at:. now torn Bow long, 0 Lotd, Vw 'iobg, .. Shall telling eyes from itj to dajr, .,; Still meet sgaia is type's display The easting, snivelltsg essay, ' . By hayseed parson in dismay, , Or raw-boned prude ia ebaate array. Or srenk with wit la dtra deeay. - Or fraitie ass alto sen feat brsy -And kick; 'tia writ, that threadbara la, About tba draaa deeolleteV-- ' ,v How long. O Lord, how long ? vh. ' v T Th Gaowi,ta. OliEVELAWD'S COMING MESSAGE. - Beat for Sea FUhlng-rho Bood ... - ..v. ,. - Montgomery Special to Atlanta eosituutloa. The following very epioy oomblna- " tioo of fun, toot and philosophy was - pioked Dp oil the street her to day . A wicked blmetalliatBaRgeetait was aeat here for the indorsement of tb a', machine t raE8IDBMT,8M8Sie,DMBBB,1895. Gentlemen of tbe ' 8enate and House I have had kv verylraaan. - summer.- The flitaing was first rate, and having no ! Congress oa 1 my ' hands, I enjoyed it to the fullest ex- tenb ! For ?deep sea fishing I. have : discovered that "chumps" are fine f bait; Mr. Benedict ran down on oe '. or twice, bat upon my woid I didn't tonoh any.j. If there Js isuoh pn-ja tfloe that the word of a President cannot be taken,- I refer to Mr. -4 Joseph Jefferson" a gentleman ' - personally acquainted with the Don--" existence of the fact; There may - . have been some then, but I did not knowlt i - . "My foreign relations are peaceful 1 The crowned, heads of Europe have beeq. busy having a good time all ' summer and there has been bat lit tie talk of war. I am told that-the sturdy -Japanese have1 ooDoluded pesos with China, bat I regret to say that Chins to turn ha since , made war on oar nrissioDSTies in her .. . ..: J,....-. .. . - . U.t. ooantry wimspme soomsb uavr, ' ss yer, taken no motive steps -in tbe "matter. I reoognlze the fact that , Chins was angry over her defeat and had to take it oat on some one. sod that the i missionaries were convenient-My people should there i ' fore, reserve their judgment. On sober seoon thonght I nave no ' doubt batthat Chins willee that she ought not to have done it, sod will take proper steps to bury the "dead. ' If she doe not I ehaU send ' my navy over and have, it done N "My domestic relations continue pleasant and there is one more of - them. An eminent sUttsUolaiTlfL forms me that there is already a predominance of females in the Eastern State, and I had hoped the ' party of the sexes might not be far ther disturbed. - Bat I am told there are many suloldes and fether extra 1 ordinary modes of demise'smong the , male ser, which leads me to hope that " this sociological qoestion will adjust itself without legislation. : , "Gentlemen of Che,; House My ' Secretary of tbe Treasury, will sub mit to you bis estimate of the oom Ing fiscal- year.' While' money Is very sound and has increased in value when it comes to purchasing theproduotof labor, and thus pay " . mast re remem " ' bered that it requires as many dol--, iars now to pay the salaries of the publio servants and tbe interest on s' our national debt and other flxwi charges as it did before we got down ' to hard pan. It is oat of m p)wer ' therefore, to reoommend the reduo--tioo of taxes, .Indeed, .they may '. have to be Increased somewhat a ; demand npon,my people to which I -. know thev will Dairiotioallv resDond , whoa thay know the reason why. . Tou sea the change-over the world from tbe double to the single -standaid has oaused gold to oome - Into oouaiderable demand.' In fast. ' all the nations of thej world are bid ' ders for it. Is America to be oat. hid : Not If I can halo 1L I bavw paid out of my treaaurri some $10, r ' 000,000 to my great and good frienda, tbe Rothschilds, sod they agreed to back my ooanty untu- October 1st - lastrv' 'WV ; f '' ':.'y "But since. tht time tbeotber side have been gaining on us to such aa , extent that if my O. A Q F.'s will ' not be over-sensitive and wilt take ;; another $10,000,000, Indirect you to -' v vote me suthocity to close the deal ' If you do not, I shall resume - sating under the resumption sot It is said to be s good thing sad ought to be pushed. Y?S ' - - "I have mentioned ; the principal , ' matters relative to my, Government ' . There are some small subjects, each as the Cuban;. skirmishing . and the ' Nicaragua Canal, about which I may address you later. '' The prinoipal 1 matter now Is to remunerate my G. & G. F.'s, so as to put gold into the coffers o( our common country. I ; aid thai 11 you .would then, pall in , all of the demands against my Government this gold would likely ' stay there.v- u ?,.-- "The offlolal family are' all quite well at the present time, bats little tired I felt It necessary that they should go abroad In the land to edu oate the people, who seem .slow to understand that the best friends they have In the worldxare my bankers In the East and in Earope. They have had, strange to say, a hard .time. Bmlth, , my seoreUry fronr tie- J&tsrlor,. reports that. haV'iCft feifs to heark - ther trill not hearlri QeOrf(!a. Tnete WU' loan prospect In Kentucky nuder ih In flaenoe of my former s ilver-tan jrued Secretary of the Treasury, bat lieu old Joe Blaobarn will yet take the 'cake." Tbe oomaouQioattoo closes rather abruptly, bat a epaoe was left at the end probably for the machine manlp, ulatom here to work fa a saKgeetion or two. A ilear. soft, roar oomnlmloi la tha dedra of ary lady. Why not give ' lAhaana'a ilki...l U ..fa vr . ! j. ""T"," , awapa triai.nere i la BOthiBaT to aomnara with It aaa akin baaatifler. - Two eakas la a pack age; BS aunts. For sal by John X. llaeKae, drnggist. ' Nevada has tha amalleat namber of farme of any Sute-l,a37f with 1,061, 418 aeres.: ' That tirad, all gona foaling, loaa of appotita eaaaed by improper dieting, aan be easily eradicated by naing Johnson's Binulsioa of Voi Lirer Oil. Pleasant to tba Uste.,;: Pint bottle, 1. Vor sale by John Y. af aoBae. druggist vf '.;.. 1 . "' ' i Illinois elalms tha largest namber oMmprored acres ooiho farms, bar lag 62,860.080. V. ; Johnson's Kidney and Liter Ra-n lator inrigoratea the llrer. revalatea the bowels, cars dyspepsia, bilooa ncss, Indignation, sonr stomach and makes your head as clear as a bell. 9ft and 50 teats. For sale by John IV UaeBaa farmers of Kansas prodaend in tha ecasoa yasr aa satimatad sal as of 105,070.080. Johneon'e Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil la invaluable in all- pulmonary af- lections and consumption. It enrich- as 'the ; blood, restores ' lost tissni builds ap tha appetite makes sound flash. Pint buttles 11.00. For sale by John Y. KaaRae drnggiatA Ths Adams press was invented by Samuel Adams, Boetoa,' 180. All diseases of ths skin cored and tba beat complexion restored by John son's - Oriental Soap, perfnmed and hjghly medloatcd.. Two cakes in each package, 36 cents. For aale by John Y. MacKae, Chamberlain's is the best of all. VI n cent J. HarkV of Danbury, Iowa, has used. Chamberlain's Cougn Remedy whenever - in need of. a medicine for oougbs and colds, for tbe past Ave years and says : "It always helps me out ' If unvone asks me what kind of cough medicine I use, Ireply, Cham- oeriain s. mat is tne Deat or aiL ' ss and 90e bottles for sale by J. Hal Bobbltt Druggists., 1 Ths United Statea in 1880 produced S,409,91 ousels af sow peas.' Marvelous Jtesults From a latter written by Rev. J. Ounderman, Of Dimondale, Hich., we are permitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King'a New Discovery, as the re sult war always marveloua in tha case of my wife. While I was pastor of tha Baptist church at Bives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeeding la grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not rnrvive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was qatak in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at John Y. HaeBaa'a drag store. Regular site OOo and $1.00. The Order of the Lamp of God 1a Swedish, foanded la 168a. . A horse kicked H. 8. 8hafer of tha Freemver Bouse. Middlebunr. N. Y. on tbe knee, whtqh laid him up In bed and caused tbe knee iolnt to become stiff. A. friend recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which be did, and In two days was able to be around. ' Mr. Sbafer has reonmended it to many others and saya it is excellent foranykiodof a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for Its euros of rheumatism. For sale by HainoDDiu. . aa -' . Tba order of Concord la of Pmasiaa origin, fonaded in 1680.. A A U R.lln a nil .. A, .l,t. ft agene, Omron, says bis wife bas Sur j Bars oeen trouoiea . wiu cnrenio iarrrbuea and used many remedies with little relief -until she tried Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and llarrbo3 Bemedy, which bas cured her sound and well. Give It a trial and you wilt be surprised at the prompt relief It af fords, ss and 50o bott les for aale bv J. Hal fiobbitt Druggist ., -. .jn --a. "-' . , i Our for lMtsae. Asa reraedv for' all forma of hsail. aebe Bleetrle Bitten has proved to be tha vary beat U effeeta a permanent rare and tbe moat dreaded habitual tick headaches yield to its Influence. We urge all who are afflicted to oro enre a bottle, and give tbia remedy a fair trial.' In ease of habitual aonatl. pattoo Eleclrle Bitters cares by glv. ing tbe needed tone to the bowels. and few eases long resist the use of UtlSBMdielDa. Try It at one. Large bottles only SOa at John Y SfaaRae's drug store, SALE OF CITY PROPERTY i Bv virtue of a decree of tbe Rnnarinr Court of Wake county, N. X, in the Special frootwding entitled Uarion Johnson, aduiin'stratorol Emily John son, 8. rbarlee Johnson and others, No 886, Brial Pfoceedings Docket of said court, I will sell at publio auction at the court house door In the city of Raleigh. N. O., on Monday, tba 7th day of October, ISM, at 13 o'clock m., the following dsrribed lot of land, sit uated OU KW i' ' '"'1 s'm-Hn aaideltv. adjoiningtl.' n8oa, Ashley tloi i iard, frontiog about, . said street and running Uu;C 2-m Terms of sale, one-half -t money in cash, balance In six J at6 percent. saaiunn joitn son, a . aug SOtds ;t , -. CommiaaitMier. sjasjwaaraiaaVi!. a. . wtw.t .a,w m.a,,, V- f -'--wvi-Wvir-HiwjBj , for Infants ! ayjMHIHTT ywra mhm rrattwa af Cajtaria wltk taw watracs of B aafflfa af amau, wrmlt aa U awaalt af It wltht rnnammhtg. It la aaqmaatloaaMy tk fcaat raaaaay far Iafaata ana Chlldraa ' wwrM kaa araw kaow. It la aanalaaa. CUIdraa Ilka It. It a-y tkaaa kaalta. I wUl aare tkafa- Hraa. Ia it Mothers kmra amatbiag wkloa fa aaaalataly aaja aa aractlcally peafact aa a . cldld'asaedlolae.' f, ' Cneiarfa aWrari Warau, - Caataria allays rawrfskwasa, 1 sv$ Caaiarla yrTat ToicJtlafc gewy CtoaT. ' 4, Caataria aarae PUrrassa ajU rtad OaUa, Caataria rallawaa Taathiaa; Trtraalaa? Caatorla ewres Oaawtfwatlasi aaWl Ilataja r. CaatarU MewtraUaaa taa agactS af earjaaia aoM gas aw palaemawa air. Caataria So mat eoataia arpiMa,ailam, ar ataar aareatle praparty. Caataria aasawflataa ' the reod, ragmlataa tha atastaca aad .VowaU. ' healthy aad natural alaap. A Caataria la wmt ww la oaa-daa fcatOealamly. It fa ant aald U halh. PaaH alW aay aaa ta sail yaw aaythtoa alaa aa tha wlaa ay praaalae that H fa "jaw aa ajaoa "sas wO aaaarar arary pwrpaaa." aa that raw ai C-A-S-T-O-st-I-'A. ' Tha faa-ajaala afajaatwra af Children Cry for CODCE DIRECTORY lriASOrllC. HIE AM LODGE, Na 0 ever Sr Monday; night in Masonic hall. W W Wilson, W. M..B. B. Thomas, Sec. Wit Q. HILL, No. 218, every second and fourth Monday nights in Masonic halL W. A. Withers, W. M., N. L. Brown, See. BAXEIGH CHAPTER, No. 10, meets every Tuesdsy after the this MOnday in Masonic hall. W. A. With era, H.P, W. . Fsison, Soc. RALEIQH COMMANDS BY, Ho. every first Thursday night in Masonic halL John C. Drewry, O. C, W. A. Withers. Bee. ' ODD FALLOW. MANTEO, No. a, every Tuesday night In the Odd Fellow ball, Pullen building. W. H. Blake.' N. .. O. L. Tounoflskl, Sec 8KATON GALES, No. 64, every Thursday night in Odd FeUow hall, in Pollen building.' F. B. Emery, N. Q ; Philip Thlem, Sec CAPIXAxTno. 147, every Tuesday night In Pythian halL Lewis building, Erwin Jones, N. -O., J. J. Bernard Sec MOKES ENCAMPMENT No. IS meets every second and fourth Friday, nights In Jr. O. U. A. M. ball, PcUen building. W. H. Martin, C. P., Geo Tonnoffski. Scribe. LITCHFORD ENOAMf MENT, he. 86, meets every Monday night In Jr. O. U. A. M. halL PuUen Building. W. W. Brlggs, 0. PM J. 8. Keith, Scribe. RUTH, No. 4, every first and third Friday nights in Jr. O. XT. A. M. hall. Pullen building. W. H. Martin, N O; , E. B. Cheek, Sec PYTHIAN. CENTRE LODGE, NoTS, meets every Monday, night in Pythian hall Lewis building. W. H. Martin, a C W W. WUlson.K.otB.and8. PHALANX LODGE. No, 84, meets every Thursday night in Pythian hall, Lewis building. W R Blake, C. C, J. J. Bernard, K. of R. and 8. J. O. V. A.M. BAXEIGH COUNCIL, No. L Jr C CAM, meets every Wednesday night in Jr O U A M hall. Pollen building. W. R Kennett, Councillor, M. & Haynea, B. 8. - FRUIT WE HAVE THEM I i .-, .: ..." : . - 'i.- SEND US YQURf ORDEKSa ' LOWEST PRICES, Julius. l;BarlwiiCc! i Headq Jars "9rF i v and Children, wrappar. Pitehet? s; Castorla. . f RUNKS Are oelli vou Koinir awavV we have a nice line ot l runKs, Bags and Grips ready for you. 130 YOU RIDE? We have a beautiful line of Lap Robes, 'Vhipg and Umbrellas. Tan and Low Cut Shoes at reduced prices. Do you want an 6i L STOVE ' We have them very cheap. Also Barbers' Clippers, Horse Clippers. Note Paper at lo quire, Envelopes 2c paek. Books and Tablets at any price you want at the LYON RACKET STORE. 16 Martin Street. Bring your Coupon for Hoe Cake 5ap to us with Fire Cents and get two full sue cakes of this line Laundry Soap for tbe price of one," . J. R. Ferrall & Co. For Visiting Hi Stationary FIRST You Ret what yon want SBCONP-The prioe suits yon. This is always the ease, for we keep ap with the times and have the finest assortment Of Blank Books and Sta tionary to be found in the State. ... Eight ball Croquet Seta. S1.86." . X Hammocks, 60c "Be, L tlM, l.fiOi W. G. SEP ARK, Manager, '.hmoslte Postoffloe. FREE. Two . . i '. I ' - - t " Reasons lkiBWaVri0Sja1O 6 ALE OP LAND. In buMahbe of a Judgment rendered on the 6th lay of August 1805, in a special proceeding entitled W. R. Blake, Administrator of Mrs. E. E. Glenn, deceased, against Pnttie Dupree et al, before the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will Bell at the Court House door in the city of Raleigh on the 23d day of September A. D. 1896, at 13 o'clock m., at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, tbe follow ing described lot or parcel of land, bounded and described as follows. Lying and being in the city of Raleigh, on the north side of Martin street, and bounded on tbe east liy the lot of Hen derson Reeves, dece&ted, on the south by the said Martin street, on the weft by tbe land ot hldrmge JohnsoB, de ceased, and on tne north hy tbe lot for merly owned by Wesley Whitaker, fronting on said Martin mreet 35 feet and running back 210 feet, containing one sixth ot an acre, more or less. W. 11. bl.AKK. Administrator of Mrs K E. Glenn LAND SALE. By Virtue of a certain mortgage aoed uf real estate execut' d by Jtobert Smith and Laney smith, hii wile to Luanza bchobt aid record'! in Book 76, page 660, in tbe otliee of Register of Deeds of Wake county, 1 will sell at the court house door in tbe city of Raleigh, said county, on Saturday the 21t day oi September 1S5, at 12 o'clock m Two lota of lan a being and lying in tyaleifib township, adjoining the lands of H. P. Woodlief. 1'. C Wynne and others. The Uibt lot being bounded as follows : Beginning m the centre of theltaleigh road, T.J. Woodilel's, shoutliwest cor ner.theucewitli his line east iu 1-3 poles to a stake in the centre of the old load, thence along tne said road south 4 de grees east, 8 poies to a stake in tbe centre of the same, thence west 23 1-3 polos to the centre ot tne Raleigh or new road, thence along the same north 2°rees, east 1-3 poles to the be ginning, containing one acre and ten perches. 'lhe second of the alxive lots is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the centre of the old load and on 1. C. YVynne't line, thence with ber line west iu 13 poles to the center oi the new road, thence along the name, north 19 1-2 degrees, east 17 10 poles to a slake, thence esst tlpoles to a stake in the ceu re ol the old road, thence along the same south 5 1-2 degrees, east 16 poles to the beginning, contain ing one and one half acres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. Title per tect J. C. L. Harms, Attorney of Mortagee. aug 10 30J . ArRDKKN, O. Mf.shrs. Liri'MAN Buos., Savannah, Ga Dkak siks t bought a bottle of your P. I'. 1'., at Hot springs, Ark., and it has done me more good than three months treatment at hot springs. Bave you no Agents in this part of the country, or let me kuow how much It will cost to get three or six luttles trom your city by express, ttespectiiilly yours, J AS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. JVEWNANSAILLK, Ha. Mkssr.s. J. htm an ititos., savannah, Ga.: Dear Siks I wish to give my testi monial in regard to your valuable medicine, i: f. V., for the cure ol rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, bil iousness, etc. In lMil 1 was attacked with bilious muscular rheumatism, and have been a martyr to it ever since. 1 tried all medicines 1 ever heard of, and all the doctors in reach, but 1 found only temporary relief; the pains were so bad at times that I did not care whether 1 lived or died. My digestion became so impaired that everything 1 ate disagreed with me. My wire also suffered so intensely with dyspepsia that her lite was a burden to her; she would be oon lined to her bed for weeks at a time; she also suffered greatly trom giddiness and loss of sleep, some time in March 1 was advised to take 1 PP., aud before we (my wife and 1) had finished the second bottle of P 1' P., our digestion began to improve. My pai ii 8 subsided to much that I have been able to work, and am feeling like doing what 1 haven't done betore in a uumuer or years, we win continue taking P P P until we are entirely cured, and will cheerfully recommend it to all suffering humanity. lours most respectfully, J s Dui'Rif-s Notice! Nobth Carolihi, Wake county. 8upt rior Court. Mary A. Bawkins vs A'einnder B Bawkms aud Maru.Hrliike J Haw kios, executors of William J. Haw kin, deceased, and M J. Bawkins in his right. Colliu M. BawklDe Loolpa N. McQee and her husband William T. Mcl-iee, and Aletbea C. Lamnraod her hnshaud J M. Le mar, I.uoy O. HIcps aud ber hus band therwood Hlggs; safe deposit aud troH company of Baltimore; Luov D Bawkin. 'Veldou E Bawkios, Janet McK. Hawkins and Marniaduka J. Hawkins Jr., Ale. tbea Mcttee, William Ltuiar and Louisa Lamar, tha last seven be fog it f tots uujpr the aga of twenty one years of age and without guar dians. NOTICE -To the defendants Ale tbea O. Lemar' snd her husband J. M Lamar and theirohildren, Wllllav Lamar and Louisa Ltuiar; yon arr hereby uotili.d that tbe plaintiff. Mary A. Hawkins. h hesnn In thlt oourt a special proceeding to procure tbe assigumest t.ud allotment to bei of ber dower in the lands situate it North Carolina of ber deceasec husband, William J Hawkins, from Whose will she has dissented. Tht aommoDS in said action is retnrnabli before the clerk of . tbe snnerio' eourt of Wake county at tbe court noose In Kslelgn on tbe Sltt day ol September. 1898 Ton are notified then and there and answer or demur to the com Dlalnt tiled or indcr tneot will b given for tbe relief demanded in th eom plaint. Witness V H. tonus, elerk of sMr aoart at ofBoe. in Bleigh tbe SSod day of August. 189. U n. iou, Clerk Suoerlor Oonrt. Trie Best Is the Cheapest - lhe Light-Running, Genuine Singer Sewing ; Machinea The best on earth. Sold on Ions time, or on easy monthly payments, lr oesirea win ta&e Machine to your residence for inspection free of oharg . Needles, oils aad attachments for ail styles of machines constantly ou hand Call on or addrssl HE SINGER MAN U FACT U KIN (1 CO M PAN Y, 116 rayetvevuie nireeb. naiento, a. u- , , U ORE EN, District ilanager. Vf Agents wanted in every oounta - eacis-tf , : S A. L Seaboard Air-Llfies COND EASED BOHEDTJLE. M arraoT May ft, US.' Trains Leati Kaleigb, 1 20 a m Daily, "Atlanta BpeeUL" 1 ullmaaVastlbulMor Hen ueraon, Weldon, Peters, burg, Biehmond, Waahlog. ton, Baltimore, Philadel. pbla. New lork aad al poiuts north.. Buffet draw. lug room sleepers and Pull man eoaetaaa Atlanta to Washington, parlor ean Washington to Haw Tovb Pullman Sleeping ear Mon roe v ronsmonio. 1 SI a M-Daily for Handarann. WaMaa Hn folk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and Intermedials stations, connects at- Portansoatb with HavI.lnafnrDIH Point and Baltimore, with Sm tola and W asnmgton Btaaat boat Co., for Washington with N. Y. P. Ml N. at B for Philadelphia and roints norm; aiao as weiaon with Atlantic Coast Line for Biehmond, Washington, HaUlwore, Philadelphia and Mew fork. Through sleepers Weldon to New York ani with Sootlnnd Neck Branch for vreen Hie, Washington and Ply mouth. Pullman sleeper Atlanta ty Portsmouth. 6 85 a M-Dally. "Atlanta Bpeeial,' Pullmau Vestibule for Bo, Pines, Hamlet, Monroe, Chester. Clinton.' ' ftoaafu wood, Abbeville, Athens. atiania, aionigomery. Mo bile, New Orleans, Ohattat nooga, Naahvilia, Memphis and ali points south and southwest. Through Pull man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington te Atlanta, connecting direct ly at Union depot Atlanta with diverting lines Pull man steeper Portsmouth to faouroe. 8 40 P m Daily, for Bogtbern Plnea, Bamletk Ma.xto.n, Wilmington, Wadesboro, Monroe, Uhar. lotte, Lineolnton, Shelby, Butberfordton, Chester, ttreenwood, Atlanta and Points south. Tralos.Arrlve Ualelgh : 8 80 a m Daily, "AtlanU Special, Pallman Vestibule from New lork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Portsmouth, Norfolk and all points north. Parlor ears New iork to Washington; PnU man Buffet Sleepers and day coaches Washington to Atlanta. 8 88 r m Dally from , Portsmouth and points north via Bay Line N . I. P. also from Ureenvllle, Plymouth, Washington and Basteni Carolina polnU via Wei don.Petersburg, Klehniond Washington and points north via Atlantis Ooaat Line, sleeper New York to - Weldon 1 21 A af-Haily, "Atlanta Special,' Pullmau Vestibule, from Atlanta, Athena,AbbevUle. Uraenwood, Chester am. points south Pullman daj coaches and peeper Atlan ta to Wash! ngton. 11 86 A Daily from Wilmington, Shelby, Lineolnton, Uhai - lotte, Atlanta and points south. Vo. 408 and 408, "Atlanta Special," are solid Pullman vestibuled trains, oom posed of n agnifleent day ooaohet and palace drawing rooms Buffet sleepers between Washington anc Atli nta without ehange, on whiel there is no extra fare oharged. For Information relative to sohed i le. 4c apply to tioket agent, or IL jj. Leaid 8 P A., KaUigh. K. 8t. JOHN, Vice President. J. U. WiBDsa, General Manager. T. J. Andirsoh, Qen'l Paas. Agent V. K. McBss. Supt. Transportation. REDUCED RATES. CO ATLANTA, GA.. September 18 December 31, 1895. For the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip ttokets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the follow ing basis : FROM Alexandria, Va Ashevlile, N. C Burlington, N. C. Burkevllle, Va Culpoper, V a Chatnam, Va CbarlottesTille, Va... Chapel Bill, N. C...... Oonoord, N. C Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va Durham, N.C Front Royal, Va Greensboro. J. C Ooldaboro. N.C Hendcrsonville, N. C. Hickorv. N. C High Point, N.C Hot Springs, N.C... Henderson, K C Ly nohburg. Va. Lexington, N. 0 .... Morvantnn,N. C Marion, N. C Newton, N.C Orange, Va Oxford, N.C Richmond, Va Heldsville. N. C Kalqiira, N. C 8ou(b boston, Va .... dtrusburg, Va. Salltbury, N. C Stateavine, N. C TaykHfvllle, N.C.... Tryon, N. Cs WaahlngtoiCp.0.... Wt Point, Va Warren ton, Va Wilkeaboro, N.C Wlnaton-8aiem,. C. A I B O D B 28.25illl.25 U.00 1S.85 40 6.75 18.7018.70 .S 23.8517.09 U.M .. . 25.H0ll8.S6 18.M S0.ST.il6.a0 10.65 33.aV17.06 IS.401 80.4016.00 10.95 14.20 10.40 1.66 13.1m. . 9.66 6.86 20. 0514. TO 10.W 30.4016.00 10.46 86.8519.26 14.00 17 65 12. S6 9.40 21.7616.96 U.SO.... 11.70 8.60 6.25 16.90 11.26 f.K 16. (W 12.45 t.40 14.00 10.60 S.76 20 4016.00 i. j.. 10.46 ..... 22.6016.60..... 11.50 16 061 11 .S3 6.06 16.30; 11.26 7.26 14.86..... 10.90 7.1b 15. W..... 11.25 7J6 24.6618.00 18.10 20.4016 00 10.46 23.25 17 05 12.40 18.8618,80 .70..... 20.40 100 10.46 Sl.5616.So; ie.8tf... 86.2619.26 14.00 16.60, U.25 T.BI 16 80, 11.26..... T.S6 16.851 12.00 S.16 10.76 7.S6 4.S8 26.2619.26 M.0H j23.6617.86t 12.S 26.2619.26 14.00...... 2.9616.8i Il.SOU... H90M.96l S.8QI..... (Bates from Intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. " Column A : Tickets WIU be sold September t and 12, and daily from September 16 to Deoem ber 16, 1896, iaolusive, wita anal umit January 'Column R: Tickets wffl be sold eafrrfroai September IS to December 16, 1896. InoluaiTe, with Anal limit twenty OM) days from data of Column C: Tickets will be enM daily from September 16 to Deeembef 80, 1896, Inolualva, with final limit firteea-la)-4an from date of Bale. No tjeketto hear longer limit Uian Jann aryf,1896. VSa. v Column Di "Tiokats will beaoMoaTneadays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December (4, 1896, mclnslva, with anal limit ten (10) days from date of aale. Column B: Tickets will be aold dailr from September IS to December SO, 1896, inolnsiTa, with Anal limit sevea (7)4ayt from data of sale, S SOUTHERN RAILWAY. u the' only Bte arrfeHna tbe; IbrposrUoo Btounda, having a douhlu ti aok, atandart- Siaga railway from tba eenter of tba eity of tlanta to tbe BxposlUoo Grounds. For tickets and full taformattoa- apply to our Deans agent, at addrsss 2, M. CrjLP, W.A.TT7KK. . traffic lfanism , aal Paas, Aft, -' BOO Panna. Ava Wawjmgtea. D. O. nWinilaiiai;.! m j - CONDENSED ECDEDULE v -InaireetmSfUll,iSaa. Trains leave Baleiah, V. , , "ensboro, foraB points 1 for Horth and (MNKn,.aadt; Wlnston-cteleu andpoinU aa the iforth-wseterT North cJZ Z llna BaUroad. At Salisbury, lor 5:35, Ati Iaily au points in Western Horth Carolina, KnoxvUla, - Teaa, Cincinnati and western points: at Charlotte, for Bpartaaburg, a1& Attant uonneeisai Durnamior Ox ford, Clarksville ana Keysrilla except BuaoirtOreeaasweu . with Wasuiagton and South western VesubiUed Umstedl tbejlew Xprk andTloriaa Hhort Xlne limited - train for all poluta North, aad with main line train No 13 for DnviUe, KaahswiHt and inter mediate local statloas; alaa has connection for Winston-balea and .with iuaU line train No at . fast mall for Charlotte, tipar tanbnrg, Oreenvllle.,, AtlantV 4:03 Paf Dally " vuuta ovum: bimo uo lnmbla, Augusta, Charleston, oavannah, Jacksonville and all p.ui ui anirma, oieepinc uar '"'Atlanta, Jacksonvuls) aad ... vuwiwm, wiiu aieeuuur ear forAuauata. I Connects at Selma for Fst- ettevilleand Interaiediate sta tions on the Wilson and Fey ettevllle Bhort Cut, daily: UoldsDoro for Newborn and Morenead City, daily exoeat Sundays: for Wiliiungton and intermediate sUtlons on lhe W and WBS, dally. Connects at beuua for Wilson Kocky Mount, Tarboro and local stations on Norfolk aad Carolina Uailroad, arrives at Uoldsboro U:0opui 1:12 1 11 Daily 9:05 AM ex dun TEAIH8 AUBIVB AT BAXXISH, ST. O. i .uv i rruiu umanaanrn ind ail A M i points north and south Slsea ing oar Ureeasboro to KalataL Dally 4:10 FM 1:12 FM from Uoldsboro, Wilming ton, Fayettevllle and all points In eastern Carolina. From Durbam, Greensboro and all points North and South. 8:00 FM Dally ex Kiin From Uoldsboro aud all polntt- east. Local freight trains also carry passen Fullman cars on afternoon train tVnm Balelgh to Greens boro. and on mnrnhna train from Greensboro. Double dailv trains bet Charlotte and Atlanta. Quick time: un- exce'Jed aocouunodation. C L Hopkins. TP A. Charlotte. N 41. J M Culp, w A Tuuk. Traffic M'g'r. Gen Pass A'a't. W H GKEKN, Wasulncton D C Gen'l Superintendent. , Eastern System. Cape t(tr t. , lUUwt; Co. John GillL, neoeiver. Oondensed Sohednle. In Meet June 2a, 95. No. 2. Daily NOBTH BOUND. Lv. rVllmlnatnn. 06aa 12l5pa 12 6 2l6pn 419 460pa Swpm 5 55 " 625 630 " 658 " 8 25p n Ar. Fayettevllle, Lv. Fayettevllle, Lv. Fayettevllle Junction, Leave banf ord, Leave Climax, araiTe ureensooro, Leave Btokendsie, Ar. Walnut Cove, Lv. WalnatCove. Leave Kural Hall, arrive Mt. Airy, SOUTH BOUND. No. l. Daily Leave Mount Airy, 7 05am 8 29 " S65 " 8 59 928 10 11 10 20 10 50 " 12 50p m 235 pm 2 45 " 5 55 " ueare nurai iiaii, Ar. Walnut Cove, Lv. Vfalnut Cove, Arrive Gmensboro, Leave fGreenaboro, ueave iumax,. Leave Sanlord. Ar. Fayettevllle Junction. Arrive Fayettevllle, Leave Fayettevllle, Arrive Wilmington, iNO.4. Dally NOBTH BOUND, tieave bennettsvllle. Leave Maxton, Leave Ked Springs, Leave Hope JTiUs. rooai 8 07 " 8 46 " 941 10 06 " m?e ravenevuie. NO.S Dally Kxc'rt Sunday. SOUTH BOUND. fve Fayettevllle, Leave Uooe Mills. 488pst 4.40 ", SOS , 812 125 " Leave Ked Springs, Leave Maxton, srrlve Bennettsvllle, NO. lb. Lixao. Dally Kxe'pt Sunday. NOBTH BOUND. Leave Bamseur, Leave Climax, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Leave btokesdale. rrlv MadTsenT StOaa 85 " 20 40 1000 11 60 NO. 15. arrTar... SOUTH BOUND- Dally Bxept f " baaeasj,-. d Leave Madison, ueave Btokesdale, Arrive Greensboro, Leave uiwaabero, Leave CUnaax, -Arrive Bamaenr, 1x6 IBS.--. top at 4 0 .ft -u 140 " i Tram Ne. L eonneeta at Wahmt Cove i IthNorlolk Western B. KTlor Win-jtton-Saleaa, Roanoke and all points North' 5i2LS";kA at Seniors with Seaboard Ab: Line for Monroe, Char "e, Athenv Atlanta and all point South , Pnllmaa hkia llMiih. -. ai . iTT 7 T --;"a . w " w lauuH trains fortn ana south Sanford and on Norfolk Western f s North and Wast from Boannka..-! W. TBT, f W. B. XTLX tSavFsaaAjwna vhb aacATtav MSCOVCRV or THK AftK. Cnrea In 1 tn 6 dan ' T. mediate in effort; qinck to aura. Can ba aarrind m vaat PnrirH. all eoRHi-a ia nna aVnU fLa. uafta, pM.utl. btit lV WtflfL arLMtul nla oaoaas. B noalut at ariua. Si par bus. For sale b Jobs T. AleBae, dro risk, ' ' "! :