Anti-Reformers Force a Way to Her Palace. 7 . .'Li. : . .-, ..!..: ' . w . a. LED JdX KLNU x a lii - Seoul Uprising- Confirmed There ' ' are Great Dletnrbaaoee and the " Japanese take Possession., i Yokohoma, Japan, OoU 11 The : t..t advioa fwm Core ooufirm the original report o! a went serious uprising In Scoot.. f V snpposeu that the Onsen of Cores has been bnii k the kntA Reformers.': who. llivw UJ - ; i. h Mrf mi n -rai neon a.uh hw - father, forced en entrance Into the palace at the bead of an armea lores. ' There to great excitement, wnion baa caused the Japanese 4oopC to take poBBee8ton:in view to restore or- ' der ; 4 ,.Vv "V" ' f , A Deep Plot Unearthed. :, y Br Telwrapbto the raaaf-Vlintos. Dkhvbk, Col. Oat. U.-It tore K portea mas two juuiuwjuouwt- a. V 1 r- jwur.nAAf.inn .with thft .... iievu luuuu tu wijuvv.. " -- murder of Jeweler Gaff ron last Aorll ". against Mrs. Gaff ron and her sister, 4 Jars ivoudiihs wuuow wm iw at the time U was reported that Gaf fron bad been shot by a burglar. Now Robbing deolares that bis sis- 1 - ter-inlaw oooe proposed to him to poison Gaffron ' for the insnranoe money ' The women, who are reeld log in Pennsylvania, will be returned for examination, i. :,- . -- Poisoned Hla Water's Oneete. By Tel.nraph to the rre-Vliltor. ' , ,M Tolbdo, Ohio, Oot 11. Henry Meyer, aged seventeen years, object ed to bis sister's birthday party- and in. order: to dieotrarsge future at tempts, mixed two ouooee of oroton oil with' the ooffee served to the guests. As a result twelve ' young ' m,a era In a nreoarlous oondition - and several may die. No Attempt oa Mr. ctaveland's Life. . wr fwssnsk'Miss timWtm - Buzzaao's Bat. Oct. II. The President, aooompantod by. Score tary Thurber, took bis. last trip to the fishing grounds today ue waves tomorrow lor Washington. ; Mrs. Cleveland and the ohildren W II prob ably remain a few days longer. There to no foundation for last v night's rumor of an attempt to assas ainate the President 1 s " " . " rscleCam0limred. " Madbid, Oot IX. It to stated -on the beet authority that . the United States has notified the Spanish min ister at Washington that there to neoesity for Spain to aot promptly In her efforts to suppress the Cuban iQsurreotioo. The news has osuwd quite a sensation here. . 4' ;. Bedmond Attack Liberal. : '- B OaWe te tbe ne-Vlltor. " - . XoMOoDot. 11 John Itadmood the leader of the ParnelUtee bas issued a manifesto unrestralntdly 1 attacking liberals and antl Parnel lites on famUlar grounds. - He sl ..:J . . r . m H.ll n4 appeals to insnmen tor iwuuw financial aid to rwneuiies. , r . ?, -Boo mer,TG oee to Piatt. . , Ssw toil, Oet lli-lea. ClarhtoB, , of lo, who ts snpposed to represent r toe Alltaos ; rrenaeawai ,: ww 1 Ukea 4arUrs Si the fifth Arense Hotel for tke inter He ipse Plat .;: hie OTalagfi.r:i:;:3'. w.;';Sjj.y Xhe T. M. C, A. is Sew York X B TfJepaj M the Patet-VisrroB.' i CohoIS, nt vet. x dlatrlet eonteatton of the XV K C. A. u w - -v . . civv.. am. i.ii v open Is this slty this, renisg. There ill b 1 etrl. Jhnodred . delegate nreiant and a fine program m be IBdeiedf4; i Rome Promlae Aid. V '. it Cable to the Pieet-Vtotto.-.; v;r Boss. Oct. 11- Th Vatleas ha promU(3Jto Uk satloa through the Papal Naaolos-at Part and VUnsa la behalf of the Armenian. ........, Welt Known JomrnalUt Dead BtlegrapktoTBBFaa-ViiW)B. nninii ana. Ga.. OotlL Mslor B n i?i,riBrdartn. nne of the best knows Journalists in the 8outb,dled last night 6 : - Celebrating Its Pinietk Anniversary By Teleaaob to the raaee-Vmiroa. WiLBisoToB. Tel.. Oct. 11. The Liberty Fire Company Is sel.brstlag .. ...-.1. t..M.ratA.. : TODAY'S MARKETS. Not Mnoh Life la the Cotton Market. f... v Grata Market. -, Bv TalMruh ta the rreaa-Vlaltorv ' i I -Hiw Tom, October 11 Liverpool opened t-U to 8-M lower, but re sovsrsd the lose end eloeed 1-M sbov Uet Blffht. Steady, fair spot bssiaessi alee. 10.000 bales I 4 87-83 for mid- ...... - ...... dliaa- - Tork u w 7 . u advance, pat eared off again closing; finally S point abovs last sight, qo'et sad steady.', V ' " Sales, 969.400 bale. . , Port receipts, M,70s, ' against 4&t QUO laat year,. ' Th msket did not show 'mnoh today. iplnBer etlll bay relaotan'tl Th p-r reselpt .iojrth,; week amonnted $ a6fl,M7,"glnst 805,760. This i lea than aatielpated S- me ipeoted this week's f eeelpt will reach SOO.O0O balestf Vilest weekw IU htr U eonipsr with a yey ky port saoeeaieBt. last year vis; 879,737 bales.' Tomorrow, last year, the port reeelpta wer 48,000 bales. ; ' r , Chloaxo Grain. Market. Chicago, Opt. 11,-UlralB qaotatlons losed to-dsy a follow! ; : ' Wheat Oetober, 58 7-8 to 90 1 De ember, 60 7-4 tools Hay, 65 ' Corn-October, 98 7-8 1 Deermber, 97 1-4 1 May, 99 1-8 Oate Octobar, 17 5-8 s December, 177-8i May, 80 8-8 i Raleigh Cotton Market, r. ' Friday, October llth. Middllag fair, -. : r T Strict good middling, 8 8-4 to 8 7-8 Good middling, 8 5-8 to 8 8-4. Striot middling, 8 1-3 to 8 6-8. Middling, 8 8-8 to 8 1-9 Ralalgh Tobacco Market, ' Reported by J. 8. HoadowD Co. Friday, October 11. Smokers Common, 8 to5. good, 6 to 10. k Cottar Tommon, 8 to 19c i good, 15 to 90s j floe, 85 to 80s. Filler Gref n, 9 to e j good, 5 to 7e; fine, 8 to 10s. . v " Wrapper Common, 19 to 18o. good, 90 to 85o.) tae, 40 to eOe.t fancy, 65 to 85. Market atoag with sdranee on all grades. :-. ff . , . .-' Paaeena-ers Hang Orer a Brink. Br Teleiraph to the rreaa-Vtolter. PBtaasBUBa. Oat , Oct 11. The en- gin and baggage ear of a local pansen irer train went throntch an open draw orer the Ontonabee rlrer last night. Th paaeanger ossh ontainlng twelve peraoas hang over a brink, being held by th rest of the train.'. No one was killed. . New Qntrace Reported. By Cable to the rreaa-VUtor. Ltoss, Trsaee, Oct. 11. Letter to the -Catholle mlaaloa agency report new outrage in the central province of Ohms against European Christians. Th Nsncbaag mlaalon were destroyed sad several eor tart were killed and other woanded. Th Mshomsdsss of northern flhensi hare sgala revolted . - -r ' lt .i e .. . i .. -Pardoned Oonvlot Dying. DyTelctrapbtotbeFrne-Vlaltor. ' Kino Sino. Oct. 11. John Buhlod. the pardoned oonvlot. Js reported to be Still alive this forenoon, but wui probably die before nigutv - His relit tivea have not appeared. , . . lagereoll to. Maaaachnaelt. By Triesrapb t the raa-ViarroB. BaooiToa. Maas Oct. 1L CoL B. Q. Ingereoll leetSrb tonight at ih city theatre OS 8hakrapare.' ' .A Clara Doty Batee Dying. - Br Teleetanh to tb PsUS-Vlirroa. ..." Chicaoo. Oct. 11 Clara Doty Bates th well known writer of Juvenile read er, is 111 beyond recovery. Her death Is momentarily eipeeted , The A. P. A. Vine In Naahville." BeTalearaDbtetberreae-Vlaltor.' " " ' NtSBViUB. Tenn . Oot ' 11 The American Protective Aeeoeiatlo mad cleas sweep la the city election after as exalting campaign , - - "T 'r -m a . Deetroyad th Brldgee. I bt cable to Um Frm-Vtottor. . n.i rvi .11 The. iasBrs-estS have partly destroyed the railroad bf Idgee at Camljahaia and Tninlea, the Province of Santa Clara I Commodore and Cargo Again Betard There was mnoh surprise and dis- annnintmsnt ereated In WUmlnKtoO vestCTdsv bv the reosipt of an order by United States Marshal to again md j, s BteamM Commo- doreatidkifc-.o. Coming so soon after ths order for the release of both ,hip and earKo. 'the latest move of I th. mvarnmant ia muoh disouased. the government is muoh disouased. BEX HOSPITAL'S INFANT WAltD The Coreenondenoo 'Between Mr. v. Drewry and Secretarr Gray Mention wa . mad in the Pbsss- Visiroa a few days ago of the pros pective eetsbliahment of sn infante' ward at Bes fioipttal. ; It will be teen from th correspondence below that tb proposition has been made and will la all probability b accepted: . . BitsiaH, N. C, Oct 8. '05. Mr. B. T. Graf, Seeretarj Board of Trustees; of Bex Hospital, Ral ' lgh, K. C t - Daaa But-1 have been requested by some of th charitable people of oar elty to. communicate with yon board sd4 ,aataia if It would be agrees bis ,to the -members ef Said hoatd if thees ladles wbafd rate -tV aient f and to. boild sn sddtUonal ward to Bet Hospital property for the sxctasive sse and reception of young children and infanta. This ward will bs . built ' and famished complete throughout bv the partUs propoiing this plan, without any expense what ever to the board of trustees, arid will De turned - over to them when complete to be managed and control led by aald board under such rules snd regulations as are prescribed by th board la accordance with the will of Mr. John Bex. The only condi tion which these parties propose to insist upon is that this wa.d shall be set aside separately and exclusively for the use, benefit and reception of white infants sad children uBder cer tain ages. . I would be glad If you will lay this matter beore the board Sad let me have their answer in writ i ig as soon as you can in order that I may refer it to the parties interested. I hsve bien requested to mention nottaames la connection with this proposition. Yours truly, John C. Dkkwry. Balrioh, N. C, Oct. 9. Mr. John C. Dewry, Rslelgb, N. C. Dsaa Sib: I am in receipt of your fsvor of October 8 h, in which you make to the Board of Trustees of Rex Hospital, on behalf of some charitable people of our city, a proposition to build and equip a ward in Rrx Has pltal to be set apart exclusively for whl's infants and children under cer tain sges snd to be under the exclu- I'C management of the Board. As soon as Mr. Battle, the President of the Board returns totbecity we will have a meeting and take the proposi tion under careful consideration. In th meanwhile I beg, on behalf of the Board, to thank you aud your kind principals for this generous snd val uable offer Tours truly, B. T. Gbat. MR. WORTH'S VISIT. Haves Buffalo BUI Some Hard Cash . and Seta the Question Aright. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Is not s sirens. So says Treasurer Worth, and so ssy we all. This question se to whether the Wild West is s circus has for the past week bean uppermost in the minds of the State Treasurer and the vari ai county and eity officers where the show is to appear. Treasurer Worth one time decided that Buffalo would have to pay the regulation circus tax, bat later he got shaky on the question. After seeing the psrade he got still more so. The Treasurer saked the Attorney-General for an pinion and the Attorney General sd ised Mr. Worth to' take the thow in snd decide for himself. ' Mr. Worth , was at th night per- formaace aad no ens nj yed it more than be. A a rettait f that visit, Buffalo BUI, Nate Salisbury and his show will be seversl thousand dollars richer while in this But : - " Mr. Worth wss right.. In ao sense wss tbs Wild West a sirens. , Ths circus tss paid at Goidsboro and Wil mington will be refunded to the show people of coarse, as the sheriffs wh0 made th collection havs to be guided by ths Treasurer, ' s . v; ' - ' Bad Mall Service, ; U - As the sehsdules are sow arranged on ths Southern people at Chapel Hill I are having great trouble with the mail. For instance: a . letter mailed at th University this morning doe not reach Bsleigh nntil ' tomorrow at elaves This ra becaare tbs east-booed after a iob ttaia, which reaches her st tares, earriss ad mail .agent, i Ths train which gets here at erevea does sarry sac, bat there it bo connection mad with tills train by ths Chapel Hill branch. Letter mailed her la ! a.ornlag reach th IT l erslty at thr la tn aneraooB. - ; ; . Will be Used on West Har- t .... -fe j. gett Street' THE CONTRACT LET Vitrined Brick tStjsUaed Will Coet $l,S0O Has Been Highly SnooessfnJ. '' The city, through the Chstrm&n of the Street Committee;, lir. John C. Drewry has awarded a contract to the Virginia Paving andConsolidat- ed Company of Lynohburg,-Va., for the pavement cf Hargett street from Fayetteyille to, Salisbury through the in erseotion. Tbe street will be paved with a new pavement-vitrified brick. It is something entirely new to this section, but is being adopted in all tbe large cities of the North. New York City a few days ago let out a contract for paving 30,000 square yards. Atlanta has made a ontraotfor 25,000 In fact all tbe leading oities are using the briok which are said to be harder and more durable than the belgium. Mr Drewry bas been in correspondence with the Street Commissioners ol che leading aides and they invari ably ui- r to the vitrified mink as theidenl pavement. In Kooxville, Lynoti 'u v, Jacksonville and other joatb )iu oiues this new pavement aa ti.iiu successfully used. While thj u 3 1 tbe brick is an experiment wich u-, i h-Td is no risk to be run, for eveiy wiiere it ba worked like a jtidrm 'dr. HuucL'i;! lbs lepresentative ol &) Coin.jiay is lu tue city today I'be 0OQtr0v bas already been tigged. The Couipauy is to do tht work at $1 00 per square j ard. The irea that will be pved is about 1800 .quire yards. Tbe city pays half ot this amount and tbe property owners .be remaiuder. Pavement with vitri led brick is obeaper than with Bel- ium.block. Another advantage is that the brick make a nioe fit and do not per- nit ot filth aettting in the orevioet ts is the case with Belgium block f his argument is used in their favoi from a sanitary, view. Tbe briok tie very much like those used on tbe iidewalk in front of the court house. Work will begin In a week or so. The city will do the exoayating and the grading, and this will commence aa soon as Mr. Blake gets through on Hulsboro street..' The earth used in sxoavating will be dumped in the old well on IJargett street ' JUDGE DUFF1T8 SAY. The Big Fight Would be in Viola tion of the Law. ay Telegraph to the Freta-Viittor Hot Bprisss, Ark., Oct. 11. Judge Duffle has notified the sheriff that be has been informed, aad also believes, that an attempt will .be nude to bring off the Corbett-Fltsslmmons fight here, ind that he wished to call his atten tion to the fact that in so doing tbe principals will be breaking the laws and outraging the dignity of the State. DufUe farther instructed the sheriff bow he could prevent the mill THS QOVBBSOB HOT 8UEPBISBD. Littlb Rocs, Ark., Oot. 11. Tbe Governor said he was sot surprised at the action of Duffle-, a he expected as much. He said there would be no rouble in stopping ths fight. C1T!T IN BRIEF. There was s fair break of tobacco at both warehouse today. ; ' 'The Governor has appointed Messrs. 1. A. Patrick, of Gaston, and J. C. Stevenson, of Wilmington sdiitiosal delegates to the road congress, which is to he held In Atlanta. Ths Allen and Cram Machine Com pany was incorporated today la the office of the Clerk of tbe Court. The Incorporator are G. M. Allen, W. C Cram snd Helen Cram. ThsCapltol toek la tea thousand dollar. - - (' Th will of A. 1. Stalling was pro bated by the clerk of the court to-day. Bltke Stalling, of Little Biter town ship, a son, was msdc executor. Th atst Is valued at $1,500. , A DeetrunUve Fire. r . ' , By telegraph to tbe Prass-Vlsttor. ' . -Iitbocth, Ind., Oct. 11. The Hoi- lead Rsdiater Works, at Bremen, wer burned to lay.;. Ths ioe 1 os haa dred and fifty thosnd dollar. Th fl -e was lneesdisry. :. . , . -Miss Craig la ia' th eity visiting Mr. Armlstead Jone sa.Hillsborc it eeV . j - FROM ANOTHER STANDPOINT. Mr. Chaa. K. Johnaon Say that Mr. St. John will be Endorsed. . The Bt. John element seam to msBl fast bo uneasiness in regsrd to the report that are going the rounds to ths effect that Mr St. John and his administration may confront a new deal on the 15th when the stoekhold ers of the Seaboard hold their annual meeting in Portsmouth, Vs. Mr. Chas. E. Johnson, of this aity, Is aa administration) man snd is, perhaps, a wall post-d on the affair of th Seaboard ss sny one out of the official family. Mr. Johnson thinks that there is ao opposition to Mr. St. John to amount to anything, and attributes all the re ports going around to common atreet talkf - Ma. Johasoa. is director of the roaJ, and ha says that Mr. St. John will be endorsed by a very large majority. .He does not think that the Baltimore interests are arrayed against cither Mr Hoffman or Mr. St. John. However, tbe report coiues with dog like persistence that a change will be made. We shall see what we do see. etc. Y M. C. A'e NEW 8ECHKTAKY. He le Mr. Averum, of New York, and an Excellent Man. Some weeks ago this paper repotted a mi eliug of the Y. M. C. A directora at which it was decided to thoroughly reorg. um tbe association and to eleai a new and tiUcient secretary, Mr. W. J. Cooper, who filled the position so acceptably, having resigned. The se lection of a seoretary was left with Mr Anderson, tbe iotrrnniional secretary. Mr. Anderson has carefully looked out for the association's interests and (elected Mr Overton an eminently fitted co fill the position. Hn is a spleudidly educated young man, an excelleLt mu sician, a member of the Methodist sburch snd possessed of rxlraordi- aary social endowment. The board of directors unanimously "called him" at a meeting yesterday, tod Mr. Briggs today received from him a reply in a teleft:am, accepting the situation He will be here early aeit week Mots Mynors Til lime to S. 11. Tlmberlake. Holleman, the hib young North arol ulan, hu u .Jer the nonde plum of U.u Mym r. wi ues lor the vVasbingtoi , (D. C.) Nows, say of .apt. Tmiijf rlakej's reiiivmeut: I'ossibly b i conductor has a more jx'ensive acquanimioj in North Carolina, and there oet uiuly is no dsd so universally liked. The oap in was alwaya a favorite with the tatrons of the road. Courteous, af fable and always with a smile on his nuntenanoe, it was with no little egret that bis retirement Is cbroni- )led During bis service ot forty two years ho has never loit a day on tocount of sickness and has been Oontinually on duty and has made he oompany a most tffloient ser vant. During this service, which Jiitra back to the day when the first rain was run on the Raleigh and vaston Ralroal, Capt Timberlake las been wonderfully successful and fortunate He has never had a seri .us wreck, and I do not think one f lis passengers was ever killed. So oony consecutive years of service ao soaroely bs said of any other jerson. It is but natural to expect .hat the direotors will. If the man agement has not already done so, tender tbe captain a pension. Sever- tl years ago be was asked to retire m a pension. This be refused to do, is be considered himself able to still render rffi :ient service. Capt. Tim berlake's career has brought him ace to face with people from at! iiarts of the United States, and bis cheerful faoe will be missed by the patrons of the road. THE WEEKLY COTTON REPORT. As Compared With Laat Year Total Receipts are Light, Mr. George Thompson has finish ed . preparing his cotton report, re ceipts, shipments, etc., for the week. Tbe weekly report is a comparative one and therefore of interest, show ing tbe difference between the con ditions of this and last year. Tbe report is as follows: Receipts this season to date, 4,200 bales, to same date last season, 7,630, Tbe weekly receipts were 1,417; Jast year 1318. Shipments were 8,370; stock on the platform, 849. It will be seen that the total re ceipts to date are much lighter than last year's figures. This shows tbe shortness ot tht crop, 'though some nolding is doae by fanners. The good prices, 'though, brought this weeks reoemts ut to a number one hundred In exoess of the receipts for Mil mmm wiiwiywMNB i.i GRAND OPERA TONIGHT. Tbe Great Italian Prima Donna Mo- reeks Sines Here This Evening. Moreska appears in tbe Raleigh opera bouse tonight, and there will be some grand music- She is sup ported by a fine oompany. Of her appearance in Columbia the State says: Jioreska is a musical won ler Iter hearing her, one can see why she ranks among the foremost Euro pean dramatio sopranos. Her voioe is cultivated to the highest, and its scope, volume, expression and sweet ness all combine to make it ideal Though the signorloa was suffering from a severe cold last nigbt, she sang in a way to conceal the fact. Her first appearance pleased her au dience. When she began to pour forth the lovely notes of Luzzl's r Ave Maria her bearers wen o harmed and she was' forced to re spend to an enoore. When she ap peared again and sent forth with wondrous sweetness and clearness the notes of the grar.d aria from Verdi's " fra viata," the audience sat and listened as quint as death,till the last nottt.died, and then osme a wild burst i f applause that called her forth aain, rendering tbe lovely "Kiss .-oog." Home of ber note' were so s ft that they seemed to die away in sweetness. When she ap peared tbe third time, it was to ren der "Adieu, Street September." the soft, pathetic soulstirringsong, com posed by the noted artist at the piano before her ignore G nre. The ren dition was of euoh a character that tgaio she was foroed to respond to avooife.ojs encore, rendering with treat spirit and expression the aria from Masse's "Gala thee." When the oame forth last, it was to sing ae a special favor to the audience the grandest and most diffl ;nlt of all arias, that from "Cavalleriit Ra ti jana." MR. WINDER WAS NOT CAIJUHT. Said That St. John Tried to Force Him to Resign His Ortli.e. Naturally the recent discharge of 'ieneral Manager Winder's Chief Ulerk Elliot, the particulars of whiob were first published in the Pbbss Visitor, has caused great comment. Railroad men generally are highly indignant at what tbey consider an outrage. The Priss-Visitor's news of yes terday bears out tbe reason given by t railroad man last night, in expla nation of tbe quiet way in which Mr. Winder took the insult offered him by tbe discharge of bis Clerk. "Un ler ordinary oircu instances," he tftid, "Mr. Wiuder would ULdoubt tdly have resigned bis position. But that is exactly what St John wanted. nr. Winder saw this and was dead n to Mr. St. John's game. Could the latter have foroed his resigna tion, he would have had verytbing in his bauds- The General Managei however, saw that everything was going his way, and so kept "uiet" If the stockholders' meeting should result, as many think it will, in the defeat of the .-it John faction and the rise of Mr Winder to tbe Vice presidency, the Bea board would become immensely popular. Mr vVinder is a man of magnetic power and from one end of tbe Seaboard to i be other be is extremely popular. The love of the great mass of Sea board employees for their General danager amounts almost to idolism Taught for Twenty-Eive Years. The remains of Miss Harriett M. Suss, the teacher in Shaw Univer slty, whose death in Rex Hospital was so briefly noted yesterday, were shipped today to ber old boms, Ster ling, Mass. The death of this woman at the ge of sixty-nine years, finished the last chapter of a long life of unself ish, sacrificing toil. For twenty five years she had been a teaoher of the colored race in Shaw University a noble work, but one that is too little appreciated. And in the end she died ht-re, away from her people, as she had been for a quarter of a oentury, sepaiated by a laudable ambition. Alvin Jeslin Draw a Good Crowd. Alvin Joslin and hia splendid troupe gave an evening of solid pleas are to a large audience. Davis is Inimitable, and as Uncle Alvin be keeps bis audience in continuous laughter. The supporting company waa very good. QThe oo'leotion of diamonds which weie on exhibition at Mahler's Jew. airy .store yesterday, and which were seen on tne stage, was toe noest cot- lection ever f sen in tne city. . - Exit of the Karl of Elgin. ' waswaaass V. ' BrOaWetoUMrrets-Vtottor. v " , LobdoS, Oct. 11. It I reported tha th Bart 0f Elgla. Viceroy of Indis la rssigasd (or persoaal reasons. NEWSGATHEREDIN ADAY Condensed and Fat in a Read able Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP. Interestingly Told as Picked on the Street and Various Pol net About Town. " Tbe Alvin Joeliu Company left for Qoldsboro this morning. Billy Van's Mlnstrella and ths cele brated Stewart Sister os ths 16th. Don't forget Moreska at the Academy tonight. A rare opportunity to hear muaie seldom afforded the Baleigh public . Governor Carr has appointed Messrs. W. D. Lane, B. T. Barker, J. B. Tal ley and D. M. Fairly aa special police men on the O. F. & Y. V. Bailroad Applications are coming in rapidly to the civil service examining board "of tbe Beveuue department. The exami nation takes place on tbe 9,h of next month. Tbe door-keeper at the Academy of Husic would de well to close th door between acts. Last night they atood open and a draft of wind went through the hall to the discomfort of the audi ence. J udge MacRae today received a letter from Jams Pruden, Esq., of Bdenton, -tating that Judge L. L. Green, ol Wautaugua, waa seriously sick. On account of hia illness, there was no court held in Gates county. Last night there was a big meeting of colored people in OberlU, who de nounced the colored convention, which is to be held here in a few dars. tVhen asked as to how many persona rho attended, Jim young remarked i hat it waa a general uprising of the people. The ladies of the Church Improve ment Society of the Firat Bantist hurch, will give au entertainment bis evening at the pastor' home, be ginning at 8 o'clock. Friend of the hurch and congregation are cordially nvited to be present and tbua assist hi worthy cause. Those who recollect the pleasant boura spent at the Cbryaanthemum shows in tbe last few year, will be pleased to know that the ladies of the Good Shepherd church intend giving ne of these popular entertainments for the benefit of their ehuroh st au early day. We bespeak for them a full attendance, especially as a lady who haa take part in the past showa tell ua that thia will be aa Improve- mnton its prdecssors. The ladies ill have flowers not onlv from Baleigh but are promised assistance from other plaoes. SEASON OPENS TOMORROW. The A. and M. Eleven Will Meet the 'Varsity Boys at Chapel Hill. Tbe football campaign in North Car- jlioa will be opened tomorrow In Chapel Hill, when the elevens of the University and the A. aud M. College meet. Vhere is always a great deal of specu lation attendent upon an opeuing game, aa the relative strength of the two teams ean be intelligibly estimated for the first time. The A. and M. boys have been prac ticing regularly and meet the 'Varsi ties in prime condition. Tbe idea of winning the game ia not entertained by the A. and M. boys, but ther will make a gam fight. Thy have some splendid material. The team aa it left thia evening la aa folio sa: Thomas, B. B j Wright, BVT.( Hunter, B. G.; Hodges, C j Jenkins, L. G ; Grier, L. T.jBamaey, L B.( D. Clark, Q B.; S. Alexander. F. B.; Wooten, Kimball snd Soxinaraa are half backs) Clarke, C. B , aad Bixaell will be i akea as subs. Hslelghites to Chapel Hill. Quite a number of Baleighifs left today for Chapel Hill. Mr. Joeephus Daniel left to deliver aa address at ths University Day exercises tomorrow. Misses Mary Ship, Blissbetk Hinsdale, Maui Phillip, of , Tarhoro, Bthel Bagley, Aaaa Stroaech ' aad , Lksla Ashe left to attend ths Csivetstty Germaa dub's dance this stssjag, ; The A. 4 M. College football team and Several sympathetic rooter left to play ths University team tomorrow. -Th xrcite of '-University Day" wOl bs fall sf iatsrest '.?-J v '5. v i