.STATESMAN ANDPAXIUOJ. Reaoltion In UeU of the "lax ' mented Coke' Peet4.1,y Ladle. Memorial AaeoctatioiL. At a meeting, of the Ladle'g Me morial Aasooiatica, bold on -ue 'a: . Oct. lth, Capt C'B. Denaonand Hon. J. B. Batchelor. member of the Advisory Counoil of the Associ ation, were appointed a Committee to prepare resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Capt.? Qo tavios Coke, and the following were adopted unanimously Whxbias, It baa pleased Almighty God to remove from 'earth Captain Ootavius Coke, a member of the Ad-' visory CoudoU of the Ladies Memo rial Association, therefore be it , Resolved.,, That In the death of Capt. Coke, Secretary of Sute, and a brave and efficient of&oer in the late Confers Army, the people of North Carolina lost a publio servant, of ex alted patrotism, and unflinching de votion to the duties devolving upon him, and to the welfare of, the com monwealth. ';4.p;iXikit -ttthi' , Resolved, That ihe.. Lad i'a,3fe morial Association mourns the ds nartnro nl -a' trusted'' oohnsellori a sympathetic friend ' Of th "veteran soldiers of the South, and gallant bero whose life illustrated in. peace arid war, the finest quatitiesJof the statesman and the patriot ,' - 8. That these resolutions be for warded to the Pbess-VisitoboI the city, with a request for publication, and a oopy of the same be transmit ted to the family of the deceased. , ' C. B. Dbnsom. : !' : '.-," ' - j B batchixob THE KXPCWITIOX A SUCCESS, - 4 t ( j'?' iyt .ti The Exhibits are Fast - Aaiuaing ' Shape andtheQforinasnwrTrwijr Mr. Potter, formerly in the ReteT one office .her arrived Hi theoity this mornlnfrfrom AtlanU and talk ed Intereetdnfrty jto a reporter of the Southern State's , Exposition, ge saya that the ibdloatlons at present are thatstbe fixposiUon,.as; each, ' will be an unqualified suooees. ; The exhibits are not all in plaoe ai yet, but are being pidly'irepejrel, by large nombers of workera. - , Bpeakinr bf tthe';groand etn selvee,Mr. Potter grew enthusiastic: (.'They present a scene of Unrivaled beauty, Vpeplally at night when the glimer , of thousands, of eleotrio Ughta,on the buildingi lod grounds 'and flashing Uae varle-oolored star , aXAJUl HUD IHIMMUIUIM. k WWIIl " mww- give the grounds a fairy4lke' lpekr-f anoe, as oharming to the eye as it la onlque." Nature seems to have done - all that she ' ooUld do for the fair. Situated on rolling bills, beautifully arranged, -toe-, baildjngs clustered ,. nri fha trios Ahfatn mvmi ftattrfl. hnnntv Irom" their catciral surroridings. And down in the basirl of this' natur? ai amphitheater is the pretties lit tle lake imaginable, folly equipped with electric lannohei wbton naveno aDDarant means of locomotion,, but get therejost theBaae;'' '-.' ns, wnoie fown w soumposeu ai fcotais and boarding nouses, lie says, ' and AtlaiU is amply able to t irt for mil who may oome tothe Isitt Bsffalo Bill's WUd.WesCsbow.ap4 j peered la Baltimore a day xr two ago and the Baltimore San kas thejollow, , ing to say of it., Hr- . Two perfonnaae we're given iyifa torday by the Buffalo BUI wua Weet ' Show and Congress of Bough Elder of the World in the bis arena whleh has been eoMtrutWd on the-epieioo I ot osorth avemut'or 3ren mount avenue and adjoining the nut The moat striking part of the pro. gramme we a mlllUrf drill by Soldier representing the regular armiee of if oar of ihe lending aaUon .'f ,h world. There were eighteen men ia - each of the font squds, all ;of . tbm dressed in cbowy uniform sad super. My modnted ;n horaebaek f The ' United SUtes Soldier "were uembers " tk. u..nth . ....In. f.nm Vnrt Jlileyt " tbe British detaebment were uniformed a the Fifth Koral Irish Lanoei; tbe i Vreneh Were, drsgoone, and Gernsn'e detaehment from the ; QirdeCuiratelereof Emperor Wilhejm ' the beet sebools of riding in the world, tnere were exmoiuons dj -roagB xm- an"-CosPke; Indian, West soWf - boy, Arab d ltexieaa eaqnero. Tf iesns 4wl foadewwith. th Isseoe. the Cowaek retd smaae- . ment by the saae with wbieb they rods if. aiSoult, seemingly impossible po. : eitioti, and the sowboy ereated fqn i bv riding bneking broncho asd show. ing other stsmples of cowboy fun. - horse and groapsiL jftemietveltii pyrsmlds. . fc'. &. A : , V.., , ; " - , . i " J " - ' i Bv Telearapk t the rren-Vteitor. - ' ' . . i- . New Tokk. Oat. 4 . Appe Qrees, the' good tearer of Lexo Committee " fame,1 s sestenesd fcrylx months in th 'Penitentiary for feloniously a ultrng an ollleerl ' ' John Q. Maueer, editor of tbe Sun- iwr(:iMinnit for the Presidencr in rJovewtr, 12, while wes mayor of Buffalo, N. Y., i nthtisiB8tle In hi nraiof Chsnwtiain's Olio, Cholera ' and Diarrhoea heroedy. l a say: "l t.n nol it for the t -t five ruut end yw,nal,lr it. tll8 bunt 1 1 'liKMutlU ot the Jiind in the1'',t- it is n staple as mrar in (iuut in tl i mi n. It is an article of morit and should be used in evry bouwhoid. for sue by- J, tibi Life, Mr. G.Can.looette, drugg! st,Bi!aers " h, hj J'To Br. JCirg's New X .. vf f oe! my lifal VV as taken witfi la brippe and tried all the physl elant for miles about) bat to no avail and was given up and told I eould not !ivej4Ivig Pr. King's Nsw Discovery in my sto I en( (or s bottle and be gan it use 'end from the first dose began to get better, and after netng three bottles was np and about agalnt H is worth tt weight ia gold. We eaa't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial potus at vonn i. bm- Baa's dru stotav, . . . . , , f , Dees tur., Mich i has TB PPPr" faint distilleries'. ill V OWFopie , ; ' s Old nsorJls who require medietne to regnUte the bowels and kidney will find the true remedy in- Eleetri Bit ter. This medicine doe not stimu late and contains no whiskey Si other intoxicant, bat seta as a tonie ana alterative. It act mildly on the tpmaeb. d1wla, addlng-strength ana giving VOi V) in organs, wiereuy aiding aetata i the pesf ormnj of the. functions, n Electric, Bitters is aa excellent apptlrnd aid digestion. Old people find Its jut exaotly , what tney neea. rrie .uiij ccui ycr tie at John T. MaeBae's drag store, . London haU.0O5 miles .of mire a- dergronsd. Itching, barniac, scaly and arusty -- skin scalps of infant cleansed and healed .and Iqniet aleep restored by Johnson's OrienUit Soap, medicinal aad-toUet. two ..large eakes 85 du. hiam6od postage A merles ' stsmps daily. An dlceccceo the skln'cnred snd tn best complexion restored by John- sotfr-Orlsnur, Ooapi-rpertamed snd highly e4AU! TwaetM in eaen package, 86 ees Fowls, by John Y. MaeRae. England make 80,000,000 pin an- hhslty..".1 1 BhenmafiSni. Aenralffis'i VsinsTn the back ar side, attC xmki uore Ithroet, tonailiti. diphtheria, earnpc and eollc inatantly relieved by Johnon M sg actio QU. ; Urge bottles, 85;nd 60 eents.,, For sals by ' John Y: MoBaa, druggUt. " Half of Franc' house are one Story.""" " ' tfiouMosf Kidsew ana idver Begn lator invigorate th liver,' regulates ths bowel, pare dyspepsia, bilons e,'8 indigestion, onr stomsoh and make year head as clear a a bell i 86 and 60 eentai. For sals by John' Y. Maurvef eus Besalts. . From, a latter written by Bev. J. Oi4ermaa, of Dlmondale, Mioh., we are permitted to make this extract:, "1 have no hesitation in recommending Or. King's New Discovery, as the re. aitvvenrlalwy msTveiorns ia th cse of my wife. "While 't wis pastor of the Baptietehuroh at Blvee Junction she wss krenght dpwi with pneumonia uoceeaiag i, i ;gnppe.r xerriDie paroxysm 6f eoighing would last hoar wlthf little 'In terr option and it seemed asi if she eoald. not survivs them" A . friend recommended Dr. King's Hew Wseoveryilt was quick ia its work and highly atisfactory in rsult.'A riKbttles free at John T. MaeBsew -drag" wtoreteegolar til; 80s aadtt-wfkl 'Xl f X Bponev. Waah., if . pave fair. 1 iiMsmrpitmrT Wet'esa(Bny iaty iig lulrctlr.ita) full. wain t -4iimiiHaa ,-sa.v'v-j Aug a. ' Last June Dick Cr wford broueht bis twslvs-aontri4ld enild, suffering ttonf'bfatotue diarrhoea,' to me. It h a been weaned at roar months ma and bad always been sickly. I gave it the usual treatment in such oases but without benefit. The ebild kept grow. Ing thinner until It welghad but little more thaa wnen i born, or perhaps ten pounds." I tbes started tbe father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera -and' Dlarf : Bemedy. Before one bottlsofthr a- ant size had been used a itiarked dmfivement was seen and ts continued ase cured the child. Uts Weakness and puny constitution dls appeared and Its father and myself be lief the child's life was saved by this remedy. J. T.- Marlow, If. D., Tama roa. 111. Jfor, sate by J.5alBobbltt wJ:,v t ; ' l- ? iiaW lffio'jtsj ,4 , I - wTpaweaaV'weiaarOaBrnv WaipawuaCIUUMwerMlBrOutaria, -1 iMMeaeeamOiDrl.' .Mi -. . 8ALK0F LAND.H , . In purssnce of a Judgment rendered on th Hn day of September. A. ' O. 1806, in a ipecial prooeedln entitled W. R Rlake. adminUtrator ot Mrs. ' E. Glenn, deceased, s? ninst Pattie Dupree etaL, triors me cierc or wase su perior Court, I will sell at tbe court house door, in the city of Raleigh, on ti e i h d; of November A i 1895, at "IS CtHock m., at public hrfction, for cash, to the hienest Didder, the fol lowin dascriued lot er parcel of land bounded "d described as follows: Lyinr snd bit m theotty of Baleign, on t e te r"i a side of Martin street. and boo'' i ou t e east by lot of Hen- derxon htn c on to soata by the lend ot 1 tridgs Johnson,' de cfMised. s id t l t e north bv the lot formerly ownt-d l y Wesley Wbttaker; frontins on iul l.rt:n street 85 fast, snd runnixc biu.k mo feet, containing one-SlXin (X as s" more or less, i . W.B. Biukc. r I Wkm eiaam WasBaadOnaaNa.aii ioctllOd'wt'HH I ..iComuissiopef, 20bie td lcii;uuaubj. In tSe U. 8. Circuit C; forAr Ewtern District of 1 orta CMolhta. Bullalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. W.Archi . U no. :' y G Archibald. , It in or ""i U: 1 1 id W. W. Ar chibald aad may (i. Archibald be re quired to appear and plead, answer or demur at the offloe of the Clerk of the United States Circuit Court fos the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in the city of Raleigh, on or be fore November 11th, 1895, and that a oopy of this order together with a oopy of the bill of cm plaint snd sub poena herein shall be served cpoa the defendants in tbe Son Jiern Dis trict of New Yorfc, the 1 stnrn Di triotofJVlrginia, c r in euea other Distriot as the c ofendant maybe found. It is furtfier cdered that eervioe be made by publication oooe a Week for six weeks in t; e Pussv VmrroB, a newspaper published IB Al - WAVASh Sept 8 1896. V Cuuut -ADMINISTBATOB'9 NOTICE. au'ailfted as admmlsftabr of the estate of 0 F. Cheatham, eoeaaea. Into of Wake oonnty, this Is to notify ail persons holding claims against tbe said estate to preaent them to the un dersigned on or before the 86th day of Nmtmher. 18M. Or this notice Will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebtedto the said estate rill ,Ueaasmak.inedtateenJ , , Administrator oi . r. L , . t , Cheatham, Deceased. J , , . Z attorneys; (. ep85-w C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. pie no rLy to?taaki" p suits for Fall and Winter, He has a fine selec- Suitings and Trouserings. Call at 184 FayettevUle' street, up ; i sep 0 Sm B.LPARHAM4C0, Livery, Sale and Boarding STAB . Wilmington St., Lee' old Stand. . Having remodelled oar stable, w ar prepared to give the BestAccommodations to ths public. ' , ' A shsra of yonr patronsge is so licited. TELEPHONE 86. T.-BYAIfCJCy-. . ?R, F. PARHXM. sepS lm NOVEMBKR HORSE SALE ! i R -U' 1 . J ,, I, jr.; i I will hold my sixth annual sale of TBOTTI KU BBS l, HABNKS8 and SADDLE HOBsS at' Baleigh, NOVEMBER 6th and 1th, When the best lot I ever offered will be sold for cash for tbe best bid. Good horses are getting scarce, cotton selling at 8 l-8c, tobacco selling blsb with the greatest crop of 'corn and fodder ever made in the - Sooth, good, sound, ' weii-bred norsea win eommana gooa pnoes. tar ties having -suoh to dispose of and wanting them in this sale, will please communicate with me by or before OOTOBEB 8th, that 1 may place ia my catalogue, whioh will be ready about Octobei8Qth. , , .. . BALEIOH, N. R,(, Sept 87. 1896. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y Sells plain life insnrsnee, ss pro tection to the family... creditor., pr one's oil age, snd ssks a esreful ex amination of its elssr, asd equitable eontriU, with their jtaeousled .guar antees ia IgarH on the policy, giving true life inearsso at lte-.-,,-. , With : Varfset Beinrity. Thl eois nanv ha been doiasr bnelness In thi State over twenty-eight 'yearaand it policy aoldere ere 1U sIT ViOIUia, :,,The Coaaectient Matual .haa ao neeuUtive feature, axteaelon forfsl- turee or Intricate plaae, gottow up for tbe eompany' , adyantaga, - tv 4nM,tMtAht elaniM. admit. ting Vaaeal at th expenee of It hon est members, bat If any happen to get In, It gives tasm their toooey baek, all tt4 la ta eoatrset. x na , 3 Per Cent Reserve Ku baeoma sb important factor ta Ufa infsrt. AU will be gladly z plaiasd ajr: 5 usl W U : ,S. D. WAIT, ' : -y Gsaaral Agent, Baleigh. I for Infants iHITlRnTT TCewe ehenmtlea t t'f- 1 i 15- U V SP'Unne efewiiwi, Mndt i -- . iml i X'-ti 'wrwerlor haw ew saaewau IS s Sea the health.' It win earw 1 r . .1' ' ' : nBtUu vhleh ie ateclntel , i. Cejtorfa. deetrere Www , It 141 i r Caeterlei eJIayi Tererttliae. :f r 4 j.:-!fa1 w TeHi Iw Card. ' .Oaetorla ewree DiavrrheMi and Wiad CeHe. -91 )mM4 I :n ys v. v -ai I cfcgJPaerielieTee Tawthlns; Trewhtee. ir ? Caetofta ear Caaatipatlew amd Tlat-Jewey. '..t tin iflIW. ! J 7 : " !.- "! r ; ' i Oeetoria BewteaHe the egecte ef earhoMle add ae ew poteaweeM air. Oaeteriei do wet ewavtaia aaorphi , opium, or ether wartic proprtir. IfT TT" J rr 1 1 ' 13 r- l r fiMa;ata;Jhte the food, reejnUt the to eh amdhwl, gtrtwc; healthy amd tnreJ eleep. ' aWtariw'te'fwt w ia owc-efaw hottlee uly. It U wet cold ta balk. 'Powt alloy 'any e te aell yew anythinn: alec ep the plea or preaaUe that it jaaet ae good" and "will aaurrer every parpoee." ' w that row pet 0-AHfi-T-O-at-I-A. The rW-atndla atnateira ef d I Children Cry for WE AGAIN OFFER FROM THE RALEIGH'CRYSTAL ICE FACTORY Ioe of the best quality and at lowest prices, in Raleigh and to near-by railroad points. Ioe now ready for delivery ? . in any quantity. POCAHONTAS Q'"". le ahead of all others For GRAPCpAY, MILL FEED, JONES & The best S8.00 Men's Shoes on the market;'; ' I Made from tanneiy calfskin, dongola tops, all feather trimmed, solid leather soles With Lewis', Cork Filled Soles. TJnequaled tor beauty, fine workman ahip, and wearing qualities. Yourchoico of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten ing. :.;'iM , Every parr contains a paid-up Acci dent laanranps f ttcy tor 100, good for 90 days. " Wear" LswV ' Aoolaent Insurano gooes, Sad go Insured free. solcTbt Bros the gheatcs i discovery c. The age. rnpaa in Ha 1 Huv. lm nndUito in ciffeot ; quick to etiM.- (An be oarnva in vost ntirkAt. .1 1 fMimDlete in one 8aat b mail, tvopaid. plain peek, oa .analpe et, price. It par bo. For sals by Jobs T. MeBse, drug: lt. Ltm if? IrWk tlasllj, Quickly, Permaoeatfy fiestoretf. Km'imcjiERviNj norLMlUinbo4. (iraaaakneH,Nernai Debilibr end ell the evilitrom early er later ea. jeaMC. thermite or overwore, worn, aLsaea Me., poll itnnata, tone end dmlopaMnt artea vaorriadta vwt poofcet. Sant by nieiaa Wnttee eommtes to rafand mace; U no lnaintothoflmlna Cuonianri lohn TJataokaa, flrUffiwt,'Baleigh, W.O "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having quaiiflea as administrator ot tbe estate ut John U. Baker, deceaseo, late of Wake county, toils i to notary all persons having claims agsinst ths said estate to present tbem to the un dersigned on or before the 81st day of August, 1890, .or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons Indebted to said estate will pleeie make immediat payment, ! .J. u, Haroom, Administrator.' Asao A atmwt Attorneys. -- t - : i j lj aj AugtOltwtW ; Chmbeflanslstbebestot all. Vln eent J. Bark, of Danbury, Iowa, bas nsed Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy whenever in need of a medicine tor out'tie-and eolds, for the past flv year snd says i lt always helps me out. IfHnyoneasks me what kind of eonfrti medicine I use. I reply, Cham. bri(.in'v that is khs best ofalL S3 and 5 c l.u, -s to fasj by, Jilal Bobbitt Jjiugista. ...y. ;-," H ;.' .r,"'''.-; 5t'-. b.Osil!iLJinU and Children. sf Ckitok vk V evimM mt - i te epeali of it wtthowt gweeriwe;. ie haraaleee. Ohfldr Hhe it. It thehr lrr ! it Mettety hmve eaSe ad praotieeJly peyfeet a a ' ' . i every Pitcher's Castorla. STEAM COAL. In quality and prioee. SHINOLES, LATHS, Etc., call on POWELL, C. SIMPSON'S Nickle Plate Phartnacy. Baby's Depends on good care. Good care im plies cleanliness. Cleanliness requires good soap, such aa SIMPSON'S WITCH HAZEL SOAP. which leaves the skin soft and smooth SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT Cures all kinds of skin troubles and ole sores. Sent by mail for S5 cents. It It a specific for Milk Crust. . i gIMPSON'8 IMPROVED LIVES 1'IXJ.S have my fac simile signature on each box. t lu order to sjst the genu ine you should call st or send 26 cents to Simpson's Pharniacy, (Pullen Building' W WUiLUM SIMPSON. Manacer Sale of Laud Under Mortgage. By virtue of power conferred upon me by a certain mortgage, executed by Lucy Hangum, whleh said mort- a-aa-a is duly recorded ia Registry of Wake county in book No. I3fl at page 344, 1 Will offer for sal to ths highest bidder for cash at the eoert noose door ia tbe city of Balekh, ST. C, on Wedaeaday October 83. 1895, at 13 m the land described ia said mortgage, adjoining tbe lands of Jao. M. Cren shaw. J. 8. Brsssfleld. Mrs. D. E Blless snd others lying la Barton's Creek township, said eoanty and State asd mora seearstely deeorlbed in said mortiraire, whleh for dieerlptlon etc. m made a part hereof. Said tract of land contains 190 sere mors or less. v..;,,-.----:.-.-(.j B, f.!Moraoa,s.'?. 8ept. 33, '85. Atty. Mortageer NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION This la to notife the wblie and all whom It may concern that tbe firm of Taylor & Moore, tobacco manufac turers, have by mutual consent dis solved their copartnership heretofore existing with principal place ot . Dust. t toe city oi Kaieign, . u, ray- lor will nav all tne indebtedness or tns said firm, bnt all debs dus the said firm can be naid to either Moors or Taylor, as may be most convenient to th debtor. y as B. Moors.1 angtt 8td pHti.i.ir Iatlor. Health it jsEmBMt fa- a 9A im" ' fA7 .tPALIi:rifl95... ;. " ' hTti .pw M;.i f.;.;. - AH our great guns sre. "sighted" and ready for the fall ssmpslgn, loaded to the mussle with competition, ' kilttag' quality ssd variety. W'v worked hsrd, probed deep into the markets, weighed value carefully, eom psred styles erltjeallr, and brought ths best to be had ia all ths markets to our counters. " ; ! " " - - : 1 vM a v j.t nr. j ' , t,i ft , THE FLURRY? IN MONEY '"MATTERS . . til t " 1 ' ... i t - Ha seriously embarrassed snsay ef .th. leading manufacturers, so ws bought a great meny goods for cash, gaining eoneesaions in price that you' tall ihar with a, ereatiag opportuaitiee that yon shsll profit in. ALREADY everywhere, , The fle(nr season ha entleed antnmn clone to th border jlae of cummer, making; llttl warmer walght aeedfnl, and a ehaage of style desirable. Bvery demand 1 met every whim ia fostered every eonfldeaee is suttalsed in this sggregstion of .weersblss. . ,f. I , J t -r-w'S ; in ' Fsll-weigiit Ovaroosts, Un' SniU. Boy' Suit. Hats snd Csps for el heads, Neckwear, medium and heavy- weights. Underwear, the very ltOMc. , in :-..!.. i-tr-.fi a, , ( ! ! ' H I S. & D. Berwanger. Cotton State and International Ex. position, Atlanta, Ja., via tbe Seaboard Air-Line. . Vestibuled limited ' trains, upon which no extrs far Is ehsrged, ' Lesve Washington, D. C, dslly at 8:40 p. m., upon arrival of the "Con gressional Limited" from New York, and reach Atlanta at 4:09 p. m. the next day. . .. ..fc A second train, with through sleep ing ears from New York, leave Wash ington at 4:80 a. m., arriving at 'At lanta 5:30 a. m. the next day. Both trains lesve from the Pennsyl vania railroad station and land : pas sengers in the Union Depot at At lanta ss near the Exposition grounds as through passengers. via aSy line are landed. ' 1 . r . At Portsmouth snd Norfolk, Ta., the Seaboard, Air-Line nas other con nections equally as important as those st Washington, namely: From New York snd Philadelphia, the , Cape Charles Roatei from Baltimore, ' the Bay Line steamersi from Washington, the Norfolk and Washington steamers; from New York, the Old Dominion steamship snd from Boston sad Provi dence, the Merchants' and Miner' steamship. .Close connection is made st the. steamer sidee with through traina and Pullman Drawing Room, Buffet Sleeping Car operated through from Portsmouth to Atlanta without change. Bach of theae routes takes tbe passenger ela Old Point Comfort and through Hampton Bonds. These trains sre composed of the handsomest Pullman Drawing-Boom, Bullet Bleeping Oar snd Day Coaches. The 8:40 p. m. train ("The Atlanta Special") is vestibuled from end to end snd is operated solid from Wish. jngton to Atlanta without change. P0IHT8 Or IirTBBlJST ALOBQ THI LINB. The route from i Washington is through Fredericksburg, Biehmond snd Petersburg, Virginia; Weldon, Raleigh snd Southern Pines, North Carolins; Chester, Clinton and Abbe ville, South Carolina, asd Blbertou nnd Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. ' BATES. Excursion tickets will be sold to At lanta and return, via the Seaboard Air-Line, as follows: ' On Tuesdays and ThSrsdsys, Sep. tember 17tb td Deoember 84th inclu sive, at flt.uu from .Washington and $13 60 from Portsmouth and Norfolk. limited to ten days from date af sale Daily, September 16th to December lfitb, inclusive, at $19.35 from Wash ington and $17.35 from Portsmouth and Norfolk, limited to twenty days from date of sale, and at $36.36 from Washington and $23 65 from Porta mouth and Norfolk, good until Jan uary 7. 1890. Ask for tickets via "The Seaboard Alr-Lin." Pullman Bleeping Car reservations will be made and further information furnished upon application to any agent of th Seaboard Air-Line, or to the "undersigned. H. W. B. Slovkk, T. J. Ahdbbson, ; Traffic M'gr. Qen. Pass. Agt. E . 8t. John. Yioe-Presldeat. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree of the Superior, Court of Wake county, N. C. in the Special Proceeding entitled Marion Johnson, administrator of Emily Jotu - son, vs. Charles Johnson and others. No 680, Special Proceedings Docket of said court, I will sell at public auction at the court house door In tbe city of Baleigh, N. C, on Monday, th. 7th day of October. 1805, at IS o'clock m., the following described lot ot land, sit- uated on Smithfleld street in said city, adjoining the Unds of Marion Johnson, Asmey tiorne ana uasweu roiiaro. L fronting about thirty-five feet on said VbreOb MiJU luyumg MHA srw IDC. Terms of sale, one-half purchase money in cash balance In six months at 6 percent. Marion Johnson, aug aotds Commissioner ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a administrator of tbe.et'tate of John Baker, deceased, ' late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against toe said estate 'to present them to tbe an designed on or before tbe 81st day ef August, 189. or thi notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment. ; , , J. C Marco st, Ao minis tratoi A&oo & Snow, Attorneys. , ! h . . .i ! ..j ..' a ti aa tf m Batklen'a Araiem Bsmw'.xj .The best salve In th world for eut. braise,, sores, nicer, salt rbenm, fe ver sores, tetter, snapped nanda, ehll blalns. corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cares pile, or no pav required. , It 1 guaranteed to giv nerfeet eatisraotion or nonti veiand ed. . Prie IS eents per pox, for sal by Joha I MaaBaa, ... y.j t. s - ,'. '' ''.;:. ' V,:" -ft. i-r I 3 wk m -ti-v- i x r i . the great army3')' buyers Is, fcesieglDg . oaf iUdl of fashion.' Ordesahroagh ths mall ar eomlasr ia froia a a a w e Ail Lines WHATS YOUR FAVORITE Snuff ? Why, Parson's Celebrated BECAUSE It is tbe purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To bacco. Tbe Manufacturer selects the choicest grades of Tobacco and we guarantee If yon give it a trial your i good judgment will approve at And in future you will use no other brand. Put up in any size pack age to suit tbe trade. J.M. PARSONS, Man'fact'r New Brunswick, N. S. LODGE DIRECTORY 31AS01MC. HIRAM LODGE, No. 0 ever 8r Monday, night in Masonic hall. W W Wilson, W. M..E. B. Thomas. Sec. WM. G. HILL, No. 218, every second and fourth Monday nights in Masonic ball. W. A. Withers, W. M, JT. L. Brown, Sec. RAX EI (J H CHAPTEB. No. 10, meets every Tuesday after the tbir Monday in Masonic hall W. A. With era, H.P.', W. E. Falson, Sec. , Raleigh commandssv. jio. , every first Thursday night in Masoule ball. John C. Drewry, 0. C, W. A. Withers. Rec. ODD FtLLOW. ' MANTEO, No. 8, every Tuesday night in the Odd Fellow hall, Pnlton building. W. B. Blake, N. ., O. L. Tonnoffski, Sea BEATON GALES, No. 84, every Thursday night in Odd Fellow hall, in Pullen building. F. E. Emery, H. ii. ; Philip Thiem, Sec. .CAPlTAXNo. 147, every Tnesdai night in Pythian ban, Lewis bnUdiag. Erwin Jones, N. U., J. J. Bernard Boo. t , MCKEE ENCAMPMENT No. 15 meets every second and fourth Friday nights in Jr. O. V. A. M. hall, Pullen Tonnoffski Scribe. building. W. H. Martin, C. P Geoi i.tTnnFOTir) KVfiAMr-MirvT . 1 ., ,N,T J!0' 6, meets every Monday night in Jr. O. XT. A.M. halL Pullen Building. W. w. Brlggs, a P, . S. Keith, Scribe, ... " . RUTH, No. 4, every first and third Friday nights in Jr. O. D. A. M. hall, Tniian ViniiHiTiir w u u.,t xi . v H hk "' - r-rj.vneeK.rjec. FT Til I IN. . -fti: .. CENTRE LoDGE, No. S, soeets every Monday night in Pythian - hall Lewis building. W. H. Martin, a O, W. W. Willson, K. of R. and 8. PHALANX LODGE, Na 84, every Thursday night in Pythian hall, Lewis building. 'W E Blaks, a C., i. I. Bernard. K. of B, and 8. : Raleigh council. No. l. jr TJ A M, meets every Wednesday night ujtuu ah nail, Pullen building. W. B.! Kennett, Councillor, M. B. Haynes, R. 8." " - - "Ahorse kicked H. 8. Sharer. of the Freemyer liouse, Middleburg, N. Y. on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become Stiff. a friend recommended hlin to us Chamberlain's Pam Balm, which he did. and in two days was abia to be around. - Mr.- bafer bas reoomended it to many oto era and says it is excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for its cures of rheumatism. Foe saJs bv : Jul BoUiiU, PruKgiSfcu-! ' -r P .M

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