if A Big Day. With - Uuk Ar lington Tribunal. - WHITAKER'S HOT SHOT. v He Fires Into Mrs. Arlington ,-;Cnpteli Wants to Ad- ' v. L -. r. journ Tomorrow. - 1 Bombshells brok loot tbl mora Ids 4t til sioe of t Arrlngton Tribunal.- Burprta after aarprWe cam. . Th cessions have obtained ' their Xoritf - heretofore oa account of their brevity, their farelar hr- 'actr, andx-or partlenlari od - aoeoaat of th conditio of th :Hea br'who hav been glorlonely tight. ' Thi morning it war all different .'All thraa Joatlee wr prnt and thy vera fro froai.alehpbell itlmu- laaU " entirely. K Mltls wing apete, .colloquais, ete, were iadalged ia with much spirit and aBnJatloa.rJadga WblUkar waa.prnt, so waa Mr, Arrlngton. Krery word oka wa . pler and interesting. ' Mra. Arrlag ton would aaaoaa Jadgi WhltaUr of 'V ; running tb eommlttow, add re pr. ' aoaal and lnsiaaatlag remark to him, but theJudg never paid any attea. "' tlon to tbam. When aWreeeing. tba - Tribua.l, would not b Interrupted. At on time. Mm Arriagtoa fcnd to - eall.d to tt$MtM?i- v Mr. WblUkar. la eompsay with ! Uaograpkar. MY.; Waldoa TV Bmlth . ?, appeared " In tba . Senate . chamber - abont 8:S0,. ,Tba Tribunal and , Mra.' , Arrlngton wrprnW. Beortary of . ' ataU.Cook waa to kta ppaarad,b. t fete, th oamitt, -but right of way y .'waa glva to Mr. Wbitakar, who made - 'm half hour apaaeh in hi calm oV llbaraU aad Impaiwioae. mwnar. j -v Jtvirjr word war weighty aad carefully " . said, ,H did aot aoma to be trapped. - ' He rvWwd : th matUr aad stated - that he wlsbad to hivs hearing, having .heard thai, Mr. Arrlngto ; mad aom remark abt him la her. " , testimony yaaUrday.l- Ha rapd tha ' committee and told than that they had aot dealt fairly with him.' Lord Campbell Interrupted ; him" everl ttmaa, desiring to leara the' time day, whether It waa A long time be- - twees drink he did aot UU. r ;' Mr." WhlUker dlreeted hi remark to Mra. Arrlngton daring hi tpeeeh, aad they were aot oomplfmeatary, to aUt It mildly.'- :-Y - . -'. . iuat a Mr. : Whitaher wm Bitting ' - dewa Lord Campbell aid he wanted - to make statement, but Phillip la. - .terruptad by jumping up attddealy v ,. aad delWeriBg kimaelf of a few anl . - maUd wordav Mr. Phillip aald, 'l 'promlaed yoa that yoa ahould hat a heariag wheneer yoa, were' attacked ' ia thia edart, aad ooa a MreAr r ringtoa BaUhed her Uatimony yeeter. day I asnt yoa a not informing you . ' of th. f aet. . Yoa ra abaeat and tkat I aoi mfanlV J don't think w hf aeted Bgatlemaly' ; or -' , wrong la aay. way aad I hop yoa l' won't aay ao. I have ao remor of s OBelBe for my part. , ' r t Chief iatie Campbell itood ' ap ' amid the bardaom . alienee. He : kept the eoart la npa by point, tag hi lager . et eral . minute at J edge WhIUker. The he began to abake hla iadat and pour out hia ' V wrath uoa aobody in partlenlar ia jaatiSeatioa of - hi ourae. , The "Jedge' wu ao animated that he loot ' entire eoatrol of himlf. Bald he: 'Jodg WhIUker, I hare alwaya ' thought y waa a high-toned gentl maa, bot " yoa aom her without ex. - - nlaaatloa aad try to degrad thi ommitte. Toa gar thl w . " (Mra,. ArriagtoB) th 11 la her owa 2 fa. Toe, air, aaot beimireh thia eommitte. I am aatoawhed that yoa . ahoald bar waged war apoa u. ' ' hurl It all back la your face. I eome - rf- of a good lineaa; aa aay maa la th But and har aa mueh - reapeet for " ' mr dignity a a maa ahould hate! . Jnat think of thi from Chief J net lee , CaTibell.' ;;;'; . loig WblUkar waa, up from . hla ae&t immediately. "I ask tka commit tee whether aay karge hate been preferred by Mr. Arrlngto or aay . one else. ; '-. : Joige Campbell aald, "nothing waa sjiitMrs. Arrlnftoa whieh would lower yo la my eetlmatioa." , ' a"Plets nswer yaa or ao," oatla. A sl'.cpl answer eould aot be' ob- UlneJ and the records were sent for. Jl WhIUker sprung a aew quea- tioa oa the eommitte whieh etldently had IU weight. ' Said he, "Ton are proceeding la aa unprecedented and oojast way permit a ' witness to giro testimony against a man when ther I no charge againat him; You are putting a man' eharaeUra atak.--, Deeeney and jus tice require "that yoa strike out what rideno-t Mr. Arrlngton a;ar yester day and if aba baa anything to aay, let her mak her charges. While the court wa waitlag for th return of th record, it developed that they. Were' in M ra.Arrlagtoa' fceeplag. - Judge WhIUker demanded to know if eh waa permitted' to take them. Phillips said b grabbed th record aad walked out- with thea Thi brought forth ,tbe remark frdnj Judge Whitakef that Mra. .Arrlngton ted t be rnaaiag tha eoort. Iord Campbell aow took,' the . floor aad he said he BotlBed Mra. , Arrlngton laat night that abe ; eonld : not rua" thia eourl aa shVseemd to be trying to do. He alao aaid that tb day of igaBoa. moaing witnea., w oter. and that tb sooirt would adjourn tomorrow sine die withoot fail, ao iar aa he waa OBsarnedn. The records were.broogbt la and Mr. Arrlngton 'alao'eame. v All her ettdence of yesterday -"waa. etrieken out. Judge WbiUker'a request hating bea granted. ' Jndgs Campbell aaid he wanted "thia thing finished by to morrow. aa It looked as if ha waa going to It ere null Christmas. . Judge WhIUker atated that If Mr Arriagntoa had any charge to make rter should - mshe- them . in, wrltlag. Thi . erted. qnlte-aUmpet . and brought forth innumerable remarks from Mrs. Arrlngton. , Pryaa wanted eonsalUtlon,. bat 'thi wa oter- ruled. , Mr. Arringk m- wa told tkat if she had aay eharge to maka.to do so. Mr. Arrlngton kept insisting that the Tribunal waa no. criminal ooart; ' At torney ;v Pornellread , the law tre ating th eoart' and d'ided that barge should be prepared . ' Lord Camipbell stated that if Mra. Arrlng to did aot Intend to prefer charges court would adjourn. ' He aaid he was tired of Bitting around and drawing ao pay, tad la additioa he aald he wa la ao eondition to spend time , for money erentf be got $100 per day. Said he, hi eoort will adjourn tomorrow. Mr. Arringto asked Judge CamfJ bell wa the report true that Treasurer Worth had agreed to pay th com- mitt,- if they adjourned . by to- morrow. , s' . Th "Judge" immediately aald ao ''Mr. Arrlngton, I will staU again," continued th Judge . "If yoa don't proceed according to law and our wtehe w will aot git you m hear ing. Hat yoa been defrauded out of money or property ia an "Way by udge WhIUker while acting aa your attorney,1 , "Yes," replied Mr. Arringtcn, "1 hear that h tdh fl.SOO while making collection at SO par? cent, when they should bar been mad at At. Thih eould aot eabsUatiaU. Mr. Arriag- ton also said-that he had papera re corded ia Vance court whieh ahould bate beea recorded her. "' : Here the question of etide'nee and charge arose and precipitated deal of discussion. ,"",- Judge WhIUker said that' thi ease wa in eoart fourteen years ago, aad, being a busy maa, It would Uk him trral : day to gat th etidenee he desired, together,' which would prove all her (UtemeaU false. "When the ease comes up," ld Mr. WhIUker, "I will show a written contract wit aeesedbya lawyer. I. this city aad recorded by the BeglsUr of Dead. also propose to (how a letter written as by Mrs. Arrlngton and letter pre copr ia reply! aad I propose to ahow tarlous other larwr and my answer thereto." As eipioioa of the Supreme Court aad another judgment drawn In accordant with " th opinion of the Supreme Court, algned by afra. Ar- riagtoa, will alao be ahowa. ''?!:v :t J. ' P, Arrlngton, Hon. ' Jacob Battl. Capt. W. H. Day,- A.. Z. Zilllcoffer, Hoa. C. M. Cook and othere," aaid - Judge WhIUker, who were eonneeUd. with the eaee, will be summoned MwiUease to prote her aUUmente fala. . V. 1 " . . '. Mr.' WhiUler stated that Mr. Ar rlngton had habit of assallis aad abusing eoeosel employed by her at th tery time they gataed aa Impor- Uoi point and that abe eould hardly Mre a lawyer at preeent. Contlau lng, Mr. WhIUker Bald: "Th. pur pose of her abuse for years has beea to defraud me oat of a fee. earned bv labor aad legal aklll. ' I eaased her to be Indicted by th grand jury for elander." . Mr. Wbitakar aaid that any Mate- meat Mr. Arringtcn might make in Franklin aounty 'about :, him would hat ao effect, a eke was" too well known, but thia thing avdo a maa harm by,, gnttisg out oter the But where ah I not known. Mr. WhIU kr said that he was aaxloua to meet Ural Arlington' charge aad hoped that they would ascertain the whol trath Hi request was for a reason bl time In which- to" get hU wit- easee here'icAirV tv ' J?dge Campbell aald th But wa paying ao money to thl'wkneaBe aad son- ' th committee, aad that he waa opposed to hearing theae longer than tomorrow. f Lord Campbe)! at- wy brought In th fioaaelal aoaiY eratioa .;. flay ' her ,"1 am alttiag mtt Arrlngton . beeame aom w bat aettled and accused Jadg Whitaher of ruaalag tao ' court. She started th leatw- th Ornate- chamber n oa time. Phillip wanted to paee a,coiion to iaslat oa order being kept. ,B pro posed to punish '..thos . Indulging in side remark for oontempt, Lord Campbell told'faim to aft down. that ha would rua the contempt bae) ass. . The seotiment of the committee was to proceed aad r Mra.. Arriogtoai took the Uod to give additional ts tlmoay. ' . , - ' lArogreea In Ocean Travel. oommunleated. Ill aa tntereUng. article taken from the New Yorker published in 1888, by Heraee Greeley, giving aa aecouut of ; the first ateamer propelled . by steam . alone crossing th Atlantic, it waa atated that "Great Western" capacity, for coal was 800 ton. I suppose oa thi trip h did not us oter 15 or 90 ton, It may b. inter esting to know the amount now re quired to mak a trip across. "The Oregoa consumed 887 ton per day at a coat of 118,879 for coal alone, in one tripaero the ocean. Her aterage peed was 17 0-10 knot per hour A knot 1 about 1 I S mllee.' Some of the steamers, larger than th Oregon, consume brer 400 tons pr day. The lucres of site aad speed eausea this increase of coal. The round trip expenses of on1 of the large Ocean sUamers, run 50,00 to $00,000 If th increase for th hut 50 years la aa great as It has been for th past 50 years, th coal consumption will proba bly be on half the whol expense. Fatal Results From Paris Green. Br Telegraph to me ruise-Visrron. Amos, Q.,. Bpt. A. N. J. lUtte, wife aad three children were poisoned Ant night by eating cabbage eonUin- ing pari green which wa intenddtd hill worms, Th mother and eldest daughter will die. - ' An English Comment. By Cable to the Press-TtoHor. ' Lokdoh, Sept. ,4. Th Chroniole, in commeatlag oa th increase of emi gration to) America Is pointiag another trad boom, - It aay if there Is a healthy industrial revival ia America there will be no Uriff tinkering. - Bull Flgnters Fined. By Telegraph to the Preee-Vlittor. Colorado 8frinq8, Col.. Sept. 4. Judge HrrU fined Mexican partloi- pante in the bnUfixnt fifteen dollars In eactt count Tbe ' fines ' will , be paJdV" The case of the Amerloan manatters bas not been decided. - ,- The I4Jg-er 8ys i : Tbe comedy drama, - ."Only a Farmer's Daughter," whiob waa al ready known to , local play -goera In a cruder .form, waa presented last evening at tne Arch- Street theater. aa re vised by C. B. Gardiner. Far. old Lenox, a wealthy author, ia tbe ran aria whose home la broken up throagh the machinations ot an ad ventures" and her gentleman friend Mr. Lenox, whose bead might well be turned at finding himself made opulent by a clever pen, dreams nl society auooesa, and ia Irritated by the simple domesticity of bis honest, loving wife. He considers that br farm training ia a drag upon his social progress, and, while hia head is in the clouds, tbe villains In the plot contrive to get him Into situa tions which oomprontse him in the eyes of bis wife. Then oomee a breach, and the seeming triumph of vice over virtue is followed la theatrical fashion by the confession of the culpable, and "all's well that that ends welL" Miss Helen North as tbe star of the organization, easily maintains bar position, even If her oompany is an exceptionally strong one. --. '' la 1863 the order of th Knot was founded la Naples. 1 Cliirged.,. With Poisoning txei vwn Jioiner. A PICTUEE OF DESPAIK. Mary Alice Fleming .Arrested In new x orarror m arrrcacie -. : ; Atowb Her Innocence. By Tefeairap t the-f Vitttob. HlW ToBE. .Sort: '4 Msry Alice FlemUghas bwea arrested aad charged With, oeiag poieae$ food which re sulted i th death of hr mother and paused araleepl Bight in the tombs, Beplyingr to iauiriv she esid: . "I don't feel able to Ulk to reporters, but may Utter. Qod will make all clear in time that I'm unjustly shsrged." The aira aaid th woman didn't appear aa if she eould be gu ilty. She aat ia mourning?-garments ia ber chair throughout the 'night, the picture of despair. :. It i denied that Mrs. Biles, tbe victim, had any funds whiaheoald hate Inspired th crime. Program of the "yacht Races. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Niw Yobi, Sept. 4. Commodore Smith, chairman of America's cup committee, said this morning thnt a foil program will probably be made public today, Baees will be started at eleven and a preparatory gun 11 red at tea-arty. The Srat, third and fifth races will be fifteen miles windward or leeward and return. Fourth and fifth triangular. Time limit, sii hours. Sandy Hook will bethesUrting point. No races will be sUrted later than three. Unless the unexpected happens. the raeea will be the sevsnth, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth and fourteenth. Successful Warfare Against Japanese. By TeletrsjSU te the taasa-rnicroa. St. PbtB8bobo, Sept.s Tbe Movoe Vremyaa correspondent from VladiYOStook writes that Formosa Insurgents are conducting a suooees ful warfare against, the Japanese, in which women share equally with men in spirit of determined reeis- Unoe, Though the army is decimat etFby . sickness - the Japanese will grant do quarter and spare neither women or children. ' -. Tne EclipseAa. ifew Comet. Br Teletrsph to tha Paase-isiToa. Lick OBsnavaToar, Cel., Sept. 4. Th sell pee of th. moo was photo grapbad by four observer, two work ing with the great teleeeope. Visual obaervationa were noted at the time be ginning and ending, aad the passing of various crater, was observed. Swift new comet wa seen during the total phas. IndianaDolla Flooded by Water. By Tetegrapti to tbe Press-TlsHor. Indianapolis, Sept. 4. A storm ODertinulng throughout the night cre ated a lake on Pine and Washington sts. Police rescued a dozen families. Lightning burned out the telephone exchange at daylight Ignited oth er buildings. Six seventeenths in ches of rain fell by eight o'clock, when it oeased. 8treet oars are Severe Western Storm. By OaNe to tbe Prei-Vllto. , S Cuioaoo, Sept. 4. Northern IUI noiaand Southern Wisooosln were visited bv severe storms ooDtinuing today. Some points report a hurri cane In the village of Klnderhook and three lives were lost - Half Million Fire in Boston. By tekvaph tothe rBBsa-Visrroa, J Bostox, Sept 4. Boston and Al bany's extensive wharf and freight sheds east ot Boston were burned today. Sheds filled with freight were all lost Lost half a million. Many firemen were overoome by suffocation. None seriously Injured. Spanish Naval Demonstration, Br Cable to WrremVUItar. V,- Mamio, Sept 4. Th Government ha decided oa a Baral demonstration at Tangier, to enforce term of treaty signed with Meroeeo. Four war ship ar prprd to Mart. TSi7-:- ' . Uilllon ot Gold for Export v Bv TeletTuik to Ti lue-Virron. ; Nbw York, Sept. 4- W. tt Cross man and Bnx, will export a million of foldtomoTrow. . TO-ITAY'a MARKETS. The Cotton and Grain Markets by Wire Direct By Tele graph to the Press- V isltor. Nbw York, Sept 4.-Llverprol opened unobaDged,hec me easier and declined 2-64, regained 1-64 closed quiet at about 1-2 to 1 below last night Moderate spot demand in Liverpool. New York opened with a. decline of 7 points, regained some points and olosed, after various fluctuation, steady at 11 points' below last night Options olosed as follows : September, 7.87 to 7 89; October, 7 93 to 7. 94; December, ,8.0; to 8 07; January, 8 13; March,. 8 22 to 8 23. OB A IN MARKETS. " ' Chicago, -Sept. 4! Grain quota tions closed to-day as follows: Wheat December, 60 1-8. Corn December, 27 7-8 Oates December, 18 1-2. Raleigh Tobacco Market. (Reported by J. S. Meadows.) Smokers, common, 3 to 5c. Smokers, good, 6 to 8c Smokeravfine, 8 to 12c. Cutters, common, 8 to 10j. Cutters, good, 12 co 20a. .Cutters, fine, 25" to 35a, Fillers, common green, 2 to 4 ). Fillers, good, 5 to 83. Fillers, fine, 10 to 12 ;. Wrappers, commou, 12 to 15q. Wrappers, gnod, 20 to 30c. Wrappers, fine, 40 to 60o. Prices steady and market active for all grades. Raleigh Coll mi Market. Ralbioh, N. C, Auk. 28, 3 p. m. Good middling, 8 8triot middling, 7 7-8. Middling, 7 3 4 Strict lowmiudling, 7 5 8 Tinges, 7 3-8 .7 5-8. Stains, 6 7-8d7 1-4 Market siring; receipts light. Campbell and Hie Wealth. Lord (Jnief Justice Campbell ol Cherokee, and more lately ol he Arringiou Committee, has iQ tne 'ocoHsion of one of hia several visits to Raleigh oon tractea a bill at one of those places at wbioh may be found a spring aLd fljw of oonviviality. When be tnus bought his "reuish without ready rhino" he represent ed himselt to be a well to do man to tbe tune of 810,000 or so. Yester- dsy Mr. Campbell's creditor wired to the Sheriff of Cherokee county and made inquiry about him and received reply that he was as sessed at $3,0U0 and was heavily incumbered by both mortgages and judgments. The Presa-Vtaltor News Stand. Tbe I'BEdg-VisrroK has bvu placed regularly on sale at Ue Yarboro news stand where it can be had every af ternoon before the ink is dry. The PEEaa-ViaiToR gives ail the ues the same day it happens. Senator Ransom Here. Senator Ransom arrived l hi after noon ud the Seaboard Air Line train and is looking well. English. Cricketers Victorious. Py t able to the l'ress-Visitor. LiviNusTos, S. I., Sept. 4. English erieket team (in if hod the international match victoriously todSy. Big Boomin Iron and Steel By Telegraph to the rnis-YmiToK KrrrsBUBG, Pa , Sept. 4. Boom in iron and steel continues. Manufac tures find it necessary to increase time limits on contracts at 25 per cent. TdQlve Cigarettes Away. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Naw York, Sept 4. Plug tobacco manufacturers of the country are in session at the Holland House to day. Tbey will decide how they shall strike back at the American Tobaooo Oompany for encroaching npon their territory. One throat is to give cigarettes away. ' -- ; . Jl lathe last Issue of the u Volunteer Fireman" published in Greensboro, it speaks of th fluent! re fire depart ment of our city being moved to tbe new quarters on Wsjt Morgan St Such however is bot 'the ease. Tbe Reeoue Fire Co., will not mow from their present situation, where they bare been for 2ff years. Tbey own their building and have no idea of moving. . L W. Palmer of Lvdon, England bas one room of his house papervd with canceled one-penny stamps. It took 70.000 to complete the Job. - Xeiico hae aa order designated It Hexleaa Ksgl. t ' t IN FALSE REPORT. 1 Dr. Hubert Haywoud Talks of Effect of the Fever Boar. the Dr. Hubert Haywood, one of Ra' eigh's foremost physicians, wa speaking this morning of the far reaching and damaging effect of the leportseminating from this city in regard to the prevalanoe of fever here. "Yoa have no idea," he aaid, "of the far reaching effects of these false rumors. The impMesinahas spread ail over tbe State that frrer, specially typhoid.is very prevalent ia Raleigh. And naturally these reports, which are founded on no. fact, are very harmful and hurt the city. To give yoa an example, a gentleman the other 'day wrote me from. Loaisborg asking advice aa to whether or not be should send his daughter to school bere. He stated that he bad Intended sending her to Peace Institute, bat expressed the fear that if be aid so, ner health would be endangered. "Now as a matter of faot fever cases have been fewer this summer Man is usual ly tbe case. At present 1 have only one case of fever ia my practice. It is not hard to see bow ever, the reasons for the spreading of these false reports. In the first plaoe there have been several cases of typhoid lever in prominent circles, ' people the faot of whose ilinees is sent oat oyer the wires. Another reason is that typhoid fever oases are now treated at lie i Hospital to a large extent ana this gives the impression of pre valence. Still another reason is the die recent water works Company litigation and the fever oases at C iraleigh summer a year ago. As a matter of fact 'though, there is leas lever that usual." THE UKi L.EAUUE RACE. Ilaltiiiiore Leading With Cleveland Following Close. Four more weeks and the aeaaoa of baseball in the National League will come to a close. Tbe race for the pen- aat has been the elpsest and most ex citing sinee the days of th old aaso- iation. The western el abe have grad ually fallen behind until only on of them stands show for a good ' posi tion in the race and that ia Cleveland. A loss of a few games to Cleveland and a few wins for Boston and Philadel phia would pat Cleveland in fourth plaoe. Baltimore is playing the fastest kail in the league and ia coming down the homestretch at a terrible paee, wiping the earth up with the strongest teams in the league. Few York, Boston, Pittsburg and Chicago have succumbed to the mighty Orioles. Won't it be a battle Boyall when Cleveland and Baltimore meet Saturday? The surprise of the paat week is the steady way in whieh the Phllllew have been climbiog the pennant Udder, until now they are iu third place, with a chance to go higher. The Phillies have one of the hardest hitting teams n the league. They have completely demoraliied several ol tbe league star twirleis by tbe manipulation of their bats. Recruit to Moonehinerjr. There was a happy man in the -Sheriff's tffioe this morning. He was John Harmon, who nearly three mouth' ago was put in jail by the government for iliioit distilling, fhis morning he was released by Commissioner Kojster, tbe term of mprisonmeot having expired. When Harmon started his term bis face was tbe deep bronze ot sun nd open air; yesterday it was of a balky whiteness, "jailbird" pale. Harmon cut down hia sen teooe fifteen days by quiet behavior, something trange for the desperate 'shiner. County Board of Health. Tte Wake County Hoard of Health met in thdoourt house, Moo lay tbe Sd, there be jig present W O. Stronacb, Chairman County licard of Commissioners, and two jhysicians. Dr. Knox, tbe Presi dent, being absent Dr. J. W. Mo- Gee, 8r was called to tbe chair. Dr. MoCullers offered hia reslzna 1 ion, and Dr. Reno, waa elected. Tbe election of County Superintendent ot Health was gone into and Dr. P, S Hues, of thia city, was unani mously re-elected to fill that posi tion. Dr. J. W. MoGee, 8r , was ohosea President of tha Board. . : ' Demolished by a Tornado- By Telecrass to the rsVtsrrcv , - -' KasHViLL, TW Sept. . TMr. teea hoeae at Haatiagtoa, Carroll eounty, were demolirhfd by a Torasdo thi saoralng. One aaaa wa seriously injured. Th dvttloa I wide j spread. J Other distrlet eraard 'from.. - ' THE HARM II Something About the Nature of Them. THE ONE CENT KATE Will Induce Thousands to At tendProspects Were . Never Better. Those who visited ths Fair last rear will remember tbe handsome eihlbit made by Messrs. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. This enterprising firm hv informed the President. Col. Csrr, that their exhibit thia year will far surpass that of last year, aad everybody knows that wheo they say it, M will be done. Mr. Chandler, our new citizsn who resides at tbe Oatling place, just east of the eity, called at the offloe of the Secretary yesterday and engaged abont twenty-five stalls for bla cattle, sheep and, swine and a number of eoope for hia fancy poultry. Mr. Bach, of Bichasoad, Ye., will exhibit a fall line of agricultural ma chinery which will be operated by steam power, and will be kant . ning during the week. There will also be on exhibition a full line of MeCormlek's grain harvest ers and binders; corn harvesters and binders) mowing machines and. hay rakes. There are a number of other manufacturers of machinery who have expressed their intention to be at the fair, but have not yet furnished their lists. It is the purpose of the manage ment to make the approsehing Fair one of intense interest and profit to the agricultural interest. Several of our merchants have in formed the Secretary of their pur pose to make fine exhibits. Nearly, if aot all, of the eoUon rain fa Ral eigh will have fine exhibit of their goods. The Agricultural Department, it is understood, will send out some eholoe selections from the State Museum. Altogether, the prospect was never ao good for a One exhibit, and the one cent per mile rate granted by the railroads will induce thousand to at tend who otherwise would not do so. JOLLY MOONLIGHT DANCE. Visiting Young Ladies ComoU- mented at Mahler's Vineyard. On yesterday afternoon's Southern train there oame from Charlotte aad Graham and Beldsville and Winston a harming bevy of some of th State's most popular young ladies en route to Cotteadale, where Mlas Sallie Cotton entertains a party of thirty at a house party. The start could not be made from Raleigh until nine thia morning, so last evening some of Raleigh'a young men appropriately entertained th city'c fair guests. At Mahler'a vine yard a moonlight dance and cleats was given. Until late ia the morning the merry party enjoyed the daaee in the pavillion, the eellpse of the noon and the refreshments served in daint iest style. The party waa chaperoned by Mr. Pogue. Those who were there were : Miss Henderson, of Salisbury; Miss Kllington, of Beldsville; Miss Qray.of Winston; Miss Brem, of Charlotte, Miss Holt, of Graham, and kTiuu Blake, Andrew, Taylor and SJmssoos, Kleigb. The yoang men p reseat w ere Messrs. T. J. Penn. of Beldsville: Louis Mahler, Fred Mahler, Baa. Raker. Will Williamson, Watkins Robards, Henry McEee, Dr. Ayer, W. H. Kinr, Henry Lltehford, James Litchford, Julian Timberlak, Tajrlor Williams,Chas. Taraer and 0. A. Lee. A "Cabaa Uiant" Coming, Colored baseball rooters ar eteam i g. Thar will be s gam tomorrow between the Jfraakllatoa colored team and th dsughty "Nationals,". of thia city. The National are onadat but admit tkat they will hat a Igat on their hand. "Frankllnton will play a a harder g m than aay other team ia th tat aaid th manager to day. Prof. Wlhoa, aptta of th Vraak. liatoa team, was oa oa the faaaoas taaaa ot North era professional enlorsd pUyer. th Cuban Slant. The awe wiU be called at 4 o'sloek. ' - Bead ia Advert Jnat now, wall w are having a . v ww wu, renews all ear advertlsere to ad iar em. early la th morning. Aay ad. whisk I to eome oat the earn day it U res to the offls shonld bv all k. seat aowa eariy ia in loreaooa. - l - -

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