i. r . ,. ,i fjuuJ my Beck,, r - i. ", uiurb do J ul lot me?" -r t?-Ht voice antiwers clear: i I vs jnu, love you A ! !. ' 1 u. . . . i"n, there!" n I t.,-u I'm pour no more no tnor, 1 rl'ta Lo'e BiiI!iiiDirl 1hu r b---imh tbe breaking If j !n-r y's bai bread. An 1 i -m llooia from out tbe gloom . , ! crown her early head. . . ." .: i .1 eunmtiuies a thankful tear, I X dreaming eyei will Bll. i:ri'ft arms Bteal around me, . . . And soft! whisper (till: "I love yon, I love yoa A hundred million, tberel" I weep no more) Qod help the poor) I'm Love's own millionaire. ' The State) Normal Leads, - , Tb number of students now at tbe Normal and, Iudustrial School is abonO, says the GreenBboro Re cord. ; This is about 70 more than were actually present at any one time last year, though the enrollment for the year reached 405 Its enroll, meet this year will probably be about 600. exclusive' of its practice school and ts summer school . . President Mclver said to us a few days ago that all the counties In the State bad had representatives in tbe institution exoept Brunswioky Jaofc. ion, Mauison and Tanoey, and that he was looking for new student from Madison in a week or two. ; The Number of Biojrclee.7" An expert has solicited tbe opinion Of the leading bicjole manufacturers of tbe country as to the number of bicycles manufactured in America during 189S, and tbe probable output for 1893. Tbe responses, which are from the leading manufacturers of the country; place tbe output for 1895 anywhere f roa00,000 to 75Q,. 000, and that of 1896 from 600.0jO to 1,000,000. A tair average of ihese opiulona would bring the prophecy for 1896 to near 750,000 wheels. If the busiuess keep on at the pace set by tbe present demand, everybody that -can buy amount will soon be on wheels. ' ' " ' Personally Conducted Excursion to - Atlautavrla the O. F, nd T. V,. Tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley , Railway will takera personally oon- duoted party to the Cotton 8tates and .. International Exposition at Atlanta, Ga., October 29th via tbe Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway and Sea- . board Air Line. On Tuesday, Ooto ber 89th, a special exourslon train will atart from Mt Airy and run through to Atlanta without change of oars on the" following schedules Leave Mt. Airy at 7 a. m ; arrive at -Atlanta . Fare for tbe round trip : Mt. Airy,' 110.60; Pilot Mountain, ia30 Walnut Cove 9-80; Greens bora, 9.2& Correspondingly low rates from intermediate stations. Tickets are good to return on any time with in ten days. Arrangements will be - made with hotels in Atlanta for baard tot this special party at the very lowest rates. ; . - - This train will remain in Atlanta until noon Saturday, November 3d. Passengers wishlngjto remain longer wsn return by tIa)ar train wlth- n the limit of ten ; f- Cloee connection is made at Max ; on in both directions, between the C. F. and Y. V. and 8. A. L. S Now Is your opportunity to see the - wonderful resources of tbe gouth, Tbe Grenada, Mies., Sentinel says: Capt. W. B. Kendriok, of Raleigh, N. C, rendered a most pleasing and entertaining lalk on the 'ups and downs of hunting a wife" Thursday - night Capt. Kendrick has been con nected with the University Publish- ing Company for about twenty-five ' years, and for tbe last five years has made Grenada his headquarters. He is a gentleman of pleading address ' and has the tact of holding an audi ence admirably, ; His humor was thoroughly enjoyed and his leoture : applauded as a work of true merit? A horse kicked H. a Phafer. of " the , Frewuiyer Houpa, MnlU"iurjr, N. Y. on the knee, which laid lum up in bud and caused the knee joiut to bwouie suil. Afriwd recommended him to nsa f'hunil.prhdn'a Pain Balm, which " be did. and In two days was able to be around. Mr. SUafer has recomendwi it to many others and Bays it is excellent f or any kind ot a bruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for ts cures of rheumatism, xoi ewe or J. Hal Bobbiit . - , ' -. , The knee of a ship feels tbe strata - of a ipaking breeie. John G. W aueer, editor of the Sun. baro, t-Iiirman, Mo., who maned 'iuv..iuml fur the I'rftsuinnev V'ovenir, l:xX while was mayor of j . a. 1., is em iniH'imuo in ms ' 1 , of DHiniritUi's t "i,c, CIoif I. 1 l .mrr1n,. KpmtMIV. 1: 8 MVK "I i,,,v it for the pat five yire and c t itthe best pr'iHration of tiie 5 i hit' e mrket- Jt is a s: ) as t r nod w.bee in this section. It is e of merit and should be ut J , , - iioii-hoid. For saie oy J , 1 i.t...;u. 1 rsfc - ;.- -. sept. A 1 .iTr. ..are, D. V. .. :, r. i f Cti j-jhri, N. Y. cvt -.--n t krt Dr, Kiaff'e i s Ins. ovey in tbe b-iuse and his f 1 ; ' j- ban ai ays fuund that tbe ery beet reHulm fuiluw Us opei that be would nut te without it, if proenrabl O A. Dykeuian, drogxit, Catskill, N. V., nays that Dr. King's Nw Piscj ery in undoubtedly the beat cough remedy) that he haa nsed it in hie family for eight yara, and it haa never failed to do all that ia claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested.. Trial boHles free at John Y. MoBas'a drag store. Kcgalar siie BOe and ei 00. . - - That tattoe yoa bear : Over' in Ohio Is Jimmy Campbell nailing eampaiga lies. ; , - -.. ; ; ;.. . Last June Dick ' (Jr wford brought his twelve-months-old child, suffering from, infantile diartboea,' to me. It h d been weaned at four months old and bad always been sickly. I gave it tbe usual treatment in such cases but without benefit ' The child kept grow- ing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds.. I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr Remedy.- Before one bottle of the tnt size had been used a marked improvement was seen and U continued use cured tbe child, - its weakness and punv constitution die- appeared and its father and myself be lieve the child'a life was saved by this remedy, j. t. Mariow, m. u.. Tama roa, 111. For sale by J. Hal Bobbitt Fourteen Chlntmea were beheaded last weekVi "';.: V'f'j'J- ivti " 1 , im ' 1 . ' 1 r..j-' '- i 8. F. Tinvir, Dewart, Pa., writes: Mr. Haring of this plaoa . has nsed yonr remedy or the Vile and reeom- mends it very , highly. - He gave me your address.' . 1 woold like to know do what terms aad price yon sell to dealers. Let me bear from 70a- and oblige.. Sold by John Y. MacHae. , ; Prices of eoal have ad ra need Johnson's Bmslsiou of Cod Liver Oil is invaluable in all pulmonary af feetlona and eonaamption. , It enrich- es the bloooi restores ' lost tisanes. builds np tbe appetite makes ! sound flesh. - Pint bottles $1.00. - For sale by John Y;MaeKset drnggist. Cassias il. Clay U aaiust Hardin forGoternor, , . '- For insomnia, sleeplessness; aeiv- oasness, hysteria -and' all forms of nervous eshaostion and debility, there is but oaei remedy. Johnson's fiarsa- parilla and Celery works., directly upon the nerve centers and never fails to cure. Large bottles SO oents. t sale by John Y. UaeBae.T t; ' -; -" The duke of, Marlborough will get that $3,000,000, too, without going le eourt (or It ' r The way to reach catarrh is through the blood. . Johnson's Saraaparilla and Celery treats this disease successfully. Try it and you will not be disappoin ted. Price, large bottles, 60 cents. For sale by John Y, MacKae drug gist, , - ' Our new navy ia peerless, snd tn- fottanatei.dry dockless, too.', ' r ;';' " " " " ' J.v.a-.v 'v - Old You Ever m Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not get a bottle aow and get relief. . This medicine has been found to be peculiarly ; adapted to the relief ' and oure of. alt female complaints, exerting a wonderful di rect Influenoe .In giving strength and tone to the organs. If yoa have less of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous,- sleep lees,' eioitable, melancholy or troubled with dluy spells. Blectrie Bitters is tte medicine you need. - Health and strength are guaranteed by its ve. Fifty eentt and and 1.00 at John Y. MeBae s drug store. ; .'- . All diseases of the skin cured and the best complexion restored by John son's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. Two eakea in each paoksge, 95 cents J For sale by John Y. MaoRaa r - r0U D'O NOT REALIZE. That yoa are in Raleigh unless you are - . . . ,. stopping at tne YflBOHO HOUSE The only Hotel in the city convenient f v. ; z ouBiueea. -. '. All rooms on the third floor 12.00 ner dav; first and second floors $2.00 and $2.60 per day. - - SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FREE BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Xhousanda of dollars recently expended .. provemenu. . Ii. T. BROWN, Proper. ; Sale of Valuable Real Eatate. By Tirtiie of mortcAir deed riven by Hardy B. fiat? well and Ad em me Bagwell his wife, to Catharine Bovlan, dated January 1. U-9 and rvr'HTnd In the oflice of Uift Kester of Deeds for Wahe county lu Holi 104 page 0. 1 will, on tlie J9tb of November, tti 5 at 8 o'clock, t Die Cotft Hon ie dtnr In Raleit'h Wake comity rV-11 t pubile auction, to tbe blRbest bni-i-T fur eash tbe following described real pstftf. to-wit: A certain tract of land situate In Vake county Bt. Marv'g Township arijoio Uigtiieln(isoi3amuel Vatts Allen Htunlivant J. U. I'unree, beiie 8ntth and otbent, and niorefniiy dwHcril'ed as follows: Beginning at p;.iitt.-'' on Tiie Hu'i'HUfld and Baiei b Koad .Vmn l it kur's hiuw Hinuel Wattl coiner near Vans thfiiee wiib bis line Bom it two degrees Wft ciitns to a stake, tlince south 7i de-p(-s wtM i7ocliain8 to the Wilmington Road, i i-'-i'e vtli hhhI thh1 to a pine. Alien Sturtit i , upHnmr tii". e iib Ins tine smith e-de-p .-rs tft e. 47 Ci.t ns to a aiafce Siuniivant's ciir t'-nre with ins Hue north 8dt'reti east rvvii os ' -mi to a rock. HuirUivant's comer: tnme tun his 1'ne south 8 dettrees west 4 -i rhtHH to ft t --the In Ja'k HpreVs line, t e tt.inh iu ; ref-s e; ' aOfWonains to a 1 :,t -tHt i.. VM-atner s corner. t. iK-e with ii - - e - n T dt-rHs esst 68 cii; ' ts to a r k, v' -ui'-rV crner thence noriii 8 d- ;j-s e;i-4 ft t-b ru tins to tbe Bmith- fi'ld p'ad tii"o'e wuti H!t .i nd to a Mack jju'k.Vm Httifoivant funpr thence with his line nm i h 8 !' e-t 1.1 cim.hato a Mack iv-" ' - HC'Mi'T tt t in e south 87 de- icta eat 1 cin to a r. k m tJie old road tin-nee as tlie rd eonri 8 d' 'Wi eat P. Ochams to tne 6"'iiit!''i'' K rnd ttncewiib tlie said rmil to tne teguiumg, cunutiniiij Thli ltfUi day of '"V. W. M bYLAS, xecuur oi Ceuauixlne Boylan. L'.:. FOR SALE. By virtue of auUmrity conferred by a certain 11 of Trust from It A. I;. i and Lorntta I lodge, his wife, daU-4 Liwct-mbHr Bth, and recorded in tiieolliceof the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. (J., in Book 113, at page 218, 1 will on , r, . . : THUttSDAY, November 14th, 1805, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, six (fl) tracts ot land s'tuate in raint Matthews township, Wake county, H. 0., and described as fo'lows: , - - First Tract containing 221 8 4 acres, more or less, being Lot. No 8 of the Oauton Wilder lands, ana described as follows: Adjoining t'..e lands of said Bodge on tne south, of the late David Bin ton on tue east, of the said Hodge on the north and Neuse river on tbe wett; and bounded as follows: begioJ nlng at a stake ana pointers on tne east bank of Neuse river, about 13 links be low the mouth ot a gul tbe south we.-1 corner of Tract No. 1. bought at the same time and place oy Joseph An drews, runs thence east 296 poles to a stake in the late David Hinton's line; thence with his line south 24 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 253 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of tbe river about 128 poles to the begin, ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said ollloe, in Book 60 at page 645, refereno to which is mada :- - ' Second Tract, contalaing 100 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Oaston Wilder' s land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point, era on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below-Spring Out; thence with the dividing line east 263 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek ; thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse riverj ibenoe np the said river about 196 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. S Poole to K. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, ia Book 96, at page 182, reference to which is made. - : Third Tract, containing 118 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarboroogh road W. K, Pool's corner rur a south t-2 degree west 45 pole to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said branch 80 notes to a pice on the east side of the branch; tbenoe south 34 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and ointeia; then e east 108 1-3 pol-a to a stake; tnence north 6 1-4 degrees east 814 ooles to the larborough road; thence with said road 08 poles to the r-eginnlng, being same tract conveyed hi Jennte Hinton to R a. Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 105, at pace 551, reference to which is made. fourth tract, containing 7 8-4 ao es, cure or less, and bounded as foi lows : Begins at a stake in tbe centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast oorner of tbe lot purchased br Joseph Andrews, at same time and plaoe, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch 88 Doles to a laiv-v nine on the east side of the same David Hinton's eo-ner tbenoe with bis line south 24 degrees west 80 1-8 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner of the dividing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by O. H. Williams, at same sale; tbence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road: thence north, ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the Beginning, oeing same tract conveyed by fearah E. Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hod ire. bv deed recorded in aaid ollloe. in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. - -; ' -f. Fifth Tract, containing twenlv-flve acres, more or leas, adjoining the lands Of Ruffln Williams, B. P Williamson, William Kmlth and Josenn J. Andrews. and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the O. H. W.'lder estate sale, being the southwest corner of said tract according to a chop. ped line commencing at tne said river, below spring gut, at a willow: tbenoe up said river, to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and Sine; thence to a stob in the branch; lence south to B. Williams' land, a lightwood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same tract con veyed by Joseph J. Andrews and others to B. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 56, at page 807, ref erence to which Is made. ... . . Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or less, ad joining tbe lands of W. B. Poole, Jesse Watkfns, deceased, and others, and bounded as rouows: Beginning at a stake in centre of Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-2 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre of tbe same; thence west 50 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the same est;48 8-4 poles to the beginning; and being same conveyed by James A, Williams ana wire toeiua a. a. nougu, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 62 at page 00, reference to whicn is made. - ' Pin or Salk ConntT Court House door, in Baleigh, N. C . . , ,. .... 'Tims or Balk -12 o'clock m,.; ;, ERNEST HAYWOoD, - Tkustxjl. , 001006118,1895. "" , - SALEOFVALUABLELAND. - Under and by virtue or power eon taint d in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and his wife Sidonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A.L lia which said mortgage is recorded in theollioe of the Begwter of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on pace 105, I will sell by request at the Court House inWake county, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, tiie tract of land particularly described insaidmort. gupo, winch is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county. North Carolina, In Saint Mary's townNiiiaand beginning at a white-oak, John Lilis' (decoHeed) corner, and runs thence south 2 vi poles to a red -oak in Wm. Band's old line; thence east with said Band's line to the mill-path stake and ix)inters: thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, curur oi juuu aiiicuna- i 1 : .1 , ,.(k . . i i . thence east 20 poles to a sUke ana pointers; thence nortn i poies to l otubn in the line formerly owned bv P. H. Gower: thence with said hue west 20 poles to a black-jack; thence sout h to a pine in P. H. (lower's old corner; thence west to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lundsottieo. Mltcnener, m. m. i.mt Wm. IlrfunL beiDg the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner in special proceedings, entiuea j. r. Guliy, administrator of J. G. Dupree, va. H Dunree and oUiers. in W ake Superior Court, to Robert A. Pot ter. ' " Time of sale. 18 o'clock, m on the 18th of November, 18S5. - W. T. HOWLK ilORTOAQKa. October 18, 1895. - . Infants r '"IQTH LI LISf Do You - Know L k aj - Btii ,iu' Dropa, Oodfra'a Curdlai, mtmj an railed SoortHny Sraps, aad moat remadii lor chfldrea aie emnprxl eleplma er Bwrphlner .. -j-' IV Ton F-"-r thjU optaa md gyirpMnx ar itiipofylpa-aarooUe potaoaa f - i rv Jn Ton tht to Kiortepantrtoa dnmlrtt ! I ant iinmiltlnil rn sun nainnllra i ' without labeling them potass r : '. s Ho Yen Fmte that yoa shoals ao permit any iwtMne to b gtrm your ehDd i - wilnaa yo er jour pliyaldaa know ot whet a Is onmpneiirtr . - : -. y "P Ten Know that Oaatorla la a purely vegetable preparatka, aad that s Met ot . IMInaTKaBipubllahedwUhenrr Mtlal ' , , , ; - i , V ;5' PoTon rnthatOartorlalafliepieaeilptloeef the laewua Pr. aaewwl Plteher. L Tha.U baa been In um for nearly thirty yeara, and Una mere Oaeuria to sow sold that ;";of an Other reme , - , . ' ' J Vo Ton Knmr that tibe Faten Offloe naparBBMBt of the TAuted Statea, and ef ; other orattiea, hare lawMeiehiaWrlatt !' " Oaatorla, " and Its tormina, and that to imitate them la a state prleoo oOeaae f .- Ho Yen Know that oneottheteaajaa for arantlnt ttu sirreran Pro"" haoaoea Oaatorla had Uau proea to he aeeelntely hai ilaaat - . V" : ' Do Ten Knoir that 3ft verc doate ot Oaatorla are famished for 36 : ' TJo Yen Knr that when PDM8mrdothlperfaotpwyaimttoii,yo ' be kept well, aad that yon 'avm''eBnieat..v-s-i ( -WrH, theee thtnKa sat worth kaownuf, The fne-efmOe elamatnre of ' , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlae .V-" -T W. E EOLLO THE CONNECTICUT JHUTUAL Life Insurance Comp'y i'-" -. Bells plain- life Insurance, as pre teetioa to the family, creditors or one's oli age, and asks a careful er- amination of its elear and equitable sontrtots. with their nneqoaled goar- antees in flgnres on the policy, giving i . ,! 1 trae me lUBureuov ii - '.,:.: t Lowest possible Cost With Perfect Security. ' This , eoin pany has been doing bnsiness la this State over twenty-eight years, and its policy holder are Its BEST FRIENDS. The Conocotieat sJIntnal has be speenlative feature, . extension forfei tures or intricate plans, eontrived for the eompany'e - advantage, aor the incontestable clause, admit ting rascals at the expense of its hon est members, bat If any happen to get in, it gives them their money baok, all stated ia the eontraot. The ; ...tic n ..- r'-'P-::- "f ''S,, ' ; 3 Per Cent Reserve has become an important faetor la life Insurance. . All wUl N gladly ex plained by ' 1 s. a WAIT, " - , General Agent. Raleigh. " ECONOMY :'; ' ... I ""'.:, ' May be necessary in many way when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in tbe purchase of food, hich is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; up to i hat standard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. . -. . . RAPID SALES ' ':- ;';;f ..i.i'v ivi.:""" Give our customers the benefit of close maririns, rWe never keep any thing that is not the beet of Its kiiiil, and we only want a fair profit on 'iat we Invest in it. . - CHOICE GROCERIES Alwavs in stock and promptly de livered when ordereu. and Children. They an f la on every Ideal ... . x Steam LAUNDRY, s the best equipped and does the v rnost prompt and fiiTir?T-grTnov tgrnov on i lurnuiurvi. vuir in tbe city. Send In your work, phone No 19. WAY & SOHS. Htcs Maggie Feese. Newnillinery : We are aow showing all the latest and most desirable shapes ana styles in Kali aad Winter Millinery. Onr stoek is well selected, notn as to .STYLE and PRICE. TV a ! a e-raat varlatT in Cans and Sailors for; Misses aad Children. All colors and sixes from Ue to S UU. We will be pleased to have 'the l.itUa aali and look at our stoek. Every oae' will receive prompt aad polite attentioa. lilissMaaQieRccse 909 FsyettevjUe Street, s 'BULBS For "Winter!; and ' Spring BLOOMINO. ; ' - ihtndxdMh a'twl VtaiMr TJIlfUL TTTlvCitlthS Freesias, Karcirsua, etc. Palms, Perns and otner plants jor room urowuuK. Chit Flowers Boquets Floral DewAfgn.no. Evergreen, Magnolias and -Shade irees. n. . CTLHILIETZ, Florist North Halifax ttreet, near Peace In- sutute, i none tie. - octl7lm III The Gnly Big fIrccacrl0 : ' i COMING TBIS SJ5ASON.. DALEIGD TUESDAY 00T. 23. , AFTERNOON1AND .EVEPJINGU , StLLS BROTHERS' ; Eiin Onited . Big Show of i World.1 . AMBRICA'S GREATEST, GBANDEST TENTED EXHIBITIONa f - -THE PREMIER EVENT OP ILL COMBINED CIRCUS . SEASONS; THE LAROEST, OLDEST AND MOST ' . COMPLETE ARENIO AND ZOOLOGICAL EXHIBITION OF THE UNIVERSE. 3 BIG CIRCUSES. 3 SEPIRATE RIUGS- S CONTINENT MENAGERIE! ? 50 MAMMOTH CAGES ( ' ' 0 HIPPODROME RACE8! ' BALEIGH, TUESDAY; OCT 29; - Afternoon and EYeniog Don't tMiss Seeing the I a S a.B lb a s 1 e , Beyond all ' eoniparlaoa the lara-est, ArfDlr sod ZioloU-al eaUrpiaa in mairnitjd. maroiSceoae and merit. sod p-Dis, 800 all frature sots, 1,000 wonderful sight. 12 monster water proof tents, 4 special railway trains, (3,500,000 actually invested to perpetu ate its jrrandear. Its msrveloos Menagerie, embracing every captive beast known to eiist j its multitude of feat ore, each one a show alone. One ticket admits to all the combined shows. Coder the largest tents ever constructed-- Tbe greatest loologicsl collection In the world, presenting for the first time In this country the only pair of Giant Whits Nile Blood-Sweating Hippopota mi; Educated Alaska Besla and 8a Lion. Performing Kangaroos, Trained Elephant, Lordly Lions, Tigers, Leopards, stately flocks of Ostrlche (the first ever pablioly exhibited, and marveloualy trained, wild and domesticated ani mals of all descriptions. Truly the Its kind on earth. THB GRAND, GORGEOUS STREET PARADE, absolutely eclipsing any pageant ever seen In the public streets, takes place at- 10 a. m., on Toeidav-, October 99th. It is over. a mile In length. No postponement on aoconat of weather. Two complete performances afternoon at 9, evening at 8. Doors open one hour earlier. Seating capacity, 19,000, Branch ticket sale at Ha Rae's Branch Pharmacy, corner Fayettevllle and Martin streets. Admission to all Combined Under Nine 29 RALEIGH, TUESDAY, OCT. 29 SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES WILL SAY, Talking a1b)6ut furni turc and fiii iiiture stores, wHy Royall & Borden, North Carolina's largest dealers and only manufacturers, have stores from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." Bat here in North Carolina they have a real FURNITURE FACTORY, larger size, employin ie2 men, running day and night to fill orders. Also hare ntJATD AXTF. MATTBFQQ T? A f!TADV uiiiiiii miLf Mai xj.iuuu iauiuui At the same plaoe, where we can make any kind of Mattress yoa ,.,4; ;. .. ... ;. want, Oar profits are too small to open any more branch nooses at pres ent Bat we have one each in Goldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the best and oheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either plaoe. " We oannot plaoe oar bargains on paper, bat simply desire to inform yoa through the Press. Visitor that we are here and ask yoa to inspect our -'-'-'- stock and compare our prioes with any house. : We leave the bal acice with voulWe gDaiHy 1 sho.w vrnj one v7Ei-IIiei?: they buy , oi? not. Qpn ROYALL aitd BORDEN, Jl A.L,niCHI, DUItlliVM. GOLDfJBOnO Largest Show on Earth. oldest, richest and most complete tbe universe. Noted for its matchlnss Armv of artiats. 1.000 people. 500 horses only great and legitimate exhibition of Shows, 50 Cents. Children Years 25 Cents. BE ISSUED ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL. art nSglStLV...