ITOB. yrE KEEP THE LEAD. VOL. -XXXI V. NO. 42. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1895. $3-00 PER YEAR. SOIiD H18 WIFE FOR A QUARTER TODAY'S MARKETS. MR. D. T. SWINDELL PEAD. A MUSICAL TREAT. VIS OVER 2.000 CIRCTJIYATIOW. I Mr Says He is Absolutely inno Syndicate: . , : NOT SEEKING CONTROL - Of the Management of the Seaboard i. - Alr-liine-He and Mr. Hoffman -., Are oil Good Terma. - - " Mr. John H. 'Winder, General Man-"- ager of the Seaboard Ar-Llae, called : 'at the offio of tb raBes-VnuroB this morning and furnished n with the following ard. whioh w herfu11y ' publish is justice t him, although we ' segrt to heat from Mr. Winder him 4 -self that laere sesms to be bo founda- . 1 tloa (or the report vbleh bare filled j . the air wlthia the past few days that - he and Maj. John a winder would ....u annfml-Af the Seaboard Alr-Lln yston. ' v ' Th following U Mr. Winder1 own ttetemsnti , -."" , , ' BataioH, N. 0 Pa. "' ' To the Editor PBBse.VisiTo?: n," ,'Daa.BSiB: Ihave been very mush annoyed and embarrassed by the pob , '- Ueatioa vof rumors, connecting bj - name with a ayndlonte seeking the ' . unntrol of the Seaboard Air Line , thn. - arraying me against my superior offl- ,: I desire to tate that the rumors re far red to hara absolutely n founds- tlon la faot. Occupying the position : ' HU Wlbtt Mt ... , ' ? ' publications must" do me incalculable injnry with, the pub'.le, and would, '- with the management of h property, - .n.nt ifci the ark fullv unpriced of the fasts as they exist. : - ; , ; ' Tonrt'tenly-;Sj;gJ Jo. H. WntDWU' ' In a conversation whisb we had with Mr. Winder h sUted positively that li any ansa oeai tor u eosiroi ui turn Seaboard Air-Lias ssbss been rsport ; ed In the papers bad taken- place he .' had bo knowledge of it. " lbs report first gained onrreney in Washington, D. 0., 'a month aco und ;. a press dispateh was sent oat stating ,.v that the Winder's had a million dol lar Interest back of them' and sronld oontrol the system.: Th ;Atlnt Cosstltatloa publlshsd a statemsut to vthst effsst. Wo pablisbsd both re- - ports ssd gars credit to them la ths last fsw days ths rumors has been ths talk not only In Baleigb, but elsewhere ' whsrs ths interest of the road nr at firl. V.m iVeta "fan Sk MAI n II IT HA BB ' to tha. Winders to down St. John, w v heov. nok. The" report earn with a smash of truth and we gave u as uews. It ts still asserted that there Is move ment to down ths St. John eltmeni,. , ; Howe?er, Jt will be disappoint , ment to Ur. Winder's many friends to ;, know that tbsr is no truth in ths re port. Mr. Winder and the Vlesrl'res id.aL' Mr. Hoffman, ws ars sssnrsd. ' ars on the. brst of terms.? ' s V, '., ' geaapaon Blue. ; . Clinton ".Demoorak i Mr. A. F. Johnson baa reoetved a letter, dated .at High Point, makln Inquiries as the methods of propAKatlDK nd oaltlTatloK the huckleberry , In bit " reply, he wttl state that there are no known methcd of doing these things. - The huckleberry cannot be .- cultivated. It Is plant which does 1 not admit of any interference. It : grows 1 in I marshes, of . what are known in Sampsons, and dies upon ' being transplanted. It is protected by other shrubs and thick under. " growth from oold winds and hot sunshine, It is a thing whioh most ha lid alone to be fruitful. Nature tbns gives Sampson a owner on big blues, and nobody can take it away 1 from her. ' . " , v . Cleveland Fishing Off Sands Point, . Br Telegraph to tte'rteae-Vialtor,; 5;igSf ' Hw Tons, Oot. 18. Ths-Onsid ' with Prseldent Cleveland oa board,' ii , anchored in the sound off Sands Point His thought that ths stopping ont lids is for ths purpose of fishing An Immense Strike Threatened. LostSoii, Oot. IS. Ths thrsatensd shipping strike at Belfast and on the Cyolode is a. big affair and unless aroided 130.000 men will be Idle. A General of Two Ware Dead. . TelemDh to THn Paaas-TnilTon. LnxisoToK, Oot. 13. General Lang drs, a veteran of the Mexloan and sivil wsrs, is dead. A Drnnken Hongarian Repents of : His Bargain Trouble is Feared. Bjr Telerraph to cb Pr-Visitor. . Jbbvis, IT. T ' Out. 18. While drunk yesterday Aleck Mulpolloek, a Hungarian, sold his young wife to John Pollock. ' a sonntryman. i for twenty-Are seats. Hs repented this morning, but. Pollock refuMs' to re eel re the money or return the pur- shase, Tronbls 1 fsarsd. - V ' INTRUDEKS REMOVED. ' A Twenty-Years Straggle Ended a . - the Indian Territory. - B Telegmelt to theneat-TMtor. ;v South Uo'.'aLListbk, L T.i Qflt 13 -A hill proTidiog for the re moral of intradttn from the-Cherokee na tion has fast pMssd both bouses. It is signed by the chief. : This ends a twenty years strnggle. - EngUnd Will Forotf China. Br1.hlatAtharra-VlilUw. 1 . . T ' . London. OoL' 18. Lord Salisbury has issued a summons for a special meeting of ths Cabinet Council It is expected that anplher ultima tum tn frhinn will be deoided noon and forwarded to Pekin, Prompt reprisals. It is said, will follow if the demands are not complied with. . Andrew Carnegie on a Vlslc ' By Tetegimph to the Panss-TiaiTOB. Nsw Vob, Ost. 13. Ths Amsrieaa liner St. Louis arrived this morning and reported head winds and high seas for ths satirs six days. Andrew Carnegie and Olga Nethersol, ths Bug. lish aotrsse were nmong the tnousena passengers,; ua ths bneanta tnsttng- llsb athletes sailed today. . : In the Far East. . ByOsbtetotbefters-Vlattor. . CosmsTHOPU. Ost. 13 --Ths eity is regaining Its normal aspect, though many Armenian shops have slosed. Three vessels laden with amsnltlon have gone te Dardsnos, whars ths laying of sub marine mines has bssa tognn. Oeman Bey hM gone to Beelka Bay to survey fort sits. Policeman Worth $250,000. . By Talegraph to t&s Pansa-Viarroa. ' ' Nbw Ysbjc Ost. 18. Thomas Or- ouke, a poliesmai for over 80 years. ha resigned bseauss hs was fined ten days pay for neglect of duty Hs is worth $ quarter of a million and was eupsrlatsadiag ths building of a new biosk of tenement instead of patroll- hi beat. -,--, - ' - , Abyssinian Pnt to Itont. ,- Br Cable te the Preaa-Vlaltor. Mass.wab. Oct 13 -The Italian native trnoiia were, aooordlng to re ports attacked by thirteen hundred Abyssinians who occupied a strong iwMitlnn near Brasilat. Later tnef fled, leaving twenty killed and many wounded.- There were eleven Ital ians killed.- , ... Joe Patoaen and W. W. P. Good x - . Wagon Team.. Br Telenaph to the rreas-VUttor. Lbiisqtok. Kv.. Oot. 13 Ths rosd wagon rase- "arrasged between Joe Patehen, driven by Col. Taylor, his owner, and W. W P-. driven by MsJ. Dubois, owner of ths latter, : has tb lorld's rseord for wagon paeiaa;. ? Battleehlp Indiana's Trial Trtp. i Telegraah to the Preai-Vultor. . - . :.,', ... Philadelphia, Oot. 13. Ths bsUls- ihlp Indiana started on her trial trip today with all guns in position ' Ths test will probably occur oft tb Mssss shusetts eoast Mgsdsy.- ' - Gunboat Offered ths Spanish, r" BrCaUstotbsPreM-Ylattor. , IUMiD,Oot, -13. The Spsnish party la Porte' Bioo has offered to plaee a gunboat i ths service of the Spanish govsrsmsnt. v 1 r1 ' y , vr ' ' i ii m i i - - .v Entire Town Wiped Onu . - !:"- : Jf i.' : '? tj Telegiaph te lbs Freaa-Vliltor. - w Batb, N. T., Oct. 13. Ths sntirs Ulags of Campbells, in Stuben county was burned last night. It sonslated of thirty dwslling, -v .. ASnng Sum for the Spldere. r Telegraph to (ha Faaaa Varron. - , ' Clivblabd, Ost. 13. Ths Spldsrs sssb rvssiTf fSSS-QP ss their share of th receipt front ths . Tsmpls sup gsmes. .:;r.A The Trnst Mnst Jjtwm,.' r Telexrapb to the Preae-Vtoitor. iirf.-U Nbw BBUifswicK.N. J.. Oct, 13 The big New Ernnswokr rubber works cloeei frr rood today to ear tail the exf", pi the trust. ' "r. Gormen Bark Ernest Snnk; V. Bt Cable to too Freat-Ylaltor. . '. t. .. ... London, Oat, 1Z The German bark Erne: b unk off lqulque. Cotton Closes Fonr PoinU Higher , , "4 and la Steady, Br Tetegrsph to the Preae-VMtor. - SwW Iobb, Ostobsr H. Liverpool opened with decline of fully ft-tti, but tmprovsd and slosed about nn changed as sompared with yesterday's closing prlsss. Fair spot business) sales, .7,000 middling, 4 87-83, quiet and tdy New. Tork opened three points higher, sdrasoed 3 mors points, eased off again, but toward the eloss became steadier and elosed 4 points above last Bight, ;,,r Bales, 81,800 bales. .! - , The market keeps very steady, not withstanding liberal aselpts for to day. Today's receipts are 44,870 at all ports, against 88,000 last year Next Monday w will have to compare with 70,000 last year. Options slosed a follows: October, 8 85 to 8.87 j November, 8 80 to 8.87 i December, 8 M to 8 95 1 January, 0.03 to 9 08 1 February, 8.07 to 9 06 1 March. 9.18 to 8 18 1 April, 9 17 to 8 18 ( May, 9 88 to 9 34 1 Jane, 9 38 to 9.80. Chicago Grain Market, Crioaoo, Ost. ,13. Grain quotations slosed to-day as follows: ' ' Wheat December, 00 1-3; May, 04 1-4 to 04 8-8. Corn"- October, 29 ; December, 87 8-8 to 87 1-8 1 May, 89 1-8. ; Raleigh Cotton Market. Saturday, October 18th. Middling fair, w. Strict good middling, 8 8-4 to 8 7-8. 0ood middling, 8 6-8 to 8 8-4. Strict middling, 8 1-9 to 8 5-8. Middling, 8 8-8 to 8 1-8. WASHINGTON LETTER. Mr. Cleveland' ProgrammeAmos Onmmlngs Talka. Special to toe Preu-Vtottor. WABHixatoKi Oat.- 13 President Cleveland will make a short stay in Washington, as ho I dus at ths At lanta Exposition next week.' When hs returns fri m Atlanta hs will settle down o ths winter's work, and hs will find plenty on hand. In ad dition to other important work whioh hs mnst take np, he will have only a little mors tha a mouth within which to write his annual menage to Con gress, and it will probably , bs one of the most difficult messages hs ,haa svsr bsd to write.";; i'.V'V.iv'-s ' Ksntnskians who soma to Washing ton all talk ons way about ths result of th present campaign. Mr. W N. Cos, of Louisville, says: "It takes no prophet to tell what ths resolt will bs. Hardin" eill be elected governor by 85,000 majority, and this is a conser vative estimate. Senator Blackburn fs as good as re-elected to succeed himself. He is still making speeches, but b might as well put a stop to his oratory, for enough votes to sleet him have already been secured. THE CALENDAR OCT. The Case Set for the Next Court Whioh Meet on th 81st. The Calender for theOotober term of Wake Superior Court baa been printed.- It will be by fat one of the most Important Courts that was ever held In this State. . There are three of the Hawkins oases: In one esse Colin Hawkins is the Caveator and the Kxeoutors, If. J. and Dr. A. B. Hawkins are the defendants. Thls case is in regard to the codicil at tached to the will whioh was wit nessed by only one pergon. rs Mr. Mary A. Hawkins has two suits . against the Exeoutors and others." One is for a years support and the other for her dower. . v Mrs. Berne's suit against Ex-Con gressman Crawford also oomes up. The Hyganio Plate Ioe- Manufao taring Company brings suit against the R. A A. A. L. R. R. Co., for set ting their ioe (plant afire a year or two ago. , j - . The State ex sel H. 0. Dookery et al vs. B. W. Ballard is none other than Book Kitchen's case. Back's wants to get in thePenitsntiary. : The ease of R. L. Powell against J, R. Chamberlain for failure to pay money in regard to a settlement cf the guano tax oases somes np Tues day of the last week. Logue Hurls has ten .oases for divorcee coming up in two days. Logue is a seoond . Abe Hummel in getting divoros cases. ; There are only two more Batsrday foe registration 6a th road law ques tion. Very little Interest is bslng takn in th matter. The registration to far Is light. A The Telephone Poles Carried . into Court. THE STATE BEINGS SUIT. The Bell Telephone Company De- fendante-Ooreriao Onrrltrop - fa u Hatchet. -,:...,.., Blood 1 on th moon, ; The telephone war Ik about to break out again. The eombatents before were His Exoslleney, Governor Ellas Csrr and His Honor, Msyor William Bus The aggressor this time is ths Stat Board of Publlo Buildings, and th Bell Telephone Company is the party of the sseond part, on whom war is being wagsd. Thursday afternoon snit was sn tered In the Clerk's office by the Board of Pcblic Bui'dlngs through Attorney General Osborne agaiaat the Bell Telephone Company Manager George H. Glass has been summoned to nppear for trial at the next term of court, which meets on ths Slst, - Ths action is brought to maks the telephone company remove their poles from the sidewalks In front of the State buildings and the Executive Mansion. The street railway and other com psniee who use poles on the sidewalks are not In the combat. Ths members of the State Bosrd of Public Buildings are Governor Carr, Secretary ot State, Cbss. H. Cooks, State Treasurer. W. H Worth oJ At tornsy General F. I. Onborne. Major a. 7. Telfair is Secretary to ths Boatd. Whether Mr. J. N Holding, the City Attorney, will appear for Mr. Glass Is not known. The poles are still standing, and ths eoofliet as it progresses will be watched with in terest. rih question is1 an important one. inrolving ths right of th city and tb State. . Th poles were put up by ; th instrustlon of the eity authorities and they have received the protection of ths city. Ths State say they must som down, w nat uovernor uarr said to Mayor Buss, and what oor Jsjor said to the Governor is a matter of current history fresh in the minds of ths psople. " r Ws wsit. WIIIi THERE BE A STRIKE? The Suspension of Conduct or Marsh all for Hlttina; a Negro; There is trouble ' brewing In the camp of the Southern Bailway, says ths Charlotte News, and unless s psacs conference is held and a satisfactory adjustment of ths differences now ex- sting between the Order of Railway Conductors snd th Southern, there is no telling when the thing will right Itself. " 4vCv,;'' Capt, C. F. Marshall, a popular conductor on the Atlsnta and Char lotte division of the Southern, nas sus pended abent two ' weeks ago. The tronble arose about : a negro who wae occupying two seats. . Cspt. Marshall informed him that th train was very mush crowded had that bs would have to give ap ths two seats oecuplsd bv him. The negro dscllied te do this, and during thn'wrenglsj b sailed Uarsball a "eowsrdly eur." . The con ductor struck i ths negro with .bis "punsh." Ths affair was reported to Third ytoe-Prssidsat Baldwin, who or dered Marshall suspended for thirty days', The "O, B.VC.', at one sst about to sxamlns into ths ease, and it seems that by their attioa they bav susUlaed Marshall for tbsy hsv sent thsir disapproval signed by ths ones at the head of their order, 'flat Mr. Baldwin has, as it seem, paid no at- teatlon to thsir demsnds. ; Now .ths whols mattsr rssts with ths "O. B. New Stat Y. M. C. A., Beoretary. The members of ths T, M. cf A., la North Carolina will be gratified to leara that My. L. P. Turner, t Nash ville, Tsaa has bea sleeted Stet Seeretsry for this 8tt 1b plae of L, A. Coutlsr, resigned. Mr Turner tea graduate of TanderbUt, class 1801, and has bad sossldersble experleare la assoeiatioB work, and ss a baslae maaagsr ot a prominent religious pa per of Nashvillev-H a as sseepted th position and will snter upon bis work about November 1st Ths msm- bers of ths Stat Avsssiatiou will ac cord him a moat hearty welcome. No plans hav yet been formed rsspsetiag th year's work, and will sot be until Mr. Turner has looked the field Over. The Well Known Herohant Paased Away This Morning;. Mr. D. T. Swindell, the well-known mershant of this eity, died this morn' lug at 3 s. m., st his residence oa New born Avenue after a short illness of ten dsys. Mr. Swindell's dsath was not unexpected, for the immediate family had been forewarned of bis condition. Mr. Swindell was born forty-one yesrs ago la ths town of Washington, N. C. Thar it was hs entered the meresntll business' and his talents in that lins developed. He bus been eon nested with business enterprises in a number of plaee which bav always provsd successful. Mr, Swindell first sums to Baleigb In 1889. By elose at tention to business, his interests hsvs constantly developed and np to the present time he commanded one of the best trades in ths city. Mr. Swin dell had Intended branching out and had already made preparations to opsn a store in Norfolk January 1st Mr. Swindell leavee a devoted wife and fonr children. He has a slater in Washington. Mr. 8wlndU was a mem ber of ths Presbyterian church of thia city. The funeral will occur tomorrow from the house at 8:80 p. m. Dr. Dan iels' will eonduot the ceremony. THE CillEAT BILLY VAN And Hie Minstrels Will Appear . Here Tuesday Night, Msnsger Meares of ths Aoademy of Uuslo, has by special arrsngemeet se cured a date for the new organisation, Billy Van's Minstrels, for next Tues day. This will be one of the treats of ths theatrical season, as Mr. Vanu la a universal favorite, having made BeV- -fal telling impressions on our thea tregoers while here with Al. G. Fields, Gorman Brothers, and Primrose & West's Minstrels. "His portrayal of ths Southern negro Is an art in itself," ays ths Brooklyn Eagle, -th ehar- aatar, style and general aspect remind - ng one of the caricatures drawn by Zimmerman for Judge." Mr. Van will je ably supported ty balf a hundred ertists, msny i f whom represent the leading attractions snd theatres of thia oountry sod Eurupe. Elaborate -toenery snd vustunix -Urate will also llgure conspicuously. Tbe entire com pany ja under the iuiiueOiste snd per sonal supervision of William B Cortia, for s number of years tie enUrprising manager sod chief pnuioter of Prim rose St West's organisation. Thia lons is sn aesuraaee of high-grade ind commendable performance. Mabel Paige comes next, holding ths boards all Fair week. THE BIO FAIR. Special Trains Will be Ran to ac comodate the Crowd. Secretary Nichols is a busy man. His headquarters are orowdedall .he time now with persons who are interested in the Fair. 8everal men .re kept bosy maklog entries on the oooks. Yesterday 175 entries were nadein the various departments.The fair is on a boom, for the prospects sere never brighter than now for a laooessfnl exhibit. The rates on the various railroads nd the schedules of gpeoial trains ire being arranged. The Southern las fixed their rates and the Sea ooard will have theirs arranged in few days. On Wednesday and Thursday, Ootober 23rd snd 24 :h, the Southern will operate epeoial trains for tbe ooomodation of visitors to tbe Fair: Leave Greensboro, 7:00 a. m$ leave Durham, &87 a. m ; Arrive Raleigh, 10:00 a. m. Returning, leave Raleigh, 5:30 p. m.; leave Dur ham, 6:30 p. m.; arrive Greensboro, 8:30 p. m . , Special trains will be operated from Oxford to Durham each of these dsys to connect with these (rains, leaving Oxford at 7:35 a m, and returning arrive at Oxford 8:00 p.m. .. On October S3od, S3r4 and 34tb, train 86 will be held st Raleigh nntil 4:30 p. m , for passengers for Golds- boro and intermediate stations. ' The tournament k going to be quite a feature. , Nearly all the Marshals wilt be entered. St. Loaia baa a Negro Connoilmaa. By Maarapk k ms Kaase-Visrfoe, ; St. Louis, Oct 13. For tha first time in tbe history of the eity, bu Louis will likely bars a negro Coon- oilman. A reoount of votes for the last election shows Monroe Craven colored, was elected by more than a hundred majority. The faoe of tbe returns show ha was defeated.' It is likely that be will bs seated this month, " - - Moreeka and Her Celebrated Com pany at the Academy Tonight. That was a slim audience at the academy l ist night. It was thought that a good audtenes would greet th gifted Italian artist Moreeka after ths resent talk about forming a stock company to induss such attraction to tb lty. Such wss not ths ease. A good bona should Jtara out tonight. It 1 seldom that Baleigb is visited by snch a great singer. The musle loving publlo ihould appreciate this fact. Nothing bot praise wss beard of her singing last night. Bignorima Morsska is possessed of a brilliant so prano voice of great volume and dra- matie power. The small audience was thoroughly appreciative of her work and gave hearty encores. Ths rendition of Ava Maria, by Iioasl was particularly good, tirand Aria from "Traviata" revealed a rich ness snd volume of vocal power which is rarely heard. Signer Gore is a pianist of note Bis performances last evening Were meritorious indeed. He is a skilled musician. Miss Charlotte Samuel is sn accom plished violinist. Her work was en joyed and appreciated by the audi ence. She was enjored every time The company la Indeed a deserving one. A good Dome snouia greet tbem. Tonight the gifted artist, Signorina uorsBks, will produoe the "Mad Scene" from Lucia in costume, this ill in ifsslf draw out the entire ar- tl tie music loving peoplv of Raleigh. Never before has an artist attempted this beautiful yet tragic piece of work here. The beautiful portraying of thought, the ever-ehanging mood of charac ter, as embodied la the "Mad Scene" ill be remembered by thoss who have eeea fortunate enough to have heard t, how, when cursed by her lover for uer apparent unfaithfulness, after her brother had, by falas letters, led her to believe her lover had tired of her, he having been oalled away to war, is letters to Lucia having been re- cived and destroyed by her brother. rhe scene is filled with beautiful thoughts, and finally la her madnees and through the loathing of her hua oand, she slsys him and then herself. No greater or more artistic soprano than Moreeka has ever appeared In Raleigh, and it is ssfs te say that a large and appreeistlvs audience will greet her tonight. NEW RACING CIRCUIT. Prominent Horsemen of North Caro lina and Virginia Get Tog-ether. At a meeting held in Richmond last night of prominent horsemen of Virginia and North Carolina, a rao ng circuit of those two States Known as the Virginia and North Carolina circuit, was formally organised. George MoD. Blake, ol Riohmond as named as temporary president andT. A. 8. Brine as temporary seoretary. A oommittee will cor respond with all tbe racing associa tions in the two Statce with the view of organising the strongest turf association south. In the last two years, Virgins has made great strides in racing matters. The North Carolina horse Is fast attaining a name. Governor Holt from Mr. Banks Holts Alamance farm won in the raoee at Richmond against a talented field. Messrs. M. H. White, of Hertford; J. F. Wray, of Reidsville and W. F. Black, of Raleigh from this State attended the meeting of horsemen from the two States. Death of Mr. Dave Horton. Mr. Dave Horton who has been connected with the book binding de partment of Edwards and, Brough- ton died this morning. - Mr. Horton was esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 8 o'olcck. Kentncky Tobaooo 'Buffers by Frost. By Tetetrai So the rreas-VUItor. Aouorra, Ky., Oct. 18 Heavy loss of tobaeeo by frost is reported is this section of tb Stet. Mr. W. G. TJpohwoh Dying. This nfteraooB th death of Mr. W. O, tJpchsreh t only a question of a fsw bears.' He is la a eomatoee stats aad at several time daring tb day ws thought ie be dying. ThU B' noaasement will b read with geaulne sorrow by tb eommunlty. ' ...... ' Dr. O. W. Black aaU returned te the slty today. Condensed and Fat in a Read able Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP. Interestingly Told as Picked np on th Street and Vat-ions Points A boat Town. Nathan Barnes died last night st ths home of his mother here. The Fair a week from neit Tues dsy. Let everybody whoop her np. North Csrolina horses are doing "the honors" with all ths horses this year. Kitty Hawks wou seoond money st a race in Richmond yesterday. The time was 2:37 1-4. Dsy before yesterday morning's frost turns out to have done considera ble damage to cotton In low place. See in this issue notice of sale of valuable fsrmlng lands on November 14th, 1805, by Ernest Haywood, Trustee. It Is slalmsd thst Wilson has ths eheapest electric light system in North Carolina. The plant is owned by the town of Wilson. Superintendent Leaz.r says ths sot- ton crop at the penitentiary is about two thirds as large as nsual. The eorn crop wss a ve.y flue one. Maj. Henry B. Alford, ehief of the dairy division of ths Agricultural De partment in Washington will be one of the speakers at the State Fair. Mr. James I. Johnson will speak to mm in the parlor of the T. Id. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. All men cordially invited to hear him. Mrs. Phillips, ths woman found in pants, who wss sent to the hospital, is doing very well. -Hackney Lee, ths negro who was clubed, is progressing all right. About 100 of the A. and M. College cadets will leave here on Friday of Fair week for Atlanta to remain there about five days. They will not be un der arms. "Familiar Chats" are growing more popular. Cspt. Ashs has received nothing but prsise for his effort. Those who have not read the book should do so. Ths Bureau of Lbor Statistics has completed the report which has been in eourss A prsparatiou for some time relative to eotton mill statistics in ths State. It was reported today that Mr. W. H. Alford, the man who was knocked about by J. J. Wishart was dead. The report turned out untrae. Mr. Wish art ie held under a $300 bond. The Castello Brothers, the cele brated acrobats and athletes who are with Sells circus, are natives of Henderson. Their father resides In Henderson at present. The Csntello'e lead their profession. By request of the Deacons of the Christian Church, there will be a meeting of the Church tomorrow im mediately after the morning service, to consider the calling of a pastor for next year, every member is earnestly requested to be present. The roeh crusher recently purchased li on the cars at the depot. As soon aa Mr. Honeure decides upon a place for its location, it will be put in posi tion for work. Street commissioner Blaka desires it to bs located at the old Hsrgett Street station. This would be a convenient point. Rev. D. H. Tuttle will presch at Central M. E. Church at ususl hours tomorrow. Subject at 11 a. m, "Filled with ths Spirit," Acts, 9:4: At 7:80 p. m. "Ths Relation of the Chursh to Slavsry Past and Present." Tb relation of Christ to tb poliUsal, sommerelal and social problems of ths day will be empbasissd. Publlo in vited. : . President Cleveland Coming. ' Col. Jobs a Tipton, editor eT tbe Rutherfurdtoa Demoerat, learnt that President Clsvslaad he accepted an Invitation from CoL Frank Qox to pnd several days with kiss st bis de lightful ttreea Klver farm la Ruther ford eonnty shooting quail. - ' Mr. Cleveland will stop' over with Col, Cox aa he return frost Atlanta about tbe 25th. ,