VOL. XXXIV. KO. 48. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 19, 1895. $3 00 PER YEAR. WE, OF 1 DEPUTY NATURAL HISTORY SPECIMENS. That Was tbe Inscription oa Ex-Con-eul Benedict's Coffin. - GOOD M TOiLOHERlES AND M. COLLEGE WINS. CorbcttWM Probably. Take the Stand , Today. Defeat the Richmond College "" Team by floor of fl to ov The elevens of Richmond College W A DOWNWARD fill EXHIBITS COMING IN. A Stir at tbe Ground The Tourna ment on the 23rd. ay Teiegrapb to me panss-v-siron. i - , i j ae elevens 01 xtionmona uoiiege I v. i .. i, Tk. Huu V.If nffl.uu i. . . vaw Tow, oet. i.-Th. body of Assistant ? Attorney-General " th6 ;BdM- f0"6? Cotton Went Toward Zero -t .u, today getting tb. exhibit. i ANOTHER DATE NAMED. St. JSIOCS It U Thoaght tb Fight W1U Take - - Place November 14th Pitasim. mim'i Whereabouts Unknown. By Telegiaj a tothe FBSis-VlsITon. I; i' Hot 8PBiua, Ark., Out.: 19. Ths habeas corpus proceedings were post poned yesterday to allow Corhstt to fill hi engagement at Little Bosk last night He declined to gir ball, so he t has bees placed In charge of depot herilf. He will probably take the stand today to testify. It is expected that th ease will be decided today. - Nothing has been beard from Fitssim tnoBs and his prt. The new date for tbe right has not bee a decided yet, but -it ia tbooght it will be November 14th. ' - Salisbury may Have Blood In his eye. By Cable to tbe Press-Visitor. ' Lobeow, Oct. 19. The ' an ultimatum to Veneivula, demand : ing reparation for th arrest of th police at Urqoan, also stating " term npon Which England will definitely de- terain the boundary dispute. Sails , bory has egretd, if necessary, to end . tbe frontier dispute immediately, even "if it bat to "be accomplished by forest ' Sand, anil Snow Storm In the West, ' By Telegraph te the Pnass-Vmrron, ' - K - 8t. Pato, Oot. 19. Reports Tfrooi , SUt towns in i South Dakota and Western - Minnesota, indicate the tint mow aan1 saw ikvat VnAevn In 'this section. It raced many hoara yesterday..;:, Last night it was blow : ing fifty-five miles an boor.: Later it began snowing at Browns Valley. The mercury has dropped 80 degrees r in 6 hours, ... '"I - A Bank Coram laaloner" Negligenoe. , By Telessoh to the Panss-Visrrott. - , '." iSBaraa, vol., uct. J.V. imnmen 'found the satchel belonging to State .Bank Commissioner Breidenthal, of Kansas, eontsinlng $120,0C0 securities la tb tarhers where tb eommiasioaer . left t when be took the train for Kan. -vac vii ye.teruey. t;- j.-. iv. ex-ConsuI Benedict arrived from Cape Town on tb transport Mississippi in a plain pins box marked, "Natural His tory Specimens." This -wee don to prevent th seamen from knowing that they bad a ' corpse aboard., as they think it brings bad lock. Among tbe passengers oa tbe American liner New York who arrlred this , afternoon are th family of Richard Croksr. Paul DoChalUu, author of the African ex. plorersad Clan Speckles, ths soger magnate, and family." .i"';'- lt " - DEMOCRATS Will, WOT VOTE. A Special Bays the Republicans Will be Allowed toOrganiae the Senate. , By Telegraph to tbe rresa-Visltor. X Washinotoit, Oot 19. It is stated on good, authority that the Demo orats . (more j properly speaking the . anti Cleveland faction) $ has decided to allow the Republicans to organize the Senate without opposi tlon by abstaining from voting for the election of ofiLoera. They think this will enable the Republicans to make things more uncomfortable for the President besides throwing the responsibility for obstructing legis lation if any is done on others Sounds the Death Knell : CABINET AGAIN MEETS. Mre. Cleveland and the Other Ladles of the Cabinet May Attend the ' Atlanta Exposition. Special to ths Presf-Vbutor. 1 - i . Washisotoit, D. C, Oet. 19, terday afternoon at Athletic Park. The Riobmond team did not appear on the field until 5 o'clock, the train from the west being three hours late. Only twenty minute salves were played; - The playing was spir ited and snappy throughout the game and furnished plenty of excite ment to the orowd present Neither side scored in the first half and it was , not. until, three minutes ol time when A. ana M's. stocky eleven carried the pig skin across the goal line amid tumultuous Twenty-five Points. 55 FBOM THE TOP. That is the Record of Today's Drop Has Rook Bottom Been j'i. vReachedt.v. By Telegrapb to the Press-VI-Uor, Nbw Tobx. October 19. Ia eonse. Carry th. good new.lo Dixie t ' Mrs. " 1 fWWoil q.. rf ,wUrd.y'S bsavy Hqnidat. Cleveland and th. ladle, of th. eabinst ":ml"""Z - . tt .w'.','tw-T VIWUJ saMWUVW ,v S. UO win - pronaoiy , asoompany President - MwaA nn- tan1 Cleveland and hi. entire Mn.twb.adown toe fleld during most fifths u.y ea.e w .ugw jor m. auaaw i garne without an v seemine advan. Btpositlon next Monday, Mrs. Clave I tage. A., and M. showed superior una -did not intend to go, bnt whsnl judgment by punting the ball up the be learned . how ' dUappolnted ths I field when Riohmond vaa makinir almost desperate efforts to sours. The teams lined up as follows; , . The Nasiiville Laanohed. ' & ri':i -f;:-4vf.- -y i'-v-i': JljV Br Telefrtoh ts tb. Ixa--Virroa.' Niwpoar Naws, Oot.-19. The gun boat HasbvUl. -was lasnebei tod-y. 8b. wa . christened by Miss Kama Thompioa, of NashrlUs with .bam Ths gunboat Wilmington slid into I u all ' Ths lav the water shortly after the Nesbf ills i was laanch.d. They are Intended for servie la shallow troploal waters and Asiatic rivers, i Both are ; of -steel and double screws.'. ? 1 Y l S;J;?J.H Mackay's Soft Deadf BytetegrapbtoUiercss-Visltor.' 1 ' 8Ajrnuoi8oo, Oot 19. Mackay has received no details of his son's rumored death at Paris. ' He is com pletely prostrated. " ..'is ii-ssfs---- -m4i- jgV- v, The Perry Suit Cornea Monday. ' The" salt "of 8, B. Perry - vs. J. J. Bogers, register of deeds, for the re. ( eovery of a penalty of $300 for th on lawful Issnanoe of a marriage license to tb plaintiff's -sixteen-year-old sea. has been postponed oatll Konday. : . The case came up yesterday, bnt was dismissed on a technicality, the word "September" being Inserted in tb somplaint. ia place of "October." Th attorney, for the plaintiff, Heesra, T.-P. Devereaox and M. N, Amis, agreed to a postponement of th hear. Th. Columbia, 8. C. State says of her ia "Th. Other Glrl'l: : - t Mabel Paige, whose tender years seem too few for the HUl lady to have perfected herself to such an si lent la tb dramatis art, is a most at tractive and ; faaelaatiag little son brett. and in the role which she es sayed last alghtF she saptared the audience at on. swoop,' Her acting and daoelog, and ia fact, her entire sttg presence was such as called forth only the pleaaanteit and most flattering eoQimnnt. and she thoroughly dessrrsd is ons, too, with thousands who had never seen her, bnt hoped to do so at th exposition and en route would b if ah did not. she with her Ukual good nature bad obliging disposition, has been almost persuaded to change her mind and go. President Cleveland and th member of his anlinet met for th. first time In several months at th regular eabinst meeting this week. The meeting was more ia the nature of a friendly social gathering than on of. business, although there was some sxehang. of opinions and informal dlsansrioa of Important matters bearing, upon th coming session of Congress. ' Assistant Attorney General for the Post Offloe Department Thomas hs's a clever fellow, a good lawyer and a good Democrat, aotwithstandlng that long title--tn his annual; report to Postmaater-Osnerai Wilson leaves no donbt of bis' opinion of those business concerns which adopt lottery methods to attract customers. Af tsr giving the umber ef lotteries which hsve been shot' oat of the mails by- the anti-lot tery law,' which he declares sounded the- death-knell of lotteries in this country, Ur'. Thomas fa his re port ayi But many business men think they mast,; ia order to succeed, resort to schemes thai appeal to ths gambling spirit of th people, and they . accordingly ' sugar-eoat their legitimate . enterprise - with lottery advertisements. ! These fascinating and apparently innocent schemes reaoh the boys and girls of th land and tend to make them gamblers." Tb rebuke Is sharp, bnt no thoughtful newspaper reader caa deny that it la deserved, aor that it la needed by some business eoneero 3;: ' '.,,,.1 A.andM- Thomas Wright Hunter Hodges .. Jenkins' Orier Ramsey Clarke . WendnltJ Wooten t . Alexander Richmond, R. End Buford R. Tackle J Wills R. Guard Daugherty Lloyd Higgerson , Blaxton Frayser Wilbon McNeil i White Eubank Centre L. Guard L. Tackle L End Q B H. B. F. B. Alexander played well for A. and M. He always buoked the line well The line of the A. and M. College showed up stromr, especially at oentre. , Eubanks was the bright star for Riohmond. His running and tackling was very good. Wright, of the A. and M., was dis Qualified during the game for slug ging Mr Perrin Basbee was re feree and Mr. Gore, of Wake Forest, umpire. Both gentlemen gave entire satisfaction.' This afternoon the Wake Foreat team meets the A and M., eleven. The gam will no donbt prove vary intet ant ing. .Th teams as they will line up ar as follows: A;'4K.t::,' 'r W. F. 0, Hedges CV.Ceiitr,, Tatom Haatsr 'rf' v-': It Cr'.Vi 'Barbs leakin IvO. HoOeaehy Wright B. T. Moss drier I T.. H-Intosh Tbomaa R. B. Williams Ramsey L. B.'.- Gor. 0. Tick L. H. Barret Wooten B.H. Fenner SugishiU B. B. Bailey Alexander F. B " Gore Capt. Sew Orleans, lilverpool pened 7"to 6-44 lower and closed easy at the aame level.:': Spot, d nil t sales, 7.000 bales, all American cotton ' exports, 600 bales. New fork opened about 90 points lower, Improved a few points, but col lapsed agaia and closed weak 96 points below last night's rate. Thia ia a decline of 66 points from th. top, and a reaction ought to set in, bnt continued liquidation of the bull eootraete may carry the decline a little farther. . Should the receipts not in. crease better markets ars expected. do rar tne port receipts ar. as per cent less as compared with last year. Interior receipts are heavier than an ticipated, and interior stocks are in creasing. This combined with estl. mates of important anthoritlea, whleh predlot a crop of 7,000,000 and over. and even 7,800,000, caused the bull clique to liquidate. Options closed as follows: October, 8 73 to 8.76 1 November, 8 73 to 8.74 1 De-ember, 8 80 to 8.61 1 January, 8.80 to 8.87 j February, 8 90 to 8 91 1 March, 6.9S to 8 99 April, 8 99 to 9.00; May, 9.04 to 9 06 s June, 9.08 to 9.09. t awitiuiahou rocviutB lur tuuir arts 44,000, against 68,000 last year. uaiveston received so rar as per sent less than last year. Sales, 396,000. a very high figure for two hoar, trading. shape which have been arriving on vary train. The horsemen ar begin nlng to arrive and as soon as th races at Burlington and Suffolk close there will be quite a string of hdTses here. By Monday night all th exhibit will be in place. The grand tournament is now com ing in for a great deal of attention. It will be one of tbe events of the week The marsballa have this feature in hand. The contest takes place on ths 83rd The rules which will govern the contest are given below, 1. very Knight will be mounted and In line at th. sail of the -Marshal be fore th. tournament to receive charge from the judge.' stand, and afterward to hear the result of th. toornsment. 9. Distance, eighty yards. 8. Time limit, ten seconds. 4. Any rider failing to make the time will be rnled ont at once. 6. Lsnee, seven feet in length. 0. Bings, 81 l-2vinehes. 7. Eash Knight to have four ride., inoluding trial ride. 8. An attempt at the first ring to be considered a go, unless otherwise de elded by the judges. The successful Knight will crown the Queen of Love and Beauty at the Grand Tournament Ball, Condensed and Put in a Read able Form. FACTS AND GOSSIP. CITY IN BRIEF. . Chioago Grain Market. Cuomo, Oct 1&---Gratn quotations closed to-day as follows: Wheat Oetober, 69 1-8; December, 001-8; May, 64 J-8. Corn October, 39 6-8 ; December, 37 6-8; January. 27 1-8; May, 89 1-4. John V. Maokey Killed by bis horee. By Cable to tb. Frew-Visitor. - ' , "V PaBia, Oct. 19. John W. Maekey, Jr., ths oldest soa of tb. California millionaire, waa thrown from hi? horse yestD-dsy afternoon and never recov ered sonscb sines, H. died last alght; aged 25 years. For the past three years he has had practically charge of th. affairs of the Commercial CabT. -Company. ' - Prefer, the Stage to Married Lire. By Telegraph to me Press- Visitor. , ' ' Sanftunoisoo, ' Oot 19. Lady, Ebolto Douglass, the variety aotreas recently married to the son of ths Marquis of Qaeenebury, is evidently tired of married life and is now try ing to get a theatrical engagement Japanese lnp iCf'esV .' By cable to tbe rreas-Vlsltor. , , . Yokohama, Oot. 19. Member of th. i Japanese legation at Corea report that I the officers there have been recalled oa account of tb. recent riots. Be- ports that th Japanese at 80s hi were implicated la tbe murder of the Queen of Corea kav oeea confirmed. . ,-: . i- Xhe Grand Jnry After Them. Bj Tel-graph to Ths Fasss-VisiToa. Covington, Ky., ' Oct. 19. The C rand Jury has adjourned after re t !; j indictments against leading l 1 r ;j owners in the city. .Each I ' i ia tbe sum of two thousand ('. . 3. - whish It would b. bard to find fault. It aboands It witty dlalogus and tunny situations, and if there's any laugh In ybo,! "Th ; Other vtirl".IU fld It and bring it out. Bvery member of ths cast was op to date, and ao better Comedy aggregatloa ha visited Colnmbia'thls season. ' To tb. excel lence of her support Is due la a large degree, the big success wHh which Miss Paige Jm now, meeting' 04 present tour. . : t -ij -1 - . '"', .. ' The University in Atlanta. v , Next Saturday the Chapei Hill slevVa will meet th. team from the Unlver- Ity of Georgia ia Atlanta.' Th. Tar. slty also plays the Yanderbllt eleven la Atlanta. 0a th same trip Sewanee and the Cnlv.rslty will meet ia contest at Nashville.'; The University ha a data at Ashevill, N. C, th day fol lowing.' -'.'-rl ' A specisl train will likely be ran to Atlanta from Chapel Hill to accommo date thoa students desiring te accom pany th football team to Atlanta. :, Tbe Shemwell Case Again. ' Tbe commissioners of . Davidaoa county," at their. last meeting, passed passed upon and allowed the State .oats la the Shemwell ease to ths amount of (3,300. The defendant's costs, ordered paid by Judge Boykln, were not allowed. Th commissioner say they will not pay Shemwcll's costs unless compelled to do so by law. Th matter is sow In tbe Superior Court. Commendation From a High Son roe, WasblrqiC.,)BVetilngNews. ' " - f The Raleigh, N. a, Pbbss Vm tor, the new consolidated afternoon daily,' which waa lannohed a few weeks ago under the management of the well known North Carolina edl tor, Greek O. Andrews, is attracting attention as one of the progressive afternoon dailies between Washing ton and Atlanta. . It is a singular faot that Raleign, although tbe oap- ital 01 the Old North State and a oitjr : of noi mean' population: las never been a profitable newspaper field, and tbe evidence of prosperity and eoooess whloh the Pbbss-Vm. tob bears upon Its face speaks well tor the managerial ability of Mr. Andrews. It is tbe only afternoon daily in the State which has ever undertaken to give its readers suoh a full and comprehensive news ser vloe, both telegraphio and domestla Mr. Andrews is trying an experi ment by giving his qonstitueaoy a first class newspaper, whloh he will doubtless find profitable in the end. His career as a newt paper mania sufficient to warrant that be will make splendid suooess, ' ' f ', Annnal M. P, Conference. The MethodiSf Protestant Annnal Conference of North Carolina will meet in Greeaaboro, November 90th to 96th, The session' will be held in Grace church. Bev. T. M. Johnson, of He. derson, NO, will preach the Confer ence sermon. About 160 delegate will b ia attendane.'" ' $. Tbe North Carolina Methodist Pro testant Christian Endeavor Unioa will hold its annual meeting during confer ence week. . 1 i-.iv. .". The King'. Daughters. Tbe "Mlaalon Cirel" and St. Lnka's will again unite ia their work at the fair. .The object of on. circle is the lssloa rooms, the other one direct their efforts to St. Luke's Home of Ia eurable. They will have all th deli. eaclea of th season to serve. Aa Invitation to aU , the" King's Daughters visiting th. city, -will re ceive a weeome to our mission room. at any time. Arms and Amman Ition Returned. : Tj T'' :rs;b to the Press- Visitor.'"" WilmisotuS, Del., Oct 17. Ths eol 1 ,T of Customs has been ordered to t . : a over to tbe owners, the arms and i , ; aiiiUon seiied recently from ths -;peted Cuban Insu j;eats. ' Supreme Court Note. ; , . The Supreme Court will on Tuesday nsxttaks up appeals from tb. Fourth Judicial District. Among tb. lawyer, in the city attending court ar. Messrs George B. Wilsoa and Kseraas, of Charlotte, and Ex-judge W. B. Allen of Goldsboro. ' . The Mabel Palgs Company arrived in the city today and will be th. at traction at th. Academy all neit week, beginning with Monday nlgt.' Personally Conducted Excursion to 1 . ' 1 , Atlanta via the S. A. It ' ' . Knowing that a great many of the citiiena of the cltv do not wish to leave Balelgb during Fair week the Seaboard Air Lisa has made arraag.m.ets with one ef the beet known gentlemen ef th city to take a large party to At lanta between the 8th aad 15th of No vember at extremely low rates. They do 'this believing that their many frtenda and the f rienda ef the Fair will appreeiatc it. , They will have hotel and all other arrangements mads for thia party. Through can. ao change, and remember, no extra charge oa our vestibule train. Call at 8. A. L. ofilca for particulars -. -- , '- ' ':'. ,!" Blaeonla - '..; V HI ram Lodge, No. 40, will m.et ia regular sommunioa Monday evening, October list. Brethren of sister lodges cordially Invited to attend. By order. W. W. Wiuaog, W. M. Captain Drunsmond I1L ... Captain W, Ft Drnmmond, a former conductor on the Seaboard Air Lins, is seriously ill at his sister's bom aear Norfolk. Captain Drnmmond was with th. Seaboard Air Lin. ov.r thirty year aad is well knows la this city. He was a vary popular aad highly trusted employs.; Last night h was reported at the point of death. - V As the aamber . of ' school children aad others who have signified their la tea tioa of going to Atlanta Monday is not large enough to Justify running a special trala, this idea has been abaa doaed. Extra coach, however, have been engaged whloh will be attached to the regular trala leaving for Greens boro Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. These coaches will go through to At lanta without change, reaching that Ity about 6 o'clock Tuesday morning. Th delegationa from; th city schools aad ft. Mary'a School will go oa thes oaehs. Tare, (7 for roaad trip; children under twelve, $3.60. Raleigh Cotton Market. Saturday, October 19th. Middling fair, . Striot good middling, 8 8-4 to 8 7-8. Good middling, 8 1-3 to 8 6-8. Strict middling, . Middling, Mr. Bernard's Narrow Escape. The rush and hurry of the Western Union's bicycled messenger boys same very aear causing an accident in front of the Tarborough yesterday. ,, A call came to the offloe and two messenger boys grabbed their wheels and started for a race after the three cent bonus for the delivery of a mes sage. As the'Ieader rode out into the Street, Mr. Joe Bernard, alao awheel. waa riding down town rather rapidly, Just behind him a street ear waa run ning at full tilt. The messenger saw the ear, bnt not Mr. Bernard. ' He started to cross just ahead and the next momenthlaand Mr Bernard's Wheels crashed -together. The messenger was thrown hard to th. left, while Mr. Barnard fell to the right ' The street s&r hummed by within two feet of him as he lay pros trate. Atd th. other messenger boy mad. the three cento. Quite Blnlflcant. Jim Young say la th laat lsen of the Gaistte- "The board of aldermen refused at their meeting Monday night of last week to order a bridge put across the railroad at Cannon street. Th re-ident of that part of th elty should sot forget thia aotion Whca the (60,000 of boada eleetloa eotnes off. The city without reasoa removed the former bridge bnt will not replace aaoth.r - , j , '.' , . - . . -j. Trot. Ford taat Night, V;." Prof. 8. F. Ford, of New York, gave a delightful entertainment last night to an audience which was not as large as it should have been. ' Prof. Ford is a elocutionist of rare ability. He has strong power j aa a dramatist and humorist The audi ence last evening was thoroughly charmed and interest never lagged at any time. Mr. Ford is certainly one of the best entertainers that has viaited Raleigh In soma days. Ons sonviot arrived at the peniten tiary from New Hanover county today, It's aa old matter but sores, how ver old, need soring. Can't the city anthoritlea atrain a point and send the sprinkler up Hillsboro street.ispeeially since Fair week is here. The prettiest turnout which haa been seen on the streets of Bsleigh in some time is a new Victoria, which Mr. W. A. Upehurthhaa just received It ia the work of Tyson & Jones. Work has commenced on th. found. tlon of a handsome nw residence whleh Mr. O. G. Womble will build on the lot recently purchased by him from Col. Aadrsws and which is situated on North Blount street. Mayor Boas' con rt was foil of gase ous testimony this morning. The test! timony of witnesses, however, convict ed no one of henious crime. The usual quota of drunka were disposed of and several casss of disorderly conduct were tried On September 8rd Bobert Dockery, of Cherokee county, killed a man named M. Brice. He fled after the killing, and haa not since been heard from The grand jury having returnd a true bill for murder against Dockery, Governor Carr today Offered a reward of $100 for his capture. The subject of Bev. D. H. Tuttle's sermon at the Central Methodist Church tomorrow av.nlng will be "Christ and Liberty." His sermon is to be a sequel to the one of laat Sunday evening, and in itwillJbe ahown 'he relation of Chris tianity to organised labor and other vital subjects of our day. In view of the exceeding drought, Commissioner Major Wilson suggests that Botanist Gerald McCarthy and Weather Prophet (?) von Herman ex change plaeec for a week or so. The love of the former for growing things will, Major Wilson naturally thinks, make the chances of a rain much better. Capt J. J. Thomas, President of the Commercial aad Farmer. Bank, haa returned from Atlanta where he attended th. meeting of the American Banker.' Association. There were a large aambar of bankers present from all over the United States, and oa last Tuesday night there waa aa elegant banquet at which the .lit. of Atlanta war. present. Mr. B. S. Jerman, of thia city waa elected Ties President of the Aseoeiatloa for Nortn Carolina. Bead Messrs Royall A Bordea's big advertisement today aad get an idea of what aa Immense business they arc doing. They are prepared to do a large business because they have: a mammoth factory of their owa, run ning day and night aad employing 163 smb. - They have m addition to this a hair and mattress factory aad a re fully prepared to furnish their lm- msnss trade. Mr. Mile Goodwin, ths liv manager, will be glad to see yoa st their clegaat emporium la this city, where be will ahow youth handsomest thing la th furniture line at the lowest figures. -. ' ' - Several St Mary' students left to day for Atlanta. Interestingly Told as Picked np on the Streets and Various Point. About Town. Jim Young says Ed. Johnson ia a oold-be politician. The exhibit of the Blaekwell Tobacco Company, which is quite a good one. has arrlred. Mr. Frank Stronaoh is making many improvements on his neat resi dence. When finished it will be la- deed handsome. Quite a party of Balelghite have made arrangements to leave the eity in the next few day for Atlanta to at tend the Bxpoaitlon. ' There will be only a few of the fair marshals who will rids in the tourna ment Wednesday, a reporter learns. Those who do ride, though, will make the dust fly. Thus far only alx school children have notified Superintendent Howell of their intention of visiting Atlanta. The SUte Fair will thua be more a gainer than a loser. Mr. T. H. Scoggins, of Durham, was the highest bidder and bought the en tire ware house of old corn whiskey of Tom Gray. Esq. This is probably the largest lot of corn whiskey in the state. The Governor's Guard are making ar rangements to leave here on the Srd or 4th of November for Atlanta. Tbe boya will go in strong numbers. It will be" a jolly good set. The Guard is a credit to the city. North Carolina Presbyterian Synod meet, next Tuesday at Fayetteville. It represents 81,000 members and 800 clerical and lay delecates will be pres ent. Bev. W. B. Arrowood will preach the opening aermon. Bich mend College football team will play the University football eleven at Chapel today. The Virginia boys say that yesterday's defeat by the A. AM. College boya was due to their xxtraor dinarlly rough railroad ride. The like of cotton has not been seen here for some time as was on tbe mar ket yesterday. Wilmington atreet waa crowded so aa to almost block the streets which were filled. The good prices bring out ths farmer. Editor Charlea L. Stevens, of the Soothport Leider, paid the Paasa Viairoa a pleasant call yesterday. Mr. Stevens is juat baok from Atlanta. While there the Atlanta Constitution printed a handsome photograph of the bright editor. The old well on the corner of Davie and Fayetteville is reckoned with the past. It has been entirely refilled with the dirt taken from the excavation on Hargett street. The old well on Fay etteville street opposite Tucker's will also be refilled. Secretary Brnner hunted hard for newa when a reporter "struck" him thia morning. This, however, is the sum total of information from the Agricultural Department. It is given out freely. "Inquiries have been re ceived from Michigan partiea concern ing the working of hard wood." The ladies of ths St. Mary's Guild will have at the Fair grounds an at tractive space where hot lunch, daint ily prepared, will be served contin uously during Fair week. The pro ceeds will bs devoted to benevolent purposes and the ladies should be en couraged in their undertaking. Marshal Carroll has returned from Goldsboro where he has been en busi ness connected - with, the Commodore Mr-Carroll goes to Elisabeth City Tuesday te bold ourt. The Fed eral Court com thlk aad fast now . aad Mr. Carroll will be kept oat of the ity off and on for five weeks. - . Th street ear system is making ex. . tensive preparations f for aeeommoda- ' ting th crowds. Ths track front Per- soa street to Athletic park ha nearly all been taken np, The track to the Fair gronads beyond the college has V been relald and the grade 1 quit, c small. A good schedule will be far- nlshed ths patrons of the road aa is ' usually th case. Manager Ke.ler knows all about rnnning a street car system.