' t : ' v.f o. .f' HP OVER 9,000 CIRCULATION VOL. XXXIV.NO. 39. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9, 1895. $3 00 PER YEAR. WE KEEP THE LEAD. ? v 'i A Famous Episcopal Bishop , : Commends The South. L constitutional; eight Had the Conferaoy, Says the Bishop ' , , la a Pwbllo Ad dress Com mends ; ., Gov. Turney. -jf . ;;-;'f ' MuBrBtMBoao, Tean., Oot 8. At the Confederate Veterans re- union near here Bishop Qalntard of the Epiaoopel Church, Tln a public address, commending Gov. Turney 's ' Chattanooga speech,; said i "As , I ' stand before you today, comrades,! ' believe In God, his son; so do I - amr I was right in supporting the . Confederacy ; It is no matter of opinion with me; I know We were right, oonstitotionally right - His speech was a glowing tribute to the Confederacy, and when, be - closed it was 'mid enthusiastic ap planse, . y; ? ryf y-.V 'yr Council of Congregational Churches. ' Br telegraph to the Press-VUltor. . . . Straousb, N. Y., Oot. 9,-Tbe ninth triennial session of the Nation at Counoil of the f Churohes of the United States,: one of the- largest and most influential religions bodies that ever met in this oountry opened her today. The delegates number five hundred and are equally divided , between minister! and laymen and include many of the leading divines educators and business men of the oountry. "- ' I vy ; . The Brigham Family. Br Telesjapo to the frees-Visitor. Boston, Mass., Oct 9 The third annual reunion of the representa tives of the Brigham family, deoen dants of Thomas Brigham,. the . Puritan and all others related to the name of Brigham and the third an .Baal 'meeting of the Brigham family association is being held in Odd Fel lows and Berkley Halls, Odd Feb. "lows building today, .v!V- ' New Corn at St. bonis. By Telegraph to the ttess-VIsltor, ' St. Lotus, Oct, 7. A ear of new sera arrived from Sooth But Mis ' sonrl, graded No. 3. . This l the ear " Heat No. 8 eorn that ha aver arrived in this market.' It ahows the flne quslity, a well a abundance of this year's " .a - - - '' r- The Csarewitoh Serioawly Sick, y BroaMetothernw-VlaUar. - Boauv, Oet. . Prof. Leyden an eminent specialist, who was snmuoned to a medical eaueue a short tine ago : to attend the Cxarwltoh of Bueala, re calved a telegram 'today stating that the Caarwlteh Is alarmingly UI. " . To BepUoe "The Board Walk." " ByTetegnphto fliePrew-Vliltorv " I Atlasho Cwrt Oct. 7. The elty Council is going to build a new steel " promenade along the beach. The cost will be 1150.000. . -r Womaa' eOlnbe Meet. ' - ,s BfTeleemh tothamM-Vbltoiv - A0OUBTA, Me., Oot. 9. The an nnal meeting of the Maine Fedora . tion of Woman's Clubs is in session here today. s The Upper Iowa Conference. Br TeiepaWto the fteu-Vliltor. ' Mason City, Iowa, Oct. 9. The ; Upper Iowa Conference of the Moth- odlst Eplsoopal Cburob Is in session Jiere. - mm' - , - - ' The W. O. T, U. la Iowa ' : By Telegraph to the Fran-VUltor. MaBSHAIXTTOWlt, IOWS , Oot 9. The sixth annual meeting of theW. C. T. U. of the state of Iowa Is being held in the Methodist Cburob hers today. - ' 8; Death la the Ralae,. . B Teleitaph to the Pnau Vnvroa. KiKsas Crrr, Oct . The Thea " tre Comlque was bnrned this morn ing. 'Alvan Kennedy a brother-in-law of Chief Hald, was buried in the ruins. He was rescued later, s but bis skill is fractured, and he will die. . More of the MUeionarlee. f Bjr Cable to the Hre-Vlltor. eHANQHAJ, Oot. 9 Admiral But ler has arrived aboard the British dispatch boat- Tbe alacrity with whloh Amertoaa and British consuls - report everything which has been done to obtain Inquiry into outrages upon missionaries at Euoheng stops abort of using force. A British gun - boat is going up the nver to protect English interests. -, V CHAMBER OV COMMERCE. Valuable Report on City Improve meat. v - The regular meeting of the Cham bar was held laat evening, with a very large attendance. Several new mem bers were received. " Reports from . several committees were received, including a valuable report of the committee on elty lm provements. LThiaj committee recom mended the' immediate : opening of Morgan street to the railroad, and then to request that the , bridge over the railroad be built. The committee alee endorsed the proposed Ucne of fifty thousand dollars street improve ment bonds, and "tbe eommittee . was requeeteS to preee the matter .before the elty and eonnty autfiorltiea. Tbe comtiittee. on manafaetnres made a report, eommendlng the Chamber to use it influence to eetablleb a cigar factory;' . A eommittee was appointed to examine, and to see what, if any, notion should be taken. : A committee was appointed to ex amine the ehaiter of the Atiantie Life and Endowment Company, and to re port on the advisability of having it organised In Baleigh. A communication was received from the King's Daughters requesting that the Chamber of Commerce take come aetlon that Shall enable them to con tinue the good work that has been done by tbem for a number of years. The . following committee was ap pointed to examine the matter: 8. A. Ache, Dr. A. W, Knox, N, B. Broogh ton, George Allen and i. B. Pogue. The aew road law was dleouued and was disapproved by several speak. ere, including Mr. W. 0. McMuckin. Mr." MoMackln aaid he thought the precept system the better. The above is Mr. Qeorge Allen's official report. ALVIN JOSLIN TOMORROW. Moreeka and Her Company Appear . Friday and Saturday. Charles L. Davis will be at the Academy of Musio Thursday, Oot. 10th in his time tried success, "Alvin Joslin." There is something about the quaint old comedy, with Its con. stant changing of scene, its innum erable explting inoldents and its uni que oonoeption, that seems to main tain a hold on theatre goers. What ever may be said or written of Char les L Davis, it must bo admitted that bis oonoeption of Unole Alvln" stands out prominently as an origi nal bit of acting. The scenic tffeots are said to be, particularly reallstio and elaborate, showing Brooklyn Bridge by mooulight,v the Five Potato, .the Bowery, and other familiar localities of the great metro polis. : V The Signorina Moreeka opera does not claim a more Hatched or artlctlc inter preter,."'. . Possessed of a wonderfully pure and limpid voloe, whloh she handles in the most masterly manner, gifted and trained in the school of dramatio exe cution ntil her conception is perfect, this singer adds a personality that la both charming and magnetic, and for It all theeritle has given her the high est euoonium that could come from pen. Her work in 'Carmen," "Faust,'' "Lo hergrln,'' and the Hugeaots," has been a revelation, to Southern au diences and a series of great triumphs for her. Few and far between; in deed, nre the opportunities to hear snd see this great art so worthily illus trated outside the large cities, and it Is safe to cay thic appearance will mark aa epoch in the history of one's mncls interests Society is manif acting great la the oeeaalon, and Moreeka la sure to be met by great and cultured audiences on Friday and Saturday nights. ' , Supreme Court, Appeals from second district: Bsssard-Short vs. Hardlsoa; argued by Brldgers for plaintiff nnd James B. Moore for defendant. . .". Barriagtoa vs. Skinner, arrgned by W. W. Clark for plaintiff appellant. x. Brown' vs, Daili argued by O. H. Qnlon for plaintiff and W. W. Clark for defendant , r Moore vs.' Jordaas argned by B. B. Peeblea for plalatiff and H. Q. Connor for defendant. -. " Two Distillers Captnred. After a long wait twosebares have devetoped at the Revenue office. L A forty-five gallon illicit distillery was captured near .Optia,' ; Montgomery county, by Deputy Colleotor Gibson. The still waa destroyed, as wss also 100 gallons et beer.' deputy Collec tor Bhelbenxn destroyed a lSS-galloa Illicit etipper distillery in. Durham county " , L. J, Poe, a Virginia Fiend, Caught at Winston. AN INHUMAN CRIME. Outraged and Then Murdered a Nine-Year-Old Girl-Tracked .. by a Detective. " News has been received at the Gov ernor's office of. the arrest at Winston of L. 1. Poe, a fugitive from Virginia, on the charge 'of outraging aad mur dering an unknown aine-year-old girl. The crime was one full of horrible de tail. The alleged murderer was com mitted by Jastioe J: C. Bissett, and the warrant was sworn out by a detective named Carter. The story of the erime is as follows: Some cix months ago Poe was tramp- lag through Virginia; with him was a girl," possibly nine years old. Her asms has never been found out. Poe claimed that she was a daughter. The eonple staid for some time near a lit tle place in Washington county. Finally the man left, but the girl did not go with him. Some days after her remains were found in a barn by residents of the county. The body had been horribly maltreated, and finger marks were on the throat. Il was evident that she had been mur dered, and that tbe murderer had first outraged its victim. Tbesi are the facts, as I heard in' rumors today. Full particulars are meagre. It is strange that under the circum stances a deteetive should have been engaged, but such is the case. For months he has been on the trail of the murderer. Ac the message to the Governor shows, he nabbed him yes terday. Governor Carr will notify the Gov ernor of Virginia of Poe's arrest, end he will soon be sent there. ROOERS-lrVcHURUH. Two Popular Young People Married In Oak Forest, Va., Yeeterday. Mr. Berry C. Rogers, was united to marriage yesterday at noon to Miss Ludie B. Upohuroh of Oik Forest. The ceremony was perform ed at the brides home In Oak Forest. Mr. Rogers is tbe Junior member of the firm of Hioks and Rogers. lie is a talented and popular young man, highly e8 teemed by an extensive ac quaintanoe not only in Raleigh, but also in the county. Miss Upohuroh is the daughter of the late Reld Upohuroh. She is an accomplished young lady of great personal attraction. Mr. and Mrs, Rogers are off on a bridal trip. They will return to the city in about ten days. "We" has a Big Pull. Vioe- President 8t John, of the Seaboard, when asked by a Ports mouth Star reporter whether any one bad been appointed to tho posi tion made vacant by Mr. O'Dwyer's resignation, answered in tbe nega tive. "The appointment will not be made for a week yet," said Mr. St. John, "but we will appoint one of our own men." It would be interesting to know ust who tbe "We" is referred to above. Probably Mr. St. John speaks of himself in the plural num ber. : . Attractions at Royall and Borden's. Messrs Boyal and Borden announce that ; the, have now the largest, cheapest and prettiest line of ladies desks, combination China and library oases ever shown In Baleigh. These are at very low figures and they are constantly adding new noveltiee to their already elegant stock, Watch their aew ad tomorrow. Billy Van'e Minstrels. Thia big organic ttioa will be seen at the .Academy of Music next Tues day night, : Mr, Tan is the bright, partlenlar star, and haa with him'an excellent ; company, . inoluding auch artists as the Stewart Sisters, Bows and Beats, Swift and Chase and others of equal note. . Tb Scuool Children Take a Day Off. The children of the elty graded schools were given holiday today to take In Buffalo Bill and his Wild West Show. ' The children were delighted and enjoyed the day aa only , children can. i There were no- happier ' people in Baleigh. ": Most of them attended the ' performances. It was aduea tion to them, for there was impressed on their minds lessons and - objects which they will never forget.' Baper intendent Howell made the right move, sertaialy. ; i ' ., DEATH DEALING SIOUX. A Wild West Indian Killed Boy DetdOtive After Hint. Northern papers state that a de tective by the - name of Hussey left Baltimore a few days ago for Baleigh for the purpose of arresting the Sioux Indian, who killed thn young boy in Baltimore last week.' The following from the Baltimore Ban explains his mission: vy f "John Peter Horn, the 13 year-old son of Mr. Jacob Horn, who wss struck over the heart by a brick thrown at at come other boys Monday night of last week by one of" the Indiana with Buffalo Bill's Wild Wast Show, died Saturday at his home, 9033 list Chase etreet fronrhle 4njnrek" The "father of young Horn states that he will con salt his attorney, Sod, will probably bring suit for damages against Buffalo Bill for the death of hie son. Marshal Frey has detailed Detctive Hussey on the ease." It is said that Hussey is In the city He will have a hard time finding the Sionx who did the deed. Wake County Boy's Success. There are many in Baleigh who re member Mr. Harry Utley, a M. D. now, who attended Morson A Denson's school here. He was liked greatly as a charmingly pleasant young man, and all who know him will be delighted to hear the aiory of bis life sinee that time a utury of brilliant auooess, whiob reflects to the credit of his nstitf ci'iinty. Comlug here from his home at Apex, he sp.'ot a yeir at the sohool here and entered the University in 1693, taking the preparatory medical course there He finished leader of his class,, and next year entered the University of Maryland, from which he graduated last Juoe with such a high atand that Or. Michael, the faculty dean, stated unqnaliiiediy that he was the brightest student who had e?er graduated there. To keep him at the University, a new Chief of Clinics was created, and Or. Utley given the appointment. The Official Bulletin of the State Fair. The Agricultural Fair Bulletin this year will be gotten op by two of Hal eigh's well known compositors, Messrs. B. C Owens and Panl Collins, and will be worth reading on account of its compilation and the manner in which it will report the programme of each day. Besides the official programme, it is the only sheet that should be ae credited ac official and distribuled on the fair grounda, because the publish ers of the same have had the right for several months, and it is safe for us to say to oor readers that these gentlemen will publish a bulletin wor thy of their patronage. Messrs. Owen and Collins are clever gentleman, and we commend them to the public , A Circulating Library. Col. Bugene G. Harrell, one of our enterprising eitiaeas, who is manager of the North Carolina Book Company, is inaugurating u movement whieh will be very much appreciated by the read ing public. A handsome apartment 1 now being fitted in the Book Com pany's store on" Fayette? ille street for a circulating library. Tbe library will contain all the standard books, as well as the latest ones on th market. Mr. Harrell saya tbe newest literature in the book line will be kept on hand. A fee will be charged for full access to the library. The amount has not yet been determined upon. Mayor Hayes' Salute. That was a beautiful eight during the parade thia morning when a de tachment of splendidly nniformed United States Cavalry drew ap is front of the Yarborough balcony and sainted Major Hayea. Tha prancing gray horses, and thel r brilliantly dreased riders, .With the sunlight flashing from forty upraised sabres, made a pretty picture. Major Hayee acknowledged the salute gracefully, and tha detachment pasaed on followed by hearty cheers from tha crowd. , John B. Hn'ssey'e Mbel Bait, ' Mr, John B. Hussey, private secre tary to Senator Butler and Corres pondent of the Cauoasian from Washington, D. C, was in the oity yesterday afternoon and remained here until thia morning. Mr. Hussey was here in connection with his libel suit against tbe News and Ob server tor $10,000 danages. Mr. Hussey was in consultation with his Counsel, Judge Whltaker. He has secured Messrs MoRae and Day to appear for him also. The case will not likely come up at the next term of Court which meets Monday week. The Liner St. Paul Starts on Her Maiden Trip. A GIRL'S SAD PLIGHT. Violently Insane, She Roams the Street Say'e She's Married Victim of a Plot. By Telegraph to the mas-Visitor. Naw Yoax, Oct'. 9. The American Hnr, 8tv Paul, Jefthnr dook at Jl o'clock this" morning on her maiden voyage. She carried 106 first, and 100 second cabin passengers, and 350 steerage passengsra. Tbe crew nam bers nearly S00. She will take a Southern course. The first frost of the se.ison visited Manhattan Island and vicinity laat night and this morning. biitie Lisas oer, a pretty eighteen- year old girl, who has been missing from home since Sunday, was found wandering on the streets early thia morning, violently insane. It ia re ported that she was in the company of an elderly man on Monday. In one of her apparently rational moments she stat.d that she was married, but did not know her hnsband'a name. The polic t b i nk she ia the victim of a base plot. EKJHIKKS POINTS BIOHKR. Cotton Commenced to Climb Up. ward Again. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Naw York, October 9. Liverpool news was very favorable for tbe bulls. The market opened unchanged, but advanced shsrply, and closed sbout 0-64 above yesterday. Spat sales, 10,000 bsles, at hardening prices. New York openrd barely steady 7 points higher thai' last night, but the bulls soon took n- lead and the market closed firm 18 points above yesterday's clo'e. Tomorrow's bureau report is expected unfavorable, some believe in a condition of lower than 65 per cent, even 60 per cent is pre dicted The latter Ugore would cause a considerable advance. Frost is predicted. In Arkansas light frost, and in Memphis killing fr ist. Options closed aa f llowe: October, 8 95 to 8 97 i November, 8 97 to 8 98 j De embor, 9 05 to 9 06 ; January, 9 IS to 9 14 ; February, 9 19 to 9.90; Marob, 9.34 to 9 36 ; April, 9 29 to 9 31 ; May, 9 35 to 9 36 ; June, 9.40 to 9 41. Chicago Grain Market, Cmcaoo, Oot. 9. Grain quotations closed to-day as follows! Wheat October, 59 8-4 ; Deoember, 60 5-8 ; May, 64 8-4 . Cora-October, 39 1-4 to 29 5-8 ; December, 97 8-8 1 May, 99. Oatea October, 17 8-4 ; Deoember, 17 7-8 May. 301-4 The Armenian Troublea Continue. By Cable to the Press-V Isltor. ConsTABTiaoPLa, via Sofia. Oct 9. The blockade of Armenian churches eontinues. All efforts of the authori ties or Armenian patriarchs have failed to pesuade the Armenians to re turn tc their homes, they patting no faith in the assurances el protection given them. Tbe streets are still pa trolled by the police, reinforced by troops. It is reported that torpedoes sent Dardanelles have been placed in poaition in the straits. Ammunition haa also been sent to the forts. The Turks are apparently preparing to de fend the passage of Dardeaelle, should a naval demonstration be attempted in theae waUrs. There la no apparent change in the diplomatie situation. Prisoner Trye Marder. By Telegraph to the Fress-VUttor. Sing Sura. Oot 9 Warden Sage partly corroborated today the story that a plot had been disowered by which Dr. Henryl Meyer attemptea to carry out another murder, simi lar to tha one for which he is now serving a life sentence. It is said be inatrnntAd bis wife through letters. how to poison certain persons in order to get. insurance money to be need ta trv to secure bis release. The matter is In the bands of the superintendent of prisons, who is InvesUgfrtteg. More Armenians Killed. By caWe W me ten-Vlslter. ' " TsEBUonn, Armenia, Oet. Sort- ons eoafllste occurred bars today be twsoa Turks sad Armenians. Many natlvea were killed. . OQ.THE ;WIlil WEST MERE, Win. Cody and Congress of Bough Riders Own tbe Town. Tbousanda of people lined the streets thia morning to witness Buffalo Bill's Calvalcade and aa hie colossal aggregation of rough riders, gathered from all quarters of the globe. Such an irresistable attraction could not fail to attract the people. Early thia morning "country" began to roll in and long before the honr of the parade the principal streets were blocked by the thousands of people LMPXoPY 'PUPF-ALP bill waitiog toeatch the first glimpse of the triumphant line of Mr. Cody and his Wild West. The crowd has been variously esti mated from five to fifteen thousand poople. Possibly ten or twelve would come nearer being exact. The parade was a revelation and an education to the people who witnessed it. It excited 'heir cariosity sod ad miration to the highest degree. Con tingents from each of the various nationalities passed by on review eliciting as much applause and ad miration as if they were the direct representatives of their respective governments. The parade was a grand success. It was spectacular; it was gorgeous; it was brilliant. A mounted charger in advance of Buffalo Bill announced the approach of the cavalcade. Buffalo Bill, in a phateon which waa drawn by two beautifully perfect horses, oame next. Mist Annie Oakley, the dex trous shot, was a conspicuous feature in the prrade. Probably the Congress of Rough Riders selected from all quarters of the earth attracted the most attention. The American Cow boy, the Roving Ranchero, the Bron cho Buck Rider, United States Caval rymen, the French Chasseur, the Eng lish-Irish Lanoers, Oerman Cuiras siers, the Hungarian, Magni, Bedouin Arab, the Russian Cossack, South American Gaucho, the Tartar of Asia, the Mexioan Roalie, the Native Ameri can Redekln, and the Afro-American Jockey, all followed each other in di visions. One of the most noteworthy inci dents of the day wds the salute given Major Hayes and bis gnest, Adjutant General Cameron, by Mr. Cody nnd the detachment of United 8tats Cav alrymen. Maj. Hayes was attired in hia military uniform. The Cavalry halted in front of the Yarborongh and about-faced, giving the salute, which, in turn, was acknowledged by Major Hayea and General Cameron. It was a pretty spectacle, indeed Great crowds witnessed the after noon performance, whieh is in pro gress aa we go to press. The verdict ia that the attraction suipasses all previi ua attempts at amusement ever given in the oity. A party of invited guests viewed the performance from a private box tendered by Col. Cody, through Maj Hays. In the party were Gov Carr, Hon. R. M. Fnrman, Attorney General Osborne, Maj Hays and family, Adj. Gen. Cameron and wife. Col. T. S. Kenan and wife, Dr. Sexton, Mr. L. T. Brown and wife and members of the Staff of the Press-Visitor and the News and Obaerver. A Bird or a Fieh Story ? By Telegraph to the rnass-Visrroa. Philadelphia, Oot 9. Danish steamer, Horsa, from Jamaica, to day brought in a strange bird, wbiob lit on the rigging after a storm. Ths sailors call it a sea eagle. It measures twenty feet In its spread of wings and has beautiful plumage, It is very fierce, A Fatal Fire tn Cincinnati. By Telecast! to the Paass-Visrron. CiBcisaan, Oet 9. Fire early this morning In a tenement on Sixth and Smith streets resulted in ths burning to death of Mrs, Ponso, aged eighty, and ths fatal burning of several other Inmates. MEWSGATflEREDINADAY Condensed and Fat in a Readable Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP Interestingly Told aa Picked up oa the Street and Various Pointa Abont Town. The A. & M. college football team leaves next Friday afternoon for Chapel Hill where Saturday they play the University eleven. It will be each team's first game, and f ool balliste will therefore watch for the result with in terest. The question is, "how badly will the A A il- boya be beaten?" Mr. J.Floyd Brown waa in the city today and hia host of Raleigh frieoda were glad to aee hia genial counte nance and ahake his hand again. Mr. Brown is now located ia mercantile business at Wakefield, but Raleigh will always claim him. He reports a cplen- did tobaeco crop in hie eeetion. Haywood Lee, the colored man who, aa reported, was strnck on ths hand and hia skull fraetured a night or so ago, ia now out of danger and rapidly reoovering. The day after the acci dent Doctors Hines and Renn per formed a most excellent operation of trepaning. Lee's skull was fraotured in three plaoes. STOCK AT THE FAIR. The Live Stock Exhibit to be the Largest in Years. Secretary Niehola ia daily receiving letters of entriea for fine atock. The exhibit in thia line will be by far the beet the fair ever had. Mr. W. M. Benninger, of Walnut Port, Pa., who waa here last fair, writes that he will exhibita Hue French Coach Bullion. 17 head of Holstein Frieeian cattle, hogs, poultry and other exhibits. H. A. Whiting, manager, writes : "We shall exhibit at the ooming State Fair seven particularly flne horses from oor Glenoe Stock Farm; and I should be pleaaed if you would reserve for us suitable stalls for these animals. They will be : Registered stallions, Wiseman and Southland; registered jack, Monarch; eligible fil lies to be registered, Valpa and Faye; eligible stallion to be registered. Harold; superior mare, Sadie."' Col. Carr on yesterday, received a letter from an nrdent friend of th State Fair, from whioh ic taken the following extract : "I have got quite a large number of promises for the Fair. I think we ahall aee four or fire large herdc. I am anticipating the largest exhibition of fine cattle ever shown in the State. I shall aend a lot of nice youngsters, and ahall alao chip eight- teen head from New York." The Com od ore and Cargo Beleased. A telegram was received by the Prish-Visitor laat night from Marshal 0. J. Carroll, stating that the steamer Commodore and Cargo were both re leased. This news will be received with delight by North Carolinians generally, who sympathize with little Cuba. Slick Sharpers Caught. By Telegraph to the Psass-Vurroa. Chicago, Oet. 9 The polio this morning arrested W. C. and Thomas Eustromer, brothers, on the charge of procuring money on forged checks, from several banka. They claimed to be agents of a Humane aociety, and used the names of officers of the so ciety. It is thought that fully fifty thousand dollars haa been secured. SPANISH-CUBAN NEWS. A Ornster Wrecked and Onus Iiost Maceo Waa Wounded. By Cable to the Freas-Vkiltor. Havaka, Oct. 9 Safe, quick ' firing guns and torpedoes whieh were lost on the wrecked crniaer, Obriatobal, near Colon, have been aaved, bat th recovery of the big guns is doubtful. The vessel Is a total wreck. It Is reported that th taaargeat leader, Bolbff, died of putrid fever. : The wounding of General Aatonlo Maoeo in the battle of September 98th, baa been confirmed. Priest Gets Seven Years. .a :.yv:Ay..y'yy.'it.y. By Telegraph to trie Press-Visitor. G ax aa so, S. Y., Oct. S Rev. Okas. Flaherty, the Mosat Morris Priest who was yesterday convicted th second time of assaulting Mary Sweeney, eno of his parlshoaers, was today sea. cased for seven years. . .: t,tt,