-7 . i IE FuHSS-VISITOR. . PTJBLilSHKD BT:; ;;;.,' " The Visitor-Press-Oompanj Offloelti fiie PtUeABuBOinsf, Car. FayettevUls n payle:Bta GREEK O.' ASDRKAf tj, j J ' , MIrt;VMsTJ.M ii. MMtlavAfMit, lfctfBSt5ItIITIO!l MUCH, Onsyear, . vrA- M.00 On month. JatorW a, fctwwl Clan if Jf uttor. The Leadlnjr AftcmoQn Paper lit the State. Bid ftrti-Viaiter poblisfies all' the aim evarr da. and has double the air- eulatlou of any dalt) erer publuhed ln We actoowledgrah tovltaflon to attend the opcminraeriQes otTrhv ity College at Ifaia&treetMethodlst Choroh iu Durham next Sunday. That' masterof pulpit oratory,' Dr, Jna O. Kilgo. will deliver the sermon. , , , Attn all of the I1Q2 000.000 of sold bond.loai and after all the millions of IwoWngwbio ,-lhe Morgan-Bel monk baBken have sinoe .given, the Treasury at1 Washington, that $100, 000,000 of fold surplus was broken last Baturday and the amount re. dooed-to nearly a million leei What will be the next resort of the single gold treasury sks the Lynchburg News? Where are the other bank ers to come from? IHB HEALTH OF KALEIGH. ...J j. -n. . . . Theprooeedings of the Chamber of Commerce the other night touch togthe matter of the health of Kal elgh have caused considerable oom ment ad disouasionr While we realke the fact -that" Raleigh has been afflicted by more or loss of sick ness this' Jfearj sull we also realize that there baa been an exaggerated Impression made throughout the State byi newspaper reports which have, gone out, 'and this has been largely djueio. the nature of some of the eases in poini, tThe remark of Mr. R. H. Battle at the aeeting of the Chamber were to the point He called attention to the ' fact that the sad deaths which have aocurred In out midst, some of the victims were persons who were known all over the State, and whose illness and death attracted wide spread hv terest ja the State and general attention in the publio .prints. Thu:lf was that the sickness in Raleigh was'held prominently op to public-, attention, ,.while ' In other towns, whero there might have been mereasesf -.sieknesa, but among lew prominent people; not so- much attentiwas,attxsctet- Xhel qisstion is silenced in a nut-ahett by ithe testimony of Dr. P.ii ffines, toth -efteot thatRal eigh 1 been -btlthier this year and has 'tad. less fever than m 33 year. Dio, pines la a reputable and ooneoientinne ' physloian and speaks from oattetatJrepettav which he has and teetlmoniaT 'obming from such ouroe It sufficient to settle tbewbol questloti., Th tslk-tMn-Re!Kh belnx more unh'thy 'thar other cities la the Statolktlsheereit' vaporing wiU;aiMmdaflon:in fact and such ntiles4ig . jdafluwrtog, gossip should sot be indulged In.- . V SOUTH CAROLINA'S COIfTEN TION. , ..; - ' ' - I s . ' Boot) rnljna's '&'ooMtitatlonal ;-A csswajattBp faulted jfor. .busi,. - aesJwnd tkeinnatttnljon Imposed en .th6ttemtbteeBtBttxaotionpe ' wis.be,rtmiodeladUaOjJe;oft'the V -ehlel lfc5oro th oo&ventlaoi It is ' 'mi ri''iln knk taritc vnu " tp mtolci'Witir&hA'bJf lid educa- - tkoaJ-tostTha-to waa'Unk- ' rottoitwehtyysaxt nw br carpet- la tjltares,'ectod by igrvmnt ini LyKjrcpalous vbtei.' Tsiious dev'-es I knb'wnbjraGUoaf politics Were acoofdSnEjy'jepple hij and later yean to discourage the wc'.'.zx of the Ices competent, with tLe result Uiat Ci Ute was restored to material prosperity JBut the moral injary resulting from Indirect or direct methods of staying th yote pf,th Inamipeteut. overelgM wa yery considerable. Tb people were demoralized, i Good ' citizen have aooordlngly desired suoh change in toe fundamental' lav as will, work ihe disfranchisement of the reckless or unfit aatoniatioallf . JTnhappily, when Massachusetts during 3Su e- oons traction period Imposed on ner former rival bo niany f her Ideas la legislation she failed to Impose the educational test, '.whioh limits the right .to vote in Massachusetts to persons to some, srtent qualified to vote. Mississippi some years ago adopted the Massachusetts plan ol requiring the voter to be Able to read 8inoe the a Mississippi has been free from the tnoubus of fear of the poUtioal asoendenoy of its most numerous but least competent citi zens, and South Carolina will pro bably reach the same end by the same means. - Two Lit vet Kuvoa. . i Kiw. Mioabe Thoma, of Junction City UL, wa told by her doctors aba had oon aumDtion and that thera was no hope tor her, but two bottlaa of Or. King's New Diaooi laooverv mriletelv cured her aud ahe say it aaved her life. Mr. Thoa. Kluere, 138 Florida St.. oaa Freaciaoo, laflerad from a dreadful two weeka waa cured. He la naturally thank' varv tul. It ia aucti results, of which these are aamples, that prove the wonderful erhoacy of this medicine in oough and oolda. Fr trial botil at John Y. MacHae'i drugstore Kenulai aiia 60o and II. i , i '. . A, M. Bailey, a well known citizen Of ugene. Oregon, says bis wife has (or years been troubled with chronic dlamhoea and used, many remedies with littla relief until aha tried Cham berlain's Ctollc, "Cholera and Dlarrbwa Hemedy. wbioh has cured her sound and welL Give It a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it af fords. 35 and 50c bottles for sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist. : l 1 Tjut June Dick Cr wford brousbt bis twelve-months-old child, suffering from infantile oisrrnoea, to me. it h d been weaned at four months old and had always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kept arrow ing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started the lather to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one bottle of the 25 cent size had been used a marked Improvement was seen and its continued use cured the child. Its wnaknnag and nunv constitution dis- anneared and its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this remedv. J. T. Marlow. 111. v.. Tama roa. 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt Druggist. Tnhn CI Mauirer. editor of the Sun beam, Seligman, Mo., who named Qmni, niAvAlanri fnr h- Presidencv In November, 1882, while ws mayor of . . na i . -vr XT nk...U.H i kin rjimajo, a a., lo oiiuiubiwuw iu u praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal Kemeoy. He says: "I consider it the be&t preparation of the sugar and coffee in this section. It Is an article of merit and should be used in everv household. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt, Druggist. sept THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sella sgain life inanranee, as pro- aatAtian to the familv. creditor or one's old age, and asks a careful ei- aminatlon of its ftlear ana equitSDie nnntnntii. with thsir nneaualed iroar- antees inflsores on the policy, giving tros life Insorance at its Lowest Possible Cdst With Perfect Beearltr. This eom ntnr has bean doioar bnainess in this 8Uto over twenty-eight years, and its policy holders are its BEST FRIENDS. Tk. rAnnoj.ti.nr. HDCnai naa no apecnlatire featnre, extension forfei ture er Intricate plans, gouon up for the' company's advantage, nor the incontestable elanse, admit ting raaeala at the ex Dense of lta hos es members, bat if any happen to get la. It give taem tneir money naca, all steted la tse eontraci. in 3 Per Cent Reserve haa besoms an tmDorteat factor la life Insurance. All will be gladly x plained by S. D. WAIT, General Agent, Balelgh, PEACE Live Teaehtr and thor eagh work la all depart ments. Partieolar atten tion to small , children. UTTO' J wao receive' training la ? -' Tolee aad Fbystcal CaU L tare tree. ' Call or drop 'a aete te the Principal. ,' t will pay y o, j . ; v mDINWIDDIE,M.JL,' (tTalvctsityofTlrgiala' - . -r Principal, aagSOtScptU " ' - B.E.PARHAM&CO. Livery, Sale and Boarding i f-z&itie tft'fivi 8. Wilmington St,. Lee's old Stand, Having remodelled, oar stables, we are prepared to give the , f..U. i"-t jat 9(1, D d-;.tt-T It Best Accommodations to the public. , " A ahar of your fatroaege is so licited. TELEPHONE 80. T. B. YANCRY. E. F. PARBAM. sepS In W.A.UPCIIURCH Nice Carriages, Buggies, Buck Boards, Sanies and . . . StylSst? Turnouts of AH Telephone Ho. 81. Salisbury street, rot a rostotnoe. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This Is to notify the public and all whom it may concern that the firm of Taylor & Moore, tobacco manufac tiimni have hv mutual consent dis solved their copartnership heretofore existing with principal place of busi ness in tne cuy oi imuciku, . v. lor will pay all thfe indebtedness of ths iA nnn Un oil Hah, rfiio tJi Bald firm can be paid to either Moore or Taylor, as may do most cunvouicun w Viv R MnnRE.' ueuwr. augWSOd Phillip Tatlor. Raleigh Male Academy MOBSON & DEN SON, Principals. 17th year opens Mnday, Sep. -t i . oa frhtk .Atiru u. inph haa man 1 so successful in preparation ior uouegn or Business is adapted to the needs of each pupiL Board at low rates. Ad dress Principals ior uataiogue. augio lmi-s TO THE PUBLIC. We are receiving an extraordi narily large and varied stock of FURNITURE FOR THE Fall arill make a ssertfio of goods for the next SO dayst i We will sen neat antique iu Room 8uitifo a7.60 on Omej regn. i- caa m ; h.ht Oak Suite from "$30 00' U 3B 00 on times regular price, $fi 00 toJROOO.'- ' " ' ! Ohf ilA OO Bed Lonngc will aoy be sold for fl.t $13 00. a,.ni. Tniiui m roaa sd.uu no. ! wa have bean aelllns for 7 60 and 18 00 per set, aow for $5.60 and fo.00 OS Ume. n ! Oar $5 00 Bed bow go ior ea w a an -1 : . I Oar $5.00 Traaks row go ior a uu and $3 60. Oav41u.OO Stoves aow go ior e.w ..a 1 nrt f i Hm tio oo uaresas sow go ior Mm . ' i I Odd Chairs for 76 .and $1.00 tkst we sold for f a.OD. .... , .. i 111 .hA ernna aan be bonsht i oa small weekly er monthly payments at same price. , , Easy Tern; W tatiti OPS H0TTO. r A Present; ti Olvaa a war With avcrv tiarhaC .11 fchini the f araishiSaT liae oa saate term and lotiest prices. ' I . t P sure and see ear Btovee sIbcc the price has been reduced. V i J THOMAS & MAXWEll! t ... scpSlsi - puke UIGfuiuTaiil: w si , Cigarettes MASS AB8OL0TELyl)lt" WHAT'S' YOUR FAVORITE Why, Parson's Celebrated because' "It Is the purest and best; manufac tured out of select Ytnrlnla Leaf To bacco. The Manufacturer selects the choicest grades.; of , Tobacco and we guarantee IX you give it. a trial your gOUU JUUglUDUk WU1 BPIUUTV "And in future yon will use no ether brand. Put up in any size pack age to suit the trade.' Son By Dealers, J. M. PAliSltfan'fact'r New Brunswick. N. J. GO TO Lwryps For Nice N. C. Bleat, Ham 12 1-So lb.l Bboulder lOo lb.; Sides lOo lb. Granulated Sugar, 6c. ' New Orleans Sngtr. 4 1 9e Best Cream Cheese, 19 19 to 10c. -. Bast Butter, 16c, 17 l-Sc As 86c Beet New Orlcaas Molasses, 96c. Pare Leaf Lard, 8 1-3. Beat Bice, new crop, 6e lb. BEST FLOUR IN TOWN At $4 75 per barrel. Yours to serve. . Grocery Company. H. a LOWRY, Manager.' PHONE 83. lt , jl' " true . That is what we teu tne people wno dome to buy of our stock of .. ' , ' t aftd a short invest! !rat4o ! will prove tbs tenth of our statemett and ear nrioM In no ease ezoeed the quality of ... mull li arhonl hnoka and school supplies generally, ours is the place to go. - Wmbasiaia'S Mr aac aftla OintaaicaS aaeq oalled EoaemiyTJataer, Bait- if 1 i' 1 " ...j tiMarn, eceia neaa, oor iiijjyn, vunr D JL-- Ir,t,;o -mio TtnrrUL VmmV BltSt. Chrome Sore ty and Granulated Etc lid, i ?er ad by druggiaU at ii cents per box. ' " to Eoaaji o-onrxB.. .j EViu tt a hnn( In a tine 'healthver fltion try j)r. .CaHv1 , Condition Powders, they tone Op the ri teco, aid durosiion, core Km of arpetite, relief constipauon, correct kidnef disorder and destroy worm, givuw m life ta an old or ovtrorkad hone. S Wots per package, For sale by dmgpata PBuear r I W ouwR-rix!u.a.- y , L7UU1 1 JUL . " '.' U.JL1 SIMPSON'S fwtkle'Plate Pharmacy; runnnrla nn ir'iwwl Rare. Good care lm niia nlMnlinn-w.- - (llnanliness reauires iXJdjiioajv.siieh as . n 8lMPSON'S WITCH HAZEL SOAP, tmiCb leiv the skin soft and smooth B1MPH iN'S" ECZEMA OINTMENT 'Corns all kinds of skin troubles and olo sorvH. Kent oy mail tor v cenis. 41 a a RiMetnc for Milk Crust. HIMPSON'8 IMPROVED LIVER PIIJJS have mv fac stiui) srnatnre on each box. In ordrr to get the genu ine you should call at or send so cents to Simpson's Pharmacy, (Pullen Building.) WJXJjIAM fellttltKHiJ. Manaser Fire insurance B. 8. JRRaTAK. OBO. W. THOMPSON, Jll. Geo. W.Thompson, Jr., & Co. OKFICH AT Commercial and Farmers' Hunk. RALEIGH, N. 0. Represent Foreign and Domestic Companies of the highest character. Business solicited and prompt ana okieful attention guaranteed sept im i.n . al.it a . aa.M . aua W)row.j nil. Aug 0. Sow Firm. Having sold half interest of the Oak City Steam Laundry to Root W Page, .it will continue tinder the same name at the old stand, 216 Fayetteville street, R W Page and L B Wyatt, proprietors. We solicit the natronaae of the past and hope to greatly increase it by striot at tention, to business and good man agement, as Mr Page will give the hruuneos his entire time ancLatcen tion and will use every enori to nlease each patron who will give us a trial. His nrst aim wilt to iu remedy the defects of the past, nan and hv the former owner not bay w time to irive it the proper atten. am. and he will see that noining but first class work goes out, though if. any imperfection should occur, will be obliged to any customer to mnnrt same at the office or to the driver and we - will have it right in the future. L. R. Wyatt, , , , Former Owner. Eisllf, Quickly, Permanentli Restored. b told with wrr. m minntM tM waaknaaaaa, Nervooa iu mud all the avUs-f rem earl cr war mm- jtb - Foil Urangtb, tone ana (wnwpowm h't ucmtv orwt or portion of the bod. .lmpnr miiulleM tmmthefiMtbox. Thoi he oarriad ia m r5v. p " --w - NttWuuMaiuHiw y1"""- - - f . John Y. MaoBae. Draffibt, Baleigh, R.O 12 Head of . Horses for Sale. A aaM aw km Alnha. Bar BUllon. ..nnld atandard and rcRistsrcd, 15 1 9 hands high, sired by Alendorf. record S:19 1-4. 0m oigm. reeoru, Ml. Has shown qnarters ia better thsa '46 '.without training, i Thesr horaea are Bold fft SO fsnlW-but os account of wishing to go out of the horse bnsincsv ; ' E. V. DENTON. a; WEIKEL, TAILOR. ; it . r .' ( J' fi Isnow'teady to Disks hp Suits for Tall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of - ; - kidtiaga and Trouserings! Call at 124 FayettevUle street, up stairs. - . am ; -r : . sep 6 Sm I "Baby's Health , mm TOriARCH-'-'OUT In Double Oiiick Time! --; . ' v -. ; - 1200'PAIES.O f SEPARATE' TRO USERS: Division 1Vo 1 . 'c , fx. w i . 'r ,f (lif ' Without rerve4h choice of ' 300 nmirm nt nania that have been S9 00. 18.50, 8 00, f7.60 ssd 7 Op "march ing oat" st - ?5.oo Division No. 3. " Wlthoot reserve 900 pairs to make a ehoiee frost, that nave . pecn 4 76, 34.60, t 00 and S 60 "march out" at '.; ' $2.75. - Ton can Ukc one pair a doien or Ss sasny as yoa like. Bot about . half of onr fsll stock is already in the honse and the other half I t-lsmorisg t for room the room these pant occupy., This is on of the accessary cacrt- x, Bees, the last of the season, and we face the loss bravely , . 1. v. S. &' D. Berwangen : WK AGAIN OFFER FROM THE RALEIGH CRYSTAL ICE FACTORY v Ice of the best quality jand at lowest prices, ia Raleigh and to near by railroad points. Ice now ready for4ellvery ; in any quantity. ' V POCAHONTAS Is ahead o( all others For GRAIN HAY, MILL FEED, j ttitil' -ft1 srvtr7e RALEIGH, N. C. fa fc.. aoi ) ihooi..i! j" Jr XT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ''. Apply for prioes at thj office of '' T. -BBaUiJrVIUXt;Wesident:'; . - FAT ETTTE VILLE STRXKT o) pi j p a SC PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT! - and ipjasssuii; ; t gr in Blood Poison Rheumatism ! and a Scrofula , the w-V and dMUitsiCdt kItm sjtrv?r-";- ' weakeiiMl Barru, xpslt) il. i. . n.laa kualt-fk ami e, it KaalslaKaKlMArl ttanflVci wVS ' fir (tjssUKKl Blwt pmvslid. v w opedar avna tmrumrf w ooedavry nd tsrrUary oit rarkitannl riff, marotl - r r . a ja u -Urla. dynppalfw and In all M'-' i ind akin diAawa., Iitea aWAhM. a.-niklatw. Mtuwiulf. -llrwAreu tMttor. araid had. bolla. rrilpaiaa. ' Kma wwBraaT, without fear of -oonttudlRt.na.Uiat P. P. P. la thabaat - IMood pariflervi th worw.ana maKa tMMltlfa. lIMtdf UUt MfBUtU OUfM Udta whose aTsWmna Bra polaonad ' And whnaa blood ia in an tmpure ooodt- lOl, oue w m rbHiHtodby "ui wod aid (iott cletvnslnjgr prop- derral tonio and i.Ka clekosini rop ertieao P. P. P.Prickiy sUll, oaa jLooc ano rocanAiam. PRiwriitLD, Vo.. Ang. 14th. 1H" I on stMtk in tba fcigiieBt torma of I oar moAicuta from my own uertvoitS nowltHitfa. I waaaffectMl withhtrt j -ilnrly and rheamfttlma for ' r, J tuaiul Xe f h a van halt T - phjnticiari ana pent bundrsttM of d at9d by trieTery new sSaMS ! Ab;,ooal? - S'l? W" 1ft! nnt flnHiner 1 1 f . One mnwe v gw7 sr. sr, r tjhoorfuily any U ba dona me mora OSJT r- sr : sr.,. iiiu van 09mmr aood Uian anytl I ena recominii r 1 aoaarerafti th? H Stll VI fillip t Uv VI Miacu m mwnn sour msiiioias snsnaar tno aVlkOTsl aiAetaoa. s Sprlacnmd. ilnw Count, afu, . 1 i i t i i i 1 1 i i i t i i i , Division IVo. ,J3. , Without reserve 500 pairs ia all to choose from thut have bees (6.60, -(6 00. $5 60 and $5.00 "marching out" at ' - r ; "i . $3.75.-- -. Division ' IVo. 4. ' ' 'Without reserve flOO-palrs te choose from they have bcea $9.60, $9 85 ' and v $9.00 Vm,r,ininS" at ' ' i ' $1.50. STEAM CO ALV in quality and prices. ; 8HINGLES, LATHS, Etc, oaU on 1"t f A .r. pimples, Blotches -r: " r.rrh ......j;'"' '1 Catarrh. Malaria ; . 7 anil Kidney TroublclSi: aVas sBtlawly ! T r.f. i. Prlollj Aih. Boo and fotaa- inm, u J ww pw v-" StB...-,..1i : ,. ' Saia. O.. JnlT?l. il. BTaaaKa. Upphu. Baoa. , bruulL .. ; Dul BtiuvI booffbt a bo4tla of JoorP.P. P. at Hot HrlDca,Ark..aii4 9 . W 4." Bwntha' traacn Hut Sprias. I coroe Doit """"tit, NEWroir. Abtirdw, Brown Cuuntj, O. Cwp. fKV J twr tMtlfY to tb wousiwrui propsarticjei . st f P. P. P. for roptttma ol th skltt, I QlTerM for MTerml rttara with n n- w lKhtly nd Ql-rTpblu emption os ff InTaJo .ootll P. P. P. Bit laosx. 1 tnea erorr isown remr sauu am bus wtauwu ti X".." ft .fc gV " "j. .' i: - Illf wairfw ear aaaj . BlTJIPI,TTI.t .UIIBrT tfuiM T.TWWa &M Rbai.. Hamnnah. i'sswsjaji. M, SB, fjrrWmia 1 Known M RiQ canoer goriBfjatU bipod ntation from tba and prerenta any aprftadintT of th arrc i Km re taken Bvaor si x bottlaa arjd5el ooctldent thfcttvnotbor ooorna -.B1sr1 -wtU effeoaa onro. It haa atao revleved ma from indltat1on at4 tHumiali w w. rs. B , '"'v:'"i Attoraav atXaw. av.p' j - air J5I 1 K3E2SI3 121 Fltl - ' ait DBBOOISTS SSLl. re. ' L v ; , . . VMPPMAN SR03.- . . ' , FSOPBXBTOBS, Uwpmmm'm Bl pa.Sa va, B. J i i i i V i i' i i i i i i i 1 1 v 1 niivt uiro your r. nfcJaaaaiwin n.illl ' ,of thirty ynars' ': 9 Itrwat roiter: re -iBtj Li- 1.- ' : ,;- r s 'A - f - 7

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