1 BY 2J A Consolidation of I he Visitor, Ks-tHblibhL-a 1S7S, and (he I'rews, Katab-li.-,Iw:l 1801. - Utln-e m Uie l'ulieu Building, corner JTayetteville and Davie Streets. . Kditor and Manager. "SHI JASPEH N. . Soliciting Agent. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year, , One month. 3.00 .25 XUtni at Mad Clou MaS Mattel , mm M .1 The : Leading Afternoon Paper In the State. The fress-Yiaitor publithes. ail the newt every day and has doable the clr- , eulation of any daily ever published to Raleigh. TELEPHONE. 168 WKDNESDAY, OCTOBER 88, 1808, ' OUR 6TATE FAIR, " , The State Fair, whioh is once more npoa as, is attracting the people of oar whole State to the capital as it has done for many recurring Indian summers. The success of the Fair this year is prononnoed and it something to inspire gratification in the face of tbediffioulties whioh hung over it sometime ago, and a large share of the credit for that success is due to the patriotic North Carolinian whose strong arm has been under It when others were weak. Secretary Nichols has also been zealous and indefatigable in his labors and we have him to thank in a large measure for the success of the Fair. It has long been a recognized fact that the great benefit of the State Fair is derived from the faot that it brings together the people of the en tire State in social and friendly con tact. It is an institution in that re speot and one whioh serves a gocd purpose in bringing .together the peo ple of the State. They meet and ex change pleasant greetings and oarry away each others' p ractical ideas. The Fair is a success. The attend an os is good and the exhibit is excep tionally una. Tomorrow will be Ral eigh day, and Raleigh will turn out in full foroe. COTTON MILLING INVESTMENTS IN THE SOUTH. An intresting review of the ootton milling business in the South is given as follows by the Atlanta Con stitution: Although the talk about the re moval of the New England cotton mills to the South has subsided, and although it is now pretty wellun derstood that the hubbub was raised for the purpose of influencing legis lation 'n some ol the New England States, the disoussion has neverthe less been of vast benefit to the South. It has been the means of boning the eyes of the New England mill men and capitalists to the substaniti at advantages which Southern mill property enjoys over the same kind of property at the North and East. Though some of the mill owners of New England visited the South for the purpose of emphasing their dis satisfaction with existing or project ed legislation, many of them were so struck with the possibilities' of the situation here that they went1 far beyond their original purpose and invested a good deal of their surplus capital in Southern mill olanta. The result of it all is .that there has been during the past two years a tremendous Increase in the amount of oapital invested in ootton manu facturing in the 8outh. . Part of this has been furnished ' by ' Northern men who are familiar with the mill business and part1 lias been furnish ed by Southern capitalists who know something of the oomfortable divf dends that the mills ra this section have been paying during the herd times. . ri j- .. . It will be remembered that the Constitution has never taken any stock in the idea that all the New England cotton " mills would be moved to the South in a few months, or even in the coarse of a few years. uch a movement would be unn atur al and therefore destructive. The r ..-Teinect will be gradual and i 1 . r-n. natural. It beKiiu several years ago, and has recently received ai im pulse from the hard tiii.es that will hurry it forward moie rapidly.' But years of prepanion and adjustment are required to bring about great iifc dustrial changes and developments. and it will be so in this case. "' It will be helped forward not only by Southern competition hut by the competition of Japan. This will prove to be more than the New England mills can afford to facet and one of two things will happen; either the capital invested in the I mills will be withdrawn and trans-1 (erred to more profitable enterprises or the mills will be gradually moved i to .the South as, the pressure of events becomes more serious. ' 3 . It Is rumored that the qneen of Cores may be lit. Ia that ease she may sot hata been killed. V ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve.' i itv um Miff ui nip wvnu iw wis. bruises, sores, .leers, salt rb.um. ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, ebil blalns, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively core piles, or no pav required It Is guaranteed to give perret satisfaction or mony Verona d. ' Prie 9S eeott per poi. For sal bv John y WarP t,-. DUKE Cigarettes A n maok rnoai High Gr2da Tobccco ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets "'Writing Paper Vary more In price perhaps than any other article sold. xouao not have to pay for the style in our papers. That is without charge. we nave also tne "correct ink, only the best sold. , As for Pens, there is none to com- ire witn "LEUix ISAAC'S OLUCE- WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens In Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES is not equalled in the eity. Alfred Williams & Co. Sale of Land Under Mortajre. By virtoe oi power eonrerred npoa me byasertaia mortgage, exeented by Loey Mangam, whioh -said mort gage ia duly recorded ia Registry of Wake eonnty in book No. 138 at pr. 844. 1 will offer for sals to tha highest I miuuw ivi vmu v mi war aoaif door ia the eity of Baleigb,' N. C, on Wednesday October SS. 1896. at U tha laad desoribed in said mortoaa. aajolning tne lands of Jso. U. Cren. shaw, I. a Braasfleld, Mrs. D. K. Kllena and others lying ia Barton's Creek township, said eonnty and State aad mors aeearately described la said mortgage, which for diaeriptioa eta.. is made a part Hereof. . Bald tract of laad eontaina 190 acres mora or less. T B. X. MOJTTAaVB, .'I". Sept. SS, '06. ' : Atty. Hoi tags SALE OF LAND. Bv anthoritv of a mortmmt from inrigiopner ooaara and wife, record- C. j v " . WIU " I , ao, avuu uiuua I county sell to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land situated in Swift i?eec lownsnip, wsae county, contain ing 50 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of P. P. Peace and others, th said tract being composed of two tracts as follows: . ....... first tract eontalns 35 acres, and ad- oins the lands ofW.B 4 Goodwin. P. Peace and others, and is particularly scribed in a deed to said Woodard from P, fates and wife recorded in Book 35, page 350. said Register's office. Second tract contains 25 acres and adjoins the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin a"d others and is described in a deed from P. P. Pece to said Woodard wm. cordod in Book 68, page 447, said Reg ister's office. A satisfactory nnrchaiwr will he al lowed easy terms as to payments if a part of the purchase price' is rnld in CHsti. " - W. N. JOXks, , oi tds v Attorney. gr ouwMAM. W.C. u.i.. A. D. EVESYTniXJQ LTEVfV POPULAR GOODS AT popular . prices popular; hp.jse. llD doa't bay until we are certain II U that the Style. Material aad Price are tight, WE seareh aatil we Bad correct merchandise, then ' "bar." Customer eh mid do likewise. Make I im - - i . "T J"" ?'JbS! i are ertain you'll buy here. - . mv a.kuv. fl MIHtdll wnnMI kn ... Five Popular Departments in our Popular Store: Dress Goods Silks ' Coats, Capes, Jackets, House Furnishing Goods Shoes The onlv entire new atnrk in th if i viu wuivu kv uu jvur vejvouon. Best Goods for f he Ioney. For State Fair Visitors This week specialties In Dress Goods. Hllka and Wrana ''rowrwit" and "opened np" expreasly for visitors to the State Fair. , , , lonsioer tnia a personal invitation I for yon to call and aee the ehoioe thines that at this opening brings out Make our store your meeting nlaee. your resting plaoe, your shopping w ailing ana xouet uooms ror LMues. A. B. STRONACH, I Ury UOOoS, ilOtlOnS. onoes. . U Gay ton Bed Ash, Egg. Thatcher, Bed Ash, (Splint, Robinson, Bed Ash, - Splint. 0 . jeuco, uea ash. Splint Anthracite, Bed Aal ih, A Anthracite, White Ash, m Egg.' Anthracite, White Ash, Stove. Anthracite, White Asb P "cahontas Smokeless Lump, Pocahontas Smokeless -Steam. Russell Creek Pmt- t Antbrale Li CBUSHED COKE for . . FAMIXT DSE. SMOKELESS , ODBKLBSS - ' 8MDTLBSS, Anv kind of Coal or Coke anipped dlrect from the mines. All from .the Zm SSLSt kSL Vmn.n. in.nMtMl and naif cted bv JONES & POWELL, RALKIOH. K. O. ', ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having oualifled as administrator of the ettate of John Baker, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persona having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned en or before the 81st day of August, ltws, or una notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will 1 please make immediate payment - Argo (X mow, aiij a AUKUSl BU, I Baa PHONE so oi L QAKWINE ANY Utr,TH " let c f "I a r 1 I- I I IH LARGEST Rim" " ' ' n I In the South. THPMAS&. MAXWELL -HAVE JUST KICXrVKD- ' Car Load ;o( Furniture -CONSlSTIKe OF- 37 of the Finest Oak -'v ' Suits V;: '- That hire em beeL shown In the city. Tbey Jiave had three clerks marklnf down the prioe of roIs on band In order to sell them out to make room ' for tha Immmu atnrk whlnh ia hiri. . lor us immense stock wnich la being received dally. . - ' . v i 1 . Mestra. Thomas ft Maxwell are n abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and increase the number of their salesmen and the volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture" dealers in the South. An idea of the extent of their! bualLers may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern cities In whioh they have branch boose THOMAS ft MAXWELL : " . , J . Charlebton, & U " Cotambs, M " Savannah, Qa. - Augusta, " - m ' i , W i Atlanta, Macon, , Columbus, " " Ameriou', " M lharlotte,N. G - Baleigb, - Bichmond, Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later . Yours for honest goods and low prices, THOMAS & MAXWELL. C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. He has a fine selec tion of , v Suiting? and Trouserings. Call at 1S4 Tayetteville' streei, up stairs, Tha bast 18.00 Men's Shoes on the market. . . r w - ' Made from tannery calfskin, dnneola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather . , soles with Lewis' Cork filled Soles. - TJneqnaled for beauty, Una worfanaD shlp, and wearing qnallUea. Yoor choice of all tlM popular toes, awtfa and fasten-- Inga, . '"V" . - Every pair eontalns a.paklnp Acci dent Iaamnues Policy for 100, good lot -00 days, . . Wear Lewaf Aoddent TmraiMtf Bhoaa, and ra laaured free- . j, -..,, SOLDBT - ' laVlxitixiqr Xsros THE GBEATEET L f IT . I I DISCOVERY Or THE ACC. LK Cnrs In 1 to 4 dam. Tm meoiute in efiot: quick Su ctiro. vim be earned (KH:kAt, all ee-iuleta la on peo&iMte. h ut br miU prepaid, nlaia noupt ot pnoe. Si par bua J Joraale by John T. MeRae, drag ia , r- , , . n T mm: mi a.? i a bitw:):ous FT. VASTL. 1 w a i i - . I O ItIGGANS KIGGAWS. in TH12 ' PLACE r TO BUY Dolls, Games, Juvenile Books, Toys, wagons, roveiues, uoii ruruiture, . Inil (alia, Loll CarriHires, . . Yi suoLg, Carti, Veloj)euo, . ' Bnk t, (tancy and use-" i lui) iiriij-a-brsc. Iron ' Tor of all kinds. - Rubber Dolls, Rattles - and Rubber ' y- . ... ' 'iOJS v Largest Btoek aver la North Carolina. Largest Btoek aver In North Carolina. BUST VALUES FOR LEAST MONET BEST TALUKS FOR LEAST MONET ; RIGGAN, - - The Toy Man, - Rig nine loy oicre, IsaFayettevUleSU - - ' aepia. ADMIJJISTRATOE'8 NOTICB. I . f lvffT'n8 (!J1!iflStl,s administrator of estate of B, F. t heatham, deceased, ute of w,ka county, this is to notify 1 H persons holdina- claims against the , i aaiu esutiie to present tuem to uie un- derslsned on or before the 26th da av September. 1890. or this notice wil ill be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment. ' ' t - , J. C. MARCO M, ; '' Administrator of K. F. 1 Cbeatham, Deceased. '' PBKLB ft MaTNARD, .. . --. ' , ", Attorneys. : sep2& 4w SALE OF LAND. . " In pursance of a Judgment rendered on the 88tn day of September, A. O 1895. in a special proceediDg entitled W. R Blake, administrator of Mrs. E E. Glenn, deceased, against Pattie Dupree etaL, before the Clerk of Wake Su perior ourt, I will sell at the court bouse door, in the city of Raleigh, on the 4th day of November a . JU. 1896. at IS o'clock m . at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing desciibed lot or parcel of land Dounuea ana . asonoea as ioiiows: Lying and being in the city of Raleigh, on the the north side of Martin street. and bounded on tne east by lot of Hen derson Reeves, deceased, on the south by the land of Eldridge Johnson, de ceased, and on the north by the lot formerly owned by w esley Whitaker; fronting on said Martin street 85 feet and running back 210 feet; containing one Bum oi an acre more or less, , W. R Hr.iKJL . octlSOd - .Commissioner. . SALE OF BBjAL ESTATE. Br virtue of an order made In aneclai proceedings entitled J. 0. Kareem, ad ministrator e. t a of WUev Moaa. da- eeaaed, vs. Harha A. Pears; and another. l win, on Monday, November 4, 1SU5, at 12 o ciock ja at me uourt nouse noor oi Wake eountv. sell to the hicrhst biddr the following described lands in bwttt t-reea rownsmn, wate tounty, lo-wlt: First Tract. Bounded on tha north hv Mrs. PooLon the went bv T. H. Shellev. on the south by Willie Hoas, and on the east by 8imoon Goodwin, contains SS acres more or less, and Is descrllwd in a deed from Sylvester famlth to Wiley Moss, re- eorana in jhok hi, p. vn, registers omce for Wake couDty. - . f ; Seeond Trafc.--Ad1ntna tnn nn ahnv described and ia known as the W. F. Col lins land, eontalna twenty-three acres.- -, Terma of aale. onahalf eaah. halanoa ui bim mouuia iruin saie aav. -r oStds . -. J. 0. MA.KC0X. Adm'r. , ana uouunisaioner Notice to Defendants. In the If. S. Circuit Court for the Ksstern District of North Caroinis, BnffaloCity Mills, Limited, vs. W W.Arohibald and May Arobibald. It ia orderrd that said W. W. An chibald and May G. Archibald be re quired lo appear and plead, answer or demur at the office of the Clerk of tbe United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, in the city of Raleigh, ou or be fore November lltb, 1895, and tbat a copy of this order together with a copy ot the bill oi earn plaint and sub poena herein shall be served upon tue aeienaants in tne eoucbern Dis trict of New York, the Eastern Dis t riot of Virginia, or in such other District as tbe defendant may be found. : It is farther ordered that service be made by publication oooe a week for six weeks ia the Pnces- VisiTOB, a newspaper published in toe city oi rtaieign. .. f - i H, J, U.WVIV1U 8eot. 3 1805. ; Clkbx. .: AaannRr.w. ft. Mkrsbs. Ltppm an Bbos., bavannah,Ua Dkab Sirs 1 bouzbtabottleof vour r. tr.tr... as riot sorines. Art- ana it has done me mote good Uian three months treatment at Hot Springs. Have you no agents in this part of the country, or let me know how much it will cost to get three or six bo'.tles from your city by express. - - - tsespecutiiiy yours. JAB. M. NEWTON, . Aberdeen, Brown County, O, fSSWANBAILLE. Fla. ME8RS. Lipfkan bKOs., bavannah. Ga.: Dear Sibs I wbh to give my testi monial In repaid 'to your valuable medicine, P. P. P., for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, bil iousness, etc In ldl I was attacked with bilious muscular TbeuD'atism, and have been a martir to it ever since. I tried a't medicines I evsr heard of, and ad the doctors in reach, lull found only temporary relief; tliei . "8 were to bud at times that I did tu.l c " whether 1 lived or difd. tJyti . i became so impaired that ever) n 1 at disagreed with me. i suffered so intensely wiia c. i that her life was a burden to 1 would te oor.fliied to her t at a time; she awo from guiiiine-g sml to- ti'ne ia y ureh Im P P., 8" t I : "fl e ( had tin l ( P.. or t. - "i i My pa a c . i r- n HI- KI'IV ,, I douiif a i . '. 1 i ... ,i . t T '! ' t : V C ' ' it U i f 1 V H, ,1 - ' T7i""h. r- flL. .. I ' ablc3 o t j V 3 ' -Ladiea' Cuata la Kers-y, Chei"t tad Boocla with th saw melon aloevest prioas begin at t3 B0 " " ,: . Ladies' Capes la cloth, Deaer, diagonal, boaola and wool aatrachanf prices begin at J3 60.' Mlsaea' Coata in plain clothes, Sootsh mlitares and boocla effects, ages from 8 to 14 yaarsi piieea begin at S Wraps for "little k-ta" of new material! and designs. W. E & R.'S; .TUCKER & CO, 800 Fayettevllle Street, Opposite Postofflctu . - We have a large and complete line of Penmanship PraotlceTableta and Pads Pencil and Ink Pads and Tablets. Slates. Straps, Pen's, Pencils, SpongeaCrayo Inks. Composition Hooka. H wb.lm.nl Vr!.. i T.wt. ... " v"'"u X . cchool , pAoq, " : ' - . : Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. . -s ,7 ' y - ' i. i kJ .t - - - :We Are Known as Headquarter '.': Fori BTerythinff In the 8tationrr Lto& and carrt a wmnipf tJtl? "" I Wnil you wTirreTvrpron?Mur teous attention, and we guarantee our goods to be stricUy flrstolaHa i and Te. "ented gj- Special prices to Dealers and 8Jhool ' 8t:0!f,,, .f M rep v D AI riOII OTATIftr.r-r, , - . - . : W. O. 8EPARK, Manager. T - " T -" " " . 1 - " ' .- . - ; - SOOFayettevyie street - V CROSS s UN - With everything decreed bv tha world'a dtctatnra nf VhU rn. h. Ing aeaaon, aad govsraed by the asodarats pries system which hae built op oar teat constituency, aad keeps loercasing it in gratifying voloma season -after s-asoo. . , YOUR r-0? Y's FULL VALUE -S, Is considered fair and upright dealing avarvwhera bnt w ara nmvmr aallaflt ! -" kv un .ubdi'ou uivrvanuH raiam obi dm l la r : ea adlaa tbm tvot valoasof onr comp-titora sod to imprors opon onr own. Your inspection of prises will, ws think make e'idsnt tha eaccesa with which ws have applied the aboya principle or ratber onr improvement upna lbrf ' As stylish, handsome and new as It thaa most booses ssk for lsat season's GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES. No pains hare been spared to maks all the fashionable centres having been wa ssa show yon np-to-data stuff aa worn ty tha fashionable people of today . 210 PATAPSCQ ' ESTABLISHED 1774. tiih: Premier x lTloiir Jlannfactnred from the Cream of .Maryland and Virjrjnla Tieat. Iop I "ale by City Grocers.' 'f fin In eah premiams, payable In gold for the best T-read anj Lolls msde of tbe above tu rir. 1 he pablle, 1 irt premiom vm Bread, tS.CDs second, flO.Oa n Ku jo:;ii 9 tczt liht pc:lll3 s, o ' SO. ' r . f -rm . 1 '.J aim.Oi. GO., Is possibls to make them at nrlaaa lo ssrrisd-over stock. - each department in its Una aomufeU carefully examined with the resah that Favcttcvillo Ct'cct. America brand of Flour and cut on eihil eicertinir proff o i 0 ,i tskra, inviti 1 1 irst premiq a 5 (X); see; n J Oilt L Oil, t T t, Ealefh, K. C, Ai