if' - f ' a ivi I TL r 3 Ccr:iiav -JL X A t;ruM,iiacioa of the Visitor, Ka tL ..he 1 1 -; 8, id the Press, Escb lishe 11 1. ies in the l'ullea Building, corner Fayettaville and Davie Streets. i- ' fcdito aad Hafeagees JASPER N, McEABY, Soliolttnc Agent. ' , dPBSCBIPTION PBICK. , a On year, . ,,.. ' M.00 One month. . . . , . .28 (Attn w gftXMl OtM Jfafl JTsffcr, TO TTT The - Leading Afternoon Paper In the State. The Prese-Vlsitor publishes; all the news every day and has double the dr. GulaUoB of any daily ever published In Balelgh. TLLEPHOKE, 168 THTJBSDaT, OCTOBBB It, 1898. Siobxtabt Carlisle has accepted to Invitation to attend ths annual dinner of the New York Chamber of Com me roe on November 18th, next He wllljdeliver the principal address. It will be on "Bound Money." Tttb fact is settled that the fight " between Corbett and Fitzslmmons will hot eome off in Texas or Arkan ass, and there is a widespread belief that It 111 Dot oome off anywhere. There is also a conviction that It was never Intended to oome off; bat that the two bruisers were posturing for arivAi-tfaino' narooses and for the money to be made oat of the theatri cal business and the sparring exhibi tions throughout the country. Saitoh, T. Childs of the Philadel nhia hoard of education, whoditd last week at the age of 81, designed and made a olook expressly for the Philadelphia library, which in still in obs there. Its works are so in geniously arranged that it strikes rmlv at snnset The works are necessarily very intricate, as they amount not only for the ordinary variation of the time of sunset during the different periods of the year, bat also take "in the changes of leap year. As fob many years past, the Poet offioe Department last year failed to make expenses. The outgo was 86,790,173 and the income 176,983, 128, the difference being $9,807,044. Receipts increased $1,902,649, bat ex pendltares increased $2,405,768, so that equilibrium is still far ouf of sight The chief item of expenditure is railroad mail transportation, $26, 429,747; postmasters get in salaries, $16,079,508; clerks in officee, $9,414,- 135; free delivery service, $12,139,092; railway postal car service, $2,946, 989; postal oar clerks, $7,103,026; star route service, $5,753,579. Is proved by the fact that our mills export and sell at a profit in the foreign markets oonsidjrable quant ties of news paper. ' The removal of the duty will per mit the building of mills in Canada to obeok the attempted monopoly. The people who have the brains and the capital needed to ne paper have brains and capital 'enough to make itsuooessfally,. and they will do it before tney will submit to an extor tion which, if submitted to, would involve a decrease In the education al possibilities of the press of the entire country. , Z" -," L j J$ m U m everything i ;:wr- POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR i ; PRICES a Jopu.lar House. Jvftkkei . Bucklen's Arnloa Salve.. Th beet salve In the world for enta. braises, sore, oleers, salt rbenm, fe ver sores, tetter, eosnped bands, cnu- blalns, corns and all akin eruptions, i and ooaftivelv iiiifm nifaui. or m n&v SSJ-r.iLJfiJ!"?!! . For State Fair Visitors vvb w. w vwvaDi miiivii w mwm 7 V TT1 HM1I d. fnce so eente per ro. for Ml v John 1 Kiu-H . We don't bllV Until VA IN nArLllr, tht th afuW mafaatatMut nrliu -- rf.hf ,. . ,- We search until wn find nwrMt nwrnhtir!' a than ' nnsttmara shrald do likewise. Make the rounds if you plti-; buy where (tile, iuate Five Popular Departments in our I cpular Store: Dress kwds, Bilks, Coats; Capes, Jackets, - ; House Famishing Goods, Shoes. , The only entire new stock tn the city from which to make your selection. Dost Goods for tho ronev. 8. F. Tinger, Dewart. Fa., writes: Mr. Barioir of this place has nied rour remedy for the Pilee and mom- mends tt very BUrbly. Ha gave yoar addnea," I would like te- know i oa what terms and price yoa . tell to dealers. Let me hear from yon and oblige. Bold by jobs x. HaeBae. This week specialties in Drees Goods, 811ks end Wraps "reserved"' and "opened up" expressly for visitors to the State lir. , Considet this a personal Invitation for you to eail and see the choice things that this opening brings out. - Make pur store your meeting place, your rating place, your shopping plaoe. Waiting and Toilet Houuis for Ladies. - . - " " ' z ' . ' . ' ' m , . i , . r- A . Br ; Stronach, 1 Dry Goods, Notions, '. Bhoee Bverything Bieept, High Prices. e .14 J DUKE Cigarettes ft "j W frrw.buMScmaca.'Tsr. j C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Salts for fall and Winter. He hat a One eeleo- tlonof "; ; ' . I Suiting? and Trouserings. Call at 184 Fayetteville street, I stairs. . " ;'r-tVsep6lm. THE LARGEST :1 Furniture Dealers In th.4 South. RIGGAN'S lUGGAN'S 13 TIIJ3 . , . PLACE '. TO BUY Dos, Onms, Juvenile Pooks, Toys, V , im tiovei..-, Lull t ura.ture, tai'8, lo'l CarriKvps, ' h --i,(ianj"y and use. ' ' f ul) hno-a-l rna Iron ' Toys of ail kinds, . ' Rubber Dolls, Fiues and Bubber ; " . x loys. , . - - Largeet Stock ever In North Carolina. Largest Block ever la North Carolina. BEST TALUKS FOR tRAflT lfOTTKY RRHT VlT.frva trn-o i vn iinnvT ' . wu . wit wiauA wvMJia The Toy t Man. ' Tcy Stcro, 18S Fayetteville SU ' i sepia ' ,4 : J ! fjlln;. t. i 3 lzzz vzi pc:::cie "73 8. 1 ia a vrii'3 race cf priceani Risnaii's ADIIIXISTRATOS'S NOTICE. THOMAS & MAXWELL -Hi,V JTJBT BXCSIVEO- A Car '-teiji -fiiriiitiri MASK PMOM High Crcda Tch::s ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets "'Writing Paper i Ohamberlata'a Bye aa4 sjua Otetmeot ; Is nnequalled far Eusema, letter Bait. I Rheum. Said Head. Son Nhnka. Chanced Hands. ItcUin Pike, Bona Frost BUe Chronic Sore Eyei and Otannlsted Eye lida or naie ny drugguts at 9U esnts par box. to EOBsTownu. " f Ok' puttins s horn in a sne acalthv m. Utlon try Dir. Cady's Condition Powdanv rhey tone up-the system, aid digestion, euro vary more in price perhaps than any ocner article sold. You do have to pay for the style in our papers. That is without eharge. We have also the "cnmwt Ink " nnl 4-1 , . I J ' ' uio wn, num. As for Pens, there is none to oom. ,re witn "lkum inaa(7h or.imw. not I iwpiokase. FVm ml IryanwRkw. THE PAPER TRUST AND THE PAPERS. The New York World, which is making a strong fight on the paper trust, which is about to be formed, makes the following timely observa tions upon the subject : The newspapers of the ooontry are not alow in meeting the issue forced on them by the formation of the Paper Trust. The promptness With Whkh they declare their h : tentfon of resisting its exactions and preventing the white-paper trade from Wng monopolized shows that ' they axe not likely to fail la energy where their earnestness is so . thoroughly enlisted.?' ' -, v. The prospect of a free market for paper was never so good as sinoe the . beginning of this attempt at monop oly. The existing tariff rate Is prac tically that of the higher Republi- ' dan tariffs preceding it The paper duties, reduced to an ad valorem - basis, run from 13 to 30 per cent This is aDparently a low rate, yet it r is high enough to give American manufacturers control of the market, as is evident from the fact that in the eight months ending with An guct'we imported only 11,205,000 wor'bof German paper and only fl,r 1.CCD from all Earopean c- c .wl'.-ei. The imports of WE ARE SOLE AGENTS For these Pens in Raleigh. Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES Is not equalled In the city. Alfred Williams & Co. 0 A L! G 0 E Gayton Bed Ash, Egg. Thatcher, Bed Ash. ' - Brtint. . Robinson, Bed Ash, , . splint Jelieo, Bed Ash, 7 Splint Anthracite, Bed Asb Anthracite, White Ash?" Erg., Anthracite, White Ash, 8tove. anthracite. White Ash P cabontas Smokeless - Lamp... Poeahontat Smokeless . Steam. Bussell Creek Peml- Antbrale CRUSHED COM fe r'-V: f AMIIiV USB- SMOKELESS , 0DBBLES8 '- BMOTLESa. " Sale of Land Under Mortgage. bj virtue ei power conferred apoa ma oj a ewraia mortgage, exeented Sydney Jiaagum, bieh said raort- gage 1 duly recorded In Begistry of Wake eounty In book No. 128 at nan 844, 1 will offer for sale to the highest oiaaer tor ease at tae- eoort koasa door ia the eity of Raleigh, N. C, oa weanesaay vetobet 33, 1806, at U m. tae una described In said mortnn. aajoining tne tanas or Jno. M. Cren shaw,, J. 8. Braasfleld. Hrt. T Xllens and others lying Is Barton's Creek township, said county aad State ana more accurately described la said mortgage, which for diecriptioa etc.. is raaae a part hereof. Said ti-M f land contains ISO aeree more or - B. V. MowtAan. Sept 83, '95. Itty. K ortagee -coHaisnsre. or- -V-ft -i 37 of the Finest Oak 'Suite .:;v; That have ever been shown hi the city. They have had three clerks merkin down the price of goods en hand in order to sell them eut to make room fog the immense stock which Is being rreeivaa aauy. Mers. Thomas ft Maxwell are en- abM to sell goods as cheaply as they do and Increase the uuaber of their seieomen and the volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest furniture dealers In Jhe South. , An idea of the extent of their business may be formed by the follow ing oat or large flouthera cities In waioh may kaye braneh bouses: THOMAS MAXWELL-: - . "- - Charleston, a O. " w-Columbia, . ' " " 8avnan,,Oa: " .-N,7 - Augusta. mV. " Atlants, i;' Macon, " ' j " f . H coram bui,, " " Americu, : ' ( harlotte, K. 0, " Balelgb. - " Richmond, Va And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later; Tours for booest goods and low prices, THOMAS L& MAXWELL. .V Anv kind of Coal or TJoke shipped direct from the minesv All from the beet mines in America of each kind. - Personally inspected and selected py J0NE3 & r0T7TLL,. RALBIOH. If. ' ADMINISTEATOE'S NOTICE. SALE OF, LAND. BV autUOMtV Of a mnrfn,. Christopher Woodard and wife. nwnL ! fko is, uegi Wake nnnnt.v i sionaay, jNovemDer 4, 1895, at IS o'clock BavTns Qualified as administrator of the estate of John Bker, deceased, late of Wake eountv, tuts it to notify all persons having cmima ''. pt tae said estate to Dtwut t :m u t ie un dersigned on or before ti-e 8. at -y of Aupnxt, 189ft, or t' :s n- ' . e w. 1 t" pled in bar of tlimr ret" -r v. eid a I persons indebted to the v..i u-.;,le wiU ed n Monk 72? wSi!?eow; lmmHiat, r-nwt August aa lt6 at the Court House dmr nt wk. county sell to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land situated in Swift Creek township, Wake eounty, contain. iug w w-rwi, wore or less, aaioining the lands of P. P. Peace and nt hor. h. said tract being composed of two tracts as follows: . , First tract contains 25 acres, and ad. juihb bus lmius ui tt. ia. uoodwin. P. x . x nn biiu uuiera, turn is parrtnoiarlv I deennbed in a deed to said Woodard from P. Tates and wife rnvirrimi n Book 8p(re S60, said Kefrlscersoiiice. - becond tract eontnina sis ujoine imo ianas or w. n. j. Goodwin and others and ia dRM-ri)wT in a h. I ihmh i . r. rpce to aaid Woodard re emw-u n jjooa oa, page 447, said Keg. Ister's oitice. v0 oat en the T-e beet tXCJ Kan's C tade from ts' nny cp".,! tons, all kth- t 'ii-mH, i ayii-e with Lev t Uneqnaled fur b ship, and womt" of all the popiuf i hip. " Kvwy pmir emit! eVint Iasarance 1 1... W daya , Wear Levi V - " ,t cosa, and fo i. i juj. ET n, doniHla ' 1 laauaes Kl Jfcuies. tne workman- a. Tour cuuraa Itaeta and faaten- II I "-p Acd yit igoodfo Atm: Having qrtallfied as administrator of the estate or i. F. tbeatham, deceasod, (late of Wake county, tins is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the un- uti,oicucu vii v, ut-juio iug zolu lay or September, 18M5, or this notice will be Plead in bar of their reeoverv. and all persons Indebted to the said eetate will please make Immediate payment " " ' J- O. MARCO M, , .' . .-v Administrator of rt, p. - Cheatham, DeoeasedV rWJt A MaTMAKD, - Attorneys. ., sepS5-w Ladies' Coats In Kers-y, Cheviot snd Bonnie with the newmeloa sleevesj prieee begin at ti 50 . "" Udies' Capes la cloth, beaver, diagonal, bonds and wool astracham prices begin at fa SO. Hisses CoaU In plain clothes, Scotch mixtares and bonele effects, ages from 8 to Is yearsi pi lees begin at 3 6X). Wraps for "HUle ante" of new materials and designs . ' ," , W.H.& R.S. TUCKER & CO. 'GALL ON THE - 308 yayettevme street. Opposite Postomce. . 'v SALE OF LAND. , Inpnrsancsof a judgment rendered on the sstb day of eiitember. A, D 1888. In a special proceeding entitled W. R Blake, administrator of Mrs. E. Glenn, deceased, airainst Pattie Dunnw etai, before the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will sell at the eoart house door. In the city of Raleigh, on the 4th day of November n. D. 1886, n u u ciw& ui ad piiDiic sucilOD, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described lot or Darnel of land -j'.j j . . . . . uuuuueu sou uiouruea as iouows: Lying and being in tbecitv of Halclirh. on the the north side of Martin etnrat and bounded on tt e rant by lot of Hen derson Beeves, deoeaaed, on the south bv ths land of feldridtra Johnson, de ceased, and on the north by Uie lot lormeriy owned oy Waaler Wbitaker: fronting on aaid Martin street 86 feet, and runnlne back 210 feat, rantnlninir -i-.i. -r umuxuivi mu avin umrvorjeas, ' W.B Blafic. ootl sOd" CommiBsioner. We Pencil Inks, Composi Of every description at priees that ean be beaten ' " . ' SALE OF BEAL ESTATE. Bv virtue Of an order made In niwwl&l proceedings entitled J. C. Hareom, ad ministrator Cta of Wiley Hons, de ceased, vs. Marha A. Pearson and another, I wllLn Monday, November a, 18w5, at 13 o'clock Mi, at the Court house door of vae eountv. sen tn the h iriuwt iiiiidiir the following described lands In bwlft twi rowmuup,-wske eountv. to-wlt First Trar.L IlnnnilMi on Ui nnrth hw Mrs. PooL on the wt bv T. H. Ahnllnv. on the south by Willie Mobs, and on tne east by Biiaeon Goodwin, contains alaores more or less, and is desnrllied In a deed irom Sylvester Bimin to w liny Moss. eorded in Book 111. d. fl. KiratAr' dITim for Wake county. Second Tract. Adjoins the one above described and is known ss the W. F. Col lins una, contains twenty-three acres. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balanes id six niuuuis xroui tune ay. o tds - . J. 0. MaKOOM. Adm'r. i t ' - . and CouuiuiHiianer Notice to Defendants. In the TJ. 8. Cirouit Conrt for ths JUstern District of worta Garolnla. Bunaio mty MUis, Limited, vs. Vv W. Archibald and May fa) Archibald. It is ordered that aaid W. W. Ar. ohibald and Mav 6. Archibald be r. quired to appear and plead, answer or demur at the office of the Clerk of tne united fates Circntt Court for tne justern jJiutrict of inoiU Caro liua. in the okv of Kalriirh. on or hn. fore Novernber 11th. 1 ...5. and that a copy of this order to"ther wiih a ooi yoi tne biuotcampiuintand sub pceca nerein snail be served C""a the defendants in the rJnusbern 1 u-iut oi few i ors, ice i astern 1 .s trict of. Virginia, or in euch viaer Dtbtnut as the defendant may be touna. it is innner oraerea tnai service be made by publication onoe a week for six weeks in the Fbess- Vibitor, a newspaper published in tne oity.oi itaietgn. , IS. J. KIUUICK. 8eoL iu, 1805. Cuhk. MFaSRS. LIFFKAN BRf8, HH!lli.h,Oa AIEAB CUBS 1 DOIIKIIta DuiiUeOf jour . r. jr.. at xitn, a jrinwu. rs.. ann ir. has done me muie jumA tima Uiroe monms treaunent at lmt r "'". l-ave vou do -s sin t 'Siartrf i- p.iuii, ry, or i i me uu im inn. a il wnl cmt to p-t tihrre or s,x bo'Aues irom yiur ct v i v e press. Iwsepecu i y y -urs, Ji.3. .i. IsEWTON, Aberdeno. i itwn (Juuuty, (X .. Mfsr8. Liffman Jbiius., bavaiuiali. ta.: liKMt Ribs I wbh to give my tt. -1 iu ir; "d to your vaiiiho e P. r. P., for the cute of - . . n. neurn'ida. dv!irh'a I l. , in-- i. f c In l. II w..s ii i j Li.tuun niusuuir r n'i i, 1 have been a mrSjr to it evct 1 t. i a'l ttied'nlnes I evr' i the am i i in 'v U i I w t l r I i i r t s la r- -Ir i . i OA'i'c; r 1 i 1 1 t i r ! t.l t i i' , r ' 1 P Wc Are Known; as Headquarter' :: i4c"rG3attLh;.8 RALtTIQH GTATo::Gt7Y CO. ;i -; W O. SEPAKK, Manager. . " " ,' ' ' ; ' v -t ' t f t' 80S Fayetteville Street' CROSS i UN c ha -St- IB THE FALL" MMWJffl 1 ' ' L wi'h everythlnir dserMd bv thai r w s "T - evi-wt" v imvutV Uf tO aOlD . 4 xjmmmikmm and keep. tmnK'TZS: ;' your r.:o::EY Q FULL VALUE Is eoasidered fair aad Bnriuht dvelini. k'-' . . ' : I g0 0,,, ceePted awesntde trnlsm one betten to ont-do the beat vetoes of oar SonP'titon and to iranrova nnn. iZ. TT. ". tik ke evident the sac.s with which we UnmnU he above principle or rather oor improvement spnn It, t Pp"aw As stylish, handsome and new as It la possible to make them at price UY -than most houses ssk for last season's earried-over stock. - ' . GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND SHOES.. ' 5o paina have bean snared to maka ili,tni i. ... n . . : f 'r sll the fsshlonable eentres bavinf been esrefolljr examined with the result thar " we can show yon up-to-dste stuff as worn by the fashionable people cf todav " v. e Invjte your ariwioism. r . c: Liimeliiaei'--" - 2IO .FovcrtCYillo Ct'oct. PATAPSCO ESTABLISHED 1774. : - Flouring TIIE Premier iTlour of America i:anurctureJ foa t!.a Cream of JSIaryland and Virginia Yrfcc. i or In , .xlo by City Grocers, h premiums, payable In goM f,r t' beat r ursnd intoa e tor on i i aotaae or tne sbor fcrsni cf 1 "i. i u raDiie. ei. T,F.,'...i . i i s:ond, 43X0. ti A"' ' "4orv Durfthiuup win m i. I 1ot1 j v terms as to txy-rents if a Til E ' 1 to J" 3.CC0 TLat the c ' : 1 1 ' i for "prot3c'Joa" l k VI UK fUIUUH'Of c ) ? il In JC :;iko: JOIIICCOII. o tds Auorney, 3 I.js v..ie Elreet, C,