MO . lttUifc.tHlC - The Visitor-Presg . Company ' Dally, Except BunOajVy . . Office in the Pullen Building, Cor;. sPayettovllle and Davie -Sta." GREEK O. ANDREWS,"" "' ' - i esitwaarfriaaacaK i. J; ,...; , , i i- -.v- n , . J MctR-'1" , '. , swttaf AfWrt. " , , i . i , , j T- f' j j ; BVRSC0UPTO!f PRICK. I ' One year, , . tl.X One nonth,-v -i - v " 2f l-faiora at Acend Cfaai JfoO -,) ' ERE n' Leading Afternoon Paper, in the State. 9? - The lPress-VUltor publishes' ail the news every day Sad has double the cir culation of any daily ever published ii Raleigh. TEi.EPH.OIfE, 168 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1895 there will be tl U'ty twpcoateeled seats In the. next congress Illinois will furnish two. It is certain thai the republican claimants' will Ret every i seat, whether they were de feated at the polls or elected. Cbioago play goers have bad thr novel experienoe of seeing a drama in the Interest of the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. "The Stiver Lining" is the name of the play; and it is a dramatization of "Coin's Financial SohooL" Two recent events are destined to cause trouble. The Chicago Beer Trust has advanced the price of beer a dollar a barrel, and the sheriff of Dallas has pertrlbsion to shoot snoh sports as assemble to witness the Corbett Fitssimmons fight Tna telegram of Mr. Henry Hes ter, 8f cretary of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, furnishes food for reflection audit should be a very gratifying reflection to North Carolina- The consumption by the mills of this State of nearly half as much cotton as was credited to the whole South by the census of 1890 is some thing almost incredible to contem plate. Tnisin our opinion goes to prove , that i cotton industries ai e rapidly becoming the bed- rook in dustry of North Carolina and the in spiration and impetus of the mate rial upbuilding ol the State. Of al the cotton milling industries in North Carolina, we have never heard of one which was conducted upon a proper scale which did nit pay a good dividond. THE AGBrtitfLtUitAL BULLE TIN AND THE STATE'S IN DUSTBIES. It is the custom of "The Bui li tin, , the ofnpfal publication . of, the North Carolina Departmsntof Agriculture, to publish in ths issue of each Au gnat a return Of the industrial pro gross of the Stated This ' month's Bulletin contains a com p'lete re vl which- makes! Splendid show for the manufacturing interests of the State,' and to this has been added, from time to time, other matters o. progress, suoh as a list of the breed era Of pore blooded horses, cattle, sheep- and swine, miscellaneous factories and1 industries, and other matter of general or special interest td our whole people. In this qonneo tfon .B ra There 1a a old saying :' The godB help those Who help themselves." So it1sialniosteverything.Itisexoeed- lngl gratifying to note that our peo ple reoognlee the ,act that we must "dl vertif oat . aculturei"; by the . building ofalfsortB1 of industries mills and" faotories; that our home people must , take 4be lead in such matters, aad, wbea it is demonstrat ed that such eater prises are reman, erative, there wm be no lack for thr- " ho will cbme Ixf ani help pat if T' alowl but suiy;we r i up the waste plaeee; our 'e is our best "immigray mentation of mills and fa. 'a -thiaBtfiletiB ,10" worthy aminatioD; it shows pro ni, a broadening- of the ns for the socumulation'of ; it a "orda tor farmers near V markets1 for all that Is L i a tie firm, and in &is sense i it. j i i.-i-V W lUsti 1 . - . , - . . .. Is o! Jtreat Interest ma Value to tile farmer, the building of mills points M.t. . ,i j , , . .. to conditions o! industiial prosperity which promises to posterity an hertitage worthy o! our age and peo nla. - - ' - Dixon's Ideas n Protestantism anil Bis Vacating Cnp. Ths Rev. Thomas Dixou, jr , In tha aeademy of Masle la New York Sua 47 "preailred the first of a aeries of sermons pa "The failure of Protes tantism , Pew York. " Mr. Dixon showed farther tvideacs of his disre- gard of the .onventionalitle of the remedy. J. T. Harlow, tt.D.,Tama slergjr by aoraiag to ths theatre at- roa, JUL For sale by J. Hal Bobbit, tired ia a doubled-breaated euat and Druggist ,- S Mae ysshting ep. veiy seat in ' tha Academy was filled when be arose to apeak. . "Proteatanisai ir a tsiluro in New lork" he said. "I hae aaid that be fore snd I bare bpn roundly abased for saying It by masy good bnt on thinking people. Bat thm i" a day of t'ght of eleetrie light, of electric search light and anything that can not stand the pupreme tent of the electric search light of the Hcienre and reaaon'of the day mast go down I am here to atate facta. It in an bad for a preacher tojugle facte as for a politician to do so " Baseball Yesterday, i At New York : New York, 01000050 -() Chicago, 20001000 1-4 At Boetoo : Boston, 411 001000-7 Cincinnati, 601600S0 0-16 At Philadelphia : Philadelphia, 33000301 1-10 Pittsburg, 000000320-5 At Baltimore : Baltimore, 30004010 - 8 St. bonis, I) 2 0 0 () 0 0 1 0- 3 At Washington (II rat game): Wa.hinston, 210501000-9 LonisVlfls, 04020131 6-17 At Washington (xecond game): Watbiagton, 000000 3-2 Louisville, 0020102-5 HOW THBV HTAND. Won. Lout. Per CeilU Baltimore. 09 37 651 Cleveland. 71 43 628 Phila. H2 45 579 Brooklyn, 01 47 565 Boston, fit) 47 557 Few York, 58 50 537 PUtsbarg, 59 52 533 Cincinnati, 50 51 523 Chicago, 57 53 518 Washington, 33 69 324 fet Loois, ."4 75 312 tonisvllle. i9 80 206 As to. Collections on Subscriptions. I : AM subscribers to the Pbkss- Visitor are hereby .notified that Mr. Vernon pltBary is ths only aatboriz-d collet-, tor of subscriptions to this paper, knd bills presented by any other per- oih are not autiinr . j and pay ments to any but hiin will not be recognized.. It his come to oar ears that parties, not authorized to do so fast bean presenting bills for baok eabaerintions and oar subscribers sre hereby warned. We wish also to em phasize that Barriers are not anthor- zea to maze collections ana tost no payments .whatever should be made to thema Mr. .Verson McRary has en tire charge of the collections and will aralt on all subscribers in due tinn. i A proposition in now on foot to connect the B. A O. railroad with tbe C F. fcY. V. railroad, by ex- tending the branch of the Valey rood from Lexington to Roanoke. By reaching Roanoke and having close affiliations with the Roanoke & Southern and the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley lines, tbo Baltimore 3s Ohio would secure an entrance to a wide area of territory, with the possibility of Clowe relations with the Norfolk A Western at Roanoke. ttublen'a Arnica Native The best salve in the world lor eats, bruises, tore, uloern, salt rbenm, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, ehii - blains, corns and all skin eruptions. and positivetv cores Dues, or do ds required. It is guaranteed to give Perfect aatlsf action or monsv refund ed. Price 85 cents per pox. For sale by John T M a8 The increase ia fruit farms la this eon n try has been mainly la the West aad Southwest. Tb Discovery Saved His Life. Mr.G.CaUloaette, druggist,Beavers- viue, lli says: "To Or: King's Hew Discovery 1 owe my life, was taken With Ia grippe and tried all the phvsi eiaae for miles about, but to no avail aad was given ap aad told I could aot live. Having Dr. King's Hsw Discovery la my store I sent for a bottle aad be gan its nse and from the Brat dose began to get better, and after asing three bottles Was up aad about againt is is worta its weight in a-old. We saa't keep store or house without it." Set a free trial bottle at John T. Mae- Bae's drag store. . " -i - i imt ." A officer ia the Paris army has in Vented i sew ballet which is shaped like a goose qaill. i. x i , ,K Irvine W. Lai nr ore. physical diree- loror x.m. u Moines, jowa. says he can conscientiously recom mend CbambeTla'n's Pain Balm to athletes, gymnasia, cyclists, foot ba'l players and the profession In general for bruises, sprains and dislocatiortt ; also for soreness and stiffness of tbe muscles. When applied before the parts become swollen it will effect a cure in one half tbe time usually re. quired. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist. ft .. W . ?. t- ..t i .1 I Last Jun Did Cf wTord Ufougbt tweloiiUi6m chUd, Suffering j (from Infantile diarrhoea, to me. It . h a a8 f0ttt months old ' j and had always been sickly, gave it "ual treatment in such cases but I without benefit. The child kept grow-1 I B wiMiun MuifU iv HQiHimi uuii uui more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic,- Ctiolera and Diarrhoea Bemedy.' Befre one bottle of the a cent size bad been used a marked improvement as seen and f its continued use .cured the child. , Its weakness and puny constitution dis appeared and its father and myself be- lieve the child's life was saved bv this "Gamelsnd'J i . lonuvuBiuta iui u. J.. ..:v.K. A. v statement that the flight of the ild I goose is 100 milea per hoar. John G Manger, editor of the Sun beam, Seligiuau, Mo., who named U rover Cleveland for the Presidency in November, 1888, while was mayor of Buffalo, N. r., is enthusiastic in bis praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemy. He says: "I bave used it for the past Ave years and consider It the bat,t preparation of the kind in the market It is as staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It is an article of merit and should be used in-every household. Pur sale by J, Hal hobbttt Druinnot sept PEAC1 Live Teaehers'and thor ough work in all depart ments. Particular atten tion to small chi'dren. who receive training In Voice and Physical Cul ture free. Call or drop a note to the Principal. It will pay yon. JAS- DItfWIDDIE, M. A., (rnivemty of Virginia) Ii-inciifil. iug30lSeptl5 B.E.PABHiH4C0. ' Livery, Sale and Boarding STABLES. S. Wilmington St., Lee's old Stand. Having remodelled our stables, we are prepared to give the Best Accommodations to the public. A snare of your patronage is so licited TELEPHONE 86. T. B. YANCEY. R. E. PARHAM. sep3 lm W.A.DPCHUROH Livery "Sta Nice Carriages, Buggies, Buck Boards, Surrits and ... Sfyllsb Turi?uts ef is. Telephone No. 81. Salisbury street. rear of Po,tollice. C. U. BEINK. OEO. L. TOKMOFTSKI. C. H. BEIHE&CO Bonded Auctioneers and Commis- xion Merchants. 108 and 110 East Hargett Street. 8ales every Friday and Saturday "rain or shine." We will sell a nice set of oak furni ture, good as new, cheap for eaah or time. One Oxford Bicycle; good wheel bnt little need. Two extra good organs, cash or oa time. ' Another big consignment of Mason's quart fro it iars to arrive toay at 7Sc per aoin. , . . - One good twenty-foot swimrlnn- awnfng, goaranteed to be as good as new. - All complete and ready for ase. aug29 lw ' D. L VOBT T. & aaxBis. D, I. FORT & CO.; Xtefa.1 Ksttite -A. gents, RALEIGH, N. C, ' lands wanted. Lam and small farms, mineral lands, water , nowara and other real estate property. I e win aiso sen. lease or re'it city property, make collections, exam ine titles, survey and plat land. Desirable nouses and lots for sale and to rent. s aug 7 lm duke 5 . 1irMinrTTrc i SsaajjsiW W-ZJf DURHAM. KC U.S.. V- . staos fnom , ABSOCUTELY PURS ''IkiniDSN'axHnFt TAWS7A rAlK""UW"'M. The bssWt&OD Hen's Shoes on the" market. T Hade from tannery calrsUn,-dongola. tops, all kauisr trimmed, solid leather, , solea with Lewis Cork Filled Boles. v Unequaled tor beauty, fine workaun ehlp, and wearing qualities. Your choice of all tha popular toes, lasta and fasten- ' A livery pan contains a paio-op Acci dent Insaranos FoUey for 100, good for 90 days. Wear LeWis Accident Inairranoa Shoes, anil go insured free. SOLD BY Wliitinqr Bros WHAT'S yOUR FAVORITE Snuff ? Why, Person's Celebrated EGERTOri ..SCOTCH SDBUIFF- IIECATJSE j It Is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To bacco. The Manufacturer selects the"! choicest grades of Tobacco and we guarantee4f yon give It a trial your good judgment will approve ti eGERTON r And in future you- will use no other brand. Put up in any size pack age to suit the trade. Dealers. J.M. PARSONS, Man'fact'r New Brunswick, N. J. F IRE INSURANCE B. 8. JEKMAN. OEO W. TIIOMPSON, jft. Geo. W.Thompsoii, Jr., & Co. OFFICK AT fJommercial and Farmers Bank i RALEIGH, K. C. ; ' Represent Foreign and - Domestic Companies of tbe highest, character. Business solicited and prompt and careful attention guaranteed, septa lm THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Conipy Sella plain life Insoranee, as pro tection to tha family, creditors or one's old age, and asks a careful ex amination of Its clear and 'equitable contracts, with Ibeir aaeqsaled guar antees la flgarea na tbe pulley firing true life iasaraaee at Its ' Lowest Possible Cost; ' With Perfect SeswrHy. This nom pany has bvea doing bnataeasi tr this State over tweaty-elght resra. aad Its policy holders arc Its BEST FRIENDS. Tbe Coaaeetlcat : Motaal ha a a pecolaUve featore er mtrtrats ptsns, nor tbe taeontestaDlc clanae, admit' ting raaeals at the etpcaaa of its boa est members, bat if any happaa to get ia, It gives them their money back, an siateq ia ne eoairaci. rne h- 3 Per Cent Reserve ; baa become ' aa important factor la life iasaraaee. All will be gladly as- plained py - - H 5. d: wAnv General Agent, Raleigh, sea away was atek, w awe I flaw ate was a Child, anaariea tat Caatorhv iBeoane Mlaa, ate etaar . CBaaorhv laswOoAbwa. aVa mm. Ealeioli "rystal Ice Factory . " Ioe of the 'beet quality and at lowest prices, in Raleigh ann td near-by railroad points.' ' ; r-r - Ioe now ready for delivery in any quantity. ; . k.. '';,''. POCAHONTTEAM COA'l - - . Is ahead of all others in quality and pttee.-. h ' -FOIt GRAIN, HAY, MILL FEED, SHINGLES, LATHS, Etc ; call on " ' , -f , Jones and Powell Raleigh. IVI- C. D.T.Johnson, ' ' " AOKKT. ' Wholesale dealer in all kinds of Coun try Proluoe, Fruits and Vege . tables. Consignments So- - .- licited. . - " CHICKENS. " EGGS AND BUTTER ; i -,-. a Are-cheap. I sell tbetn to the trade by (he coop, crate or pkg. as low as the lowesL. " Consignments are arriving dally and They Must 116 Sold. N. O. R,va8,8l'tlAR0UBED HAMS, TU1N liUKAKFAST ma ON and - 1'IJUE LEAF J.ARare among uiy special ties. N. C. Cut and Roe HorrinK By the barrel br dozen. Royal Crown, Morning Star, North State and Oak City Are brands tr Flour that have come to stay on their merits. If you bave not tried them, do so at once tyXour orders solicited. D.T.JOHN ON.Agent. 16 Hargett 8t. P JONS 38. oettUeod SPRING Millinery. We are now ready. All the latest novelties in Trimmed Miiliii'-ry fi r Ladies and Children. A full line of Muslin Caps. M t can sell you a nica Cap for 26o and a bsautifiu one for 76c Our goods are all well selected ai d the prices are right. ttissvIaggieKeese 09 Fayetterille Street SIMPSON'S Nlckle Plate Pharmacy. Depends on rood care. Ooodesrelm plies cleanliness Cleanlinesi requlrn gooa soap, ancD as : 81 EPSON'S WITCH HAZEL BOAP, which leaves the skin soft and smooth niirSON'8 ECZEMA OINTMENT Cures all kinds of skin troubles and ok sores. Sent by mail for 25 cents. It U aspeeineror MUk crust. - felMTSOlTS.- IMPROVF.O I.IVER l'ILL8 have mv fae simile signature on each box. In order to get ths genu ine vou should call at or send ift cents w - .... .. Simpson's Pharmacy, (PuUen Building.) WIU.IAM BIMPHON, BfanagV DM TO BUYERS Vi- . r'c: . " " ' have received rother supply t warranted pocket knives, nice pat terni. Nirisk taken -when you bu one of my warranted knives. Prirei are as low and in some Instances lawet than knives you buy on which you g no guarantee. Dew stock of ths pure hog fi ten lard. ,.,-: L D WOMBLE 1 " . -we; again offer from the- ' ;-; prickly ash, poke root ' ' ' AND PflTASSllIM makes ' Marvelous Curss in Blood Poison Rneumatisnt A and Scrofula. P K T puiiitm trie Hood, HiUAn ni tlia wook tlelMl tcO, r vt s trstlffth tO WUHkOHiMl HiifT Cipf:l iltMsueft. BiviriF 1 lie par tnt het h nnd kapitnHa. wiinrt. hiii4b t?iour fuolinkj mnd InsiUtuvls umi rnt.vUlf J. Fir mlnuiry iTDbllfa- lir r rial bolimii. rb&iftilA, drmwiMtitv and ft ii Diooa &aa tuiia atiityfi3, uk rothL. nd Lhraiiin uk-oi-w. teur. sveaJd band, bcjls. er-rirola. eoseiiHk we u without for of conti-tvtrtun.ila: K P. F.U tliebos blood parltter In the world, and rtusstM poattire, vpeody tuid prauui?nt cuts Id svll " ' t ...... l..a artd wkoaa bkd is la aft iiDDUra oa tloa, 4otOa:eDwrul irroiTolarttiorj, arc Monllarlj bnoOtcd bj t' woa- toale and biW tI.r Slnr ivrop-' aftlftaof P. P. F.-lMclfljr Aab, Jruii ' Hoot aad Potasicm. BpKiifOPTaLD, Ho,, .ufflttb. J'J3, loan apeak ia tha tlrUeat term of four medlaln from tuy "wn peraonal nowlads, I waa affcteJ Uti heart dlaaaaa, pkrvr.ftv nnd ru&nmat.a for a&yaara, wMUeatw,: brttie Terr 4nf pbvalclana ana apenl hoirdrada of flol- . isiliiliuuniDi; atMunii ir- iwu; ontflodlnf rallf. Iae only taken on bottla of yonri , P. P., jukI oaa ohearfolly aay It hr.a dona mort? ood loan anytbina; I bar Trtcki-'kr- I oao MnoranaiM roar msMllrlna tot.i aracaof tii above diaaasea, BfR9. at. at. VKAItT, Qrvaa Ooaatj, Mo. YOUR ATTENTION la calUd tQ our select stock oF Groceries, Etc. Everything can be found that is usually kept in a Brut class Grocery Store. NEW GOODS. XOW PJUCES A fair share of tbe patronage of the public is solicited-. Prompt and caret u i attention to ail orders. H. S. LOWRY, AGT Wfcolesale and Retail Grocer and rora mission Merchant, 117 Fayetteville btreet. r M.S. CLARK, SLATE R()0FKIt. . . and dea!er In all kinds of JOIMMWO ,D B')0lfl BLATK V.O. Box IB, Balnigh, K. 0. marlM' . .,. ' law l in , i'.iu.rf..t JtXtlmtumvr, ,rwrr,n(i-4'tl4Bn , Sjutbiilil llre.t- .. n fa il. TO Aug 0. (S)J V AT WHOLES A LEAND RETAIL. T Apply for pricee at tha office oi ' rr. l- EIIEHI1A1M)T, Ire8iden ,' FAYETTTEVILLK STREJir : P1SPLE5, BlOTCHtS a tin run ennro CATARRH, WALftRIO; . lmwtr TOnilOlCC and fi!SPEPSIA Are eattnalir Br TJfJPk , ' Prickly Ash. Poaa Boat and Potaa ' tl-.iBi, en grekMU blood purl&M on, 'ana.. ....... .' s...-. t . - ; .' ASWTJf, O.. Jelrat.lSW. I. : tEr"m j,ifms Bitot-, Bv.niua. ' - Ot. i I'Cau Rinn- T NKh a bottle oi . , oor K l P. at Hut Sprliin, Ark.,and It bun tlnno ma mora Rood than Ibrae moittbit" treatment M toe Hot asAaaa. Baud tbMC boulna 0. O. n. . . - XHTrTFWTMr' Aerdean, Broen OoaaV, Crt-1. D. I etaauteaa, 4Vi rrft -tKani i tmttw tot rim f V i br tt lty to tb vonderrul orontr&m ot P. P. k. for oruptlorw ot tbkl- I - , tafTort-d for fenvr.-UyirswttiiAa vtr ifrnns mnu aisnirmKiiitj nrwiiiunuaj f . a.ah,j r;ftjjjjai ( y.7 amxnsius. wri aiar( onus. t dbtsuui Oa, : Untltmn -I bav tnd your onr f- -i a -. . ; J rlU(: N at , " M all If .( "J -i dlMaae . . . . - : P. p. fur a dlasraM of tha akto - akin moo,of tturty. lao'iinf, ana .oona kti tiu parineawnwiDioott ana iwiiOTafi rltaUon Irom tb aeat of the dli n't p-TMita anf aonadlaa of tbv aora. i nay t wean nnor aiz Doniea and f con fldent that aaotbar ooaraf vlU Btfioct a car. 1' baa aiat. nHerad m fronk In dl cation ao4 atoaMOa. ' troubaaa. xours trnly, CAST. W. M. RTJVT, AttorotfatUf. . M on Biocd DMa lutieil Fnt AXaL DBTJQOI8TS IBCaL jO. ' LIPPMAN BROS. paoPBiBroas, Upyiman-a n n rl irn r..wna, SJa Now Klrm. '.'h-;. 7 Having sold half interest ot the Oak City Steam Laundry to Robt -' W Page, it will oontinua under the same name at the old stand, SloV -Payetteville street, R V7-Page and ' L B Wyatproprietora. We aoliolt V tbe patronage of the past and hope -to greatly increase it by strict at tention to business and good man-. agement, as Mr Page will give the business bis entire time and atten-, ' tion and will use- every tflort to please each patron who will give as a trial. His first aim will be to: ' remedy the defects of the past, ,, caused by the former owner not hav ing time .to give It tbe proper atten. tion, and he will see that nothing . but first olass work goes tint, though ' " If any l-irfeotion; should oocur, will be obliged to any customer to - report same at the ofBoe or to the , ,. driver and . we. wUl hava lLrio-ht : in tbe future. r v L. IWraTT, V,. j-- Former Owner. . MAGNETIC NERVIKEturtJ: - KMureLaalMaaheaa. Vnnm waaawnawa. Nwre . ' Uability and all the erilt from earl)r or later M. Maaoi. tlie rmulto o( orerwork, worrv, aioknaaa, ' )t. Full -treoirth, ton and develoDmant mrtm , to every oraao or portion oi tbe uoujr. Imp uentimawaiaoiiTaeM from tnearat box. Tbooe. udaoClcOsraorpraiaeenSieiaearorBoa. Caa ( breamed in mat iiookat. Sent br mail to aa I varan unraonpa or pnre. una month treat - OB1.0f), 6 bnxra, $.M, with refund monor itnotoiiraa, nine, Cirenlara fres rr n wm wnarantea to reran aa to as Uw the Qenniaa, John V. afaoBaev Druggtat, BaMgh, RjO. , Ohamberlain'. Hps and aTkin Olatawm ' , Is unequalled for Ecsema, Tetter, Sajt- . Rheum, fcicald Head, Bore Nipples, Charted : Hands. Itching Mies, Barns,. Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes snd Granulated Eye lids, , for sale by druggiah) at 26 cents per box. " For putting a horae in a fine aeaithy Coa lition try 1. CaoVs Condition Powders. . They too. np die system, aid difrestion, cun ; a of appeute, reher constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving' -tew Ufa to an oM or over-worked hone. - 26 wts per package. For sal, by drnHsts, r L j