(S - ITO'R WE KEEP THE LEAD. ll uj Lilid .J- im OVER 8,000 CIRCULATION. 'RALEIGH,' N; C... FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 20, 1895. $3.00 PER YEAR. VOI. 1. NO. 23. IS WIS -7. A Between Defender and.Val; kyrie Wanted. NOT IN NEED OF FUNDS. Col. Duni-area and Mr. Iseltn not ' Likely to Consider the Offer Kludljr. . Br Cable to the Frees-Vlsltor. ' London, Sept. 20 A firm of ban. era cabled Dunraven and Ioeliu the offer of a thousand pound for a race between the Valkyrie and Defender in English waters at onoe; if too lata to sail in English watert then in any place except America. , Nw Yobs, Sept 20 Both Dun raven and laellu are oat of the city. It Is donbtfal if either will take the offer of the Lnndon bankers, kindly, as they are not badly in need of tands and will not likely rash off to Europe to race for five thousand cash. The Defender is anchored off City Island, stripped, and the Val- , kyrie is nearly ready for her Irip aomo , ; A New World Record, . ByTeiegTapbtoUiehess-Vleltor..T Napa Cttirouru, - Sept 30 . Walter Foster tuade a half mile, paced in fifty four and one filths y seconds. A saw world's reeoroV Fool With Diamond. ' ByTeleimpatotasress-Vlsltor. - 8T.lrfT7n,Sept 90. An unknown ' mlsoieant for the past three nights has rained, thousands of dollars worth of plate glass windows on the business streets by scratching them ; with a dlamod. , , Referee lor the Corbett'FlW Mill. Br Telegraph tome rress-V4altet.- t . :X v Nsw Toss, Sept, 90 Owing to the , absence of Corbett'e representative at oday's meeting it was deeided to poet - pone the selection of a referee for the ' bailee Beat until tSe day before the contest. Tank Snllivaa will probably - be the man. " , . , - Inaalted a Woman. -f ' By Tetegnph to the rteei-Vtoltor. WaSHWStoa, Sept. 90. Alberto Fombana, of the Veneauellan lega tion, who was arretted in New York for Intuiting a woman, leaves ' for ' hone today on the advice of Klnlater Andre."'', '' ' Italians Celebrate Br Cable to the Freee-Vlsitor. - ' ". Boms, Sept. 80. ThU to a national holiday iathiteity to commemorate the entry of the Italian troops Into Bone - :',T'-.Peer Wantea Job. Br Telegraph to the Brest-Visitor. . .Torssa, Kan., Sept. 90. It m re ported that Peffer has purchased a weekly paper here and Intends to re enter journalism at the expiration of his term In the Senate. WALL STREET CONVALESCENT. - The Bnlla and Bears Pretend to? be More Hopefnl of tbe Situation. ' By Telegraph to the Paaee-VisrroB. Nw Toei, Sept. 90. The fallore of D. A. Ferder was aanoanced on the consolidated axehsags this morning. . The liabilities are small. . - , , A more liberal offering of eoramer, - eial bills, together with a farther de- ellne of rates oa sterling exchange, makes Wall street more hopeful that the gold export movemoat Is at an end. Talk is mors hopefnl than' for the past month. V K - '' ' 1 ' " - --..- Presbyterian Flnanoe Committee. There will be a meeting of the finance oommittee of the proposed First Tresbyterisn Church building in the lecture room this evening at 8 The members of the other com miitees have been invited, and it is expected and desired that there should be a full meeting, as effioers will be elected and plans for the work arranged. .."-." ' . , m m ' . Treasurer Worth has returned from Guilford College and he is enthuslaa- tls about the prospects of that proa peroai lmtitation. Mr, Worth tars H3 itudents are enrolled. The farm, etyi h, la a beautiful vialon of grow ing eropa. The barn la a model, being rtendidly adapted to Its porpoeee. lit. Worth aay Guilford la s beautiful epot. '- ' . - - CoittTARTiifOPLB. Sept. 90.- Several cases of cholera hare been reported hers, with on fatality. - SAILED FROM SOUTH PORT. A Flllcbnsterer Loaded with A mm a . nitlon for Cube, 8ieelal to the Preas-Vlattor. - - ' . Washington, D. C, Sept. ' 20 The Department of Justioe is in formed offloially that Cuban ammu nition and rifles were shipped to Sontbport, N. C, for the Steamer Commodore. The Commodore will be seized. . - - f ' ' - Last week tbe Commodore set sail from 8outhport,and at the time, she was sun pec ted of carrying stores for the Cuban Insurgents. - v TO-DAY'S MARKETS. - Cotton Cloeee Steady In New Tork Two Polnta Ofr. v Br Telesraph to the Faxes-Visitob.' ; Naw Tobk, Sept 20. Liverpool report d. n advanoe of 4-64, but eased off and closed barely steady 9-64 above yesterday.! Good spot demand; sales, 12,000; middling! 4 3-8 New York opened only, with an advanoe - of 3 points.: and , eased gradually off, realizing being the cause. : , The olosa was steady about 8 points below last night ', ' , f Sales, 241,80a , .1, Options oloeed as foltsws: ',' ' September, S.03 to 8 0S; Ootober, 8 03 to 8.04 ; December, 8 16 to 8.17 ; January, 8 24 ; March, 8 35 to 8 86 ; May, 8.45. OBAIH MARKBTS. , ;T Chioaoo, Bent 90 Grain quota tions olosed to day as follows: . J Wheat December, 68 V 6 (Corn Ootober. 31 3-8 : November. 40 i Deoember,8 1-4 to 28 3-. Oates Ootober," 19; December, 197-6$ May 907-8. TrnnkLiiae Preeldenta Meet. Br Telesraph to the Press-Visitor. N . . Chioaoo, Sept 20. Four deatns were reported from, heat yesterday. More than ' dozen trunk line presi dents ars holding a meeting today to try and harmonise interests. It is thought that the traffic war Is nearly over. The agreement that will be ratified is the outooma of a meeting June S7th when it was resolved to form a new association and agree ment between the truuk line and ce i tral traffio associations to be known as the Union Trafflo assooiation The meeting was private but it was underBtood, that rate making will be in the'handa of a oommittee of nine who will have absolute power. t AT CHICHAMAUOA. Beoond Par's Proceedlnge. Vloe Pres. Stevenson Presided.- 1. Br Tclesrapt! to the Panes-Visrrom. Chattanoooa, SeptaO. The third day at the National Park Dedica tion attracted even greater crowds than previously. The parade was a great success. Formal exercises were held In a big tent and Vioe President Stevenson presided. WERE THEY CHINESE SLAVES. The Authorities Blieve Those Bound ' for the EipoeltlonWere. t. Br telearaph tDibe Press-Visitor. m Bah Fbanoisoo, Sept . 90 The iooatfederal offioers are investlgab, ing the alleged transaction by which two notorious Chinese slave dealers brought 800 Chinese laborers into this country, ostensibly as actors for Atlanta Fair. Ills believed that the real sotors were procured in New York. The men and women brought here are purchased slaves. To avoid suspioion here they were brought to Vancouver, entering tbe United 8tates at Ogensburg, N. T. Indtotments against Little Pete and Long 8am have been asked for. This is the Chinese party that passed through here last week over the Seaboard. v ' CROCKER RETURNS. The Tammaayitee Waiting for Htm :!'.-'V to Speak. ; -' - 7. Br Telegraph te the Pusc-Vurroa. Nsw Yoax, Sept. 90. The Columtla, of the Hamburg -American line, was sighted off Are Island this morning with Biehard Crocker aboard. His home-eomlng marks an epoeh In the political history of this State. A con testing delegation has been elected to go the 8raenee convention,' headed by Grace. It remains for Croeksr to say whether' the Bepnblicans have aaited or the divided Democracy will meet. ' " -Telephone subscribers will. please add to their Hate Mr. Henry W. Little, No. 180. -V " ; 4 : v Mr. B. K.'Williama has returned to the city and la at the Tarboro. The Increase in North Caro- Una's Banking Capital DURING 3 PANIC YEARS In 1805 There is $548,TOO More Banklna- Capital Than In 1892 Tbe State Is Prospering. ' , There la invested.in banking eaplUl ia'thia 8'ate today $548,700 more dol lars that were Invested U 1809, the year of the greatest financial panls of modern rears. This telle tbe whole story the encouraging recital of how this old State of onrs,.tlow though she may be. hat yet stood the pressure of hard timet better than any other Southern State, and how the masses of her people, schooled to economy by bnslness depression are now In a bet ter eoaditloa than they hive ever been, Here is what Auditor B. M- Forman. tald this morning, snd basked up with the sold reasoning of plain figures: "Notwithstanding tha calamity howl ers, the Old North Bute hat made more substantial improvement the past three years than any other Southern State. Her people have reduced their debta, have produced more food-stuffs for man snd beset," snd added more to the manufacturing -enterprises dur ing that period than during all the tints previous, ' since the; war. ' As a most suggestive snd important ill us. tratloa, In addition to the above, la the regular increase of banking capi tal ainoe 1899. V Banking capital, of all kinds of oapltal, never lnoreases save la prosperous communities. In 1809 the total banking capital of the State was $6,582,000. ' In July, 1895, It was $7,130,700, showing an Increase from Jsly, 1892, to July, 1896, of 1548,700. If to this could be added the large ad ditions to the capital of various manu facturing enterprises, the showing would ts-uly be pleasing. And this, too. during ths severest panic known to modern times." - "North Carolina is growing in all the elements which go to make a pros perous and a happy people." We showed, the above to Commis sioner Psttersoa this morning: . "I With the newspapers would print more statetasnta like that. It does good. ; Oaring , ths past year I have traveled a great deal over the State snd have bsd an opportunity to ob serve thoeondltion of the people. ' I tell yon frsnkly 1 believe that the peo ple of tblrState are today In a better eoaditloa than they ever were before. They have learasd how to economise, and with good crops sad prospects for good prices, I think everything points to a prosperous epoeh la ths State's history." OUTCAST, WITH A SICK BABY. The Sad Story of Way ward Sally Mc- Cnllonshe Baby Died Laet Might. , To Bex Hospital yesterday morning came Sally MeCulloughs, scares more than a girl, ) Her face was tad, snd her untidr dress and tha pleading look of. hopeleaa sorrow in her eyes made her Indeed a pitiable object. la her arms shs carried a three months baby, with coming death sta"mped 'on Its pinched features and sstted form. The baby had the fever, snd the dis ease wat sapping away whatever strength it may have derived from the young mother, with the eye of s wound ed dovs. - And she hsd some there that the baby might have the skilled medi cal treatment that the was unable to afford. T But the hospital authorities aaid they eould not take the little sick one. And so, while ths sun beat down with depressing heat, ths poor glrl mother and the sick inf snt went slowly bsck. , , t , ., , For hoars shs wslked the streets, knowing not where-to go or' turn. Finally Mayor Buss gavs her an order on the hospitsl people for ths admis sion of the child. But when night was nearly gone, tbe spirit of the aiek baby went also. Death may have some in any event) but who can ssv that had the child been received for medical attention in the morning ita life would not have been saved. ; -: But behind the death of this little one there lies s sad story of a way ward womaa, of good family connec tions, who. In her disgrace, refused to continue her downward source or bring farther disgrace by her pretence on her family. ... The first known of the sate wss when ' ths child mother asms to Mr. T. P. Derereux to make ost papers fcgainsi ths man who had ruined her Iif4 Hit asms is W. B. Woodell snd belies in Harnett connty. ' The woman waa poor and at S Meet ing of ths County Commissioner! the wss given two dollars. When this'ptti- ful turn was gone she applied W Mr. loha Pnllen, who gave her money t 2 goto Harnett. She left, and; whl the was gone her betrsyer was brought here under arrest,.Nio trial oojald be bad, however,' oa acaoant of Her ab sence.! It was only yeate'rday thht she returned to lose her child. atr. ievereux tayt that he has two witnesses to prove that Sally MeCol loughs It not s bsd woman, althongh Loha bst-beeu-arvtyward one',. She hat good family eobaectione here, but ebe wonld not ask aid of them, saying tbat her disgrace wat their'a also. And so this wronged1 girl has lost her baby, the only being In the world that ahe thought true or who believed In her, WITH THE PL Ays. Peek's bi1 raV Boy" ToniKht "LlHt Para He " on Tuesday . The Atkinson Corned' Company, presenting 'Peek't Bad Boy," fiU appear at the Academy of Musiote ttlght. The Bpd Boy is In capable hands and th& amusing tricks sad comicalities rr exceptionally well done. ( The spettlty acts are very strong, consistidk of sioging, ill kinds of dancing, Und amusing char acter ahetehet. tLs play la brim full of mirth, and tha Visibilities of ths aadlence are continivallf excited. No one who wants to eWoy a succession of good hearty laughs should fail to see this funny play. pabadisb Lost, Ladies and soldierslveterant of the war, and all other leople will be tharmed by the maflr aetinsr snd powerful interpretation of the ttar of Reuben Werner in "TO Lost Para dise" to be given hera by WUliam Morris on Toes day nigbt, September 94. at the Academy of Hula, .He Is s delightful contrast to tlhe exponents of the stage school of acting. His work is strong snd effective beeaose ha is sincere. , At s gentleman in pri vat life he has all the qualities of a true man. . He is knightly in stature and physique,' and without gbing be yond the astursl ' limitations of his part, he acts in rest life, and he has a magnetism, a grace, an IndettVibable something thst tells you he is 'a gen tleman and a manly man, whuknowe how to not and captivate the andlenie In any part hs may fill. Tlje play of "The Paradise Lost" coneeria the labor question . "The Span of Life," a celebrated play, holds ths boards on the 97th of the month. '.- '. ' . Winston Republican Tlcket.t The Winston Bepublican, in tbe last Issue, gives its ehoics in the presiden tial line as follows!, fe: , Bepablican presidential ticket for 1896: For President, William McKin ley, of Ohlof for Vioe-Preaident, Sena tor J. C. Prltehard, or Congressman Settle, of North Carolina, or any good Southern Bepublican. . Platform: jte-, pnblioanism and Beelprocity versos Democracy.' ' . 1 ' mtm, j - Some Fair Dots. I The Columbia Tobacco Qnanof iw pany, of Norfolk, Virginia, offers a premium of three tons of their gaaao to the farmer who obtained the Ugh set price per' hundred for tobacco in the raieirg of whloh their guano bad been uaed. - " , Tbe big engine, whloh comet jtrotn sn Ohio firm snd which wtll Yurnlsh the power to ran the machinery la fhe buildings, has been shipped sad will be in place a week before the fair opens. A The MoCormiok Company will alto have tbsir machinery oa the ground before the opening. ,' - ' t . -"j. " ' , GETTING READY. " f -' The Grand Opening of JeTeesra. Roy all and BardenNest Tuesday, V Stepping into the handsome estab lishment of Mesais. ; Royall and Borden, who are getting ready to open their magnificent new furniture emporium in the continuation of the Stronaob building running through from Fayetteville to Wilmington Street, we found Mr. Miles Good win, the manager getting ready for the opening' next Tuesday, -Sept 94th, of the most elegant and oom plete stock of furniture which has ever been seen in Raleigh. A glance around was sufficient to show that a splendid display may be expected and Mr. Goodwin was as busy as a bee getting it ready. Lookout for tbeir mammoth advertisement to morrow. Mr. Broughton ia Interested In Prof. Moses' Book. BOOL SALES? SUSPENDED Mr. Broughton Says That if His In terest CoAfliota Witb Law, . .. He atay ReelBn. -. . - Today there was much talk oa.tfae Streets aboat the fact which became known that Mr. N. B. Broughton, a member of the school eommittee, was Interested la the tale of a book, Moses' Phonetic Bender, which Is now oa the list pf books used in the public schools of this city. , This, it is said, is ia dl rest eoafltot with "the law on tha sub ject snd it wat reported thst Mr. Brousrhton would resign from the school board. The law on the subject reads at fol lows:, "That no member of said school eommittee shall be in an way, direct ly or indirectly, interested In the sals of any books, apparatus or other tehool supplies, supplied to the pub lie schools of said township." Some yeara ago Prof. Moses, the former superintendent 'of Raleigh's publie schools, published his (Moses) Phonetic Reader. The publishers were Meters. Edwards 4 Broughton, and the latter Is thus interested in the sale. Aa longas Prof. Mosea wat superin tendent, the book, which it said by competent people to be an excellent pnblieation,wat not uaed in tbe schools. When Mr. Moses resigned, however, the school committee, of which Mr Broughton is a member, put this book on the list. A Pbbsb-Visitor reporter called on Mr. Broughton and asked him if it was true as reported that he would resign from tbe beard: "No, air; I would hardly call that a correct report If my being onnnected with Mr. Moses' reader ia la conflict with tha law, the bookt will be with drawn or I will resign from the com mittee. VI have been on the eommittee for seventeen years and would not mind resigning. Tho other members of the committee aon t wan i me to ao so, however, and I don't know that 1 will. 'Some friends raise the point that the law is applicable only te books bought by the schools. The sohools do not buy books, to any extent, and i'. is said tbat when they are bought by the children from the. bookstores, uy being connected with a book is not in conflict with the law. You may sar that I have requested the various bookstores to suspend the sale' of the reader until the contro versy may be settled. I do not wish do anything in any way in violation Hf the law." THE NATION'S CAPITAL. Th News aud Gossip of tbe Day at Washington. Bpeelal to the Press-Visitor. Washington. D. C, Sept. 90. About as nesr half of the adminis tration as could be got at attended the dedication of tbe battlefield of ickamangua as a national park. President Stevenson and Secre- ies La -non t, Herbert, Smith and A lorney General Harmon gbing, and etariea Olney, Carlisle, Morton Postmaster General Wilson re ing - in Washington, ' Secretary lisle expected to have gone, but iirenmstantes, aided by uapatrlotic misrepresentations, made It advisable that be should remain at his post, : , ntlemaBh Whe- bae recently been Ida on business saidT "Senator advocating the early recognt- the Cuban revolutionists by vernment speaks for a very jority of the people of Florida, m psthy . for ths Cubans It o be classed high, too,, when inhered that Florida is yearly beeomlttf a great rival of Cuba in tbe production of tobacco used In the manufacture of fins cigars." . Secretary Lamont's , action in ad vancing out of hit own pocket the money to make up ths thortags ia paying the lane salaries of the offi- eeraasd me of the army it unprs- c Untd. ftnt highly creditable. ' Had he not doael so they .would have had ti wait forlCourrees to rectify ths error ihxt uiade tbe shortage before they could gH their salaries. Senater Tadt indignantly denies the anthenrtcity of the recently published interview which made him announce a change of froint oa ths silver quel tioa, and saysVhs Is still for free c..H tiol W tbi. $f large! )p This sly Wrth it is renv hs has always 'been.. : Hon- J. W, Jndd, Halted States Dis trict Attorney Xor Utah, is visiting Washington. ; Ha sayst .-There Is much ia the tltnstloa ia TJtsh to make the , Democrats hopeful of sleetlag their SUte ticket aad two- United States Senators. I believe that it Is not potting It oas whit too strong to say that our cheeses of suseese ars fully equal to those of the oppositloa. Utah has en joyed two eneeesslve sea sons of good crops, snd the condition of bnslness It satisfactory. Ths peo pie are feeling very good over the re turn of better times aad that will Inure to the benefit of the Dssaoeraey. If we carry the Territory this year it Is almost a sure thing that It will go the same way In MJ." Mr. P. 8. Campbell, of Sallabury, N. C, has been granted a patent for a "top roll for textile machines. AN APPEAL MADE By tbe Baptist University Executive Committee fbr Funds. In the last issue of the Biblical Recorder, the Executive Oommittee of the Baptist Female University consisting of Rev A. F. Blmms, Mr. J.N. Holding, Mr. C. J- Hunter, Rev. J. W. Carter, Messrs W. N. Jones, N. B. Broughton and J. C. 8 oar borough made an appeal for funds with whloh to prosecute the work of the building which is in prpoess and construction on the ow ner of Blount and Eden ton streets, the walls being up to the floor level of the seoond story, and the joists for that story being in plaoe. Tbe oommittee desires to raise enough money this fall and winter tor the building to be put under root The Baptists of the state are asked to make a special effort to raise a sufficient amount to complete the building. Raleigh Society of .Colonial Damee. This morning at 11 o'clock quite a nnmber of Raleigh's most distinguish ed ladles assembled ia ths parlors of ihe Tarborough house for the purpose of taking preliminary ttept towards the organisation of a Raleigh Chapter of ths Society of Colonial Dames of America. This organisation is com posed of women who can prove deeeent from civil or military offioers of the thirteen colonies who settled In this country prior to 1760. It Is not aecee siiry that services should bars been rendered previous to ths date last tamed. All Services rendered before the out-break of the Revolution are reoogaited, but not after that time. Mrs. George W. Kidder, of Wilming ton, who Is president of the organisa tion in North Carolina, was present and explained the purpose of the so ciety. . Among other ladiea in attend ance were Mrs Armistead Jones, Mrs, John W. Hinsdale, Mrs. Spier Whlta- ker, Mist Rodman of Washington, N. C, Mra. F. H. Busbee, Mrs. Garland Jones, Mrs. James MoKimmon, Mist Bessie Whitaker, Mias Eleaaor Haywood, Mrs. T. T. Hay, Mrs. A. B. Andrews, Mrs. B. B. Raaey, Miss Msrion Haywood, Mra. S. F. Tel fair, Mies Lucy Young, of Washing. ton, D. C, Mias Nannie Jones, Hist Meggie Cowper. Mrs. Armistead Jones, Mrs. Hinsdale, and Mrs. Busbee were chosen to act as a eommittee for the purpose of effecting a permanent organ iiation In Raleigh. The intense heat did not keep the ladies away. The Conditions Under Whloh We Are Living. Don't mention itl Ths wsa their Yes. It wonld be cruel to inlliot article on the public about this old subject, It won't be out of -the way. though, to tell the people what they have experienced ia the laat 84 hoars. Mr. Von Herman says hit thermome ter went ap to 07.7.. Ths majority of the people will take It that his westher testing machinery was out of order yesterday. Said n gentleman this morning: "I have seen ths mercary run ap to the 100 point many timet, but the heat of yesterday wae-xaothlng like it. It was ths worst oa record." . Wonder what he was thlakiag this evening about 1 o'clock, when tha old thing went nearly up to tha top la oar sanctum. Bumor had it that tws thermometers hsd 'busted" ' daring the days. ' Two V. 8, Senators Draw BOO People. ' The big silver rally, so wldsiy ad vertised, earns off yesterday ia Sails bury, says the World. Aboat 800 peo pie were present to hear United States Senators, Butler sad Prltehard speak os ths financial question, - - Senator Prltehard wss in trod need by Congreee aa Bhuford aad deplored ths fast that ao larger crowd was preeent, , coinage at 16 to 1, e KEWS GATHERED IN A DAY Condensed and Put in Readable Form. ' FACTS AND GOSSIP IntereeUagly Told as Picked p on the Streeta stnd Vartona 'f:. Poiatta Aboat Town, fji-: " St, Mary's opeasd yeeterday with a fall aad encouraging attendance. . "'" ; Mr. Hlntoa, of the Executive office, -says eottoa la opening very fast. Pickers are getting SOeeata s hundred. la a few days Prof. Kilgors, of the Experiment Station, leaves to' take a fellowship ia Johns Hopklas Univer sity. The marriage of Bobert C. Strong aad Miss Horner, a oharming yonng lady of Oxford, will take place at that place next week. Bll Debman, the colored man who went ersxy aad took a pulpit by atom at Boletvllle, has been tent to colored hospital at Ooldsboro. Raleigh has a new sotton buyer, Mr. Cowan, who will work oa ths Exchange la tha interest of Heath Btfifit, of Charlotte. Capt. ; Williamson's tale of ihor- ougbjbjsd-horses will occur la this city oa ths 8 and 7 of November next. Further notice will be glvsn. ' Mr. Walter A. Modtgomsry, Jr., who recently made a visit to Warren- ton, returned home Monday quite sick. Ths PBBss-VisrroB is glad to learn, however, that he is again ap. If s street sprinkler were raa over Hillsboro street these sehorehlug ."In dian Summer days, there would be a song ia many hearts, ths dastla the evcnlngc haaga over the streets like a cloud- Rev. W. B. Mortoa has Issusd a call for the assembling of a committee ap pointed by the Wake Forest Alumni Association at the lasttonunenoement, oa ths Mth, Ths call ttatec that fan- ' portaat basinees is to be transacted. ''" Ths dwelling house, which wss the fsmily residence of Baldy Pearee at Cedar Bock, Franklin county, was burned a few nights ago. Ths house wss totally deetroysd aad aU ths f.r nlture. There wss soms insurance oa the house. Mr. Whiting Allen, representing the Buffalo Bill show, was here yester day. Mr. AUea says that ths Buffalo Bill show will be identically ths same that it was la Chicago. It serriee donbls the number of people aad three times as many horses aa ths great Barnum show, We sre pleased to note that Mr. J. M. Bar bee has deeided to soatlaaa his residence among as. He will make Improvements ia the eaady factory aad It will be conducted as heretofore oa a flrst-claee plan. Mr. Jtks Pope, the junior member of the firm, has gone North oa a basiaess trip. - With the advent of the sirens, the Chief of Police sad Sheriff get their aeta set. Buffalo Bill is aot raaked ataslreua. The city tax Is flO for each performance. With a alrsas It is different. It will eoet Sells Bros. $60 for each performance for city privileges. ,.- ;. By ths addition to the Colored Ds- pertinent of the Deaf aad Dsmb aad Blind Iastitutloa .twenty mors pupils can be accommodated. The school wss over-crowded last year by aboat twenty aad thsee hare been provided for. This department will be several days late la opening, owing to the improve ment above spokea of being made.. Silver and the eoaveatioa next week. . are the only subjects among a good 1 many people. Mr. Chambers Smith aad ex Judge Whitaker seem is he of ' the opinion thst Metropolitan Ball will aot begla to hold ths daksgat.e. - It " has beea suggested that Bledsoe's - J grove woald soms nearer aeeossawdat lag ths crowd. v M: ".V:-"'- C--- "V. ' -v-'j'i-'W "The morning paper had ita history , . mixed a good deal," said Ms. J. W. , Wilsoa this morning. "Ths statsneat '"-i mads thst Wiley P. Maagsss, Jr., a " soa of Senator Wiley P. Maagam, held ' office under Lincoln is taevrreet. Ths man who they were hitting st was a soa of Priestly Maagam, alas named Wiley P. Mangum. The sea of ths Senator died ia ths service ef his country, fighting ths Yankees la ths 7 amy of Northera Tirglala.'' " .r S -,.j;,;--jf';.V. T ,1. I i - '