... - ", --.7 ; . J -$". ,, .... . ..- ,-. f--it.:.- - ....... -, . , -. , . 4-.- -y..-.-; -i t " v.. -r:..". " . ' . - , . - . ,' . . V . . , j, :, , - ' ' V " -rT- p.-. 1 M ITn 1 ' THOS. J. PENCE, - . V City Editor WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1886. Jlndex New Advertisements. Tucker Special V; V Strayed or Stolen Bd-,Y Denton. 1 8.' lUBarwanger-Three Big Pasta SpUta.'.'-iTr. . WEATHER FORECAST. ; Forecast for Hoi tV Carolina: Thoreday fair la the morning, follow ed by thunderatorm ia the afternoon, PERSONAL. Ur .. F. Montague returned from a vteit to WiMtoa to-day. Mra. John B. Kenny baa retnraed from Salisbury. Mra. fairy and children have re turned from Beaufort. Cap. B. A. Newland. the Seaboard Air Liae'eelever paesenger agent, is la the eity. lira. Bruoe Wright and little daugh ter, Lonlee Bruce, retnried today from Haw Biver. Bi-Clerk John Thompson, who has been here several days, left this morn lag for the North. Bev. Dr. Eugene Daniel haa gone to Greenville to attend a meeting of the Albemarle Presbytery, now in session there. Senator Starbook, of Guilford, ie in the eity. Mr. M M. Vaughan, of Durham, waa here today. Denntv Collector J. A. Thomas, of Loaisbarg, ia in the ci'y. . n r. Hukiav. of Durham, was in the eity today, at the Yarborough Mr. W. J. Jones, a prominent Kniaht of Pythias, is siek of fever at hia home here. Mr. John H. Andrews returned this afternoon to Chapel Uillto enter on Junior year at the "Varsity. m. m.nl B. Barbee and little daughter Katie have gone to Rich mond on a viait to relatives. Genial Sam Harper, the well known traveling man, who hails from Fay ettevile, la in the city greeting hie numerous friends. n.nitnr and Mrs. Marion Butler have ena-aged a cottage at Ocean View ..... wi)minrt.nn. where they will M J . ' " O , spend several weeka. Hia many, friends will be glad to learn that Dr. S W. MoGee, Jr., who haa been qaite sick for several weeka, is much Improved and waa able to be out yesterday. Master Jesse Ball, mo of Mr. Jos B. Ball, left yesterday for Mebane uk.m will attend school. It is predicted that Jesse will stand at th head of his class. In th Register of Deed's offlee to day Mr. Williams was working away without a minnte toepare. The "job was the arduous one of recording the Sonthern Railway Iuh, Mr. H. S. Leard, of South Carolina who succeeds Mr. A. J. Cooke, has arrived io tba city and taken charge of the S. A. L. office here. Our peo nl. .Ill And Mr. Leard a most clever r and agreeable gentlemen. CITY IN BRIEF. Measrs. A. Williams & Co. hav . jnat received a handsome new line of hymn booka and bit'les of beautiful design. Rnvu A Linehtn will soon ba offering their patrona their hand ma fall selections. Watch their ad vertisement. Mr. O. P. Hay haa retorned to the aity from a fw weeka trip to Blowing Bock and other polnta In Weatera Uorth Carolina. Mr. B. F. Cbea'ham ia ia a hospital la Baltimore, where he underwent surgical operation yesterday. The result ia not known. Mr. Bob Lomsden ia back from a aeveral weeks trip to Pkilidalphia. Baltimore nnd several Virginian re aorta. Ha report a splendid trip. Governor1 Carr appointed threw no U:lea today : WilL L. Palmer, of Haw hern) W, t. Boony, of Wallaea, Doplin i )ntyj WA iMeQowan, New Han wr. ipif-" 'V r Master K. W.'Waat. Jr-i aoept - ed position with Cross 4 Llaehan, tho- popnUr wlothiera. - Ba . will b pleaaed to .kava hia frienda eall and aaa him. 4&5' . '" Hon, KopaKliaa, of Franklin, ; nr- . rived In tba eity jreetarday and apent ths evening pleasantly chatting with friends. Mr. Bllaa naeompanled kla I aon to Trinity Col leg. - . - ; A lineman went up a tre on Hille v boro street thia morning to adjust the wlrea which supply the current to the ' Hreet ear trolley. Aa It happened ba . . ' - , , . I plaeed hiahaad an nnlneulnted por- thin "grounded" the lineman who was severely shokedV;He fell from tne traa and was bruised by the fsll. ro other Inlury resulted. ;r. y ThV ISealia .r4 Air Lina yeatlbuled tram waa foar hours and fifteen min ntea. laU tbia. morning. The delay waa caused by a freight wreak on the A. C. Ik, beyond Weldon. i 'litM Liggins,the colored nan who had hia leg broken by the big drop at the ear wheal factory, died last night. It became necessary to amputate hia lag and the shock was ao great that ha died. A PjtaA-ViBiToa man waa forcibly atraek yesterday with some handsome fall goods which have just been re ceived at BerwangerV It ie.tne pret tleat assortment that has yet bet-n seen ..H tha oricee are right. See their new ad. today. Deputy Thomas, who is here from Louieburg. did something for his ...nntr, yasterdav when he feired the " " " 4 4 - ' registered grain distillery of C. a. Elixson In Granville county. 1 he aelsure was for irregularities. It is strange how fr-reching and en disastrous are false rumors of the health of a eity. The talk with Dr. Haywood in another column hows thia clearly. People should be careful and not ' talk d.wn the town. It hurts. The Augnst crop report which ie ost out tsys of the condition of crops n Wake county: "Excessive rains hue recently injured cotton and field peas to aom little extent. Corn is very good. Have had heavy wishing, and land in placea Is hard. Melon crops very fair: fruit tolerable good. Tru. k plentiful Blue 8tu fTs Blue stuffs will be as good as ever this tall. . We are snowing some new goous m blue. We begin tbe price at 25c. These are suitable for eariy ran. W. H 4 B. S Tucker Co. Btrayed or Stolen. Last night a bay mare,' seven years old. She Is supposed to have broken out of the stable or to have been stolen and answers to tne name oi "t losaie. Anv Information reeardine her will be rewarded ana snouiu iw reporwru w Sept 4 tf Interior Walls Whitened and He. painted We are getting in shape for fall busi nessnew dress goi ds, some colored, some black durable things in either. While we are showing new things, yet we are not forgetting some goods which have unavoidably mussed and injured by removal and lime dust, and these we are offering at oriels that means a big saving to the ronnimer. i ur people will find earl -tviember shopping profitable. WT 6 & R. S. Tucker & Co. CHRISTOPHER M 1 LLER, Contrac tor andBuilder-H-ving recent y loca ted in Raleigh I am prepared to do any kind of building and repairing uitner in or out of tbe eity, and will be pleased to bid on your work Have had 20 yean experience as a master builder in the South and West nd can furnish satisfactory reference. Leave orders oi communicate with me at Hughes China hall, 127 Kayelte ville street. sep2 1 mo Be sure and take a look at our fall samples for your suits. We hiive the largest and best line of goodx ever offered snd the price- aie riht. Wooll ott & Son. C. S, Wallace hue bought out D. Bell & Co.'s fish business and is ready to supply his customers as hereto fore at his s'all. No 12 city market. aug301w C. S. Wallace. Plumbers' and Tinners' Tools at Auction. I will sell for cash to highest bidder on Saturday, September 14th, at 12 o'clock the above named tools, which is a complete outfit. HORSES AND BUGGIES. Six bead of good horses and three buggies for the "high dollar" if not sold privately before Sept 14th. FRANK BTRONAUU, Auctioneer. Stronach's Carriage Harnest and horse Emporium, Wilmington St sep Stds SWINDELL'S-SWINDkXL'S- JuBt So. Just 6o. Uncle Remus once said: "NO USE, HONEY, you jes' can't git anv pro peilin' power in er injine 'lesryon got de lire darl" Neither is there any fores ia a store attempting to do kusiness in this age of aetivity upon i)ld time principles. The Are ef pres snt-day enterprise ia needed riactly saeh eaterpriae as may be seen srouud it oar store any day is ! Ths Week. . The Week. At 75e Four-bntton ladioa' kid I , ' -' gloves in black and tan. The f , ' kind yon have been paying f $1.00 , f". Jomorrow they ' wUl b75e. - . .r; J 85eeven-wBik ladies' kid gloves ..' in blsen ana tan. ' we nave ; :.V aeen soma as good, but nose bettor, for 1 35. Oar nricw t IS i So Ladies' flae-rlbbed hose. E 4 " v ntgn spneea neei. ana iaf v , . blaek. They ( were 85et r ; --it . have toe many. One day ' " - only ' at ' IS 1 8, Just half i i, ... priaa. Come early. . , . . ,i i 1 8wna)ii's. Swwdell's ; OKNTBX MAY W5AVETHETRACK In rict thia la Probable-lf Done He and Baronet Will be at tbe Fair. -The Pnasa-VisiTvE learns frm good authority that H ie probable that Mr t. Banks' Holt's great psoiag sUllioa, John R. Gentry, will be taken off the grand circuit. Thia will not ba 4ie immediately but rery probably loaa before th close of tha season Thia action, if taken, - will ba done not because of any failure of Gentry t eara hia ailt or on account of poor I performances, but because of the j trouble and anxiety -attendant upon keeping a vaiuaoie eiar pacer on tha track. I Gentry haa won enough raeea alnc . . l . a,,- . k l m. pnrcnsse w m're ij i f heavy expenses Incident to hia racing. I Only a week or ao ago hia owner re-1 juat contracted to furnish Sells Bro'i on ,nmn.Je!.th?.ireat ammiat iorment iuou v. r.-- thaa the purchase prioe. - ' I tne gentleman vn wuou. w. . . . .... i.iL.j mvwiHi stid that if Gentry was taken from j .i. k. .a .,.., am jnllf the traok he and Baronet would do I xhibitioa beats during ine next lair, i Miss Fannie H. Cobb will give pri vate lessons in the Euglisb branches, French and German, to a limited num ber or pupils. Address or call av m Eas. Jones street, Raleigh, aug 48 lw $3.50 Konnd Trip. Ynn nan take S3 50 Kn to Johnsou and Smith's and get Don hnd- urinin nahinet nhotOH (oi ynunieli. Fnr il.M) von can net 1 3 a zen Diamond size, of course they will be I pretty. ug 13 ti. If vmi want vour furniture re paired neatly and oheap Bend to J W Kay as Uo. Look to your interest by buying cotton good from u, we will save you money Woollcott a Hon. Old claret wine, S years old, none better, for only 60 cts per gallon. Purity guaranteed. Send for sample. KD V. UHTOI, We make a sDecialty of Ducking and shipping furniture J W Kay & uo. "Farina Rolling Mills Co: I would like to-sav that since you bave started 1 I bave been using your best grade of Hour and shall be glad to continue, for my wife is delighted with it and we beneve in patronizing nuine pruuuuui. uordially, Ricv. A. W. Curtis." auRi81w Call and see our uice line of new furniture. J W Kay A Co. The best and cheapest lins of shoes iu the state. Anything yuu wish. Woolicoi. & Son. Mixed spices for pickles cheaper (.bin you can mix tnetn yourseii ana twice as good. aag20ly Hicks A Rogers. Our Pirnt Floor Now Ready Goods. New The workmen are through with oor Hrst floor and we have rearranged the various setlons and beginning Mon- day, September 2d, will show our Hrst importations of new dress goods for this season We have replenished - our lines of domestics, Pride-of-west, Jaasrnvill, rruit-oi-oom arsr.. i.onsa..e, fercaisand anirtinga. tiavinar con- irsoieu ior luese Deiore toe recent ma- vsnces in vsiues, we win oner ta new (roods to our trade, at tne old prices as long aa our contracts hold out. W. H. & B. 8. Titckkb A Co. sug81 lw. For Kent, House on Newborn Avenue contain ing 8 rooms besides kitchen, servant s room and bath room. Hot and cold water with sewer connection. Mental 20 Der mouth. AdoIv to sep2 1 w Hehky E. LrrtHKOHD. Boiiieililna; Really Beanlitul Nothing so beautitul and new can be seea anywhere else in tbe city as the lovely line of hoe stationary which Mr. uarren nas just orougnt witn mm lruui iicw link iui hue auiiu vwuuus Bookc niianv. We will be triad to show it to you today and will be sure to piease you. lourstruiy. Nokth Carolina Book company. sep2 4t Fall snd winter underwear at the very lowest prices. ' Woollcott & Son, coitatre for Rent, Witbin half block of the Street Car line on Peace Street, good njigbor- hood, water and sewersge connection. Apply to a, n. imct. Sept 3rd3t To Let ! To Let I 2 9 room Dwellings oa Branch treeta near Soldier's Horns, f2 60 13 room dwelling on Smith street, 1 1 room dwelling oa Smith street, 14 room dwelling on South street, 19 room dwelling on Lenoir street, 14 room dwelling oa Lenoir street, , 14 room dwelling oa Korth street, near B. snd Q. Shops, ' 14 room dwelling on Hillsboro street, near A. aad M. Col lege, .".' ' 1 Store and dwelling oa HHla boro street, near A. aad f IU College, V 1 8 mom dwelling oa Hargett 8 001 8.00 7.00 3.60 10 8SS 4 00 ,500 street, live 'squares from Capitol, splendid loeatioa, 18.00 18 room dwelling oa MeUowell r street, hear Psrk Hotel, ' ai.uu lHf.- I. Pnllea Bnildino-. '. 515 Qfl - Several deairabla offices ia Pnllen nii- Building. , . ,...,m... - comfortable dwelling or offlee would do well to call and look at any of tha above described property. - vv - Willi. Ei lihgtok A Co - Tianranpa and Baal Batata Aa-ts. so lw i - v , . Re . . ' Hons nnd lot corner of N. Blount and Peace atreeta. House contains t rooms besides kitchen, bath and water closet nnd ' sewer connection. Large EnrdeD, If desired stable and carriage ouse will go with tbe house. s rosMssioo given Oct 1st. Addres for further information s - - - - Jno, B. Burwell, J tepl 8t - Htelgh.K. d, -. - ; , MONEY TO: LOAN,Vi The Mechanica" and Iaveatora" Daion are making loans on real aetata. with promptness, aad are offering to iDreHtora aafa and profitable atock. A JfiOO erlifloaU only ooaU $8 95 per month. Cannot y carry oaa to - Gnonon ALLS. SeereiarjV sua 81 lw. McDowell-Bella Broe. 01roa! Mr. J.. McDowell U the best men fnrniaher in (Ireansboro. Hia flrm baa . - j aTar rnrnisnea to any circus wuivviuk in that lat citf. air J. J. Mcuoweu is favorably known In Greensboro and Rolaioh kiu) miriini1inir country anfl o..,.,. - suri receives large orders daily from abroad you should have occasion to atop bJm ta he wm counrra tne aoove statement. i'i ANDJ j The handsomest Steal Range made. It is 6T'1 .TEW See oar new Bisseir Gfrates 3 Bicycles On easy terms, T 1 Jsilvy- Carriaer ' At a eut prise. h'hos. ti. BrUxs & JSons, Ralbigh, NO. sept -lv. ADMlNISTRATOIt'8 NOTICE. tiavtna nnaiiflMl aa administrator of U ocaute of John U. ilaker, dtoeasea, late of Wake county, this U to notify i, maruim huvinff elalms akraiDSt the I said estate to present them to the un- dt rsigned on or Dexore tue aisi, uay m I plead In bar of their recovery, and all Auiruaw leva, or una wm u persons lnaeouea to aaiu F""0 . jARn0ii AdminiaUator. AmjoAHitow. Attorneys. AugsultWVW A DM IN ISTKATOR'S NOTICE. aamjiflad as administrator of lh .tj,7.'of John Baker, deoeaaedj i ljg 0f Wnke COUnty, this II tO nOUiy aii persons having claims against tne said estate ro present them to the un dersigned on or before tne aist aay oi August, 1W0, or to is nouoe wui ue pload in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to tbe said estate aill please mace uuiutNuue pjuiem J. O. Maroom, Amiinistrator. Anoo & SsoWi Attorneys. -; Aug30itw tm. Beaoohamp ft Beach, Bufaula, Ala. writes : We have haadled yoar Japa nese Pile Cnra for two years now and can conscientiously say it haa given entire satisfaction and is a good sel ler. We regard it aa being tha beat I thing for Hemorrhoids or Piles that I mm have ever aold. For sale by Joaa I v UnaBae, drnggiat I Rheumatism, neuralgia, paina in tba back or aide, stiff neck, sore throat, tonsilitia, diphtheria, camps and eolia instantly relieved by Johnson's Mag netic Oil. Large bottles, 85 and 40 eenta. For sale by John X: MeBae, druggists. , " S. F. Tinger, Dewart, Pa., writes: Mr. Hariagof thia place -has sed I yoor remedy for tbe Pile and recom mends it very highly.' He gave me ; yoor address.! 1 would like to- know da what terms' and pvic-e yon sell to ! dealers. Let me hear front oa and j oblige. Sold bjr John Y. MacBaev , Itching, horning, aealy aad eroaty akin scalps of infants cleansed and healed and qaiet sleep restored by 1 Johnson's Oriental Soap, medicinal aad toilet, two large eakas U ew. For sale by John Y. ktacBae. - Frank B. While, Minneapolis, Minn. writes: Have used two boiee of yoor Pile Cure aad Bast aay it has done wonders for me, I would not know I ever had the piles only when I soop low. Tba iUhiag ia all gone." Sample free. or sale by John T. MacBae. : . , Faar Blx Bnccessea. L Havlns ths needed merit to mora than make good all tbe advertising claimed for tbem, tbe following foar 1 remedies bave rabed a phenomenal sale: Dr King's Mow Direovaryj for eonsumptlon, eon so ana coins, amen bottle euarauteed -Eleetrie Bitters, the great remedy for liver atwnach and kidneys; Bocklen'a Arnlea Salve, the beet in the world, and Dr King's KewlJfe Plila, which are a perfect nl)i All rhaj. vemediea are rains. I teed to do jost what ia claimed for 1 tlieu aort the denier wbose name is I attached berewlsn will be g ad to tell 1 oo mora of t.; em. Sold at John I 1 ataeBae's drug store. Corhe Examine OUR '4 llOW READY. the : Plasterers i and Painters i have -completed their work ? upon our first floor,- so we are now ready for -new business. There are some ' goodV unavoid ably injured by lime dust and these, ;with some ends of lines heretofore , adver tised, will be offered at such prices as to run them off before' active Fall -work W. II. & u. s TUCKER ;& CO. TO THE PUBLIC. Wa are receiving an' extraordi narily large and varied stock of . FURNITURE FOB THK Fall w. find ourselves complete ly over stocked and will tnake a saorifioe of soeda for the nt SO days. v - ... . . . i .. n We will Sell nest antique UaK - A . , BoomfluRes for $37 60 on timet regu - i..n.u. ainao. - 7. . . .On V ke u fiaa Ouites irum w w ' ar7 . . - aa tan in n time: regular price, t-o uu - .- . - towooo h. .old for 13 50 to WS00 ai tt nri Mean i.t-iuniraa w 111 uu Bingle LounKes rroa, a sp.. , ... a nn fur 38 60 and 0 00 on time, A..Hm H.(ia now iro ior cow . . m ma rvi vua V" - b r " .-4 aa an . I M to - ... ..wi Onr 38.00 Trunks 'ow go iorawi and (8 MI. ".n Osr flo 00 Stores now go ior uu snd 313 00 Onr 310.00 Bureaus now. go or 700 ... .... Odd Chaira for voe ana w we sold for 33 00. All the above goods can be bought on small weekly or monthly payments at same price.. , - 00 B- MOTTO. A Present ' Given awav with every purchase ' Be member we carry everything ia the f arniahiag line on aame terms sad lowest prices.' ' ' I . Be snre ant! see oar Stoves since tbe pries has been reduced.. THOMAS 1 aepS lm k . MAXWELL Academy of Music.! inuiT.wpu.vcr. - " t '" - : ' ' 1st Floor Having secured by spesiai arrange- pants go they are worth 14. 5, 6 1 ' and 38. They are In different pat-mentDier-xclualverlht to produce Item, and all of them will "wear well' with almost anything It will hardly . the greatest of ail American Only 1'; Farmers' Pauglitcr 2 'Which will be presented bv a Com- . panyof Star Players, with ri- MISS HELEN KORTJI, M -, ; ' aad Him Blanch De liar Booth ... In the Leading Boles, f: - i Little Ethel May, 6 Years Old, Tbe most brilliant Child Actress sow before the public. . This grest production will be tinder (he . exclusive maiisirement-of JUsBh. OoOtS.,' . Price.: 25 and 60 cents. ReservM seats loo. Reserved seatt.on sale at W. H, King's lrug btore. c NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This is to notify the public and all whom it may concern that tbe firm of Taylor & Moore, tobacco manufac turers, have by mutual - consent dis solved their copartnership heretofore existing with principal place of bust, ness in the oltr of Raleigh, X.C. Tay lor will pay all the indebtedness of tha said arm, but all debs due the aaid firm can be taid to either Moore or Taylor, as may be most convenient to tbe debtor. Van B. Moors, - aug29 80d i j 1'Hii.ur taylor Bobbitt's Pharmacy is the place to Think: Of - When the Doctor leaves a prescription. vvSC: When you, want Patent Medicines. I ,41 1 JEi.When you crave a good Cigar- " v ' e5When inneed of Toilet Articles. -7 - -; - When your girl says Ice Cream and Boda : ' . ,: , SI When, in fact, you wish to spend time" "-irT- " and money pleasantly a.nd profitably. - ' " "4-1 - j -e- - H e Drugs and other articles in stock correspond Jo purity and - lextfllente with the elegant and haudHoiuiet Gross &l SPRING. Pharmacy 'PI AT U IMP Our New Stock ranks Brat In importance. Our Mew Aa- I vLU II I llvl aortmeot is a marvel Of beauty, -style and excellence. They ! mstArial ia of the blithest aoalitv and tba selected expressly for you and each .article marked at a prioe you can afford. ? ,, " Therefore The Clothes you buy of us admits you to first place every. .. where. Selections from our Spring Stylet makes your ap- -.. pearanos faultless.. A grand combination of circumstances .- ' . to gave you money. - livery statement ia bility on every article i in uu uroviuue svmbuu ukyo wo uwiu .ntml M t)i auiUuul rMllinllMntl 1 jur gtock., A fair examination turns the tide of trade to our counters sua the I savinas into your pocket. ' Inspect our seasonable line, learn the nrlces. von will I n,, Ka HiaummlnlAfi fha nnwrjAn will ,u, wwvutw. - , I .niulu lu, hdji ia lifHo iminao ,i 1 ulru V" """V T" i w our store wuere me vaiue is ueep auu -. . i j .-r . I U A TC STETSON'S Spring atyles awaa aj -wi :'.... rnintr hum r s w VOUNG3 MeLere, r.t. imwiA mmAtt in all the latest I wegutree oouui """""" I . .1 tr A Vn, I rflM I HI. Hlllim 1U UU. DMM V. . i ui. -vw.w ....... . . ........ . . ajtvvrscs - EGOAR HAT WOOD. ALFRED VILLIALIS & CO. BOOKSEIXK IIS AND - STATlONElis, : 1S1 Fayettoville St., Italeiglt, K. O. ' - i NEW AS D ELEGANT LINE OF ' ; STATIO WtRY; received'.' ; We have the handsomest line of New Stationary shown In the city and Invite our friends to call and " . 1 Innpeot the aame, , Price are cheap. " , y For rffhool Books, Blank books snd anything vise fooad la a BrsMast Book and Sutionery Store caa be found 3 Rattling: Pants j . After "matehlna- W our Salt Stoek we And 800 pairs of pasta with no lenaU and veaU for them We don't pay for the labor of making them, but , '. There are times when every man needs a pair of plain black trousers. We have 860 pairs of Corkscrews.9 Diagonals, etc., that are "odds and ends" ef oor best lines snd sre worth from 38 to 39. Hedge against that Imperative occasion" snd get a pair out of this special aale at 3 67 all sli'ja. v , ' 1 . . U Then, again, we've 200 pairs of strictly All Wool Pants that retail with 3 t t aad yoksd tbem la this sale, mostly fancy patterns; yon wouldn't want to wear them to a wedding, but for good, honest, faithful ser vice, they sre sit yon could ack. We've marked them tS 60 all sixes. - EVERYTHING Wa are preparing-a rich feast many here now.. ,v : -ti'. S. D. Raleigh Male Academy MORSON & PKNSON, Prlnclpala, ! vear inhM sd The course which baa been so successful in preparation for College -or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupil, , Board at low rates. Ad dress Principals for Catalogue. . . J augii) lml-a j - . t tasty appointments -of the State's s,; - ' ; - , Lihehan. spring; workmanshin is smaranteed the best: ' .-' trustworthy, and the stamp of relia. s( Mils mmmnnlt.. u n irin wuie w cuiieuii an mm iiiiiiit ao wei - IbrlMk In Wnr HninI Iiah Man iiuth flna jv... vm buu u titnu th.. ...., J" you wm imuMtjW Uliimie.-- rjtt -r. i,:. . rs ' M are here and If you desire the eorreo but the swell New York Hat See then risam . . . Btiarjea. r-- -,,.. - ' . -. ' . . ' - . . . . T.'i. -fry. A -FT-M-W W VmTT M wvr" L.i.ja - jlm.i M$M.Mjt.i.m ALFRED WILLIAMS, JTk. at onr place.," HQNB 310. , , , C', ; ALFKED WILLIAMS & CO. ' iCIALS.-v-:;-; want them, but think yon would. As von may have yoar eholee for 3 60. Snmrcery is marked downj not a single original price mark has been left atanding. . - for you for the oomlog season." . jf -v. Good Bervanjjcre v- J 5 ll ti V if

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