-. ivi i : J. l iVCE, ... City fcditor. t;;-; tay. octobek si. ic;s. Iauui to iew Advertisement. Lout J. W, VZangum. WEATHER FORECAST. I FUR I h J FAIR Forecast for North Car. liu Friday Fair. Local Forecast for Raleigh and vicinity Friday Fair. ( Thursday, October 94rd. -' Local data for 84 hours ending at 8 a. m. Maximum temperature, 71; Minimum temperature 41 1 Rain, fall. O.OO. Both Ask a Change of Vent, . " Fifteen bills for forgery, falsa pre tense and sosspirsey hf bees teat ' to the grand jar of Carteret county Superior Court, In session at Beaufort, These are in the graveyard insurance frauds, the preliminary trial of whloh ttraeted so moon attention last inn mer. The Stat is represented by the 8olioitor, and the Ufa insurance com psnlet interested are represented by Col i , W. Hinsdale, and tne solicitor and attorney both ' p reseat affidavits for the femoral of ths trial to aaothsr county, si they feat, that the graad jory will hesitate to set ia the Blatter, and they cannot -obtain justice. 3 The defendant Bled ecanter affidavits. .. Twenty Cent a Pound. ' Cream Almonds, Vanilla Ttffy, Tea nut Brittle. Ataae daily at bai bee & Pope's. 'Mrs. Bolyn and Warren are prepared to do firat class drensruakmg at their home, oOl North Wilmington street Perfect nt and satisfaction guaranteed. For Sato. The old rathol'C lot, eomer Wilmtni in and Morgan atret You will a ways regret not catling immediately at (EE v..3; u, Why this store Is just right for your economical puri-hasing thst is, BKCATJSK WE BUI sSD SJiLt FOR CASH. Oor increase of bnsiness strengthens this ststement and the goods themselves CLINCH IT. c ' PERSONAL. Mr. Milaa Howard, of Ttrberu ia ' here. " I." - , Dr. Brttsh Young, of Roletvllle, ia Ut. O. tti Dockery. jr.. is ia the eity. , - J , Mr J. Craeford Biggs, of Oxford, ' Mr. T. B. Hill, of Wekt Forest la in the eity. Mr. Fuller Beid, of Greensboro, is la the eity. Mr. X. 0. Foster hat arrived aad ia taking ia tke Fair, i Misa Minnie Beid, of tfreeneboro, it ia the eity oa a vieit. Seeetor Marioa Bntler arrived ia the eity yesterday afteraooa. Mrs. N. A. Brown aad children have returned from a visit to Bed Springe, Misses Annie aad Lonnle Green are ia the eity risking Mrs. W, t. Blake. Messrs. Horace Stilwell aad William Baldwin, of Wake Forest, are ia the eity visiting. atitee Iiisaie and Pearl Carver, of Voreatviile, are visiting friends aad relatives ia the eity. Messrs. Richard Busbee aad A. 6, Thompson, who are at the University, are visiting la the eity . Misses Mamie Smith aad Nonie If oor. of High Point, ate visiting Mr. Nat Brown, of this eity . Miss Lillian Marshall, of Newborn, is ia the eity, stopping with Mrs. B. D Wleker, oa West street. Congressman Woodard aad ex-State Treasurer S MoD. Tate were among the visitors at the Fair today. Misa Kate Bdmundson, of Leach, borg, it visiting liar titter, Mist Sndie Kdmuadson, at Peaee Institute. Mitt Minnie Black well, of Vance eouaty. it visiting Mist Carrie Smith aad other friends in the eity and at tending the Fair. Bar. J. J. Barker, of Aurora, N. C. . a a ... returaea nome nt afternoon after a few dayt pleasantly tpeat visiting the Fair aad teeing friends. Mrs. B. F. Sehleshinger, nee Mist Mary Lee, formerly of thit city, but now of Chisago, it ia the eity vititing at Mrs. Margaret Hill's on Newborn Avenue. Mr. Will Z. Coley, editor of the Motkaville Timet, it ia tha city visit- lag at the residence of hit father-in- law, Mr. J. C. L. Harris. Mr. Coley U a clever gentleman aad an always welcome visitor to the eity. I Oot JGdmond Jonea WU1 Deliver the Address oa Memorial Day. Mrs. jr. A. Oldt is ia -receipt of a letter from Mre .' Leventhrop, of Le noir stating that the hat seleeted Col. Bdmoad Jones, of Caldwell eoaaty, to deliver the address next May oa the I life and military services of her die. i tinguished husbaad, the gallant Gsa- era! Collett Leventhrope. The address Is to be dellvsred oa i the 10th of May. Col. Jones it a gea tlemaa of Cat qualifications.. The se- ! Uotioa it indeed aa admirable oae. No. 418 South Wilmington etreet for . termt of aa'c. . - -. .- net 17 St f ' Painting and Ueooratlng Notice. 6 - i A r f Bvery one who eootemplstea having any kini of advertising sign work or ) other painting or decoration dHe be- ' fore the Fair, will pie ee tend their or. dert to me before M.iridHy, a orders are crowding In ' W. rjuLotK vi v PaluWand Dec riur I ocWT M f Under antral o'ei Come 7 OLOAC'O. Tramendoua Vahes I ." l'trr-prosehble styles f' Ladies' Short Reefer Coats ia blsck, greys nd eovertt the IftOOkind. tasOcssb. Ls dies' Btaver lth. Hoc Fronts and e'tra s-'ivwi err Coats--the $7 60 kind, H BOeah. Ltdies' Klsck B -uele Cloth Jackets; R FrooU. large Altadoliu avew. and Bippla Bsk the Jia 80 ktad, t9 00 each. I havo cpcp.cd a Lranch Dru-Otoro ; , on tho corner cf - FAYETTEYILLE - and HARTIR Streets SEXT TO P08TOKFIC15.) s AND Loet. Kelt belonging to the Fire DeDart- ment between the market and the street ear power house There were about e even keva Return to J. W Mangum and get liberal reward. S4tf We are now making in their Derfeo tlon the original Peanut Brittle and Batter Cups. We invite comparison with other makes. BOXsTK. $200 Reward. . I will give 1200 for the 84 X. O. 8. OL Beporta and from $1 60 to W 00 each lor atdiuonal volumea of tame. Ad dress kL M Smith. Balelgh. Octsa Many Bids for the Alliance Shoe Factory. The Executive Committee of the Alliance Is still in tension. They were together all day yesterday con sidering the offers of different towns in the State for the location of the Alliance shoe factory without reach in any oonolnsibn. Nearly every town of say importance, and many that are not on the map, are offering inducements. There are three offers from Raleigh. . Thomas viile is said to hare made the most liberal offer. Sererai delegations were In the city so-aay on Deoalf of their respective towns. ; They appeared before the oommlttee.; Greensboro and Tbom sOTilie were both represented by del egations, v;-' -. . v,. For Rent. Two Terr Pleasant eottaget with eltv water, bath. etc. One on eomer of North Person and Polk atreett The outer second door from roik street. apply at out norm reraon at. Visitora to the Fair. Visitors to the oitv during fair week etteville street, opposite the pottoffloe. woere mey win os serreo on tne jsuro- ean pian with tne nicest meals to he aa in the city, the aw stovstert in all rtylet, ateakt and everything ineludad m a nrmrciast metu. aim tne nil eel beer, wines aad lianora Servlee it prompt ana nrttoiaaa. oetutf Oytters arriving mon,'if and even. mg a . upenuren a uuxer rrop t aorioik uytter Ca TilephonelSS. v oct2J 8t For best fries and stews go to the Norfolk Oyster Co. LostBank Stock. " Ralkioh, N. a, July S3, 1806. The undersigned herebv aivaa notin that she has lost, or her law husband, W. N. H. Smith, hat lost, two oartlfl. eates of tbares of the capita, atock of The Citizens' Bank of Norfolk, Va., numbered 49 and 83 respectively, the termer for three tharea and tha latter for twenty-two shares of said atock. and wishes them returned to her if found. Mrs. Hart 0. 8 kith. Executrix of W. N. H Rmith octl am Deoeased. Balelgh, N. C. Oysters on the half shell. Norfolk Oyster Co. V B Invited To bring your friends to Johnson A amim t rnotograon uauerv to have their pictures made. Their work ia unsurpassed Try toem. octl We do not tell chean grade ovBtara but can tell best aualitv at small prouts. Korfolk Oyster Co. Wanted. A reliable, active gentleman or ladv w uira tur ceuauum. entaDiianm daiim Salary T80, payable $16 weekly and money advanced lor expentes. 811 tlon steady Beferenoea. Kmtlnaa teu-Moresaea stamped envelope. H. m. ujuso, rresiaeni, unicaga tf Mr. Fred A Watson it nrnnarad tar bis fall and holiday trade with a mora complete line or novelties souvenirs. picture frames rnd Various artistic and beautiful things than ever before. Bt has the most complete stork in hit Una m toe state. octlStf Examine ' The handsomest Steel Range made. It is "THE JEWEL." ., . See our new Bissell Grates . . SMStnwanaaw . v.Wehav , 3 Bicycles On easy terms 7 Baby Cta.rrla.17e8 At s tut price. JaWsnBaaTi " Mk. H. Brings & Sons. Ralusb, N C teptariv. ; fiHOEC.' . Rvs dUm of the' HABEBT ; ('ON0ITlONa wa have cut the pries oa Bhnse to aa titeat I B-ver before thought of. Thit I tie met at that buyers of LIMITED MB.4NS can purchase the BBST 8H0B3 kt lest thstt the mtaufaa- turtr's prices of todsy. . ' Ce A.I Sherwood & Co 7ILL BE GLAD TO EES YOU AT ALL TI1IE3. John Y. r MacRae. SEE IT - AT THB - FairGrourids! ARK Try, Greateat Trained Wild Animal Show In the World.' Direct ; from Enrope. First Visit . -toBateigh. , The largest, - moat iateretting aad woadtrful display-of animal v eagacHy-ever eeea la thia or aay other . eoaatry. - " i Woollcott ,14 EAST ARTITJ g-7. fcl SON. or. BLACK DRESS GOODS ANi) SILKS. RICH ?w(i4?A JACKETS. . 'WRAPPERS BUSI1TESS SUITS " " Are In order with the admit nf an. I tumn activity. No clothing suits bust. nets at an unlets it nts neatly and per. rectly. No rarment fits properly unlets it's made to order. That's the Brat axiom 01 areas, ana it doesn't need proving. It's as plain as ths mul tiplication taois that our made to order suits are unequalled in town. 70UBEC00NIZE THAT Portsmouth Uvander-Smelling Salts,", ia glass-stoppered, alckd- ctpped bottles; handy for travel ing, as cents. Try- The "VlOUTTIS RUSSES" Sop. An elegant and highly-perfumed 1 Toilet Soap, 10 cents a cake. Yours truly, Jas. fs1cKiii.mon & Co PHARMACISTS, ISA FayectemiM, a., " Bsieigh.N.a 1 carry and 'J. O. Ball. Wholesale and retail grocer, a fine aad select stock of heavr fancy groceries. I buy in the cheapest uukkcw sun give my customers tne benefit of low nricee flail and ha m. vinoed for ouraelf ' No. f Hanmtt awewk. . ; .1 y - oou'i lw Madam Beaton deairea to eall tha at. tention or tne duduo to ha new stork 01 itu and winter nunnery for ladies. is and children. Infants' oana. sacquea, notions, etc. ocUti , Advertlsera WUl Take Note. We mast inform our advertisers that we will be forced ts adept a rale aad adllar an It that an .1 .... . . .. .. J I quart than any dealer inEaleigh. 8pe- , mast be teat to thia office by 10 o'clock elal prices to tchools and cliantable la. a. at. if they are to appear the tame I "ituuona, wmcn we aery others to Nothing New With TJs. For the oast five vnara wa have near ccargea more tnan as ana 8oe per quart for, oytters, Ws know the business ana guarantee to sell more good oysters for the same money and more to the aay, tad by all means they must be ia this office by twelve Vtloek. No ad vertisement caa be set up anient they are tent ia la the foreaooa. We are forced to make thit rale eaute'of oar largely increased circu lation aad ths aeeessity to go to press la time to reach our subscribers at the hour aa afteraooa paper should reach hem. The time required to print the large somber of papers which we art now issuiog makes it aeeeasary for as to go to press promptly, tad the heavy volume of tdrertisementi which wctrt carrying makes it necessary that copy f r s Jrerf 'asments shonld be brought i.i i j t' e forenoon ia order that 'y i -1 t : f ta op snd ine.,ed i j I - i'T rUees. Thsy will in f rt- ' g to the sdrertif-ers i In, fc""at:Lg at. eauaJ. Our atock it received daily and sold from the only distinct oyster refrigera tor in North Carolina (iico. N. Ivra A Co, Cite Markae. octUtw Brettch has built un such a trmila that he is busy shipping to points out side tne eity. His crackers, cakes and lunch milk biscuits are the finest to be t For Bent. i . Red house. No, SOC Person street. Ave rooms, newly painted, lathed aad plastered, with a well of good water. For terms apply to at. T. Leach, tltf AVgento Wanted Everywhere. 5 a day. 'rlon Kar lnd sNew ook. "liouieof t e t':!iie.' (ivwr ?..( O cew photos; nc vl kh ! a t ... junt the b-t f ir t e fi.il I ) v canvsas o e -i e I UDT T CD DTinC I I A HAVE BICKITKD A Y Y IcS BSPKCIALLT FOE A tua-l x ran wooa x V . .. V 6 Dances 6 Y A LAUMB IaLHjK US . y X THS TEBT LATEST IN X $ Gentlemen's v Kaieni Leainer y i y WAiuiu it -r y 16 lMFaysttevUle8traet, . 6 6ooooooooko ti iv mi a L . . - . ... - Candv . - . A Fresh Let Just RcccIycJ ct . ..? . v;. ii. i:i::3 & ws I Lioas, Tigers, Bean, Wolves, Hyenas, Leopards, Kangaroos, Reptiles, Ac. Go sad tec. London's greet sense tioa The Boxing Kaagaroo - that hat beta taught to stand up and box like a veritable Sullivan The Ltoa Hunt, -enacted by that Celebrated Trainer, DICKENZO.- la the groap fall growa, forest bred lioa tadlioaessv ;-. . Edaeated Dade Betr, the most aatoa ishiag trained beast of the eeatury. His laughable Hoetehl-Koutehi Dance it the talk of tvery eity. -- Wrestling Uoat, a genainc- four. legged "Muldoon," in a eatch-at oateh can bout with its trainer Happy Family, Jackals, Foxes, Dogs CtttBati aad host of other animals, living and agreeing ia oat eage to gather. . , . - " .. . Tiny, Pretty, Darling Bsby Lions, only three weeks old. Cubbed la America, Moakey Paradise, A mona ster toileetlra pf Apes, Baboons and Monkeys from every qatrter of the globe. - " . ' So aad see , Diektatoo, tht Lion Tamer, la hia errifle battle for life with Sultaaa, tht newly Imported Wild Lionets. - A veritable maa aad beast light. tto tndeee the 110,000 Front" En trtace, lonrioatly carved, painted aaa deoorated. Sedated prises Adults SOst ehil dres(10eeatt. . ' . v.- lack Dress Goods Silk Warp Henriettas, $1.95. Black Serges, 60s. -Storm 8erget, all prices. " Everv time von which are exactly a In every particular. is unaosweraDie. one of our suits. what they should be roe logic or facts Mew Capes and Jackets , 1 ' Hade of Beaver, Ostrtehaa, Bouole Cheviots, etc., trimmed ia the lafttt Freaeh styles. . Undcrwonr G. 4. WflliTERS. " . Try Walters' Paramount 8jstem of Garment Cutting. actstf If ea'e Camel's Hair, all.wnnl nih bad Shirts, $1.S6. - Bed Flsnnel Sbirta, $1.00. ' -Ladies' Wool Teett and Pants. HAs and $1.00, , Dlankcto ; : All wool Red Blankets M-8i drey Wool Blankets, $3.00 to M 50 i Whits Wool BltBketa.$a00tn $5.00 . The $500 Quality is worth $7.00 at othtr ttoret. , Cli'na Docnrtment Dinner aad Tea Sets,' odd Dishes in Japaarte, English tad . Amerista goods. Brle-a-brsc from all over the .; wide world. Our f.acrchant - ? r Tailonnj Dep't Is a tateeee. Corns tad sat ton s auit that will flt yon. - - BAD; TOOTH ; '., "BRUSHES ' Arc very dangerous srtlcles ,;, :; because the bristles gel - " . to the throat aad eause V kind of troubles whloh are - serious at well aa disagree. " . able. - Come to aa and we will tell you a brash aad guarantee ,-'. aaUsfactloa. - HICKS - 4 ROGERS, Mortgage Sale.' v XstabUshea 1836. v ;. ..." . . .'-'. 3-:- y;-"- -v' ' H.J.BROWN C0FFi:2. HOUSE BAixun, if. a, . " ' Keeps tht largest, finest aad beat te tested stock of , r Conns and C . 7oci c Bnrisl Bobes, V; Lsdiet, Cents 1 1; '.:t3b Clotai' rrs, 81lppers for i Children) slso JOUN X. i : r.VS, rrop r. By authority of a mortraee from William Plummer and due tlununer, hia wif& recorded in Book 128 at imuts 890. Betister of Deeda office for Waka county, I will, on Monday November I 26th, tm, at 12 o'clock m., at the Court I uouse ooor or waxe oonntv. anil t tha highest bidder for cash, a tract of tend situated in Cary township, Wake county, eontaining one acre, mora or lets, described as follows: Beginning at a stake in 8ion Simmons' lina thence south 9 it poles to a stake, thanm eaat 1A 1.4 ivilaa rv . .UL. North S-4 poles to a stake In Jones' line. West IS 1-4 poles to the begin. mug. Doing uie ureoi lanaaeeaea nv ii. D. Olive and wife, 8. B. Olive, to Wil liam Mayfield on the 26tb day of uecemuer, laen, i-rierenoe la made here, bv to said deed which is mala to wn. 11am Flummer from Haywood Rogers. I!' .I-:..'., i.'f.t - 1 UWUWII, .Oct.21.td. " Mrta8e I Our Ctaro is the busiest ploco in the citV. Como and ceo for Yourself. ' S HOSIERY, GLOVES . NEGKWEAR, Jto ' Vi ttsts will bay a good White Oouaterpaae made ia the South. W ' alto have better oaet, . j , '.- w sesortmeat of Bags sad we will say this about Shoes: ' V OUK SHOE STOCILIS VERY JARGE ' Aad at it was purchase before the present gre rise. Wt trt now la pt tltion,to 8ATB 100 80KB K05BT oa year Shees if you buy them at oaM ' Onp Prico to; All Cash to All. WOOLLCOTT & SON. : IF YOU Haven't time this week to look at I our stock of Overcoats it doesn't mat ter. The stock is so large that if we I would sell one to every visitor to the I Fair we will still have enough left to I suit you. Don't fall to see our Kersey Overcoat we tell for $4, The $S I Ulsters, long cut with wide collars. Wc Have We have alios of blue and black Overcoats In Cheviot and floe qna!:; n.ertey, tne latter are long wiij v, e velvet collar. Fit perfect-one r ! 9 $10. Bee how much less tlma ) your tailor would c,"i or how r b 1 t than $15 the rtr-.'.y-r 'a c!y;L..ts. You C ...1 ivi r it Oveu-. 1 1. than v t j our v. j t tlie wy t - II ). v inT vr.nr boy't -1 al . i is I . r ' eittls-.d r, aiij it U so s!j re you Ciia te DROP IN --- .-1. f & At'.EpIbMtt's7'., ." , ... : v v Where You will Always Find ; ' ' .- ROYSTER'S FRESH BON 1 )NS ' . AND CHOCOLATES.' . The equal of any candy en the market; rtlstically put np sealed packages, ransinr from one-half to ive pounds. " PRICE OOo per XotTnd. M a.. 1 1: 1 i . , t a t i. t v,r pi- "M-t's t t A Y K C tm k liiittue., ....i, 1 a. Fnnerst Dire r mi Einbslmer ict Ij U Dnua . . e

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