Special Train to Atlanta, The Cape Fear; & Yadkin Valley I; diway Co la connection : with tL 8o oiiirt ,Air Line will run a Special ErouivLm train to Atlanta, fur the aooommodatioD of its patr )db from all stations, Tuesday, Oct ber 29,h. Returning leave Atlanta at nocn, Saturday, November, Sod, 1S25. Tickets will be good for re . turn passage on any regular train within tea days from date of sale, or on Special leaving Atlanta at noon Saturday, November " Sod. Capt .' John M. Walker, Conduotor C. F. fc Y. Y will aooompany this party through to Atlanta and see that everything is arranged for their comfort and pleasure. ThU is your opportunity tor see the Sonth'i Greatest - Show under the most favorable oiroumstanoea, V Personally Conducted Exonraloa to Atleut via the O. F. and Y. V. - Tie Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway will take a personally oon duoted party totheCotton States and International Exposition at Atlanta, Qa., Ootober 29th via the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway and Sea board Air Line. On Tuesday, Ooto ber 29th, a Bpeoial- exoureion train will start from ML! Airy and run through to Atlanta without change of oars on the following schedule : Leave Mt. Airy at? a. m ; arrive at Atlanta . Fare for the round trip : Mt. Airy, f 10.60 ; Pilot Mountain, 10.30; Walnut Coye, 9.30 j Greens boro, 9,20. CorrepoolinglT low rates from Intermediate stations, : Tickets are good to return on any time with in ten days. Arrangements will be made with hotels in Atlanta for bsard, for this special partr at the van IntvAflt. nil Aft. - . This train will remain in ' Atlanta until noon Saturday, November 3d. Passengers wishing to remain longer . . i i , I :.L osn return oj any regular ursuu witji , in the limit of ten days. Close oonneotion is made at M ax on in both directions, between the C. F. and Y.; V. and 8. A. L. ", Now is your opportunity to see the wonderful resources of the 8ootbv. Gimohbdro. Ohio, OtiC, 84, Two sqoares of business blocks wera barbed today, Loss, $200,000. , A venae! Hla Mother's Insult, -.; Chicago, Oct. 31 Walter Dobbins, aged 18, shot sad killed Joseph Killer today for applying a vile epithet to the boy's mother, . ,"". - a norse sicxea a. a. SDarer. oi jne Freemyer Bouse, Middleburg, N. I. on the knee, which laid him up in bed and caused the knee joint to become stiff. A friei.d recommended him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did, and in two days was able to be around. Mr. ghafer has recomended it to many others and says It is excellent for any kind of a bruise or sprain. This same remedy IS also1 famous tor ts cures of rheumatism. For sale by 3. Hal Bobbitt Great pressure Is being brought oa President Dial, of Keiieo, to Induce hlmto aeeept a renomlBatlon. - - - .! '! .ij-iV.,i' 'W.a.HWi 'I,.' iiini i' ""f i' I"! :'.-v.'! John fi. Manrar. editor of the Sun beam," Seligman, Mo who maned Urover Cleveland for the Presidency in Nnvmnher. 1HS2. while was mayor or Buffalo, N. Y., ts enthusiastic in his k praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemeoy. He says: "I have used it for the past five years and consider it the best preparation of the kind in the market, ft is as staple as sugar and coffee in this section. It is an article of merit and should be used in evtry household. For sale by J. HaJMbbitt. Druggist . - v. sept A rear-esd collision of freight trslns at Greenwich, blocked the consolidated track for nine nina hours. ". - - , t inamberlan'sistbebestof all. Vin cent J.-Bark, of Banbury, Iowa, bas uatd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenever in need of a medicine for coughs and colds, for the past five years and says : "It always helps me i and says : "it always neipe me Ifunyoneasks me what kind of h medicine I use, I reply, Cham id's, that is the best of all. 86 and out i eoucrh Iwrlain' 60o bottles for sals by J. Hal Bobbitt Druggists. ; . . Oak leather harness maaafaetnrers' meeting at Chicago, decided to saala taln prices for a tlms.; Last June Dick Cr wf ord brought his twelve-months-old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It h d been weaned at four months old and had always .been sickly. -1 gave it the usual treatment in such cases but without benefit. The child kept grow ing thinner until it weighed but little more than when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started, the father to giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr Kemedy. Before one bottle of the a ent size had been used a marked lnrr-v, naent was st un and ts coutinued lite cured the chud. Its weakness and tx.nv constitution dis- "!ttared and its faiher and myself be- 1 ve the child's He was saved by this I iiMy. J. T. I.arlow, M. U., Twnia ton, 111. I or sale, by J. Hal Bobbitt Druggist . , Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will Sad the true remedy fn Electric Bit ters. This medicine does not Stima I tie and contains no whiskey or other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. - It acta mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby sijin? nature In the performance of t'ie functions. Elect rie Bitters is an e 'x'Jent appetizer and aids digestion, (''i people find it just exactly what t ' j m-J. Price fifty cents per bot- . tt JuLn x. JlacKae s drnaT store. , It May Do as Much for You. Mr Fred Mil'er, of Irving, tU, writes that be bad a severe kidney trouble (or many yean, -with e-vere pains in his back and also that hi bladder wss affected Ue tried many ao caMci kidney carea but without any good remit. bout a year aro he began one ot Klectrio ittn and found relief at ouce. Klectrie Bitrs is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief One trial will prove our stateme' t Price only 60 for large bottles at John Y VacBee's drugstore. Ill-saeeeH Is business led Joseph 1 Harrieh, of PlquaO., to ahoot hlm self ia his office. -iL: C-'p.'-r, - Johnson's Kmulsiou of Cod Liver Oil is invaluable In ail pulmonary af fections and consumption. It enrich es the blood,: restores lost tissues, builds np the appetite makes sound flesh. Pint bottle tl.00. For sale by John T. MaeBae, drnggist.. All diseases of the skin cored and the best complexion restored by John sob's Oriental- Soap, perfumed and highly medicated. Two cakes in each package, 25 cents. For sale by John X. alaeiUe - , , - The Navy .Department Is trying to prevent Illinois' sals of the - model World's Fair battleship Illinois. ' f a rot insomnia, ' sleeplessness, nerv ousness, hysteria and all forms of nervous eihanstlon and debility,' there is but one remedy, Johnson's Sarsa parllla and Celery works 'directly upon the nerve centers and never fails to eore."Xarge bottles 60 seats. F ir sals by John Ji MaeBae.. Afaska gold fields paid fairly well this summer, bat - the far season wss poor, ' x ' ' - "The wsy to reach catarrh Is through the blood. Johnson's Ssrssparilla and Celery treats this disease successfully. Try it and you will not be disappoin ted. , Price, large bottles. 60 eebts. For sals by John T. MaeBae. druir- There is eaongh snoat Miehlrame. Mich., to make good sleighing; 8. F. YlagaV Dewart. Pa., writes: My. Hiring of this place has ' seed your remedy for the Pile and recom mends it very highly. He srsve me your address. 1 1 would like" to know on what term sod price yos sell to dealers. ' Let me hear from - yon snd oblige. Sold by JoU Y. icKae. - Secretary Carlisle goes to Kentucky next week to register .- as hi caa vote for Hardin for governor, . - , Send your address to H. B Baeklen ft Co., Chicago, snd git a free sample of Pr. King's Hew Life Pills. A trial 111 convince yon of : their merits . These pills ara easy fa action, are par ticularly effective in the enre of Consti pation and Sick Headache For malarial snd liver troubles they have been prov ed invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter loan snbstsnes snd . to be purely veg. tUMs. They do not weaken by their action, bat by giving tone to stomeeh and bowels -greatly . Invigorate tba system. Begular sits 26s per box. Sold by John Y, JleBaivdrugglit. ; Pension Commissioner Loohern says 39,000 pensioners have been added to the rolls a a yesr. .. She was CWM. aneertaS lor Oaatorls, r0U DO NOT BEAJJZE That you are) in-Raleigh unless you are stopping at tne . - YA$BO$0 HOUSE The only Hotel in tbe city convenient - w Business. All rooms on the third floor 13.00 ner dav; first and second floors $2.00 and 13.60 per day. - - SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES FBBK BUS AT ALL TRAINS. Thousands of dollars recently expended 1 provements. : ".. ' U X. BROWN, rropr. . " Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By vlrtne of a mnrteaie Seed alven by Hardy I. Hnffwell and Adelaule BauweU his wile, to Cattisrine Hovian, astea January k. is ana reglsutred In the office of the Keftlster ot Deeds tor Wake county In Book 104. page tit, I will, on the ltitb day of November. ISts. at lio'clwk, at the Court Bouse door In Balelgh, Wake county s;ll. at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tbe following described teal estate to-wit: A eerttln tract of land situate In Wake county 8t Mary's Township- adjoin ing the lands ot Samuel Watts Allen Bturdivant J. U. Dupree, Hedie Smith and others, and more runy descrittea ss zoiiows: Beginning at pointers on the Sniithntld and Raleigh Itoad John Parker's (now Bamuel Watte) oorner near Watts thence wit his line South, two degrees west S.S5 chains to a stake, thence south 7a de- thei es west n.to chains to the Wilmington Road ince with said road to a Dine. Allen Sturot vant's corner, thence with bis line soutb ft de- DTHea west . chains to a stake Bturdlvant's comer, thence with his line north degrees east seven chains to a rock. Sturdlvaut's corner: thence with bis line south W degrees west 4u.H0 chalus to a stake In Jack Dupree's line, tiKMice north tw degrees et 30 30 chains to a )i ntwood stump. L. J. Weather's comer, tiit-ne with his line smith 87 degrees eaat ttM ciTHina to a rock. Weathers' corner, thence north S degrees east fts chains to tlie Smttb ll.'id pnad thence with I said road to a black jsw'k, m rttimtivant's corner, titence with his line north I deuTeea eastV.Ti chains to a black )'k Bedie Sunt h's corner, thence south 91 de- fiees eat 1 cniin to a roca in tne oia roaa u.-Dce sn the &nd road south s decrees east s. 0 et .ins to tne Bniulitleld Boad tlience with the uii nuid to tne beginuhig, eoulalniug jui I-, . ivs ntnre or lesa. . This lui day of Octoher. WS. ; W. M bOYLAJV, " - Executor of Caiiiarme Boylan. THE GBtaTEST DISCOVERV Or THE AGE. m. t e- -f f Tnrw In 1 to 4 Axn. Ira ireoiate in eftct; quiok W r otir. CAn be earned ir r.fcit. ail oo"i.iHt la one A.t iu .. rHot bv maiL Tj-Daid. Diaia iiauaaae, oa rsoaipt ot pnoa. at (mt bu For sale by John T. McEae, drag gist. VALUABLE FAEX'3 LiKDS FOR SALE ' ByvUtueof authority conferred by a certain ueea or xrusr rrom a a. Hodge and Loretta Hodge, his wife, dated December 6th. 1800. and recorded in tbe oilice of the Begister of Deeds for Wake county, N. U, in Book lis, at page , i wm on .THURSDAY, November 14th. 1895, sell at publio auction, to the highest bidder for cash, six (6) tracts of land situate in Saint Matthews township, Wake county, N. C, and described as follows: - " First TBAcrcontainlng32t8-4acres, more or less, being Lot, No. 8 of the Uaston Wilder lands, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of said Hodge on the south, of the late David H in ton on the east, of tbe said Hodge on tbe north and aleuse river on the weft; and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake and pointers on tbe east bank of Neuse river, about 12 links be low the mouth of a gut; the south wet t corner of Tract No. L bought at the same time and place by Joseph An drews, runs thence east 896 poles to a stake in the late David Hin ton's line; thence with his line south 24 degrees, west 140 poles to a stake and pointers; thence west 868 poles to a small bitch tree and pointers on the bank of Neuse river: thence up the various courses of the river about 128 poles to the begin ning, being same tract conveyed by John B. Williams and wife to B. A. Hodge by deed recorded in said office, in Book 00 at page 646, reference to which is made. ' - ; Second Tract, oontaOlng 199 acres, more or less, being Lot No. 4 of the Betsy Hlnton farm (formerly Gaston Wilder" land) and bounded as follows: Beginning at a small birch and point ers on the bank of Neuse river about six poles below- Spring Gut; thence with the dividing line east 268 poles to a stake in David Hinton's line; thence with the same about 82 poles to a stake on Mingo creek: thence down the creek about 824 poles to where it empties into Neuse river: thence up the said river about 196 poles to the beginning; being same tract conveyed by W. B. Poole to B. A. Hodge by-deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 182, reference to whioh is made. . : . . Third Tract, containing lis acres. more or less, and bounded as follow: Bearinninff at a stake on tne south side of the Tarborougb road w R. Pool's corner ror s south 1-2 degree west 46 poler to a stake and pointers in the head of a small branch; thence with said-branch 88 poles to a pine on the east side of the branch; thence south 24 8-4 degrees west 88 poles to a stake and pointers; thence east 106 1-8 poles to a stake; tnence north ' s 1-4 degrees east 214 Doles to the Tarborousb road: thence with said road 98 poles to the reginning, Mine: same iraut eonveyeo by Jennie Hinton to B. A Hodge, by deed recorded in sa'd office in Book 106, at paee 651, reference to which is made. t otjbth Tract, containing 79 8-4 ao-ee. nMre or leas, and bounded as fol lows : Begins at a stake in tbe centre of the Hodge road, and in J. H. Poole's line, being the northeast oorner of tbe lot purchased by Joseph Andrews, at same time and place, runs thence east with Poole's line 122 1-2 poles to a stake and pointers on a branch ; thence nearly south down tbe various courses of the branch 83 poles to a large pine on tbe east side of the same David Hinton's cxmer thence with his line south 24 degrees west 89 I S poles to a stake and pointers, the corner or tne ai viaing line between this lot, or parcel, and that purchased by G. H. Williams, at same sale; thence west 104 poles to a stake in the centre of Hodge road ; -thence north ward along said road 118 1-8 poles to the beginning, being ssme tract conveyed by Sarah E. Wilder, commissioner, to B. A. Hodse. bv deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 146, reference to which s made. . . Fifth Tract, containing twenty-nve acres, more or less, adjoining tne lands of Buffin Williams. B. P Williamson, William f mith and Joseph J. Andrews, and on the east side of Neuse river, be ing a part of the Betsy Hinton tract bought by said Andrews at the G. H. Wilder estate sale, being the southwest oorner of said tract according to a chop ped line commencing at the said river, below spring gut, at a willow: thence np said river to above the falls at a twin red-oak; thence east to a stob and ine; thence to a stoo in ue nrancn; .heruw south to R. Williams' land, a lltrhtwood knot: thence west to tbe be ginning, and being the aame tract con veyed by Joseph J7 Andrews and others to R. A. Hodge, by deed recorded in said office, in Book 66, at page 807, ref erence to which is made. - . 1 Sixth Tract, containing eight acres and twenty-five perch, more or lees, ad joining ths lands of W. B. Poole, Jesse Watkins, deceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning as a stake in centre of Hodge road is Poole's line; thence with said road south 8 1-8 degrees east 86 poles to a stake in centre of the same; thence west 60 1-4 poles to a stake; thence north 26 8-4 poles to a stake in Poole's line; thence with the same east;48 8-4 poles to tns beginning; and being same conveyed by James A. Williams and wife to said R. A. Hodge, he lined reoordei in said office, in Book 82 at page 90, reference to which is maae. .,;.,-',-.;-. ' Plac or Bali County Court House door, in Baleigh, N. 0. - TufS or Saxx-12 o'clock so. , V KBNEST HAYWOoD. ' ' . Tbustex. . October 12. 1895. , - SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. - Under and by vlrtne or power -contained in a mortgage executed to me by Robert A. Potter aud his wife Sidonia Potter, on the 7th day of October, A. P. 1880, which said mortgage is recorded In tne office of ths Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 114, on page 106, I will sell by request at the Court House in Wake county, at publio auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the tract of land particularly described in said mort gage, which is bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Wake county. North Carolina, in Saint Mary's township, and beginning at a white-oak, John Ellis' (deceased) corner, and runs thence south 282 poles to a red-oak in Wm. Band's old line: thence east with said Rand's line to the mill-path stake and pointers; thence north with said mill-path to stake and pointers; thence east to a pine, corner of John Mitchen er's line; thence north to a red oak: thence east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; thenoe north 74 pole to a stake in the line formerly owned by P. H. Gower: thence with said line west 20 poles to a Dlack-jack; thence south to a pine in P. H. Gower'sold corner; thence west to the befrinning, containing 80 acres, more or loss, and sdjomiriir the binds of Geo, Mitchener, M W, britt, Wm. Bryantj being the tract of land conveyed by J. P. Gully, commissioner in r6cial proceedings! entitled J. P. GuLv, admini-'trator of J. G. Dupree, . ... -1. vs. 1L DuDree and others, in W ake buperior Court to Robert A. pot ter. Time of sale, 12 o'clock, dl, on the 18th of. Aovemoer, lbvo. W.T. howle. HOBTvAOU. October 18, 1896. tJ''"-- .....av.V,AX..,.A..y.vr t...J.-.1vj for, Infants rnOTlIE Rslbo You know kud Satamaa's Drops, Godfroya Cordial, pany ao-oaUed Soott most remedies far ohildren an eompossd of opium or morphine f ' . yo Ton Y-tttrm that oniinnsnrl morphtna arc stuiiefTtiig aarootAc pokonar .s ' TJo Ton Know that tn mot eauntrirm imnrimf r not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons 1 , ; He Tow Know that yon should aot permit any medicine to be fivea year child ' an lei you or your physician taww of what tt M coenpoeed ' io Tea Know that Oaatorla Is a purely vegetable preparatioa, and that a list of ; its ingredients si puboahsd with every bottler..' y - Do Ton Kaow that Caztoria Is tha nreacrlutloc of the famous Dr.8anmsi Flteher. s; Thai It has been tauae for nearly thirty yean, and that more fjastoria Is bow sold thae , of all ether remedies fee ohildren combined f " -.- ". .. " ' ' '. 7 , ' I Do Tow Know that the Patent Office Department of the tTntted Rates, and of ; other countries, have issaedexchislve fichtto Dr. Pitcher and Ws assigns to oae b word f Oaatorla." and Ms formula, sad that to tinttate them a stats prison oftenest rr TJoTon Know that one of the reasons for sraslna: tl sawnsasnt protection was . becaoee Oaatorla had Uieu proiuu to be nbaolntely hai eilsisf -.. Po Tow Know that 3ft averasj doses ot Oaatorla an furnished for 3ft eests,aroaccntadosf -6 . Po Ton Know that wheeilossesseaofthJsperlpreparaUop. your children may ' " be kept weU, and that you may ban nabrokeo rest f . Well, theee things an worth snowing. The fko-ajmOe signature of Children Cry for pitcher's Castorla; r a (yr KM. W.-E- HOLLO THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Life insurance Compy Bells plain life insurance, as pro tection to the family, creditors or ons's oli age, and asks a careful ex amination of its slear and equitable eontraets, with their aneqnaled guar antees in Dgnres on tbe polioy, giving trne life insorance at its ! ' Lowest possible Cost With . Perfect 8enrlty This eom pany has been doing bnsiaess ia this Btate over twenty-eigbt years, ana lis polioy holders sreits BEST FRIENDS. The Conneotiont Matoal has no speonlstivs feataro,; extension forfei tures or intricate plans, eontrived for the -: company's advantage, nor the incontestable clause, admit ting rascals st the ezpesss of its hon est members, but if any happen to get In, it gives them their money back, all stated in the contract. The : - 3 Per Cent Reserve . has become en important factor la life insurance. All wUl he. gladly ex plained by - 1 ', - - 5. D. WAIT, General Agent, taJelga. ECONOMY ?.; May be necessary In many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imper fectly nourishes; np to that standard it mat a rMuonabla nrice. We never want more than a reasonable price for our urocenea. . :. . -. - ".r. RAPID SALES :' Give onr customers the benefit ot cloe manrins. We neyer hev?p any thing that is not the best cf lu kind, aud we only want a fair pro tit on what we invest in it. CHOICE GROCERIES' Always In stock and promptly de liTered w hen oraereo. - V V my mi-"'--- 'i A lm and Children. Uutt Fangorlc, Boothlns; Syrops, and Theyantaota. ie on every wrapper. j PI ' J r he, Ideal Steam LAUNDRY Is the best equipped and does the most prompt and SATISFACTORY WORK in the city. Send in your work Phone No 19. WAY & SOUS. Hiss Maggie Feese. Newflillinery . We are now showing allthe latest and most desirable sbspes and styles tn Fall and Winter Millinery. Onr Stock is well selected, both as to STYLE and PRICE. There is a great variety la Caps and Sailors for Hisses snd Children All colors snd sixes from S6s to $8 00. , We' will be pleased to have the ladies skit snd look at onr stock. Bvsry oss will receive prompt and polite attention. 908 Fsyetteville Street. BULBS For -Winter and Spring 4 . - .. .. .i. -BLOOMING, r rhtnaaa ni tfastar TJlIes. Hacintbs Freesias, Naroirsus, etc. I'alms, Ferns ana other plants ior nwia ikwiuuii. Cut Flowers Boquets Floral Design bu ? ETergreen, Magnolias v and Shade lreea. n, BTEIlillETZ, 'Florist North Halifax Etreet, near Peace to siitute. Phone US. ; ; octlllm TTalliinq: about -"Wpnl; fure and furniture stores,, wliy: Royall & Borden, North Carolina's largest dealers from Maine to Mexico "all on paper." Bat here in North Carolina they have a real FFRN1TTJRE FACTORY, larger size, employinK 163 men, I-'".' ' rannins: day and night to fill orders. Also have CHAIR AND MATTRESS FACTORY At the same place, where we can want. Our profits are too small to ent. Bat we have one each in Gnldsboro, Raleigh and Durham fall of the best and cheapest linetjf FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES ever shown at either place. We cannot place our bargains on you through the Press-Visitor that we stock and compare our prices with any We leave the bal ance with gladly show any one throagh whether they buy or not Open ROYALL It A.LEIGH, DURHAM. GOLDSBOBO SIMPSON'S Nickel Plate Pharmacy. . Baby's Health Depends on good care, uood care im plies cleanliness Cleanliness requires good soap, such ss SIMPSON'S WITCH HAZEL 80AP, which leaves the skin soft and smooth SIMPSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT Cures all kinds ot skin troubles and ole sores. Sent by mail for 5 cents. It if a specific for Milk Crust. 8IMPSON'8 IMPKOVED LIVER PILLS have my fac simile signature on each box. In order to get the genu ine you should call at or send 35 cents to Simpson's Pharmacy, (Pullen Building.) WIXtLJAM SIMPSON. Manager EjsIIj, Quickly, PerBiflMtlj lestoni MAGNETIC. NERVINE t'aaJ'teTta lestoraLMtMaalieoS. Cares weaknunn.Narroos Debility and aU the evils from early oc later ex. tosses, the nsolts ot overwork, worry , aiusiisss, ate. Full strength, tone and development gives) to eraryeraaa or portion 01 tlw body. Imptove nit immediately mm from the Srat box. Toons. sndsotlattaraopraiseoBSleiaooroffloe. Oaa be carried in veet pooket. Sent by snail to ea ' ddrass on leoeipt of prka. Oris month's treat await in each box. Pnntl.(M.Sbnma,UXXwith Writtea (roarantm te refund money tt not oared, lead toes fur the Qeasine. Ctronlan free. John Y. MaeBae, Dragglst, Baleigh, K.O iD3en vr Dee d3 affect WmI bdsJ In)eilBi nil 1 . Attg 6. . Notice by Executrix. " t ' Having qualified as the Executrix t the last WUl and Testament of D. T. Swindell, deceased, late ot - Wake County. North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said Swindell to present the same to me on or before Ootober 83d, 1S98, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This is also to notify all persons indebted to said Es tate to make prompt payment to me. . This October 18lh, 1805. . . '- . ' EMMA E. 8 AflNDELL, Executrix of the last Will and Testa ment of D. T. Swindell, Deceased. Ernest Haiwood, Attorney. ocU8 ltww ' , I era k and only manufacturers, bare stores make any kind of Msttreas foa open any more branch houses at pres paper, but simply desire to inform are here and ask yon to inspect our house. you We our store, at night BORDEN, EDUCED RATES, to ion 5:aies and international Eipositloa ATLANTA, OA.. September 18 December 31, 1895. r r tbe above oeeastoa Uie Southern HeHwey Oa. will sell low-rate roucd-trlp tloketa to ATLANTA, QA., and return oa tbe follow :rg basis 1 ntoM- Aleiandrlft. Va aaoevllle, N. O Durllngton, N. C. .. . . Uurkeville, Va Culpeper. Va Ohati-am. Va Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. O Concord, N.C CharlotteJI.C... Danville. Va Durham, N.C Frout Koyal, Va Oreenshni-o. N. C floidsooro N. O. ftendersonvlllo, N. C. Hickory, N. C High Point. N.C Hoi Springs. N. O .... Henderson, n O l.jtieliburg.Va. Lexington, N. C .... M onranton, N. C Marlon, N. C SewKin, N.C Orange, Va Oxford, N.C Richmond, Va Kcidsville, N. C Ralelirh, N.C South Boston, Va .... dtnisburg, Va Salisbury, N. C Statesviile, N. C Taylorsvilte. N. C .... Tryon. N.C Washington, D. O .... Wit Point, Va. Warrenton, Va Wllkesboro, N. C Wlnaton-Salem, N. C. (Rates from intermedlute points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September 6 and 12. and dally from September 16 to Decem ber 16, 1806, Inclusive, wlih final limit January 7.1898. Column B : Tickets will be sold dully from September It to December 16, 1805, Inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from dan of sale. Column C: Tickets will be sold dally from September 16 to Deoember 80, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (16) days from dale of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Jsnu arfr.1886. Column D i Tloketa will be sold ou Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September I? until Deoember 24, 1806, Inclusive, with final limit ten 10) days from date ot sale. Column B: Tickets wiU be sold dally from September 16 to Deoember 80, lata, inolnsive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the oatv line entering tbe &x position Grounds, bavins a double-track, standard, ruaae railway (rota the oeoter ef tha eity of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. for tickets and. full Information apply te four aearest agent, or address f. M. CDLP, . ' . W.A.T0Ut. Trasas Managev. - - i' , deal Psaa. Aai. U0S Peaoa. Ave, WasalagtS't. D- O : Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of - the estate of Miss Mollie A. HilL de. ceased, late of Wake county, this Is to notify all persons having claims against me aaiu esutbo w vreoeuii uiein w uin undersigned on or Wore the 10th day of October, 1896, or this notice will be 3. ; -:;-. J.O. MABCOM. . Adm'r estate of (Hiss UoUle A. Bill, f V B. T. GHAT Attorney. Oct a It w- w - ,' Dissolatlon of Copannersblp. The firm of Upcbnrch and Lancaster, Liverymen, was dissolved Way 1st, 1896, by mutual eon sent, snd all parties indebted to said firm can pay W, A. TJpchurch or W. B. Lancaster. W, A. LPCHUBCH, - " W. U. IiAMCASTKB. ' 8281tw4w V . A B O D 975 laTsc TiTT iTS rT!T 1J.86 .o..... i.js 18.70 18.W s.ss SB.2517.0o1 11.S5 .. . 26.8018.66.,... 18.60 80.851S.80..... 10.66 83.26 17.05 1S.40 80.4016.00 10.86 U.SO 10.40 I ll 1316- I-S5 . 80.0614.76 10.S9 80.4016.00 .....10.46 2S.26HI.26 14.00, 17.8613.96 B.80.,... 21.76:16. 9i U60 11. 701 8.80 S.SS 16.80 11.26 J.S5 18.96' ...12.46 k.40 14.00 10.60 t.7 80.416.00 10.48 23 6018.60 11.60 18.061 11.83 8.0 16. 11.26 7.26 14.85..... 10.90 1.1S 16.80! 11.26 i.n 24.6618.00..... 18.10 20.4016 00 10.15 23.2617 06 12. ttt 18.8618.80 t.W 20.40 100 10.461 21.66U.80 10.80, 26.26 19.36 14. 0 16.80 11.28 T.SS 16.80 11.25 T.SS 18.36 12.00 8.16 10.76! 7.86 4.90 88.2610.26 14.00- 23.6617.86 1S.SM iS6.26U.26 14 00 22.9618.86 11.80. ... '19.00 18. 951 9.80

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