- - f . yy i - THE ,PSES S -VISITOR ,"WB RKEP THE LEAD. over B.OOO; CIRCULATION. VOL. L NO. 28. RALEIGH, N. C, TUURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1895. $3.00 PER TEAK., A WILD Cotton Jumped Up To-day . ' Seventeen Tointa -r - ENORMOUS SALES.- 1 ' In Now York There wm Trrdlng to 'Hhe-Unheard-of Amnantof 1 - 434,200-BaUM.V v. , By Telegraph to the Preas-Vlftlor.' -Nbw.York, Sept 26.-Llverpool " opened unchanged, advanced S-64, bat closed barely steady, unohanged ' to 1-84 lower than yestfrday. - large spot business baa been d3ne. Salse. 18.000 ; middling, New YYrk opened, about. no - chanired. lost 6 points, but aubse 'J quently Improved and closed 17 p-ijnts above last night, or 8 points helow the hiuhest reaonea to-uay, The market waa very excited and ." fovarUh. The sales reaobed the norrnona figures ot 434. 2uu Dales. .,. -8pot, 8 3-4. ' " -S ODtionsolosed as follows:.. . Seotember. 8 60 to 864; Ootober, : . a kci VnvnmhAr. i i m to ' - t December, 8 87 to-, January, S 7 - .to75; February, 8 80 to 8 v ., Marco, 8 u ; o w o w " -V ' ABAIK MARKETS. 1 VmOAoo, Sept. 86 r-Graln quota. -f-i,, tiona closed to-day aa louowsf - -;' 81 1-8: May. 847-8. V 1 ' " --: Corn Ootober, 8i 1-4 ; December, - 28 8-4! May, 29 5-6. - v - - Oatee-Ootober, , 18 - 7-8 ; May, Asotber Mlnneapoli BUe, MiHal'oufi, 8pt. S8.Th Chan-;- '- br of Comuef baiiding U on fir The otul damage waseooBnad to top : floor,' althoogB tb nt)r boildlng if dreaaTaed. - . r : 1 - Tha nlldlng is fl ,torlea high and the atraotore aa araeted la ''84. It u "th.ntfcr of srlni"trade. Ihe abra and floor exchange Uadi jibing.' ; There Waa No Loaa ot Life, - Bt Telerph to the PreM-Yteltor. - . v :'.'T:j bw Tobi, Sept. 28. The reported . t . eoilliioatweea the English ateamer .'i-- rinndnr and tbe umtea Biatea wareaip ' "- Alert, near anaygnil, haa bean eon. '.va firmed. - There la ao loaa of life. Tbe , Vondor ia nndamaged. Th Alert la AmmmomA ti . th eitiiBt 'of- aaveral Mb.ooeand dollar. ""'',.'' p - By Telegraph to the Fresa-Vlsttor. ' - Nkw York, Sept 28. The State "i:";', j . . . .... ... j tj i . uemocraoy not oeinfr reooKQiaeu oy either Tammany Uall or the Repub ' :i lioad party, announeea that it will now put a third ticket in the local - , Hold. And some say tnat a uura 7 State tioket will be put out, but this latter is hardly probable. , i Valkyrie Salle Croaa Orer. 'T' 'By Telegraph to the Panes-VieiToi. j- f kntr- 2(1 The " ' American liner Paris arrived with " the sails of the Valkyrie and a bun ;r dred thousand in gold.: Forty-aix hundred boxes of American fruit : t - was oonsigned to ue firm and will be sold at auotion. ) " - . TwoPerUhedoa a Birnlng Boat By Telegraph to tbe Preee-VWtor. i r:, v. " Chioaoo, Sept . B8, The' aiearelon steamer, Hacatawa eras barned to the water's edge at 2;15 this morning. xTwo members of the erew, Barney Modonlgle and aa . snknowa deek hand perished. - A Royal Dlreotor. . i By Telegraph to the Prese-VUltor. " fcmkVL, Out.. Sept. 28 It la said that the dnke of Marlboroogh la to beeoma a director of the Oraad Trunk railway and. that Sir Charles' Rirers Wilson will make sank anaoaneement in a few daya." ,, Rain RxtingUhea Forest f'lrea. ,r : By Telegraph to the Pieiw Visitor. - r Asm Babdob, N. J., Sept 28 Forest fires which hare been raging I o this vicinity more than aw week, .were extinguished last night by heavy rains. - '. -.:.- MoUill In the Lead. By Telegraph to the Pnass-Visrroa. Tbbnton, Sept 2C There is a strong leinin towards Chancellor McCi'.l for Governor this morning among delegates to the Democratic fc'Ute Convention. His 'nominarion is conceded on the first ballot tomor row. . . . BACUIFICKS AT A PREMIUM. So Chicken Hanging Among Jews Ul , lu New Tork Tu-morrow, By Telegraph to the PB9-Vi8iToa. , tfsw Vobk, Spt. 28. Fifty venders of lire fowls were arrested today, to morrow being the day of atonement amon Jewe, whea It Is the eaatoaa of the lower elaesea to awing a fowl, pre ferably a ehk-kea, oer the head of O'ery member of the family by th neik, then killing and eating it aa a saeriBee to absolve them from their sins. The butuhere have laid in a larg sapljiMiva fowla aoatrary l!Mh board of health's deeiHionrTo prefaSl their aare afreets hive followed, Atonement day aaeriBoea will be at premium. r - - f Kisouaslng .Water Ways of Great ltyTeegTphtothsPas8-VI8to., vUvsukd, Sept 28 At todays session of International Deep Water Ways Association Frank A. Fiower of Superior WisEiecativeSecretary oi tne Association read a paper en titled "Basis for cooperation be tween the United States' and Cana da Canal Construction and jnain- tanoe." . . His oooolnsion was that the co operative agreement between (Jreat Britain and the United States waa inevitable for control of levels and ouiflowa of the great lakes. The ohief diffliiulty in the way of con summation ia the Jingo sentiment on both aides of the border. Thomas Kobarta of Pittsburg argued for the enlargement of Erie Canal to oon neot the Great lakes tide water. - V . "Vellow Fellowa" Going. "' By. Telegraph to the Paius-VierroB. - Nbw V ork, Sept 28 The' Ham. burg American Line steamship Co lombia, sailed to day with a million Of gold. . : "THE GRHATUST OX EARTH.' : Tenu of Hamuruand Bailey's Shows Deetroyed by Great Btortn. By Telegraph to tbe Press-viiltor. i , ' . . ; '. Bubjunotoh, , Iowa, Sept ; 28,-m Severe , wind, hail ' and rain storm passed over the olty yesterday; The main tent, animal toot and boarding tent ot .Sarnum and Bailey 'a oirous was destroyed. ' , ANNIK ROONEY" GOES TO JAIL. The, Prooeedingw of . Mayor Rasa' - Court. Three to The Roada, The ''Mayor's Court proceedings served' this morning to carry tbe mind of the on-looker back over many years.' When "Annie Rooney" was called to. the bar, the crowd started. 7 Une oonld almost hear in imagination the : squalling of the oooe popular ditty from the street- ditty now heara only as a dead eohoofadeadpaat - t .... And the sad fact of the proceed ings was tbe. thought that Annie Rooney Hill, like tbe song for wbion she ia named has seen her best days. It seems that she and Ida Hill and Lid Sbambley had engaged in a free-for-all - and heaven stirring scrap. But when the clash of oonfiiot had ceased, these three champions of wo man's rights had been walked, wail ing, away to the station house; this morning they -left for the wilds where the work-bouse lies. Annie getaSO days, Ida " Hill, - 80 and Lid 8hambley, 20, - " ' -"-.. Panl Rogers for an affray was fined Ave dollars. A tittle tot of a negro- was held is a larceny suspect Ha waa hardly ten years old, bnt be came indignant when be spoke of his arrest : "I had . jist came in . from Charlotte when de oop pulled me for chicken' stealin,' " he said. Mayor Rosa gave tbe boy an hour to leave the city for Mfllbrook, where he said his parents lived. .--' - a . oera to ut tne itest. The popahr establishment of Mr. Thomas Feaeod ia so well known to the Balelgh pnblie aa the beet plaee to get 'the nicest snd freshest fancy and standard grooariea that it is scarcely neeeaeary to sail atteutioa to the faet. Bis easterners have learned that they always get the beat at his store, prompt delivery polite attention, and at the qloaest margins and that la the reason they trade at feeend'e. .Bead bis ad vertisement In to-day's paper. . - .Two Opinions of the Convention, -Logos Harris saya yesterday waa a bad day for Demoorate. Ha aaya fa sion between BepublioSBS and Popa 11s te wss made mora aompaet than ever. Senator Mewborne aaya that the ac tios of some of the Democrats waa shameful. He' saya that Qmith and MaeRaa'a Pemocratie frlende aeted la bad faith. "Traitrs," eontinaed Ur. Mewborne, "Is the proper name for them." ' - POKING - FDH AT IRISH English l Journal Criticize the Hibernians Convention "ENTERTAINING FARCE" la What St. James Gaxette flays Valiantly' Attack Saaona, V By Cable to the Press-Visitor. -. t r.v , LondonT Sept, 28 The Newspa pers today profess to find in the pro- oeedlnga of tbe Irish nationalist convention at Chtoago material for amusement Tbe Globe this after neon saya Finerty and bis colleagues deserve the thanks ot the World for furnishing an entertaining farce. The St James Gazette says there are none so valiant aa exiled Hi bernians v, to ' secure free liquor saloons and none so ready as they to attack the Saxon when the Saxon can't get at tbem, or so patriotic in raising other people's money for war.' ' , . TheCrew Eeoaped. By Telegraph to the Freas-VUltor. Boston, Mass.,Sept. 28. The crew of tbe two masted schooner, Menun oatuok, Capt Ellis, arrived to-day, having escaped from the sinking ship and landed at Lynn. ., SUPERIOR COURT. Caaes Being Dlspoaed of with Mnoh " Rapidity, " . Court met this morning at the usual hour with Judge Coble presid ing. Most of the oases are small ones and they all being disposed of with rapidity. . s i Those whioh were flnished up yestereay afternoon are as follows : State vs. John Mangum and Moses Bledsoe, affray i defendant Mangum pleads guilty; verdict not guilty as Jo defendant Bledsoe; Mangum fined tfiandoosts. .State, vs. Daniel Brown, gambling; verdiot not guilty.- , ' State vs. Chas, Brooks, gambling; pleads guilty; fifteen days on public roads. 1 - - . State vs. Louis Swinson, - gambl ing; pleads, guilty; judgment sus pended. - - State vs. Herbert Brooks, gambl ing pleads guilty; fifteen days on publio roads. ' 8tatv.vB. Jep. 'Warren, retailing without license; verdiot guilty; judg ment, work on the publio roads thirty days. ' , " State vs. George Hinnant larceny and receiving; defendant pleads guilty; judgment Ave years in the penitentiary,. I " ,- A Reoord Breaker. TbePnus Visitor yesterday after noon gave a three and a halt column acoount of the silver convention, and bad it before most of onr read ers before the sun light had faded out of the sky. Such a thing was never before accomplished . by an afternoon daily In Raleigh, and we doubt if It was ever done by any pa per in the Stabs. ; Our motto is to give the news the same day of pub lication, and the general verdiot is that we have oome pretty near doing it" When we have such heavy news to handle it neoessarily makes the paper a little late,' but we believe that our readers would rather bave the news in full, even if they bave to wait!a half hour or so, when there are important events going on and we try to give it all to them. - v i .I in mm " ' ' - In regard So the Assignment Act. Mr. ' Smith ; of Stanly . and othere have been here darlcg-the week giving testimony before the grand jury ia regsid to the fraodalent enrollment ot the assignment' act. Preeentmeata were retnrned 'at ' the last term of court against Batterfleld and Brown, the alerka It (a Itky that the mat. tr will take more deflnlt shape dor lag the week. " Something of Intereat to (ha pnblie wiU'no donbt torn hp. -K. Mr. St, John Away.' .. ' "r . , ' -1. - .... .... . .5-. "V.i..- .': A repreaeotative ot tba Portsmouth Star aalled at the fceadqaaaters of tka Seaboard Air Line" and it waa givea oat thai Mr St. John waa away oa his vacation, benea nothing poeitvio as to the report eonld be had. ' It la gea erally believed, however, that thia ramor, la, like many predeeeasora of tba same klad, without foundation. All tha little girla la tow a will he wild over that offer made, by Blggaa today in hla advertUlng aolaon to Ball eaoeolate at ady-at 10 cents perpoand. joet read It . . v MANGLED Bt, A GIN. Dr. W, E. Rlohardeoa Met a Fearful ; - : jV; Death Teaterday. ' - t)r W. K. Blchardsoa, a well-kaowa altiaenof Waka eonnty, leeiding near Shotwall, about flfteea piles from the city, met an awfol death yeatarday. Tha aeeldeat happened at the gia house oa bis fam' about alsvea o'eloek in the BMrnlng.;i ' v y ! It teems ' that Dr. . Richardson's sleeve was saoght by a belt whioh drew hla arm In, mangling it almost horribly While tha1 belt waa whlaU ling in Its rapid flight an grindlag tha aeav Sr. JBIohardaons 'body waa thown ia tha air aad ojS'agslnst the machinery.' H raoelv'ed a aomber of severe br nisei on the body Which aggravated bV death. Dr. Blehard s0n,was not in tha very beat of health and tha shook wsa ao great to him that ha passed away yesterday even. Ing about 4:80 p.'nj. Dr. Blohardeon' ws a saeeeaefol pbysielan and a prominent and patrio tic allien of Wake county. He waa abont 48 years of age, and leaves a large frmily to mourn ' bis untimely loss. . ' BASEBALL YESTERDAY. At Baltimore: si ; Baltimore, 888 1 0000-7 Philadelphia, O0OOOIO 0-1 Hitai Baltimore, 9 Philadelphia, 6. Errors: Baltimore, 0; Philadelphia, 2. Attendance 6,000, Game called on aeoonntof darkness. r -' .f At Brooklyn: . T ' ' . Brooklyn, 2 0 0 0 1 1-4 Boaton, 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 Attendance, 1,800. : -At Washington: , H Waahington, 00 11 020008-7 New Tork, 0013000002-8 Attendance, 1.800 . ' At St. Louie (flrst game): . St Louis, 0 0 0 0 O 2 2 1 8- 8 Cincinnati. 82122800 -M At St. Louis (second game.) St. Louts 001 0 0 0 3 1 0-6 Cincinnati, 021000010-4 -1 Attendance, 800. ;- 'v f;- ' At Loniavillci Louisrltlev 000800010-4 Ptttabarg, ? -2 1 000 800 -l 1 - Attendance, 400. f- HOW THSt STAJID. . Won. Lost, Percent Baltimore. 83 49 684 CleveUad. , 88 ' 48 648 PhiUdelphia, 77 ' 60 607 Chieago, 70 66 666 Boaton, 89 68 648 Brooklyn, ,70 60 648 Pittaburg, 62 81 681 New York, 60 82 612 Cineinnati, 65 61 616 Washington. 41 88 831 St. Louia, j 80 800 Louiavllle. 34 06 284 WH1BB THSt FLAT TODAY. Chicago at Cluemnatti. Cleveland at Lodiavllla. Ptttabarg at St .touto. An Urgent Appeal. On Tuesday, Ootober, 1st, there will be held the regular monthly meeting, in tha Mission Booma, and every mem ber la earnestly reqaaated and expeet ed to be present, aa matters pertain ing to the ' Uiaatoa, Booms most be definitely settled for, the winter. At 5 p. m. promptly, by request of the president of tha united order of the King's Daughters., J GENTRY STILL KING. Establishes Hla Claim to the Title.-- A Reoord 8:03 S 4. John .RQenWv defeated Joe Patohen and Fidel tat three straight heats yesterday; making the fastest third beat ever paced. It dearly demonstrates hia title to King of the turf, for no pacing horse has ever approached hia reoord so tar. It was the fastest reoord of the season, an event whioh alone entitles him to a blase of glory.. The weather was warm and a great breeze was blow- tog. r-.V-i'' ' , -V.:-v ... Summary ; ttx-.- ' Speoial pace, purse 14,000, ?- V" John R Gentry, b ft, by .Ashland Wilkes (MoHenry) 1 IX,. v Joe Patonen, (Carry) 8 2 S. - Fidel, (Ryanbelg) 8,8 8. .f'. ',' ' Time, 2:06 1 2; 2:05; 2:08 8 4 ' Third' heat by quarters: 81 1 2; 1:02 1 2; L83 8 4; 8:03 Sfiv e; : St'-iao.I::; ' . Regular Communication ot Sea ton GaleeLodgeNo.84,1. 0. 0. F. at 7 I S o'olook p. m., sharp work hi the Srd Degree. Candidates entitled to this degree will present themselves with out fail at 10 minutes past 8 o'olook. Members earnestly requested to at tend as other matters of great 1m portanoe will have to be attended to oordial invitation to all Odd Fel- lows. v-!;;-. '- Fbaitc S. Emobt, n. Thibk. 8eo. : -' .. -: ATTBHTrOX DBQBU STAPF 1 1 4 Every member required to be on band at 8 o'olook p. m. sharp. By order of T. R, Pvbsbu, Captain, - BRITISH VIOLATE TREATY ! Charged , that their Sealers 'Carry Arms in Defiance. BUT KEEP CLOSE WATCH For Auy- Tachaioal V'lolntlon Amerloaa Veeaela- Bitter ,. Complalnta. "'f- by By Telegrapb to Tan ruas-VniVon. . SB FaAaoieoo, Sept 'SO laforma tloa eomes to the Federal authorlUea that many British aaUIng sohooaara have been earrylng arme ia df fit nee ot the sealing treaty and that hnnters have boldly violated the law. Tha complaints to be made state that de partment Information is given by American eee captains who have eruls ad la. the Artie regions uiuce-the Paris award in the Beahring Mea mat-' ters. On the other hand it is claimed that the British have been watching our vessels for every violation of law, however teebnioal, and have promptly reported each ease ,. i.--. . ? A VANISHING COOL WAVE. ' Plenty of Warm Weather and Still Better Prospects. The eold wave whieh waa promised early in the week and whieh baa been looked lor so amionsly baa not ma' terialised yet. Tha situation ia be coming alarming Witt many people. The farmers complain bitterly. The eold wave jnat didn't arrive. It left the Paoifie coast all right enough, .aad covered the moot of Colorado with a heavy snow, but it never reached Balelgh as it waa deflected by the southerly winds from the Atlantis gulf. The northern portion of Texas, tha western part of Mississippi and other southwestern sttea reaped the full benefit of the falling temperature, but all other states east of the Miatia- idpi valley awelteied in tha heat just aa they have for the peat ten daya. It ia true that the temperature fell aev at al degreee yesterday, but not enough to be appreciated. The weather people are the moat un kind of all. Interesting Service. The fall "Rallying or Ingathering Day" at Edenton Street Methodist Sunday School occurs next Sunday. Instead of the usual exercises, speoial services, principally of song, will be bad at 9:80 o'clock a m., and nil the friends of tbe school are iu vited to oome and tee what they are doing, ard, with tbem, enjoy the delightful musio for which this sohool ii so famous. It U 'specially desired that every old member of the tchool should be present on this occasion, and tbe children are con fidently expecting to see that morn ing tbe faces of every member of their ohnrob, who is interested in their work. Death of Dr. J. W . Carnter. Dr. James W. Carmer, of the fiim of Boykio, Carmer & Co., well known d'ugglsts, of Baltimore, died at hia borne in Baltimore last evening after a lingering illness. ' Dr. Carmer waa a native of North Carolina and lived for a number of years at Newbern, where hia remains will be taken for eoterment today. . Dr. Carmer was tbe nnola of Mr. J. B, H. Carmer and the great ancle of tha Misses Carmer ot this city, Hotter, Hotentot, Hotentotereat I The above I" about the only way to decline the adjeetlve descriptive of the weather daring tha laat nine days. While we all know that the season has been somewhat sadorlflo (or terrific) It is is Interesting to know - just how fsr ap the mereary climbed. Beginning with the 16th we had a maiimom tem perature each day aa follows: 18th, 95 19th, Wj 90th. 8i 21st, 98 8 4) 921, 100) 23d, lQlt 24th, 96) f6th, 97; 98th, 98. The above figure were furnished at by Mr, T...C. Harris, who has stan dard weather service Instruments ia a proper instrument shelter. It beata tha record tor September. A Splendid Aldernaanlo Possibility. Dr. D. B. Everttt la rpokea of aa tha proble saoceeaor to Alderman lvay. It would be a wise selection, certain. No man ia more interested la the welfare of the aity than Dr. .Everett. What ever Dr. Bverett undertakes to aoeom pllsh he generally aeeompllahee It. "The Spaa af Life" lathe attreo tioa at the Academy of Msale tomor row aigbt ... 1 - r . THOSE RESOLUTION 1 Some of the Facte Abont How They Were Prepared. . Concerning tha resolutions which were adopted yeatarday by tha silver convention and published tn full in tha Pbbss-Visitob, a little bit of hia tory Is intereeting. The flrst three resolutions and the fourth down to that part whieh recommends the voting for certain candidates for office were prepared by Capt. S. A. Ashe and agreed upon and adopted on Monday night br a considerable number of Democrats who were interested tn pro moting tha call for the convention They were submitted to Mr. Bntler oa Monday night, wto agreed-te'thwav bnt be propoaed' tha addition whioh followed and which Capt. Ashe and Other Democrats objected, to aa ignor ing party nominating eonventions. . But that addition, however, was not originally prepared by Mr. Bntler. It sppeara that it originated with some Democrats, and waa submitted to Sena tor Butler oa Monday afternoon by Mr. Whitaker, and waa slightly modi fied by htm and some of his Populist friends that night. Senator Butler piopoaed it as aa addition at a confer ence attended by himself, Dr. Mott, Capt. Ashe and others oa Tuesday morning, when It was objected to be cause it Ignored nominations Dy con ventlons. All Tnesday s there was a discussion of that proposition, the Democrats pro posing several substitutes for It one of them being a recommendation that the people nsa all honoiabls means to secure the nomination and election of such eleotora aa will vote only for can didates for Preeident and vice-president who favor the restoration of sil ver; and that they elect only soon con gressmen aa favor free ooinage. But no auggested modification was agreed to. When the committee of nine met Tnesday night, Capt Ashe said he could not accept the additional resolution, since It ignored party con ventions, and upon ita being adopted by the committee, ha did not attend the convention, Ha thought it went beyond the call for tba convention. Bnt Capt. Ashe, in aa Interview, said ha hoped and expected that mueh good would result from the convention, and he much regretted that the Insistence on the idea embraced in the "addi tional resolution" debarred him from attending the convention. Bx-Qov. Jarvis took the Sims view of the mat ter and refrained from attending the convention, aa did some other Demo crats. Capt. Aaha waa asked today by the PBBss-VieiToa for hia eatimate of the convention and its work, and ha aaid that the result of the convention dem onstrated; first, that those persons who connected the call for this convention with a movement for a new party were in" error; second, that those who thought the convention would indulge a " euseiug " the administration were n error; third, that the ailvar Demo orate who remained away from the con vention Instead of attending tt and seeing that ita reaolutiona and action hould conform to their views, made a mistake; fourth, that tha gold men who opposed the convention were right for their aide. He said he felt sure that tha result of the eonvention would strengthen he eauee of free ailver, and thus an swer the purpose for which tt waa called. He also believed that it will prove greatly to tha advantage of the Democratic party in North Carolina and that iathe end nearly every Dem ocrat in the State will concur th thia view. A noteworthy fact was that some of the Demoerata who came to Balelgh to attend . the convention were more demonstrative ia tha utterance of ex treme viewa than the Populists. Ho- 7 an Accident Started. Tbe reported wreck oa the CI. C. and N. railroad proved to be an Imaginary one. Tne report originated from a very amaaing i: incident. The pay train waa standing on the track at a small station. ' A freight train waa coming In at a fast speed. Oa it waa a brakeman whose judgment waa like good - many other people's: Ha poked his head from tha aide of a ear and saw the headlight of th pay train angina ia front of him. Think Ing It was oa tha naaia track ha jump ed, and the consequence is ha ia laid op with a brokaa limb and braised generally. ' -. fltllls Seized. , ' Deputy Collector Wiley Jones seised i 40-galloa still Bear Myatta a few daya ago. " . ' ' Deputies J.W. Jones aad J. J. Thomas made the flrat seiiureaof ilUolt distill ties Reported ia months the other day. thay )at up two stills. , III A DAT Condensed and Put in Readable Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP Interestingly Told aa Picked up oa tha Streets and Various Points Abont Town. Posters annoaaeing tha coming road elaetloa are bolac isaaed.-- Quite a number of Waka Forest stu dents attended the eonvention. Mr. Kit Mackerel married Miss Mary Perch in Charlotte yesterday. One of tha witneasea waa Little Boaoh. Mayor Baas gave a one-eyed tramp, who waa more or leaa maimed and bat tered, one hour In whioh to leave town. Tha Balelgh Electrio Company la now prepared to light resldenoea. Sev eral houses ia the city are now being wired. Senator Butler told a PRsse-VisrroB reporter that bo waa well pleased with the convention and ita work. Well, well I well II There ia a tree ia front of the court house whioh has shed its old supply of leaves and is budding ont again. The heat waa too much. Most of tba "diligets" left town laat night on tha midnight train. Buck Kitchen waa among the precious freight carted away. The grand jury relumed a true bill against Walton B. Stone. It ia aaid that the eaae will be postponed until the next term of court The board of direotors of the King's Daughters will please assemble ia the mission rooms promptly at 6 p. aa. on Friday, September 27th. Logue Harris aad hla fifty negroes were missing yesterday. Mr. Harris waa in evidence, bat ao much as "nary nigger" waa to be foond. Miaa Bella Knlleu,an estimable youu? lady died yesterday at her residence near the City Cemetery. Tha funeral will occur tomorrow at 9:80. The Methodists are mnoh interested in their Snnday School "Ingathering" whieh occurs next Sunday, at the Edenton street Sunday School rooms. Congressman Harry Skinner, who was Butler's right-hand headaman of Demoaratie resolutions yesterday. shook th town at eleven o'olook thia morning. There would have been lively times In the silver eonvention yesteiday had Mr. B. H. Cowan'a resolutions boon read. Harry Skinner saw tha storm alondand therefore moved an adjourn ment Wilmington atreet ia a scene of ac tivity and baatle these daya. It looks very busiaeaa-like to get around there and so what is going on. All the sides streets were filled with cotton wagona thia morning. We aaw to-day some handsome oak suite whioh Messrs. Thomas Max well ara sailing at 111.50, and they have many other handsome things in stock whieh thay are offering at cor respondingly low figures. Next Saturday la Tom Kippur, th Jewish Day of Attonement tha moat aolemn of all their faat daya. All the business houaea of onr Hebrew ci ti sane wlU be dosed from 8 o'slook Fri day aveatag until o'clock Saturday evening. Mr. B C Bcekwtth, apeakiag of the ailver convention, says ha "would do It again If ha was the only Democrat there." "The principle is a tree one if the convention didn't quit com np to on" expectations." Superintendent Leaser has retnrned from tha penitentiary farms and re port th crop ia a good condition. Ha aays a weak age abont tea bate of cotton had opened bat sow there are at leaat aeven haadred open. - -- Probably two hundred school chil dren war ap at srvie this atoraiag 1b sceordano with a promise mad ia school yesterday. Perhaps a third of th pupils said that that thay had never seen this lnterea'lng sight : V ; '.Governor Carr today iesaed a re mhv. wm 9mw uvmiur px v irgiaie ' for Thoa. A. Silaaa, alias W. . Baa kin, who ia wasted at Elisabeth ' Olty for tale prrtena. Oilman la new la jail at Norfolk, oa a similar charge.' His sohsiae waa to draw drafts of a ftetltloaa ehereoter. a..,-. .