VOL XXXI V: NO. 34. RALEIGH; N. C.. THUBS I )AY EVENING.. OCTOBER 3, 1895; J J3)0JEJERYEAa . : Many 'Places' guested for ; - ; the Big Fight. "' 7- ' .. r ' ' i COMPLETE - KNOCK-OUT Mexico, New Branewlok and Indian Territory Have. Been Suggested , k - -" J ee Good Plane..' . BrTelecraphtoltorrMt-VKItOb 11 vDuui, Tat.. Oet. 8. The akg- meat betweea Corbet aad Fitsialmmoae will have to be pulled aff elsewhere Tba act of th Leglslater la a S"- pww .s- p; ; lag suggested " WaiHreatojr,Oe.S.- -Ittcuoasmcnly I laportad la aportlag airalea that ar raayameata have baaa aiede to pull off tba Corbatt-rttaatauaoM ngbk aaar Pradarletoa. 5. B It la ataud that a party af aportlag aaaa ba?a bata at Ife BraaawUfttes: daya arranging for tba battle. . -- " ' ... Asdmobb, I. T OeV S. Th CUea. aa authorities era aadaratood te be v favorable for ' allowiaa- tba Corbett- ": Vltulmmoaa 7mlU to . gaear", laTtbU nation for aatiafaatorv peaaaiary :y Federal ladgeelalma that there la ao ' legal Impediment ao ' far S bis Jarla ? dletloa goaa,' There Is ao la probibii- ing pbyalaal aaltaraexhlbitloaa. Col bert'a .ferry ta. aaotbar proepaeUre I polat on Bed Klrer! eight miles from Denleon, Tex,,' - Bloyole World's Record Broken. I By Tderxaph tottte reee-VTettor. v 4 Toaorro, Oct. . Harley Davidson, of Toronto, rode an anpaced half mile ' atraigbtaway oa a- biarela In 68 4-8 - aeconds this morning oa Jarvla street, breaking the world's record, held by John B. Johnson. Presldsnt Doollttle, of the C..dl..rWhm.aS A-oahv tloB, waa time-keeper. . The coarse waa asphalt tt i dowa grade hill. v There waa a atroag wind ia bis faoe. hr Telesrapn te lbs raana-Vurrow, ; , - uonn, ua. a. a aamoer at e--publlcaa delcgaUa to tht State CoB- vaatloa are oppoeed to the re-nnmlna . Moa of Qrecahalge. They have da-1 aided to opaa : haadqnartars Friday andeeadact aa aggressive eampalga I ' The mnvamant ranraaaata the A. P. A. " Inflacace of the party. " Minister Baynrda Inatrnotlona. ' i 1 ' ' , . X' ' " nreabUwtbePressVlsttor. - - Lomdom , Oot. 8. The Westmin ister Osteite fears that Bayard has i been instructed to notify Great Brit ala that unless the Tenesnelaa ques tion ia submitted for arbitration hi nineiT ubtb. im uiuw ok i government wlu enlori me Monroe dootrine. It hopes Sailebary will J hurry the aettlemeot.; :.: ; I No Aaaaeaty for BrasillUn Rebels, j L" "T'yrZ- IT rr JJTL lan-wtof ha Uaited States into a son. per of Deputies i Rejected, the w.W . . government's bin granting amnesty I to oertaiu person who took part in I the late rebellion. The chamber also A.4.. ft-, kill Ifr I- ... Ma.fA I fswa his uui hi .bi ' that President Moraes will resign. TO FORCE THE FIGHT. Populists Want their Rational Con. .'Tendon in Febmary. , rTf4gmpBtollrrsse-Vleltoc. Topkka,' Ess ,;Oot 8. Leading Pnnnllsta have atartad an. axrltarirm for aNational Convention and nrge : Atlanta as the place, February the twenty first as the time.: Nomina-1 tions to J made on Washington's birthday. 'This will be done to force I the free silver fight early, r VP WENT THE SECTION MEN, -' Y i Smoked on it Powder Boz.ad Oar l . ' nAM.lM.lM. la " - , . . I ZTT?- iToday three -4.. ng en a powder By Tclegrsph to the Preee-VUitor. , Laaoar, 111., Oct. : aeetioa maa ware sitting oa a powder "hot eattag diaaer and begs a smoking afUrwards. One lighted a match aad stack It la a crack, erploding slity pounds of powder. The three werS blowa twenty feet and one, who back ' waa la a sheet of flame, was plunged Into the water.-' Whea drawa oat the flesh from bia back remained ia tba water. Ths rlbeof another waa bared. Nona of them eaa recover. - ' China Ready to Satisfy Germany. Br Cable tc tba Prcss-Vtoltorl ' s i v .. BaaLiii.Oot. S The government bet received ' aotiflcatioa that China ia ready to sstisfyihs claims Of Germany for tbe destruction of a Germsa mis sioa by a Cbiaese mob. . BACCY SPAIN. I Will She Make Big Demand Upon th United State. 7 a Telegraph to tteFTCM-VUttor, WAsmworow, D. C., Oct 8-That Is a beautiful fairy story, which oomes to Washington y ' the columns of Spanish newspaper published in Cabs, to the effect that Spain 'la to be baoked by England, Italy and M ex Ion, in . making a de man upon the United States for the payment of 1500.000 indemnity, be- oarjM of the failure of this govern meat to prevent the departure of filibusters., fipflin has before this been guilty of ' some very foolish things, bat there is very little prob abUitity that its government will be silly enough to make such a play ln- tbksts to this obuntry;-Ths story pYobably written . solely for 8panlah teadiogr -The feeling In favor of free Cuba is already mak ing itself felt in Washington, and with a demand for. indemnity from Spain it jronld speedily beoome overwheiming, eM would be, there I J, everywason to believe, quickly I responded to by the administration . I regardjeea of. what backing Spain might have. '': '...,4,i:'V;' HOBSBWHIPPBD HER HUSRANTt f " ' ; ., ' s s. v - Haaband Spent a Night and Morn. lag Denying the Fact. BTTeiegraphtotbernaaa-ViiiToa. f t MiLWAtra'aa, Oet. QaeUfa Pabat, oa of the brewer who marrle Margaret Mather, apent laat sight and tbli morning daaylag that bia wife need, a horaewhip'oa blm. -1 Teaterday after Soon the actress created a acasatlon near their home pa 99tb etreet yi striking her hatband several tia with a horsewhip. Numerous residents I claim to have seen the pair. - - A xraitor in tneuanap. Br Xelarrapk to tbe rreu-VUltor. ' KbtWbst; Oat. 8. Advlaaa froi Santiago a week ago are to the affect tor the paring for a series of encounters. A doctor U the Military goepital at Son. go made a mistake in medicine thereby I kOIlng ajaa imia.i.i - Paid the Panaltry, : By Tdeaxapkao Tab raaas-Visnoaw ; HaoKuaaoK, 5. J., Oct. 8. Joho Cxech, who ; murdered his wife , oae l morning laar Juae, wei hanged ia Hadsoa aoaaty jail at Iff o'eloek thla morning. She Killed) HorIrover Baoaped. , mtmm . I ar Tohhlettie ranee-Vairoa. v rCwoaao,? Oot.1 8. Bdward hfoo, a prosperona.tradesraa,' fatally shot bis wife la a hotel, .where the bad goaa with Peter, Nelson, his friead. Thslfttor aaaaped' steweawenva em me, fUmlika tba llntutn ' nrreietrapn n ue rreu-vunor. UNaw Xoax, Oct. 8. Presideat Bow. 1 msa-of the syadlaaU owning the lead grant from Veaesoelaa Oreat BrlUia, waiea is disputed territory, dealea tne sensatioaal pobliahed statemeata that the grant was made for parpoaa of I -:r f . MR. lacy to resign . W... . . . . - M . '. .. . . . . . ao. nui oe uamr iwanisnoner me , Imager han January .lat,:, Mr. B. B. Lacy has prepared for I pubuoatioa an in teres ting eara oon- oornlng his trip to aadUmpressions of the National Convention of statist!. olans, beld reoently in Minneapolis. At the end of the card tie states that he will not be Commissioner of Labor 8tatisUos after ths expiration of bis I term. : v The term" does not expire nntU January a year from now, but a re porter learns on exosllent authority that Mr. Lacy will resign his posi tion after the first of next January, The people of he State will be sorry -ItAliaavnf fhUf.nf. Mr l.mrrm haa . , w.. brought the Bureau-to the front as snagency for the advancement of North Carolina's manufacturing and """V.rrrrr UJ.UO Wtm MWtlWI VUWIM . 111, labor Interests. He will leave the ofiloe with the good will of all men and all parties. eve ' ' ' ri' "-. Ban In AA BVIa ' ' We desire to make a rule and to request all onr : advertisers tooom- ply With it, to tend in their ads for I eacuiaay enanges on r ruiay aiter noon before 6 o'oloct Ws find this is neoessary to get the paper out on schedule time Saturday, and we trust that all our advertisers will take note of this request and act ao oordlngly. .This will be the rule and sxoepUons will be made only to ao oomorlate special cases, bat of oourse ws will make exceptions where there is a good reason for it u , SERIOUS CRIUE CHARGED Percy Tomlinson; -Accused , " of Robbing Mail IS z WELL CONNECTED. Alleged to Ha Taken fa from .. -. batter as tba Poatofflce- la .t ' WUseu'sMllU -J Taaterday a yolag maa appbraaUy aboat 18 yaate of age, was broaght ta a the train from tba aaat.adaraa.wt dldlydraasadiWMatfcaHIa iboea-' wara-wall poUabed.v tie, wore white llaaa aad bad oa a aloe blaak Mai Tba yoatb'a oatwatd , appear aaaa showed that he asm of s good family aad, waa well raised.: With I hin tn". ldarly gaatla. with a faU growth of berd. rlabla4 wttb gray. I Tba aame of tba boy la Peray Tom. I Uaaoa aad tba fatbar nana Is JVM I Tomllnaon. Tba abarga 4 la that of I break lag opaa a leUer at tba WUaoa KUla poatoffloa. Tba peaalty for aaab I s arlma la a term af yeara la Sing Slag J?0 yaar. . xomwaaoa was tarried, to the poatoffloa building I and gWea t hearing before United Istataa Commiaaloaer Virtrariaa Boya- I tar. A a umber of wlUeoeea had baea .ammoaed. bat ther eoald not a-et I here, and the eaaa waa Doatnoaed db. I til this orcein- at 5 o'nloak. In th. meantime yooag Tomliasoa was re- leased oa a 8800 boad which his father gave' The arrest waa made at the iaatancs of Xarahall Carroll, who sevsrsl days ago received 'aa " anonymous latter from a party at Wlteoa's Mills telling of . the i Inter eeption of a letter containing money. It assets that Mr. J.. H, Holt, a marchaat .at WUaon't MlWssaltad a letter JlUhl,f Borne, of Clayton, Tba latter con tained a Ave dollar bill aad a check. Mr. Horae received the letter, aoa- telolag the oheck bat ao bill. ' It bad beca opened, the money taken oat and the letter repealed. , . Toaag TomlinseS is abarged with doing the crime. His ancle, Mr. TJule, IS postmaatar, and It Is claimed that ha waa in the poet offloe, knew of Its coaunta, and saw tba. letter mailed. saw TomUsBoa opea tba letter Sad re I..! I , The aathorltlaa think thaw bare a atroag ease agalastnlm. Poet- offlss Iaspeetor Conway la here, and hat worked np the sase. - TomliBsoa denied to a Fkbm-Vibi tok reporter that be ever saw the let- ter, aad says tba whole taisg ia broaght about' by mallelona proeecu- ttea; Bo asys that ha will be able to establish his entire innocence at the trial this aftsrnoon. k The robbery oee aired la July, Tbe father of tbe young maa ia firm la the belief of his soa's laaoeeate. , It will be remembered that J. W. TaomiiaeoB, or wusoa'a Mills, was arrested hero everal weeks ago oa a charge of . larceny. Be .waa, carried back home tBd tba charge waa proven false; J.; W. Tomlloson ia a brother of Persy sad is a few years hla senior, Tbe. family la oae of the beat ra fokastoa eoonty.' Tba yoong wbom tbe ehargs la broaght against la S grandson of the well-kaowB Joha M Wllaoa, the fonnder of the town. The family le'weU eoaaected aad la wonhgood property. Moeh sympathy haa baea f ipreeeed for tba pareats. Marshal Carroll says that a maa aamed Heath, broaght back the flvs dollar bill to Holt, who recognUed it. Heath said that he got the money from ' TomliaeoaY; .When HolV apok'a to; the latter, he' Is reported to have aald: "Keep quiet and I will give you bach H.tot:f!fi??? PP i f v, - ' : ..""' 'A.-r-4V - . ... ' MONDAY'S RIOTS RENEWED. Troops Stood by and Saw Arm, aula aa Butchered. - ' ByOaMstotbsrvess-Vniltor. - v CoisTajrrutoPLB, . Oct, t. The riot aad bloodshed of Moaday waa reaewed Xaseday 'at Softaa, by Mobammadaa theological students. . The leaders chased every Armenian with blndge ons; the houses and atorea ware av bbed aad many were killed. No at tempt was mads to cava the life of Armenia na. The authorities statloaed troops at avty threatened polat as serting that there would be ao danger or farther dlstarbsaees. This is die- believed.- iUgOCTHEBK MBW TRAIN, V,1 .-' V.-V'-i.-W 1 Doubla Dally Paeeenger Barrio Be tween Green $tq and poldboro.N rar ataaa tba eSBOuaaeataat a ft daya since that tba goafhera's trail from the aat would arrive bara two . , : ' Zi -JJ m ,i. kilnH ftli.a It iaW Ante. tk.M baa baaa aoma little apaaalatioa aa to vkhn aba4Km fcaal mknA ha fluii L. to k. tba aoa-etioa with ua Coeet Line foi Wilmington,, - , t) K Tba Paaae-Viaivoa learai, though aot officially, laet a leet tram, simiisr to tba old "eannon ;blV; wUi be put oa. aegiantag aaat aijiBaay, paiaaaa lA . y SM. a. I.TT " " T." T " " - ' g " T I ?" Tffr . . . .. eompMM aaa a lima oi ua aapar. Is not .known, r The train will earry mall and will pnt our .northern mail here eeteral bonra aooaer. Jif ' The regular malL No. SO. oill leave Qreeaeboro at 11:16 a. m,. aad arrive here aboat three. A doable ;dally paaaenger earriee will tbae be afforded between Gheeaeboro and Ooldeboro. Thle plaa waa tried aareral kaontbe ago bat did not prove . ao popular aa the old era tent. . - The following offlolal gotioe waa re- seived thle afternoon in regard to these tralaaf - " :" Taking effeet Monday, October 7th, the Southern Bailway Company will inaagnrata two new tralna. Xo. 14 I uTiDS Rreenaboro at 8 o'eloek a. m Balelgb 11:06 a. m learea 11.10 a.m., arrives at Selma 19 98 p. making Atllntio Coast Liae con nection for. Wilson, Rocky Mount, Tsr- boro and Fayetteville aad the Sooth, and arrives at Goldeboro 1.90 p. making Coast Line connection for Wil- miagtoa, aad Atlaata and North Caro lina for Newbera aad Morehead City. No. 18 will leave Qoldsboro at 700 a. m., arrive Balelgb at 8.80 am., ar- Hsa at Darham I. Urn. to make aeetioa for Oxford, Keyavllls and Bioh mond, and arrive at Qreensboro 11 66 a m., u time to make the Faat Mail for the North, errtvleg at New Tork the next morning. No 80, the mall train, at present ar riving tt Baleigh ' at 1.10 p. m win leave dreeasboro at 18.16 noon on ar- Ivat of Fast Mail, No. 80, from At laata and the Sooth, reaching Balelgb aboat 8.10 p. m., and Qoldaboro aboat 8 P. m. No. 86, the mall from Goldsboro, ar riving at Balelgb at 4 08 p. m. will ar rive aboat as at present. No, 19, the moffaias train, leaving firaeaaboro aboat 1.00 e. u.. will ar rive abont as now,, 7.80 a. m. No, 11, aow leaving Bslelgh at 6 96 a. m , will leave at 90 a. m., making the Soathera' Testibule connection at Qreeaaboro, and .tba. Western North Carolina connection. Sleepers between Balelgb and Qreensboro on tralaa Noa. 11 and 18. Instead of receiving oar Northern mails at 1.10 pv m tbey will reach Balelgb at 11 06 a. a. i Tbe evening freight and accommo dation from Goldsboro will arrive at 9 o'olt ck p. m. , . .. ATTHEINBANE AflVLl'M. All the Improvements Completed--1 The Place ia a Pretty One. Dr. Klrby was in the city ,y ester terdsy, He said that most of the Improvements, which had been in angnrated had about been complet ed. " The large resevoir whloh holds 600,000 gallons of water Is new filled with water. The smaU resevoir formerly used will also supply water A strong wire fence has been put around the resevoir to prevent any danger. The water works ;,sy stem is admirably arranged. The . Asy lum is now oohnsoted i with, the city fire alarm system. In the kitchen and : other points of the buildings a pavement of tag and and, known as ths non-infltmabm pavement baa re placed the ones formerly used. ; The grounds pteeent a handsome appear anoa. :-" 5 . . ? n. t.i-u -i. .i. The Institution oon Ulna , nearly 403 patients. Danoes are given every Wednesday evening which the pub- llfl is allowed to see. Many', forma of innooent amusement are Vtffered the patlenteVA ten -pin-ally will soon be) built. ' - i l-- Mnaical Thla Evening, - ' This evening In the parlors' of the Tarboroogh a musical will be given by tbe very beet of Raleigh's rxoel lant talent. Tt la atvan In the Inters est of Charity and those who go will help a good cause ' and be highly pleased., : . ' S i I No admission fee is earged and all are coi iially lnvitefL A hog for voluntary gubsorlpUona. at ,the door. 'BP TWEHTY-SIX POINTS Cotton Takes Another Up f .-. ' i t: j m.. wu.ru duuiiu luunv. I HIGHEST YET REACHED. I The Market la Wild and Highest I Prioee are Predioted-The tocal i ft f Couoa Market. I ; - T-e to " v Toas, Oatobfr .-Llf arpool atoaad trm a-ltb aa sdraaaa of tally " r Tlfibd Date., I e --. : , . v Tork ta -oi-t. .bo yesterday, adraaeed steadily, eloeiag 90 pof nta bigbet than laat night. Tba tone la Orm.' : Salea, 883,000 bales. Options eloaed aa follows: October, 8 09 to 8M November, 8Mto8 97i December, 9 04 to 9 09 1 January, 0.11 to 9 19 1 February, 917 to 18 March, 9.98 to 9.34; April, 9 98 to 9 39 1 May, 9 83 to 9 86 ) June, 9 88 to 9 40. ; higher prises are predicted, but ia- araased receipts will cause temporary declines. Chicago Grain Market, Chioaoo, Oct. 8. Grain quotations eloaed to-day as follows: Wheat October, 58 7-8 December, 80 7-8) May, 04 8-4 to 64 7-8 Corn October, 80 1-9 to 80 8-8 1 December, 97 7-8 to 38; May, 99 1-4 to 99 8-8. Oatee October, 18 1-8 ; December, 18 8-8 to 18 1-9; May, 90 6-8. Raleigh Cotton Market. Thursday, October 3d. Middling fair, 9. Strict good mlddliag 8 6-8 to 8 8-4. Good middling, 8 1-9 to 8 5-8. Strict middling, 8 8-8. Middling, 8 1-4. Market steady. Raleigh. Tobacco Market. Reported try J. a. Meadows & Oa Tharedsy. Oatober 3d. Smokers Common, 8 to 5e.; good, 8 to 10c. Cutters Common, 8 to 19a.; good, 15 to 90s One, 95 to 80e. Fillers Green, 9 to 8c; good, 6 to 7c; fine, 8 to 10c. Wrappers Common, 19 to 18e.; good, 90 to 85c; floe, 40 to 00c.; fancy, 05 to 85c. Market stong with advance on all gradea. The Entire Wild West WIU be Here. Maj. B. M, Hayes received tbe fol lowing telegram from his old time friend, Wm. F. Cody, today: AVashihotom, D, C. Oct. 9. 'I am coming myself with my entire command, six hundred. Nonsense to think that 1 would send dettebmcnt to Atlanta. I will be glad to see you. W. F. Codi." Some one has spread this silly re port abroad. Mr. Cody's word for It is eaoagb to lay aside all idle rumors. The show thst exhibited st tbe World's Fair will bs here. CITY IN BRIEF. Dr. M. L Fowler, of Kolesville lost bis cotton gin by Are today. Tbe Ire wis accidental, due to carelessness. iur bales of ootton were destroyed. Clevelana defeated Baltimore la the 8rst game for the Temple Cap by a score of 8 to 4 before 8,000 people. McMshoa aad Young wars tbe pitch. ere. iiutrd French doted the day away ia tba Tarboro, Senator Jeter Pritcb Ard pat ap at the Park and pat ia the daymakiag "party sails." Neither bad aaythtag to aay, aad '-Pailey of . ... mid. C. was iikewiee "mum," mornlng freight parted in the I middle eomiag ia oa the B. A G. this morning aad the srsw had plenty of excitemeat. , The aecldeat oeeured as ' mia waa tbaaderiag down a steep grade. The engineer bad to foot It laly for a mile la order to keep tbe r' fro smaablag together. Tba Balelgb lee and Bcfrigrrator Coaipany Is hatiag a big ran on tbe Bapvrior steam coal which everybody when tbey oaee bay it. Presl- deatlBberhardt Informs as that the eonP"r sow aeariy s.wutoaa of thla ou M """ - w " saiher adsaaeea their baslaem lsereaaea Sad . M ' prepared to give the sid pollw sad prompt at- V'os, 3: That la, in Texaa The" Ijegialatnre' , Qniok Work. .-4 i, Prlsa flfhting rseeired a death bfow U TeiM yesUrday aad tbj promoUra of the OorUtt-Fltsininonatastlfluff will bare to look tleewhere. .Tie Ooreraer' will was serried oat.qjekly qaleker than the most eager antici pated. . . - x Tba Indian Territory has baaa sug gested as a good plaea for the flght. The bill which waa passed was In troduced by Mr. Levis. It proridi that any person whoa engages i a pugUisttaneoaater between man and man, or" e tgbt Bitwsaa a maa aad aay aalotal, upon the reaolt of which money la wagered shall; be deemed gaiKy of a feloayaad Katuahadji imprieoameM in. tiae pealteaUary for not less than throe .years, or vera than dra years, , The . bill further provides that public propriety de mands that thla law shall take at act aad be in force from aad after ite passage. THE NEW ADDITION OPENED. The Machinery ton tba Balelgh Oot. ton Mills Started Up. , Mr. J. S. Wynae, Snpariataadent of the Baleigh Cotton Milla, was seen by a reporter yesterday. Ha aald that the addition at the mills was now com pleted and ready for th machinery. The machinery in the new mill will be bumming by the end of thla month. One machine in the new addition was started yesterday, but it will be some time before the others commence to go. When the unused space is filled the capacity, of th mill will be In creased two-thirds. There la eonsid- erably more available space la the ad dition than there ia In the old mill proper, . Tbe Baleigh milla haa had a re- msrkable career. From the very first I It baa been running behind its orders, Ita stock Is away ap aad with greatly I increased capacity, still batter thlnira I are expected. Marriage of Two Popular People, Young Mr. George W. Mitchell and MUs Bather Masse were happily, wedded at the residsnce of the bride's ancle, cut. t. v. Bunch, last night at nine o'eloek. Only a few Invited freinds were present. The marriage ceremony, which waa performed by Dr. Sims, was simple and impressive, Mr. Mitchell ia a compositor la the News and Observer ofBoe. He la a clever and popular yoong man who has a boat of frieada. Miss Massey ia a refined and attrac tive young lady. Tbe bridal couple have the best withes of a large fol lowing of friends. After the sere money a reception was held, which waa attended by the partiea present. Mr. Mitchell's good fortune same in double quantities latt night. He was eleoted president of tbe Baleigh Typogrableal Union. Trip of the Liberty Belt The Liberty Bell started South this morning at 8 oeloek en route to the Atlanta Exposition. On- its journey the bell will stop at Wilmington, Del., Blkton, Md.; Alexandria, QuaaticO, Mllford, Doswell, Ashland, Ta Bal timore, Washington, Frederioksburg, Petersburg, Nottoway Courthouse, Crewe, Varmville, Lynchburg, Bed- ford. Boaaoke, Christiansbara. East I Bedford, Wytheville, Glade Spring. Va. Bristol, Tsnn.j Johnson City, Greeneville, Morristown, " Knoxville, London, Athens, Cleveland, Chetta. aooga. Daltoa, Ga.. Borne, and ia doe to arrive in Atlaata at 9 o'eloek p. Monday. I. O. O. F. Regular Communication of Seaton uaieeLioageJMo.04,1. u. u. IT. at 7 1-2 o'clock p. m., sharp work In the Degree. Candidates entitled to this degree will present themselves with out fail at 10 minutes past 8 o'clock. Members earnestly requested to at tend as other matters of great im portance will' have to be attended to a ourdial invitation to all Odd FeU lOWB. ' "FnAior, S. Exoxr, N. G. 8eu,;,vr-j-; .- . - ATTEWnOX DaKSU STAlTt I Every member required to be on hand at 8 o'clock p. m. sharp, By order t, k, nnuouj, uaptain A publis meeting. All earpeaters aad joiners are requested to , aUead a a special meeting aaxt Tueeday aight I October, 8thy eommenoiag at half past I aevea o'eloek. Jaaior Order Hall in I tbe Pallea baUdlng.v : --.. f,: . PRIZE FIGHTING PONB FOB. iroiMDHOAi 1 Condensed and -- Put itf a ' Readable Form. FACTS AlfD GOSSIP Interestingly Told s Picked np on ,. ' bav. Sttoata and Tariona Points" Abont Town.' Leavea have begaa to drop, ' The aottoa eompreet ia running la The yreaa "JUaoaJattoh oer to At- Unto the 15th to take 'in the exposi tion. " i ;.. ' " "' " Ths vestibule carrlea , through a great many passengers bound for At lanta, y,'' " Mayor Baas disposed summarily with a smaU quota of actuaal drusks this morning. The sotton apecalatora who expeot to get rich in a day got enough yes terday and the day before. There were aeveral extra coaches pretty . .. glris n the westbound train yesterday on their way to the Normal School. The Board of Alderman have an Important meeting Friday night. A sucoeesor to Alderman Ivey will Ke ehoeen. Dr. .Everett seems to be everybody's oiwtee. 'Ball" Steed has a gold bug par- ,ot wWoh ta 0Btnl,l8 of a Unquiet. rne parrot "Bull" and Dr. Black well are atatloned aids by side aad form an interesting trio. The will of the late Mis Kate Boy. lan waa probated lata Tueeday after- noon. The value of the eatete ia etti- mated at 885,000. Different amounts wr bequeathed in tbe will to near relatives. Two members of tbe reoently grad uated elaaa at least, have atarted life under favorable eireomataaeee. One haa a 8000 ease and the other a legal scrap whtoh will net him two-thuds of that amount. " Marvin Beading Cirole will give a Mnaical at Bdenton Street Sunday School room on Friday evening at 8 o'eloek. Afterwards refreshments will be sold for ths.benefitof their library. Everybody is cordially Invited to at tend. Though the tobacco crop la the Western part of the State waa injured quite aerioualy, the f roat here did not do muoh damage, ao local tobacconists report. Most fit the crop had been gathered la thla section and the dam age eonld not have amoaated to muoh. The State Fair will be In full blast three weeks hence. Many prepara tions are aow being made for the big show. Blghty-elght entries have been made In oae department. All departments are well filled with ea trtee. The freight receipts have picked np oonalderably at both the Southern's and Seaboard offices of late. The Southern did more In the past two months than had ever beca done pre viously la this city. The Seaboard "t1 neve to put ob extra trains, so it said. Every member of the First Baptist Chueh haa bees specially requested to be present at the meeting of the regular monthly eonfereaoe Friday night. In addition to business, ths exercises will be devotional and social, and abort talks on the condition of tbe work of the church will be made by dlffer,nt atmhen. Stokes C.-cmp got forty -five more daya on the roads from Mayor Buss this morning. Such pastoral vacations usually affect Stokes but littls, as praetla makes easy. Bat today ha was deeply served, aad the tears lowed freely. "Two slrcuae aeomln' aad poor Stokes oat oa de roads," be moaned In nngnish. Pity 'tis etc The young maa Tomlinaoa, who te told elsewhere, la aader arrest for poatofflce roberry, comes of a apleadld family. It la rather hard, too, oa th face of It that'a maa ahould be in Umbo for alleged theft of moaeyovcr- yeas ago, specially whea h has paid bach the aaoaey. Bat your CaeUSaaj is Implacable whea It eomeeto dealing with thoee who hay got . Into hi pocket, - This msans Of course ia small way ao alight waa aimed at Col. t&ebnoat aad Morgan. 7"-