uoa endorse each expressions against the church t la it the purpose of this orgaaixation to antagonize the eharch endearing reproach apoa the iadl tidaal members who satiate In the chares) I In other words is the Alliance opposed to the eharch t . We hare be- Ileced for years that the Alliance did not tolerate or endorse expreeeions against ta ehnreh, or ereo. political parties. If thi ia tone,; then Dr, Thompson ha ahowa very poor poli tical economy and bad statesmanship, and shaold be.ssk-ed to modify or Qualify his atrietare apoa thecbarch, and not nana this odiom to rest ipoa tho AUinae. ;.: - . The ehnreh needa no defeee-.'ia ' thia age of religionc light,' for all history erldeaee the fact, that, the eiril and religions liberty eajoyed by today h the osteon of the ehnreh and that the eharch has don more to relieve humanity of clavery than all o'hr agencies and Influences com- While It ia a faet that tbe existing methods of the eharch are inadeqaa'a ia solving the great problem of oar day, hd while it has failed to Wiethe masse end mould the civilixation, of ear lima into that social brotherhood of peao which . ail no mach desire. atill ia there anyone who doubte the fact that wa can not hae social peaea . without social righteousness, and jlhat the ob arch is the only triehep of righteousness - Yes, . thank God,' it will be through the chnrcb.'aad not through any other instrumentality tbe Farmers' Alii anee to' the contrary that' thfe ia yet to be on eaith 'light divine,' 'law divinely enforced, society diiinely regulated, and every form of cvil in cluding the blasphemers of ! the church, divilely repressed. ' This position taken by the president of the Alliance will recoil, and agSinat him will be hurled the anathemas of aa indignant and outraged people. The Alliance aa an orginiistion for good, will be aeriously damaged, and ualeee it repudiates the position taken by its leader, will lose its hold upon the people and Anally become one of the thinga that were." P. C. B. i si , . . Aa to Collections on Subscriptions. All aubseribers to the Passa-Visitor are hereby notified that Mr. Vernon MoRary is the only aathorix-d collec tor of Hubsoriptiona to this paper, and bills presented by any other per sona arj not authorised and pay ments to any but him will not be reoognized. It has some to our ears that parties not authorized to do so have been presenting bills for back subscriptions and oar subscribers are hereby warned." We wish also to em phasize that carriers are not author ized to make collections and that no payments whatever should be made to them. Mr. Vernon McRary has en tire charge of the collections and will wait on all subscribers in due time. Last June Dick Cr wford brought his twelve-months-old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It h d been weaned at four months oid and had always been sickly. I gave it tbe usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. Tbe child kept grow. ing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started tbe father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one bottle of the & cent size had beeniused a marked Improvement was seen and its continued use cured the child. Its weakness and puny constitution dis appeared and ita father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by, this remedy. J. T. Mario w, M. D., Tama roa, 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbltt Druggist An inter-Amerioon exposition la be held within a few years by the Golf States and Mexico. . Bucklen'a Arnica Naive' Tbe boat salve la the world for cuts braises, sores, nleerc, sa.lt rbeom, fe ver soree, tetter, ebapped bands, chil blains, corns and all skin eruption, and poaitiveiy cores pile, or DC Dai required. It I gDarantesd to givv perfect Mtiriaetioo or montv relnod ed. Priee B cents pr po. For Mir loho V Uu8a A gang of tongbs held up and shot at a poor children's piooic train at Sew- Palietine, Ind. rvmir tor of Y. M.U A. Des Molnta Jews. savs he can conscientiously recom mend (jnam Demurs rata Balm to athletes, gymnasts, byciista, foot ball players and tbe profession ia general lor bruises, sprains ana allocations also for soreness and stiff ness of the muscles. When applied before th uarta brcome swollen it will effect cure in one naif tue Dme usually re nired. Foraaleby J. Hal Bobbltt, ruggiss. . Charles Saqteldo and wife fell from their carriage and were badly fcurt at Saratoga. John Q. Mauser, editor of the Sun. Deam, eeugman,. mo , wno pameo Urover tllevelani for lb Presldenei in November. 1881 while was mavor of Buffalo, N. V, la enthusiastic in bis praise of Obamberlaia's Colic. Cholera ana .uiarroiB ueme-iy. h says: I have used it for tbe past five years and eoBsWer it the beft preparation of the una in ine manet. it ts aa staple at sugar and enffee ia this section. It is an article of merit and should be oaed in every household. For -sale by J, Hal riobbttt. Druggist. - . sept The Americas Hallway Caioa is or ganizing very thoroughly at Buffalo, The) Discovery sMvaMt HI Life, Mr. G.Caillouette, draggist,Beavera- vllle. III., aayst "Te Dr. K rug's New Discovery I owe, my life. Was taken with la grippe and tried all the phyci- Luians for mile about, but to no avail sad was given ap and told I could not live. Having Dr. Sing's New Discovery la my store I sent for a buttle sad be gan it use and from tha first dose began t get better, and after naing three bottle was np andaboot again! It ia worth its weight ia gold. We can't keep store or house without It." Get n free trial botrl at John Y. Mac Rae's dm store. - FArs. W. I. Royster -f and Hubert A. Royster v Having formed co-partnership for tbe practioa of Medicine and Sur gery, offer their professional services to thailtl7Ans of 'KalAlO'h 1A miwvnnnA ing tountry. - sag I la 0- r e r l v. , , k . -J fl I t .11, glGAJlETfES; w.buHeSoiwaco. : 'ABSOLUTELY- PORE.' The best flOO Men's Shoes on tha market. ., :-4 iA Made from tannery calfskin, dongola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leatner soles with Levrto Cork Filled Boton. j ; Uneqiialed for beauty, fine workman ship, and wearing qualities. I our cnoioe of aU tbe popular toea, lasts and fasten ing8- Every pair contains a pairtap Acci dent Iusubbos PoUcy tot iltW, good lot 90 days. Wear lwis' Aocldent " Insnranoe Shoes, and go insured free. SOLD BY WliitinaBrbs WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE Snuff ? Why, Parson's Celebrated It is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To. bacco. The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades, of Tobacco and we guarantee if you give it a trial your good judgment will approve EGERTON" And in future you will1 use no other brand. Put up in any size pack. age to suit the trade. , , , Dealers. J.M. PARSONS, Man'ficfr ' 1 New Brunswick, N.' J. t.'.s. F IRE INSURANCE B. 8. JKRaTAN. OKO W THOlipSQK, JR OFFICE AT Commercial and Farmers ink RALEIGH. N. C. ' Represent Foreign and . -: Domestic Companies of the highest character. Business solicited and prompt and careful attention guaranteed. . ? ' , sepu in f r SIMPSON'S ' Nickle Plate . Pharmacy Baby's Health .; ; Depends on rood care. Good airs ibr Piles cleanliness Cleanlintsi rcanirea gooa soap, sucn as . , . .. SlatPBON'S WITCH HAZEL SOAP, which leaves the skin soft and smooth SIMPSON'S E&EMA: OINTMENT Cures all kinds of sktn troubles and ok sores. -Sent t r mail for 85 cents. - It is a sped tic for Milk Crust. SIMPSON'S IMPROVED LlVER PILLS have niv fttc simile s! nature on each box. In order to set l .e rDii- ine you should call at or send S5 cents to y- ...,.., v r I lllLwv.ll - I . l liv.V j t (Pulien Eu.LL. j.) WUjUAU SIMrsON, lfanager 1" BIS Thomps RjileiH ' . : - "' Ioe of the best quality 1 " ' ir j - , - : POCAHO.MT S STEAM COAL - '-' " - 4 " ' "-.V ato60 ' aH others ia quality and prices. ', FOR GRAIN, UAt, MILL FEED, SHINGLES, LATHS, Eto , oaU on - ' Jones and Pdvcll Ralefch, TJ. Ca W; .0PCUDR0H Nice Carriages. Buggies, Buck. Boarda, Sorrira and . : , Stylish Turr?uts of AH Telephone No. Rl. 8a Isbury street. rear of Po tofliee. D.T.Johnson AORNT. Wholesale dealer in all kinds of Coun try Produce, Fruits and vege tables. Consignments So licited. CHICKENS, EGGS AND BUTTER Are cheac I sell them to the irade by the coop, crate or pkg. as Ww as tbe lowest. Consignments are arriving dally and - - They Must Be Sold. N. C. HAMS, SUGAR CUBED HAMS, THIN BREAKFAST . BACON and PURE LKAF . ' LAED are amoDg my specials ' '--'ties. v'i-'V' -AC'.- ' ; - -T 1 1 - ' ' 7 ' j ' N. C. Cut and Roe Herring By the barrel or dozen. p " 'it Royal Crown,' Morning Star, North $tata arid Oak City ? i ' Are brands c r "Flour that ihavf come to stay on their merits, v If yoo have not tried them, do so at once H3T "our orders solicited, a j O.T.'J0HNS0N,Agent. taeargettSt, 4-4 .. F40NX38. ofettUeod ormiiu v We are now read v. Alt the 'latest novelties in Trimioed Millinery foi uauies ana unuoren,;:: - i 3 ; . A' full line of MdsluV Cai&:: W can aei you a nice Cap for 25o and s oeauuiiu one ror 70c. : Our a-nods are all well selected and tne pnees are ngnv. '0 Fayettevllle Street TUEONKECTICUT MUTUAL, Li7e Instance Compy Sails Dlala lir iDsaraniHi. sa Dro- teetioa to the family, crrd lt-ra ur one s ols ag, and sks a earefnl ex aminatlou of its clear and eqeltabla nntraeta. with lbpir DDmnilrd rnir- anteea In Agar en tbe policy, giving tine lue InaaraDoe at its , . Uwest Possible Cost, With Perfect Sesnrity. Tbis eom- pany baa boea doina baslnes in this State oThr twanty-rigbt years, and its policy holders sr. its BEST FRIENDS. The Uonneetient Hotaal bat no fpeealative featorapr iotriiato plans, nor the incontestable - elaase, admit ting raseala at tht ezpense of its bon sst members, bat If say happen togt ia, it gires thsm thif monry back, all stated ia tha contract. The - 3 Per Cent Reserve a . -m I Ufa insarab.., All aill b. g.ad.y ex- plained by 5. D. WAIT, General Agent, Baleigh, 1 &?L I -WE AGAIN OFFER FROM THE" "" -Wst al Ice. ; Factory - - i -,,- and at lowest prices, in Raleigh aim to near-by railroad points. - v.. . Ios) new ready tat delivery in tuay qaantity.' v.--.-,. '...r.-.A--''r.....--. -'--v PRir.KLY A!1H. POKE ROOT ) , m0 F0TASSIUM i Hakes y -; :- k i Marvelous Cures l:1n Blood Poison: Rheumatism and -Scrofula P IV p putil o, tlialikml. Nilvl v transtb to frCHk.nrd netv-'t. 41 p.'is dtMMMs, cirln,. tlie iim.imtt htfitiiii amtj iiapliiiieMl wbi.ro ,i'iM. . sltHfin.' fullt. sod ltih.itnda tint pmvnMtril: :.' or dKuimj ummiiarr n tori 1,17 nau uuuKkta.. ixiauiu in. dti immul uia .otcbse. pioifir- old .h route ukwiiax tAtter. calt IhsmiI bCJhv. arjafiMlBa. - aaflUIBaV Tal aB:1V ataX . Vlthnut f naUT fif contrftdiotl-m, tirt H, P. P. tbe beat hkanil nurtfletr In rhat wnrlrl aan1 mli oai EsilUTe, pt od MrnuMi tira ail oaaM. : . LadlM wboae arabowa cro po1ionl Bnu Woose qjoou ia in iau imuurv wur H.a . nftin.tM ipianlaritis-. irepaBliarl7sanelltd by ts won- Krtl IodW nS tjloW-ainc prop- ltanifcuaalaiiJT IWlMnrotllllBa. ( - phjrslclftiM tna spent bnndrwta of dnV ten. Med tmrj anown iw&l wltb . AntflnrilnrVAllaf. I haa onir. taken on botiln of yonr V. P. P., sad eaa oheerfQUj any ! mttaA than nnrthlns 1 baT STortalrr. It KM i oono me moro.i Joan reoommond joormedlolna far a-1 . aaflaraianfl tbe nbom diaeaaea.- . . KB, at. at. YKAT. n , tprlaa"Vi Ora Ooaaty, 4 5 New Firm. 1 i Having sold "half Interest o the Oak City Steam, Laundry to Robt V? Page, it will continue under the same name at the 01a stand, aio Payetteville street, R W Page and L R Wyatt, proprietors. - We b61icU the patronage of the past and hope to greeny- increase it oy strict at tention to buslnees and good man agement, a Mr Page will give tbe business his entire time and atten tion and will use every tffurt to pleass each patron who wjll give va a trial, 1 uis orsc aim will pe to remedy the defeoto of ' the past. caused by the former bwner not hav ing time to give It the proper atten tion, and he will, see that nothing but flrst class work goes out, though If any Imperfection should occur, will be obliged to any customer to report same at the office or to the driver, and - we will bave It right In the future. , ', - ' , t, B. W,TATT. , a"-"- Former OV ear. YOUR; ATTENTION v Is calitd to our select stock of Groceries, Etc ' ;v, Everything can be found that - Is usualy kept iu a firot- - class Uiocery Store, 'f , , NEW GOODS;- ' :1 LOWPKICES. A fair share of the natronsire of me puono ib souciiea. nroumi ana careiui aueuuou 10 ail orunrs. H. S. LOWBY, AGT.;l Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Com mission Merchant, 117 Fayettevllle oixeet. D. t FOBT T. O. BABB18. D. I. fORT & CO. ltetal Estate Agents, RALEIGH. K. C. ... T anrll ara r. .-lA T nA ae-t - at.1l -"Xo T Mk mill aiu., all luau n cay property, innke ciillt ctions, eiain iiieli'iw. survey and pint Initd. l.'eni mine Iidii-ms and Una for sule and to rent, aug 7 lm 1S-.-".',v''.i MtPLR,'4 ElOTCHt'S AKO CID SCRES CATftP?.!.. f -KilKitf IRONIES anl nrSPEPSU 1 4r nantlrMSHmM fcjr r.WJrV,, ; Maku At. Poks Boo and Potas- slum, ika (mwi Wood puriOM on : ."! ss :.' ''amntraif, o.. Jnlr 91. , Hrnoas Sivi-Mi Bao., BvniiaB. jr.it. S).i l)uii sina-1 boiiKht about of ,v '. Joof P.P P. as Hot Bi.rliim.Ark..s T i '" It hw don ans nxr c.xo than thra iuoiiib-tmimntttbHoBplum.-; Sad thrm botllM O. O. It, . .; .j, .. , . Oi.0. - " -:: AbsroMD, Drowa Ouuntj, Qw ; Kmr. J. B. Joluutaaa. - J fH af7 htm M aurs mkmh I karar 1t tvstlf w t mn1crral protwrUaf or p. p. p. tor araptiua of the akin. 1 .nfVMnl Inr fuwnral run with MB an- stghtlj Bd dlns:rabi eruptloa o : Euvlano. 1 trleo STerj knows nm- yJT?; i, i'SJnVl V' I.. i w:. l" : w w .An (SISBW r i. :th JOHWSTOBJ, i SnTaaaaa,aa . .:.: vf , ' '' . Sarmt, Tntx. . January 1, 19JL ? UsstiRa. tipm Bro.l Saattalh it Ul. t teNfTiTa bbtsj u-inq jour i-a V r. tur sa unpasa us cnajaa -wrnvm kin. taaoallv a 3 known a akin ranor.of tblrtr vaara unrtii.-. ana loanajrrau mu.Ij w , : MfiwiMDWi na MmorTMailir ftwion from tha seal of th diMaa oraa. t bar jtokan nraor atzbottla ? ; hB aJsaittKaaaahaePaa wm enaof liiart, r mu aiao ranaraa , UK 11 K VSKlUa Yoora tmlj. tjterr. w. at. vnwt. " . . . A ttoraal at LaaV li ' . aU. MUOOISTS SILL ft. ... v. L1PPMAN CI7O0. " PSOPB1BTOBS, ' ' . - f U L w wJJLa Eisllj, Quickly, PirEsn::!!; Ecctorci. MA6KET1C .tEB!lXEiVlSS! leatoreUslManhaoa. Cnrea rak nmeaa, Nnrrooa Uwbilitj and altaan)a (ram aarir or latsr ex. jaaana. Uioreaulu of ororwora, worry, nuknaas, ale. Fall UeiMTtb, tnna and dtjreioproant siren jo aar7 oitran or portioa of tho bouy. iinTtrur. .nmtinunornttJrasentroDitheflrMbns. lnooa. tndsof lsttarsof pmiaaoa filninoaroiiina. Can otrned ta Twit pooket. Sont br nntl aa aMraaa us receipt of price. One montn's treat Bent in oaoh box. Pnoe Sl.flO, baxaa, $6.00, with rittoo ttaamntee to rafnad noner K not aami ea4toaanrtha0ewiaa, CuoBlamfrea. . "John Y. ItaeBaa. Oroggist, Baleigh, H.0. 0haBberlalas ra and Skja Oiatanant :. Is unequalled for Eczema, feiter, 8alt Hheum, bcald Head, Sore Kipplea)liajipsd Hands, Itching files, Barns, ro Bites Chronic Son Jbyes and Granulated ye Lids. "or sals by druggists' at 26 cents per box. . : . roBQM&ovntnwL t . Fa- patting a horse in a-fine healthy cooV iition try Dr. Cadra &rKUti(n-.Powdera. Cbey tone up the system, aid digestion, curs Mat of appetite, reliefs oonethauoo, correct kidney disordors and destroy, worms, giving lew liia to an old or orer-worked none.- Si DU per package, t For atl by droggistv. I k.;e Hhy ;MiMtul. i rr ta 4H henra ""aul ...! Huwklrlt I'enullm. l'leeMJ U-na au4 ta)t-i.?,' its fail. - m Aug o. .G.CLAn.C, . &LATE EOOFER. . and dealer ia aU ktads of - Btritntya .n Roopisia slati r. o. Hoi 1SS, Bateigb. N.O. : TO BTJYEB8 s , . a. in " : i , j.v i- I have received another snnnW a warranted : pockef knlvea. nim nat tern. Narlsk -taken when you bay one of my warranted kninaL tt-w. are as low and in some instances lower ' man knives you buy on which you f no guarantee. ... . New stock of the hum hn fat t.. lard.'. i, . L D WOMBLii: S a Castona, awaaaOfld.atawTe4l0rCtorl ns lairanaa aUaa, an etanf la Cantor!,, aesaatCbftiiasvaBaajB etaaaaC 4

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