VOL. XXX1V.NO. 45. RALEIGH; N, C. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 16,1895. $3 00 PER YEAR. 6, Is a Maximum Estimate of the Cotton Crop. THE iMiUUAliLJS FKiURJSS. : .The Receipts Today are 88,000 Bales ",' Against 68,000 for the Same ' X , v j V' ' Pay Last Tear. ' ' ByTelecapbtollisftess-Vlsuor. . Nbw Tons, "October 16. Liverpool opened S-64" higher, became qatter and ard off. , Toward the close the mar. let became steadier spalu and dosed lira wih aa advance of a-4. Spot badness wa very active) eal, 15,000 bales, of whloh 14,000 bales was American t export and . speculation, 9.000 bales middling. 1-83 high, now Nw York opened 4 point lower, bot , soon Meame Dm, advancing point -The merkat lot the advance by heavy , selling of a local operator and declined 7 wore' point la consequence t a tumor that Nelll watgolng to Hue a ' .ImhU art, . uflm.l. II Dm (WO 800,000 maxima bi doe not,", however, exclude that he believe in a final oat- tarn of 8,800,000 or eten less. It aim- ply means that under the moat favor able circumstances . from now, . he thinks the erop will not ezeeed 0,800, 000. So far It la only a rumor. Mr Netll 1 haa not, u yet, pnbllahed his esti mete. ' . . ; ' '-'v, ( : i ; ' ' . The receipts for today are estimated 86,000 against 88,000 last year. With 88.000 bales for todav. aha Meilnta so far this week amount to '198,000 baits, against 849.000 last year. . Last year the receipt for this week were ' 878,000) for the week ending Oetober 88th, 830,000) November 8d, ' 438,0001 November 9th, 898.000. viwj viuvvv mm lujivwii. ' ' Oetober, 9 JO to 9.18 ) , November, 9.10 to 9.11 u Denember, 9 18 to 9.19 1 January, 9.88 to 9.89 1 February, 9 89 to 9.Mi Kerch, 9.88 to j April, 9.43 to 9.48 1 Hay, 9.45 to-) Jane, 9.60 to 9.51. . - v , . The sales were enormous, 500,900 oaies, tne nig naei ugurs on reeora Ohloajro Grain Market, Chioioo, Oct, 18, Grain quotation closed to-day aa follow! i Wheat-Ootober, 69 8-8 to 59 1-8 1 Deeember, 80 8-8 to 80 1-9 1 Hay, 84 1-9. -y Cora October, 99 8-8f Deeember, 97 8-4 to 97 7-8) Hay, 89 1-1. '' ' Raleigh Cotton Market, Wednesday, October 16th. Middling f air, -. ' ' - Strict good middling, 9 1-8, " Good middling, 8 7-8 to 9. - ' -Strict middling, 88-4. - s Middling, 8 1-9 to 8 5-8.' , Market steady. , - r . ' - t " BY FORCE IF NECESSARY. . Arkansas' Governor Saya he will Prevent the Fight. "-tiT-TLB Book,- ArkH Oct. 16. The Ooveraor said todsyi. - "I'aai going to prsvent the fight by peaceable means if possible, if not, I ahall resort to force, I have all th law I need, and the people of the Stat are opposed to it. Th fight will not take place Ja Hot Spring or lay other point ia th Stat as long as I'm Governor. ; The SaXonta Carrie European Mall I By TsIegTaphtotbeFnsss-Visrroa. ' Naw Toai. Oot.16. Th St. Loul started promptly oa tim at elevea I this forenoon, carrying European malls for the first time. The poetoffle offl eials show confldeace in the American ahip by giving her seven hundred aad fifty baga to only two hundred and fifty to the Majestic, whijb. atarte at three o'clock this afternoon, -s - The Same Old Story. - . By Teletraph to the Fanss-Viarron. New Oblsanb, La., Oct. 16.- James H. Barnett, one of the Terre ITaute men who robbed the Adams Express Company of 116,000 has been captured here. He had beoome tired of the flight and expressed satisfaction at capture. He had only a hundred and fifty dollars left. , - A World's Beoord Broken. - ' By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. ' v " -r " J Diavaa, Col., Oct. 16. At aa su thoriied official trial, W. W. Hs mil ton rod three-qnartera of a mile ua paced, at one elg and four fiftha, taking four and one-fliftk eeooads off the world's reword. AMONG MILLIONAIRES. A Terriflo Explosion of a Oh Pipe on 8th Avenue. By Telegrapb. to the Press-Visitor. ' Nbw York, Oct. 16-Tbe district in the vicinity of Fifty Eighth street and Fifth Avenue was shaken by heavy explosion at cine this morn? Ing; leak of a gas main waa probably ignited bv an electric lieht wire and caused the explosion which blew up the street. The sidewalk was partly wrecked as was the residenoe of Charles ContolU Ex-secretary of the navy Whitney's mansion' whioh adjoined was seriously damaged, The loss is fully imooo. no one was injured. Windows in the Hunt- ington palaoe,opposite, were broken. Eighteen year old TiUIe Kiler Jump- rf (rom a roof ftJiy'-8 feet, because J ner father turned .her ont of home I on aooount of her waywardness. I Kiler blames himself for the tragedy and says it was all hit fault A VIRGINIA CRIMES, A Man Fonnd la a Coal Oar With Hie Bead Battered to Pieces. 87 Telegrapn te the Press-Visitor. .v . Pbtkbsbtjbo, Va.,' Oot 16. When the midnight freight from Norfolk arrived the dead body of a well dressed white man about twenty fire years of age was found in an empty: ooal om. . His head was so tearfully battered as to be unreoog nizable. He is believed to be WU liam M. Wood formerly in the navy. : A Spanish Crew Condoned. Br Telegraph to the Press-Vbitor. : ;' - Havana. Oat, 18. The prisoner in Santa Clara jail tried to escape ye. trday The guards killed two. A tnmmary eonrt martial enndemed the lieutenant and crew of . th Spanish dispatch; boat Mereaaiea, which waa recently captured "They plaadered the iniargenta near Santiago do Cuba, Passenger and Tank Trains Collide. BvTelecTaphtoTBnraBss-TmiTOB. AtTOoaa, Pa., Oct, 18. A passenger train eolllded with a tank train, , car. rylng water for this city, at Alleghany furnace thia morning. Brakeuxn Wood ring and fireman , Uood were killed. Engineer Arthar waa fatally and other employee' were aerionaly Injured, . No passengers were hart ierlbnsly,. ' , , Her Children Cremated. I By Tdenraph to the Prees-Visitor. V - Haoaoua, Ark.,-' Oct. 16 Ura, Hiner, living sooth of here, locked her two ehl)dra; age four and six. In her house and went to viait her nigh. I bora. .- Her house waa. burned and the children cremated. The mother ha loct her mlad. '.i . - DROPPED DEAD SUDDENLT. Mr. tiee Powell, a Carpenter, -Dies Hndaenly of Heart Disease. . .. There I sadness today In the neat little home of Mr, Lee Powell oa the corner of Salisbary and Lane atreeu. For la the front room lla the body of th father of th home, cold in desth. i Tbla morning Mr, Powell waa aa well aa Moat.- $ " ' - It waa half-past twelve "when Mr. Powell complained of a paia in hi side. He went In the house and asked his i daughter to rob blm. She started to comply when he gave one groaa and. lank back dead.-.;. -T":'-v Hr. Powell had beea ia Ealelh only a month . He moved her from Wil son' Mills. He waa a native of .Wake eonaty and about fifty-five yeare old. Hia employment waa with Wilson dt Co., contractors. There are three daughters and two sons made orphan by the death of the father, who had been aiek, bnt whom they were totally unprepared to lose. Thronsh Service to Atlanta. Seaboard AJr Line; Double iaily Service to Atlanta;' Pullman Vesti- baled trains; absolutely the quickest I line between Raleigh and Atlanta; trains leave Raleigh at 5:20 a. m., arrive at Atlanta 8:09 p. m.r leave Raleigh at 8:34 n, aw arrive at Atlanta 6:30 a. m.; through Pullman Sleepers; rate from Raleigh to At lanta and return $10.45; tiokets on sale Tuesdays and Thursdays tiokets on sale at all other times $15 00 for the round trip. "- Rednoed Rates to Soudan, Va. ' ; For the above oooasion the- the Southern will sell, round trio tiokets from all points in North Carolina, and from Riohmond to Danville, in clusive. Keys vllle to Soudan, Va inclusive, at the rate of one first-class fare, plus 60 cents for one admission to Cbe fair ground)), Tickets .will be on sale Oot 19th to 25th, Inclusive, with final limit Oot 88th, 1896. Tiokets will also be sold from above points on Oct 82d, 23rd and 94th, with final Umit Oot 26th, at the rate of one cent per mile traveled, plusfiOoents for one . admission to fair grounds. - Will Attendthe Atlanta Exposition Next Week. a I WASHINGTON GOSSIP A to the Supreme Court Vacancy TJnole Bam and the Pnglllste The Kentucky Election. Special to the ftees-VMtsr. Wastaeroa, D C, ,0et. 18th, 1895. president Olsvelaad will not have to pot la any time ia familiarising him self with current pablt. .business, be cause during hi absence t rom Wash ington reports of all important mat ter in each of the eiecntlve depart ments have beea regularly made to htm, jast as they are when be ia at the White House, and whenever neces sary - he baa directed what action should be- taken. No official pro gramme of the trip to the Atlanta Exposition haa. yet been announced, hut It m understood that the Presl dent will be accompanied by all the members of Us Cabinet, and that neither Mrs. Cleveland nor any of the Cabinet ladlea will go. The party will be due at the exposition on the 93nd Inst which ; Is to be celebrated 'Fresideat'a Day." The UJS.Snpreme court haa reassem bled for the fall session. Chief Jostles Fuller presiding! There waa 770 eases on the docket, against 818 at the opening of laat year'a fall sion. Jf sny of the learned jnsUcca know anything of the President's In tention a to th . existing vscaney in their rank they are not talking about It where any newspaper men ean hear them. M uch Interest was expressed In Wash ington over the rumor that the man ager of the - proposed Corbett-Fits-si mmoaa light were figuring oa the use of a government reservation in Arkan- aat for that exhibition. The govern ment haa spoken in no uncertain tone, through Secretaries Lamont andSmith aad Attorney General Harmon, and "If the sluggers do not heed they will re gret their hardheadedaeaa. No prise fight will be allowed upon any govern ment reservation, la Arkansaa or npon any other spot of ground over which the U. S. government has direct con trol, aad, if necessary to prevent it, or to arrest the participators the gov ernment stands reads to call ont the army,: But nobody in ' Washington thinks anything of that sort will be necessary. . neither the- fighters nor their manager will be foolish enough to defy Cnele Sam. ' V - ' That "money talks haa just beea proven by a Washington man who re plied to the boastful claim concern ing Kentucky end Maryland, which Bepublicaaa have been making, with a public offer to wager any amount from 8100 to 85,000 that the Demo, crate elect their ticket in both States) also, that a majority of th Kentucky legislature will be Democratic. Thia man' money 'actually talks so loud that it haa frightened the Republican blowhards into cllonee.' It i unneeea-1 sary t say that betting ia Something which nobody ought to do, hut at the time It must be acknowledged that there are time whea an offer to bet, backed with cash, aervea a good purpose. -'. Falr Week Germane. Fair week, socially, will, beyond doubt, be an oooasion long to be re- membered. However the weather may be, however much noise will be made and -money lost on the mid way" and whatever impression the yjgmnjr " jBy " may carry back to his co on try home, those who attend the Capital Club germane and the Coro nation ball will have nothing but pleasan t reoolleotion of the great fair. The fair itself promises to eclipse anything ever seen before, bnt in its social features it will be such a jolly old time aa will make it ever remem bered. '".:::.Vr;. ;-''...;:..- .'sf v The Capital Club ball-room will be the plaoe for all the fair dances.' The Club itself will give three germane, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday even ings. On Wednesday evening the the Coronation ball will take plaoe. WhOwUlbe"Queenfw , - Inspecting Our Water Shed. . , . Dr. Jams McKee, Superintendent of Health, Mayor Bus, aad Mr. Alex. MoPhfctera, Superintendent ot th water works, went tp to.Cary tbla morning, where Walnut Creek has its source, aad will make aa Inspection of the water shed, walking moat of the distance back to Baleigh. These ia. speetioas are made annually. .--, A Former Conriclj Goes After SeidsTille Going. HIS GUN WAS" HEARD. He Came Back Going Disappeared. Trouble Over a Woman Alto- gether a Strange Case. About 1 o'clock this afternoon there occurred in. Bledsoe (prove strange oosarence which poriead 4he probable killing of Beifoville Going, colored, by Henry Smith, also colored and released convict. The ease I at present shrouded in deepest mystery. ' This is the story a obtained from Smith's wife by a reporter: A little before 1 b'elook Fmith left hi house with his gun and started ia the direc tion of the corn field where Bcidsville Going was at work. He was heard to wear that he wa going to kill both Going and his own wife. Soon' after he left) hi wife says she heard two reports of a gun, ae though both bar rel bad been fired in rapid succession. Smith soon returned. When he left the house both barrels of ths gin were loaded, when he returned they were empty. It wa at once supposed by those living near that murder had been done. A policeman was sent for while many went in search of Going's body. It has not been found. A policeman arrived and arrested Smith, who is now held in jail. Then an organixed sesrch wss started for the mi'sing man bnt it was un availing. A branch runs through the corn field, and it is thought that pos sibly the body might been burled in It by the supposed murderer. There wa on other colored man, in ths field at the time a simple, almost eraxy negro whose first name is Alex. He saya that he was in the corn field, heard the report of a guu and turned aronnd; but he saw no more of Going, though he saw Smith leave the field. The trouble Is skid to have started because Sm.th saw Going hugging his wife. Justice Boberts issued a warrant for Smith's arrest for an assault with a deadly weapon. Ths police pooh-pooh the idea of murder, and some say tha Smith is demented. The facta, coming to hand as late aa they did are given as heard. Ths esse is on badly mixed. OOIBO ALIVB, RATS smith's boh. Smith's son say he will swear on the magistrate's trial that he turned off Going, who wa hauling corn for him; that ha has since seen Going, np town. At the present writing It look aa though there la much amoke, and no fire. ' FOOTBALIi XV RALEIGH. The A. A M. College Will Play Two Game) This Week. Baleigh people will have an oppor tunity this week of witnessing two games of football which promise to be both well-played and teieiting. The game corns on Friday Sad Saturday, and the teams pitted against each other will be the A. A M. and Blohmond and the A. A M. aad Wake Foe est college. The latter teams thus have two bard games on ttueeessire days. - The chance of th home boys are good to wia both gamer They were badly defeated last week by the Uni versity, bnt that ia ae reflection on their prowess. And than, too, theylesrned ia tha( game mora football lore than could be honed out in a week' prse tiee. The team last year defeated the Uaiveraity second eleven aa well as Oak Bldge and several other minor team, They have oa former occasions played both with Blchmond and Wake Forest. Th former team they 'de feated, and they latter they played a very hard gsme. . Th college boy are practlotnff daily at the grounds,1 usder. the effl uent coaching, of Mr.. Bart Gatltng, freak from Harvard, and au be relied upon to play straight, hard ball. Let th people turn out well to see both gams. " ' . - !,' For th benefit of "sport" thia tip may not be out of place: "The Blch mond college gam will be lost) th Waks Forest, won." 1 OjueenKilled in Her Bedroom, By OaUstotherrees-Vlsltor. ; :-- . : SaotJL, Oct 18, During ths oon- f uaion which followed the reoent at tack on the Royal palace, the rioters entered a bed-room and murdered three women, one of whom is tup posed to have been ths Queen, - . a mm mm The Assaulter of Miss Prater Hong to a Telegraph Pole. TAKEN FROM OFFICEES, The Wretoh Had His Ears and Fin. gers Ont Off and His Body Horribly Mutilated. By Telegraph to the Passs-VuiToa. Mkmpbis, Ten n.,-Oct. 16, Jrfferson Bills, the Fayette county aegru ac cused of assaulting Miss Prater, was atrung to a telegraph pole early this morning by a mob in two hundred yards of the scene of the crime. Before the lynching took place Ellis was carried before Miss Prater and identified aa the one who attempted the crime. He wa take from the constables and hie ears and fingers cut off and his body waa otherwise horribly mutilated After the hanging the body was rid. died with bullets. Large crowds vis ited the scene of the banging and wit nessed the ghas'.ly sight. DIED IN A LUMBER YARD. Sad Plight of a Travelling Doctor From North Carolina. A white man, whose name is G. M Geans, was fonnd yesterday morning lying on the ground in an unconscious condition in a lumber yard in Porte mouth says the Star. The man bad acute pneumonia and so far gone ae to be beyond medical aid. Geans was a stranger in Ports mouth, hailing from North Carolina. On his person was a letter dated Pittsboro, September 25, 1895, and sigoed by Ad die Fowler, who sub scribed berselt, "Tour loving and well-wishing con-in." The letter was addressed to 112, Water street Norfolk. Geans wore a tail silk hat black ooat and vest and checked trousers. He wss apparently 30 years of age,of Blight build, and had dark curling hair. Beside htm lay his tall silk hat and a canvas sample case was near where he lay on the ground. He is supposed to have dealt in patent medicines. A walc'i chain dangled from his vest In searohing Geans' effects for any further clue to his identity a little leather covered pocket Bible was found which bore this inscription on the fly leaf: "From mother to her boy, 1886." It is said that Justice Haynes had his attention called to the fact that the man was lying in the lumber yard yesterday afternoon and went to see him, but supposing him to be intoxicated left him alone. Justice Rutter, who had some slight acquaintance with Geans, sent the following telegram : " Portsmouth, Oct. 15, 1865. To Addie Fowler, Pittsboro, If. C. G. M . Geans is now dying in the county jail ; sent there for care and attention. Let his people know. J. W. Ruttbb, J. P." Geans died later, and unless his relatives are heard from by today the remains will be buried in the potter's field. It Is said Geans lived at Dur ham. Billy Van's Minstrels. Billy Van's minstrels was the at traction at the Academy last evening, aad drew a packed gallery and a fairly good audience oa the lower floor. The performance seemed to please the audience immensely, the encores being numerous. The show abounded in pleasing specialities, many of them being excellent. Some of the character did not seem to be ia the best of condition, bot the per formance wa thoroughly enjoyed. Billy Van aad Tom Lewi are quite original character aad their antics always bring forth tumultuous ap plause. The "muchly" advertised Stewart Sister up to the time of the fall ot the curtain had not appeared. Th musical wonder were well exe cuted. ,The New Presbyterian Church. The plan aad specifications for the construction of the new Presbyterian Church have not. been let out for con tracts, yet enough ia kaowa to obtain aa Idea as to the dimensions and pro portion of ths edifice from rough draft, : It is proposed to hav th auditorlam with a seatisg capacity of 600) the Sunday School will aeat 800, and th infant elass 80, . There will be a pastor study aad parlor for th ladle nd committee. Th material of which the building is te b on- strneted has not beea decided poa. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. A Ijaet Tribute to the Memory of the Late W. G Upohuroh. ' Th Chamber of Commerce met last night in special session at the Mayor's offloe in honor of the memory of the late W. G. Upchureh and to take proper aetion in regard to ths demise of one of its members who had been so useful to the city. The meeting was a large one aad attested the esteem In which the de ceased was held. A number of onr best eitlxens spoks feelingly of Mr. Upshareh. The following resolutions reported by the special oommittee were adopted by a rising vote: WaaaaAS, William a. Upchureh, a highly useful citisea of Baleigh, and on of the originators of this Cham ber, and a most valuable member, passed away at his residence, in this city, on the 18th instant, at the age of 68 years, greatly lamented by the entire community) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry desires to give expression to the great regard h whish it esteemed him in life, and the real sorrow it mourns his de parture from our midst ; therefore Besolved, That in the death of Wil liam G. Upchureh this Chamber has lost a most efficient and xealous mem ber, and the city of Baleigh a liberal, active and most enterprising citizen i that Hr. Upchureh possessed unusual business eapaolty, energy and sound udgment, and was ever among the foremost in projecting new enterprises that tended to build up the industries of our eity that whether as a mer- hant, as the Vice-President of the Baleigh National Bank, or as th manager of varions large works, or as prsctioal farmer, introducing new methods and improved stock, or as the President of the Agricultural So- ilety, Mr. Upohuroh so managed the details of his business as to win for himself the confidence and respect of all, and to entitle him to rank high among the progressive men of this eommunltv; that in psrtioular is the city of Baleigh indebted to him for originating and successfully in augurating the Caraleigh Works, an enterprise that stands a monument to his ripe judgment, his capacity and Indomitable perseverance. Besolved, That in hia walk in life and relations with his fellow-men ,he wss ever courteous, liberal and high- minded, being particularly dis tinguished for his singleness of pur pose end fa'r dealing, and that his cheerful words of encouragement, his earnest support of all feasible meas ures, and his unflinching seal in pro moting the objects of this Chamber, will be greatly missed in our eounoils nd in this eommunJty. Besolved, That realizing with sin cere sorrow ths loss we have sustained, individually and collectively, in his death, we deplore the nntimely end of his useful life, and mourn him as a friend and as a citizen. Besolved, That as a tribute to his memory, these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this Chamber and that the Secretary be directed to send copy -to his family, and furnish a copy to the city paper. S. A. Ashe, Chairman. W. B. Abhlbt, N. W. Wsst, N B. Bbodohtob, Gbohqi Allbb, Committee. Decisions by the Supreme Court. Opinions in the following oases were filed on yesterday: Maddox vs. Railroad, from Craven; per curiam order affirming judgment below. Wool vs. Eden ton, from Chowan ; new trial. Midgett vs. Midgett from Dare; error. Marcus vs. Bernstein, from Tyr rell ; affirmed. Clark vs. Hill, from Beaufort ; re versed. Rodman vs. Calloway, from Beau fort; affirmed. Tankard vs. Railroad, from Beau fort ; affirmed. Manufacturing Co. vs. Railroad, from .Edgecombe ; new trial as to danger. Brown vs. Dail, from Craven ; no error. Barringtoo vs. Skinner, from Cra ven ; no error. . Dixon vs. Gravely, Edgeoombe; affirmed. Frank vs. , Heimer, from Edge oombe; reversed. , The street ear company haa com pleted the grading of the track aad the laying of new raila near the fair grounds. There Is now. but little grade to the hill, whioh several year ago was a "terror." The rid to. the grounds Is now a delightful oa. - NEWS GATHEREDIN A DAY Condensed and Pat in a Read able Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP. Interestingly Told aa Picked np on the Streets and Varions Points About Town. There are twenty-nine State banks in the State. There will be eeveral dances at the Capitol Club next week. Keep in mind the great State Fair which will be In the height of success a week henoe Two large registered distillery in Johnson county were seized Monday for irregularities The revenue collections at Durham for the past two month's has been 11,910,000. Duke A Sons use 83,000 worth of stamps a day. Some of our country cousins on cotton place refused to sell their cot ton at nine cents yesterday. They wanted nine and a half. They don't know a good thing when they see it. North Carolina has loaned from the state museum at Baleigh some very fine specimens of building stone, coal, iron and gold ores and timber to the United States to fill up gaps in the forestry and geological division of its exhibit. They will cover about 150 square feet of floor space. Mr. Chas. L. Hopkins, of the South ern, who was here yesterday, has closed arrangements t take the pupils of the Graded Schools of this eity to Atlanta on a special train over the Southern next Monday. The students of the A. and M. College will go on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. The Wilmington Star says Mr. David W. Horton, who was for sev eral years an employe in the Star book bindery, died at home in Baleigh Saturday morning of heart disease. He an easy-going, kind-hearted fellow, and has many friends in Wil mington are grieved to hear of his sudden taking off. Col. Gibson and Hr. B. Price, of Arkansas, were in company with Hr. J. T. Anderson, general passenger sgent of the Seaboard Air Line in Norfolk says the Portsmouth Star, The gentleman were then in the interest of the Arkansas State Press Association, which will hold its annnal meeting in Atlanta, Ga Oottober SO. The association proposes also to take a jaunt on the Seaboard, Bishop W. W. Dnncan, of South Carolina, says of Prof. S. C. Ford, who will sppear here Friday nieht: heard Prof. Ford in both of his entertainments in Spartanbursr. and was highly entertained. I think he ean be safely commended to onr peo ple and friends. I did not meet him socially, but anyone recommended and endorsed by Jas. H. Carlisle, LL.D., should have the right to be heard." Passengers on the Southern from Morganton Monday night had qnite an eventful trip. First the train ran over a cow and was delayed three quarters of an hour, the tender half way jumping the traok on account of the shock with her eowahip; then came a succession of 'fhot box" de lays and finally the passengers had to be transferred to the vestibule train, which had overtaken the slower train. A little country, scrappy and scarry looking mule which was hitched In front of Cheatham's stjre on Wil mington street to a post, took fright yesterday at some object and dashed off a hundred yards across ths street. In making the rapid flight a gig be longing to Mr. W. . S. Barnes waa truck aad badly damaged. , The mule was on ths threshold of a second clothing establishment when stop ped. Dr. Columbus Durham left on th Southern morning trala yesterday to attend Baptist associations,-apead-lng two day at cask place end return- " Einaton, then to Concord and and hi ' trip at Liberty.,- Th doctor wa eon. gratulated by a reporter oa kla u. oee aa, a ' weather prophet and aaid that for four consecutive year rala had fallen in the eastern part of the 8tt mm ' slot h ..41.1.4 I would com this seaaoa.