CI J. h u i:, City Editor. WEI-XL 'DAY, -OCTOBER 23, 1885. Iudex to New Advertisement.. Koyster's Butter Cups. WEATHER FORECAST. Forecast for North Caro lina Wednesday Generally FAIR tair, ooiaer ... , Local Forecast for Raleigh and vicinity Thursday Fair Colder, Wednesday, October 83rd. 1 " i tiocal data far i Ipntn loff s m- M; I UUUJ perature 6Mj M i I perature, 40; R Ijocal data far 84 hoars end- . Maximum tem- inimnm tem- Rainfall. 0.00. PERSONAL. W are pleased to note (hat Mrs. Ed 0. Lee is much better : y - Hiss Josi Wingfield, of Portsmouth, Is visiting at dap. Ashe's. . - ' Mr. A. St, Bailey left today to visit her old horns at Emporia, V. ., " Mr W f!. Mitih11. nf Windsor, is :- la tfia Mfv vlaltlnff his hrothflr. Miss Lena Wynne, of Leachburg, is ' visiting her ancle, Mr. J. S. Wynne. '' B. 1. Bnrkhead spent Sunday in Lexington and returned home yester day. - Mr. B. G. Veughan, eashier of the Piedmont bank, of Greensboro, is in 'the city. v . Mrs. Claode Barbee returned to the eity yesterday afternoon from Rich mond. - . . , Mr. Will X. Coley, editor of the Moeksvllltt Times, and Mrs. Coley are ia the city on visit. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wharton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Holt - : on North Blount street. Miss Battie Davis returned from Lexington yesterday where she has been on a visit to relatives. Mr. Zeb Vance Walser is spending a few. day with Mrs. Joseph 0. Brown, corner Morgan and Dawson " streets. .: Mrs., Fannie P. Sparrow paesed through the eity on the down train en tante to her home in Washington N. 0. Mrs. J. B. Holder and Miss Daniels, from Newberne, are In the eity taking lathe Fair. Mr. A M. MePhsters Jr, has returned . from New Tork, where he has been in connection with business for the Water Work company. Mies Oraee Coley, . sister of Editor Will X. Coley, of Moekivllle, is visit- ' ing Misses Maud and Margarett Har ris at 218 E. Hargett street. Mrs. P. B. Beaalds, of Charlotte, is in the eity and will spend several weeks visiting Miss Hants, corner Fsyetteville and Davie streets. . CITY IN BRIEF. Tie mayor fined Win. McLeod, 13.60 this morning for disorderly conduct, Card have been issued announcing th marriage of Mr. B. L. Hortoa and Miss Clyde Hollow at th residence of the bride's parents, on October 80th at p.m. Mr. Charles Baskervlile, of tht Uni ' versity, is preparing an article for publication in the University Maga- siae, giving a complete history of the University of North Carolina. We ar glad to see that staunch and patriot! eltixea ex.Gov. Thomas M - Holt in the eity attending the Fair, Gov. Holt 1 a friend of the Fair and - of every other worthy North Carolina . institution. ; ; Th Stanford-Ellington ease, won In . Superior Court by the defendant, was argaed before the Supreme Court on . the plaintiff's appeal today, J Messrs. B. W. Pou and Charles Bnsbee repre sented the defendant; Thomas Purnel and William Day. the plaintiff. llolll Beamaa, a notorious woman " was arrested Monday for being disor derly.,. Sh was pat in th station house and for hour raised merry ealn thr. Yesterday morning Mayor Bus sent her to the road for thirty day. : Th State Confederate Veterans As soeiatioa of North Carolina, meet to night In th Senate chamber. The meeting will be of special Interest on account of th reading of historical records of the regiment by Justice, Walter Clark. ' " , . Tne liauway uommission gome months ago decided that the West ern Union Telegraph Company roust charge only the State rate between points on the Norfolk and Southern Railway and other points in the if'. '.:, and imposed a fine for Tiola- tn r f tLis order. The company ap V ' 1 ti ll'.e Supreme Court of the Ui.;. 1 '.: "s, and pending the lat- 1 t's ' - u t!;e Commission's order iil :' ' ; i. Tie United States i. s i rt will not rrach the Advertisers Will Take Note. We matt inform oar advertisers that we will be forced to adopt a rale and adhere-to it that all advertisement must be sent to this office by 10 o'clock a. a, if they aie to appear the same, day, sad by all means the must be ia this offio by twelve .o'clock. ; No ad vertisement sin be set op unless they are sent ia in the forenoon. We are forced to make this rule be es use'of oar largely increased circu lation and the. necessity to go to prees in time to reach our subscribers at the hoar an afternoon paper should reach them. The time required to print the large number. of paper which we are ow issuing makes it neceary for us to go to press promptly, and the heavy volume of advertisement which we are carrying makes it necessary lhat py for advertisements should be brought in in the forenoon in order that they may be ta'tily gotten ap and Inserted in their proper places. They will la- sure better results to th advertisers as well ss greatly facilitating us. - : Tomorrow th Seaboard will run a special train leaving. Weldoa at 0 a. m. and arriving at Johnson street at 10 11. 1 The train makes connection with Louis- burg. Beturnlng it will leave Baleigh at 5:30 p, m. and arrive is Weldoa at 0:OS p. m We are now makinc la their oerfeo-l tion the original Peanut Brittle and Butter Cuds. We invite comparison with other makes. BUxsTEU. aoO Reward. ; I will nive S90O for the 84 K. C 8. I O. Beports and from 1 60 to MOO each for aadtuonal volumes of same. Ad dress M. M Smith, Raleigh. Oct 22 For Rene. Two verv pleasant eottases with citv I water, bath, etc. One on eorner of North Person and Polk streets The I other second door from Polk "Street, Appiy at du .norm rerson e. Vialtor to the Fair. Visitors to the citv darine fair week waa v tuiievii w xwa awv avuvm sa vsa o v etteville street opposite the postoffice, where tbev will be served on the Euro FA imrifaarl aoII at TVantnna a 17a pean plan with the nicest meals to be I naa in tne citv. the nnest ovsters in all rtyles, steaks and everything included in a first-class meal. Also the finest I beer, wines and liauors Service is I prompt ana first-class. octaitf Ovsters arrivina' mornino- and even. I ing at upenuren uarters. rod s Norfolk Oyster Co. Ttlephone 155. oct22 3t For best fries and stews so to the Norfolk Oyster Co. Lost Bank Stock. Balmgh, N. C. July 28, 1895. The undersigned herebv rives notice tnat she has lost, or ber late husband, w . a. a. Hmiw. nas lose two eerttn. cates of shares of the capital stock of we citizens' Bank of JNorfolk, Va.. miltlhAMH Aft anil 114 MMMtjml. (k. former for three shares and the bitter lor twenty-two shares of said stock, and wishes them returned to her ii round. Mrs. Maby O. Smith. Executrix of W. N. H Smith octie 2m Deceased, Baleign. N. 0. Oysters on the half shell. Norfolk Oyster Co. V R Invited To brios: vour friends to Johnson A smiurs rnotograpn uaiiery to nave I their pictures made. Their work is unsurpassed Try them. oct 10 We do not sell ui cneap grade oysters, best quality at small but can sell profits. .Norfolk uyster Co. Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or lad to travel for reliable, established h man I Salary 1780, payable $15 weekly and I money aavancea ior expenses. Situa tion Stead V Beferencea. lCnnlnaa Beir-aaaressea sum pea enveloee. a. r.. nxioo, jrresiaeni, unicago. tl . Fred A. Watson ia nrenamul for I his fall and holiday trad with a mora complete line of novelties, souvenirs, I ncture rramea rnd various artistic and I eautiful thioes than ever before. Re I nas tne most comnlete stork in hi line uiuieoutte octlotl ; J. O. Ball, w noiesaie ana retail grocer. scan rroeer. i cam a one and select stock of heaw and I fancy groceries. I buy in the cheapest I markets and give my customers the I benefit of low prices Call and be eon-1 vincea ior sou well, no. t Hinmtt street octl7 lw Madam Beeaon deairM to nil tha t-1 leniion OI tne DnDlle to her new atvk oi rau ana winter Millinery for ladies, misses and children. Infants' can sacques, notions, etc. oetltf f Jfothmg New With Us. - v For the cast five mm Wa bava np I charged more than 25 and 85c per quart for oysters. We know the business and guarantee to sell more good oysters for the same money and more to the quart than any dealer in Baleigh, Spe cial prices to schools and charitable ia- siuuHons, wmen we defy others to I equal. -vvw!.. I .Our stock is received daily and sold I irum me uoiy oisunct oyster relrlgera tor in North Carolina. I . Geo, N. Ivxs & Co , :" . , Cite Markaf. - Oct 15 2W . KretSCh has built nn an.h a trulal tnatne is dusv sniDDlns to nnlnta mil-. Bide the Citv. His cracker, mlrna aH lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be I nao. 4t . For Bent. . Bed house. No. 806. Penoa atrxt. At room, aewly painted, lathed and plastered, with a well of good water. ifor term pply to M. T. Leach. ltf Agent Wanted Everywhere. 5 a day. Marion Har land's New Book. "Home of the Hi hl ' Over 8.C00 new photos: near! v Rnn artn large pafeg. Just the book for the fail and holiday canvass ho experience ne!.i. tor particulars sdaiPHg Kis- Twenty Cenu a Pound. Cream Almonds, Vanilla Taffy, Pea nut Brittle. Hade daily at barbee & Pope's, -. . Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do first class dressmaking at their home, 607 North Wilmington street. Perfect tit and satisfaction guaranteed oetlSlm - : .,,; ' -: i .For Sale,... . . y- ' The old Cathol c lot, eorner Wilming ton and Morgan street You will al ways regret noteaUing immediately at -iu. em ouuvu numingion sireet tor terms of aa'ev v oct 17 6t . ' - T- -. y J Palatine; and UeooraUng Notion. . Every one who contemplates having ny kini of advertising sign work or other painting: or decoration done be fore the Fair, will pie -se send their or-1 aero to me orore Monany, as oroers arc crowding in. v w. hvluxx - , .r, Faintr and Dec Tat r. octlTlw :. v Under antral otel Come AND Examine -. -; . . - . -. . , - -, . The handsomest Steel i Range made.": It la ( . "THE JEWEL." 8ee our new Bisscll Grates ' We hat . 3 Bicycles - On easy terms T Baby Carriagres At a eut nrloe. I'Vhos. H. Brisks & Sons. Raxksh, N 0 septlT-lv. Po rtsmouth Lavander-Smellinr Salts,": in ciass-stoppered, nickel- ctpped bottles: handy for travel ing, 25 cents. Try- The Vktte$ Rosses" Soap. An elegant and highly-perfumed Toilet Soap, 10 cents l cake. Yours truly, Jas. McKimmon & Co PHA JFt MAOISTS, 1SS Fayaneviuv ., Baleigh. N. a HELLER BROS. HAVE BBCBIVBD ESPBCIALLT FOB ' Fair Week Dances A LABQB UNB OF THB TEBT LATEST IN . . Gentlemen's Patent Leather Oxford Ties. Heller's Shoe Store, . 1S4 Fayettevllle Street. Huyler's Candy A Fresh Lot Just Received ct 17. II. Ct CO'S : ' ' Why this store is Just rlfrht for your economical purchasing that is, BECAUSE WE BUT AND 8KLL FOB .CASH. Oar increase of business strengthens this statement and th goods themselves CLINCH IT. -.-"s r c LIMITED MEANS caa purchase the I tnrer prUe of today. ; ,; C. A.:'5herwood & Co; SEE IT -IT THB : Pair Grounds! Orestes TralneO Wild Animal Show lw the. World. ' Direct from En rope. First Vlalt (oRaletghu - The largest, ' most iaUreatlng and wonderful display of animal : sagaeity ever een ia 4 1 : this or any other - , country. f lion. Tiger, Betr, Wolves, Hyena, Leopards, Kangaroos, BeptlU, 4c Qe and see London's great teas I tion Th Boxing Kangaroo that has been taught to stand ap and hot like a vnuDi ouillvan . The Lloa Hunt, enaeUd by that Celebrated Trainer. DICKENZO. 1 the group fall grown, forect bred lloa I ana lloaee , Educated Dad Be u. the moataston- lahlag trained beast of th century. His laughable Houtebi-Kontehl Dane Ik the talk of vry lty, '?:?'''; Wrestllaa' Lion, a a-eauine fonr. legged "Muldoon," la a eatb-as-ath caa boat with ito trainer Happy Family. Jackal. Foxes. Don Cat, Bat and a host of other animals. I living and agreeing ia oaw sag to- gethsr. t , Tiny. Pretty. Darlin Babr Lion. vutj tare , wees oia. ' Viaooea America, Moakey ParadU. A m i . . . . . . . ter oUetira of Ape. Baboons and onsey from everv aaarter of th I , . r - IglOD. , . - , .... , Qo sad se Dlekensoo. th Lloa Tamer, ia hU terrifi batU for lif with Sultana, lb newly Imported WildLfcmess A varitable maa and beast flght. '- o aad the tlO.000 Front Ba trance, luiurloualy carved, painted ana oeeoratea. . Bedaaed nrieea Adnlta 90ai ahil. dra. 10 cent. Established 1830. H.aT. BROWN COFFIN HOUSE ' BALEIGH, H, C., Keep th largest, finest and best lected stock of Co2r3 tzi Citiz ia Clcth T7cod c i L-.stl. Burial Bobes, WrarP". Slippers for Ladies, Geuts and Children; alio Esrrlar Fr:; f Crave' Vaults JOHN W. r.r.OWN, Prop r. u J i . cLOfltrc. Tremendous Values I ('Irreproachable styles! Ladies' 8bort Reefer Coat In black, grey and eoverta the W OO kind. $3 SOsasb. Ladiea' B-aver cloth, Hoi Fronts and eicra uoil Mle Coat the f7 60 kind, i 60 cash. Ladle1 Blaok B-mcle Cloth Jackets, Koi Front, larre Mandolin SVevej and Ripple Back th Jill 60 kiad, (9 00 cash. SHOES. R-Rardlpsa of th MARKET T0NDIT10N3 w hav sat th : . priiw on Shoe to an eiteat n-er before thought of. .This ale mean that buyers of BEST 8HOB3 at less than the maanfac ., r BUSI1TESS ' suits . j :; Are in order with the advent of an tumn activity. Mo clothing suits busi ness at all unless it fits neatly and per fectly. No torment fits properly unless it's made to order. That's the first axiom of dress, and it doesn't need proving. It's as plain as the mul tiplication laue tnat our made to orcier suits are unequalled in town. YOU RECOGNIZE THAT : Every time yon see one of our suits, which are exactly what they should be in every particular. The logic of facts Try Walters' Paramount Pystem of ' (larment fTnttinv. -r. octstf BAD. TOOTH ; .... BRUSHES " ; . Are very dsagerou article - . because th bristle gat la- to th throat aad eausa all , . kind bf trouble which ar . riou st well as disagree able. Com to a sad w will U ;. yoa a braah aad guarantee - - satiafaotloa. HICKS 4' ROGERS, Mortgage Sale. By authority of a mortgage from viiuarn nummer ana sue summer, nis wire, recorded in Hook 13 at page 886, Register of Deeds office for Wake county. I will, on Monday, November 26 th. 1896, at 13 o'clock m., at the Com t House aoor or wake county, sell to the nignesx oiaaer ior casn, a tract or lana situated in Cary township, . Wake county, containing one acre, more or less, described as follows: Beginning a a nun in oiou eimmonr line, thence sooth Sa-4 cole to a stake thenoe east 18 1-4 poles to a stake: North 8-4 Doles to a (take in Jones' una west is 1-4 poles to the begin. ning, being the lot of land deeded by ii. D. Olive and wife, 8. B. Olive, to Wil. liam Mayfield on the seth day of December. 1888. reference ia m-uie hem. bv to said deed which U made to Wil. uam fiummer rrom Hav wood Rogers. - : rfULH It, UUUUWIN, ( OotttM. . ... IF YOU Haven't time this week to look at our stock of Overcoats It doesn't mat ter. The stock is so large that If i would sell one to every visitor to the Fair we will still have enough left to suit you. Don't fall to see our Kersey Overcoat we sell ' for as. The M Ulsters, long ctit with wide collars. We Have W have a line of blue and black Overcoats in Cheviot and fine quality Kersey, the latter are long with wide velvet collar. Fit perfect -one rriee 110. See how much less than f .J your tailor would charge, or how much loss than 115 the ready-made clo'.'.iors. You Can Save niotiev t;-Wnj v"'ir bovs Overt-out beie. Our i.ue at J Is btuer than what you buy el ewhero at M and our varltty mii.h lar- t, and it is so al tlie wgy t:.r- . sure you caa be suited to; a. Jam. etai I have epened a on tlto FAYETTEVILLE (SEXr TO WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU AT ALL TKIE3. Jolm T. Woollcoti 14 EAST nARTirj BLACK DRESS GOODS ANJ) SILKS, RICH JNUVKLHJKS I1N UOLOKHD DRESS FAB RICS. CAPES JACKETS. WRAPPERS AND SHAWLS. , lack Dross Goods Silk Warp Henriettas, fl.9S.' . Black Serge, 60. -Storm Serges, all price. " New Capes and Jackets V- " Had of Beaver, Ostrsehan, Booele Cheviot, etc., trlmmd ia th latest French style. Underwear Men' Carnal' Hair,' all-wool Bib bed Shirt. tl.aU. - . ' Bed Flannel Shirts, il.OO. Ladles' Wool Vests and Pant. 80 and 1 00, ... Our Ctore Is the busiest place In the city. Come and seo HOSIEEYr GLOYES; NECKWEAR, -Jto ' 75 cenU will bay a good White Counterpane mad ia th South: W -alo hav bettor oa. '" ; , i W carry a alee assortment of Bags and w will say this about Shoes: ' OUii SHOE STOCK IS VERY JARGE , Aad a it was purchased before th preeent great rise. W ar aow la ' . lUoa to 8AVB YOU 80MB HONBT oa On Price to All Cash to All. - W00LLC0TT & SON. - DROP IN At rr w Where Yoa will ROYSTER'S FRESH BON RONS AND CHOCOLATES. The equal of any candy oa the market; artistically pnt ap sealed packages, ranging from riTICE OOo n if!" . . . . Fa M"m r A , JMk. ' DruCtoro earner cf and .HARTIH Streets t POSTOrFlCEJ ON. Blankets ' v: , All wool Bed Blankets 84-8: " ' Grey Wool Blanket. $9.00 to JS.BO Whit Wool Blankets, $S00tn $6.00 Th 1500 quality Is wortfe $7.00 at other stores. -. Ch'na Department r Dinner and Tea Sets, odd Dishes In Japsaeae, Bngllsh sad American good. Brio-a-brac from all over th -wid world. - " Our Merchant' -Tailoring Dcp't - I a aece. Come aad get yoa a ' ait that will fit yoa. for Yourself. . jronr Shoe if yoa buy them at one. ' ' ' Always Find one-half to live pounds. , per round. W 1 r lorn hi rno. u rouaiieipuia, ifa. Funeral Tim-tor and Embalmer DIIUO OTORE. SepSOla'

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