4 IT ,1 OTKB 0,000 CIRCTJLATIOK. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 35. RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY EYEING, OCTOBER 4, 1895. S3-00 PER YEAR. r i WE KECP THB LEAD. , f , ' 1 . , .. . ' M t i , . . "XT vis So President Stuart, of the . "Athletic Club, States. MEXICO IS ,THE PliACE. ' HU More tha Likely that the Be ' public South of V will beCboeeu By TelesTsaatotbaruanViarron, , ' ' Daixas, Oct. 4. President Daniel Stuart atates today that thedght will 1 ' come off as scheduled. Ha to looking in Mitril directions, bo,no one knows n, whioh he will decide. It ia tory . lieiJet tWHHl be polled' off 5 ; in Mexico. It s reasonably near the trainers' heedaoertera. and ths seatl- want of he,paopls;la ao aejaueh 'against prise fghtlag. ' Atoka, lad., Oct. 4. The Choetaws are preparing to paaa a la similar to the one in Texas, to prevent the prue - -. Council of CongregutlonalChurohee Br Telesrasute the lress-Vlsltor. - : , flYBAoomt.N. Y.. Oct 4 The ninth triannuar session of the Na tional Coqncil of , Congngutidpal Churchea opened hare today with an attendance of 400 delegates who com prise the leading mjniatera of that denomination in the Kngllsh-speax- :" in ooun tries of the World. The lest council waa held at Minneapolis' in ; 1893. Among the toploa on which reporU will be made by the commit tees are "Capital and Labor" R c ligioue Needs f of the Army and Navy." "Christian Unity," "Prison ' . Refbm,wv"CatyEvangell2aaan, . "Secret aod Social Sooletie,'' "Mar. : riaxe and Divoroe,M emperanoeM and "Sabbath ObaerranoeL .& J v Ltauor Question too Much for Glad. . ....' atone. ' . . By Cable to the rnaa-TUtor, Losdoh, Poti- ;4.-Gjadatona . haa written a iettel Ato'; the tenperaaee . eongrees aayUgh "While profoundly aenelble of the immeaee Jmportaaoa-of " the lienor qaestioa, I eannot pretend ' to have mMtored it dlffloultlea. I aeo it cleariy ineertaia aapeeta bat at - - a whole it baffiea atei but I have ao doubt that JocaKoptlea priaalpl ia eound, bat it doea not dlapoee of - the entire oaeetioa.' Theaale of llqaor to the public aeeording to the Beanda- aaTian plaa.preaeBtaxrMtadTantagea If lo4al option ia adopted here, it! ought to be adopted in IU beet fora." i ' PBOMXHREE TO FIVE HUNDRED Armenian Horror Exaggerated, bat Awful Jat the Same. ',' By Cable to'the Rre1e-VlettofcV.JjJ.4ys .-g'jVs London, Oct. 4. A Pali Mall Ga sette epeolal says: The reporti. Of the namber killed in the fighting, at tending the capture of the Tillages in Senal Sbenak Ghelighikan and elsewhere did not exoeed from three to five hundred. There is noeri- deuce that many persons were killed In oold blood or any 'mutilation of women and children. The finding of forty bodies buried in a pit at beiighlkan out of ' whioh eorre- BDondenta made so muob capital, as well as the story of women throwing themselres over the cliff to escape dishonor is flotttious. , " ' , : . , 1 aeon ' n -n Iosurgenta Vlotortoua, . . Br Telegraph W the Pnae-Vlaltofc Kir Warn, Oot. 4.Tha ateamahip Maaeotte, of Barasa, bringa word of an engagemeat, which occurred Sept. 39th. The Spaitiah,' nadet Geaeral ,Bobin, mef. Cubaaa. eommasded by Qea. Banch. The latter were lo torloua defeating the Spanlib-.wltb a low of 150 killed.' Tha inanrgeate loat . 80 killed aad wounded. " A Cow Derailed a Train. 1. - J. ' .. 1 '( r f.-i ilPf: By Telegraph to the fteet-VMtor. - Hoostoh, Texaa, Oct. The .north bound International Great Southern train etrnck a aow, derailing tha en cine aad several eare. ' Engineer Lane waa fatally' hurt and ' tha Sramea J parlor and combination bnffet. Kot aad three'othve were "eerioaHy hari I w lthUudln ihecearry1 moraiag start v' Horseman After Gore. By Cable to the PreavVUitoc. , . SAvFEaBOiscQ Oot 4 Nick Hall tha famous horseman stabbed J. C. MoWiUiams three times with a pitch fort' The latter shot at Hall. three times without effect Both men are owners and trainers. ' Armenian Seek British Influence. "By oable to the msa-VUItor. Const antinoplb. - A deputation composed of forty leading Armen ians have oalied-on the British em- bauy today rtearding tie rioU. -k-- :i t Cotton in New York Cloeea a Little ''. ;.tO-Oth Majrket-M7v Br TelesnDh to the Pten-VhUtef. ' V. ' " f . Haw AlOM, OeWberf 4. Lirerpool adranee S-C4, loot half of this adraao. allied, bat eloeed barely eUady at yeatarday'a ratea. Fair apot baaineaa alee. 10.000 bales middling. 4U-1S. Kew York opened about 6 poiau down, declined farther, but Improved again and eloeefl steady 7 poiata be low last MWmam.f ' a Option aioeed as foiiowa; r v j Oetober, IM to 8 88 Horember, 8 88 to 1 6 t Jaembe( 8 06 to 8 jB7 January, t.Ot to 8.06 j February, 10 to a 11 1 Hareh, f .10 to a.io i April, taivsVnt ay,aeoi-4 Jane, -to-.. s J" ,iii.. fklA.A AkalM ' fj 1 "Kt"- UJHcauo. Vet. 4irart qaoMtfoaa aloaed to-day aa followa: - : . . Wheat Dembrr .80 1-8 1 May, Cora Oatoher; 80 1-8 1 Deeember, 88 1 Hay, 88 1-4. ,. Oatea Oetoberi 18 1-8 1 Deeember, Raleigh Cotton Market. ' , triday, October 4th. Middling faille ., Strict good middling, 8 8-4 to 8 7-8 Good middling, 8 6-8. ; Btricf atiddiiag, 8 t8j - i Middling, 8 1-8 to 8 1-4. MarkMrhrt. n t'X' ,'V . B Waal's Trial Trip. BrTelegiaBfctetBenaet-Ylattor. , Bootoh, Oct. 4. -The St. Paul left bar anehotag at d o'clock thie morn lag for Cape Aaa as nuke cffleial trial trip. ' J ,'T , . A iBdcKPo, Maa , Oct, 4.-he St. Paul croeeed the Use at 8:41 with a thirty-milewiad front the aorthweet. A big aea eS reUiag. . ' U A Toet Oaae to he Made. . By Tetoaraph te the freie-Tlrttoc. PocAtaxio, Oct 4. Indian agent Tettex of the Fort HaQ agency ar riyed bringing two Indian's who will betaken to) Wyoming to be tried as a test case for the killing of game in Jack tons Hole whioh precipitated the recent aprising. ' Mahowa LobIbs Btrengtb. . By Telegraph teVke raaaa-Tmroa. A Waamaotomv OeV 4 Sanator Ma. hone ia elltl eeaacious There ia ad pereeptiblaahaage in hie condition. Later Bahone ia gradually loaing atrengtb. Be sleeps all' the time and iakea bat Uttie n absent. The Released. Bj Telegraph to nra-Vi8iTOB. 1 Bboobxyh, OoL 4. William Henry the Bad Son" aoonsed of murdering feis father, the Miaen Charles Henry, by his "Good broth er" was released from prison today. A "case would not be made out against hinv r Crew Ship Lost. ; By OaMe to me rreet-Vlsltar. LondoS, Oat . 4 The Bristisb BrigantincV Eoe, was driven upon the sands , in Bristol channel near Mumbles today. he broke while a Ufa boat was proceeding to the res cue. The entire crew was lost ' uvwscnwj. M 1W17 Ml TCVU. By Cable to there4iltor.;'i - X..,: .j Hokb, Oct It la asserted that marriage has been arranged between the Prince of Naples, Crown Prinoe of Italy, and the daughter of the Prinoe of Bontenegra Train Raa Dow m Back. : . . vl - ' S''-''5'"' ''; By Telegnpa to HMTimea-Vurroa. f v . Mairowoo, Wie. Oot. 4 A aorth- weeera train raa down a hackload of eltixens last- night. The drUer was drank aad unhurt. A. T. Weblla was killed and two Others fatally injared. . i. 11 etr v a,i.M. VM - j. Telefrapk te tta Preet-VMttor. ; , ' PhiudilPbu, Oat. 4 A epeclal train bearing tha old hiatoria liberty bell baa started for Atlanta. The train foaelste of a platform ear built espe cially to carry tha bell Sooth, four quite a arowd .gathered and gave an eathneiaatie good-bye aad wished the ale return of tha venerated raHe. Tha j bell ia meeting with aa ovation at every point. . C-'". l'iX f)iAA'''i4i .. .. . ' m v - w A Large Steaiuehlp Vauiahed. ,' ByCable tofiTrM-Vlltor. ' " 5 Lohbow, Oot. 4.A large two-maated steamship vtth , one white banded funnel, making thrcugh heavy weather waa eeen thla morning font mile off AHtibiaa fceedina- for rir month The ateamshlp suddenly vanished, aad; Is sappoaad to have fouadered. TODAY'S KARKKT8, -V" .' i " ' i --, "FOB FC8IOM FOBfeTEB." Jlm.Toung'e Vie we The Kou-Loqua- - ; t'- y otows PrttoharoV , ; Last night Benator Pritahard, Tom Bailey, Jamea Young, . Logue Barrla, 8. P. Batterleld, Tom Deve- reax. H. L. Oraat aad othera, were in eoaealtetioa at the Park: Tha gath arlag waa made aoaapieiona from the Tact thai thoee preaeat wars avowed Bepabliaaaaaad f naioniita. Of eoaiee they all held ap their haada ia horror when asked What the eoaferenre did, From their standpoint It waa Jaat little Informal gathering or rather aiaal meeting. Come to pay oor re- apecta to SeSator PriUbard,". eto, Jim Toaag, ; tha arch fuaioniat. whose love for tha caut 4opaaie all other lovea, waa oa hand 'hp'11 f WM wreathed la amllea,, fot.ha. waa aaaa Some; Jim aaya he ia for foalon for ever. . Parenthetloally. hc might have stated aa'loag as offlce waa ia aightk Senator Prit chard Ja no every-day politician. He does not tell every. thing he knowa.' In fact, what he doea say for publication ia about aa worthless aa our national dry rot. Teatcrday waa no exception with him. Ha had little to aay and aald it well. When asked about Tom Settle and hia recent attitude, he hastened bu another eubjeet without a reply. THE REPUBLICAN'S VIEWS. 111 It Doea Not Favor Dtrleion of the Electorial Ticket at This Time. Just now when Tom Settle's re cent outspoken statement against fusion Is oomlng In far so much talk, It will be Interesting to note the Win stan Republican, the leading Repub lican paper in the State, on this qaes- "About nine-tenths of the Repub licans are opposed to free and unlim ited coinage and do not propose to be dumped, bag and "baggage into the laps of our Populist friends; nor led Into the new silver party being formed, aa many of them believe by oertain Democratic leaders, to oapt ore the .PoDulists. Thev have an abiding faith in the financial policy of the great Republican party and they are willing to wait until the Na tional Republican Convention meets and formulates a policy 4hat will give relief and restore prosperity to the oountry.: They are not gold-bugs but bl-metalists. "In the Interest of perfecting re forms and securing good government bylegialative eontroi they favor co operation in State and county mat ters, but are opposed to any action along national lines at this time. As we understand the situation neither Republicans nor Populists now favor division of the eleotoral ticket " North Carolina Well Represented. Mr Henry : Miller haa while on a trip South had - occaaaioa to visit the Atlanta Exposition. On hia last trip Mr. Miller waa very much impressed with tha improvements that have been made ia tha pat week or to. Be re porU most of the exhibits aa being plane and in ten daya more the grounds and tha entire exhibit will be completed and tha ahow in full blast. MV Miller aaya North Carolina's ex hibit to attracting a great deal of at tention and ia wall represent d in all departments. The ahow haa surpassed tha expectations of tha most sanguine aad to indeed a great aoecess. The exhibit of the Southern Bail way ia particularly line. Tha building one of the haadaomeat on the grounds of white aad la aapped with a domS beeatifally glided. A Raleigh Horee Won In Lynchburg Kitty Hawk, tha wall bred four- year-old belonging to oar well-known eiUtena . Mcaia.' Cross snd Llnehsn, of tha popular clothing firm bearing that name. Won the 9:80 race yester day at the Lyaehbarg fair.' Hr beat time waa 8:99 1-4. Tha animal la in barge of Biggs. She to by Baron Brown, dam, Gladys. ' 1 8. A. L. Depot at Hamlet. The Seaboard Air' Line hat Just completed a oommodious depot at Hamlet, with waiting rooms, ticket offices, etc , and a dining room to be under the management of ttresham is Jamison, who have so aocessfuDy managed the Monroe eating house. Passengers on trains Nos. 44 and 88 will now get breakfast and supper at that point instead of at Monroe. ; .; ; Ws call your attention again today to tha Sdverttoemeat of f . B. Phillips, manager of tha livery at Stroaaeh'a Horse Important oa . Wilmington St., where yoa ea a get the nicest buggy and horn ia ths aity by tha hoar or day. ;;la the same advertisement yoa .040 find where yon ssa boy a carriage, buggy, eart aad karaeoa of, all kinds VPr " a1'" " Mr, Stronach haa 880 vshtolcs U stock. Tomlinson Says He Wil Prove His Innocence. IS iftritALICIOUS? - loaalinaoa Belleree He te Being Pereeouted Robbery Happened ' Over a Year Ago. The ease against Percy Tomllnion it said to be prompted by malicious ill-will for the entire family. There seems to be some truth in this statements, Recently tila bratberr4 J,"v . Tomunaon, was prosecuted by malicious persons on a false charge. The oharga y gainst this young man is over a yeatold and Is brought by persons w ho would not di vulge their names. While there is sufficient evi dsnoe now before Commissioner Koyster and the postoffloe authori ties to old young Tomlinson, it is thought that he will be able on Tues day to clearly establish his inno- oenoe. While the family Is well oonneoted on the Wilson side, the Tomlinsonsl are some of the best people in that section, Mr. J. M. TomM ja, father of the boy's father. v'.dsented John ston county In Legislature eigh teen times, or a total of thirty-six years, r ossibly no other man was for so long a time a representative in the General Assembly. The evldanoe yesterday was not so 'Clinching aa had been stated. Mr John Holt the man who mailed the letter and the pnncipal witness, Is 79 years old. Hia memoiy is failing, but he is honest as the days are long. Col. Argo, oounsel for the defence weakened his testimony. Mr. Holt stated that before mailing the letter he laid the bill on a shelf and turned around to do some writing. He aiterwards put a check in the letter, the amount of whioh he did not know. He said he put the five dollar bill in also. He could not remember when he scaled It. He said young Tomlinson had come lu the store. It was no uuopmmon thing, for be comes in every day, said Mr. Tom linson. He said a young man named Heath came to "him and wanted the bill changed. He stated that he reo ognized the bid as being the one be had mailed- - It was faded, torn in two corners and rumpled on one end. Mr. Holt said that this was evidence to himself that it was the original bill He said that Mr. TJzzle had, in 00m- pany with Tomlinson, offered to compromise the matter by refunding the 85. Col. Argo, on cross examination, proved from Mr. Holt's own testi mony that bis memory was failing. He often goes to sleep in his store with everything open ; sometimes goes home and leaves his store wide open, and onoe aoonsed two negroes of stealing a rope, when two pigs ran away with it When questioned as to his sight Mr. Holt said that he could see a red bug on his hand and small straws in the tops of trees. Col. Argo never asked any further questions about his eyesight L. A. Wilson, the postoffloe clerk, testified that be was in the poetefflce during the day and that the letter box was looked hearty all the time; said Tomlinson borrowed some mu soilage on that day; he did not see him use it - .i.';. Mr. C. W. Home, a bob of Ashley Home, said that he reoetoed the let ter and the money was missing. He was walking along the street when he opeued it and it might have dropped it The envelope In whioh the check came was lost . 1 1 Mr. Utile, the postmaster, was not at the postoffloe at the time. He said that be had never made any propo sition to Mr. Holt about a oompro. miss or about refunding any money. He stated that Mr. Holt waa mis taken. . , .. This morning Mr Heath, the wit nesa who gave the bill to Mr. Holt to be changed, took tha stand. He said that he got the bill from Percy Tom linson on the day in J uly in exchange tor a cart He said that young Tom llnsbn bad come to him with the bill somewhere about nine o'clock that morning. Heath said that Tomlln son told him that he got the Mil from a negro tramp the day before in ex change for a pistol. ,;:i, f This completed the .State's evi dence. The case was postponed until Tuesday evening at ft o'olook, when the defence will produce their evit decoe. 1 , i'. . j-k;.!,sv- i?Si: - It Is said that they will prove by two good witnesses that they saw the negro tramp give Tomlinson the money. -, - . i , r v HORSE VOTES). j 7'"'"' - Gentry, Robert J. aad Joe Patche to Meet in Lexington Robert J., Joe Patohen, John R. Gentry and Coleridge will meet at Lexington at an early dale. The race is attracting widespread atten tion. John R, Gentry's first heat in 2.04 1 4 at Milwaukee last Wednes day is the Wisconsin race record. Joe Patohen paced on sama track in 9 04 1 4 against time in August- Gentry equaled his record in the thUd heat of his race St Dubuque, la., Ion Wednesday of last week. He stepped ths four quarters la .81 1-2, .81. .311 4. .80 At the oloss of 1894, 83 trotters were in the 910 list of which three Raruh- Wllkes: Palo AltdV adT Pamlico are dead. Ot the remain ing thirty, tenAlix, Directum, Fantasy, Byland T., Azote, Hulda, Phoebe Wilkes, Kelson, Magnolia and Dan Cupid have been out in public this year, and but one, Azote, has succeeded in reducing his re cord. Rev. J. L. White's Crusade. Rev. J. L. White, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Maoon, Ga., and one of the ablest of the young divines in the South, will begin boob urusade against popular amuse ments, and announoes that beginning with next Sunday he wiU preach a series of sermons on that subject, taking first the "Theatre." the next Card Playing," and then "The Wine Cup" and the "Modern Danoe." Mr. White was for several years pastor of the First Baptist Church In this city. Mr. Lacy Will Not Confirm It.. Mr. B. B. Lacy, Commissioner of Statistics was seen by a Pbssb-visi-tob reporter this morR.Jt in regard to the report that b would resign hia position on January first. Mr. Lacy would have been Interviewed yester day afternoon had the news reached the reporter's ear in time. Too can say simply that I do not confirm the report," he said. When asked the direct question, Mr. Lacy would neither, den or con firm the report unqualified : "I may resign and I may not. There are many who have been so ooAderate a to ask that I do not do 89. If it is possible I perhaps will remain in of fice He did not deny that it i his pres ent intention to quit a'ter lanuary 1st. The Pbbss-Vihitob Indeed hopes thst the state's popular Labor Com missioner may bold bis poxition. CITV IN BKIKF. A delightful monl'-nle will be given at Edentoo s'reet Buudav School room tonight by the Marvin Heading Circle, after which refreshment swill be served for the benefit, "f tbeir library. The public is cordially invited Sells' great circui showed st Greens boro yesterday to immense crowds both day and night. It had the larg est canvass and was pronounced tbe finest ring exhibition and menagerie which has ever been In tbe State. They go South before coining to Ral eigh. J. Hsiy J. Bagwell was in tbe city yesterday. He was talking about tbe good times and good prices. We ventured to ask if the fusioniets won in the ncit election would cotton get to 19 cents, having made such ea ad vance this year. Haxy replied that if they got hold of the Capitol ( it would go to 14 cents. The Civil Court meets on the 91st Inst, with Judge Coble presiding. It will be a lively session, sure. Buck Kitehin generally makca .it lively one way or the other. Tbe nine fosionista who were elected penitentiary direc tors, aad who failed to get their com missions, have arranged for their eases to some op. Baleigh magistrates , were startled the other day by the sudden app-ar-aaee in their several offices ofa wildly augry man. who said hjs same was Perry, He waa on a hnnt for the msg- istrate who married his eighteea-year- old aoa to a cotton : mills operative named Mica Jones. He did noi find his man and none of the magistrates kaow anything farther about the ease. The Baltimore Sua announces that two additional scholarships have been given to North . Carolina at Johae Hopkins University. ; Ths successful applicants wars Guy tnrletoe Lee, of Chspet Hill, who was graduated ia law at the University of .forth Caro lina last year, and last Jans won the of A. B. aad liVl., front 1 College, - and r Jamas W. dsa Dlekiaeoe College, .and James W Beld, of Plneville, , who graduated J from Brskiae College lis 1891.' . HELD FOR BIGAMY. Henry Parrish of S. C Arrested and Jailed at Aeherille. t Governor Can wag today notified by Frank Carter, Esq , of Asheyille, of the arrest and detention in jail there of Henry ' Parrish, a fugitive from justice from South Carolina. The Governor of South Carollaa has been notified of Parrish's arrest Some month's ago Parrish married a Miss Maggie Bailey, of Rpartaus- burg. Soon after the wedding, the bride discovered that she had been made the victim of a big mist Par rish having another wife living at the time of the marriage. When Parrish saw that the game was up, be fled the State. The brjdy people thm amployed adeteetive named "J. H. Hampton, who has been following close on the trail of the alleged bigamist He located his man a day or so ago in Asheville, and It was on a warrant sworn out by him that Parrish waa arrested. He will probably be sent to South Carolina in a few days. A reporter learns that the family of bride no. S is an excellent one and that much indignation is felt at Spartansburg over the case. Under the circumstances it Is very likely that Parrish will get a long term in the South Carolina penitentiary. The Decision Not Rendered. Since Court has adjourned and for some time before those interested In the mandamus suit tooompel Treas urer Worth to pay the Hoola-boom warrants, have been on the ragged edge, a waiting a decision. Judge Coble wdayitald a reporter that he had, Awet rendered A de cision. He did not hold out any hope that it would oome soon. Mr. Thos. Purnell Is not greatly pleased with the wait. He wishes to hve the case settled and says that a deoision should be made at once. He is said to have politely in timated to His Honor that it mat tered not a rap to bim what his deoision might be; that he put his faith in tbe Supreme Court. In the meantime Worth has the money; Uoola has his. n Musicale at the Yarborough. That was a delightfully pleasant musicale whioh was given in tbe par lors of the Yarborough last evening. The programme was apot pourri of splendidly rendered numbers, rang ing from recitations and readings to vocal and instrumental solos. An encouraging number of lovers of music were In attendance, and tbe contributions, given voluntarily, amounted to a neat sum. The following is the programme: 1. Vocal Duet Miss Cowper and Mrs. Barbee. 2. Violin Solo Miss Fannie John son. 3. Recitation Dr. Royster. 4. Vocal Solo Miss Nannie B. Jones. i 5. Vocal Solo-Miss William R, Bond. 6. Reading Miss Pool. 7. Vocal Solo Miss Mamie Cow per. 8. Vocal Solo Mrs. E. B. Barbee. Miss Ethel Bagwell played charm ingly an acoompaniment on the vio lin. The Ureat Horses. John B. Gentry. 9 03 8 4; Joe Pat ohen, 2 04; Busetts, 2.08 3 4; Nellie A, 9 18 (that won in races in her two and three-year-old farms, amounting to $33,000); Miss Rita, 3.09 8 4, the best 3-year-old of tbe year; Axtell, second 9.12, has put three S-year-olds in 9.90 list this year; Lock heart, that has trotted three sonseoutive heats faster than any stallion, vixj 9.09; 9 08 1 2. 9 09; Direct, 9.06 1-9; Direc tum. 3 06 1 4; Nancy Hauks, 9 04; Pamlico, the greatest race horse that ever lived. The blood of the sires and dams of all these great horses will be in Capt. Williamson's sale here November 6ch and 7th. Parties wanting to enter horses in tbis sale will please communicate at once with B. P. Williamson, Baleigh, N. C. Catalogues will be ready Octo ber 25tb and can be had on applica tion. Bar Meeting. There will be a meeting of the bar of Raleigh at the oourt house on Mon day afternoon, October 7th, at 4 p, m., to set a calendar of civil oases for ths Ootober term oi tbe oourt. A full at tendant anoe is requested. ' , H L F. MOBDSDaJ, " . '. ' ' T. M. Aseo, . Calendar Committee, ' The article from ; the pBsse-Vrroa of the King's Daughters, which ap peared oa the Snd, should have -read that $100 pet month front ovary source would pat the Mlseioa rooms oa a taa basis." , , , ' " ' , in a FACTS AND GOSSIP Interestingly Told ae Picks on the Streets aad Various Folate About Town. Bead MrA. B. Stroaaeh'a attrac tive now advertisement today. Ha haa everything new aad the latest eevel- tlea. 7 . .V"- "-' Mr. J. W. Denmark aaya that the Populism will be aligned against the Pltttoerata ia the next, sampalga. Aaother aoriee to tha Bepnbliaaaa. Tha Tar HeeL the weakly feabllsked by University students, made it Brat appearance for the year yesterday. Jaa. A. Gwynn ia editor-in-cbicf. The tnlk of forming a State Leagae of baseball teams goea on as merrily as ever. It need not be surprising to see the matter take definite ahape aeoa. St. Luke'a circle of the King's Daughters will give one of their pleas ant socials most Thursday ia the Mis sion rooms from 8 to 9 p. m. Admis sion 10 seats. The Supreme Court is aow taking op appeals from the First Judicial Dis trict for consideration. Appeals from the Second District will eome" ap next Wednesday. Some of the farmers sre complain ing that the frost has doae a great ueal of damage In the low gtonnds. All green vegetation has been more or less damaged. Bead Messrs. J. tt. Broughton's handsome new advertisement today. Ton will certainly find something in it to interest yon nnd thoee wishing to rent a house should by all means call on them. Mr. H. C. McGoodwin, Superintend- tendeat of the Morganton school, is in the city. There are 160 pupils al ready enrolled. There are applicants for scholarships from many more. The' school is able to accommodate 190. Birds are plentiful, but the man who wants to hunt before the aeaaon has no 1 nek at all. This is on account of the drouth which interferes greatly ith the work of the bird dog. There ill be plenty of sport after the first, say the shots. A Wake Forest man today said that lead waa cheaper and rente higher in his place than in Baleigh. But for all that there are some hundred and fifty homes being built here.' And homea are what assure the lasting growth of a city. Mr. Will Wynne has returned from Boston and the New England States, here he has been giving hia wonder ful exhibitions on the bicycle. Mr. Wynne appeared before large audi ences winning the highest praise from the press generally. Mr. John Mltohn'er of Clayton has accepted a position in the popular drug store of Mr. J. Hal Bobbin. Mr. Alex. Bobbitt who has held a position in the store haa gone to Baltimore where he takes a course in dentistry the University of Maryland. The North Carolina Bap'.ist. Alma nac for 1896 is now being compiled nnd will soon ba out. Let the Baptist churches throughout the stale make up clubs of 100 each a and send to Bev N. B. Cobb, editor- Price $5 00 hundred by express. Single copies 10 cents. The negro of this region caa often throw in a word to describe a situation when a scholar who is conversant with many languages would fail. Tha other day at a station on the Seaboard' Air Liae, this side of Hamlet, a lady ap proached, aad being a atraager and Seeing aa old negro man Sskcd:."Uncle does ' the vestibule train stop heref" 'i i V-f- ft "No marm," answered the old coon, sha do not area hesitate." ' We eoagratulate our readers upon aa opportunity to hear Prof. Ford ia hia lniimtable recitations.' ' .He 'comes nigmy enaorset oy press, Clergy ana public . He . possesses e magnjfleent physique, a rich, musical voloe, besn tlfully modulated, and Is moat natural aad easy on the piatform4rhe' Bp worth .League - of Bdentoa ' Street Methodist shurch hss induced him to some this way aad w have no doubt that Metropolitan Hall will be filled ' waea be appears ea tha 18th 'last.'' : ; Condensed and Pat Readable Form.