'.. Cu.nreJ, tVi fua g,.t a wif .? ' " Writ- t. r every c . H.f 1 j y in out tirr i.fo V. t-o voa riiys Write h-r from a epeeiiiiiir earj Kn mind tbe thump and jar Which foor luring letter mar Writ her etery dsy. ---...- Too. are in tha stirring-world, - t he at home most stay. : CoBsciooa you are being whirled, rrther yet away. TUre ahe's washing, waiting Imtrnia', Willi heart beaiiaar, with eyes glinting. Quick toesUb the postman's whiatlin', Write ber erery day, : 7 Would yoa some hind eriee render Sweet attention pay? Tbes a lories letter send her s - When yon are away, Would yoa her home lite brigbtenf Woold yoa all ber sorrows lighten! Bonds of aweet affection tighten? 1 Write her etery day. And, howeaer far yon wander, - I am aare 'twoald pay. ' Conld yoa aea her read and poader 0er what yon iayi Have your tablet In your strip, Fountain pen charged to the tip, Then don't let tbe ehancee allp, Write her srerv day - - ..:;.... If yoa eheace to gneh a little, .... And perhaps you may, 8he ill grant yoo fall acquittal, : It la safe to eayi -Write her genuine lore letterf, v, Biveting anew lore a f altera, . . Theee are Copid'a beet abaettarir- Wrlte her eery day, , v -3 ... ,. , ,... v i' r, THB IQVTBKRM RAILWAY. Mr, J. H. Drake, Formerly General . Freight Agent or the Beaten Bye. tern. Will be If ade A. G. F. A. e .'.- The Chattanooga, (Tenn.) Times, of Snndav, says that It ia seml-offl. oally stated that Mr. H. F. 8mlth, formerly general freight" agent of the Qaeea and Crescent, will be made general freight 'agent of the entire ey stem of the Southern rail way, with headquarters at Watting, ton, D. C. that M. E. Fitzgerald, who was formerly general freight agent of the Western system of the Southern railway, with headquar tera at Knoxville, rTehn.r will be made assistant general . freight agent, with headquarters at Lou Iff ville, Ky j that Mr. Harden Miller, who was formerly . division freight agent at Birmingham, Ala., Kill be made assistant general freight agent, with headquarters at, Atlanta, Ga., and that Mr. J, H, Drake, formerly general freight agent of the Eastern system, with headquarters in Rich mond, will be made assistant gener al freight agent,7 with headqaartea in Richmond. ' ". . , r . .. N ArTEB BEFLECTIOIt. The CAaJlenger of America's Cap Aeke toi Withdrew. r . niw xobk, vet noee nai oaoiea : the Kew York yaoht elnb that owing to the general ivpreesioa that hie challenge for the America's cap might be construed an eipreeeien of opinion oa the reaolt of the Xrosraves races, he moon regrete . having to ask '.to withdraw It. The general opinion la that Dnnraven Induced Boae to, take thla atep by repreaenUag that the challenge was a direct reflection oa him. - - A hone kicked H. 8. Sharer, of the Freemyer House, Middleburg, N. Y, on tbe knee, which laid him up In bed and caused the knee Joint . to become still. A friend recommended bim to use Chamberlain's Pais - lalmv' which he did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. Sbafer Das reoomended it to many others and says it is excellent - i"r u; auiu 01 uruise or sprain. This same remedy is also famous for ts cures of rheumatism,' For sale by J. Hal Bobbltt - , - - .1 ... .. .. --- -v s The big oyster has a beardi but H gets la a stew ail the aame. JobnO. Wan ire r, editor of tbeSun- Dearn, iipniHn, MOv, wno inanea Orover Cleven"4 for the Presidency in Novenibetlooa, while was mayor of Bui ,1)0, N. 1 ., is enlhusiasUo in his praipA of ihamler Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemeay, lie says: "I have lined it for the past five vears and consider it the beet preparation of the kind in the market. It is as staple as su'ar and couee in this section. It is au article of merit and should be used In every hoti-mhold. For saie by J ha iJobbilt Li nipeist. sept The Florida-Iowa land company has bought 175,000 aorec of land la Weai- . arn i nwi. . "- Two Lives Saved. ; . , "Mm. Phoebe Thomaa, of Junction Oiry ill., wna ttnd bT hwr dootore ahe bad eort antmviion ana Uiftt (.'iflrftwiwootiotwior ber. but two b n. e of Itr. kmc a New LiwxTry dim'" ij v niH her aud afie it aimd btr li m. h t. llina. h'.M.rs. 1 t .unna M. btn ! ran. . -- a'i -tl . a niwati eidt ar""o. (iin ct.iiMumtt. on. tried wna- owt rwi: t ev"yiliiD else tne bonehtone Dot ieoiiir. reir Visooverv ana in two wwkB was cured. HeliiDKi'ira. tnan fiu. it ia mio rosalia, of , . :i t e are a x, t)it pme the womwnul eiii''T 01 l l niioine in roui'h and eoit'a. tree t'ml bnt.ua at John 1 . kacisae'a drugstore Mwiar sue oo end si. Cnba eeems to be perfectly willtDg that TJaele Sam should umpire the gams. '. , " ' Crrl'nrlan,s is the bestof all. Vin f " t J. I of Danbury, Iowa,lis i 1 "I i aeriuin's Cougb Kemedy . -r ii v of a medicine for i i f I c , f.r t''e r ' t five i r -if : t ( r i 1 i i . t s ii p- ti ; . i of ! 1 I , 1 t '. i. i i id '. e t t of s L i and i tor r,..e by J. Lai ubua , ...i. '1 3"eaes of the akin enrei and t t eoirplerion restored by John ' C al Soap, perfumed and ted. Two eakea in each ,' ') eeute. For sale by John A i f ree. i T' t . t ued Vt Vine'a Kew Di y i viu.?, f iiiOe 0 b vf 1 t. L a v in o: f 'V W trf it fj ( ,10111 my- !i. -i .. ii.-. ..taudirrtatii- al b .' t bmd your name ad aadrwia to n. 1 vo, ctiiCHso, and jrt a atrfi..e b-; e of Ir Kio'a hew Luel-i'la tnx, pi ea a oopr of Ouioe to Health and l.ium-uotd iiiatructor, fiee All of wMch ia nuaranteed to do u Kood and oosla yoa OuHiiDft at John Y UncIU idruialure. A new gaa well strack near hidge way, Ont , yields 8,000,000 feet a day. Last Jane Dick Cr wford brought his twelve-monthn-old child, suffering from Infantile diarrhoea, ' to me. It h d been weaned at four months oid and had always been sickly, I gave It the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kept grow ing thinner until It weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds, I then started the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and 1)1 arr Remedy. rJefore one bottle of the nt size bad been used a marked improvement was seen and ts continued use cured the child. Its weakness and puny constitution dis appeared and its father and myself be lieve the child's life was saved by this remedy. J. 1. Marlow, tL D., Tama roa,IlL For sale by i, Hal Bobbitt Druggist , , . - m- The battleahlp Texas left Fort Mon roe foe New . fork te be docked for repairs.- - - , ' i '? M , f -A .; -' ' ' .1 e 0. l.'" ' A deir. aofL roav enmDlexlon Is the deeire of every lady. Why not glre is nothing to fompsre with It s .Li. I ... J m . 1 t 1 u peapuuer. wo oaaee ju e pas ass. U aenU. For sale bv Joan I. UaclUe, dragglst.' f; . f: ..v Inut ' Wt.lt. ' Min.n'1la Minn., wrUesi 4'Hare weed two; boxes of yonr Pile Care and must say it has done wonders ' for - me. I woold not know I avar had tha nllea onlr whaa I stoop low. The itching Is all gone.' Sample free. For, sale by John Y. aiacaaa. i z 1 , i i The Berverd PsMf "i' after ' s year's ye, has snspen ded. y f - ) Johnson's Kidney ana iiief Beg a lator invigorates the liver, iregulktes the,bowale.L cored dyspepsia, ollons aess, - Indigestion, soar stomach and makea yoar head as clear as. s bell SS and 60 teats. For sale by John 1. HaeBae - , ; r .! 'i- T-e-eTrr f Wheeling, W. Vs.. I hating s small- poi ssonrage, ' , x , . . Bbeomatisra, sanralgia. pains in the back or side, stiff, peck, .sore throat, ronstlttie, diphtheria, camps and eolie nstantly relieved by Johnson's Hag aetis Oil.- Large- bottles, 89 and 60 cents, ; For sale by John T. , HcBae, droggistsr '4 i'fZ teT,m.&H ' Send your sddreea to ht. Br' Bueklen & Co., Chicago,-and get free ssmple of Dr. King's New Life Pills: A trial will . convince: yoa : ef their '-merits These pills are easy in aetioa, are par tieolarly effective in the en re of Consti pation and 8iek Headache For malarial and liver troubles they have been pror ed invaluable.. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious lubetanoa and -to be purely veg etable. They do not weaken by their saton,bpt by glrlpg tone to 'stomseh and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular sie SOo per box. Bold by John X, UaBae, druggUt. Bosseil Bsrrisea is raaalng much better than usual this year. - Itehinr4 barniiur. scaly -, and-eroaty skla scalps of infants eleenaed and healed and aalet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental 'Soap? medicinal and toilet, two large ' eakes SIS Ota. For sale br John X. MaeBse. 4"? V t sjnen satay eaaaSe. we geae nel Oaaaarw. -- eswwaCBUld,a1arMtarCaatorw. -waneaaeeiaeirwa, cue clang SeCaatoiai. eaenwS Oaftkem ae we yfi D0 N0T REALIZE That you are In Raleigh nnless yon are .--'.-."; Bwpping at uie , ji VllilBOno flOtlSE The only Hotel in tbe city convenient i s .. ... te ouaiueeav f - -All rooma on the third floor 12.00 per dav; first and second floors ti.00 and ti.50 per day. , FECIAL WEEKLY RATES FBS2 BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Thousands of dollars recently Expended - , r -. - .. provements. : I I. BROWN. Prop'r. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Wv vtrttMi nf a iwrf'ee deeS alven bv Hardy B. PhbwcII and Adeiaiue BauweU bli wife, to Catimrine Bovlan, dted January t. IMS and reuiiiTd in Uie o'lice ol tlie Keglsler ot Deet (i.r V. a k county in Book 104. puge tit, I will, en the ii"h dy of Noyeinber. 186 at Uo'clock, emmtf aU at pubile auction, to the bigbeat r . ' if .... ... ...i .t ii.A iwtnn House aixn iu ivwhied. D.il.lr for CUU. Hie llll""U unrcnwru ,rnu f. c to-mit: AeHrtsiin tract of lnd aHnnte In ir.'.iv hi., ft s-va xownwuie anioio- ju ...l c. i'inmi win. Alien piuruivaub l n i ,,. luma n and oihira. and n.,.,.ft ... .v!,..-,n f..in,w8: p.'....ii;r. at 3 . ii jHiKi-r a mw hwnuel entuernwar L-.i ti.iipn wuh hi line gou.o two d.'reee wsi 6. r c Hna t a s'&e. ti iK-e wmiIU n de- vr.H i.f i. -o r'..if to tl.e uunni.m S-Hd, r,,. .... b ! a p'ne. Auen Siurai ?v... ctiinir. tn'M-e iUi his line aunti ( do- r..t a. onainii toa te. stiinileant'a c..nir tnence witlibisliue norih Sdevreea en.st tro ti is to a rock. Siuruivant a eornxr: ti -wiili his line aonih sa d.rrsea west ,i ... . riun to ' e In j -k Pii. -ee's Hue. ... D.irlh t". ou eeae ' SS iDS to a w.-wt t n. i J. w.-ihr a corner. ...-e wlih i"ie anih (H drgreea easta'.SS to a meit, Venthers' comer, thence .... ... a d...7r fxit ft chaine to tne SiiiMii. fj.-..! -tut t.-n-o Willi ail road to abiwk n h cf..uer. tnence wiih his . itl.j, clmuisto a bUw-k i; . .s ciiii-r. thence south 87 de- P.,t l r- - n to I K Id trie old road r tim m .1 rwil "i"ti f di .rrta eil if 0i' iii8 to t.e B ..iiits.-iil Hnd tjienoe wnb (i e an .1 Md to ti.e bi ,...ui, euuuuiuug ;l l-i a. '-es more or l.-. , lia uf V ' ' ' ' . . V. M bO VI.. AN, ' Eieoutor ol uuiriae Boylao. ALL . LB Fi.....j L?vj : FOR SALE. , - By vUtneof authority conferred by a cruin Leed of Trust from U A. Iioiie and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dte Decemlier 6th, 18W0, and recorded in the oilice of the Register ot Deeds for Wake county, N. C. in Book 113, at page 214 1 will on - : '- THURSDAY, STovember Mtb. 189; sell at public auction,' to the highest bidder foe cash, six (6) tracts of land s'tuate in 8alnt Matthews township, Wake county, N. C and described as follows: - - " First Tract containing J21J 4 acres, more or lees, being Lot. No t of the Uaxton Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining tiie lands ot said Bodie on the south, of the late David U in ion on the east of the said Hod "6 on the north and Neuse river on t s wet-t; and bounded as follows: be i nin gat a stake and pointers on that t bank of Neuee river, about U links i -low the mouth of a guL .the south - - t corner of Tract No. . 1. bought at I s same time and place by Joseph Aju drews, runs thence east 296 poles to a stake In the late David Hinfon's line; thence with his line south 24 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 263 poles to a small birch tree and pointers on ths bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning,, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to R. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 60 at page 646, reference to whioh Is made. - . Second Thact, containing 190 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hinton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder's land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on tbe bank -of Neuse river about six; poles below Spring Gut; thence with the dividing line east 268 poles to S stake In David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek : thencedown the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river about 186 poles to the bi fnnnlngj being same tract conveyed by W. B Poole to R. A. Hod ire bv deed recorded In said offioe, ia Book M, at page 182, reference to which is made. - v. Thjbd Tract, containing 118 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the south side of the Tarborougb road W. R. Pool's corner runs south: 1-2 degree west 46 role to a stake and pointers in the ead of 'a small branch; thence with aid branch 89 poles to spice on the east side of the branch; thence south U 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; then, e east 108 1-8 poles (o a stake; tnence north 6 1-4 degrees east 214 poles to tbe 1 arboroagb road; tnence with ssid road 98 poles to the regiuning, being same traot aonveyed by Jennie Hinton to R. A Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office In Book 106, at page 651, reference) to wbtcb is made, rouBTH Tract, containing 79 8-4 acesi more or less, and bounded as fol lows: Begins at a stake in the centre of the Hod Kg. road, and In J. H. Poole's line, belnir the northeast corner of the lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, rung thenoe east with Poole's line 122 1-3 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down the various courses of the branch S3 Doles to a large pine on the east side of tbe same Dvid Hinton's corner--thence with bis line south 24 degrees west 89 18 poles to a stake and pointers, the corner ot the dividing line i between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; tbence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road; thenoe north. ward along said road lis i-a poies to we beginning, being same tract conveyed by Harah . Wilder, commissioner, to R. A. Hndra. bv deed recorded in said office. In Book 66, at page 146, reference to which is made. f :'! r Fifth Tract, coptamtng tweniv-nve scree, more or less, adjoining tbe lands Of Baffin . Williams, B. P Williamson, William ?mlth and Joseph J. Andrews, and on tbe east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at tbe G. tL Wider estate sale, being the southwest oorner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river. UttlUW BUI lUg gUt, winiuvw. nuww up said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; tbence east to a stob and pine; tbence to a stob in the branch; tbence south to R. Williams' land, a light wood knot; thence west to the be ginning, and being the same traot con veyed by Joseph JV Andrews and others to R. A, Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, In Book 68, at page 801, ret erence to which is made. . SIXTH TRACT, containing cigui wura and twenty-five perch, sapre or less, ad. Inlng the lanos or w. tw rooie, jeoee at.kina. deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stakeM centre ef Hodge road in Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-1 degrees east 26 poles to a stake in centre 01 tne same; tnence west ou i-e twice w atuVa- t.hnna north Sfl 8-4 DOlea to S stake in Poole's line; thence with tbe same castas 8-4 poles wine oeginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said K A. Hodge, h iaH rwvtrdei in aaid office. In Book 82 at page 90, reference to whioh is UlWin -''V.' -: Pt.irs or Sal County Court House door, In Raleigh, a. u. , . , . Timi o Sauc-12 o'clock m. . , , ERNEST HAT WOoD, v , Tkustb. .. October 12. 1896. : SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. rTnrlnr and bv virtue or tower con tained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter and ins wire oiaonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. P. 18W)l which said mortfraee is recorded in the ollice of the Eesruster of Deeds for WaVe county, in Book 114 on pace 105, I w 1 1 1 sell by request at the Court House InYv ake countv, at public auction, for ch, to t'- e Ini-heNt bidiier, the tract of land purtiinilHi iv described insaldmort g . . i:K u is bounded and described astii'o" : I v'ng and being In Wake countv, i.ors i ( , rolina, In balnt Mary's t o w 1 1 n a n . i I t n n i n g at a w h l te-oak. John (iieo'used) corner, and runs tnence soii' Q poles w a rea-oaa in Wm. liana s oi-l uiie: uienoe earn wim said Band's line to the nml-path stake and pointers; thence north with said mill-path to stiike and pointers; thence exit to a pine, corner oi jonu Aiiicnen. er s line, iiiviim uiTibu w m n-n-uMi tbence eat 20 poins to a s("fteand poinWrs; tnence norn (4 p i w a ik in the line forn erlv o m J bv P. II Oower: thence wad s..d hue w 120 poles to a black-jack; t'letice sout n to a pine In P. H. Gower's old corner; tntmre west to -tlie betrinnini?, contnnnin M seres, more or less, and s'lji'"ii" f'e lndsof Geo. Miteuener, M V. l Vm. Bryant; being tne traot of land conveved by J. P. Uully, comminsioner in sieoittl proceedings, enHied J. P, fin,a imin'trHtor of J. G. Duurea. I, vs. H. liupree and otlie.i ia W ake aaperior Court, to Eobert A. pot ior. . Time of sa 12 o'clock, m., on the 18lh of riovember, lsao. W. T. HOWLE, MOBTOAOEB. Octobez 12, Infants QT : 2.13. Do You Know .; -n'a Dropa, Oodfrej'i OorduO, maej KUed Sootbiag Srrapa, aad '.Swat r iittoe, fce Bhlldrea are eompuetiS efopiwa er aaorpMae f . . - - tlljr Z Uia Oi W Mrpkiae are atiipaffas aareotfe patr '" ' ' ' TltT"" lrawSeoitHs drocglaf areaot pannttud to aaB aareottca '. WitbuutlatolUigUuuapoiaoBat ' ' . , , -, To Teg r-"-r thai yos efconla ao yanait any aaaJlolne to be ireaa war ehfli U ytilnasioaoryouryii3tkeweyeaata(eoapoeady : re Yfre y-thM(aMtoriaSBniebrvaaetable aaeiiealuav ead that a Bet ef JanpiMaiitsyaiJs4elfsssi botUsf .v f " ' TTe T - t that Oaetoria la tha traacrtetlon of the tmrnuM Dr. Bumlri PltehM.. taltaufof aaj tbtotjr veaia, and tewa ataae Oteteria la aew eeM lba 'of SOthrBfoanrchlldrcnbh94J - - v i 11 r Yen P""r that' tatajba Office Departnaant ef the United States, and e( : eflbar eoantriee, haea taaaod aouarea rtht toDr.tteelOTae4bfcaesle ta werof Gatofla " and ita formula, aad that te imitate then k a state Priaoa ellsnae T .; PoYoeKnvarthaaooacatthereaacaiatet " - h . r. ..... . ;-. binanaa Oaetoria bad beaa pror to be eVeelartely fcei ilaaat , pp Toe. Knew that 85 avaarace doate ot Oaetoria are fnrsiahed for 35 e)eaoroaeeiiaooaV2C; - PeTee. KaowttawhaBaBaaotMeafBotWiSaralsatiereD .i be keptweU, and that yon may bare BBbrokaeiaetS f. :' ' -Well, theee thins are worth kasfax they ere ranta. Tae ftwefaaBe ,,."Vev " ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castarla. -: ".W,.:E:' HOLLO THK CONNECTICUT MUTUAL life Insurance Compy 80IU ptiB liftotuw.ic, ai pro- oae's old sge, aad asks, a earefal ex - aminatioa of ;its elesr ttd eqnlUble eoatraets, ltn ueir nneqnaiea gaav- satses la figorea oa tbe policy, giving true life iasarsnee at lta .; . ; J Lowest possible Cost , - ; With " Perf eet8eeirlty. ' this eom nanv has been dointf business in -this' m - - . v . ... BUte over twenty-eight years, ana its policy holders are Its BUST jtkusjnub. . The Connection - Motoal " has bo spesnlativs feature, eitenaioa forfei tares or Intricate plans,- eoatrived for the' company's i sdvantege. aor the laconteetabls daase admit ting rascals at the expense of it hon est members, bat If say happen to get in. It, gives them thelrj money; baek, all stated to the soatraet. - The 3 Per Cent Reserve " has become' an important factor la life Ineiranee, All U1 N tf10'? plained by , -. I S. D. WAIT, ': ':V : , sV. - va. - , " ; General Agenttalelgb. , ECONOMY: V;-: Mav be neoeasarv In many wavs when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it In the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; up to that standard it costs a reasonable prioe. . W e never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries. t ' RAPID SALES . : Give our customers the benefit pt clone margins, We never keep sny- .I.U.II...1 l.ntha hAafr tt lta fririT! and we only want a fair profit on what 1 4. 1. . CC0IC2 GHOCERIES ' Alwsvs in stock and prompUt de livered w lieu oruereo. - . . , 1. a4x w wB D ) n1 li and Children. 2 n i "in no. iwmillli,. he Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and does the . moat prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send In your work, Phone No 10 v WAY h SONS.-' iss Maggie Beese. ; IVT (xT PI 1 1 2 tl A tV i 1 C YT i HIIIIlVl J we. are now anowing an tne laien - and most desirable sbspea and styles tia au an winter muunery. war Sloe, le wen eeieetea. oova ae w 5TYLE and PRICE. Tlim h a araut varletv in Can S Hailara for lllaaea and Children. AU colors and sises from 96e to IS.0O, f: We will be pleased to have the ladies eall. and look at cor stock. Srery one will receive prompt and polite attentions v " . 900 FsyettevlUe Street BULBS f ; . ), 1 Foi WliLUr' and Spring BLOOMING. riMnao and Itaatar UlleS. BvaclntllS Preeslaa. Karcirsns, eta Palms, ferns and other pianis tor room urmauiiii, Cut Flowers Boqnets Floral IesltiTkeie . Evergreen, Magnolias and hade xrees. ' - n.- CTETinrrz, norijt. North Halifax t-treet, near Peace In SUIUIC. tuoue ua I ' i i iM o ? . 4 i -- mill' ; say; - v i , h balding:- aboutfdi?nS ; ' - stores, -wliy: :; Royall & North Carolina's largest dealers from Maine to Mexloo "all on paper." Bat hen In North Carolina they have a real FURN1TTJEB FACTORY, larger sire, employing 102 men, ronning day iwd night to fill orders.- CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY f Atthesameplaoe, whore we'oaa make any kind of Msttnes yoo want Onr profits are too small tq open any mare branob houses at pree- entv Bat we hvn one each In t3nldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the best and oheapest line of FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either place. f-tr, .-; We cannot plaoe oar bargains on yoa through the Press-Visitor that stock and 00m pare oar prioes with any We leiiae ance witn gladly show any one tiiRoui) raemer luey buy op not. flPnen ROYALL and BORDEN, H A.LEIGII, DUBH AM, GQLPSJBOBO SIMPSON'S Nickel Plate Pharmacy. Baby's Health Depends on (rood care. uoodcarelm. plies cleanliness. Cleat ieanliness requires good soap, such as SIatPSON'8 WITCH" HA2L SOAP. which leaves the skin soft and smooth SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT Cures all kinds of skin troubles and ok sores. Sept by mailfor 86 cents. ititJ a apeeiue w aoxia. liiuo. SIMPBON'8 IMPBOVBD UVER rUiUO Lin 1X3 tuj xau wiuub HKuwuig on each box. ' In order to get the genu - urn o i. mti. MtaftM ine yon snoua cau at or nw id mntatn Simpson's Pharmacy, jtPuUen Building.) SIMPSON. Kaaacev K22L3E2D . EkCj, Qsicklf, .ftTiiiiatti Bestorii OETIC KEBVlXElvn MMbmLaatllaaSaad. Conawaaknai ; ia aold wMi wrla. IMMUtvsn all thavUa from aarlv or )iun, ttwraaalU of eterworK, nan, ewrnaaa, ate. Jail atranath. tone end derelepaaent S"a teemi owama or pbrtiae ot the bodj. tmpiuia. aent unmliatlr em from tha fint box. Zbooe indaolettaieo(praaaeoaSleiiiorotBoa, Oaa beoarriadiB nat pooket. beat by aaaUtoaa? MliliiMa nmniia nf nrice. Oaa i mantineaohboa. PKoo 11-60,6 braa, Trittan Ooenntae So nftmd mooar lr WWW twite not oa laedtefafiKtaeaeBnine. Ciraalam frae. Jena T. MaoEae. DraggaH, talelh, H.O m a c0BTriileac.ffeeWaaf g ! .mica ivpiiFM, , V A e mifniMii mi. Aug. Notice byvExecutrix v HavingquaUfled as the ExecutrU ot thelast.Wui and Testament of ft T. tiin Hwinrtoii . dfMeased. late of ' Wake County, North Carolina, I heeby notify all persons havinc claims afrainst the EaUte of said Swindell to jpreeent tbe same to me on or before October 88d, lfSKI, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery This Is also to notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to make prompt pavment to me. This October lbih, 1 -5. EMMA E. S AISDELL, Kxeontrlxof the last M ill and Testa ment of D. T. Pwnuloll, Deceased. 1 Hti fst Haywood, Attorney. ootlSKwow. . -.i-; Borden, and only manufacturers, have store Also have paper, bat simply desire to Inform we are here and ask yoa to inspect our house. you we our pire. at to 10 s aies mil inteniaitcsal Enattla aVLANTA, OA., Sspli aibsr 18 Deeesibsr 81, 189B. rur uw atwre oocarioa the Southern Ballwas Co. will aell low-rate round-trip tloketa te ATI.AKTA, OA., and ntui en the fallow Ire bealei i.W3:::pS: urllneton,N.u. BiirteTllle, Va Culneper, Va Chalnaao, Va. .. CharlotlMTlUe. Va... Chapel Mlll.K.O.....te0.1 Coooord, N.C ..(li l Charlotte, N.O.. Pan vine, Va uurnam, n.u..... fronl Hot al. Va.. OraeuahorCkM. 0 1 Q-oJdsuoro. N. O. .3 BeDderaotiTUle, H. C 1 Sieicor.r. . v.... Ih PolBt, ST. C aot SprinsaJ enSeraon, n C... 0 I.) uchburgVa. ...... Lplhiirton. N. O .... fe-c?:.?:::::: ewton.N.0 ,.. Orana, Va 3 1 ford, N. C Blohmond, Va fef..0::::::: ma 20.40.li 001 10.4ti pSf.ablT Qa. Su&rtbrT.v.-: raj.w ur.uu 10.4N lO.SH il.UM.M stmaourv. 11. PB.2d.1S.S6I 14.001 U.9D... ik on 11.: StateaTtlle, N. C Tarloraville, K. O isiss).-;.' 10.73 lsoq iu 4.SB . (i ; wuhi'ngton, n. c 7 S0.851S.SSl 14. OS). , wcet rami, va.... I Warretitoo, Va.... S.0617. Iis.erjl... M-OPJ... tSS.961S.S6l. f. Wlnaton-8alem, N, U.H. . lM.0018.S6l... S.8... Olatee (ram Intermediate sointain proportion) BXPLAHATION. Column A : Tteketawtll be aold September t and IS. and daily (naa September IS to Deoaaa gsMS, 1SS6, inolualve, wltb Saal limit aauary Oolumn B: Tloketa will be eoM dally from September IS to Deoember 16, 1S06. Inolualre. witk Snet Umit twenty 0U) dare from ae ei aale. 1 Oolumn O: Tloketa wlU be sold dally September 1 to Deoember 80, USS, inoluslTO, ill, anal Unit SrbMn On dara fmaa data of Inal limit Sfteea 061 dan fitMB amle. No tioket to bear looser limit loan Jaauj. arrf.iaaa. Oohimn D i Tloketa will be aold oa Tueedaya and Thursday! of eaoh week from September U uotil Deoember St, U96. IneluelTe, wtth Snal limit teu ilO) dara from dale of aale. Oolumn K: Tloketa will be aold dailr from ' September IS to Deoember SO, USS, lDoludTe, with Snal Umit aevea (7) dafS tram date of aale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY la taw aaaV Una .eaterlne SmBDja haTine a doub Banns a oouoie-ireea, arannaro- (oatre railway from tbe eenter of ta Atlanta to tbe Bxpoettloa Orounda. tor Uekete and full InfonnaUoa railway mm toe eenaar oc tae aair or apply ts raamaanii,wawnf St H. CDLF, W.A.TDKK. ' - Seel ram. atn. Aa. Waamaete'bUe i Administrator's P1 " Having qnahried as administrator ot the estate of Miss Mollis A. HilL de ' orased, late or wake countv, tins is to ' notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the '. undersigned on or before the 10th day or uciooer, ltwo, er una nouoe wui oe P1-4 to OM A&DV Mtoto 0rssMomeS Kill. , B. T. QBAT, Attorney. Oc.-4ti ; Otaeulatioa of Copartnership. . ' The firm of Upchnrch and Lsn caster, Liverymen, was dissolved 1 ay 1st, 18A by mutual conaent, and ail rarties Indebted to said firm can pay V, A Tjpchurcb or W. H. LsncaHtr. i : , i vt. a. liPCHrnrw, W. H. LAiiCAsr., t . 'S3SltWW nigbt A I B I 0 I D I fe.8018.6S..,.lii.6a B.StyU.0 10.HI...... B.s& 17.06) Iie.iol is m. . i-aw....-! .aa raft:-fl:s:: K1A stl 111 ATM Miiav iriMni unviaa e I7.M1S.SH.....I S.M..... litM 14-44 I SO 14.0B...;. 10.60 S.7S s).i.5..... ls.iis...:. Si.fcii:i3 !!.: 8i::::iH,:n:? 1:8 ia.au..... ll.an I l.ae B4.661S.00I 4B-

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