ikttl i ws Iwl I w , PUBLISHED BV The VLitor-Fress Company Dally, Kxoept Sunday, . A Consolidation of the Visitor, E ta.bliab.ed 1878, And the Press, Estab lished ISO-, . Offioe In the Pulten. Building, comer , Fayetteville and Davie Streets. . : . , , , 8....i,. , GRKEK O. ANDKKWS, ; - i , , . Editor Manager. V. JASPER N. McHARY. Soliciting Agent, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One One month. 18.00 .85 jfaMrwi M MMi CIm Jfofl Matter. The Leading Afternoon Paper in the State. The Press-Visitor publishes; all the i news every day and has double the cir culation of any daily ever published'ln Raleigh. . moral turpitude since the time of Solomon. The Chicago Herald de clared that it was the outcome of that moral depravity of the Orieat whioh measured the ambition of the men and the bondage and slavery of the women. It caused a .shock at Chicago, bat the performance at the 8tai Fair was In no manner short of the performance at Chicago, These Innovations, we take it, on tain because there is a fancy for them. There seems to be no lack of the people who spend their dimes to go into th side shows to see them. If they be demoralizing the familiar query arisss, "What are you floing to do about it ? " , Has the publio taste beoome vitiated, and does it need ton ing, or bag It been outraged by hav ing spectacles thrust upon it whioh are a menace to the sense of decency and propriety of this age. u m v , m - 4gy yi EVERYTHING NEW. TELEPHONE, 168 7B1DAT, O0TOBB1 26, 1898. THE HIOWAV AT THE FAIR. The term "The Midway at the Fair" has oome to be a general term and in no sense restricted to its identity as an institution of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. The Midway attractions at the State Fair during this week no doubt proved more seductive avu attracted more interest than any thing else in the grounds. In view of some of the attractions of the Midway at our fair we are not at all surprised that the pro tests of propriety have been raised as they were in Chicago against the Cairo street danoes, when Mrs. Palmer and other lady members of the Board had to acknowledge that they had "all been there." These same danoes have been outlawed in New York, and, if we are not mistaken, elsewhere, but the visitors to the State Fair this week seemed to stand them pretty well. The entire camp of fakes and fakeries which we have had with us the past week spent last week at the Hageretown, Md., fair, and the Washington, D. C. Times in de scanting upon the subject in hand says: " Reports from rural fairs in every part of the oountry indicate that the example set by the great Chicago Exposition in its feature of the Mid way Plaisanoe has taken deep root in the souls of the managers of ail the diminutive imitations of the World's Fair. From the imposing and per vasive International and Cotton States Exposition, down to the fas cinating little county fair which nes tles upon a few umbrageous acres, Bucklen '8 Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for sots, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe- I ver sores, tetter, ebapped hands, ohil i blalns, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles. Or no pay required. It In araarantesd to rive perfect satisfaction or monv trfnrwl- ed Price 95 cents Dor nor.. For sale ' - .Trhn .., mortgage i ' of Wak it page 844, I Sale of Land Under Mortgage. B' me Lucy duly recorded in Registry county in book No 128 at l will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city ox uaieign, JN. C , on Wednesday, October 23, im, at 12 m . the land de- anas oi jno M. irensnaw, J. B Hruss fleld, Mrs. 1) "E Ellens and others, lying in Barton's Creek township, said coun ty and state and more accurately de scribed in said mortgage, which for de scription etc , is made a part hereof Said tract of land contains 120 acres more or less. a. v. montaguk. Sept 23 '95. Atty. Mortagee. liuiiuuutxi to ucworr aum. POPULAR GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES - JVI&kes a Popular House. - ' . W.lfnnt hn. n.Hl m au . 4... . . . V''"''V- rlo-ht " u w " siyie, matejuu ana price are We Search uatli we Unit flnrmnfc" mMnh.iiillu tl..S.k. 'Wh whe're JSSZSS. Five Popular' Departments in our Popular Store; Dress Goods, Silks, Coats, Capes, Jackets, '. House Furnishing Goods, Shoes. The only entire new stock in the elty from which to make your selection. ' Best Goods for the Money. " : For State Fair, Visitors; ' " " -This week specialties In Dress Goods. Silks and ' Wraps "reserved", and "opened np" expressly for visitors to tiie State Fair. m.-??!!!"8' tDU ' Per80n' invitation for you to call and see the choice things that this opening bnngs out. Make our store your meeting place, your restips place, your shopping place. Waiting and Toilet booms for Ladies. , ; , , .. A. B.Strbnacli, Dry ; Goods, Notions, . Shoes Bverythtng Bxoept High Prises. ' RIGGAN'S RIQGAN'S ; KIGGAN'S - IS THE ' PLACE TO BUY Polls, Games, Juvenile Books, Toys, Wagons, NovelUes, Doll Furniture, Dell tabs, Doll Carriages, i . Wagons. Carts, Velocepedee, - - Baskets, (fancjr and use- 1 ful) Brio-a-Brac, Iron Toys of all kinds, - " Rubber Dolls, Rattles and Bubber - Toys. , Largest Stock ever in North Carolina. Largest Stock ever ia North Carolina. BEST VALUES FOB LEAST MONHY BEST VALUES FOB LEAST MONEY . RIGGAN, " The Toy Alan. Riggan's . Toy; Store, - T7xth trpla rocn, the best light possible s, en fall TLexr tizCs cf V7rap3, in a wide range of priceas4 ables us to serve nearly every one. . C. WEIKEL, TAILOR. Is now ready to make up Suits for Fall and Winter. Ha has a fine selec tion of Suitings Call at stairs. ' Sep 6 8m and Trouserings. 124 Fayetteville street, up THE LARGEST- . Furniture- Dealers iaa Fayetteville St : sepia-. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Raving qualified as administrator of me estate or a, t . I'neatham, deoeasod. fWVl Tf UM UUUULV. LK11B 1H Ul nOMTV j a)l persuns boldin? claim against the said estate to present them to the un- wqidiucu vti vi uriuiQ iuq XOIU Utty OI September, 1894, or this notice will beJ pienu in oar ox ineir recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. , - , ; ' J. C, MAR.COM, . " . - " r- Administrator of . F. THOMAS. & MAXWELL -1"'ifSr,Tr In the South. -BAVX JUST RKCKIVKD-, 1 Car load of' DUKE Cigarettes lgUHWll;r O&amberUiat 9s and Skin Oi&tmraa i Is Unequalled for Ectema, Tetter. Salt : Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Hippies, Chapped Hands. ItcUinar Pilau. Rumn. Fmal uunuuc oura .yeg ana utamuatea cire Liat. " w sua oj urugguw at no cents per box. TO BOBSB OWKBBSJ. F oi puttiny a horse in a fine healthy eon litlon try fir. Cady's Condition Powdets. phev tone up the svstem. aid durentlna. mini urn of appetite, relieve ooratioation. anmri tddne- diordera and destroy worms, giritur mw ul w aa ma or ovetMcoiKea none, vo ntt rw vectrac-, Ko. -Vi bydrasxists . Ladles' Coats in Kersey, Cheviot sod Boocle with the new melon sleeves; priees begin at t9 50 v- " ' . Ladies Capes in -eloth, beaver, diagonal, bonole and wool astraehani priees begin at ta.60. 1 - ' ' ' i . - - ' , Misses' Coats in plain elothes, Seoteh mUtnres and bonele effects, ages front 8 to 14 years; pi iees begin at $3 50. wraps for "little tots" of new materials and designs. ' Cdp, . Scbodll -BappMeo ."vV't-li!,'' - '' ' '" ' T I ; ua , 1 OXjX, OOSr THJ2 . - RArM?r nTATrnriRov fin T , mm mm mm u eaw aV y VII " : ; 809 Fayetteville Street, Opposite Postofflce. . - ' i We have alarm and mmnlaf iiitii..i....i,i. ni.. . I ' ftncilandlnkPswdTabl Inks, ComposiUon Books, Black-board Erasers? Tableta. etoT crayon i SCHOOL nAftn - - f : Of every description at prices that can't be beaten. HWNSIBTINeOI rW.DutnSomliCn. HUtNERrCMI TOBACCJ CO. DUWHAK. H.C U.S.A s 1 MAOC FROM High Grsda Tobssso ABSOLUTELY PURE Sheets Writing Paper Vary more in price any uuier article sold. than on do not f.hA Mlllvav PluififtnrtA ia a hlor anil seductive card. They make a bee $E2 &S.Si.!afta ....... j . it - ---." . . line for the Plaisanoe and stay there, wrapt in dreamy delight at the sound of slmbals and mandolins, and sway lag Insersibly in symoathy with the voluptuous danoes of the Orient They are blissfully ignorant that the dancers are American Mary Janes and Sally Ann j and Bridgets instead of the Myhrras and Zuleikas and Zuleimas of the playbill, and that their lovely tawny complexions are produoed with a simple twist of the wrist and flutter of a powder puff, whioh gentle trickery is imported from variety show dressing-rooms. These strange diversions have so transformed the oountry fair that the managing elders are taking the matter in hand and demanding a res toration of the various status quo ante Plaisanoe. In many cases vig orous assaults have been made upon the innovation. Only yesterday the National Implement Manufacturers' Association, in convention at Chi cago, declared war upon the Oriental imporation, and especially the Kuta Kate danoes. Plotureftque as it is, there is little doubt that the sound morals of patrons of the American rural fair will speedily abolish the insidious aud tenaoiotu fragment of ; the World's Fair, which may have been well enough at the inoompara- ble eongress of Instruction and dissi pation, but whioh is entirely alien to 'the SDirit ind nunn nf thi (Wl dent" ' , It is a pretty well established fact that everything went at Chicago, notwithstanding the fact that right eons and vigorous , assaults were made against this same weird dano tag importation of the Orient A powerful crusade was made against it and it was backed by the strongest newspapers of Chicago. It was as sorted that the dance was the final depraved and vicious vestage of the immorality and licentiousr " a of that peoia who had been dcending dep; r and deeper into the depths of We have also the "unmwt ink fha hnat www asvov ouiui As for Pens, there is nnnabi pare with "LEON ISAAC'S GLUOE- Hum runs. 10 A L G 0 E Gayton Bed Ash, Egg. Thatcher, Red Ash, Splint. Robinson, Bed Ash, , Splint3 ' Jelfco, Bed Ash, Splint Anthracite, Bed Asb Anthracite, White Asff Ejfg. Anthracite, White Ash, -8tove. Anthracite, Whle Ash Pocahontas Smokeless Lump. Pocahontas Smokeless . -' Steam. Russell Creek ftaml- Anthrale CBPSHKD COKB FAMILY USB. SMOKELESS ' ODBBLES8 , 8M0TLESS." 37 of the Finest Oak Suits'; .t ' That have ever been shown in the city : SALKOF LAND. In nufsance of a iudntnent mndnmt I on the S8th day of September, A. D ibwo, in a special proceeding entitled W. H UlaKa administrator of Mm Tr. m uienn, deceased, against v attie Dupree etfcl., before the Clerk of Wake Su perior Court, I will sell at the court uuubb auur, in me cny or Kale eb. on i" ui j m uunne ancuon, t ""7uuuk m ine stationary Line, and carrv a eomnlnt nrimmt for essh to the highest bidder, the foT- Faeir S00?? tctive prices. In calHng you wlU rmslve TrVn "cribed Tot or parcel of land tmn. d we gaarantoe our gocxJsraTwcOTrWaTaniisn bounded and . dcsnr hrl a fnii.im. . I resented. BV-Nneniej nr naa twi. aTi i i "y , "lo,r'ss ana as rep , Lying and being in thecity Raleigh," . . " "UWUh - - on the the north side of Martin street I ra a : J. ' - - J, . , : ,IHhK'' " " IUUI.(IY CO., ; We Are Known, as Headquarters : and bounded on trie east bv lot of Hen. derson Reeves, deceased, on the aont.h by the land of Bldridge Johnson, de- ixwni, aou vn uig norm Dy me lor. rormeny owned by Wesley Wbitakeri fronting on said Martin atrAef. iu fnat and runnine back 810 font, nontalninix I one sixth of an acre more or less. G. SEPARK, Manager. - , - . r. . - -VV; FayettevUle Street oeUSOd They have haa three clerks markin? down the prfoe of goods on hand in "order to sell them out to make room W. tt. XSI.AXK. r Commissioner, v S4.L3 OF REAL ESTATE. By Virtue of an order made In special piwocuiuK, tuiubieu ' j.' j. aiarcom, aa- for the Immflna .tivlr hih i. nimlBirt . of Wiley Host, de. j - ----- mm VUMW I RHfLMWI. VH. rVI sir HO. V HaaNi.n bhH ann.n. received daily.? - , . 1 1 will, on Monday, November 4. um. at li I o'clock M., at tlie Court hi iue door of I Wake county, sell to the highest bidder I iouowmg- described lands in ttwlfil Anv kind of Coal or Coke thinned I direct from the mines. All from the best mines in America of each kind. - Personally Inspected and selected by JONES ft PCTrTELL, BAXEIOHi K. O. WE ABE SOLE AGENTS for these Pens in Balelgh, Our line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES, is not eqnalled in the city. . . Alfred Williams ft Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. SALE OF LAND. ; Bf authority of a nntnn Christopher Woodard and wife, nwnni. I from i eu in hook 74, page 184 , Register of wvu a vmvu iw nui connty, I will on Monday. November 4. lftfls. at 1 s nvinv m, at the Court House door of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for easa vrmn ui isna sicuaced In swift vree MjwDHuip, nam connty, contain ing 60 acres, more or less, adioininir th lands of P. P. Peace and others, the ju uact oeuuj compoaea or (wo tracts uiuiiuwb: - First tract contains 25 acres, and ad joins the lands of W. H. .T. Goodwin. P. r. reace ana omers, ana is particularly described in a deed to said Woodard from P. Yates and wife recorded in book so, psge ijou, said riegister's office. Second tract contains 25 acres and adjoins the lands of W. H. J. Goodwin and others and is described in a ri1 rrora tr. r. reace to said Woodard re corded In Book 64 page 447, said Beg ister's office. - A satisfactory purchaser will be al lowed easy terms as to payments if a casn. w. aJONLS,. o3 tds Atuirney. flavins' nualffiMf aa ajInilnlat.ratA the estate of John Baker, deceased, late Of Wake county, thin f tj nntif. an uTunuiia uayuia; claims against tne said estate fo Dreamt thnm tn tiia : dersigned on or before tbe 81st day of I August. . 18fl, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the n&id natt win please make immediate payment . Ki. Adm'r. AnroAPnow. Attv'a. August SU 1885 Meat r s. Thomas & Maxwell are en abled to sell goods as cheaply as they do and increase the tuaber of their alesmen and the volume of their busi ness because they are the largest and wealthiest, furniture dealers In the South. An idea of the exteut of their business may be formed by the follow ing list of large Southern cities in whioh they have branch houses: ; THOS1AS& MAXWELL - " Charleston, 8. 0. " ' Columbia, Savannah, Oa. " , " " Augusta, u " r - " AUants, v " Macon, " " ' " Columbus, " M " Amerlcu. . (harlotte,N. C. - . " Balelgh, ' " ' Blchmond, Va. And other stores that we have not space to mention, but will do so later. Township, Wake county, to-wit: the flrnek . First Tract. Bounded on the north by Mrs. Pool, on the west by T. H- Shelley, on the south by Willie Moos, anil nn tha east by Simeon Goodwin, contains 25 acres more or lestt, and is described in a deed from Sylvester Bmlth to Wiley Moss, re corded In Book 11L n. TtHfffatAr'a nffim . Second. Tract Adjoins the one above described and is known as the W. F. Cok lins' land, contains twenty-three acres. . i Terms -of sale, tne-half cash, balance u, baa iuuuuib xiuiu auie uar. - 03 1 d s , J. C. MaKCOM. Adm'r. and Comiulssioner - Notice Ut Defendants. In the TJ. 8. Ciroult Court for the Jiotstern District of North Carolnia. Buffalo City Mills, Limited, vs. W. W. Archibald and Maya Archibald. It is ordered that said W. W. Ar- cniDaia ana May u. Archibald be rn. quired to appear and plead, answer or demur at the office of the Cleik of tne unitea states Circuit Court for uis sisbuuu xyieiincii oi nortu i;arO' THE FALL" With everything decreed bv the world's' dlnt.tow. . . . - ..w- wvusr. iuB ..aeon, ana governed ny toe moderate price system which has built op oar waivitaeney, ana seeps inareasina it IB jrretifvina- volume season af S'ssra.. . - ,.",,' , i , . , v-. - YOUR f.lONEY'S FULL VALUE Is eoasldered fair and aprlirht dealiair everywhere bnt ,m anleM w cab go this accepted mareantiU troiflin on better to oat-do thtbest vIaof oar omp-titor nd to improre ooon onr own,! Ynnr it.sna.tun Malual will itlkti .-lJ.. iL. ... - - . F iu wii w (.urn bik 0Tiuo. mo tHA aioH W6 fir Applied the ' As stylish, hsndsome and new as it is Dosslbls'tn mat. thm f. than mnat hnnasa ask fti lstsi aaaaAa. a.a.i a. , , . . ... : gents; furnishings and shoes..; No pains hare been spared to make each deDartmant In its Una 11 the fashioneble eentrei hatlnjr been erefollr eiamlned with the rMnitti.i LTTI- I j... , a . . " line, in the citv of Raleigh, n or hi. r "PT" "ou " wo" ' iaaDia people of today lorn JNOvemhar nth. lfls nH thaita I " Tours tor honest goods and low prices. THOMAS & mm copy ot this order together with a copy oi tne Din of cam plaint and sub poena Herein snail be served upon the defendants in the Southern Dis trict of New York, the Kantnrn Din Mi YW17I r I Jriot of .Virginia, or in suoh other JILAA H hhli. District as the defendant may be louna. : it is further ordered that service be made by publication once a week for six weeks in the Pbbbs- visitor, a newspaper published in Gross t uin'ehan.'A'- ,.i " ' . . 2IO Fnvcttcvillo cf'cct. the city of Haipigh. 8eDt io, 1896. WHAT5 ftlDDICK, ClJCRK. The bast 3.00 Men's Shoes on the market . - ; MadS from tannery calfskin, dongola tops, all leather trimmed, solid leather aoles with Lew' Cork l iiled Soles. - " Unequaled for beanty, fine workman-1 ship, and woariiig qualities. Tour choice of all the popular toes, lasts and fasten- Jngs. . . ,-. Every pair contains a paid-sp Acci dent Insuranoe Policy for f ioO, good for 90 days. . - . . . - Wear Leiria' AccMpnt Shoes, and go iuaired bet. SOLD BT 1. TTJ-hLitirTi'ftJros PfOAt SO 0Z bcct . AN O tBiTwuaous: sat aW ak Saa am lCA0L..tf 4 -QAKtfPINE AtlY LTtr.TH - w'W-a W i t iASTf. t i Mkssbs. Lippman BroSh Havannab.Oa Dxab Slits 1 bought a bottle of your P. P. PH at Hot Springs, Aric and it nas uune me more riuc wnn uirna months treatment at Hot Sprtaga. Have you no agents in this part of nie country, or let me snow now mucn it will cost to get three or six bottles from your city By express, ' -Bespectfully yours. JAS. M. KEWTON, Aberdeen, brown County, O. Ikwnnsaili,e, Fla. Mitf-sRs. Uppman Bbos., bavannah. ' Jjkar SiBS I wish to give my testi monial in regard to your valuable medicine, P. P. P for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, bil iousness, bio. in ltxii i was attacked who odious muscular rueuuiaunra. ana nave ueen a, martyr to It ever since. ' ... I tried all medicine T Avar fcanr1 tf and all the doctors in reach, lint i found ouly temporary relief: the naina were so bad at times that 1 d ii not cue on in? I e i) a - e v.. 9 y i f tr t 1 1 ve sr I lit iii ue nrlij YOUR FAVORITE 5nuff Why, Parson's Celebrated ECEISTCJ BECAUSE t?yn"PE WviiaviTIra whether I lived or died. M y d became to impaired tlintevi-rv at disagreed with me, f 'y siuierea so intensely r;j c that her life" was a Lur.n t'i I would be oor fined to hi-r .i f r at a time; slie f i i , from pid nre s ri i . f . tune in A? arch I 8 an It) PI'., and t'"i."e e (si v v had flu. i i f . l 1 K, cor u " 'i t" 1 n io i . M y 5an s b. 1 so ii i ! i t't'f n nine to , I R ,i t diiin? vilnt I l j i c ii p . Dim ' r ui v.si- e , i coii t-ih 1' P P I I e B'6 ti cuiirii, a i v i i t y retou it to i 111 SI i' It Is the purest and best, manufac tured out of select Virginia Leaf To bacco Tie Manufacturer selects the hoicest grades of Tobacco and we cuarantee if yoa give it a- trial yonr good Judgment will ai prove 14 And in future you will cse no other brand. Put np in any size pack age to suit the trade. - . Established 1836., ' ' EL. J, BROWJ" - COFFIN HOUSE " ' RAIJQIOH, N. C, Keeps'the largest, II Best and best se - lected stock of , CoSns and Caskets in Cloth 7ood and Ketal Bnrisl Bobes, Wrappers, P'lppers for" Ladies, Gents and CI o; also ' Burglar Proof Grave ,'ult3 - JOHN y. BEOWN, Prop r. Funeral Director and Embalm er , SepSO-lm . li Cy AH Dbrc. J b L'crf.t-s J.I I. PALZ:::3, iran'fct'r Collector's Offich, Kaleigk. N. C , Notice is hereby glyen of tho't of one bsi rel of com iiiKko u fi'd, N. C, from VpIvujlIoo 8 1 1 en on Aiumst a, 1. ' 1 ive li(u.t-8 of ni;inn'if!i-. 1 t ' in r,. .red denot at Vt e t J !, i Aii-iisUtilM..s!,M!.-a ly i". fa. j & t o, laiikin Col, 0. A ny r-rson riai-u.. i vi s I .i..c.t'S aboe o i h me ciHitn in tl" vi. -J in BPrtK.n s..-0i ii. ti., orj 1 V I -S 1 New Brunswick, N. J. "" p r C' v " oeti-sod " Cl,

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